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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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is mainly who are benefiting from this when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on out is there the a series of s $5.00 sit locations across the gibbons capital cost for us that operation. the gays to radian link targets the zillow robin working on civilized headquarters here in the also coming up a region on the wrong condemns us as far as in iraq. and siri as a mistake, is really strikes pound rough site in southern guns with hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians seeking shows up inside the rates for the democratic
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nominees of president begins in south carolina to 6 to 5. and is that candidates on the dollars or the 2024 legs? the welcome to the back of the american and british asteroid certificate and target who the western sites in yemen. the operations follow a series of similar strikes recently have to attacks on shipping in the red sea. now the us, the television says $36.00 sites were tenants, including the ship, cruise missiles, probably who the media savvy capital set off on the pulse. if you have a data hit area on friday, the us launch dozens of strikes in iraq and syria talked in groups linked to a wrong civilians amongst at least 16 killed in iraq. leaders. in fact, that for me protested to the white house, damascus, and 10 rugs of also condemned the strikes. a more we can den,
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any move against the resistance we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can't see that with the americans. but if they do choose to act wisely, they should stop supporting design history here. while the results is including b, one low range bulbous hit, $85.00 targets in iraq and syria depends again say that we used by arouse revolution. we got this proxies. it was a retaliation. so to kind of get 3 american soldiers into trying to talk a little, i'll be base in jordan last weekend. we'll rush out as requested. imagine human security council meeting to discuss the american strikes. but with all the top possible on those strikes from e evans capital center, the us crew to share the floor. planes have carried out series of areas, track symbol, boston's indifferent to any cities. we under the control of the inside of the, or these, the new a rice, it reads that we're on, the balls are withdrawn and also on that day which places the yeah,
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oh the say that they have already be targeted in eli. it'd be, it'd be war. so we are talking about an increasing is strikes by the us and prison in order to limit what the say b is, how these ability and capability to, to help us and british marine, i'm and they're up to our thoughts to an operations, to, to has talked to the notary, try move these ready money time along the route. see another see the say this is a pressure on his realtor to put an end to a question on people and guns and also to and it's located, there was costs over to our white house correspondent company how because he's standing by in washington dc for is that can be what more is the american administration saying about these strikes on you have been for yeah, we have had a statement by the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, in it. he says, this collective action sends a message to the who sees they will bear further consequences if they don't and
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illegal attacks on international shipping and naval vessels. now, we should point out that in total, what we're hearing from the central command of the us military is in fact that there were $36.00 targets. the who, the targets in total were struck. 13 different locations. and the goal in all of this was to try and degrade and disable the ability of those targets to hit us interest in the region. so what we understand is that these were targets that were largely weapons storage facilities, missile systems, launchers, uh, also defense systems. and radar systems, they were a hit from the weapons that were launched, either from fighter jets or from ships. now, what we also know is that the united states says in the midst of all of this, well, it has retaliated, and this is something that the united states promise to do is says it is not
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seeking a wider conflict in the region. and indeed, the political fallout continues, certainly from the strikes the us conducted what 24 hours ago iraq interior as well . so yeah, that's right. and what we know about those is that we're still waiting for that battle damage assessment. but we already know that there have been casualties despite the u. s. military saying that they selected their targets based on trying to avoid civilian casualties. they also told alger 0 that these targets were selected based on clear and irrefutable evidence that they were connected to a tax on us personnel. but the administration, as well as the us military, failed to offer any evidence the of this connection to these attacks. and when we pressed further, we were told we would have to take the military's word for it. so what we were told is this was an ongoing operation, the military operation,
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and therefore they intelligence could not be disclosed. however, the military says if there is the possibility of the future, they will try to be as transparent as possible. having said that, they also want to, to make clear that well they are targeting a run back malicious. they are not seeking direct conflict with a ron. give me, thanks very much for the update. kimberly how could that for us in washington dc now as well as continuing its attacks in southern guns or at least 26 palestinians have been killed into a strong topic f o assume has moved from rough today when you have been clearly a c dot to the user, the force has had been widely attacking the eastern areas of rough life, especially in a set of neighborhoods. that is one of the areas that it also a decent to the city of hon. eunice till now. the ongoing, the bottom, it did not stop in the city of rough or has the sound of these really surveillance of drugs. and 5 digits could be clearly overhead
