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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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the news is covered the the other on the clock. this is in use of life and death. coming up the next 16 injured children rushed to unnatural hospital and gaza. israel fit to attend city for this place, protest against peace, the rough b u. s. and the u. k. carry out more strikes on a run by to you evans calculus on your mind. you know, just moved. they want to kill us. the message is clear, they wouldn't even know that i would children, we speak to send you to be able to fight westbank to say that be terrorized by surplus immune to his riley or international once again,
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driven by a jubilation in the us. presidents council 3 wins the 1st primaries this campaign for an organization. the now we started southern causal ways, really forces a bomb tents, housing displays, palestinians. these are the scenes. it's not your hospital in rafa. medical stuff. they're trying to treat the wounded, some right there on the floor. most of the injury to children. more than half the population has been displaced to something cause the following force of recreation, notice, and relentless is rarely plumbing. and the northern and central parts of the gods. well today referenced the crowd of the un is describing it as a pressure cooker of despair. an estimated 1900000 palestinians, a crime to, to just 65 square kilometers of red line bordering egypt view. and says, based on living in making shift 10, so
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a 4th to sleep outside in the winter weather. they don't have access to food for so old medicine many a sick and hungry do. and his will and that simon is imminent. any 6 of the 19 bakeries and rafa operational and so have hundreds of thousands of people. a handful of health health care centers in the field, hospitals are still functioning, but not nearly enough to treat the 10s of thousands of engine is ready. defense minister says the troops will expand their offensive, deep into rafa, which means things could get a lot worse for palestinians. i says no where left for them to get but speak to. i need my mood in reference, southern, gaza, and i need 1st up just tell us about the late to shelling on rough. i yes, nick, well an intense bombing campaign across the gaza strip merely concentrated in the central area of the gods, driven the southern part of this trip. but as of over night,
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that in fact the started at the early hours of, of last night, the city of rebecca became a major side of relentless. it artillery, showing an error strikes targeting the eastern part of the city, as well as the central area of the city, mainly the other janina district, repeatedly talked neighborhood with more. they destroyed the residential homes, but a over night. the taxes targeted the area that is densely populated with this place, palestinians have been shown during inside the major tense that this set up not only in the central part of the city but very close. today, gyptian gaza, a borders were hung literally hundreds of 1000 of how the city and been sheltering inside those tents, residential homes within the vicinity of this tent camp were targeted and destroyed them. the flying is trap. nose and a breeze of these, a building just fill on those tens in a nearby
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a preschool to kindergarten and killed 2 little girls inside the, the preschool facility, an injured tens, more inside these tens. where people have been a strong thing for the past weeks. and since the expansion of the operations in hon units and more people have been in league that hon. you in a city all the way through rough. i city over crowded this place, then a traumatized, a part of the gust of here, of us to be there. is a growing concerned and had it as the bombings intends, bombing is getting very close it and it, it closer with each passing data, densely populated areas. when we talk about virginia in a district or the eastern parts of sell out neighborhoods, that they some part of robot city. at the western part side of the fall, i had been rows, densely populated area where people have been seeking shelter and refuge from the horror of the ongoing bombings in other parts of the gaza strip. just an indication
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of how we close the expansion of the military operation in dropbox city. as the defense minister stated, within the past couple days, that the operation will be expanded and will continue to be expanding and dropped off. a city in the central area of more residential homes were targeted and destroyed reports of injuries arriving to unlocks the hospital. again, a very overwhelmed and exhausted medical facilities similar to the remaining. so my operation of health facilities across the guy is this trip are all right, honey. we'll leave it. the thanks very much for that. update the from blue. good rafa in southern garza. well, thousands of israelis of once again health protest in tennessee, the monday, the release of captives being held in garza. they want the government to do more to bring them home about a $136.00 is riley's on. foreign nationals are still being detained,
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bypassing the fight, as in the strip. somewhere just as of cold on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. have a jump. june was at the demonstration. at a time when there is more and more speculation is real about potential for a cease fire that would see the release of is rarely capital engaged in exchange for perhaps thousands of palestinian prisoners being released. this is the protest . it happens every week, every saturday, outside of the ministry of defense, which is over here. these, this protest is organized by relatives of those capt is being held in gaza. now, when this protest started shortly after october 7th, it was more of a silent protest. this area behind us, this is now known as hostage square. and this is where the relatives come. sometimes they grieve nowadays they call on the government to do more to ensure the
