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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the the, the us and u. k. loans, most right, sorry, the targets, any of this capital? pawsman operation against a rainy and linked targets. a region on edge. iran condemns friday's us as pricing iraq and syria as a mistake. the thought so robin, what you on their life and also coming up is really strikes pound rough and then southern garza with hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians, a seeking shelter and at least 46 people in the dead in july as far as fines rage
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through the center of the country, the american and british as strikes have again talked as who the weapon sites in. yeah, but the operations follow a series of similar strides recently after tax on shipping in the red sea. now the us, let's go to the can says $36.00 sites were typed, including empty ship, cruise missiles, 5, who's the media, save the capitol of snow on the pulse. if you have a data hit earlier on friday, the us launch dozens of strikes in iraq and syria talked in groups linked to a wrong civilians. amongst at least 16 people killed in the rock theaters in baghdad. full, we protested to the white house, damascus, untied, wrong, have condemned the strikes. i'm all we condemn any move against the resistance. we reject and condense these,
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a tops that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can see that with the americans, but if they do choose to act wisely, they should stop supporting design is tricky. well, useful as of including be one low range bulbous at $85.00 targets in iraq and syria depend to can say they were used by a wrong revolution regard. and it's proxies that was in retaliation for the kidding of 3 american soldiers and the dry and a ton of college. and i'll be base in joel last weekend. well, russia has requested an engine un security council meeting to discuss the american strikes. moment the top has more on the strikes from humans capital center, the us crew to share the lower planes have carried out series of areas, track symbol, boston's in different unity cities. uh, we under the control of the unsettled off of these, the new a rise. it reads that we're on, the balls are withdrawn. and also on that day, which places the your home,
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if you say that they have already be targeted and the be the war. so we are talking about an increasing is flags by the us and prison in order to. busy limits what the safety as policies and ability and capability to, to head to us and british marine. and there are a thoughts on operations to choose the top, the mary time of these ready money time along the route. see another of see the say this is a pressure on this realtor to put an end to it's a question on people and government also to and it's located there. let's go. the very latest from washington dc has to be it's all white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare and can be what, what was the administration saying about these strikes? now across gavin of the defense secretary lloyd austin, issuing a statement saying these collection collective action sends a message to the who sees they will bear further consequences if they don't and
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illegal attacks on international shipping and naval vessels. and you will recall in recent weeks, there have been these tit for tat actions between the united states and the iranian back militia groups in the red sea. but the most recent action, of course, being the strikes on the who the targets inside. yep. and by the united states and the united kingdom, as you point out, this was, according to the central command of the united states are said. com is we often referred to at 3650 targets in 13 locations. and what we're being told is that these locations were specifically targeted because they had links to a pass to targets that were launching towards united states interest and other words, the weapon, storage missile systems and launchers, air defense systems,
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as well as radar. so the idea here was to disable their ability to do so in the future. the united states saying they're not seeking confrontation, they're just hoping to try and prevent future attacks. and it was pivot slightly. really. today's the tax by the us uh, iraq and syria within the last 24 hours. you know, there's not just diplomatic full a lot this political full a lot better as well to yeah, there's no question because the united states, the president was under a lot of political pressure here in the united states to act as a result of almost a week ago that attacked on those on that outposts in jordans that claimed the lives of not only 3 us soldiers, but also wounded, 41, others, some of them gravely. so there was internal pressure, but at the same time, well, the american public may have been looking for some sort of avenging of those deaths . there was no interest according to pulling for some rod or middle east conflict.
