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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha ha ha on and is of the put on them and this is the new zone life from doha. coming off in the next 16 minutes, yvonne condemns us as strikes in voc and sylvia as a mistake presidential fight against that. the military response isn't always the dozens killed in his way. the attacks on delphi and southern gaza, with hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians of sheltering tens
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of thousands of people taking part in protest in central london and calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza and election uncertainty instead of called president monkey solemn, definitely postponed an upcoming vote to name his successor. i'm going to get a real sca and i'll have the latest sports is asian come post cas, i'll take a step closer to retaining that title. that security dramatic penalty shootout victory ivers back as tons of the best thoughts in the semi finals. russia has called for an urgent meeting of the un security council off to the us bombed iran lin targets in iraq. and sylvia coming and engineering dozens of people vox foreign ministry has formerly protested to washington. at least 16 people, including civilians were killed in a rock by dad. ask us instead on,
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have condemned the attacks, which is of washington of destabilizing the region. the us says it has at least 85 targets in both rock and sylvia, using long range bombers flown from its soil. washington says that's in response to a drawing attack on an army base in jordan last weekend that killed 3 us soldiers. like laugh will begins our coverage this is the aftermath of us. it strikes on all the time in you don't cause and burned out. buildings mark bear with tex took place about 350 kilometers north west of baghdad. getting on the groups links, we run across both dock and serial. long range comments flew directly from the us to carry out the operation. u. s. military forces struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized firearms, islamic revolutionary and article. and another thing is that they sponsor 3 of the
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facilities. our rec for them are in syria. in a statement, the rocky government says it condemns the strikes as new aggression against the rocks sovereignty. sorry, as ministry of foreign affairs says, the attacks full within a series of violations that the us has continued to commit in the country. we went to visit us up and what was the, how the there were us strikes on the residential compound that have buildings occupied by iraq's popular mobilization forces. and then it blew up equipment and rockets stored in these buildings, causing damage to properties and killing people before the in condemning via text runs. interior minister has also warned washington to stop supporting israel. we condense any move against the resistance, we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can't see that with the americans,
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but if they do choose to act wisely, they should stop supporting design is tricky. part washington described the bombings as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly a week ago, 3 soldiers were killed and dozens injured at the military base and jordan, they bodies wherever 10 to the us on friday, us president joe biden promised the response. and now that's been delivered. presumably the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the terrace, which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy and interest that the uranium swell? uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future. some on groups in iraq, all pledging more attacks on us targets in the region. the,
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the white house says it's not king brought a conflict, especially not with the run bus and carrying out these strikes us is juggling, detouring further attacks on his forces with trying to contain regional split of mike level, which is there in a moment. we'll be hearing from our correspondence in baghdad and pay it on. but 1st let's go to our state department correspondent draws and then jordan. she's joining us live from washington dc. and what is the bite and administration saying about the impact of the strikes and the possibility of more roles? and we thought that at this point on saturday we would have received some sort of public damage assessment from sun. com about friday's air strikes on the southern locations in a rock and in syria. more than 85 targets and all but that damage assessment still has not been released. what us officials, team reporters on friday evening here in washington,
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is that they had targeted command and control centers, intelligence centers, weapons of depos or warehouses, logistical and supply chain of facilities. and they also said that while they were doing everything possible to make certain that they weren't targeting civilians, they did assume that as part of these air strikes, some people could be injured or killed. and those would be members, either of the i, r g, c codes forces, all members who are in a rock and in syria, as well as members of affiliated groups that are supported by around. but again, we don't know whether anyone from the u. s. is perspective has actually been injured or killed in this 1st round of air strikes. we also don't yet have any response from the, by the administration about this emergency called from russia to hold an emergency
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un security council meeting on monday. this a call has come out in the past, 90 minutes or so. and france, which now holds the presidency of the security council for february, would have to decide if this can actually be accommodated. and if so, when and how the meeting would take place as well as which countries would be allowed to speak during that meeting. but the important thing is, the bind administration's view is that these a retaliatory attacks will continue. and they may of, in a note that so it has been going after hooting fighters, for example, who, which have been, are interfering with commercial and military traffic in the red sea. but the us hasn't been called up before the security council before now. so this is probably going to be something that will be contentious if indeed it is calendared for monday. all right, rose, thank you very much for that. that's our state department correspondent with what we do know. so if i live in washington,