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release of their relatives, those captives that are being held in gauze of what we're hearing tonight, even though it's a smaller crowd than it has been in the last few weeks overhearing tonight, is people being more vocal being a bit more critical of the government say this is the time the time is now to make sure those captains are released. we also worked in some speakers. it said that while they know that there are 2 objectives to the war, one is to eliminate to how, how much the other one is to get those captive release. and they say that that is what's the most important goal of all and how much the television? well, tens of thousands of people have rallied in london quoted on the israel to stop its war on gaza. yes, it's the latest in a series of demonstrations and cities around the world can protest is also criticized western government support for israel gen
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a whole was that much the chief sentence. this report is very large of each time 30 central london calling for an end to the war on gaza. protest is now filling wide whole district to screeches on the edge apartments where right the seat of government here. and in fact, the message clearly and as much as the government is rosa pressure at the end, it's more on gaza as it is aimed at the british government threatened to get support israel. and this war on god. very important to give the pressure toggle on the okay government because they're one of the board to the neighborhood, the side result buquet. do you as the support is was cannot do anything. i didn't quite sick mix of group. so the organization is represented here, calling for a cease fire now, but also save a lot,
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exposure to expressing their concern and alarm. and the possible implications in the region of this was the potential for it, spilling out and affecting other countries. and remember, this is the 1st march, since the international court of justice in the hague last month issued its preliminary judgment pulling on his route to take any actions that could lead to genocide that's represented here as well. i just watch the the thing i love, the police presence of around a $1000.00 is put these things they slots, but warning signs of mt jury sentiments or indeed pro how my sentiments may be faced with arrest the crowd. now. so overwhelmingly, please don't know how i will just london with united states and the united kingdom
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have carried out another wave of ass strikes on 50 targets and given us led coalition says it hit 36 targets in 13 locations, including the capital sauna. it says the attack send the clear message to the wrong by condemning its attacks on ships and the red sea. on friday, the us conducted thousands of extracts on the rack and syria targeting groups linked to iran. well it who is military space been, says struct sonya and will not dissuade the group from supporting the palestinian people. how many of the top a small from evans calculus on the us british, the lower planes have carried out a series of areas track symbol, boston's indifferent. the many cities uh we under the control of the unsettled off of these, the new i rice, it reads that we're on the balls are withdrawn and also on that day, which places the yeah, oh the say that they have already be targeted in eli. it'd be,
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it'd be war. so we are talking about an increasing air strikes by the us and prison in order to. busy limits what be, say, be as healthy as ability and capability to, to head us and british marine, i'm all in there up to our thoughts to an operations, to, to stop the memory. try move these really by the time along the route. see another, see the save, this is a pressure on his realtor to put an end to it's a question on people and guns and also to and it's blockade there. whether you assess the heat, these will face for the consequences if they don't stop attacking ships in the red sea. a white house correspondent, kimberly how good is in washington dc and has moved from the the following. a 2nd wave of attacks this time on who the targets by the united states, along with its allies, the united kingdom, the us central command or set. com as it's known, did confirm that there were 36 who the targets that were struck. there were 13
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locations in total. what we know is that the goal was to disable, as well as to grade the a ron back. malicious ability to strike us interest in the region. well, we understand is that weapons facilities were targeted along with missile systems and launchers as well. air defense systems and radar. now we know the strikes were large from both ships as well as fighter jets. and these targets were selected because we are told they were responsible for unrelenting attacks against the us interest, as well as international interest in the region. now the defense secretary lloyd austin did issue a statement following this. second day of strikes by the united states in it, he says this collective action sends a message to the who sees they will there further consequences if they don't and
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illegal attacks on international shipping and naval vessels. we should point how the united states it, whether it be the bible administration, or whether it be through the us military or other various folks. people has repeatedly said time and time again. the targeted strikes are not meant to expand this conflict in any way. just the opposite. in fact, what the united states says this is designed to do is to not escalate but de escalate. in fact, the us saying it is not looking for direct confrontation with iran. kimberly help it, elda 0 washington as well. members of a palestinian veteran community lives in the hills of the occupied westbank for decades. say they have been repeatedly attacked by his ready satellites. and despite filing official complaints for the police, the settlers just keep coming back. charles stratford visited one community near