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and that certainly was reflected also by some within the president's own democratic party. what i can tell you though, is that when it comes to the intelligence behind those attacks in a rock and series that took place on friday, we did press the administration and the us military about the intelligence behind those targets and how they were selected. they insist that they had credible, clear, and irrefutable evidence that those targets were selected based on intelligence that they could not share. we asked if it would be shared in the future. they said that they, this is an ongoing military operation. as you recall, the us president say that they are continuing this operation. we're not sure how much longer this will go. but the bottom line, and all of this, what is clear is the united states says they are looking to finish the campaign in order to make sure that the united states interest are protected in the region. and
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again, the one thing that they want to double down on is they are not seeking direct conflict with the ron. kimberly, how could that for us in washington? thank you. now it's relisted to new and gets attacks in southern galls. release 26 . palestinians have been killed in 2 strong ton. a couple of his name has moved from russell today. when you have been clearly a c dot to the user, the force has had been widely attacking the eastern areas of rough life, especially in a set of neighborhoods. that is one of the areas that it also a jason to the city of hon. eunice till now the ongoing, the bottom, it did not stop in the city of rough or has the sound of these really surveillance of drugs. and 5 digits could be clearly overhead a midnight where thomas citizens are completely right now, taking shelter in the max. the mass filters and the mass mass make shift areas that they have been living inside and a bomb. it's also of calling you to city had been going on within the past few hours where they have targeted. the facility of the european hospital were an
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impulse. palestinians being injured and killed in that strike and different departments of the rookie and hospital had been partially inflected with the scrub . and those that had been hitting the buildings to it, due to the destruction of one of the fuel station that is close to the european hospital in the city of hon. you to send. this is a part of the genocide, the military campaign that had been lost by east bed on the southern part of gauze district as well for having concerns about the next step that these very forces might take. especially if they wanted to transfer the bottles into start the practically ground inclusion into route to reflect the district as one well as what we have been seeing. within the past 24 hours, they have been intensifying the military attacks, roughly, especially in the eastern part, which considered to be the main stop point for any possible ground evasion. in order to take full control over a fy 16 and not to the i'm the united arab emirates says it will allocate
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$5000000.00 to fund the humans agency, full palestinian refugees is the latest of the group of countries of increase donations of to major donors including us and frankly suspended funding. so this comes up to as well a q 6 of over $15000.00. and the work is literally taking parts in october, the 7th, the tax on southern israel, natalie of portugal in spain pledge to continue finance, and the agency was the lifeline for millions of palestinians and garza and the region. hundreds of his release of health protests and tell him demanding that bank government does more to ensure the return of old elaine and captives held in garza, the company 136 acceptance held in gauze, including 11 foreign nationals, a brief tracing event that allowed for the release of a $105.00 has been met junction was the demonstration organized by the assemblies at a time when there is more and more speculation is real about the potential for a cease fire that would see
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a release of is rarely capital engaged in exchange for perhaps thousands of palestinian prisoners being released. this is the process that happens every week, every saturday, outside of the ministry of defense, which is over here. these, this protest is organized by relatives of those capt is being held in gaza. now, when this protest started, shortly after october 7th, it was more of a sign that protest this area behind us. this is now known as hostage square. and this is where the relatives come. sometimes they grieve. nowadays, they call on the government to do more to ensure the release of their relatives, those captains that are being held in gauze of what we're hearing tonight, even though it's a smaller crowd than it has been in the last few weeks overhearing tonight. is people being or vote for being a bit more critical of the government say,
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this is the time the time is now to make sure those captains are released. we also worked in some speakers. it said that while they know that there are 2 objectives to the war, one is to eliminate to how, how much the other one is to get those captive release. and they say that that is what's the most important goal of all i mentioned to him. i'm just gonna tell him, you know, tens of thousands of protest as a valid in london calling for an immediate sci fi. and garza is the latest new series of demonstrations in various tablets that he used to condemn, as well as will and to the israeli government to allow more humanitarian aid into garza, john hope is in rooms. it is the 8th march of 8 times 30 central london calling for an end to the war on gaza for testers. now filling white hole this week to screeches on the edge apartments where right the seats of government here. and in