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a midnight where tom students are completely right now, taking shelter in the max. the mass filters in the math and the mass make shift areas that they have been living inside and a bomb. it's also of calling you to city had been going on within the past few hours, where they have targeted the facility of the european hospital where an impulse palestinians being injured and killed in that strike and different departments of the rookie and hospital had been partially inflected. with the scrub and those that had been hitting the buildings to it, due to the destruction of one of the fuel station that is close to the european hospital in the city of hon. you to send. this is a part of the genocide, the military campaign that had been lost by east bed on the southern part of gauze district as well for having concerns about the next step that these very forces might take. especially if they wanted to transfer the bottles into start the practically ground inclusion into route to reflect the district as one well as what
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we have been seeing. within the past 24 hours, they have been intensifying the military attacks, roughly, especially in the eastern part, which considered to be the main stop point for any possible ground evasion in order to take full control over a fy 16 to the launch. is that a bummer? it says it la la kate, $5000000.00 to fund the humans agency, full pallets, city and refugees. is the latest to the group of countries that's increased donations after major donors, including the us and britain suspended funding. and this comes up to is where the q 6 of 6 out of over 15000 in real life employees of electric, the take your calls to be able to. but 7th attack on southern israel, ali of portugal in spain pledge to continue financing the agency, which is along the line. so believes that palestinians and garza region hundreds of his riley's holes that help protesting tel aviv demanding that the government does more to ensure the return of all remaining captives held in garza. the current being $136.00 captains held the guns and including 11 foreign nationals,
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a brief truce and november, allowed for the release of a $1500.00. jumped to most of the demonstration organized by the families of the captives. at a time when there is more and more speculation is real about the potential for a cease fire. that would see the release of is rarely capital gauze in exchange for perhaps thousands of palestinian prisoners being released. this is the protest. it happens every week, every saturday, outside of the ministry of defense, which is over here. these, this protests organized by relatives of those capt is being held in gaza. now, when this protest started shortly after october 7th, it was more of assignments, protest, this area behind us, this is now known as hostage square. and this is where the relatives come. sometimes they grieve nowadays they call on the government to do more to ensure the
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release of their relatives, those campuses that are being held in gauze of what we're hearing tonight, even though it's a smaller crowd than it has been in the last few weeks over here. me tonight is people being more vocal being a bit more critical of the government say, this is the time the time is now to make sure those captains are released. we also worked in some speakers. it said that while they know that there are 2 objectives to the war, one is to eliminate to how, how much the other one is to get those captive release. and they say that that is what's the most important goal of all i mentioned to them under the calories that tens of thousands of protest as a rallied in london calling for an immediate c sign in gauze. that is, the light has to be series of demonstrations in various couple of cities to condemn, as well as will. but to us these way, the government, to
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a lot more humanitarian aid into garza to whole was in london. it is very much of its kind through central london calling for an end to the war on gaza for testers. now filling wide hole this week to screeches on the edge apartments where right the seat of government here. and in fact, the message clearly and as much as the government is relative pressure at the end, it's more on gaza as it is aimed at to produce government directly to get support israel. and this war on god. very important to feel the pressure toggle under u. k. government because they're one of the boards, the genocide results, the okay, do you as the support is, was can not do anything. i didn't quite sick mix group. so the organization is represented here, calling for a say, smile now, but also people are supposed to do expressing their concern and
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a lot of the possible implications in the region of this war, the potential for it spilling out and affecting other countries. and remember, this is the 1st mox since the international court of justice in that hey, last month's issue dates, preliminary judgment, pulling on his route to hold any actions that could lead to genocide that's represented here as well. i just watched the l o t police presence around a 1000 offices policing they smocks, but warning that over signs of the jury sentiments or indeed pro hamas sentiment may be faced with arrest the crowd. now those overwhelmingly paced joe, the whole elders here on monday. we'll still head here on, i'll just say we're
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a historic shift. no, no, i didn't get to the nationalist as the 1st minister, as the government returns to work up to 2 years. i'm on with the incense salvador, where the countries president naples is expecting a landslide victory. and this weekend's national election. this despite a constitutional ban on presidential re election that's coming up the brought to you by visit capital. how low they. let's have a look at the full cost of a north america of the next few days. we've got a few areas of concern, a deepening area of low pressure that's bringing snow to the rockies and dropping temperatures for western and central parts of canada and such as all the way down the coast central parts of the us towards the southeast corner. we're going to see