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jericho. incentives this report, these 3 little holes in the ground. i meant to be graves. these ladies settlers who ducked them even late flowers, they were a palestinian better when school. i'm a cobb and disturbing warning to this policy and in community me. ok pies was spend putting 100 marlene. i moved to the want to kill us. the message is clear, they would even know that i would children, it's intimidation. they want this out during the interview to um settlers wearing military uniform approach in a small off road vehicle. we stop and film us with weak film them. oh, the attacks awful chapel going to the finest in the community, save you a tech to lead by this man scene here. um and seemingly being protected by his ready soldiers up for you will seem to the better ones go pens. he lives here,
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the settler outpost, a couple of kilometers away. i mean, well i give her ellen as well. have she beat me? and another woman, he asked us to give you my phones. the other woman was holding her baby when he heard, oh, how the little on lily had faded when you've lived here for more than 50 years. a livelihood depends on these green pulses for their animals. way of life. to put you in a ration is barely changed for decades. the beta, when we're able to her, they goats down into this field close to an illegal is way the settlement, the settlement they tell us is expanding in this direction. it would have been a couple of weeks ago, the better when say that a group of is really secular, is all wearing military uniform, came and put these steel stakes in the ground. now the line of the stakes runs for around full color on which is in that direction. it's clear evidence that the settlers are trying to take more land. we accompany suleima to the local is ready
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police station. he and 2 of his friends want to make full complaints. solely. mine says the secular leader purposely ran over and killed 10 of his goats then stolen. cox is the police demanded. we've stopped building, raised the footage and insist if we leave the next day. we return to the village to hear what the police said. lay man says, you spent 9 hours at the police station. he says it opens, felt like they were investigating. you know the legs crime he was repulsing me. john, if no matter the police only can't come. when the settlers lie complaining about the box. i filed an official complaint to protect myself. it's like we have no rights in the eyes of these ready police. it's like we don't exist in his really low so to sir, so layman's complaint to these way the police of seemingly made no difference on
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the next morning sunday, the secularism back. how do you spell that for me? so the next time this happens and you play the game of the shots, one most of the mind carrying a rifle or call the police and they will take all your sheep away. it's better we community living on palestinian land is being terror is by ohms man, apparently immune or in different to be is really cool. international child stratford, l just a at a model of a shot in the occupied westbank. well, funerals are taking place in baghdad for the victims of us as strikes in a wreck on friday, iraq, and declared 3 days of morning after at least 16 people, including civilians were killed of us long as dozens of strikes across the rack and syria targeting groups linked to a wrong, it came off to 3 american soldiers were killed in a drive and attacking jordan, a tear on his ward, washington to stop supporting israel's war on gaza. by let's cross now too early.
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how should we joins us from baghdad, the iraqi capital and ali, as the funerals taking place, i made a good deal of anger. i much. i or affiliates, the neck uh, in the bucket that those uh, funeral, that's uh, being held for the a, b, m, f. the popular will the playstation forces members who are killed in the american strikes during this funeral, the head of the b m. f said that the americans should leave it walk as soon as possible. and that's this crime as he described, it shouldn't go without accountability. the situation actually over here is kind of a reflection, get lots of rage and lots of, i'm good. and that is the same time we left off on such empty politicians and even a members of the government, the prime minister there,
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all reacting to this situation to what's happened a couple of days ago during device. and it was that also anticipating more and more attacks because the united states has stated that this hasn't ended. and that's more socks. ok, just to come. so there is a lot of dissipation and even people are concerned with what's happening. whether this is going to also touch on cities like that, his dad, or although the cities surrounding it's because this will have also its impact on the uh, the way people are living on the expectations for the coming days. and all the while of is this emergency meeting planned scott. in fact, this meeting is expected to voice the key in stance towards the withdrawal of us forces from the rock. of course, we know that during the past weeks, the talks the indications that the government wants the us wants to talk with the
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us over its presence in the rock on a given the fact these a militias that were launching attacks on us basis in your walk and also across the board i and syria was stating clearly that the main, the main task yeah, is getting that americans out now with the americans showing good. i didn't the full of came this attack and the strike. so this probably is going to be had fully, coalitions meeting when they are going to voice the stance towards the american withdrawal. and of course with him when he had a lot of rhetoric, you know, surrounding the slice on the violation of iraq, the integrity on iraq. the sovereignty had a science that update that from baghdad or the actual reporting. it's the 2 other news and joe biden,