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fact, the message clearly and as much as the government is rel, depression, which ends it's more on gaza as it is aimed at the produce government to raise to get support israel. and this war on god. very important to feel the pressure toggle on the government because they're one of the boards, the side results buquet. do you as the support is one cannot do anything for the mix of group. so the organization is represented here, calling for a cease fire now, but also people i've spoken to expressing their concern and a lot of the possible implications in the region of this was the potential for it, spilling out and affecting other countries. and remember, this is the 1st march since the international court of justice in the hague last month issue dates for eliminate judgment, pulling on his route to hold any actions that could lead to genocide that's
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represented here as well. i just watch the thing. i love the police presence around a 1000 offices policing this march, but warning that over signs of the jury sentiments, or indeed pro how much sentiment may be faced with arrest the crowd. now those overwhelmingly, please don't know how i'll just let's bring it today. so then he is not more than a $150000.00 protest as a raleigh that germany's parliament to condemn what they say is right wing extremists. and some of the protests of taking place across the country for a said success if we can double that cane hospital from deland. these people believe they represent the majority view in this country,
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which they say is disgusted by the far right policies of the alternative to germany . if day they accuse us of wanting to deport migrant to become naturalized as germans. the policy leadership denies that these demonstrators, i'm not convinced it just became neutralized recently and these people are planning to take home from me. i'm germany radian, i came to germany or on 8 years ago. and i have already lost home to fascists. i don't want to lose the 2nd what the ways of mice protests was provoked by would have a meeting held at this building and puts them in the vendor where leading members of the if day and other permanent right wing is reported to have discussed. the d pull taishan policy known in german as was they me cut soon. a policy lawyers say is unconstitutional and which many people associate with not one, i'm always tells me why the protest is used. the praise never again is now at the
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demo. never again. now is decisive for the people because a 2 percent says, you don't want to have national social and they, they feel that they have since here in the endeavor to correct this democracy to destroy this democracy, to make a racist state with all the problems and civil war they, they, they think they will have it, and this the reason why they are so why is this and never again now associated with that phrase was also used in parliament against the if day last week from things this angry response from its joint leader. maybe is, gets the, giving him never again is no. must olson moment not having state to fund lead to houses being set up as a secret service to be used against us. the opposition would be nice that we're not in the seeking the, those who are above all the social democrats, because a mistake that actually is nissan gemini, this summer,
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that will make them pay you hold on looking forward to that line jackson, but the f day is particularly strong in the old east germany, but demonstrations like these do seem to be having an effect at the national level . in early january, the policy was holding around 2324 percent. now that's dropped to around 19 percent, but that still remains as many as 10000000 germans support the r f day. so i'm going to cain houses era bullet. still a head here on out is there, the rice told the democratic nominee equal president begins in south carolina. they just dictate bike is that kind of it's on the pallets fully 2024 election, kind of killing all of a promising young political stock in buckets on heights is tensions just days before a general electric, the, the, the
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hello the from northern parts of south asia, we have seen persistent fault in small issues that have continued for new delhi, disrupting some traffic there and causing poor visibility and quality issues. now the good news is we will see some wet to weather start to creep into new daily thanks to a west city disturbance that's moved its way from of gone it's done into pockets. donald bought some very heavy rain in the south. it's not moved on to northern parts of india, bringing thunder storms, the threat of lighting, as well as hail and wintry conditions up in the mountains. now for the south of this, it is a much more sexual story. we will see the development of some rain pushing into northern areas such as to per dash and be hot and the wet weather wintry conditions continue for the pool and baton, but much dry up full. the rest of india clear skies settled conditions down to the south. some heavier rain, however, affecting sri lanka. and heavy rain is the story for central china as we move to
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east asia. that's called a wintry front to it. moving across the northern areas over the next few days. so it remains wilma and west foot down in the south. a much colder up in the north. but if we have a look at the 3 day vision, we'll see that temperature climb up slowly, with some sunshine. on tuesday, he came into buildings as a un, i'm by. so the position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all. the good cooks i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us vito. in the security council, this is a may just something go because it did x or to hear the story on told to how does era the
