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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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was pulled up, is really government's actions. there is a sense the international public opinion is having an impact is putting irresistible political pressure on international leaders. while the cottage continues pause for a ceasefire when they get louder the the . so this isn't news out on out 20, i'm for the back. people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. tensions or across the middle east. the officials in baghdad, one of die had consequences in the region after a series of us right on yvonne links target seems to lock in syria is really move signs hit a rock button 7 guys that way. hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians of sheltering at least 26 have been killed.
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the 10s of thousands of people are taking part in protesting central london calling for an immediate cease fire in guys. and also this our election on certain team synagogue present. microsoft postpones of voltage in february to name his success the we begin in the middle east way us organized strikes in iraq in syria have led to dozens of people killed or injured. iraq sworn ministry has for many protested to washington. at least 16 people, including civilians were killed in iraq by dad, damascus, and t. ron has condemned the attacks accusing washington of destabilizing the reach of the us. it is, it had at least $85.00 e ron link targets in syria, iraq,
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a using long range bombers. washington says that is in response to a drone attack on an army base in jordan last weekend that killed 3 us soldiers. mike laughed. all begins coverage. this is the aftermath of us say, strikes on all time in iraq, cause and then the buildings mark, where with tex took place about 350 kilometers north west of baghdad. getting on the groups linked, we run across both the dock and syria. the long range. com is flew directly from the us to carry out the operation. u. s. military forces struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized firearms, islamic revolutionary guard. and another thing is that they sponsor 3 of the facilities. our rec for them are in syria. in a statement, the rocky government says it condemns the strikes as new aggression against the rocks sovereignty. sorry, as ministry of foreign affairs says,
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the attacks full within a series of violations that the us has continued to commit in the country. we went to visit us, find out what was the, how the there were us strikes on the residential compound that have buildings occupied by iraq's popular mobilization forces. and then they blew up equipment and rockets stored in these buildings, causing damage to properties and killing people before the in condemning via text runs. interior minister has also warned washington to stop supporting israel. we condense any move against the resistance, we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can't see that with the americans, but if they do choose to act wisely, they should stop supporting design is tricky model. washington described the bombings as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly
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a week ago. 3 soldiers were killed and dozens injured at the military base and jordan, they bodies wherever 10 to the us on friday, us president joe biden promised the response. and now that's been delivered. presumably, the goal of the campaign is to re establish the terms which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy and interest that the uranium swell? uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing. you're getting the future ah, some on groups in iraq, all pledging more attacks on us targets in the region. the, the white house says it's not king brought a conflict, especially not with the run bus and carrying out these strikes us is juggling, detouring further attacks on its forces with trying to contain regional spit of
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mike level, which is there. while we have correspondents in the us, the rock and evolves in jordan is in washington dc. every source at dire is entailed on, but for us we go to alley hash. i mean back that ali tell us about the rocky reaction and what steps they might take in response to these us strikes. the while the like this from the iraqi government was announcing the 3 days state mounting for the victims as the statement of the prime minister's office said. now that the government has been condemning over the day, the american attacks on describing the american claims as of the government, said that the what's called the nation before the talk has falls lines. the thought aimed at the saving people out. the problem is that the rocky government is in the middle between a strategic fox out of these doctors,
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the united states of america as a body of the government, dr. force of the prime minister, the popular mobilization forces and this a unit. so this part of the um, forces has been hit by the united states as strikes yesterday and it rocks 6 off it's positions across the board, the hits and many of its fights as now. the number of people kit is 16 among them civilians. what, there are several of those 16 who are members of the popular mobilization forces. popular organization forces is that a reset is an official body. however, it's also made up of several factions within the rock. some of the most of them are allied with the run. now this is different from those directors as then send these logs. that's claiming, gets tax i gave the united states targets whether in the see of yeah,
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40 rock was the same time the intersections and this makes the situation very complicated. the head of the uh, the chief of staff of the p, a mass of the, or the popular mobilization forces is the form i had off got the principal law, the good that's accused of killing the 3 americans in a joint attack. now today, the latest of date is that there was, there were 2 attacks gained by this that make resistance in a rock on an american base close to our bill. i don't know the also american base in syria. thank you for that. i mean, i should live there in bank douglas, and i'll get the view from tehran and speak to rest. so sedar raymond, we heard the reaction of the ring and interior administering, what are we to make of the tone that the radians are taking right now? and what do we know, in fact about the damage that was inflicted on the running the strikes as well the total of the statements, which would be really ease in from separate a source of data that you were i knew for the ministry spokesperson mass or can any
