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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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as he counts, supplies are so low and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. the series of spikes hit locations across the admins capitol, pulse of a us that operation against a rainy and linked targets, the gloves and around the charges. they were like my headquarters here in the also coming up a region on edge iran condemns us strong and their rock and syria as a mistake for some good binding goals at the millet treatments phones is in type. is where the strikes pound rough uh, in southern guns are what hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians are seeking shelter. and the rightful, the democratic nominee for president begins in south carolina. voters are expected
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to choose j 5 and his back, kansas. we live in columbia, the welcome to the program, american and british and strides have again targeted who's the western sites in yemen. president j by who is wanting that the military response is in tell you the, the latest action follows a series of similar strikes. recently the who threatens on missiles talk did shipping in the red sea. the us led coalition says $36.00 sites were attacked, including weapons facilities and a missile systems pro who the media says the capitol center and the pool city of data have been hit. well, any on friday the us launch dozens of strikes in iraq and syria, talked in groups link to iran. civilians was amongst, at least 16 people killed in iraq need is in fact that have formerly protested to the white house and one device die at consequence. useful,
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so is it $85.00 target city walk on syria, which the americans say, well used by rollins revolution regard, and it's proxies. the pentagon says that it was in retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers and to try and attack on an army base in jordan, last weekend. many of the top has more on those strikes in yemen from its capital center. the us british, the war please have carried out a series of favor strikes, humble, boston's indifferent, the many cities. uh, we under the control of the inside of the, or these, the new i rice, it reads that we're on, the balls are withdrawn and also on that day, which places the yeah, oh the say that they have already be targeted in eli. it'd be, it'd be war so we are talking about an increasing it strikes by the us and present in order to. busy limits what be, say, be as healthy as ability and capability to,
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to head to us, british marine, and they're up to our thoughts to an operations, to choose the top. the mary try move these ready money time along the route. see another, see the save. this is a pressure on his realtor to put an end to it's a question on people and guns and also to and it's blockade their restaurants, cold, 4 digit meeting of the un security council. after those us trying somebody to walk on syria, it isn't syria or all kinds of wrong or accusing the us of destabilizing the middle east. michael apple ripples. this is the aftermath of us say, strikes on all time. and you don't. a cause and ben dog buildings mark where a text or place about 350 kilometers north west of baghdad. getting on the groups linked we run across both the dock and syria long range. com is flew directly from the us to carry out the operation. u. s. military forces struck more
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than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized firearms islamic revolutionary guard. and another thing is that they sponsor 3 of the facilities under rec, for them are in syria. in a statement, the rocky government says that condemns the strikes as new aggression against the rocks sovereignty. sorry, as ministry of foreign affairs says the attacks full within a series of violations that the us has continued to commit in the country. we went to visit us a lot to up what the, how the they were us strikes on the residential compound that have buildings occupied by iraq's popular mobilization forces. and then it blew up equipment and rockets stored in these buildings, causing damage to properties and killing people. before the in condemning via text runs, interior administer has also warned washington to stop supporting israel. we
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condense, any move against the resistance, we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can't see that with the americans, but if they do choose to act wisely, they should stop supporting design is tricky. washington described the bombings as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly a week ago. 3 soldiers were killed and dozens injured at the military base and jordan, they parties wherever 10 to the us on friday, us president joe biden promised the response. and now that's been delivered. presumably, the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the terms which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy, an interest that the iranians will,
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uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future. ah, some on groups in iraq are pledging more attacks on us targets in the region. the, the white house is it's not getting brought a conflict, especially not with the run bus and carrying out these strikes. us is juggling, detouring further attacks on his forces with trying to contain regional spillover mike level, which is there. let's go the latest stuff in washington dc, a white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare and standing by. kimberly, i will see administration saying about the strikes in yemen. yeah, what we know about them is that in the 2nd wave, there have been 36 who the targets that have been hit in 13 different locations. and like the 1st wave that we saw on friday in this is really focusing on trying to degrade. and the stabilize in terms of trying to launch any other attacks against