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the book about cuba feels as it relates to a whole rahman. and i'll remind to of all 12 stories the u. s and the u. k. as well as a new ways of as far as getting sylvania and link to defined as in gavin, perfect the media and say the capital of snow and the pool. so do you have a data to be sent to? washington says 6 and to ship cruise missiles were destroyed. for the rush of requests version view and security council meeting to discuss us franks and things of alex and syria. friday, washington at 85 of the radio link targets event countries getting 16 people that was in retaliation. so i tried to talk with 23 american soldiers angel last week
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and is really full of killed at least 26 palestinians. this pricing, central and southern gaza, or the 100 people being killed since friday. now the death toll after dozens of all sizes in chile has gone up to $46.00. a state of emergency has been declared on friday from fi as well raging and central and southern areas where the number of casualties is expected to increase firefighters. the buffering move the 95 as being fuel by dry conditions and sewing temperatures, the ceiling and women. so i've received confirmation that up to now confirmed by the legal medical team for the people of by joint if i is the additional 6 in hospitals are the results of bands. i want to be very careful with this figure because given the tragic conditions, the number of victims will surely rise and coming out of a skill set in which we have in the us days of southern carolina. j biden has won the democratic primary nomination for the 2024 us selection is the 1st time south
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carolina has come 1st on the list of things facing any democratic primaries about 26 percent of its residents of black and the vote was seen as a test of best support. so by then, well area i spoke to carry shift built a senior policy analyst at the advocacy group independent women's voice. and to dictate, to edit a political strategist informed me, use the right to full the a bomb. a campaign in ohio. i began by asking about the importance of the south carolina democratic presidential primary south carolina is a very important state for the president. as you all know. busy as we all know, that it was a very important moment for president joe biden in the last primary election where black voters in south carolina really showed and really carried on the wind for president joe biden. and the state is very important. it is a rich, diverse state, i think is representative of america. i believe that we can look at black voters in
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the state and we've already seen them do the absence of black voters in the state. they are really the heart of america with you. i've been in this i, i am from south carolina. i'm actually sitting in my home in south carolina. and i have talked to voters throughout the state over the last few days. and they are saying the same thing that there is a start choice in november in this country. and there is a lot of enthusiasm for them to make sure that we are fighting for and voting for the fundamental freedoms. and because we are very excited in the state about the promises, the president joe biden has got. okay, let's go to the car because we were going to speak to both of you really about all of the issues that carries you join us to. of course, if it is such an important state, some of those issues that i would take, i mentioned all things like health or full energy immigration foreign policy. and we've heard the come to that said the, on the republican side, talk about what they might do or might not do. it's all about tech to exist in tests until now they the trying to get an idea of a sense of how the states might,
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the full for them come the election in november. and it certainly is all about turn out for sure. that's really going to be peasant off, but i think even though present of biting is going to, it's a king bought for him in, in south carolina. the reality is that's just the primary and he's become a president. so it wasn't, no, nobody ever thought he was actually going to lose. but the reality is the present and biting is the least popular president since world war 2. that's truly shocking . it's mind blowing out his approval ratings only 33 percent. he's also losing in key battleground, states that he won in 2020, i guess donald trump, so he's losing overall across the 7 battleground, states by 6 points to donald trump and in north carolina is double digits. so no matter who wins the g o. p primary, whether it's donald trump or nikki haley and and certainly donald trump is a head. both donald trump and nicky, who we are beating joe biden in the 2024 presidential general election pulling. so
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easy that was that carry full full presence to have the slum, and i'm sure to take it. i'll have the right inputs in this, but certainly when it comes to policy, the republican candidates can say what they might want to do. oh, but what they might like to do was present biden at the moment, has to justify his decisions at all. based on that, the republicans could beat him over the head with it to take how much of this particular primary is about by saying what he has succeeded to why he should be given into the full years. it means every se, i mean, let's just look at, we talked about the power of black voters in the state of south carolina. let's look at what's happened under president fighting and vice president harris administration blackwell in america is up 60 percent since the pandemic. and we all know under donald trump's leadership, this country just could not handle