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believe the statement and later you have heard the statement from the for the minister himself and apply. yeah. and then you ones invested there in damascus, damascus a seed equity, more or less. it's the same way of being and all of most just same structure. however, it at the tone is much softer than expected. so ask 1st is saying that these attacks. busy a clear way, a nation, or a few rocks and celia's 70 and territorial integrity. and these are mistakes being repeated by a, b, c and it will not does that tests will not produce kind of posted results, but just further escalate the tension episodes that tests are sort of mean to use right. busy i don't see that i can do asimahmoud a new or in the region which is increasing the possibility of a or a why the war which both countries you run and just say repeatedly, have say that this is something that they do not want. then also,
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the iranian statements or fishes stevens are seeing that the root cause of the cries is, is not this resistance groups. you run outlined to groups that goes to region by design. this regime is occupation of palestine. so, but when it comes to whether there has been any damage inflicted on you running for a structure, minutes, an infrastructure in the last night to attack, there's no mention there's no with newer evidence to them. and if there has been any running nationals or admitted to the personnel that they're being killed, there is no record as to that as well. they're completely ignoring that part. so if you're on is going to be tied to it or not, no mention of that as well. and people familiar to the issue or seeing that the reason for these kinds of tone is that you run is trying to distance yourself from this is just just as groups and also trying to diffuse attention to de escalate distribution. thank you for that results. and i live there in tehran and we go to
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long lane georgia now in washington, dc. rose was the bottom administration saying about the impact of the strikes and all the indications that more could be on the way as well, according to by net ministration officials more air strikes will happen. we just don't know when where or who and what will be targeted. as for the assessment of friday's air strikes, centcom still has not released that report. but they say that they felt very confident that the targets that they chose, some 85 and all at 7 locations in a rock and syria were military targets, not civilian targets. they did say, however, that even though they were going after commander control centers, intelligence centers, warehouses for our weapons and other equipment. they did say that it was entirely possible that people would be at those locations. and so there might be casualties
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. either people who were killed or people who were injured or both. but again, san com still has not released its damage assessment. certainly everyone is very interested to see if this does bolster our, the us as argument that it was going after. members of the codes force of part of the i g r c i r g c, excuse me, as well as affiliated groups that have been launching attacks on us forces in the region in recent weeks. ross, thank you very much for that last name. jordan lived there in washington dc. well, let's discuss all this for the now with miles b kegan's the 3rd who's every tied colonel in the u. s. army who served in the pentagon and national security council. he was also spokesman for the global coordination to the feet high. so any rock and syria and he's joining us on, i'll just hear from her bill in northern iraq, colonel, thank you so much for speaking to us. as we heard our corresponded and say that no
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damage assessment yet from spend sense. com. what do you know, and what do you think could have targeted? could have been targeted here by, by the us these 85 targets in syria and iraq. what type of damage was inflicted, where, where these high volume targets with these arms of these attacks by the united states on top has the law in a running back militia groups had 2 primary purposes. one was information sending a message to reassure americans that we take it seriously when i run the tax, the tax and kills our troops. and also to send a message to the militias and a run that we to the united states can reach out and strike anywhere we choose at any time of our choosing. now, from the attacks on 7 different locations and 85 different targets as has been released by the st tom and,
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and the white house. it's clear that this was in operation to destroy a storage facilities for rockets and drones to and to also eliminate some of the command and control house the location. so the significance of these locations is that they were in an area where could top has the law has a complete freedom of movement back and forth across the border at the outer time location. there's a federal, a rock border crossing a, a recognized border crossing. and then there is a militia controlled border crossing, where legal aid drugs, other contraband in tears fighters blow back and forth freely. the reason i asked about the significance of the location is because the strikes had been expected for several days now. and there are many questions about the timing and forcefulness of the us response, because biden's critics so said he could have allowed these onto to withdraw the
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assets and personnel before the strikes present. biden's critics upset it took too long, and it just took too long for the us to respond. so again, what, what is the impact of these strikes really, if these militias could have had time to withdraw from these positions? well, i know this from my experience that america is always watching the malicious. we have ways to observe them from space, from the air and using signals intercepts and occasionally sources on the ground. the malicious cannot hide from american air power, and the timing of the strikes was designed for purposes of the planning targets that were agreed to do with a national security council process. what is important is that the secretary of defense has a goal that this is just the beginning of the campaign of strikes. and i anticipate that you are right in wishes attack. again, america will respond quickly. and fortunately, i will ask you in
