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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, the a series of the strikes implications across the evans capital parts of the us that operation against a written in link targets. the products of romney watching up just they were like my headquarters here. and i've also coming up a region on the edge a wrong condemns us as strikes in iraq and syria as a mistake. mr. joe biden rooms at the minute treatments phones is and tell you, this is where the strikes ton rough. i in southern garza with hundreds of thousands
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of despite palestinians of seeking shelter and at least 46 people have that in july as far as funds rates through the sun to come to the welcome to the program american and british strikes. if again, talk to susie, wept insights across human, and that's all as a series of similar strikes recently have to attacks on shipping. in the red sea, the us led coalition says $36.00 sites were attacked, including empty ship cruise missiles. basically the media says the capital snow and the pool, so do you have a days or what hits? well, earlier on friday, the us launch dozens of strikes in iraq. and sylvia talks in groups linked to ron civilians, amongst at least 16 people killed in iraq. leaders in baghdad, formerly protested to the white house, i'm going to die a consequences. us forces including b, one low range bubbles at $85.00 targets in iraq and syria. depends,
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can say they were used by ron's revolution regard, and this proxies and was in retaliation for the coming of 3 american soldiers and to try and attack on an army base enjoyment last week. and i'm at the top hospital on those as strikes from the government e capital. so the us british, the lower planes have carried out a series of areas twice symbol, boston's indifferent. the many cities we under the control of the unsettled off of these, the new a rice a read, so we're on the miles are on and also on that day, which places the yeah. oh the say that they have already be targeted in eli. it'd be, it'd be war. so we are talking about an increasing is strikes by the was in prison in order to. busy limits what the say be as healthy as an ability on came a loyalty to, to head to us on british marine and they're up to us or to,
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to an operations to choose the top of the matter. we try move these ready money time along the route. see another see the say this is a pressure on his realtor to put an end to it's a question on people and guns and also to and it's located there was a very light, is washington dc with a white house correspondent, kimberly house that we're having obviously from the admin side as to what they're experiencing. but what's the american administration saying about those strikes in yemen? a yeah, according to us central command or sent. com, as we often call it, what we know is that there were 36 who the target in 13 different locations that were hit by the combined forces of the united states and the united kingdom. now what we know is that, in addition to the campaign that was done on friday evening, very similar in terms of the strategies that there was the attempt to degrade and
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to stabilize any sort of effort to attack us interest in the region. so what we know, the targets were selected based on how that might be carried out, for example, weapon storage missile systems, launchers, air defense systems and radar. and what we know is that the stories came from ships as well as fighter jets. and in terms of what the secretary's defense lloyd austin the say, he says in his statement, this collective action sends a message to the who is these. they will bear for the consequences if they don't end illegal attacks on international shipping and naval vessel. so very strong statement sent by the secretaries defense if we pivot to the political full a lot really of the americans, right. so on the rock and syria within the last 24 hours. the statements coming out from the ra, a raton that we've never heard before. setting you up to about level. so yeah, and there are some questions now about the intelligence that the united states has
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been using is they have said that they used a are selected their targets based on clear and irrefutable intelligence that those friday strikes. those targets were selected based on the intelligence that those locations were linked to attacks that had been on us interest. but when reporters including myself pressed the us military as to whether or not that evidence would be provided. they said no. and when we said would it be forthcoming? they said no and where we asked how we know them. but this is legitimate in terms of the intelligence. basically, we're told we would just have to trust the us military in the united states military does have a credibility problem at times. particularly if you look back to the us invasion of iraq in 2003. we understand and remember that the intelligence at that time was
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faulty. and so, um, there are some questions about sense of skepticism with regard to that still the united states military says it is being as transparent as possible. and it says also with regard to a broader middle east conflict, it says it is not seeking one, nor is it seeking a conflict with iran interest and see what the politicians say as the some of the building programs begin. but so the basement, kimberly thank so much i, a wireless wireless continuing its attacks in southern gauze or at least 26 palestinians have been killed in 2 strikes, tail episode die and has more. and we do what he, that some of the images in a report of distressing the morning the dead has become a part of the daily life osmond
