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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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try to lighten, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comforts to be found. the, [000:00:00;00] the phenomenon is withdrawn and this is the new zone life from dog hawk coming off in the next 16 minutes. reaching on edge around condemns us as strikes of rock and sylvia as a mistake president joe biden bone. so the military response isn't as us a series of air strikes had locations across humans, capital and possibly us lead operation against yvonne link targets is rarely as far as pound rough uh, and southern gaza with hundreds of thousands of displaced palace finance is seeking
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shelter. the race for the democratic nominee for president has been out in south carolina. primary is the underway, promotions of expected to choose job by the next day candidate. we will be live in columbia. the the us and the u. k. have launched another series of strikes against the targets and yemen. washington and london has struck the yvonne back group in the last few weeks off to the who these targeted commercial shipping in the red sea. on friday, the us also bombed around like targets in iraq and syria. iran foreign ministry has iraq's foreign ministry. father has formerly protested to washington. at least 16 people, including civilians were killed in iraq. baghdad, damascus and pet on have condemned the attacks, the choosing washington of destabilizing the region. but us had to 85 targets in iraq and sylvia. it says that we're used by yvonne's revolution regard,
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and it's proxies. washington says dispose of retaliation for a drug, an attack on an army base, and jordan last weekend, which killed 3 american soldiers like leveled against coverage. this is the aftermath of us say, strikes on all the time in, you know, cause and then the buildings mark bear with techs took place about 350 kilometers north west of baghdad. getting on the groups linked. we run across both the dock and syria long range. com is flu directly from the us to carry out the operation. u. s. military forces struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized firearms islamic revolutionary guard. and another thing is that they sponsor 3 of the facilities under rec, for them are in syria. in a statement, the rocky government says that condemns the strikes as new aggression against the
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rocks sovereignty. sorry, as ministry of foreign affairs says, the attacks full within a series of violations that the us has continued to commit in the country. we went to visit us a lot to up what the, how the they were us strikes on the residential compound that have buildings occupied by iraq's popular mobilization forces. and then it grew up equipment and rockets stored in these buildings, causing damage to properties and killing people. before the in condemning via text runs, interior administer has also warned washington to stop supporting israel. we condense, any move against the resistance, we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can't see that with the americans, but if they do choose to act wisely, they should stop supporting design is regina model. washington described the
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bombings as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly a week ago. 3 soldiers were killed and dozens injured at the military base and jordan, they parties wherever 10 to the us on friday, us president joe biden promised the response. and now that's been delivered. presumably, the goal of the campaign is to re establish the terms which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy, an interest that the iranians will, uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future. ah, some on groups in iraq are pledging more attacks on us targets in the region. the, the white house says it's not king brought a conflict, especially not with the run bus and carrying out these strikes. us is juggling,
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detouring further attacks on his forces with trying to contain regional split of mike level, which is their let's get the nations from washington dc and speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly how good kimberly. what are you hearing about the mesa strikes in yemen? so yeah, what we're hearing is, according to the us central command or sent. com as it's often referred to, is the 2nd wave of strikes this time in yemen. following friday strikes in syria and iraq are targeting is 36 different who see targets 13 different locations. what we understand is, in order to continue this campaign of disabling and degrading what the us says are running back to militia groups that have been targeting us and international interest. what they have been going after, weapon storage facilities, missile systems,
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and lodgers air defense systems. as well as radar systems. now we understand that the strikes were lodged from 2 different types of vehicles if you will, the 1st being ships as well as fighter jets. now we're also told that the targets were deliberately selected. they were selected based on the fact that they had in some way been linked to what the united states and its allies say were unrelenting attacks towards us and its allies interest in the region. now we have a statement this just dropped from the secretary of defense, wood, austin, and in it he says, this collective action between the united states and the u. k. send a clear message to the who sees that they will bear the consequence of further consequence. if they do not, and their illegal attacks on international shipping enabled vessels, we will not hesitate to defend lives and the free flow of commerce in one of the world's most critical waterways. and it is important to point out in all of this,
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even as the united states says that it is going to continue this campaign. and now we have seen it in its 2nd wave. it continues to reiterate, but it does not see a broader mid east conflict, nor does it seek direct conflict with iraq. but it is very much an expansion, isn't it? kimberly of us action against groups linked to a wrong coming just over a day after those strikes in iraq and syria. yeah, there's no question about it. i mean that what we've got here is on the 1st night with this campaign, which was friday, we had targets $85.00 in total were hit over of a period of 30 minutes. we had 4 in syria, 3 in a rock. and well, we know that there was an effort to avoid civilian casualties. that was not the case. we did put to the national security council's folks person