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a pandemic because of poor leadership. black, small businesses rates are up faster than they have been in over 30 years. and we're seeing insulin prices at $35.00 versus $400.00. what americans care about, they care about their day to day, and we also know that, you know, there's twice as before us and carries, talking about the nominees. clear is going to be donald trump. and what he stands for is just an attack for all of our freedoms, the attack on a woman's right to choose the top corner economics. leaders are freedom to learn and what americans are doing and what they will do is to continue. and what we have seen time and time over the last 2 years is that the truck agenda and his mega agenda has lost. the border between the united states and mexico is the destination for a convoy vehicles kind of protest as opposed to immigration. organizers say that that concerns with the great number of migrants believe the crossing into the us. the
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critics, if they take a bullet back convoys, worries, it could feel empty immigrant sentiment. a dozens of migrants have investigated the atlantic ocean navy canary islands, a spanish coast called vessel type that they took on canaria. red cross volunteers looked after the migraines set a goal in west africa, enjoying more than 7000 migrants who landed in the spanish territory in january. right, scripts estimate the 6000 round trying to get that last year. they get the world's most dangerous migration routes. so the goal is president has postpone the presidential election, which is due to be held later this month and then address to the nation monkeys on site to the disputes involving the constitutional code of the rejection of certain candidates. but the indefinite postponement has prompted resignations and don't hang from opposition. groups. nicholas hun cripples now from the capital dot com hours before the start of the much anticipated presidential campaign president lucky sel makes an unexpected announcement from the presidential palace. the
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cancellation of the election scheduled for february 25th junk president jello not so not over. after they will initiate and open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for free, transparent and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciled sending gun policy. the announcement surprised may voters who hopes to have a sale of their country's future? pretty sound. like you said, somebody has betrayed the spirit of dialogue about you has betrayed the senegalese people of the base of the social contract is our country's constitution and they've got it. yeah. about the phrase a pricing according to the prices and who knows? maybe um, if there be a position, a decided during the approval, maybe we're going to face via and a fight inside parliament on thursday sparked selves. decision allies of opposition leader carrying water cues, constitutional court judges who compiled the list of election candidates of taking
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bribes to par him from the race. judges did not any wrong. doing opposition and peace voted for a parliamentary inquiry and called for an election delay pending the outcome for wides supporters solves decision is a small victory. while there are celebrations at kareem wide party headquarters. this is a moment of unprecedented instability in what is normally known as the most stable democracy in west africa. san diego has experienced only peaceful transitions of power for the opposition. the announcement is seen as a constitutional cou, a ploy by the president to extend his 12 years in power. 18 election candidates gathered to denounced the president's decision. so they got more like you. the hold of senegal must rise up old democratic political forces. old forces of civil
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society should unite to show that this project does not succeed on the eve of the stock for the electro campaign. it's unacceptable the step of the process of this nature, the quote as well. sol says he will run in the event of a new election. he has not given a date for when that will be made for many that springing anxiety and uncertainty to a nation to custom, to peace and stability. nicholas hawk elgin's era. the car is estimation of a young politician from full of bulk of 75 minutes. the inbound cons policy to show the country just days before the general election con isn't present after his conviction. in a case which is supposed to say is politically motivated by saying that not being talked is by the ruling establishment. as a bank has more from the whole the full of energy and political will to flight to upcoming collections rounds. that was no stranger to the authorities. the 30 year old had been detained during the track down our members of the buckets, dont the he can soft potty o p t i to continue to campaign on said he wasn't afraid of death to us from budget
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or that board is of going to start and is a key operating grant for the book is donny thought, yvonne, i'll just say we're a spoke with him last year. we spent almost 20 year to solve mostly for the 13 years under warranty. or this is not acceptable for the more because b, b, you one of the jobs to be one. did you cation, mostly, very, a lot of men figured out. did you cation that easy to adjust? just 20 percent of the amended listing, just by person. the woman that just suited we all are to move in the darkness, and i set up the why i didn't get your case in a basic vicinity deployed as monday, 6 months of to that interview to was done down in broad daylight by unknown assessments. his father spoke at his funeral pray what was my son's crime to fight for coals for his people his funeral as attended by hundreds of people shocked and angry.


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