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a moment about whether this could lead to a wider conflict, but just coming back to the impact. do you really think that this response will re establish the times for 4 of these groups? a run has sent its proxies throughout the middle east for more than 2 decades. it is unlikely that they will be deterred with their ultimate goals. however, in the short run, they have had some quick behavioral changes. but one thing that you can trust from terrorist groups is that they will commit to their ideals and they will continue to make a tax at the time and place that they're choosing. and it's important for america and its partners, including the iraqi security forces and push america to stand up and resist these unlawful militias operating inside of a rock. you the restore. you'd mentioned the ron, but the response we've heard from you on so far has been a somewhat of
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a low key one, a muted one because it's clear that they don't want to escalate this war. so, i mean, where's the us taking this not present? biden's says he doesn't want to turn this into a wider regional conflicts, but by launching these strikes, does it not do that or the why the original conflict is already under way. your network has reported extensively about the as rarely war garza and the truth. these attacks on shipping, and now we have this back and forth between iran and the usa in a rock and syrian. so all leaders have said that they're wanting to de escalate and not have a wider war. that remains to be seen because they are responsive to their critics. they are responsive to their populations and they have a responsibility to protect their people and their interest. and in this case,
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it is lead to air strikes, rocket attacks, and drama tex alright, colonel, thank you so much for talking to this. thank you for your time miles b k, against a 3rd, a retired colonel in the us for army. joining us there from our bill in northern iraq now to us has reportedly launched 3 strikes in yemen. who is the fighters? say this? try kit, east of the city of cider on saturday morning. b rainy and batch will cease, have been attacking ships in the red sea in protest against these routes for on guys. and the european union says it's concerned about the escalation of these roswell, on guys on the top different, my joseph brown says there is a domino effect with bind, interrupting and 11 on iraq, syria, and in the right way of living. the critical situation that they meet, at least on the whole region, no longer just and as far as the war you guys are continues, it's very difficult to believe that the situation of the delta t would improve. because one thing is related with the other is a domino,
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a domino effect to region of israel is intensifying its attacks in southern gaza at least 26 palestinians have been killed in 2 as strikes. gotcha. lopez already on has more and a warning they are distressing scenes in every morning . the dead has become a part of the daily life. osmond bits farewell to his 8 year old son. one of several palestinians killed by his really airstrikes and proffer in southern gauze. up here, benches outside hospital grounds become make shift mugs for families, prepare loved ones for period of the board or the my son is with golf. now he left me here alone. all these rain,
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these are killing our children and that women were not wanted people to tool. we just want to go to work and come back home nearly 4 months into israel's world garza families say they're desperate and exhausted. this is the state bombed us in jamalia. so we move to con eunice. we've targeted again and losey. we then came here to rasa, but the attacks continue when the bombing started. i couldn't breathe, i was screaming. so how this has become routine for civil defense and rescue cruise taking the injured to barely functioning hospitals, hoping they'll be treated. and so far inside conditions are dire. the floor often replaces hospital. that's the age shortage, crippling guns that is evidence and the fuse healthcare facilities still able to
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offer services and this is what's left of their neighborhood. much of it now destroyed. israel has intensified. it's a tax on for offline to south, near the border with egypt. it's the city where is really forces order posted is to go to city where israel said they'd be safe. now, hundreds of thousands of people who are forcibly displays some of them repeatedly, have nowhere to go. nowhere to find refuge out of the month is that i'm a, i'm still in shock. we were told rafa was safe, but it's not open. my mother was killed in these attacks enough please. i just can't talk anymore. let me just go to the those who survive. the bombings grieving, loved ones who didn't, and wonder what more israel's were wrong cause though, will take from them. capielo physical un. how does there a speak to tag capitalize on who's in raffle for spring is up to speed with the
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situation on the ground topic. i understand if in more strikes phone, rasa, of the yes, fully in the past few hours we've been seeing very, the notable increase of strikes and districts special get that off to the last night. so we've been seeing more strikes that had been conducted towards the cost of rough. we're a residential, if not, was completely leveled to the ground as one power city. and a young boy had been killed along side with 4 others being injured and transported to an a jar of hospital for receiving medical treatment. the roof district that is supposed to be the safe zone. right now we've been seeing it's had been multiple targets within the past few days of catch up as a month civilians in that area thought to to rolling gradually um its own getting confrontations on the ground in the city of con eunice, i'm in the last hour been seeing more low and got of residential buildings in the