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his company won the 1st democratic primaries in south carolina. he took about 96 percent of the vote, easily beach and 2 other candidates. that's enough from montana who reports from the state capital of columbia. there was celebration, as the results were confirmed, mixed with a sense of relief that all the boxes and the bite and campaign would take. african american voters compose some 65 percent of the democratic party voters and the states. and by didn't need the support to helps and the trend for prime we still to come and pull the presidential vote in november. so the blackboard was in this state or a land team planned for democratic aspirations and the presidency. and so, even though the south carolina will very likely go republic in the general election primaries or, or what matters quite a bit here in south carolina for democrats. and she was so strong and influential south carolina, a congressman james cliburn, once again endorsed joe biden. just to see did 4 years ago to kick start,
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what had been a faltering prime we campaign you and i must keep working together to make this conference, greatness accessible and affordable for all of its citizens. that's well, joe biden has been doing for 3 years, making this country's greatness accessible for everybody and affordable by everybody here mister present, to the delight to the crowd. president biden president, to thank his support, his, his 1st question. how was the to an out got turned out you later he said to message on social media. so that's why we did it again. did it for me again. thank you. thank you. thank 2020. and now again, $21.00 for now let's go when the whole, let's when it all the early an absentee voting revealed some astounding statistics . 76 percent of these benefits were caused by black voters,
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a 13 percent increase on the 2020 number. and even more importantly for the bite and campaign 10 percent of these with 1st time focus, it's exactly what the bite and campaign wanted to see. and the familiar with a trunk kid with renewed conviction. my kind of odd, you, sierra columbia, south carolina. as time goes, presidents has bespoke the election due to be held later this months. maxwell says it's because of the control vesee surrounding the rejection of a number of presidential candidates. but it didn't set a new date, prompting criticism, but his move was aimed at stay in power. nicholas had proposed now from the capital deca hours before the start of the much anticipated presidential campaign president lucky sel makes an unexpected announcement from the presidential palace. the cancellation of the election scheduled for february 25th junk president. jello
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not so not over. they will initiate and open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for free, transparent and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciled sydney gotten better. go see the announcement surprised. may voters who hopes to have a say on their country's future? it's not microsoft that i use the has betrayed the spirit of dialogue has betrayed the senegalese people at the base of the social contract is are countries constitutions and they've got it. yeah. about the phrase, a pricing according to the prices. and who knows? maybe um, if there be a position, a decided during the approvals. maybe we're going to face via there's a fight inside parliament on thursday sparked selves. decision allies of opposition leader carrying water cues, constitutional court judges who compiled the list of election candidates of taking bribes to par him from the race. judges denied any wrong doing opposition and peace
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voted for a parliamentary inquiry and called for an election delay pending the outcome for wides supporters solves decision is a small victory. while there are celebrations at kareem large party headquarters, this is a moment of unprecedented instability in what is normally known as the most stable democracy in west africa that it go has experienced only peaceful transitions of power for the opposition. the announcement is seen as a constitutional cou, a ploy by the president to extend his 12 years in power. 18 election candidates gathered to denounced the president's decision. they've got to do some more. as the hold of senegal must rise up old democratic political forces, all forces of civil society should unite to show that this project does not succeed . on the eve of the stock for the electro campaign, it's unacceptable to stop the process of this nature as well. solid says he will
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run in the event of a new election. he has not given a date for when that will be true. and for many that springing anxiety and uncertainty to a nation and custom to peace and stability. nicholas hawk elgin's era, the car i shouldn't feigns michelle o'neill has been appointed as norton islands. first nationalist minister, 1st minister, i should say, the new era began off to prove british unions and did the boy quote against breaks . it travels back paved the way to restore the developed government 2 years after it collapsed. all right, for sick reports now from belfast. i am willing to take off the office of 1st minister, a moment postponed since elections in 2022 and a milestone in a far long history of the conflict politician who wants to see a united ireland becoming northern islands. so it's minister. we mark a moment of a quality and the moment of progress, a new opportunity to work and to grow together. confident in that wherever we come
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from, whatever aspirations are we come on, we must build our future together. so it may know this was a speech about daily governance about infrastructure, public services, and respect for different communities. and in that, michelle knew how to greenman from the new deputy 1st minister from the main union, this d u p. which wants to preserve norman out in place in the united kingdom, a michelle as an irish republican. and i am a very pride unionist. we will never agree on those issues, but what we can agree on, as a counselor doesn't discriminate on our hospitals needs fixed. for the 1st time in years, politicians here may just have catch it the mood of people. they were elected. this of the pay russian fan or whatever just worked to come and get to the people that were elected to are far too much on this on the streets. no, it is being done for them because they what they need to work together.