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bits farewell to his 8 year old son. one of several palestinians killed by his really eerie strikes and bravo. and southern gauze, up here, benches outside hospital grounds become make shift marks where families prepare, loved ones for period of the my son this with doc. now he left me here alone, all these rain. these are killing our children and that women were not wanted people to tool. we just want to go to work and come back home nearly 4 months into israel's world garza families say they're desperate and exhausted us and the state bombed us in jamalia. so we moved to con eunice. we were targeted again and, and wasi. we then came here to rasa. the attacks continue when the bombing started . i couldn't breathe, i was screaming. so how this has become routine for civil defense and rescue cruise
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. taking the injure to barely functioning hospitals, hoping they'll be treated. and so far inside conditions are dire. the floor often replaces hospital. that's the age shortage, crippling guns that is evidence and the fuse health care facilities still able to offer surfaces and this is what's left of their neighborhood. much of it now destroyed. israel has intensified. it's a tax on for offline the cell near the border with egypt. it's the city where is really forces order posted is to go the city where israel said they'd be safe. now hundreds of thousands of people who are forcibly displays some of them repeatedly have nowhere to go. nowhere to find refuge of the
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month is that of a i'm still in shock. we were told the raffle was safe, but it's not. my mother was killed in these attacks. enough please. i just can't talk anymore. let me just go to the those who survive. the bombings we've loved ones who didn't and wonder what more israel's will wrong cause a will take from them. katia a little bit, so the yen. how does their this little tunnel cover resume has moved now from rough uh, in southern garza, today we have been clearly seeing dr. these are the forces had been widely attacking the eastern areas of rough life, especially in a set of neighborhoods. that is one of the areas that it also a jason to the city of con eunice till now the ongoing, the bottom. it did not stop in the city or rough uh, has the sound of the is really surveillance of drugs and 5 digits could be clearly overhead a midnight where palestinians are completely right now, taking shelter in the max, the mass filters and the mass and the mass makes shift areas that they have been
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living inside and a bomb. it's also of calling you to city had been going on within the past few hours, where they have targeted the facility of the european hospital where an impulse palestinians being injured and killed in that strike and different departments of the rookie and hospital had been partially inflected. with the scrubbing, those that had been hitting the buildings that is due to the destruction of one of the fuel station that is a close to the european hospital in the city of hon. you to send. this is a part of the genocide, the military campaign that had been lost by is read on the southern part of gauze, a strip of as well for having concerns about the next step that these very forces might take. especially if they wanted to transfer the bottles into start the practically ground inclusion into route to reflect the district as one well as what we have been seeing within the past 24 hours, they have been intensifying. the military attacks are rough. i especially in the
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eastern part, which consider it to be the main stop point for any possible ground evasion in order to take full control over 56 in the united. uh right. but it says that it la la kate, $5000000.00 to the fund to funds the u. n. 's agency, full palestinian refugees, is the latest of a group of countries that have increased donations of to major tenants, including the us and britain suspended funding. and this comes out, the israel accused 6, i also have $16000.00 under law employees, but electrically taken parts and the october 7th, the time on. so that is ro elliot portugal in spain, touch to continue financing the agency, which is a lifeline for millions of palestinians in casa and region. hundreds of his release of health protests in tel aviv demanding that the government does more to ensure the return of all remaining captives held in garza that are coming to be $136.00 captives held in the region. including 11 foreign nations. a brief choice in november allowed for the release of a 105 captives. how much of june is on the demonstration organized by the
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assemblies of the captives? at a time when there is more and more speculation in israel about the potential for a cease fire, that would see the release of is rarely capital engaged in exchange for perhaps thousands of palestinian prisoners being released. this is the protest. it happens every week, every saturday, outside of the ministry of defense, which is over here. these, this protests organized by relatives of those capt is being held in gaza. now, when this protest started shortly after october 7th, it was more of assignment protest. this area behind us, this is now known as hostage square. and this is where the relatives come. sometimes they grieve nowadays they call on the government to do more to ensure the release of their relatives,