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dc vox popular mobilization full set, at least 16 of its members were killed in the us strikes, flashes and metix are among the dead on the high, shall report from back that the rocky gold messes in a very difficult and insensitive position, but i wonder if it's started you process, maybe the full stuff that you bought is hitting it, bobby, within the government, which is the popular mobilization forces that all of the same time i last violate the solvency of the rocky. this is, you know, the reason why the rocky government reacting with issuing har statements, denying doctor's house for the night guard the issues with the us over these price allowed the safe on condemning, dislikes and stuff. but this is the only thing the government can do, especially that it's already engaged with the united states and a long discussion negotiations over the. the next phase
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of the us present senior rock, which is kind of the on the, the call ation call ition to 5. i see that there are a sam. so i for to find a way whereas the united states forces can leave the country. this is what the government was saying here, invest on this was sent about is instead on the one is on the reaction to the strikes as the twenty's much softer than expected. so at 1st the saying that is a tax or. busy a clear way, elation or iraq's, and celia has 70 and territorial integrity. and these are mistakes being repeated by the usa. and it will not does that tests will not produce any positive results, but just further escalate the tension. then to say that is that x or sort of mean 3 is read. i don't see that i can do as a more and more in the region which is increasing the possibility of a, of a y,
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the war which both countries you run and just say repeatedly have said that this is something that they do not want. then also the run in statements or fission. stevens are seeing that the root cause of the cries is, is not this resistance groups you run outlined to groups that goes to region by design is regime and if occupation of palestine. so, but when it comes to whether there has been any damage inflicted on you running an infrastructure admitted to the infrastructure in the last night to attack, there is no mention, there's no with newer evidence to them. and if there has been any running nationals or military personnel that they're being killed, there is no reference to that as well. they're completely ignoring that part. so, and if you're on is going to be tied to it or not, no mention of that as well. and people familiar to the issue are seeing that the reason for these kind of tone is that you run is trying to distance yourself sort
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of this is resistance groups. and also trying to diffuse a passion and to de escalate the situation. and you as full. so said have destroyed $6.00 and $2.00 ship cruise missiles being prepared for launch in the red sea. american and bushes full system carried out similar attacks and government following the series of hope. the attacks early am the media reported strikes and the city of holiday the, the whole face had their attacks on ships linked to israel's, our response to as well and gaza. well home is that at the report from the many capital. so now it is a to strikes that i've been cleared out by the british and american. the air forces have target and the i a dreamy which are to coastal towns or of the day to see a city in the, in the, in the southern parts of the data city the,
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the method because the 2nd time the says cause to be targeted to the of to after i've, i've co, just the, sometimes we are, we haven't heard about the top bombardments in the city of for who data, according to the late of the out these. and he, he said in his latest speech that to the us and british bombardment couldn't affect the ability to continue there. i did a tax on that on the amount of time that is really deleting to, towards the, the port city of the ports. busy israel, so the, the, the said of you will continue their, uh, their uh, operations until the left of the siege. and the guys then also the um and to the, to the is really uh, a glitch in on guys uh, according to, to their statements in your opinion. union says it's concerned about the escalation of as well as one, gaza. the top diplomat, joseph burrell, says there is
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a domino effect with wide interrupting and 11 on vol. sylvia and the red sea we are leaving the critical situation to meet, at least on the whole region, no longer just. and as far as the war you guys are continues, it's very difficult to believe that the situation is a delta t would improve. because one thing is related with the other is a domino a domino effect to region. and as well as continuing its attacks in southern gaza at least 26 palestinians have been killed into s strikes, cutting a lopez holiday on his lawn warning that there are distressing scenes in her report . for the morning, the dead has become a part of the daily life. osmond bid farewell to his 8 year old son,
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one of several palestinians killed by his really airstrikes and bravo in southern gauze, up here, benches outside hospital grounds become make shift mugs for families, prepare loved ones for period of the board or the my son. this with golf now he left me here alone, all these rain. these are killing our children and that women were not wanted people to tool. we just want to go to work and come back home nearly 4 months since a israel's world garza family. stay there. desperate and exhausted, this is i'm in the sleep on those in jamalia. so we move to con eunice. we've a targeted again and, and wasi. we then came here to russell, but the attacks continue when the bombing started. i couldn't breathe, i was screaming. so how this has become routine for civil defense and rescue cruise
