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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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that has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the, [000:00:00;00] the home and the put on them. and this is the news out online from the coming out for the next 16 minutes tension, sol across the middle east officials in baghdad. one of the have consequences in the region. a series of us drive on yvonne lynch targets in of boston. sylvia is waiting missiles had dropped the in southern gaza with hundreds of thousands displays,
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palestinians of sheltering at least 26. people have been killed. tens of thousands of people take part in purchasing central london, calling for an immediate cease fund and awesome and election officers and to you and set a goal. president, mark, you solving definitely postponing some upcoming book to name the success of the russia has cooled for an urgent meeting of the un security council. off of the us bombed iran link to targets in iraq. and sylvia coming and injuring dozens of people in the box, foreign ministry has fully protested to washington. at least 16 people, including civilians were killed in a rock. baghdad, damascus, and pet um have condemned the attacks excuse in washington of destabilizing the
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region. the us says it has at least $85.00 targets in was the rock and sylvia using long range bomb is flowing from it. sor washington says that's in response to a joint attack on an army base and jordan last weekend that killed 3 us soldiers. mock level begins our coverage. this is the aftermath of us say strikes on all time in iraq. cause and ben dot buildings mark bear with tex took place. about 350 kilometers north west of baghdad. getting on the groups linked, we run across both the dock and syria. long range bomb is flew directly from the us to carry out the operation. u. s. military forces struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized by a wrong islamic revolutionary article. and another thing that they sponsor 3 of the facilities are rec for them are in syria. in a statement,
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the rocky government says it condemns the strikes as new aggression against the rocks sovereignty. sorry, as ministry of foreign affairs says, the attacks full within a series of violations that the us has continued to commit in the country. we went to visit us up and what was the, how the there were us strikes on the residential compound that have buildings occupied by iraq's popular mobilization forces. and then they blew up equipment and rockets stored in these buildings, causing damage to properties and killing people before the in condemning via text runs. interior minister has also warned washington to stop supporting israel. we cannot, in any move against the resistance, we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can't see that with the americans. but if they do choose to act wisely,
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they should stop supporting design is tricky. washington described the bombings as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly a week ago, 3 soldiers were killed and dozens injured at the military base and jordan, they bodies wherever 10 to the us on friday us president joe biden promised the response. and now that's been delivered. presumably the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the tourist, which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy, an interest that the uranium swell uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future, ah, some on groups in iraq, all pledging more attacks on us targets in the region, the, the white house says it's not king brought a conflict,
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especially not with the run bus and carrying out these strikes us is juggling, detouring further attacks on his forces with trying to contain regional spillover mike level, which is there a correspondent on a house and is joining us live from the iraq, a capital baghdad now and ali just how difficult a position do these us strikes, put the rocky government in this site. they brought to your message in a very difficult and i'm sensitive position, but i wonder if it's started you process. maybe the full strategy process is hitting it. bobby, within the government, which is the popular mobilization force, is that also the same time i last violate the solvency of the rocky cetera. this is the reason why the rocky government reacting with issuing har statements
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denying doctor todd called the night guard the issues with the us over these price and the same time condemning dislikes themselves. but this is the only thing the government can do, especially is that it's already engaged with the united states and a long discussion negotiations over the the next phase of the us present city rock, which is part of the on the call ation foundation to 5 isis not the are a samsung efforts to find a way whereas the united states for $0.02 leave the country. this is a piece for the government was sitting here in the sidewalk, getting the current situation. things off. yes, a complicated day off today, especially with the attacks. wow. that's happened yesterday also been denied that killed that on 60 people. uh, some of them out of civilian similar to that will be a funeral here in the form of those who i feel and some of them for, for them does on the see. and i for the popular, popular yes, allegation,
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forces all of us during the day zillow also claims of responsibility. yeah. from a couple of under the, uh, is that because this is the american basically. yeah. as long as resistance, popular mobilization forces 2 different groups. we do have to move on unfortunately because we have some audio problems with ali hashem and baghdad. and russel said the as instead of a more on rest ron's reaction to the strikes the twenty's much softer than expected. so at 1st the saying that these attacks. busy are clear why elation or iraq's and celia has 70 and territorial integrity. and these are mistakes being repeated by the usa, and it will not does that tests will not produce any positive results,