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those campuses that are being held in gauze of what we're hearing tonight, even though it's a smaller crowd than it has been in the last few weeks overhearing tonight. is people being more vocal being a bit more critical of the government say this is the time the time is now to make sure those captains are released. we also worked in some speakers. it said that while they know that there are 2 objectives to the world, or one is to eliminate to how, how much the other one is to get those captive release. and they say that that is what's the most important goal of all how much into them under the calories? tens of thousands of protest as a valid london calling for any of the easy it seems. firing garza, the installation is through the series and demonstrations. a very simple cities to condemn, as well as move it to us these way, the government a lot more few minutes having a into cause it will still on the opposite. it will have the rest of the days using
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polluting, they think is coming to an end and the democratic primary and north carolina, where people are expected to pick a bike this i can do, it will be largely from the states, the index analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa food? it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings cop concerning his face, is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive the task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera, unique perspective, i want to leave. i don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this to me. it was really helpful. my things, thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices
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. and i'm all the communications. please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the or with fearless geminus and just behind me, hundreds of people have been designed to h as in depth coverage thailand, states it's future on fossil fuels found to 0 is teens on the ground. when you close to the house of the story, the
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will go up to what you all just bear with me. so he'll rom and in the hall, remind to of, on top stories the us on the united kingdom of lowest a new wave of strikes against a radian link to the font. as in yemen, pro, who's the media's say, the capital to the end, the pulse of the, of the data for being pets. washington says 6 empty ship, cruise missiles were destroyed, and russia requested other agents un security council meeting to discuss the us strengths in bed. the rock and syria on friday, washington hit a z, finds uranium link targets in both countries. coming 16 people. that was invitation for trying to time, which killed 3 american soldiers and told last week and is very full of killed at least $26.00 times simians and strikes and central and southern gaza. both of 100 people have been killed since friday. the state of emergency has been described in chile because of dozens of wild finds at least 46 people have been killed in central and southern areas where the number of casualties is expected to increase
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firefighters of baffling mold and 95 has been fueled by dry conditions and sol, ring temperatures, the sea and even lots of america edits joins us now. the fight, unfolding chillies, capital santiago, the situation. let's see. it is great for those trying to tackle those places. it's extremely difficult. are we having to feed fires like this? certainly the year they're all in the summer, there are $5.00 and $2.00 tribes, but never so close to the city itself. even urban areas where opportunity, thousands and thousands of kids in a cause. private school, which the coastal areas of bonds that are you so that you can, which is exactly where these fires are to the page. the so called flower c t aveena that matches and i was going to play some of the sparks and either reach the coast yet. so it's a very critical situation is being done by very strong winds of up to 6 miles
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kilometers and sorry, an hour and also find that a heat wave which has been seen for almost 2 weeks now. which is me. yeah. why are they at this time of year? so it's the perfect time to the the president's destination. a short while ago he said, yes, yes, the 40 people that the government can confirm that. but he says that those numbers are going to increase to certain words for certain independent hours. the hospitals are full. there is also a confused input in place of the pictures that we're seeing. let's see, uh on uh, television screens gravely or opposite sides of the countryside. but of course, uh, the certain small uh, urban locations, i presume small towns and villages. this must be very difficult for the authorities when it comes to deploying the emergency services that are trying to decide the priorities of which areas which villages which town so which roadways need to be