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taking the injured to barely functioning hospitals, hoping they'll be treated. and so far inside conditions are dire. the floor often replaces hospital. that's the age shortage, crippling guns that is evidence and the fuse healthcare facilities still able to offer services and this is what's left of their neighborhood. much of it now destroyed. israel has intensified. it's a tax on for offering the south near the border with egypt. it's the city where is really forces order posted is to go the city where israel said they'd be safe. now, hundreds of thousands of people who are forcibly displays some of them repeatedly, have nowhere to go. nowhere to find refuge out of the month is that i'm a i'm still in shock. we were told the raffle was safe,
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but it's not. my mother was killed in these attacks enough please, i just can't talk anymore. let me just go to the those who survive. the bombings, we've loved ones who didn't and wonder what more israel's were wrong, cause a will take from them. caught see a little bit. so the yen. how does their let's go live now to our correspondent products of wisdom. he's joining us from alpha and the is ready as to like, sufficing, very much continuing across the strip sonic. yes, that's a awesome right, elizabeth especially if that had gotten in the last our roof. i had been targeted by the use of 85 to just sit in the eastern parts again over a 5 district. and today we have been clearly a c dot to the user. the forces had been widely attacking the eastern areas of roughly, especially in a cell i'm neighborhood. that is one of the areas that is also
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a jason to the city of hon. you and us till now. the ongoing bombardment did not stop in the city or rough uh, has the sound of the east, very surveillance of drugs and 5 digits could be clearly overhead a midnight whit. palestinians are completely right now taking shelter in the max. the mass filters in the most and the mass makes shift areas that they have been living inside and bomb. it also have calling you to city had been going on within the past few hours where they have targeted. the facility of the european hospital were an impulse, palestinians being injured and killed in that strike and different departments of the rookie and hospital had been partially inflected with the scrap. and those that had been hitting the buildings that is due to the destruction of one of the fuel station that is close to the european hospital in the city of han, you to send. this is a part of the genocide, the military campaign that had been lost by his read on the southern part of calls this trip as well for having concerns about the next step that these really forces
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might take. especially if they wanted to transfer the bottles into start the practically ground included into route to reflect the district as wonderful as what we have been seeing. within the past 24 hours, they have been intensifying. the military attacks are rough. i especially in the eastern part, which consider it to be the main stop point for any possible brown with the invasion in order to take full control over a fy 16 and thought of as you speak about an intensification of as well as military operations. in rough uh we have to remember that this is where at least hundreds of thousands of people have escapes to, to try and get away from the flashing elsewhere and gaza. so how difficult his life been now are now this is the safe zone that's almost out of city is right now are taking refuge in science, but the officer, 2 sets of calls is population and also residential buildings for
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a completely or partially destroyed as people here are completely going through drastic humanitarian conditions um, at the very deep shortage of food medical supplies on the daily struggle to get access to few drinkable water as the people here inside the roof, i have become a completely traumatized that due to the wide scale attacks of course cause a strip and the endless a relentless bombardment of the southern parts of the territory. now people who are living and make shift shelters, some of them are living in the open. especially those who have good recently arriving from con eunice, running away from the compartments by these, by the forces. and they are completely struggling to have to just especially that do you like to mention have been saying that the southern parts of cause and generally, palestinians here are suffering from an acute food insecurity as every day is considered to be a new struggles for them to survive in light of the very limited amount of
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humanitarian supplies being delivered into kansas trip through rough i pushing due to the fact that is where this is still imposing restrictions on for delivery in to cause or at least the track that the speeds a is will be delivered and there are still people in the roof. i do not find any place in order to live in. i'm at the very crowded areas that have been completely inside draft. now people here are also struggling to have a treatment, especially the hospitals are working beyond its capacity um, its ongoing medical pressure. all these facilities due to the widest scale attacks that have been carried off in the south, especially to the injuries are arriving from con, noticed the roof, and also due to the increasing number of evac to reason, dis, very densely populated area, thought it. thank you very much for that. that is tonic of a was the with the situation in alpha unless they utilize it out and it says it will allocate $5000000.00 to fund the u. n's agency for palestinian
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refugees. it is the latest and in groups of countries that have increased donations off the major donors, including the us and version suspended funding. this comes off to israel to success of the $15000.00 on what employees of allegedly taking cost and the type of 7th attack on southern israel earlier portrait than the spain such to continue financing the agency, which is a lifeline for millions of palestinians. garza and the region of the beginning of as well as role has besieged and attacked hospitals and gaza. the impact on sick and injured palestinians has been devastating. now some is ready for instance, have withdrawn from the know or from the scale of israel's assault on the health care system and the strip is becoming clear. here's what one journalist documented at the helm of hospitality rehabilitation and artificial limbs, and northern garza the