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concerns remain new about the capacity of the executive to meet those needs. with both unionists, i'm nationalist having worked out in recent years. they will be watching closely to see how the 1st minister and the deputy 1st minister. and what together and present of joint united front it will be difficult because of the hotline unionism and that we've seen in the last 2 years. and the temptation on nash the site to be pretty hard line as well. and there are no good speeches. the new 1st and deputy 1st ministers both committed themselves to cooperation and to respect for the other side. they both also noted the landmark nature of this moment in northern islands, long and trouble history. one that still costs a shadow over its post conflict. politics. are you close it out just the re belfast a still head hearing out 0. i met with the fellow in san salvador where the country's president naples kelly is expecting
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a landslide victory. and this weekend's national election. this, despite a constitutional ban on presidential re election that's coming up and the killing of a young politician in pockets don height these tensions days before the general election . the head of the types of water restrictions are now in place. of course the north east is paying for places like a buffalo. now that's off to an emergency. drought was declared. we haven't had significant rain here for a box for 3 years. and it is looking rather spring like with very high temperatures . for this time. if you had barely a cloud in the sky that no rain in sight that thanks to high pressure, which is still in charge on sunday into monday. keeping things allows me settled
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across the western and southern areas still from fog issues, from northern parts of easily but an improving picture for the southeast for greece and took here. but that is that area of low pressure bringing some very heavy rain to pots of scotland, much more breezy, but cloudy down in the south. brighton is coming through luxury quiet across the west, but you can see that system pushing its way further east spring a wintery conditions across scandinavia and onwards to the baltic states. but in terms of temperature as well, it is looking laundry, miles, london, and powers. and to double digits that over the next few days, that will pushes its way further east. and we will see a lot of that ones come back in to athens and still launch the above the average 21 degrees on tuesday. the hey jamie into buildings. as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both,
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you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all the good coups i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is a may just something go because if it access to, if he of the story on told to how does era the and the
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other guy you watching out 0 about tips choices an into children have been rushed to hospital and so the gaza off to is really forces bummed, displace palestinians who had be the sheltering intent. at least 92 people were killed in open heart attacks across the gaza strip. united states the united kingdom of carried out another wave of air strikes on youth who targets. idioms coalition says it hit 36 targets and message to the wrong pack group about as read . see a tax the who the say they will not be to funerals that taking place in baghdad for the victims of us as strikes in the rack on friday. iraq has declared 3 days of morning us for dozens of strengths across the rock,
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syria targeting groups linked to around that central gallons as large as hospital has wound is the bar tree will close in a matter of wigs supplies of not being delivered to allies, the hospital since his thoughts of israel's will in october. so doctors kind of test rate so i feel advertises before performing blood transfusions and the any c t scanner in central browser has been broken for more than a month. less than 25 percent of medical staff is still working at the hospital, still impacts a repeat to this brand new tax on hospitals has been devastating. now that some of these ready forces have withdrawn from the north a scale if there assaulting causes health care system, has trudy come to light? here's what one journalist documented at the have not hospital in northern garza
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to at least 28 people have been killed and 10 injured in the ukraine attacking the russia controlled a 100. scrooge in the bakery. it was fits in the city of unless he chanced videos show your rescue is carrying the injury to the dead from the revel. child who was among those killed this, this estimation of a politician from former pockets tony prime minister and run cons party his shot in the country where heads up was shot dead. a wednesday con is in prison, disqualified from running off to be convicted, a full criminal offenses. his support is accused the government of carrying out to crank down the head of a general election this week. since the bank reports now from the whole, the full of energy and political real to flight to upcoming collections rounds, that was no stranger to the authorities. the 30 year old had been detained during the track down are members of the buckets, dont the he can soft potty or peachy to continue to campaign on said he wasn't afraid of death to us from budget or that board as of one is done and there's
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a key operating grant for the book is donny thought, yvonne, i'll just share a spoke with him last year. we spent almost 20 years, almost leave for the 30 years under warranty. and this is not acceptable for the more because be the youth one of the jobs to be one. did you cation of, mostly, already a lot of men figured out. did you get that listed just just 20 percent of the men that listing just by person. the woman that just suited we all are to live in the darkness. i sort of providing education a basic facility they provide as monday, 6 months of to that interview to has done down in broad daylight by unknown assessment. his father spoke at his funeral, pray. what was my son's crime to fight for coals for his people? his funeral that's attended by hundreds of people shocked and angry the they took the stones minutes, the staging protest,