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protected, so that more rate and will help, can get in as well. as actual flat, they are not small towns and villages at all. they are actually cities and may be a 180000 people in the case of 2 boys. and which is one of the places that is actually on fire as i speak. in fact, a short while ago, i just heard that firefighters found the bodies of 6 elderly people who could not run for their lives. they could not leave in time when the evacuation cost of the amounts of interest people, thousands of people have been evacuated. this is very close to the city, a lot of financial and another in mind, but the other cities, right, or a very large towns above it are the ones that are being picked the hardest 1st because they're right next to the parts. and as for what you just said, you're absolutely right, highways and how does in traffic jams besides this people,
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were we not directing them to firefighters, from santiago and other parts of the country that would be sent in too hot to try to help the local firefighters manage they haven't been able to get through. and so as i just said before, the government has the good a curfew which started 19 minutes ago. everybody off the street, off the highways until 10 o'clock in the morning. so it's, it's, it's a, it's a cartridge, a very nice complex is, i will come back with an update to as the day progresses of the name and let's see, and human that for us in santiago. well, in the usa to south carolina, oppose the close and the democratic policies primary person trip on is expecting an easy waiting against 2 of the candidates. it's the 1st time south carolina has come 1st on the list of states voting in the democratic primaries about 26 percent of its residents of black and votes. and the votes i received as a test of best support full misty by to the border between the united states and
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mexico is the destination for convoy vehicles coming protest as opposed to immigration, organized to say that, that concerned with a great number of migrants illegally crossing into the us, the critics of the take of both a back convoy worry it could fuel anti immigrant sentiment. hi, jo, castro, it has bought from the city of queen motto in texas. what many of the anti immigration protest does have gathered, including a republican candidates, are there about some 1000 demonstrators who traveled across the country in this con boy. and they cells labeled themselves god's army, which did draw some concern about people who initially said that this would be like a militia like atmosphere. well now we are finally near eagle pass, which was their destination. and it's really transformed into a rally. people are listening to speakers on the stage. they are also voicing their own opinions and they are telling me that they are very worried about the border. there have been more than 300 encounters with migrant attempting to process border from mexico into the us just in december alone, and that is
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a record high. and for more on that we have our guest j fermon, who's running for congress as a republican candidate. thank you, j. tell me what is the message of everyone here? so how do you, thanks for having me on. so the message here is that americans are trying to bring attention to the border. that is not a southern border right now. our current immigration rules or lack of enforcement, immigration rules are allowing you set it $300000.00 plus people in the last month and that has been amounting every month that was just in calendars. not all of them were able to enter the country. so and those encounters, absolutely, and so those encounters are kind of, you know, split out in different ways. and so a months that we've had in this last year, 300 and i don't know if that's figured talking about before terrace, lisp most encounters as well as the people that we don't know that are coming in, that we're very concerned about. so we don't have a southern border right now, and that's the next essential threat to america. and what other countries we understand is that it's actually a business right now. and so tough countries to our sales are held in front of
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people to our north and making money along the way. and then there's people on our own country that are profiting on this. the dozens of migrants have investigated the atlantic ocean of the canary islands, a spanish coast called vessel tote that bait to go and canary red cross volunteers of talk to them. i was setting all in west africa. they told me more than 7000 migrants who landed in spanish territory in january. right, scripts estimate the 6000 drown trying to get that loss to make it wells was dangerous migration roots. but more than a 150000 protests as a valley that germany's parliament to condemn what they say is right wing extremists of similar protests have taken place across the country for a 3rd successive, we can double that came as this report from valid these people believe they represent the majority view in this country, which they say is disgusted by the far right policies of the alternative. for germany. if day, they accuse us of wanting to deport migrants who become naturalized as germans. the
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policy leadership denies that that these demonstrate is on not convinced it just became neutralized recently and the civil are planning to take home from me. germany arabian i came to germany or on 8 years ago. and i have already lost home to fascists. i don't want to lose the 2nd one. the waves of mice. protests was provoked by would have a meeting held with this building and puts them in the vendor where leading members of the if day and other permanent right wing is reported to have discussed. the d pull taishan policy known in german as was they me cut soon. a policy lawyers say is unconstitutional and which many people associate with not one, i'm always tells me why the protest is use. the phrase never again is now academic . never again now is decisive for the people because 80 percent says you don't want to have national social and they,