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5 people have been arrested at a protest instead of a demanding b. l. sting of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, of his handling of the gauze of wool and announced a demonstration in the city. hundreds of people are asking the government to do more to ensure the return of all the remaining captives held them. this trip. well, i'm a jump jim is inside of eve at that demonstration, organized by the captain's families at a time when there is more and more speculation is real about the potential for a cease fire that would see a release of is rarely capital engaged in exchange for perhaps thousands of palestinian prisoners being released. this is the process that happens every week, every saturday, outside of the ministry of defense, which is over here. these, this protest is organized by relatives of those capt is being held in gaza. now, when this protest started, shortly after october 7th, it was more of
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a sign that protest this area behind us. this is now known as hostage square. and this is where the relatives come. sometimes they grieve. nowadays, they call on the government to do more to ensure the release of their relatives, those captives that are being held in gauze of what we're hearing tonight, even though it's a smaller crowd than it has been in the last few weeks overhearing tonight is people being more vocal being a bit more critical of the government say, this is the time the time is now to make sure those captains are released. we also worked in some speakers. it said that while they know that there are 2 objectives to the war, one is to eliminate to how, how much the other one is to get those captive release. and they say that that is what's the most important goal of all i mentioned to me under the calories,
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tens of thousands of protest valid in london quoting for an immediate cease fire and gaza. it is the latest of the series of demonstrations in various capital cities to condemn, as well as war. and to edge is really government and now more humanitarian aid and to gaza. john hall has moved from london. it is very large of its time through central london calling for an end to the war on gaza for testers. now feeling white, whole this week to screeches on the edge apartments where right the seat of government here. and in fact, the message clearly and as much as the government is rel, depression, which ends it's more on gaza as it is aimed at the british government to raise to get support israel. and this war on god, very important to feel the pressure on the government because they're one of the
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boards in the neighborhood, the side result buquet. do you as the support is, was cannot do anything i requested mix group. so the organization is represented here, calling for a cease fire now, but also people i've spoken to expressing their concern and alarm at the possible implications in the region of this war, the potential for it spilling out and affecting other countries. and remember, this is the 1st march, since the international court of justice in the hague last month issued its preliminary judgment pulling on his rail to pay any actions that could lead to genocide. that's represented here as well as watching the low key police presence of around a 1000 offices policing this march. but warning that over signs of i do jury
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sentiments or indeed pro how my sentiments may be faced with arrest the crowd. now those overwhelmingly, please don't know how i'll just here on monday. the 12, the news out and set of goals. president mark yourself has postpone the election that was due on february the 25th. he saw that a dispute over the list of election candidates just senior degree. i've signed a degree of february, 3rd 2020 for repealing that of november 29. 2023. can reading the electro body. as for me, by some commitment not to run for the presidential election remains on change. and finally, i will initiate an open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent, and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciling. sending garter nicholas hawk has moved from the center
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of the lease capital, the com. they were just outside the presidential palace. that's just a few blocks behind the. it's highly secure. there's police in right here here, but also across the nation. there's been a call from those candidates to go out and protest tomorrow. this decision taken by president mackey sell. now microsoft is calling for a national unity dialog before and election dates can be put in place, but what he effectively he has done is cancel the elections without giving a date of when this is going to take place. he says, the country cannot afford or not another crisis, a doubt in the electoral process. and we have to understand that this comes after months of instability where we saw the leading figures of the opposition arrested. we saw a riots on the streets from his supporters and the ballooning here to waste of my
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sancho an election where 3 of the candidates, a 3 major figures are in prison. one of them is campaigning from his jail, from his prison cell in order to become the president of this country. so really, really the circumstances that are unusual for synagogue, and that's why he says that natural dialogue is needed to rebuild trust in the democratic process. but we have to remember the context in which this is happening . we are in a region where there's been a series of cruise, where there's growing distrust towards the democratic process and but sending go is the most stable democracy in the region. all eyes on what's going to happen in this country. it to see if he is able to rebuild trust between the people and it's democratic institution. and the politicians meant to represent them. that's been a start date in northern lot and for the 1st time and then the violence,
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republican sion fame potty is leading the default administration hire full search report from belfast. i am willing to take off the office of 1st minister, a moment postponed since elections in 2022 and the milestone in a far longer history is bitter conflict. a politician who wants to see a united ireland becoming northern islands. so as minister, we mark a moment of equality and a moment of progress, a new opportunity to work and to grow together. confident in that whatever we come from, whatever aspirations are we come, i mean most fellows are feature together. so they may know this was a speech about daily governance about infrastructure, public services, and respect for different communities. and in that, michelle knew how to agreement from the new deputy 1st minister. and the main union is d u p. which wants to preserve north, the mountains place in the united kingdom, a michelle as an irish republican. and i am