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us interests and that of international interest in the regions. so what we understand is these were targets that were, for example, weapon storage missile systems and launchers, air defense systems, as well as radar systems. they rely from what we're just that are not only ships, but also fighter jets. and we understand that also that these were due to and selected because they were deemed to be connected in some way to what the united states says. we're unrelenting attacks against the united states and us or international interest in the region. of course that could be the full out continues from those us strikes in iraq and syria over the past 24 hours. and it has to be said, i suppose when you think of a rock is a pretty quiet partner to the us to be very vocal in that criticism of what's been happening. yeah, there's no question that there has been
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a lot of criticism and the united states is defending its actions. in fact, uh what we're seeing is that the us says that it has what it calls and refutable evidence that these targets that they've hit. whether it be nice, saturday evening or whether it be friday evening, this has been linked to attacks on the united states. and as a result, we hit algebra, did ask whether or not this evidence would be provided to the media as so that report as could see. and we were told that we would simply have to trust the u. s. military with respect to this media. so or rather with respect to this intelligence . so there certainly is a bit of a credibility issue on the part of the united states military when it comes to intelligence and having to take its word for it. having said that, the secretary of defense lloyd austin,
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has said that the collective action that has been taken on saturday sends the message to the who is these. they will bear for their consequences if they don't end illegal attacks on international shipping and naval vessels that i can tell you when it comes to the attacks, whether it be the 2nd wave or the 1st wave when it comes to all of this, the united states says it will try to be as transparent as possible. but again, it says that when it comes to intelligence, this is an ongoing operation. all the united states can say is that is not looking for a wider conflict in the region, nor is it looking for direct conflict with iran. kimberly, thanks very much for the update can be how good that for us, our white house correspondent now as well as continuing its attacks in southern gauze and at least 26 palestinians have been killed in 2 strikes. tail episode, i am eligible, and we do warn you that some of the images in their report of distressing the morning the dead has become
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a part of the daily life. osmond bits farewell to his 8 year old son, one of several palestinians killed by his really airstrikes and bravo in southern gauze, up here, benches outside hospital grounds become make shift marks where families prepare. loved ones for period of the my son this with golf. now he left me here alone, all these rain, these are killing our children and that women were not wanted people to tool. we just want to go to work and come back home nearly 4 months since a israel's were ongoing as a family say they're desperate and exhausted. this is the us. they bombed us in jamalia. so we move to con eunice. we've targeted again and
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losey. we then came, had to rasa, but the attacks continue when the bombing started. i couldn't breathe, i was screaming so how this has become routine for civil defense and rescue cruise . taking the injured to barely functioning hospitals, hoping they'll be treated and survived inside conditions or dire. the floor often replaces hospital. that's the age shortage. crippling cause that is evidence in the few healthcare facilities still able to offer surfaces and this is what's left of their neighborhood. much of it now destroyed. israel has intensified, it's a tax on for offline to sell near the border with egypt. it's the city where is really forces order posted is to go the city where israel said they'd be safe. now, hundreds of thousands of people who are forcibly displaced,
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some of them repeatedly have nowhere to go. nowhere to find refuge of the month is that i'm a, i'm still in shock. we were told, raska was safe, but it's not. my mother was killed in these attacks from enough trees. i just can't talk anymore. let me just go to the those who survive. the bombings, grieving, loved ones who didn't, and wonder what more israel's were wrong, cause a will take from them. caught see a little bit of a yen. how does there? so it covers the room has lona from rough uh, in southern garza, today we have been clearly seeing that to the user. the forces had been widely attacking the eastern areas of rough life, especially in a neighborhood that is one of the areas that is also a jason to the city of hon. you and us till now, the ongoing, the bottom, it did not stop. and the city of rough i has the sound of these really surveillance