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some very stormy conditions, take ahold of florida over the next few days with thunderstorms and the potential for some tomatoes and the risk of flooding to the for the north of this launch the dry along the east coast of the us temperatures above average, so this time if you, that's not the case with west coast. we go to another atmospheric river, it's going to pull rain, it's going to be west and then the one we saw on thursday. so very heavy rain, snow in the mountains, some disruption to travel lightly and very powerful winds. now we could see a month to a month and a half worth of rain full in los angeles over the weekend. and you can see those that wet weather taking us all the way through to tuesday. and i would like you to see some of that where the start to creep into the north west of mexico. but locksley, dry it here on sunday, which are across most southern areas. but for the west of the rain, we have to look to the car being heavy rain for cuba. the weather brought
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to you by visit castle. oil rich, your rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of, to, on a jersey to the the book about if you want to, you'll just bear with me. so he'll run the reminder of all the top stories. the us
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on the u. k. have launched a new wave that strikes the radio link to the parts as again and video size of the campus and all the polls. if you have a data be pitts, washington says, 6 empty ship, cruise missiles were destroyed. russia requested an urgent to you and security council meeting to discuss the pricing vend rock and sylvia. on friday, washington today to find the rainy leak tockets and both countries coming 16 people in retaliation are trying to track which killed 3 american soldiers in georgia last week. and is where the forces of killed at least 26 kind of civilians, and then strikes and central and southern casa, and 100 people have been killed since friday. in the state of south carolina, joe biden has won the democratic primary nomination for the 2024 us selection is the 1st time south carolina has come. first on the list of states voting in the democratic primaries about 26 percent of its residents of black and the vote is seen as a test of the support full by well area. i spoke to carrie, sheffield
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a senior policy on the list of the advocacy group, independent women's voice alongside your taka 88 political strategist, and fully use site director for the obama campaigns in ohio. i'd be gone by asking about the importance of south carolina as democratic presidential primary. just take the can. i just start with you as an important take off for the full democrats on for president biden. i mean to him, what's at stake at south carolina? is this an easy primary robin going for difficult states? you know, south carolina is a very important state for the president, as you all know, as we all know, that it was a very important moment for president joe biden. in the last primary election where black voters in south carolina really showed and really carried on the wind for president joe biden, and the state is very important. it is a rich diverse state, i think is representative of america. i believe that we can look at black voters in
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the state and we've already seen them do the absence of black voters in the state. they are really the heart of america with you. i've been in the state i, i am from south carolina. i'm actually sitting in my home in south carolina at i have talked to voters throughout the state over the last few days and they are saying the same thing that there is a start choice in november in this country. and there is a lot of enthusiasm for them to make sure that we are fighting for and voting for the fundamental freedoms. and because we are very excited in the state about the promises the president joe biden, his guest. okay, let's go to car because we were gonna speak to both of you really about all of the issues that carry you joined us to. of course, if it is such an important state, some of those issues that i would you take, i mentioned all things like health or full energy immigration foreign policy. and we've heard the come to that study on the republican side, talk about what they might do or might not do. it's all about tactic system tests
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until now they, they're trying to get an idea of a sense of how the states might the fold for them come the election in november. and it certainly is all about turn out for sure. that's really going to be peasant off, but i think even though present of biting is going to, it's a king bought for him in, in south carolina. the reality is that's just a primary and he's become a president. so it wasn't, nobody ever thought he was actually going to lose. but the reality is the present and biting is the least popular president since world war 2. that's truly shocking . it's mind blowing out, his approval ratings only 33 percent. he's also losing in a key battleground, states that he won in 2020, against donald trump. so he's losing overall across the 7 battleground, states by 6 points to donald trump and in north carolina is double digits. so no matter who wins the g o p primary, whether it's donald trump or nikki haley and and certainly donald trump is
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a head. both donald trump and nicky, who we are beating joe biden in the 2024 presidential general election pulling. so easy that was that carry full full presence to have the slum. and i'm sure to take people have the right inputs in this. but certainly when it comes to policy, the republican candidates can say what they might want to do. oh, but what they might like to do was present biden at the moment, has to justify his decisions at all. based on that, the republicans can beat him over the head with it to take how much of this particular primary is about by saying what he has succeeded to why he should be given into the full years. it means every se, i mean, let's just look at, we talked about the power of black voters in the state of south carolina. let's look at what's happened under president fighting and vice president harris administration blackwell in america is up 60 percent since the pandemic. and we all