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a very pride unionist. we will never agree on those issues. but what we can agree on as a concert doesn't discriminate on our hospitals and h for next. for the 1st time in years, politicians here may just have captured the mood of people. they were elected this of the p version fan or whatever just worked to come and go to the table that they were elected to are far too much old list on the streets. noticed being done for them because they weren't instagram, sorta just the need to work together concerns you may know about the capacity of the executive to meet those needs with both unionists. i'm not sure list having worked out in recent years. they will be watching close each, see how the 1st minister and the deputy 1st minister, and what together and present of joint united front. it will be difficult because of the hotline unionism that we've seen in the last 2 years. and the temptation on
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the site to be pretty hard line as well. and there are no good speeches. the new 1st and deputy 1st ministers both committed themselves to cooperation into respect for the other side. they both also know to the landmark nature of this moment in northern islands, long and trouble history. one that still costs a shadow over its post conflict. politics. are you close it out? just the re belfast? still ahead on, i'll just say are people in south carolina had to the polls. diversion, this is 1st contest for the democratic presidential nomination. more than one jo invite is expected to brief through a convoy vehicles opposed to illegal immigration as making its way to the us and mexico and forward to and around reach the 2nd straight, asian cop semifinals to the expense of japan job and have the best of the action and the i
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had a lot of the types of water restrictions now in place. of course the north east is paying for places like a buffalo now that's off to an emergency. drought was declared. we haven't had significant rain here for a box for 3 years, and it is looking rather spring like with very high temperatures for this time. if you had barely a cloud in the sky that no rain in sight that thanks to high pressure, which is still in charge on sunday into monday. keeping things allows me settled across the western and southern areas still from fog issues, from northern parts of easily, but an improving picture for the se, for greece and turkey. here that is, that area of low pressure bringing some very heavy rain to pots of scotland, much more breezy, but cloudy down in the south brightness coming through luxury quiet across the west . but you can see that system pushing its way further east spring a wintery conditions across scandinavia and onwards to the baltic states. but in
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terms of temperature as well, it is looking large any mile to london and power as into double digits that over the next few days, that will pushes its way further east. and we will see a lot of that ones come back in to athens and still laundry, above the average of 21 degrees on tuesday. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the demand for mental health support is quite to know then at any time in history, that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough. oh use that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark,
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what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready. and in jamaica, we ask you a bunch of mushrooms, everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well. stay with i know and the product and all of psychiatric mining since episode full. oh no. does he have the, the, the, to watching out of the all the main as of a put on and does have a mind to about top stories. the solid rock, yvonne and syria,
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are choosing washington of destabilizing the middle east. the us is it's bombed $85.00 around the targets in rock and sylvia kind of at least 16 people. it's in response to a drawing attack on a us space and jordan loss. we can get killed, 3 american citizens is very full. so those have killed at least $26.00 palestinians . and strikes of central and southern dasa. more than 100 people have been killed since friday. the us and the u. k. have launched more as strikes in yemen, mahatma that i thought is in the you have any capital sign i is joining us on the phone from the what are you hearing about the strikes, the who these are saying that the capital has been targeted. a yes, good is sure a cost was the last day that the positives, uh, i'm about to, to, to in some idea about the, the mountain which is we saw that along with the mountain to over
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because ha. busy ha, the we call the district to reach a district. the thing about the strikes on the, did you uh, to be a site is from 0 to a valid. i'm dog 8. it strikes. and i have found it the i'm the 2 cases in the guys which are the hi i'm, i'm a so the i get via di. busy the city of guys did you get when you call the guy to be able to, to actually get what you've got positive bad data. did you have the time to be distressed differently? uh no. so i'm the yeah. which i along because to i'm in the get
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to the village. if i did that, somebody that you got this could be a bit cheaper to to, to an old people, or would you give somebody a chevy outside the i guess the, the, the region which is the, the cultural. yeah. yeah. yeah. be the cheese. it is, all right, so i have that. i didn't mention too. okay. mohammed, i apologize. we don't have a very good audio connection with you. so we will work on establishing a better connection. but for now that is mohammed i thought, and he was mentioning the number of places in yet, and that has been hit by us strikes. let's go to our state department correspondent draws and then jordan. she's joining us live from washington dc. and it has been a confusing picture, hasn't to ross because