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city of han you and especially in the eastern part of the city were confrontations that are ranging between the power seat appliances. and that is very suit just but similarly the situation so critical in the middle areas and also in gauze city where battles and confrontation between the militants on between these various will just continue in a remodel neighborhood alongside with all those areas inside a gall is that where, at least since the hours of these morning, 9 palestinians have been killed in golf, the city well set out as being one of them full of them has been transported to an aarp hospital for medical treatment to that situation right now on the ground sounds to be completely critical. i'm a no grubbing concerns among palestinians that battles might be transferred to rough. uh, within the coming days needs to be met the treat operations been calling you as a by the is what it says will be in the soon possibly he's been sides will be sitting on the city or roof. i wouldn't be coming days. yeah,
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a great deal of concern that rock i could be next in israel side target. thank you very much for that time. that's not correspondent on the ground. tyra capitalism, thank you very much. i the fence of more head on use our including from the pledge of office, the southern scheduled for the northern 1990 is a groundbreaking moment at storm and does the power sharing government returns after 2 years with a republican as 1st minister of northern ireland and 23 rebels on the city of co, my, in the democratic republic of congo residency for that like the synagogues president, marki san has postponed the presidential election that was due on february 25th. in a television address to the nation. he announced that he canceled the relevant
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electoral law, citing a dispute over the list of election candidates existing in the crew. i've signed the decree of february, 3rd, 2020 for repealing that of november 29. 2023. can reading the electoral body as for me, by some commitment not to run for the presidential election remains on change. and finally, i will initiate an open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent, and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciling sending gotta that spring in ologist here is nicholas hawk was in the car, sent a gas capital, so official campaigning, nick for for the selection was supposed to start tomorrow and just a few hours why has president decided to postpone this out of the? well, there was a sense that long as many senegalese, that the electoral process was in doubt why? well, because some of the key opposition figures are not in the race in this election
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that has just been cancelled by president microsoft. we're talking about her reward, who, who's the bid to running the election was cancelled by a constitutional judge on the grounds that he has dual citizenship. a french and senegalese, there's also roads where jeannie, who is one of the 2 candidates female candidates in this election, she is currently being detained for the same reasons, to have dual citizenship. you have to be exclusively syndic, leads to run as a president in this country. but also because some of the key figures with mind sancho, the opposition popular opposition, figure is in jail. his stand in the bus through gym. i fi is also in jail and he was planning to campaign for this election for a band. the political party in the words of president mucky saw. they could not afford another crisis in doubt in this electoral process. now there's, we're sorry to have reactions towards what some describe as a constitutional cool for lucky. so he's trying to save guards,
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democracy in this country. yeah. i was going to ask you about the reactions because they were a few is of course a free election violence. but that hasn't happened so far. could that now change? what's the mood like in the car and elsewhere today after this amounts? while i'm in central the car right now, just right behind me, you can see police in riot gear that had been deployed throughout the capitals. there's been some call on social media to protests, but for the moment we're get, we're waiting to hear from the candidates and sell bill. have a joint press conference at 17 gmc, where they will spell out how they feel about what the decision taken by prison back. he said, we already get a sense of what's going on with my do, but he's the ruling party candidate, the prime minister of president lucky, self government. and he's come out to say that words matter you chose, present like you saw has said that he has counseling the elections,
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not delaying it, but cancelling these elections. so words matter and we'll see next what these candidates will say. they want to see these collections go have interest, single reading. indeed, thank you very much for that. nicholas hotline for us. that in the car, in democratic republic of congo, fighting between the companies on me and m. 23 rebels i is drawing closer to go. my, the capital of north cable province in the east, on friday to bombs were dropped and i school killing one worker and enjoying to others. community like has a detail in till now. they've been sped. people living in north keepers regional capital had been relatively safe as m 23 rebels and the communities army fight in the east of the country. that changed on friday when to booms struck this neighborhood on the outskirts of the city of very much so before now got mess. i was very afraid because the fighting is approaching our homes and
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we can see how the government's not helping us. how can the government waits until the problems actually reach us? it should stop this type of thing from happening. it's not acceptable as well. as the fighting draws close to residents from government surrounding villages have left heading to displacement comes from the city or to south, keep it on the same day. am $23.00 rebels i believe, to have shopped out to you and helicopter. and lemme see, see region in recent weeks, the group has been finding government forces that as it tries to steve, the city effect you 24 kilometers away is the last city before the launch areas of north key view on now under its control in the run up to elections in december, president felix to security promised he would read the country of m. 23. the congolese minute treat blames the only group for the bombing. which em 23 to noise . it was the we have been maintaining pressure on the m $23.00 rebels with