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know under donald trump's leadership, this country just could not handle a pandemic because of poor leadership. black, small businesses rates are up faster than they have been in over 30 years. and we're seeing insulin prices at $35.00 versus $400.00. what americans care about, they care about their day to day, and we also know that, you know, there's twice as before us and carries, talking about the nominees. clear is going to be donald trump. and what he stands for is just an attack for all of our freedoms, the attack on a woman's right to choose the attack going on. economics leaders are freedom to learn and what americans are doing and what they will do is to continue. and what we have seen time and time over the last 2 years is that the truck agenda and his mazda agenda has last. well set of goals president mac is all has postpone the presidential election that was due on february, the 25th and a tv address to the nation. he cited
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a dispute over the list of election candidates, his senior and the degree i've signed the degree of february, 3rd, 2020 for repealing that of november 29th. 2023. can reading the electoral body as for me, by some current and not to run for the presidential election remains on change. and finally, i will initiate an open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent, and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciling sydney got it. and from the class i think has moved from the synagogues capital dot com, the we're just outside the presidential palace. that's just a few blocks behind the. it's highly secure, there's police and right here, here. but also across the nation, there's been a call from those candidates to go out and protest tomorrow. this decision taken by president lucky cell. now microsoft is calling for a national unity dialog before an election date can be put in place. but what he
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effectively he has done is cancel the elections without giving a date of when this is going to take place. he says the country cannot afford or not another crisis, a doubt in the electoral process. and we have to understand that this comes after months of instability, where we saw leading figures of the opposition arrested. we saw riots on the sweets from his supporters and i'm eluding here to waste my sancho an election where 3 of the candidates, the 3 major figures are in prison. one of them is campaigning from his jail, from his prison cell in order to become the president of this country. so really, really the circumstances that are unusual for sending gold. and that's why he says, a national dialogue is needed to rebuild the trust in the democratic process. but we have to remember the context in which this is happening. we are in a region where there's been a series of cruise,
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where there's growing this trust towards the democratic process and, but certainly go is the most stable democracy in the region. all eyes on what's going to happen in this country and to see if he is able to rebuild trust between the people and it's democratic institution. and the politicians meant to represent them, as well as be the landmark day in those islands. for the 1st time in 2 years, people have a power shaving government devolves from london and another fast. the new leader is from the irish republican sion same policy. the air began with an after pro partition unit. this ended, the boy called over breaks it. trade rules are a full set in belfast. i am willing to take off the office of 1st minister, a moment postponed since elections in 2022. and the milestone in a far longer history is bid to conflict. a politician who wants to see a united ireland becoming northern islands. so as minister we mark
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a moment of equality and the moment of progress. a new opportunity to work and to grow together. confident in that whatever we come from, whatever aspirations are we come, i mean most spelled our future together. so they may know this was a speech about daily governance about infrastructure, public services, and respect for different communities. and in that, michelle knew how to agreement from the new deputy 1st minister, and the main union is d u p. which wants to preserve north the mountains place in the united kingdom, a michelle as an irish republican. and i am a very pride unionist. we will never agree on those issues, but what we can agree on as a concert doesn't discriminate on our hospitals and h for next. for the 1st time in years, politicians here may just have captured the mood of people. they were elected. this of the it's the p version fan or whatever, just work to come and go to the table that they were elected to are far as too much
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oh list on the streets. no, it is being done for them because they what sort of just the need to work together concerns you may know about the capacity of the executive to meet those needs with both unionists. i'm not sure list having worked out in recent years. they will be watching closely to see how the 1st minister and the deputy 1st minister, and what together i'm present of joint united front. it will be difficult because of the hotline unionism and that we've seen in the last 2 years. and the temptation on the site to be pretty hard line as well. and there are no good speeches. the new 1st and deputy 1st ministers both committed themselves to co operation into respect for the other side. they both also know to the landmark nature of this moment in northern islands, long and trouble history. one that still costs a shadow over its post conflict. politics. are you close it out?