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they feel that they are students here in the endeavor to correct this democracy to destroy this democracy, to make a racist state with all the problems and civil war they, they, they think they will have it, and this is the reason why they are so wide this and never again now associate, that phrase was also used in parliament against the if day last week from 2 is this angry response from its joint leader maybe the gets there, giving him never again is now must olson moment, not having state to fund lead to houses being set up as a secret service to be used against us. the opposition would be nice that we're not in the seeking the, those who are above all of the social democrats because a mistake that actually is nissan gemini, this summer. they just very well make them pay you hold on looking forward to that . that's fine. jackson, but the f day is particularly strong in the old east germany,
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but demonstrations like these do seem to be having an effect at the national level . in early january, the policy was holding around 2324 percent. now that's dropped to around 19 percent, but that still remains as many as 10000000 germans support the r f de dominant cane houses era bullet. so the goal is present. lucky sol has postpone the presidential election that was due on february the 25th and a tv address to the nation. he signed to the a dispute over the list of election candidates existing in the district. i've signed a degree of february 3rd, 2020 for repealing that of november 29. 2023. can reading the electro body, as for me, by some commitment not to run for the presidential election remains on change. and finally, i will initiate an open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent, an inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciling,
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sending got on many south american nations, all seeing a spike in cases of den, get fever, empowered by homes of the city of the amount of think fumigated hospitals in the capitalist and ceiling of seeing a large number of patients with take the sentence brazil. it sounds like a vaccination campaign against anti virus and not as well as a shop prize and infections the number of cases and the 1st week of january doubled from the same period. last yeah, presented with the company 1st country in the world to offered things. the vaccine through the public health system always picks that you have a single, there's an expectation of a peak and 3 or 4 weeks establishing perhaps the highest number of cases in our history. even compared to 2016 the previous hi. just to invest to be reduced to water levels and the reservoir in mexico have revealed a 16th century church. the benita honda is dumb, has seen a 47 percent fully more levels following years of reduced rain. full farm is the word because of less water for that crops and fishermen safe that livelihoods
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because of reduced catches for them. and those with headlines with me so wrong with the weather is next. that inside story looks at the impacts of the latest us find sony rainy and link targets. and the rock on the 7th of the toxic bone use interest of the hopping off time. so to stay with us here on the the hello the from northern parts of south asia, we have seen persistent fall in small issues that i have continued phone you delhi, disrupting some traffic there i'm causing poor visibility and quality issues. now the good news is we will see some wet to weather start to creep into new daily thanks to a west city disturbance that's moved its way from i've gone us down into pockets dotted boat, some very heavy rain in the south. it's not moved on to northern parts of india,
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bringing thunder storms, the threat of lighting, as well as hail and wintry conditions, up in the mountains. now for the south of this, it is a much more settled story. we will see the development of some rain pushing into northern areas such as per dash and b hall and the weather. when she conditions continue for the pool and put time, but much dry up full. the rest of india clear skies settled conditions down to the south. some heavier rain, however, affecting sri lanka. and heavy rain is a story for central china as we move to east asia, that's called a wintry front to it, moving across the nose and areas over the next few days. so it remains wilma and west, down in the south, much colder up in the north. but if we have a look at the 3 day vision, we'll see that temperature climb up slowly with some sunshine on tuesday. the low neils rain forests are some of the world's oldest,
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but they are no match for the deputy fires increasingly with through them. in the face of man made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all the plans to protect or village fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey. how far will the us go in attacking? it runs links targets and then at least washington has counted up strikes against pro error on the groups in syria and iraq, the retaliation for drone attacks last week in june. so could this spill over into a wider conflict. this is inside story. the .


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