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a military operation on the ground. and this is why they decided to launch a bomb from an area in the mountains where we are fighting them. unfortunately, it had a human cost and caused serious damage to civilian buildings off to being do and the use um group re emerged in 2021 and millions of people have since been forced from their homes by the conflict. un peacekeepers appearing out of phased, withdrew from the area of to both local people and the government accused them of failing to prevent the spread of m. 23 by the end of april, to start from the mission will have left south key to many people here. anxious, don't watch will happen next. metric to 0. see a head on out to 0. israel steps up, set, it sets up private, hundreds of check points across the occupied westbank policy. me and say it's another form of collective punishment on my kinda in columbia,
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south carolina with democrats. so hoping that's a large crime we turn on. we'll provide a spring board for jo biden's re election the the route to you by visit capital had low the from northern parts of south asia. we have seen persistent fault in small issues that have continued for new daily, disrupting some traffic there and causing poor visibility and quality issues. now the good news is we will see some wet to weather start to creep into new daily thanks to a west city disturbance that's moved its way from. i've gone a stone into pockets. donald bought some very heavy rain in the south. it's not moved on to northern parts of india, bringing thunder storms,
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the threat of lighting, as well as hail and wintry conditions up in the mountains. now for the south of this, it is a much more sexual story. we will see the development of some rain pushing into northern areas such as to per dash and be hot and the wet weather wintry conditions continue for the pool and baton, but much dry up full. the rest of india clear skies settled conditions down to the south. some heavier rain, however, affecting sri lanka. and heavy rain is the story for central china as we move to east asia. that's called a wintry front to it. moving across the northern areas over the next few days. so it remains wilma and west foot down in the south. a much colder up in the north. but if we have a look at the 3 day vision, we'll see that temperature climb up slowly, with some sunshine on tuesday. the weather quote to you by visit cuts on a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year we source that change, it became clear at that point,
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but we really were in that kind of a new era of a nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on the jersey, the asking questions. were you ever warrens about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuel. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story. the
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the, you're watching out you 0 reminder about top stories on this news, our iraq, iran and syria are accusing washington of this time lies in the middle east. the us says it's from a to 5 yvonne link targets in iraq in syria, killing at least 16 people. this is in response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in jordan. last week. in guys, is there any forces have killed at least $26.00 palestinians in as strikes in the central and southern parts of the strip. more than a 100 people have been killed in the past 24 hours and synagogues president marki saw has announced the indefinite postponement. of the presidential election that was scheduled for february 25th, present south side of dispute,
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some of the least of the election candidates that tens of thousands of protesters have been biling in london calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. the latest in a series of sony dyers, he demonstrations in various capital, cities, to condemn israel, to warn you guys, and to exchange ready government to allow more humanitarian aid into the strict organizes expected 230-0000 people to join the march in britain's capital. during the whole has more from the full test and not of the this is a result of pressure to as it is a to try through. indeed. so we'd like to go through the crowd very conscious of the possibility of spillover implications. something you see here today,
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this particular supposed to be you guys since the task will go to just to see the hey, preliminary judgment last month holding on is right to end any actions that could lead to genocide. so that as well as bottles of transport into the war a ceasefire to the genocide. is there any forces that carried out more res? overnight in the occupied westbank, heavy gun fire was reported in to best when soldiers to on the seat and the early hours of saturday. they also rated several lot of cities including nap as fast with him and kalki as well as towns near janine. at least 12 odyssey muse where detained the foster westbank over nights is really sadler tax on palestinians in the occupied west bank of increase sharply in the past 4 months. the u. s. has imposed sanctions on full settlers were responsible for some of the violence,
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but many doubts the restrictions will make a difference. john stratford re for some of the time of us. so we have another attract, blaze really said lives in the occupied westbank products to be in the villages tell us the attack has came in the middle of the night from one of the 2 legal settlements on the other side of the valley. a family of 5 heated, terrified in the home as the settlers pull federal over, they call, such as a light, and that the situation is terrible. they allow us to farm or build or take care about trees. whatever biden says the settlers won't listen to him. as we feel is ready, i'll meet you superior driving off into the village through palestinian olive groves . this is one of hundreds of attacks on palestinian property. why it legally is really secular since the war began on gauls on october the 7th. the people here is you can imagine
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a very nervous these way the ministry has just arrived. they do not want to be filmed. that all of the weeks of promises and rhetoric in washington, the binding administration now says it will impose sanctions on is lady settlers accused of committing acts of violence in the occupied territories. the 1st full settlers targeted by the sanctions include 22 year old david che chest a reports of the little group that sit by to buildings, assaulted palestinians, and damage to property, resulting the tax of a palestinian civilian and this mosque, my shovel. zip among the film, throwing a rock through a call window, the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu released the statement saying, as well acts again slowly, so easy to break the law. every, with the full, exceptional matches are not necessary to be the secular leaders denounced biden's older. the executive,