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but just further escalate the tension. then to say that is that x or sort of mean 3 is read. i don't see that i can do as a more and more in the region which is increasing the possibility of a, of a y, the war which both countries you run and just say repeatedly, have say that this is something that they do not want. then also be run in statements or if it's just if is, are seeing that the root cause of the crisis is not this resistance groups you run outlined to groups that goes to region by design is regime and is occupation of palestine. so, but when it comes to whether there has been any damage inflicted on you running an infrastructure admitted to the infrastructure in the last night to attack, there is no mention, there's no with newer evidence to them. and if there has been any running nationals or military personnel that they're being killed, there is no reference to that as well. they're completely ignoring that part. so, and if you're on is going to be tied to it or not,
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no mention of that as well. and people familiar to the issue or seeing that the reason for these kind of tone is that you run is trying to distance yourself from these versus resistance groups. and also trying to diffuse a passion and to de escalate the situation. let's go to rosalind jordan now she's joining us live from washington, dc. and what's the bite and administration saying role is about the impact with the strikes and the possibility of more a well defined administration has does since last sunday's attack on tower $22.00, a us military installation in northeastern jordan. that attack, of course, are led to the death of 3 us soldiers. they have said there will be multiple lots air strikes and other forms of punishment for those soldiers, deaths. now they of course, they are not going into any details of exactly where and when and by what method,
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who's going to be targeted in the past hour on one of the us cable networks. we saw sabrina sing, the deputy spokes person for the pedagogy, essentially repeating that same message. and she also said that to the workers at st. tom are still trying to put together a damage assessment from fridays air strikes. but that they are still uh, sticking to their uh, early announcement that they had hit more than $85.00 targets at 7 locations in both syria and a rock. and that they believe that given the weather conditions and given the use of the b one b bombers and other military aircraft that the u. s. was able to achieve its targets and its goals in this 1st of what is supposed to be a multi tiered response to last sunday's attack roles. thank you very much for that
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. that's how state department correspondent rosalind jordan live in washington dc. the european union says it's concerned about the escalation of as well as one, gaza. the used talk diplomat, joseph burrell says there was a domino effect with violence, abrupt and level of rock sylvia, under the red sea, as we are leaving the critics of situation to me, the least on the whole region, no longer just and as far as the war you guys are continues, it's very difficult to believe that the situation is a delta t would improve. because one thing is related with the other is a domino, a domino effect to region. one is run is intensifying its attacks in southern gaza at least $26.00 palestinians have been killed in 2 s tribes. katia lopez, hold a on his morning warning that there are distressing scenes and have a port for the morning. the dead has become
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a part of the daily life. osmond bits farewell to his 8 year old son. one of several palestinians killed by his really air strikes and proffer and southern gauze up here, benches outside hospital grounds become make shift marks where families prepare. loved ones for period of the board or the my son is with golf. now he left me here alone. all these rain, these are killing our children and that women were not wanted people to tool. we just want to go to work and come back home nearly 4 months into israel's world garza families say they're desperate and exhausted us and the state bombed us in jamalia. so we moved to con eunice. we were targeted again and, and wasi. we then came here to russell,
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but the attacks continue when the bombing started. i couldn't breathe, i was screaming so how this has become routine for civil defense and rescue cruise . taking the injure to barely functioning hospitals, hoping they'll be treated. and so far inside conditions are dire, the floor often replaces hospital. that's the age shortage, crippling guns that is evidence and the fuse health care facilities still able to offer services and this is what's left of their neighborhood. much of it now destroyed. israel has intensified, it's a tax on for offline the cell near the border with egypt. it's the city where is really forces order posted is to go the city where israel said they'd be safe. now hundreds of thousands of people who are forcibly displays some of them
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repeatedly have nowhere to go. nowhere to find refuge out of the month is that i'm a, i'm still in shock. we were told the raffle was safe, but it's not. my mother was killed in these attacks. enough please. i just can't talk anymore. let me just go to the those who survive. the bombings we've loved ones who didn't and wonder what more israel's were wrong cause a will take from them. katia a little bit, so the yen hodges here and let's go to our correspondent who is joining us live from rafa in southern gaza. that is topic of was and thought it is really strikes fighting continued across the street. that's right, especially that we are now completely hearing the sound of these. i'm the buzzing of these video surveillance to drones and fly to jets for which completely offering
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over the sky of rough district within the past few hours and, and the very low altitude says they have been bouncing roughly in particular, within the past few hours, especially that's the main focus of the is right and it strikes so roughly we're on the eastern part where a number of residents have been injured and killed. i'm at the ongoing bombardment of residential buildings and i've virtual charles farm lands inside this area especially that isabel is bouncing the areas that are so a decent roof, especially between funding this and profile district i'm. it's the own going back to those in the city of hon. you and us where the are, they are a more people are still truck, the especially the hospitals are unable to flee more because of the unrelenting cycle of destruction. and also a compartment that had been carried off by the use where the forces and the total distilled today on the don't getting is really many truth ration had surpassed, more than $100.00 something, palestine he has been killed and more than $140.00 others wanted it's