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john kirby, a friday evening. the how these targets were selected. they said, and we were told that there was clear in your refutable evidence that these were linked to a tax on us interest when we asked if we could see this evidence, none was provided. and when we asked if this evidence would be forthcoming, we were told that we would just have to trust the us military. and you'll remember that we were told to trust the us military back in 2003, prior to the us invasion of iraq. that intelligence turned out to be faulty. the u . s. military is promising to be more transparent this time around. yeah, kimberly and iraq is saying that civilians have very much been killed in those us strikes and iraq company how to with a nation has live in washington dc. thank you and wrestle says r. as in pet on the more on ron's reaction to the strikes to the point is much
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softer than expected. so 1st the saying that these attacks. busy a clear way nation or iraq sincerely has 70 antenna atoria integrity. and these are mistakes being repeated by the usa, and it will not does that tests will not produce any positive results, but just further escalate the tension. then to say that zip x are sort of beam 3 is rad. i know. see that i can do as a more and more in the region which is increasing the possibility of a, of a y, the war which both countries you run and just say repeatedly, have say that this is something that they do not want. then also the run in statements or just if is, are seeing that the root cause of the crisis is not this resistance groups. you run outlined to groups that goes to region by design is regina and is occupation of palestine. so,
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but when it comes to whether there has been any damage inflicted on you running an infrastructure admitted to the infrastructure in the last night to attack, there is no mention, there's no with newer evidence to them. and if there has been any running nationals or military personnel that they're being killed, there is no record as to that as well. they're completely ignoring that part. so um, if you're on is going to be tied to it or not, no mention of that as well. and people familiar to the issue are seeing that the reason for these kind of tone is that you run is trying to distance yourself. one of these, this is resistance groups and also trying to defuse the passion. and to deescalate the situation. the european union says it's concerned about the escalation of israel's war and gaza that he's taught diplomat. joseph burrell says there was a domino effect with violence of opting and 11 on iraq, silvia, and of the red sea that we are leaving. the critics of a situation that they meet, at least on the whole region,
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no longer just and as far as the war you guys are continues, it's very difficult to believe that the situation is a delta t would improve. because one thing is related with the other is a domino, a domino effect to region. and his role is continuing its attacks and southern gaza at least 26 palestinians have been killed into s strikes. katia lopez, holding on his mourned warning that there are distressing scenes in her report for the morning. the dead has become a part of the daily life. osmond bits farewell to his 8 year old son. one of several palestinians killed by his really airstrikes in proffer and southern gauze. up here, benches outside hospital grounds become make shift marks where families prepare.
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loved ones for period. well the, my son is with golf. now he left me here alone, all these rain. these are killing our children and that women, when a wanted people to tool, we just want to go to work and come back home. nearly 4 months since a israel's oregon's a family stay there, desperate and exhausted. this is the 1st step on those in jamalia. so we move to con eunice. we've targeted again and losey. we then came, had to rasa, but the attacks continue when the bombing started. i couldn't breathe, i was screaming so how this has become routine for civil defense and rescue cruise . taking the injured to barely functioning hospitals, hoping they'll be treated, answer fine inside conditions or dire. the floor
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often replaces hospital. that's the aid shortage, crippling cause that is evidence in the fuse healthcare facilities, still able to offer surfaces and this is what's left of their neighborhood. much of it now destroyed. israel has intensified. it's a tax on for offline the south, near the border with egypt. it's the city where is really forces order posted is to go the city where israel said they'd be safe. now, hundreds of thousands of people who are forcibly displaced, some of them repeatedly have nowhere to go. nowhere to find refuge of the month is that i'm a i'm still in shock. we were told rafa was safe, but it's not. my mother was killed in these attacks enough please. i just can't talk anymore. let me just go to the those who survive. the bombings grieving, loved ones who didn't, and wonder what more israel's were wrong cause
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a will take from them. caught see a little bit of a young. how does their thought a couple of them has moved from rafa and southern gaza. today we have been clearly seeing that to the user, the forces had been widely attacking the eastern areas of rough life, especially in a neighborhood that is one of the areas that it also a decent to the city of hon. eunice till now. the ongoing, the bottom, it did not stop in the city of rough. i has the sound of the is really surveillance of drugs and 5 digits could be clearly overhead a midnight where thomas city ends are completely right now. taking shelter in the max is the mass filters in the mist and the mass makes shift areas that they have been living inside and a bomb. it's also of calling you to city had been going on within the past few hours where they have targeted. the facility of the european hospital were an impulse. palestinians being injured and killed in that s troy can. different