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a couple of hours ago we had reports of us, a brochure strikes on who the targets for who these carrying out attacks to ships linked to israel and the red sea. but now we're hearing of a possibly different type of targets in yemen. what are you hearing or and that's the dilemma because we're not certain whether that statements that came from sun. com in the last couple of hours is indeed referring to what is actually happening on the ground as we were hearing from the corresponded air. and so now the statement that came out from sun com earlier on saturday indicated that us of the, that us forces targeted strikes in self defense mode against 6 who the anti ship cruise missiles that were preparing to watch a guest vessels transiting the red sea. now this was
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a separate incident in which the us only talked about american strikes being carried out. what we are now seeing from both the associated press and from reuters is that apparently, according to to us officials, both countries have launched airstrikes on at least 10 locations. 30 targets said to be who the targets in and across german. apparently, these air strikes are being carried out by among other things, u. s. navy f, a 18, a fighter reach out. and we don't know whether or not any of these targets have actually been hit. where there any people have been injured or killed. we don't know whether this is in fact a separate incident, but it's starting to look as if it might be sent. com itself has not put out any recent comment since people started reporting airstrikes and explosions across human on saturday evening roles. thank you very much for that. that is our state
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department correspondent, rosalind jordan, joining us live from washington dc on those laces us strikes and in yemen, which we think might be in retaliation to the drone attack on us soldiers. the georgia tech that killed 3 us soldiers on the jordan and syria border 3 last weekend. and now the race for the white house has arrived in south carolina, a democratic primaries kick off on saturday and with little opposition voters are expected to choose president joe biden. as the candidate is likely to face off against former president donald trump in november, the south carolina's context. clint contest could also some clues to how that final volume to shaping up if to some denford reports. hello, south carolina, south carolina is hosting the 1st democratic primary withdrew biden's name on the
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ballot for the truth is, i wouldn't be here without the democratic voters this outcome, and that's a fact. the biden camp has chosen the south eastern state for its and no bureau primary, instead of the traditional iowa and new hampshire. the goal is to give greater influence to a state that reflects america's racial and economic diversity. south carolina has one of the highest percentages of black voters in the country. a quarter of it's a legible voters are black, with a population of 5000000. it's also among states with the lowest household income and levels of education. south carolina does not have party registration, meaning it's primaries open tool. eligible voters are free to cast their ballots in the democratic contest as long as they do not vote in the republican primary. joe biden is running against 2 other candidates congressmen, dean phillips, an offer. marianne williamson for the incoming president is all that assured of the
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nomination. though chances, the democrats will take the traditionally republican state come november, are slim. we need a fire to stand up to the left who can stand up to the swamp. stand up to the media, stayed up to the deep site, but results here could set the tone for the rest of biden's campaign. back in 2020 black primary voters, deliberate, a big win for joe biden, giving momentum to struggling presidential bid raises. donald trump is a low and you are the reason a. we're going to wait. it'd be to me again. despite poll suggesting mixed reviews of the bite and administration among black americans. democrats, a hoping for signs of the same success they had here 4 years ago. right. so if this i'm getting food, i'll just 0. that's go to mike hannah,
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he's joining his life on columbia. and south carolina and this isn't really a competitive election, mike, so why is it so important to buy it? and then the democrats it'd be the is competition, but it is not competitive. the 2 other candidates don't stand a chance. in fact, joe biden has not referred to them whatsoever during his campaign speeches, but this is a very important crime. we, for the democrats, what they are looking at 1st of all, is the to the knowledge. how many vote does go to the polls, and in particular, how many black voters within the state go to the polls now we just received some statistics which are very interesting. indeed, the state democratic party says that in the early an absentee voting mold in 76 percent of the ballots. cost of come from that quote is now that they say it's 13 percent. all black vote is and they were at this time in the 2020 the primary. so here hearing that the of the 51000 early votes cost including absentee ballots,
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more than 6100, came from voters who had not voted in a prime. we before, so this is a new block of both to is coming into the primary. and this stage is very good news with joe biden. very good news for the democrats, because it does show a search and support at this particular point. you have really interesting, mike and watching president vitamin system, changing the traditional order of the primaries and pushing south carolina for of the one myself. back to 2020 joe biden came here to south carolina with this campaign in texas. it'd be absolutely something the 1st 2 primaries he was on the job pulling out of the campaign given those 1st 2 results. however, in south carolina, he got the support of a very powerful local congressman. and that pushed him to get the votes. all of a sudden the black boat is a south carolina pulled out back to him and his fortune around. they provided the