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a very notable increase in terms of military operations in the northern parts of calls at that area. supposed to be taking full control by the is really military. but we have been seeing no violence classes have dropped to the mean the policy and fight. isn't it gives me the switches and the key simple neighborhoods of kansas city. um, its a very notable shift of miniature operations towards the southern parts and especially in the city of con eunice, and thought, if we can hear that drawing that you mention hovering over you, just how disconcerting is that for use of the hundreds of thousands of not more of people who have crammed into the alpha to escape fighting and is rarely attacks elsewhere and gaza will generally old palestinians. i'll send media with this sound because we've been hearing back to normal and peaceful days and times of conflicts. we have been here
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and get new loudly as they are responsible for attacking at different areas. and also for gathering is curious as intelligence information about different targets on the ground. but policy is here in rough uh, completely struggling um is the very aggravating humanitarian crisis that's completely unfolding them right now are rough as they are for us to line up for look at was to have access to food to water and also very difficult here. health crisis in the remaining partially hospitals that are still operating right now are rough or has it. there are many separate, many issues that have been suppressed among palestinians and hospitals right now. working at 3 times its original capacity, which gives a clear indication about how difficult and to get your rates. it is. your rating is the situation right now here on the ground on the move to regarding consensus, the minutes reparations. and the mandatory drought includes in might be extended to reach rafa within the coming days. this is considered to be the or the whole rest 6
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nightmare for the majority of causes as they have no. where else right now to go right now is the last remaining area which i tend to be. i'm not sure for all the factories. i'm at the, so i'm going i questions kind of thank you so much for that. that is product of was in joining us, live from java, of hundreds of israelis are protesting. instead of even demanding that the government does, most and shoulder of a ton of all the remaining captives held them, garza is fallacious in a series of demonstrations. and that is right. he says he approaches have demanded the austin of prominence to benjamin netanyahu. of a has, has an approval and security issues. let's go to our correspondence. mohammed jump to him. he's joining us live from tennessee. so to purchase some kind of a 1st they tell us about where you, i'm homeless. so elizabeth, we are close to actually the are left over here,
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close to the ministry of defense and tell of even in this area is where you sense almost the start of the war. you had relatives of these really capital. she held them god. so they come here once a week. the area behind me back there that started as a few months ago, started to be known as positive square. it's a place where the relatives come, they grieve, they reflect on the situation to night. we've heard a multitude of speakers that have come on and demanded from the government. the government do more to ensure the release of those captives off their loved ones that are still engaged. and what's interesting about this protest is that you know, right now you're not seeing a lot of people behind this. there were a few 1000 people here in the last hour and a half. most of them have left for the evening at this stage. but what we're starting to here are these last couple of weeks is what originate it is more of a sign with more reflective demonstration is becoming a bit more critical of the government. so you've had speakers that have come on and set essentially look, we understand that of course,
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there are 2 objectives to the war and gaza. one objective is to eliminate some of the other objection is to bring back those. those captains of the people here are saying that should be the main objective. that should be the one that's of paramount importance. and one of the chance that we've heard repeated throughout the night is every one now. meaning they want to see all the captives that are being held in gaza. you know, we're being released as soon as possible and they want to see the government, especially the prime minister of the defense minister and others do everything they can do is to ensure their release. all right, mom and then what about the protests? what are people they're saying of this? so couple of hours ago there was another demo, a demo that has really started in earnest and the last 6 weeks or so that isn't how b must squared, which is about one and a half to 2 kilometers from us. and um, you had a few 1000 protesters out there and that was an anti government demonstration with this workers that were out here. this is not political in nature. the one that happened before that was an anti government demonstration. that was one that was
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very critical of the government calling the government not just to do more so, but also for new elections. they would like to see the people that are in power leave power because they think that the current government is essentially wrecking the country. so what happened is, after that demonstration ended, as has been the case, the last few weeks, those demonstrators came here to this area to support families that are, that are very worried for their loved ones, were still being held captive. beyond that, you also had demonstrations happening in haifa. you had this ration the government happening in jerusalem. and also there was a demo in says area outside um from there. so between us and the residents, that's one that's been going on the last couple of weeks as well. so a lot of demonstrations this evening, not as big as they happened the last couple weeks. some people say that's mainly because you should the weather, the fact that it was raining earlier that it's cold right now. but still a presence and the people that have been out here and said they will continue to come out to try to make their point to the government should be doing more. well, how much?