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departments of the rookie and hospital had been partially inflected with the scrub, and those that had been hitting the buildings to it, due to the destruction of one of the fuel station that is close to the european hospital in the city of hon. you to send this is a part of the genocide, the military campaign that had been lost by his read on the southern part of gauze as straight as well for having concerns about the next step that these very forces might take, especially if they wanted to transfer the bottles into start the practically ground inclusion into route to reflect the district as one well as what we have been seeing. within the past 24 hours. they have been intensifying the military attacks of rough. i especially in the eastern part, which consider it to be the main stop points for any possible ground evasion. in order to take full control over a fy 16 to the united alabama. it says that when advocate $5000000.00 to fund the us agency for palestinian refugees is fallacious in a group of countries that have increased donations of to major donors,
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including the us and version suspended funding. this comes off to israel, of hughes 6 ounces of the $15000.00 on what employees of allegedly taking portion of the, of try the 7th attack on southern israel. early of portugal in spain pledge to continue financing the agency, which is a lifeline for millions of palestinians in gaza and the region since the beginning of a soil, israel has besieged and attacked gauze as hospitals. the impact on the sick and injured palestinians has been devastating. now that sun is ready for us of withdrawing from the nor does she escape. and if there are sold and gauze as healthcare system as being billed here was what one gentlemen documented of the home of hospital for rehabilitation and artificial limbs and northern gaza.
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the hundreds of his writings have held the protest instead of
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a demanding that the government does more to ensure the return of all the remaining captives held of gaza. this is the latest in a series of demonstrations that is where the cities they are currently a $136.00 captives in gaza, including 11 for nationals, a brief truce in november, allowed for the release of a 105. well, how much i'm june is at the demonstration organized by the capt as families at a time when there is more and more speculation is real about the potential for a cease fire that would see the release of is really capital engaged in exchange for perhaps thousands of palestinian prisoners being released. this is the protest that happens every week, every saturday, outside of the ministry of defense, which is over here. these, this protests organized by relatives of those capt is being held in gaza. now, when this protest started, shortly after october 7th,
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it was more of assignments, protest, this area behind us, this is now known as hostage square. and this is where the relatives come. sometimes they grieve nowadays they call on the government to do more to ensure the release of their relatives, those campuses that are being held in gaza. what we're hearing tonight, even though it's a smaller crowd than it has been in the last few weeks overhearing tonight, is people being more vocal being a bit more critical of the government say, this is the time the time is now to make sure those captains are released, we also heard from some speakers, it said that while they know that there are 2 objectives to the war, one is to eliminate to how, how much the other one is to get those captive release. and they say that that is what's the most important goal of all how much into them under the calories? tens of thousands of protests as
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a valued in london cooling for an immediate cease fire and gaza. salacious in a series of demonstrations in various capital, cities to condemn. israel is full and to urge the government to allow more humanitarian aid and to gaza. john hall has moved from london. if you the ice locks of its kind through central london calling for an end to the war on gaza, protest is now filling wide hole this week. the streets is on the edge apartments where right the seat of government here and in fact the message. clearly i'm that as much as the government is relative pressure at the end. it's more on gaza as it is aimed at to produce government. it supports israel and this war on god. very important to feel the pressure toggle under u. k. government because they're one of the subordinate the neighborhood of the
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genocide results buquet. do you as the support is, was cannot do anything. i didn't quite sick mix groups and organizations represented here, calling for a cease fire now. but also people are supposed to do expressing their concern and alarm at the possible implications in the region of this war, the potential for it spilling out and affecting other countries. and remember, this is the 1st march, since the international court of justice in the hague. last month issued its preliminary judgment pulling on his route to take any actions that could lead to genocides that's represented here as well. i just watch the the thing i love, the police presence of around a $1000.00 is policing. they smocks. but warning that over signs or to do
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is send them in or in the pro hamas sentiment may be faced with the rest of the crowd. now those overwhelmingly, please don't know how else you 0 the the southern goals. president marcus on has postponed the presidential election that was due on february the 25th and the tv address to the nation who cited the dispute is over the list of election catch. that's just the new the through. i've signed the degree of february, 3rd, 2020 for repealing that of november 29. 2023. can reading the electro body, as for me, by some commitment not to run for the presidential election remains on change. and finally, i will initiate an open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent, and inclusive election in