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enforcing their descent. the military establishment has increasingly didn't blame for correct and uncommon spotty of his videos now, gaining even more traction online off to his desk to the ball. every child will become a leader and by your you are the leaders don't call yourself political workers. you are leaders, call yourself leaders. authorities have told or disease or they're investigating the kidding, but no arrests have been made. in ron con still remains one of the most popular politicians in the country despite being in jail. to party members have borne the brunt of the track down some heavy box, some standing of the i've seen the family members talk to the symbol of a cricket box removed from the pay button that posted on campaign materials. pulling down from the streets, 120000000 people are eligible to vote in this election, making focused on one of the largest democracies in the world. but what has happened to the run up is raising questions about how fast they will be. i started big g 0. the whole focus on at least 51 people have dieted. wildfires and central
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chilly. firefighters is struggling to contain large parts of a highly populated part of the coastal factory. so region have been effected. i left america to see and even reports not from santiago and in for june in what's known as chillies, guardian, city, strong winds of up to 60 kilometers an hour and scorching sheets had been feeding the flames, destroying everything in their path. especially holmes, the look, there is nothing left of my house. nothing as you can see, the neighbor across the street could not leave. he burned to death because he did not want to leave his house. i lived alone here, let me go. present company and bought each declared a state of emergency in the bottom, but i shall region and address the nation to say that so far, dozens have died. dot com be sooner than either celia given the conditions of this tragedy. the number of faithful victims will surely increase in the coming of this,
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but the figures we are announcing of those that have been confirmed by the appropriate force, these fires some in the middle of a sheet waves, and this tens of thousands of julian's have been heading to the coastal region of but a so for summer holidays, traffic jams on the main highway are hillary mobility of firefighters and ambulances. the government has declared a career fuel from 9 pm to 10 am in the region. but why don't you get a lot of stuff, but if you do your costs, you will help to free up the rights for emergency vehicles also so that people who must be evacuated can do so as quickly as possible. and so that no one can be left wondering around very stuff has been evacuated. the government is trying to prevent losing thousands of people have been forced to evacuate in just minutes. but some, especially elderly people with limited mobility could not escape in time. the government says it will investigate arson as the cause of these deadly fires. like
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1st says the president, the priority is to save lives. see, and human al jazeera santiago present as long as you have vaccination campaign against yankee fever due to a sharp rise in infections, cases of quadrupled compared to last year. and 29 people have died in the past month. health services, all on the severe strain and many metropolitan areas. almost big picture of a single. there's an expectation of a peak and 3 or 4 weeks establishing perhaps the highest number of cases in our history. even compared to 2016 the previous, i mean, well, the neighboring power guy who was a b fumigated because of his hospitals in the capital, ascension, treating a large number of patients with thinking symptoms. the people in el salvador set devoted to the presidential election later on sunday. the 10s of thousands of salvadorans living abroad have already costs the pallets. the recent law has
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enabled those outside the country to vote on line. i know all right. hello reports now from the capital of san salvador, salvador and president. now you book and it is on course to win a landslide re election on sunday. and a lot of that has to do with the support from salvadorans living abroad. thanks to a new building system that has made the 2024 election the 1st to allow internet voting from almost anywhere in the world for a little bit. i'm order for them on the minus to reform low so they can exercise their right to vote. so this is, it has started collection. once it will solve, we're going to continue the positive set for us ultimately utilizing years of online voting started on the 6th of january. more than 50000 salvadorans cast their ballots just the 1st 3 days in the 2019 presidential election of less than 4000 people living abroad voted. or i'm going to be showing you guys a way to phone many salvadorans took to social media to show just how easy the process is. after you follow for all the steps we are going to vote,
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and we're going to vote for unless you this, which is who kelly or president of all salvador. and we're going to vote for him. salvador and community leaders in the us say enthusiasm, especially among young salvadorans is huge. that's the thing that i'm noticing here from the, from the younger generation. those that are, were born here by that time sort of some of the old of my garden is it is as strong as you could possibly imagine. when the evil kelly assumed the presidency. 5 years ago, he became the youngest president in latin america since then, his popularity both at home and abroad, has sort to me a rock star status. presidential candidate is expected to benefit greatly from the international of as early as 3rd, salvador and citizens live outside of the country. the critics say president kelley has violated the country's constitution, which specifically prohibits presidents from seeking re election. it's