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thank you. very much mohammed john. john live in tennessee. the us and that you can have reported they launched as strikes in yemen. local media is reporting that districts and the port cities of jose, the having targeted the iranian backed who, these who control most of yemen, have been attacking ships, linked to israel and the red sea in protest against israel's will on garza. well, how much outside reports from the given the capital? so now the latest the strikes that i've been cleared out by the british and american, the air forces have target and the i yeah. and uh, dreamy which are 2 uh, coastal towns, uh, one of the city to city. uh, yeah. and the, and the, and the southern part of the day that city the, the mad because the 2nd time the said dogs to be targeted to the, of the, of the, of code. just the sometimes we are,
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we haven't heard about the top bombardments in the city of for who data, according to the late of the house. he's a he, he said in his latest speech that to the us and british bombardment couldn't affect the ability to continue there. i did a tax on that on the amount of time that is really deleting to, towards the, the port city of the ports of israel. so the, the, the side of you will continue their, uh, their uh, operations until the left of the siege. and the guys then also the, um and to the, to the is really uh, a glitch in on guys uh, according to, to their statements. the signing of presidents microsoft has postponed the presidential election that was
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due on february the 25th and a tv address to the nation. he announced that he'd cancel the valid intellectual slicing. a dispute over the list of election candidates, a position in the declaration i've signed the decree of february, 3rd, 2020 for repealing that of november 29. 2023. can reading the electoral body as for me, by some current, me not to run for the presidential election remains on change. and finally, i will initiate and open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent, and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciling sydney got it. and the problem is, let's go to our correspondent nicholas hawkins, drawing his life from the senegalese capital da. com and maki solid postponing indefinitely in election when the campaigning was due to start and just a few while as nick y, you know,
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it's extraordinary. just as the campaign is supposed to start in just 6 hours time in just moments ago, there was a press conference with all of the candidates of his presidential election out of the 20 of them. 19 said, despite what present mike you sell is saying they will go ahead and campaign. some of them say what mike, he sells announcement is a constitutional tour, an institutional cool. other say those that support him, that he's actually in fact protecting democracy. we're just outside the party headquarters of kareem wad. greenwald is one of the leading opposition figures in san diego. the constitutional court barred him from running. in this election, his supporters puts a bill in place in parliament to ask for delay in the election. and for an apartment to an investigation and how the candidates were chosen and that crisis of
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trust between the parliament and the constitutional judges led way for president. mark yourself to delay or postpone these elections. and this has had an effect, not just a reaction from the candidates, but also people who are supporters that we spend sancho notably for inside the prison right behind me. we heard that there was an arrest in there at the news that this election is not going to go ahead with ya next. you know, people instead of go a very proud they are very protective of the democracy. so what is the mood and the country all of this announcement? well, look, there's been a tips for now, month, and days and hours that this election campaign with this presidential election, it wasn't going to be like the others before or why? well, because some of the leading speakers are not in the race who spend some co,
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who's been arrested any he is in jail, his stand in a bus or my 5 is also in jail and will be campaigning from jail member of a political party that's banned. then there's a reward that i mentioned that was not allowed to run because he has a dual friends, senegalese citizenship. so is the other female candidate in this race? there are 2 of them. rows were danny was currently in custody also because she has dual citizenship. all of these issues has really brought about a crisis in trust in one of the most stable democracies in the region. and let's not forget the context in which this is happening. there's been a number of coolers in neighboring countries this year. molly regina fast, so all eyes are on this election in the center go there. it has always been a hand over a peaceful hand over power from one president to another. no, president mark you saw is calling on
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a national dialogue before an election can take place. he's waiting for the parliamentary investigation to be under way. he's calling for all the unites in order for these elections to take place. he's saying that he's protecting democracies, but his critics say this is employed for him to cling onto power. yeah, so much at stake, not just for the country, but for the region to next. thank you for breaking all of that down for us. like let's talk live in dot com and you all seen fall is the vice president a set of goals, opposition passed of potty whose lead it was one sancho as we were hearing from nick is currently in prison. she says the delayed vote only serves the interest so the winning potty, the microsoft. he's not doing this for us. microsoft is doing the this against microsoft. i understand the election really been by
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a landslide victory and he wants to stay in power or have someone who is really from his body to be and this is why he's, he plays this kind of games to come and money play to the institutions. and that's basically because it's only because he cannot postpone the election, only the cost to have the concept and then push on the election. we are right now, really a very, you know, dentures. it does have back to now democracy because my concerns not be sticky responsibilities. the i'm of his own is really stepping and really breaking the law . we buy these type of just pay the going to be after this april, 2nd, after april, 2nd lucky solid can no longer be but adults clinic, i think is going to clear enough what we have been saying. let us go to the election and the senate goes choose. why doesn't he wants to do that? 10 hours before the, the, the, the, the, the beginning of the election. because you will lose people out of 60 people. i have the right. what is this when the page, the next, the law?