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a peaceful and reconciling sydney got it. and the problem is nicholas hunk has moved from the center, the lease capital the car, and we're just outside the presidential palace. that's just a few blocks behind the. it's highly secure. there's police in right here here. but also across the nation, there's been a call from those candidates to go out and protest tomorrow. this decision taken by president's lucky cell. now microsoft is calling for a national unity dialog before and election dates can be put in place, but what he effectively he has done is cancel the elections without giving a date of when this is going to take place. he says, the country cannot afford or not another crisis, a doubt in the electoral process. and we have to understand that this comes after months of instability where we saw the leading figures of the opposition arrested. we saw a riots on the streets from his supporters,
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and i'm alluding here to waste of my sancho an election where 3 of the candidates, a 3 major figures are in prison. one of them is campaigning from his jail, a, from his prison cell in order to become the president of this country. so really, really the circumstances that are unusual for synagogue, and that's why he says that natural dialogue is needed to rebuild the trust in the democratic process. but we have to remember the context in which this is happening . we are in a region where there's been a series of cruise, where there's growing distrust towards the democratic process and but sending go is the most stable democracy in the region. all eyes on what's going to happen in this country. it to see if he is able to rebuild trust between the people and it's democratic institution and the politicians meant to represent them. so it's been
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a land last day in northern ireland for the 1st time in 2 years. people have a power sharing government devolved from london and, and another. some new data is from the irish republican should fame policy. the new era began off to pro bush as unionists ended, they boy cost was a bricks of trade. was how a full search report from belfast. i am willing to take of the office of 1st minister moving to postpone since elections in 2022 and the milestone in a far longer history is bits of conflict. a politician who wants to see a united ireland becoming northern islands. so it's been a remarkable months of a quality and a moment of progress, a new opportunity to work and to grow together. confident in that whatever we come from, whatever aspirations are we come, i mean most spelled our future together. so it may know this was a speech about daily governance about infrastructure, public services, and respect for different communities. and in that, michelle knew how to greenman from a new deputy 1st minister from the main union,
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this d u p. which wants to preserve norman out in place in the united kingdom, a michelle as an irish republican. and i am a very pride unionist. we will never agree on those issues, but what we can agree on, as a counselor doesn't discriminate on our hospitals needs fixed. for the 1st time in years, politicians here may just have catch it the mood of people. they were elected. this of the pay russian fan or whatever just worked to come and get to the people that were elected to are far as too much on this on the streets. no, it is being done for them because they what they need to work together. concerns remain new about the capacity of the executive to meet those needs with both unionists. i'm not sure list having worked out in recent years. they will be watching closely. see how the 1st minister and the deputy 1st minister,
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and what together and present of joint united front it will be difficult because of the hotline unionism and that we've seen in the last 2 years. and the temptation on nash the site to be pretty hard line as well. and there are no good speeches. the new 1st and deputy 1st ministers both committed themselves to co operation and to respect for the other side. they both also know to the landmark nature of this moment in northern islands, long and trouble history. one that still costs a shadow over its post conflict politics. are you close it out? just the re belfast box don's full. the problem is to m non con, has been sentenced for the 3rd time this week. a cold food has mileage and 2018 was on no phone and sentenced a couple to 7 years in prison. khan was given a 14 year sentence for corruption earlier this week and 10 years the following day for leaking state secrets. he says all challenges are politically motivated to stop him from taking part of next week's election. a doctor's in pocket. stall, the adverb,
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using an increase in child ammonia to particularly cold when to whether high levels of small and low vaccination rate. so also affect to close to $300.00 fatalities of $18000.00 pneumonia. cases were registered in the province of punjab. january police and took you have arrested 17 suspected members of i saw following the shooting at a catholic church. one person was killed at the santa maria church and has done the last week after reading apartments and the city police said they had prevented some of the attacks that ice and finances were planning. and russia, at least 20 journalists are being detained as a protest against the war and ukraine. the result was recovering the license riley and moscow held by the wives of soldiers fighting in ukraine. they've been protesting at the crime and for several weeks to them on the safe return of their husbands. media reports in russia, se acosta's, old of the arrest of an activist,
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accused of helping ukrainian refugees and the dish. the russian sky denies using his social media channel to appeal for donations to the ukranian army. the model founded a woman's volunteer movement, which has been limited to monetary, in a to areas under russian control and ukraine. still ahead on knowledge, a 0. the struggle for food and gaza with half the population crammed into one city, people to go and move desperate as, as rarely troop civic, closing in on the roof off of the convoy vehicle as opposed to illegal immigration is making its way to the us, mexico for to the the, to hello, that was stopped by looking at the satellite image fullest radio. and you can see