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of drugs and 5 digits could be clearly overhead a midnight where thomas citizens are completely right now. taking shelter in the max is the mass filters in the mist and the mass makes shift areas that they have been living inside and a bomb. it's also of calling you to city had been going on within the past few hours where they have targeted. the facility of the european hospital were an impulse. palestinians being injured and killed in that s troy can. different departments of the rookie and hospital had been partially inflected with the scrub, and those that had been hitting the buildings that is due to the destruction of one of the fuel station that is close to the european hospital in the city of hon. you to send this is a part of the genocide, the military campaign that had been lost by his read on the southern part of gauze as straight as well for having concerns about the next step that these very forces might take, especially if they wanted to transfer the bottles into start the practically ground
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inclusion into route to reflect the district as one well as what we have been seeing. within the past 24 hours, they have been intensifying the military attacks, roughly, especially in the eastern part, which considered to be the main stop points for any possible ground evasion. in order to take full control over a fy 16 or the united of a. and the right, it says that it will allocate $5000000.00 to fund the humans agency, full palestinian refugees is the latest in the group of countries that have increased donations of domain today and is including the us and for to the suspended funding that this comes up to is rarely a q 6 out of a $15000.00 real employees of allegedly taking parts and the october 7th. the time comes up in israel elliot portugal and stay in touch to continue findings from the agency, which is the lifelines and millions of palestinians, and garza leech and well hundreds of his writings and help protests in tel aviv demanding that the government does more to ensure the return of all remaining captives holding garza that are currently $136.00 captives held in gauze,
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including 11 foreign nationals, a brief choice in november allowed for the release of a 105. so i'm gonna jump jane is as a demonstration, organized by the families of the captives at a time when there is more and more speculation is real about the potential for a cease fire that would see a release of is really capital gaza in exchange for perhaps thousands of palestinian prisoners being released. this is the process that happens every week, every saturday, outside of the ministry of defense, which is over here. these, this protests is organized by relatives of those captives being held in gaza. now, when this protest started, shortly after october 7th, it was more of a silent protest. this area behind us, this is now known as hostage square. and this is where the relatives come.
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sometimes they grieve nowadays they call on the government to do more to ensure the release of their relatives, those captives that are being held in gauze of what we're hearing tonight, even though it's a smaller crowd than it has been in the last few weeks. we're hearing tonight is people being more vocal being a bit more critical of the government say, this is the time the time is now to make sure those captains are released. we also worked in some speakers. it said that while they know that there are 2 objectives to the war, one is to eliminate how, how much the other one is to get those captive release. and they say that that is what's the most important goal of all how much into them under the calories, the 10s of thousands of protest as a valid in london calling for an immediate sci fi. and garza is the latest in the series of demonstrations in various capital cities to condemn,
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as well as well as these by the government. a lot more humanitarian age into gaza. will still head here on the 0 and for to be bevells, plays in all the city of game and the democratic republic of congo residence of fleeing to the allies, the the, brought to you by visit castle, high low. then let's have a look at the full cost of, of north america of the next few days. we've got a few areas of concern, a deepening area of low pressure that's bringing snow to the rockies and dropping temperatures for western and central parts of canada. and such as all the way down the go central pots of the us towards the southeast corner. we're going to see some
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very stormy conditions. take ahold of florida over the next few days with thunderstorms and the potential for some tomatoes and the risk of flooding to the for the north of this launch, the dry along the east coast of the us temperature is above average for this time. if you, that's not the case with west coast, we go to another atmospheric river, it's going to pull rent, it's going to be west and then the one we saw on thursdays, a very heavy rain, snow in the mountains, some disruption to travel lightly and very powerful winds now we could see a month to a month and a half worth of rain full in los angeles over the we can. and you can see those that wet weather taking us all the way through to tuesday. and i would like you to see some of that where the start to creep into the north west of mexico. but locksley dry here on sunday. winter across most southern areas. but for the west of the rain, we have to look to the car being heavy rain for cuba. the weather brought