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what is going on right now instead of going to be, i'm president of the price that is trying to read the text, is to show that the price of this page are, if there's an assumption that you're not, the national assembly i'll probably month was the one that puts down the, the problem with the investigation, which meant the problem with the assumption the cost is 100000 pets function. if it has selected the number of candid that had passed the print, the degree was here. the edison was to put this back to work tonight midnight. so everybody want to do everything is working. this is no time, no right, sounds good for that. no, not, right. not time for election. it's just part time for the no one is actually for the we have gone through a process that really let us do stacking. and actually the process started comparing. this is back, but compared to the kind for level,
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for the still ahead on knowledge of sarah from the pledge of office to set out and scheduled for to the northern on the 1990 is reagan moment at store montez, the pals, sharon government for tenants after 2 years with the republican assess minister of northern ireland, the the hello that tied to water restrictions are now in place across the north, east of spain. the place is like a boss, elona that's off to an emergency. drought was declared. we haven't had significant rain here for a box, it's 3 years and it is looking rather spring like with very high temperatures for this time. if you have any account in the sky that no rain in sight that thanks to high pressure, which is still in charge on sunday in to monday,
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keeping things allows me settled across the western and southern areas. still some foggy issues for an oven. pots is easily, but an improving picture for the southeast, for greece and turkey. here, that is, that area of low pressure bringing some very heavy rain to pots of scotland, much more breezy, but cloudy down in the south brightness coming through luxury quiet across the west . but you can see that system pushing its way further east bringing wintery conditions across scandinavia and onwards to the baltic states. but in terms of temperature as well, it is looking laundry, miles, london, and powers in to double digits that over the next few days, that was pushes its way for the east. and we will see a lot of that ones come back in to athens and still launch the above the average 21 degrees on tuesday of the meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year. we source
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that change, it became clear at that point, but we really were in that kind of a new era of a nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of walking fishermen, cabbages, it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b, a. i series on a jersey though. the latest news, as it breaks the old and garza has left thousands of students across this trip in limbo. the disruption will lead to a last generation among the young people here with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has been witnessing a severe shortage of medicine for more than 3 months. now, from the heart of the story. many people here say that in order for as well. so we main united. nothing. yeah, we'll have to go the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just say all the me elizabeth donovan, doha reminder of our top stories. this house voc, yvonne and sylvia of accusing washington of destabilizing the middle east. the us says it's farmed, 85 ron link targets in iraq and sylvia can at least 16 people. it's in response to a drawing attack on a us face and jordan last. we can that killed 3 american soldiers. is very forces have killed at least 26 pounds demands. and as troy from central and southern adolfo, over the 100 people have been killed since friday. and the senegalese president monkey saw his announce the indefinite postponement of the presidential election.
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that was scheduled for february 25th. president saul size of the dispute for the list of election candidates. the united arab emirates says it will allocate $5000000.00 to fund the u. when's agency for palestinian refugees, salacious, and in group of countries that have increased donations of to major dollars including the us and bush and suspended from doing. this comes off to is around a to 6 of the $15000.00 on the employees of allegedly taking costs and the october the 7th attack on southern israel elliot, portable in spain, pipes to continue financing the agency, which is a lifeline for palestinians in gaza. and the region well, since the beginning of the will is one has been pushing palestinians in gaza, also they homes and towards the southern border today and alpha in the south side or the crowded, the u. n. is describing it as a pressure cooker of despair. an estimated 1900000 people are crammed in to just 65
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square kilometers. was mostly our land bordering egypt. that is 5 times the regions population before the wall. so you and says most people are living and make shift 10 sort of falls to sleep rough and went to, they don't have access to food. morsa medicine, many a sick and on the brink of famine, only 6 out of 19 bakeries, the operational and drama. that's to feed hundreds of thousands of people. there are a few health centers in the field hospitals, but that's not nearly enough to treat tens of thousands of engine palestinians. and now is there on has intensified its attacks and rough uh, and its defense minister has about to expand the military campaign. there is an indication that things could get a lot worse for the displays. palestinians would know where left to go. now joining us on the phone from the rafa is dr. so it'd be scary. he's the director general of the turkish friendship hospital. thank you very much for your time. firstly, can you tell us about the conditions in the hospital that you are in