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that dense area of cloud lingering over northern air is well, those are the remnants of a tropical fica and it continues to bring a very heavy rain to the northern territory on which to queensland and you can see it and moving towards a new south wales is going to bring some severe weather conditions, the threat of flooding as well, slowly moving its way towards the southeast. and that's going to not a lot of the heat now that's been lingering across the southern areas and in west of australia, you can see sunday into monday, those colors to move to orange and yellow, but still lots of heat for sidney. 35 degrees celsius that we will see some wet. so whether i'm moving in a knocking the temperature down as we go into the new week, i lots of pleasant weather to be found for pots of north island on the south island in new zealand. the temperature continuing to climb in christ church, west. the weather lingering around that south west corner, but not as wet as it could be. you can see those settled conditions dominating in
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the north island on monday. and it is looking largely settled across the philippines. much dryer, just a few showers here and there, and some showers coming into north vietnam on sunday. the bone meals rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deadly fires that increasingly with through them. in the face of mind made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all the plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey to the latest news. as it breaks the will from gauze, has left thousands of students across this trip in limbo. the disruption will lead to our last generation among young people. here with detailed coverage,
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the gaza strip has been witnessing a severe shortage of medicine for more than 3 months. now, from the heart of the story, many people here say that in order for as well, so remain united. nothing. yeah, we'll have to go the to watching on the out of me. is this donovan don't ha, a reminder of our top story is the south. but you, as soon as you can, i have no waiver and strikes against iran linked with the finest in yemen problem, who the media says, the capital, sauna, and the port city of holiday that have been hit. washington says 6 and 2 ship
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cruise for solved for destroyed earlier russia requested an urgent to you and security council meeting to discuss us strikes and both iraq and sylvia. on friday, washington 1085, yvonne they targets in both countries. coming 16 people, that was in retaliation for a drawing attack which killed 3 american soldiers in georgia last week. is where the forces have killed at least 26 palestinians and as strikes and central and southern gaza over the 100 people have been killed since friday, the new dot nation says people in gaza, i routinely going without food. and when meals are available, a child she kitchens, but the wait for a place of food can last hours. when we consume city for polls, it's a number. we could one men, women and children, scrambler, to get the bowls filled with what ever is being served. so my love to
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others go home, chat the kitchen, disliked. these are struggling to feed a growing number of displace palestinians and draw for the city is crammed with more than half of costs. us population of nearly 2 and a half 1000000 people. the capes to rest. awesome. thousands. assisting on here. we line up for food from 12 pm and sometimes we get to up to 2 hours. children have defend for themselves. the united nations children's agency says an estimated $17000.00 minus, unaccompanied, or separated from the families. i stand here for food every day because we don't have any at home this, this place mother was diagnosed with cancer at the time of a child's book. just before the war started, the she and her children have had to survive on one meal a day for weeks now. but today is
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a good day to having the 1st big mean in weeks. it includes rise beans and so not in the hudson and the seems like a good we didn't have any needs at all or nothing. funding. some general people gave us rice and beans today. i don't know who they are, but we are grateful. some families are having to eat and move forward or to survive . a trickling into garza from to border crossings is only a fraction of what's needed as well as accused of using television as a weapon. the full by blocking civilian access to food and water. that is, go find me in these high end, increasing each day. we've persistent to steal. it is industry to money to it and access palestinians in casa,
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experiencing most of ation. and those with kate is really bombings. few people die of hunger on the consumption of these. i'll just see how to the us, the democratic policy is holding its 1st official denomination, contest motions in the state of south carolina. going to the polls. and even though president biden faces the serious opposition, the result in this primary could set the tone for the campaign to come, as well as the general election in november. my kind of reports from the state capital, columbia, the democrats, there's a man surprised that south carolina has replaced iowa and new hampshire a so traditional kick off states me this is seen as a rallying call across fruits. meetings of the democratic party like this one, addressed by the parties. national leader, people are going, some of the people are excited. we've been all over the state really a lot of energy,
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right. the bedrock of bite and support is in this room. he deserves to stay on the line. he's a good person. he has a good heart and if he wants to work for the people, okay, is your body mostly donald trump and we start to see the contrast in, in both of them. is that what you bought? and did do some things, you didn't do it all, but yeah, the more you to see, you do what we want him to do. but there's less certainty among the younger generation and growing resentment. the democrats take the african american vote for prompted to get there with the belief that fight didn't, has not fulfilled. it would tech which promises i believe that he sold us a vision of what we wanted to here. and when he came down to actually keeping his promise on that vision, it completely went out the door. during a recent campaign speech in charleston by did was interrupted by cold recipes spot