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just the re, belfast. the size of emergency has been declined in chile because of dozens of walls size. at least 46 people are being killed in central and southern areas where the number of casualties is thanks to increase by size is a buffering move and 95 as being fuels by dry conditions and solving temperatures. now the boat between the united states and mexico is the destination for a convoy vehicles coming protest, as opposed to immigration organizers. save that concerned with the great number of migrants illegally crossing into the us. but critics of the take all, both the back convoys worry it could few n t immigrants sentiment 90. jo castro has moved from the city of glen meto in texas. but many of the empty immigration protest as have gathered, including a republican candidate there about some 1000 demonstrators who traveled across the country in this con boy. and they self labeled themselves god's army, which did draw some concern about people who initially said that this would be like
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a militia like atmosphere. well now we are finally near eagle pass, which was their destination. and it's really transformed into a rally. people are listening to speakers on the stage. they are also voicing their own opinions and they are telling me that they are very worried about the border. there have been more than 300 encounters with migrant attempting to process border from mexico into the us just in december alone. and that is a record high. and for more on that we have our guest j fermon, who's running for congress as a republican time candidate. thank you. j. tell me what is the message of everyone here? so how do you, thanks for having me on. so the message here is that americans are trying to bring attention to the border. that is not a southern border right now. our current immigration rules or lack unfortunately, immigration rules are allowing you set it $300000.00 plus people in the last month . and that has been amounting every month that was just in calendars, not all of them were able to enter the country. so and those encounters absolutely . and so those encounters are kind of, you know,
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split out in different ways. and so a months that we've had in this last year, 300 and i don't know if that's figured talking about before terrace, lisp most encounters as well as the people that we don't know that are coming in, that we're very concerned about. so we don't have a southern border right now, and that's the next essential threat to america. and what other countries we understand is that it's actually a business right now. and so tough countries to our sales are held in front of people to our north and making money along the way. and then there's people on our own country that are profiting on this, as well as i used as an el salvador prepared for sunday's election. tens of thousands of salvadorans living outside the country have already cast the pallets probably been passed a law which allows citizens living abroad to vote from her over the internet. a little drop of the reports out from the capital, samsung, salvador and president. now you book and it is on course to win a landslide re election on sunday. and a lot of that has to do with the support from salvadorans living abroad. thanks to
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a new building system that has made the 2024 election for the 1st to allow internet boating from almost anywhere in the world for a little bit more to for my new minus to reform law so they can exercise their right to vote. so this is a has story collection. once it will solve, we're going to continue the cost we have set for ourselves online voting started on the 6th of january. more than 50000 salvadorans cast their ballots just the 1st 3 days in the 2019 presidential election of less than 4000 people living abroad voted . or i'm going to be showing you guys a way to post many salvadorans took to social media to show just how easy the process is. after you follow for all the steps we are going to vote, and we're going to vote for a new way of us. you this, which is who get a, our president of all salvador. and we're going to vote for him salvador and community leaders in the us say enthusiasm, especially.


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