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all of the stock signed by the president of the united states is both disappointing and surprising. you would expect president biden to look into the fact before signing such an order. you in says that has been a massive increase in set through a tax on the palestinians and their property in the last 4 months. many involving guns and with the support of frontier to prove images ready soldiers and by i don't think that the i that's it doesn't give any consent to the so to the send doesn't mean anything to them if the americans and by then instead think that this is towards the group, he has to deal with them as a ton of this have to be punished. you have to be taken to ga us pressure on israel . small right? government may be growing. but many palestinians say biden's executive super old, is more about his re election campaign and about forcing any change is rails behavior, child stuff, et al jazeera, a. so yeah, in the occupied with bank since the beginning of these are as well on guy's eyes, really forces us set up hundreds of new military checked points across the occupied
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westbank. they say the goal is to ensure israel secuity by palestinians a is just another way to humiliate them collectively, either even henry this is really check point you have now this in the occupied westbank is closed. at least for now postilion driver's waiting to move in and out of the city, or at this time still no one knows when or if they'll be allowed to continue their journey. traffic is moving at another check point, nablus. what 74 year olds and how much city says it's taking too long. it's our last week i spent 3 hours of this check point. so by the time i arrive to my destination to drop off the shipment, it was too late and the stores were closed. long before the world garza started posting is suffered from his way. you made it through checkpoints, that's isolate and disconnected cities and towns from one another as these really
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a full in gaza increases. so does the number of as really obstacles in the occupied westbank. new gates have been installed is really soldiers hold the keys with no restriction on his way the car is moving in the occupied territory. what organizations say before the war, the around 77 activated then man check points. after the war, more than 500 check points were reactivated under old 140 new ones established in dolton were talking about more than 700 check points, cement blocks, 3rd smells, and gates many are told to be shot like the one behind it really is a who to tech, the driver for who knowledge in the occupied last spring. after 37 years in the business, he knows the shortcuts and how to avoid closures. but many of the alternative
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routes are on developed. we've joined the armada for a drive from ramallah to janine a journey that shouldn't take more than 2 hours roadblocks, closed roads in 3 check points. later, we reached our destination, a journey which took us twice as long, more than 4 hours to work to stress and anxiety, humiliation, extra cost and waste of time. they want to make our lives hard and complicated. so we eventually the alternative routes means doing stuff, being lost, being frustrated, resembles much of the palestinians in life spent in waiting that but he does eat a coupon to us thing the, the, let's take a look at some of these other world news now. and she can face michelle or neal has
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become the 1st republican and 1st catholic, 1st minister of northern ireland. i am honored to stand here as force minister. indeed, our own a was the one is leader of northern islands, the vocals administration that says power sharing governments return for the 1st time in 2 years. the government and the assembly had dissolved when union his withdrawal of a post breaks of trade agreements. o'neill was meant to take the job nearly 2 years ago. that's when have pot ation famed won the most number of ceasing assembly elections for the 1st time under the good friday agreement in 1998. that ended 30 years of violence in northern ireland. the main british unionist and irish nation as parties must govern together the rival democratic union. this party, o d u p. know the 9 is largest pro u k. party refuse to join the government in a dispute over post wrecks of trade rules. the u. p. ended the political deadlock this week after striking
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a deal with westminster shadow near spotty sion fain wants to take me with an island out of the united kingdom and seeks a united ireland harry foster as more from stormwind town. shallow need is opening address, so she put a lot of the energy of, of her speech. so no real speech into what is needed to be done here in the, in terms of normal governance. that's something that they haven't seen here for nearly 2 years. and that was an echoing of that from the new deputy 1st minister as well. the d u. p deputy. so it's minister and my little 10 gary, who said that michelle is a committed republican, i'm a unionist will never agree on those issues, but cancer does, doesn't discriminate. and the health service needs to be fixed, i think, is that really doesn't calculate how a lot of people here feel that this is a major milestone. but what they really want to see is the kind of everyday issues that would be neglected over the last couple of years. finally being addressed. it is largely trying to get those public services back into
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a fits of state. they have been running, they've been run by civil servants in the engine room, but in terms of profit budget, treat planning, proper reforms. we've seen them slip behind the sorts of levels that they are in the rest of the united kingdom, particularly the health services. that is something almost everyone you speak to here, talks about. and so, as part of the nudging towards this, that we've seen from the british government, that has been this big figure that's been laid out. that's $3300000000.00 pounds, $4200000000.00 us dollars, which is supposed to be released. now that we do have power sharing back in, in northern ireland, the police in friends have arrested a man suspected of stopping several people at a train station. 3 people were injured at, galloped in. your in paris, the ones were in life threatening detectives are looking for a motive for the attack, an edge travelers to remain vigilant. leasing to key have arrested 17 suspected members of i sold following a shooting at