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a good evening for him? first of all are you. ready yes, we all need real time with my dish. i'm curious. a lot of patients has need to get did a lot of things have the patients to be given. garrett, a very simple, good in the on the very simple house because in the rafa which is called now get healthy done. oh yeah, i mean and has to be none of that. it needs to be forced to leave a lot of hospital because they're supposed to be 13 and we have the marriage certificate to the new. and as i said, i'm house because or also we have be forced to leave that place because being thought here again. and then we have been distributing a lot to consider that there's a lot of stuff it's the cities don't seem to either one of them. it is on $1.00 and
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$1.00 is one in that offer you. ready don't already have to be and also said with i units is out of sadness and now we are old enough. i am by all in your offer. i am needing that you know, own, on the 10000 patients. mostly, mostly the are being the very simple data and this very simple hospitality in and, and, and then the, they all thought you from this and the we are on the, i've been, you know, and just sharing our colleagues indeed clinic over a 1000000 in the clinic many smaller space and we kind of the kind of to all the, you know, and it just came in the big amount of patients coming up with a 103 or little things to the hospital. so we are thinking to shift to some other place. okay. just another small display and take on a hold of me because i think that we couldn't provide some service to our patients to really our patients in a very miserable condition. yeah, the industry,
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can you tell us more about that condition? can you tell us firstly, about the, the capabilities of your hospital, how much of it is currently functioning? how many patients are seeking treatment? they're okay. yeah. and mainly we are receiving if i'm seeing about now that is 10150 base house. anybody the smallest space and the very crowded costs because those space on 3320, and some of them being admitted to the small house with them. and some of them are giving on the only thing to my, to get treatment from santa to the treatment. unfortunately, we are having no concept of medications in gaza or not on this, but also we are not having the facility cuz today at last we are 4 months now. was on god a lot, he's tobacco, let's just, i would look that big number of them already has been killed. our infrastructure
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does have been destroyed. model is completely no medications to all, lot of patients and they're just to be receiving our page homes anyway. just a, via the data being to, to you to give some students a month to get treatment. and yeah, the most important issue now is to right to receive those for them to be treated abroad. and there is no in the near no, no secret f. i am saying that more than 2700 patients, we have everything for the 10, if it on a bureau, outside the god. but unfortunately, up to now no more than $4460.00 only for them to have them 100. already has to be put on said outside. yeah, that's the yeah. and then 3 did for the this is judy. sure. yeah, absolutely. full 100. have been able to go aboard for treatment. you're saying
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that's out out of 2700 that you've returned with referrals for. and we know that the number of injured in gaza is more than 60000. you spoke about needing to transfer patients from the hospital, you know, to another medical facility. but just how difficult is that given the is really attacks and the fighting that's going on and gaza as well. yes it's, it's a little tricky lucian, definitively, our inject patients need to be treated in a couple of places and just hit the pulse because you're not to save lives percent . let's just say i'm lucky if i could be st. didn't them? but i want to contact this on to really be, i'm dying a day and night. unfortunately, also as providing services all are so we are being kind of get too much like a lot fish on coming out. this one's coming to please doctor. we need to have somebody because we are dying, we cannot do anything. i am not joking about the most times really daily living. so it's condition with a lot of patients. i would have been trying to out of the contact patients if as
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a non to old, if not the given it so, but a grievance against the concept. the concept is be invading the body died. so our contact fish on the other day because of the disease name might be thought to get on the bumps on the at houses buying by the poverty degree. but the conditions you're looking for or something like that face of like are the people in god and the who we are having about one on one menu on monday help me already. and the industry used to be honest, smoked in, to be honest and very on the 150 ocean. so the other day in your city, kind of those concepts patients. yeah, definitely. i'll let him just visual the need. the good see it on the best of good . and it's, it's a, it's a good just, it's, it will, you will have to speak to the china just to go all the international community. all the monitoring come towards it, please. nick, a lot of positions have the rights to go abroad. not does that even have no, is it having no infrastructure to be treated?