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. gone to the administration's and questioning support of israel school has popped deep. and among young democrats, victoria jordan points to the best of economic gains made the biden is promotion of women of color to the countries, quotes, and executive. but argues the support of a genocide could be punished at the polls, especially if college students, myself included. um, asking for that, see as far asking for you know, more understanding of what's going on overseas that only affects you know, older generations, but it just isn't as much as not more success, younger generations, because we are inheriting all of this latest figures indicate that nearly 50000000 jobs being created since byte and took office. unemployment has dropped below 4 percent, and inflation is at me a pre pandemic levels. the voters of south carolina will decide with a this is evidence of a job well done. my kind of, oh, just era, south carolina,
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and let's go live to like he is joining us from the state capital columbia. and as we've been reporting, mike, it isn't really a competitive election. so why is it southern portion for vitamins democrats? well it's a very important potential spring board for the rest of biden's campaign in the primaries and beyond. she is absolutely adamant that the voters of south carolina all can set a trend in this primary, which will then spill over into subsequent primary. so a very important primary for joe by then, given the fact that polls indicates a somewhat like less deposition at present. however, he believes that it was strong victory here couldn't help provide that spring board, propelled him into further gains in the prime. we still to come and tell us why president biden insisted on changing the traditional order of the primaries and pushing south carolina for as well in 2020,
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when he came to south carolina, his campaign was intact, as he'd been some to the 1st 2 primaries and was on the verge of having to pull out . however, things turned around here in south carolina. suddenly he pulled up suddenly he got welling support, and suddenly he was a we will contend and continue to be. so in subsequent primaries. so the fact that this primary is taking place in south carolina. uh, the 1st primary for the democrats is in a way, a thank you gift to the both is of south carolina for what they did last time. and for what he hopes they will do again like that you very much for that, mike kind of live in columbia, south carolina. the border between the united states and mexico is the destination for a convoy vehicle. was carrying protest as opposed to immigration organizes. so they're concerned with a growing number of migrants and legally crossing into the us. the critics of the convoy worry, it could fuse anti immigrants sentiment. how does your costs are as well?
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from the city of k, moto and texas, where many of the anti immigration for testers have gathered, including a republican candidate, there about some 1000 demonstrators who traveled across the country in this con boy . and they self labeled themselves god's army, which did draw some concern about people who initially said that this would be like a militia like atmosphere. well, now we are a finally near eagle past, which was their destination. and it's really transformed into a rally. people are listening to speakers on the stage. they're also voicing their own opinions and they are telling me that they are very worried about the border. there have been more than 300 encounters with migrant attempting to process border from mexico into the us just in december alone. and that is a record high. and for more on that we have our guest j fermon, who's running for congress as a republican time candidate. thank you. j. tell me what is the message of everyone here? so how do you,
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thanks for having me on. so the message here is that americans are trying to bring attention to the border. that is not a southern border right now. our current immigration rules or lack of enforcement immigration rules are allowing you set it $300000.00 plus people in the last month . and that has been amounting every month that was just in calendars, not all of them were able to enter the country. so and those encounters absolutely . and so those encounters are kind of, you know, split out in different ways. and so a months that we've had in this last year, 300, and i don't know if that's figured talking about before terrace list people in count as well as the people who we don't know that are coming in, that we're very concerned about. so we don't have a southern border right now, and that's the next, a central threat to america. and what other countries we understand is that it's actually a business right now. and so countries to ourselves are held in front of people to our north and making money along the way. and then there's people on our own country that are profiting on this. a dozens of people had been investigating the atlantic ocean at near the canary islands. the spanish coast guard vessel told
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a boat to grad canaria. red cross volunteers looked off with a migraine to the side and seek its fun set a goal in west africa. they joined more than 7000 who landed in the spanish territory in january rights groups estimate that 6000 drones trying to get their loss to making it the world's most dangerous migration route. the audience ain't as low a house of parliament as possible stairs. he bills balking protests and the capitol members of congress, pushed through president tabi immunize reforms by 144 to 109 votes. today's ago reports from the side is and what this means for the country as it struggles to overcome a debt crisis. the nation is not for sale chan to these people outside argentina's, congress happened to have to lawmakers past presidents. have you had immunization, landmark bill meant to begin transforming the state and the economy. critics say
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they call them and we'll use the bill to increase the expectation of natural resources, benefit the private sector, and cut resources for the environment. and culture is other people can get them off . this is what we see. a group of 40 businessman guides malays policies on the right, so often times had risk. the bill touches fundamental issues that affect people to work in class. the debate lasted for 3 days and the government had to give in to the demands of other political parties. the bill initially had over 600 last it ended with a little over 300 the way in which we