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a detailed that most salvadorans don't seem to bother 5, at least for now. but who is it up a little alger 0 sense of what dozens of migrants. it'd be rescued, and then going to go should they have the canary islands, spanish coast guard vessel tote, that boat to grand can area. red cross volunteers took care of the $47.00 microns from senegal rights groups estimate that $6000.00 and drowned last year. more than a 150000 people have protested outside germany's palm. it's gains right. we extreme is similar. riley's have been helped me across the country for us the weekend in a row w k. and has this report now from bullets as these people believe they represent a majority view in this country, which they say is disgusted by the far right policies of the alternative. for germany. if day, they accuse us of wanting to deport migrants who become naturalized as germans. the policy leadership denies fact that these demonstrators on not convinced it just
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became neutralized recently and the civil are trying to take home from me. i'm german, uranian i came to germany or on 8 years ago, and i have already lost home to fascist. i don't want to lose a 2nd. what the ways of mice protests was provoked by would have a meeting held at this building and puts them in the event where leading members of the if day and other permanent right wing is reported to have discussed. the d pull taishan policy known in german as was they me cut soon. a policy lawyers say is unconstitutional and which many people associate with not one, i'm always tells me why the protest is use. the phrase never again is now at the demos. never again, no, it's decisive for the people because 80 percent says you don't want to have national social and they, they feel that they are students here in the endeavor to correct this democracy to
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destroy this democracy, to make a racist state with all the problems and civil war they, they, they think they will have it, and this is the reason why they are so wide this and never again now associated with that phrase was also used in parliament against the if day last week, from things this angry response from its joint liter maybe is, gets there, giving him never again is now must olsen mainland not having state to fund region houses being set up as a secret service to be used against us. the opposition would be a zip based that we're not the thing and the, those who are above the social democrats because a mistake that actually is nissan gemini, this summer, that will make them pay you hold on looking forward to that. that's fine. jackson barton, b, i f day is particularly strong in the old east germany, but demonstrations like these do seem to be having an effect at the national level . in early january,
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the policy was holding around 2324 percent. now that's dropped to around 19 percent, but that still remains as many as 10000000 germans support the r f de dominant cane houses era bullet. maybe as presidents. how good again, god has died at the age of 82. he passed away and hospital in the capital window. it was announced last month he had cancer and was undergoing treatment can go up, was the nation stood president, following independence in 1990 while he was well respected across africa. as i'm say, a corruption scandal tainted his legacy. with the miller takes a look back in his political career. how good again, god bless him. they'd be a both as president and to time prime minister. before he's presidential election, gain, gulf was prime minister from 1990 when the movie again independence from south africa until 2002. and he became the country longest. subbing prime minister when he again
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took office between 20122015. the group was born in 1941 and began a teaching career 20 years later, 9 in the 1970s. can god bless these homeland to work with the united nations while rising within the ranks of the independence movement, the south west africa, peoples organization, a swap on following his return home off to almost 3 decades. he, along with others spearheaded and election campaign. the boats walker to paul was much of gain clubs, work as president of focus of african organizations, conflict resolution and governance across the continent. but his reputation was painted by one of the countries worst. corruption, scandals known as fish rocked gang up was accused in 2021 of instructing
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a government official to divert funds from a state from fishing company to bribe attendees at the 2017th swap of individual congress to vote for him. he denied the allegations of as f f. i run it by a clear matching up the with a 0 period and that's what i should go. and again, god's leadership his party. last, it's 2 thirds majority of the 2019 election. while swapper remains in the movie as long as his party, its popularity waiting due to vote to anger over rising unemployment and the corruption scandal in 2014 gang up revealed he had survived prostate cancer. 10 years later, regular medical chick up revealed another cancer diagnosis. but his health deteriorated rapidly, following treatment in the united states and later at home gain. glover survived by his wife, monica colombo and 3 children from previous marriages are still