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so the are to be treated like any human being here over there? right? yes. to be given the chance to be treated. the things that through your, to the owners expect the people that i'm sure or people out of the you know, i didn't, i think yeah. good about you guys are lucky please. we need an action. we need an action on talk to you. same guys that people seem to hire on the see if he's getting go because of the giving us the, the strongest of detection. this is nicole 40 the because all of us, i think, the national community, i'm sure the out a little bit. all right, dr. selby skate the director general of the tech is friendship hospital without you very much for joining us. live from that off on telling us more about the great difficulties facing medical workers, the entire health care system. thank you so much. i the 10s of thousands of protest as what a rallying and london cooling for an immediate cease fire and gaza joined. the
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house has moved from the bushes capital. it is very large of its kind through central london calling for an end to the war on gaza. for testers, now filling wide hole this week to screeches on the edge apartments where right the seat of government here. and in fact the message clearly and as much as the government is relative pressure at the end. it's more on gaza as it is aimed at the produce government, the ways to get support israel and this war on god. very important to feel the pressure on the government because they're one of the boards, the genocide results for you. okay. do you, as the support is, was cannot do anything for the mix of group. so the organization is represented here, calling for a cease fire now, but also people are supposed to do expressing their concern and alarm and the
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possible implications in the region of this was the potential for it, spilling out and affecting other countries. and remember, this is the 1st march, since the international court of justice in the hague last month issued its preliminary judgment pulling on his route to take any actions that could lead to genocide that's represented here as well. i just watch the thing. i love the police presence of around a 1000 offices policing they smocks, but warning that over signs of mt jury sentiment or indeed pro hamas sentiment may be faced with the rest of the crowd. now those overwhelmingly faced joe know how to 0
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the vic conbal accounting protests as opposed to illegal immigration is making its way to different parts of the us. mexico border organizers pay the number of migrants illegally crossing into the us has reached record highs. the critics of the conway warry, it could fuel anti immigrants sentiment. hi, diego castillo is joining us from the city of k moto and texas, where many producers have gathered. and what are people that telling you heidi about why they're taking off in this country? yeah, elizabeth is conway's name. it is take our border back and they've also called themselves the army of god. there's some about 1000 people who have been in these 300 or so trucks and other vehicles that drove here many thousands of kilometers to you go past taxes. that's next to came out of where we are now. and that has been the epicenter and what many of calls is my rent prices. and the last year they're more
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than 6000000 encounters between border patrol agents and people try to cross the border without authority. so that number may account for multiple times as well. and that's got these protesters very angry. most of these people are conservatives, most are supporters of former president, donald trump. they've come here with their banners and with their flags saying that they want to secure the board, or that they're here to support authorities who are creating a barrier between the united states and the migrants. and that's also caused some local concerned because originally this was advertised as a physical barrier. and there certainly are some members of this convoy who came with their weapons. we saw police searching through a car just outside of this rally. remove a very large files. and as a precaution, local officials here had actually moved my friends to recently arrived in this country away from the shelter. that's a nearby eagles house to further away areas. these are the people who just, you know, a few steps from here, right in the mexico border,
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had been crossing the real gram with their children, with their hopes of escaping poverty or violence in their home countries. mostly in central america and south america. crossing razor wire and now to this reception and also to the state police weapon resting them in texas. the supporters here, these rally are say that that is what should happen. they say they are angry at the current situation. oh, it's really concerning. i mean, it's the turn upon all of our major cities, texas, especially, i mean this is the front door and they're everywhere here in texas and like, i don't know how they can do something like this without even having a plan. heidi, this protests taking place in an election. yeah. just how much of an issue is this? the voices yeah, we have are many trump rallies,
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and really those have that same sort of seo. these are certainly a former president trump base and they are probably also for claiming their support for him in this year's presidential election. they say that the border is quote, open due to president biden. they say that that with allowing all these people to come across and claim asylum. so by that himself says that he's done everything that he needs and asking congress to pass a bill to more fund border security. that's going to stop in the divided congress. as of now and neither party subject and trump has been supported, love this take back our board or convoy. you originally had toyed even would come in here in person that ultimately did not happen. but certainly we know this issue, border security integration from health him in his 2026 team went to the white house and many of his supporters here are hoping that the same issue went again this year. heidi, thank you very much for that to how does your cost to have
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a portion line from k moto and texas as a state of emergency has been declared in chalet because of dozens of wall fires. at least 19 people have been killed in the central and southern areas, with a number of casualties is expected to rise. fireflies is the best thing. move along to places. being fueled by dry conditions and so on. temperatures is to look at the product. we don't want money, we want them to give us something so that we can continue living on all that. i don't want money from the government. i want them to give me my little house so that i can live brazil is to begin a vaccination campaign against the mosquito borne den gave virus softer, a sharp increase in cases of the potentially deadly disease. cases in the 1st week of january, double the compared to the same period last year. brazil will become the 1st country in the world to offer a den, a vaccine through the public health system. the fumigation of streets, homes, and offices is also taking place. the lead on the news,