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voted clashes between protesters and security forces have taken place to the debate . the government says argentina's economy needs to be motor, nice to attract for an investment. they also blamed the previous administration for sewing inflation to the dire economic situation, and the lack of forwarding we serves in the central bank. i will check in 50 what we have noise. the people say this governments doesn't listen to social need. this government is a 3rd of teddy and exploitation of an engine democratic. oh yeah, that's the only thing they can say because the government took office 50 days and found over 1000 and facing bridge in the past is 1000. and you're talking about us . 50 days have been in power yet. but the bill still needs to be revised little by little and then ratified in the senate. mean a one with 56 percent of the volts in december and says he has the legitimacy to implement. he's
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a stereotype measures to reduce government spending and fight inflation. but those against him say he's measures were bring even greater economic despair and promise to fight back city. so we'll just see that when a site is still a head on al jazeera, i'm unaware that i follow in el salvador, where despite concerns over democratic institution, ality support for president ne book and his re election remains high. the and on the settled tops upfront takes on the big issue. that is opposed to what is happening now. it is a question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to 2 days the another i couldn't think is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into a golf and without his real permission, nothing leads cause or without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire,
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demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 oil rich, your rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now, when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge, pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part 2 of 2 on a jersey to the
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back to one of our top stores in the us and the u. k. have launched a new wave of strikes against the whole things and yet, and following miss all attacks by the booth and the red sea. sure. no problem with the media is reporting the capital saw that the port city of holiday that have been hit. the pentagon has ordered several recent attacks on suspected fruit, the drone and anti shipped missile launch sites. the who these had been attacking ships linked to israel and protests against the wall and gaza. lahoma that i thought is joining us live from sun on. what more can you tell us about these new air strikes? mohammed is this uh, the us british uh, the war page i have carried out series spelt it was twice symbol, boston's, uh, in different the many cities uh we under the control of the unsigned of the, of these the uh, targeted in some, uh,
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different areas including the on mountain, which is a, in the south of the coming to also be targeted on that day. and uh, also also accept uh, which is at the, in the eastern side of the city. and most of the small doing since i've been talking to the out in the midst all for easy, but the also the targeted the in ties the targeted there, the hype and mountain, and also along with the, the, with the bar. and the area of the week there at least to live in uh, eva strikes like, uh, uh, also the of targeted and, uh, and then are they to different areas along because or coast line of us, what day did you have talking to the address you gave me uh which is at coastal time town and we sell the data along with the, with the, with all the targets in the city and also uh the zip code. oh, to another attack. and uh, in hunt uh the,
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the up talking to the agenda which is a good cultural area. the, the have to accuse out at least 7, they were strikes this, this of this, the place has been also targeted yesterday. uh, it was a target uh for the uh, us british, it was striking also be half targeted at the inside in the zone. we are talking about just the as the, the so not a, not for the, the, these are the most to 3, should not be talking tonight. the, today the, this, the, the new, the rise a read. so we're on the miles are on and also and that day, which places the yeah. oh the say that they have already be targeted in eli. well, it'd be, it'd be war. so we are a to bounce, an increasing is strikes by the was in prison in order to. busy limit to what the say b as how these ability on came a loyalty to, to head to us on british marine, i'm all in there up to our thoughts to an operations to,
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to is talk to the matter. we try move these ready money time along the road. see and out of c, b, c. this is a pressure on his realtor to for that and to it's a question on people and guys and also to and it's located there. all right, it's mohammed. thank you. for that, mamma, that i to live in some to el salvador now with a general election is taking place this weekend. or recent polls that is present in my candidate is a clear favorite to win a 2nd to just bought face and criticism from international human rights groups. okay, is popularity remain steadfast, model out of off of the reports from the capital san salvador there is an error of excitement in el salvador over sundays national election. and it's all because of this man, salvador and president mcgee mcgill, he's the self described world's coolest dictate who in 5 short years has managed to transform el salvador from one of the most dangerous places in the world,
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into arguably the safest country in latin america. today, salvadorans like gabby gassett is, can walk around freely in downtown san salvador without having to worry about being robbed or falling victim to gang violence. i think the majority of everybody would agree. it's the security. uh, to be honest, it's not something that it will come to the center of downtown outside of it. or i think that's one of the things that we're really happy about curity. of course, you know and has taken some part measurements to do it. those hard measures, gabby refers to include the so called state of exception, which has been used to justify an indefinite suspension of constitutional rights and carry out a nationwide crackdown on gangs it's a model that even other latin american leaders from countries where in security is a problem have sought to emulate a model that critics a, represents