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to you by visit castle. president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with a human touch, booming way in and then pulling back out again the the book about kill what you all just bear with me. so robin, the reminder volatile stories, the us on the united kingdom of launched
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a new wave of strong space, a rainy and link to the finances in yemen. privacy the media says the capital set up on the pulse of the, of the data of the pitts. washington says 6 n t ship, cruise missiles were destroyed. while earlier russia requested an urgency and security council meeting to discuss us franks in both iraq and syria. on friday, washington pitt 85 and radiant link targets in both countries. cutting 16 people that was in retaliation retro to tech, which kills 3 american servicemen in tools. and is ready falls that killed at least 26 palestinians and strikes in central and southern gospel than a 100 people have been killed since friday. 11 east though in the us states of south carolina, polls are about to close in the democratic policies nominating process. president j bye is expecting an easy waiting against 2 other candidates in the presidential
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primaries. the 1st time, south carolina has come 1st on the list of states, the voting, the democratic primaries about 26 percent of its residents of black and the vote just seen as a test of the support for joe biden. mike kind of has moved from south carolina is state capital, columbia. it is competition, but it is not competitive. the 2 other candidates don't stand to johnston. fact joe biden has not referred to them whatsoever during his campaign speeches, but this is a very important problem. we for democrats, what they are looking at 1st of all, is the 2 and out how many votes is go to the pulse. and in particular, how many black voters within the states go to the poles and i'll be just received some statistics which are very interesting. indeed, the state democratic party says that in the early an absentee voting mold and 76 percent of the ballots cost to come from that voters. now that they say it's 13
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percent more black voters than they were at this time. in the 2020 the primary. so we are hearing that the of the 51000 early votes cost including absentee ballots, more than 6100 came from voters who had not voted in a prime we before. so this is a new block of both is coming into the primary and this at this stage is very good news with joe biden. very good news for the democrats, because it does show a search and support at this particular point. well, we have 2 guys to talk to us about this car. we sheffield with a cd, a policy on the list of the advocacy group, independent women's voices. she joins us from washington, dc. well, the thing is a political strategist on form. a youth vote director for the obama campaign in ohio. she's in jonesville, in south carolina. welcome to both of you. just take it. can i just start with you as an important take off for the full democrats on for president biden? i mean for him. what's at stake at south carolina?
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is this an easy primary robin going for difficult states? you know, south carolina is a very important state for the president, as you all know, as we all know, that it was a very important moment for president joe biden. in the last primary election where black voters in south carolina really showed and really carried on the wind for president joe biden, and the state is very important. it is a rich diverse state, i think is representative of america. i believe that we can look at black voters in the state and we've already seen them do the absence of black voters in this state . they are really the heart of america with you. i've been in this i, i am from south carolina. i'm actually sitting in my home in south carolina at i have talked to voters throughout the state over the last few days and they are saying the same thing that there is a start choice in november in this country. and there is
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a lot of enthusiasm for them to make sure that we are fighting for and voting for the fundamental freedoms. and because we are very excited in the state about the promises the president joe biden, his guest. okay, let's go to car because we were gonna speak to both of you really about all of the issues that carry you joined us to. of course, if it is such an important state, some of those issues that i would you take, i mentioned all things like health or full energy immigration foreign policy. and we've heard the kinds of that study on the republican side, talk about what they might do or might not do. it's all about tactic system tests until now they, they're trying to get an idea of a sense of how the states might perform for them. come the election in november, and it certainly is all about turn out for sure. that's really going to be pets at all. but i think even though present of biting is going to, it's a king walk for him in, in south carolina. the reality is that's just a primary and he's become a president, so it wasn't, no,