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a catholic church. one person was killed at the santa maria church and assembled last week after reading apartments in the city. police said that if prevented similar attacks, i saw fighters with tiny in russia at least, 20 jordan this up being arrested at a protest against the war in ukraine. the report is what covering religious riley in moscow held by the wives of soldiers fighting in ukraine. that being protesting of the crime in for several weeks to demand a safe return of their husbands. maybe every force in russia say, a court has ordered the arrest of an activist accused of helping ukrainian refugees . the debts that rule says kaya deny is using a social media channel to a feel for donations to the ukraine unami. the model of founded women's volunteered movement, which has delivered humanitarian 8 areas under russian control in ukraine. focus on former prime ministry. mankind has been sentenced for
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a 3rd time in less than a week. a court ruled his marriage to his wife in 2018, was unlawful and sentenced them to 7 years each. earlier this week he was given concurrent sentences of 10 years for linking state secrets and 14 years for graft. mankind has already been bought from contesting elections, which are set for thursday. he says all charges are politically motivated. of the north korea has confirmed that is tested what it's describing as a new super launch warhead. a spokesman says the tests of the latest type of anti aircraft ms. i took price off the countries west coast on friday. if young young has now launched cruise may size on at least 4 occasions this year. it has come. south korea has increased joint military exercises with the united states and japan still ahead on alger 0 mass protest across germany for the 3rd weekend condemning, growing right wing extremist and, and the police confront protesters, you know,
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engine tina after the low house upon them and passes the prizes and controversial before the hard hitting the entities as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is, it may just something look as if it acts of to hear the story on told to how does era examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians exploring a funding world cloths programming. we're basically
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a digital firm scene investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform, motivates spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on elders here a news the welcome back in germany, tens of thousands of protesters have been running in berlin to condemn what they say is a right wing extremism. submitted, protest supply and then other german cities for a 3rd successive weekend demonstrations began following reports. at the far right alternative for germany party had discussed the deportation of foreigners and
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germans with immigrant backgrounds. dominic cane has moved from by a demonstration is like this one in the center of the capital city has been happening on a regular basis ever since. the revelations of that meeting in pottstown in november way days reported that the same a cut seal was discussed. the full, the pull taishan, my girl, she came here. caroline has germans. although the day has this associate fell from a meeting, the people are convinced that crying, say aloud. they don't want that. yeah. the interesting thing is that the opinion polls appear to suggest that actually support for the if day is dwindling before the revelations of the pots. then me think the policy was getting as much as 24 percent of the vote that has not dropped to around 19 percent. but that
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is sort of across the country. around 10000000 germans support the fall, hike f day. and it's jointly to says, wait till the election is in east germany in september to see how powerful the 10s dominic cane algebra 0. portland. in the us, the democratic party is holding as far as the official nominating contest on saturday. notice in the state of south carolina are going to the polls and even though present, joe biden faces no serious opposition. the result in this primary could set the tone for the campaign to come, as well as a general election in november. my kind of reports from the state capital, columbia, democrats this, amend surprise that south carolina has replaced iowa and new hampshire a. so traditional kick off states me this is seen as a rallying call across routes. meetings of the democratic party like this one, addressed by the parties. national leader, people are going to come out,
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and people are excited. we've been all over the state really a lot. the energy right now is the bedrock of buy them. support is in this room. he deserves down a lot. he's a good person. yeah, it's a good heart. and if he wants to work for the people, okay, is your body versus donald trump and we start to see the contrast in, in both of them is the job. i did do some things. you didn't do it all, but yeah, look good for you to see. you do what we want him to do. but there's less certainty among the younger generation and growing resentment. the democrats take the african american vote for prompted to get that with the belief that by didn't, has not fulfilled. it would test which promises i believe that he sold us a vision of what we wanted to hear. and when he came down to actually keeping his promise on the vision, it completely went out the door. during the recent campaigns between charleston bided was interrupted by cold, risky spot. gone to the administration's,
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i'm questioning support of israel school has to pop deep and among young democrats, victoria jordan points to the best of economic games, made them divide in his promotion of women of color to the countries, quotes and executive, but argues is supportive of genocide. could be punished at the polls, especially if college students, myself included asking for that sees fire asking for, you know, more understanding of what's going on overseas. that only affects you know, older generations. but it just in as much as not more effects as younger generations, because weird inheriting all of this they just because indicate that nearly 50000000 jobs being created since by didn't took off us. unemployment has dropped below full percent, and inflation is at me a pre pandemic levels. the boat is the south carolina will decide what this is