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a threat to salvador and democracy. it's a 1000 more the end of this so called the kelly model is nothing more than breaking with a democratic system. breaking with constitutions. breaking with fundamental rights spent breaking with the international community and with the basic principles of coexistence among countries. in other words, it's a dictatorship like other ones we've had enlighten america and currently have, i'll be at the skies on that day and will send you the argument from human rights and civil liberties experts. is that kelly's popularity is largely driven by a willingness from salvadorans to sacrifice the countries democratic values in the long term for the sake of living in peace. now, salvador and voters may have concerns over the future of their countries, democracy and the loss of certain civil liberties. which support for president naples taylor and his re election is still over whelming with the presidential election just around the corner. now you book and it is all but sure to win. but as the accusations against his government continued to mount,
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the question is how much longer this overwhelming popularity can endure to list it up a little al jazeera sense of, of resilience tossing a vaccination campaign against the den, gave virus at fault as a shop rise and infections of the potentially deadly disease which is spread by mosquitoes. brazil will become the 1st country in the world to offer a day vaccine to the public health system. well, many south american nations are seeing a spike and cases of de fever and power line homes of the city of num, number data being fumigation hospitals and the capital s and c on a seeing a large number of patients with den goes. sometimes the state of emergency has been decayed in charlotte because of thousands of wall 5. at least 46 people have been killed in central and southern areas, with a number of casualties is expected to increase. file size of that single 90 blaze has been fueled by dry conditions and flooring temperatures. it says bills,
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you'll get a little plug a, we don't want money, we want them to give us something so that we can continue living on all that. i don't want money from the government, want them to give me my little house so that i can live drastically reduced wilson levels and a reservoir in mexico. have revealed a 16th century church. the venetian juarez that has seen a 47 percent full and bullshit levels, following years of reduced rank full font as a warrant because of less wonderful. they crops, fishermen fear for their livelihoods, because of reduced catches the defending champions and host patient casa through to the semi finals of the ation cause they don't down his back, is fun to advance with the game. and then $11.00 off the extra time it penalty shows how it was needed to assess with things. because i wouldn't misuse out $32.00
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at all bait stadium. they face iran in the last 4. and the iranians book, this falls in the 70s with the dramatic, went over japan. how much watch the game for us? a party atmosphere ahead of kickoff as education city stadium, japanese fans with the store traction as local residents. and even iranian fans lined up to take photos ahead of the quote. the final step brought together the 2 highest rank size in asia. some are new to city the just before the holiday. the muscle morita with the goal for the full time champions. despite the bright start from japan, iran kept himself in the game mohammed. will he be go to equalize it 10 minutes off to the break. the match looked like it was heading for extra time, but in the final 2nd time to see that the penalty is done. boxes quote from
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the spot to rock up to one when it was one supposed to be 3. 0, but depend in almost 20 years, it was still on expected and it was amazing. like honestly i was so how to be the one that 2nd goal. it was like a left with a goal, which i like the year to bring to the talk to you. we don't accept the thing. we didn't expect to jump on it on. we didn't expect it on to win because depends on a strong team. so when you're at on winter, bundled with everyone, operates, are summarized as the name of the united states as a rental and extending 5th tide. so they just buy another date out does. yeah, you said you and that's it for me. elizabeth cronum, my colleagues, i have raman will be here and just a few minutes and more of today's news. thank you very much for watching
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the the demand for mental health support is greater now than at any time in history. that's the biggest problem that we face the mental health enough. oh use. that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready, and in jamaica, we'll skip magic mushrooms. everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well and stay with i know and no other product and all that kind of money. since episode full on on disease, the unique perspective, i don't want to be if i don't want to come, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this connect with our community and talking to conversations you
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will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelter industry in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable the stream on our own counting, the cost of china is economy faces a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? text joints, making big profit, skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on al jazeera, siren sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she race to rescue people in need. suddenly a warning to help. there is a $5.00 magnitude come or nearby. we finally arrived at north coast some 30 kilometers south of the, at the center of that point where many elderly people called home, they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction. with so many
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structures needing to be in susie with one of the highest casualty, counts supplies are so low and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue . the, the a series of the spikes hit locations across humans, capital pulse of the us, that operation against a rainy and links target, the gloves and around the challenges that are like michael's is here. and i've also coming up a region on edge. iran condemns us as strong as in the rock and syria as a mistake of some type binding goals that the minute previous phones is entire is


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