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our mass process across germany for the 3rd weekend condemning, growling rice going extremism. the low neils rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deputy fires. increasingly, with through them in the face of man made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all the plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey challenging place to work from as a journalist. even though you can't do it,
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it's not allowed to appreciate you are always pushing a boundaries for we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the, [000:00:00;00] the hold on a 150000 protest as a rally that germany's parliament to condemn what they say is right when extremism similar approach has have taken place across the country. for a 3rd, we can, dominic cane has this report from the then all these people believe they represent
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a majority view in this country, which they say is disgusted by the far right policies of the alternative to germany . if day they accuse us of wanting to deport migrants who become naturalized as germans. the policy leadership denies that these demonstrators, i'm not convinced it just became neutralized recently and the civil are trying to take home from me. i'm germany radian, i came to germany or on 8 years ago, and i have already lost home to fascist. i don't want to lose a 2nd. what the ways of mice protests was provoked by would have a meeting held at this building and puts them in the event when leading members of the if day and other permanent right wing is reported to have discussed. the d pull taishan policy known in german as was they me cut soon. a policy lawyers say is
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unconstitutional and which many people associate with not one, i'm always tells me why the protest is used. the phrase never again is now. academics never again now is decisive for the people because a 2 percent says you don't want to have national social and they, they feel that they are since here in the endeavor to correct this democracy to destroy this democracy, to make a racist state with all the problems and civil war they, they, they think they will have it, and this is the reason why they are so why is this and never again now associate, that phrase was also used in parliament against the if day last week from things this angry response from its joint leader maybe is gets the, giving him never again is no. must olson moment, not having state to fund read your house is being set up as a secret service to be used against us. be a position would be a zip piece that we're not in the so you can be lazy, the bible and the social democrats because the mistakes alexys nissan gemini,
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this summer, they just very well make them pay. you are looking forward to that. that's fine. jackson, but i'm the f day is particularly strong in the old east germany, but demonstrations like these do seem to be having an effect at the national level . in early january, the policy was holding around 2324 percent. now that's dropped to around 19 percent, but that still remains as many as 10000000 germans support b i f day. so i'm going to cain houses era bullet as being a historic day in northern ireland for the 1st time of a public and a catholic is leading the devolved administration. it came as a power the as power sharing government return for the 1st time in 2 years. powerful such reports from belfast. i am willing to take off the office of 1st minister, a moving postponed since elections in 2022 and a milestone in
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a far longer history, a bit of conflict, a politician who wants to see a united ireland becoming northern islands. so it's minister. we mark a moment of the quality and the moment of progress, a new opportunity to work and to grow together. confident in that whatever we come from, whatever aspirations are we come on, we must build our future together. so they may know this was a speech about daily governance about infrastructure, public services, and respect for different communities. and in that, michelle knew how to agreement from the new deputy 1st minister. and the main union is d u p, which wants to preserve norman audits place in the united kingdom, a michelle as an irish republican. and i am a very pride unionist. we will never agree on those issues. but what we can agree on as a concert doesn't discriminate on our hospitals and h for next. for the 1st time in years, politicians here may just have captured the mood of people. they were elected this
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of the it's the p version fan or whatever, just work to come and go to the table that there were elected to are far too much oh list on the streets noticed being done for them because they were sort of just the need to work together, concerns remain, know about the capacity of the executive to meet those needs with both unionists on nation list having worked out in recent years. they will be watching close each, see how the 1st minister and the deputy 1st minister, and what together and present of joint united front. it will be difficult because of the hotline unionism and that we've seen in the last 2 years. and the temptation on the site to be pretty hard line as well. and there are no good speeches. the new 1st and deputy 1st ministers both committed themselves to co operation into respect for the other side. they both also know to the landmark nature of this moment in northern islands, long and trouble history. one that still costs
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a shadow over its post conflict. politics. are you close it out? just the re belfast? stay with us. i'll be back in just a few minutes with another phone news bulletin, and you can always keep up to date with all the news on our website that says algebra dot com. the this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are. they are in raise. the listening post
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covers how the news is covered. of the month of august on as ordering a general election on february the 8th with its former later on, gone in prison. many buckets on either asking if the boys will be free and they're without the data for the latest development and deep end analysis. on the morning of january, 18th, 2023, several law enforcement agencies in georgia conducted a rate in a forest and se atlanta protesters had camped in the woods for months to protect the trunk of the land from being bold to build a 90000000 dollar police training center so i was slipping in a hammock with my partner at the time. we woke up around like a maybe quarter till 8 in the morning. several were soleski had travelled from pittsburgh
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to atlanta and joined the protests for the weekend. so we were just laying in bed talking and then all of a sudden we heard and saw just like 15 or so police and full military like combat gear, like with a are 15, is just like coming through the woods directly out us. we're waiting to be put into a transport vehicle, and that's when i heard gunshots, the tension for across the middle east. officials in baghdad, one of the consequences. and the vision after a series of us strikes on iran like targets in iraq. and sylvia, the hello elizabeth, autumn,


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