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spring board for his success in the primaries, and of course his success of achieving the office of the white house. so this is a very important state for joe biden, and the reason why the democrats have flipped the normal order of primaries is in acknowledgment of this, acknowledging to the people of south carolina what they did last time. and this in their way, is a 2nd to just, just to what happened then and what they hope will happen. now. thank you very much for breaking that down for us, mike. that is my kind of live in columbia, south carolina. now should the border between the united states and mexico and the destination for a convoy the vehicle was caring protest as opposed to immigration organizes so the concerned with the growing number of migrants illegally crossing into the us. the critics of the uh, take out bought a back convoy as it's known, worry that it could fuel anti immigrant sentiment. let's go to our correspondence, heidi joe cost, or she's joining us live from the city of k motto in texas with many protest is had
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gathered earlier. and heidi, what are people that telling you about why the taking part in this convoy a time? yeah, elizabeth, there about some 1000 demonstrators who 12 across the country in this con boy, and they self labeled themselves god's army, which did draw some concern about people who initially said that this would be like a militia like atmosphere. well, now we are a finally near eagle past, which was their destination and it's really transformed into a rally. people are listening to speakers on the stage. they're also voicing their own opinions and they are telling me that they are very worried about the border. there have been more than 300 encounters with migrant attempting to cross this border from mexico into the us just in december alone. and that is a record high, and for more on that we have our guest j fermon, who's running for congress as a republican time candidate. thank you. j. tell me what is the message of everyone here. so how do you, thanks for having me on. so the message here is that americans are trying to bring
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attention to the border. that is not a sovereign border right now. our current immigration rules or lack of enforcement immigration rules are allowing you set it $300000.00 plus people in the last month . and that has been amounting every month that was just in calendars, not all of them were able to enter the country. so and those encounters absolutely . and so those encounters are kind of, you know, split out in different ways. and so amongst that we've had in this last year, 300 of the best figured, talking about before terrace, less people in count as well as the people who we don't know that are coming in, that we're very concerned about. so we don't have a southern border right now, and that's the next, a central threat to america. and what other countries we understand is that it's actually a business right now. and so countries to ourselves are held in front of people to our north and making money along the way. and then there's people on our own country that are profiting on this. i live in germany whenever marketing, welcome to all of the northern rack is the syrians that came in that country and look at the immigration problems they have in europe at the moment. we're looking
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forward to that right now and we're trying to get the message out that what is coming as an unfunded mandate and people that are hiding a months or so receive clothing tara is like, you are experiencing that to. okay, well i appreciate you sharing that opinion. there are a lot of people here though, who have also been been giving this information. i've heard it myself coming from the stage and this vehicle, communicating your message, a god's army pastor and people. some people carrying arms, which i also saw is this the right way to communicate this. so this is americans a central right to free expression. the 1st amendment in america is what sets us apart as a different nation around the world. and i would say, i would tell you that this actually made us the essential nation, the big i'm afraid of, and we're fighting back to that, right? these be people here, feel like our current government is not doing that for us. in fact, they'll tell you that our current government is trying to move the way of anti western movements right now. and so this is one way of social change. in fact, i've seen this happen my military career. i just retired from the navy after 28 years and i've watched population to be pushed into other countries as human bombs
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and within those groups that are really bad actors as we say those born terrace. and as many more that we don't know about that ignite that human bond and cause a, a weapon, a mass migration that really is meant to destroy the country. russia has done this through bell, a, roosevelt j. thank you so much. i'm sorry, we're out of time. here, but as you heard, politics is as much about this rally as it is border policy. and i don't know if the size of the science behind me, but many people here are supporters of donald trump. and they're hoping that immigration, which was the issue that really propels him to the white house of 2016 will help him again this year. the thank you very much for that height is your cost or live in k mato, texas. we have the sports news to head on the news out on the biggest 5 the years back on details coming up until the joe button and donald trump had starkly opposed messages by officer trunk would
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turn the us into a dictatorship. are you sure your car is on? trump's cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out. com is locks and specials and the radical left dogs that live like firm and within the confines of our country. many voters are fed up with high prices and bite and stance on israel's war on gaza as close to decline and support in his own party. trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal combs is elected. trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more. thoughts and feelings in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states, it's likely to be a bitter babel. the
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wife has pompous fault. he is jo, this thank you, defending time. his in house nation cats all through to the same you find as the asian cop, they know top is back has done to advance with the game ending 11 off the extra time, a penalty sheets out was needed to settle things. cast all wedding suits out. 32 at al bate stadium. they face iran in the most for the ratings, but best spot in the 70s with a dramatic when of a japan sign a how many schwartz the game for us a party atmosphere ahead of