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nobody ever thought he was actually going to lose. but the reality is that president biting is the least popular president since world war 2. that's truly shocking. it's mind blowing out his approval ratings only 33 percent. he's also losing in a key battleground states that he won in 2020 against donald trump. so he's losing overall across the 7 battleground states by 6 points to donald trump and in north carolina. it's double digits, so no matter who wins the g o p primary, whether it's donald trump or nikki haley and and certainly donald trump is a head. both donald trump and nicky hooley are beating jo biden's in the 2024 presidential general election pulling so easy that was that kind of a full full presence to have that slow. and i'm sure to take people have the right inputs in this. but certainly when it comes to policy, the republican candidates can say what they might want to do. oh, but what they might like to do was present biden at the moment, has to justify his decisions an on based on that. the republicans can beat him over
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the head with it to take how much of this particular primary is about by saying what he has succeeded, that and why he should be given into the full years. it means every se, i mean, let's just look at, we talked about the power of black voters in the state of south carolina. let's look at what's happened under president fighting and vice president harris. administrative black wells in america is up 60 percent since the pandemic, and we all know under donald trump's leadership, this country just could not handle a pandemic because of poor leadership. black, small businesses rates are up faster than they have been in over 30 years. and we're seeing insulin prices at $35.00 versus $400.00. what americans care about they care about their day to day. and we also know that, you know, there's twice as before us and carries, talking about the nominee is clear,
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is going to be donald trump. and what he stands for is just an attack for all of our freedoms, the attack on a woman's right to choose the attack or in our economic freedoms are freedom to learn. and what americans are doing and what they will do is to continue. and what we have seen time and time over the last 2 years is the truck agenda, and his mac. the agenda has lost and they will continue to lose as long as they continue to stand for a divided america, and not really focus on what president biden and vice president harris has been focused on for the last 4 years, which is getting america to a place where everyone can dress, so it kind of, we can, i ask you to respond to that, knowing also the president, a former president, trump does have a whole package of problems in terms of court cases and also his position on things like the women, a woman's right to choose uh, her own health care and also in terms of climate change,
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he's quite happy to start drilling as he says, the football field and be less dependent on the middle east. yes, absolutely. because that is about inflation. one of the key drivers of inflation in the united states has energy prices and jo biden's policies on energy have been so counterproductive. it's part of why the bottom recruiting was enriched and his pockets were lined because he's able to expand his exports and oil. meanwhile, and still light, it makes us weak because he's reckless with his oil policy here, the united states by constructing american producers july and has also, if you look at every single quarter again, every single quarter since joe biden has been in office. real wages have declined once you include inflation. so even though maybe nominally the white house likes to grow and say, well, inflation is going down. the reality is people feel less wealthy today. people are worse off today. i cannot believe it's not just me saying it's what pollings says, and then on foreign policy, the no style overall for joe to go buy his pulling again. he's the least popular
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president since world war 2 that would include jo, donald trump's presidency. joe biden is far less popular than donald trump was even if you don't like donald trump. the reality is his poll numbers exceeded joe biden, where he is rock bottom 33 percent today. but again, the nose. i've started in august 2021 for joe biden. what happened in august that was when the united states had a disastrous and a murder as withdrawal, you had 13 americans who were murdered in afghanistan plus $80000000000.00 of equipment there. it was a disaster and he's never recovered from it. the sadly we have to leave it, but carry and take a we will of course be discussing this in the next 10 months as we had tools that presidential election. and it's very heated to base. really appreciate both of you . joining us all knowledge is that are the same thing. thanks so much. thank you so much. i would like that's a polls are great, but let's look at this one the last election we will cover, but you are down a lot of things that that debate will continue. so sometimes,
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well, in the democratic republic of congo, fighting between the and the m. 20 the reval group is wrong place. that's a game on the capital. how that last key boost province now on friday to bones that dropped on the school coming one work on entering 2 others can be a level that cost more in till now. they've been sped. people living in north keepers regional capital had been relatively safe as m. 23 rebels and the congolese army fight in the east of the country. that changed on friday when to bump struck this neighborhood on the outskirts of the city of going. so before now got mess, i was very afraid because the fighting is approaching our homes and we can see how the government's not helping us. how can the government wait until the problems actually reach us? it should stop this type of thing from happening. it's not acceptable as well as the fighting draws close the right.


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