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evidence of a job well done by kinda, oh, just era. south carolina of the china, former us president donald trump, on federal charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election results, has been postponed. it was scheduled to begin next month in washington, d. c. the judge said a new date would be set after an appeals court rules on drums. claims of presidential immunity is denied any voluntary or not to lodge and t. now, with a no house of parliament has passed on austerity bill spock in protest in the capital members of congress put through present how the malays reforms by a 144 to a 109 votes. that a simple report from one of ours on what this means for the country as it struggles to overcome a debt crisis. the nation is not for sale chan to these people outside argentina's. congress happened after lawmakers past presidents have yet to be nice. landmark bill meant to begin transforming the
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state and the economy. critics say that call them and will use the will to increase the expectation of natural resources, benefit the private sector, and cut resources for the environment and culture is the piece is what we see. a group of 40 businessman guides related policies and the rights that oftentimes had are at risk. the bill touches fundamental issues that to affect people to work in class. the debate lasted for 3 days and the government had to give in to the demands of other political parties. the bill initially had over 600 last it ended with a little over 300 the people
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voted clashes between protesters and security forces. have taken place to the debate. the government says argentina's economy needs to be motor nice to attract for an investment. they also blame the previous administration for sewing inflation to the dire economic situation and the lack of forwarding we serves in the central bank. so, but i will check in 50 what we have noise. the people say this governments doesn't listen to social need. this government is a 3rd party and exploitation of an enter democratic. oh yeah, that's the only thing they can say because the government took office 50 days and found over 1000 efficient rates in the past is 1000 and you're talking about us 50 days. have been in power, but the bill still needs to be revised little by little and then ratified in the senate. may 1 with 56 percent of the volts in december and says he has the
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legitimacy to implement. he's a stereotype measures to reduce government spending and fight inflation. but those against him say he's measures will bring even greater economic disappear and promise to fight back city. so we'll just see that when a site is presented is said to start a vaccination campaign against the mosquito borne den, give virus a softer shot prize in cases of the potentially deadly disease cases in the 1st week of january double compared to the same period. last year, for sale will become the 1st country in the world to offer identity vaccine to the public health system. officials say the campaign could begin within days, fumigation us streets, homes and offices is also taking. always picks that you have a single seat as an expectation of a peak and 3 or 4 weeks establishing perhaps the highest number of cases in our history even compared to 2016 the previous hi lets just is cases of
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pneumonia and children have spiked in pakistan doctors attributing the rise to a particularly cold winter combined with high small levels and low vaccination rates. more than 18000 pneumonia cases and nearly 300 fatalities were registered in eastern print job. in january. no, a water level is in a mexican make of reach a 16 century church being revealed, but it's less local fishermen worried for their livelihoods. they say no water levels behind the benita water is them means less plentiful fishing. and also that's water for crops. by late january, rest of all levels had decreased by 47 percent local se rainfall has decreased and recently is leading to the current flow point. especially for the business. when we can see the chicks, we start thinking about the truck because there's less water, especially when we know that they'll be less space ship that really effective ones down full of water. with lots of places we can fish,
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we have the best to move our for now to stay with this one. use coming up and just the president biden says, one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. or does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics the bottom line. so want making sure. well i, i guess scared the hell. i don't think i've ever had anybody get my face like that if i was 20 years younger or something like that, i might as the raffle, the reeves was arrested in charge with aggravated battery, with a deadly weapon. and 2nd degree murder. throughout his 8 year legal battle to
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maintain that he shot neutral chide and self defense during the trial and pace out on the stand and claim that this was the most dangerous, terrifying life threatening situation he had ever experienced. and his whole life i'm sitting down as a completely defenseless position. i'm looking up at this guy and he looked like monsters down there. and that's just hard to believe that someone throw in a little bit of popcorn i knew was the most terrifying experience in all of your smart days and all of your police career. the man that took a life has turned into the victim. and my husband is now the aggressor, and that's not fair because that's not the truth. that's not how it was. the colleges
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with the iraq warns of disastrous consequences for the region after a series of us twice on a rainy and link talk in the flu. i'm putting back to boy, you're watching l g 0 life from to ha. also a head doesn't scale. denise really attacks on raphael, southern guys that way. hundreds of thousands of displace palestinians or sheltering the 10s of
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thousands take part in protest. seeing central london calling for an immediate cease fire in garza and an historic ship.


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