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kickoff. as education city stadiums, japanese fans with the store attraction as local residents, and even iranian fans lined up to take photos ahead of the quote. the final step brought together the 2 highest rank size in asia somewhere i knew to city the just before the hall follow the mussel morita with the goal for the full time champions . despite the bright start from japan, iran kept himself in the game. mohammed will he be go to equalize it 10 minutes after the break? the match looked like it was heading for extra time, but in the final 2nd time to see that the penalty is done. boxes quote from the spots to rock up to one when it was iran, supposed to be thrilled with japan in almost 20 years. it was still on expected and it was amazing. like honestly i was so happy the one that 2nd goal, it was like
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a last with a goal which i like honestly we send the year to bring to the top tier. we don't accept the thing. we didn't expect to jump on it on. we didn't expect it on to win because depends on a strong team. so when do it on winter bundled with everyone, operate as their team of mistakes rental and extending 5th tied to it by another date you said you so here is how the last full line up at the asian cops on him in south korea will take on jordan, for support in the final is they look to visit that 1st type. they, when that 1st title and 64 years, that's the 1st time you find one choose day and is followed by a wrong versus council on wednesday. the to the efforts combinations kate, but inside of south africa, all facing of right now in the quotes of finals that it's go list with moments left
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of the 2nd house, ivory coast for the last 4 spots. 5 beating no only to one and a much that so 3 play a central monday, i could say got the windows to the host ation an injury time at the end of extra time, or because to listen to in the competition for the 3rd occasion. the last time was in 2015. it was like drama, forshaw, listen, and taught them an english premier league the present in school to be opened up for spud's against his old team edison. and the false minute of the match. jack harrison leveled to edison before specialist and put them in funds just before the break fits our front twice for to equalize the deep into injury time to salvage points, to edison, who still sits in the validation so possible in a slightly close the gap between themselves and the delete as well, madrid maybe out of as 31 away the leaks the place teen now sits. 7.5 leaders round to try to play the game less rail themselves by city vitals applied to go on
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something violated cases say top of the brands they are in germany, often comfortable. when are the last place? tom said. nathan, tell us, go twice. they find munich by 2 points in his sunday. speaking of buttons, i went and sold down to the c. i mentioned blood bass off the horrible pulse from my loan lawyer allowed me cuz i was ready to tap in from close range a foot fox. oh, how retain school's it? go ahead, go to health. fine. mean it's a $31.00. come back when that was changed. 24. when disease is all the biggest, heavyweight boxing find to be areas back on size and fury will fly. alexander is sick in riyadh on may the 18th. the flight was originally scheduled for later this month, furious promot to really specify to have a caught the books and stuff in training. the fighters who are on be single face each other to decide the 1st on dispute to champion. since lennox lewis in the $2000.00 rug, we team blue
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a $27.00. nothing lead against wales. and the 6 nations opened and called if scotland looked to be cruising off to 43 minutes with a healthy lead, a complacency from scotland and the addition of replacements from huff, thomas williams, fox life into wales is a strict and full successive tries. carried along by capacity proud of 74000. if whales within a point of scotland, but the scots held on twin $2726.00 and to $22.00, you wait for victory in caught, if. meanwhile, england, somebody to fix that against it's lee and the it's, we took a $1740.00 lead into off time, but england tillman. i see the 2nd hoff adding 10 points. it's the by the narrowest of march is $27.00 to $24.00. it stretches in beacon back hold against it's linked to $31.00 straight matches and that is all this vote for now. it is back to this joy. thank you very much for that. and that's it for me. is it the problem for this
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news? our do stay with us, we are back with another full hour of news in just a couple of minutes. thank you for watching the a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time scene one year. we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in that kind of a new era of nobel peace, slower it's maria dresser and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b, a. i series on a jersey though. this is the 1st one i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered in the history of refugee camp in the south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees as my hon. mishaps husband set previously spent a year and administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago connected could still be 90. we suffered a loss because of administrative detention. it would have been easier if you will sentence. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence, walk down any valley here, turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge, according to the palestinian prisoners society around $3300.00 promised indians are
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in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years. surrounded by walls, full of photos to showcase happier times. these women tried to lighten. but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the gentleman is withdrawn him and this is the news online from dough hawk coming off in the next 60 minutes. the region on edge around condemns us as strikes of rock and sylvia as a mistake president joe biden, bowls of the military responds, isn't as a series of as strikes had locations across demons,


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