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head on out 0, a convoy of right wing americans, head south, ready for donald trump and coal for complete shut off and support defending champions. got that when a dramatic penalty to book the spot in the semi finals. the oil rich iraq is facing a crisis and a final by to results. water as dams built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now, when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of to, on a jersey to. i care about helping us engages with the rest of the world. i cover
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form polls, the national security. this is very much a political em. how, here's the conflict. how do we all afraid of? are we telling the good story people? yeah. what we're trying to see here, they're living outside and make shift time. this is not the way any family wants to raise their children. we're really interested in taking you in to a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's actually feel as if you were there as a, as well as video on guys a continues, we bring you relate. we are on the grounding dollars a covering. the ongoing is raising apartments and the suffering. the people told that we lost displacements and lack of resources, as well as district conditions here in and around the hospital and from the height is to refund the data rate from restrictions prevents freedom of rights to west. it will continue our coverage of as well as hold cabinet decisions. the caps is ons,
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all the political developments from the west bank. we've seen the reporting on the wireless is really raised with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the war on garza, on al jazeera, a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year we source that change, it became clear at that point, but we really were in that kind of a new era of nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of lock and fishermen, cabbages, it changes the way we think. and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b, a. i series on a jersey to the
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the other get a welcome back. know, hundreds of vehicles, car, and protest as opposed to illegal immigration of converged on the us mexican border . critics say the so called to take on board of back convoys is likely to fuel sentiments against microns. how does yours hybrid you a test drive as more from a border town in texas as a convoy of 200 vehicles carrying americans protesting against migrants entering the country, drove to the border. they call themselves god's army. we're definitely the army or guard our, my cross every day. get your bogged down to the border initially,
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self described by some participants as a christian militia, the con void in reality, ended as a rally, a half kilometer from the board or near equal past texas. the epicenter of migrant arrivals, police searched for weapons, but while the rhetoric was charged with anger and some misinformation, the event itself was peaceful. it's the turn a part, all of our major cities, texas especially, i mean listen at the front door and they're everywhere. the us recorded more than 300000 unauthorized border crossings in december, a record high. most people are fleeing violence and poverty in latin america. many bringing their children. a few pro migrant advocates arrived to counter the convoy . we see these border towns as our modern day ellis islands. these are the places where future generations of americans will tell their story about how their
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families came into the country. this riley is as much about puerto policy as it is about politics. most people here are supporters of donald trump, and they hope that immigration, the issue that elevated him to the white house in 2016 will help trump when again. so this isn't a political move in it is christ calvary, but most everybody here supports donald trump and we don't see any other way to make our country right. the protesters, blaine, president joe biden, for the border problem bite and says he's done all he can using executive powers and that congress must now act heidi joe castro. alj a 0 came out of texas. now addressing the reduced water levels of the reservoir. mexico have exposed the 16th century church. water levels are formed by 47 percent and b to what is done following years of reduced rifle, a farm as wide as they have less was excellent across the valley. i. because of
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that, when we can see the church, we start thinking about the truck because there's less water, especially when we know that they'll be less spaceship, but that really effective ones down full of water with lots of places we can fish we, i'm on the so yes, i'm supporting use and defending champions and who's nation casa through to the semi finals of the asian cup. they don't causes breakfast on to advance with the game and whatnot will oft extra time. the penalty shoots out was needed to settle things, cut out one to 2, to 3 to at the bait stadium phase. or on the last 4. yes, the ratings but best boat in the 75, most of the dramatic went against japan. and so i'll know who she was, that the game a party atmosphere ahead of kickoff. as education,
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50 cdm, japanese fans with the store attraction as local residents and even rainy, and fans lined up to take photos ahead of the quote. the final step brought together the 2 highest rank size in asia somewhere i knew to city the just before the hall follow the muscle morita with the goal for the full time champions. despite the bright start from japan, iran kept himself in the game. mohammed will he be good to equalize it 10 minutes off to the break? the match looked like it was heading for extra time, but in the final 2nd time to see that the penalty is done. boxes quote from the spot to rock up to one when it was one supposed to be 3. 0, but depends in almost 20 years it was swollen infected and it was amazing. like honestly i was so happy the one that 2nd goal it was like allows me to go,
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which i like honestly we for the year to bring to the top tier. we don't accept the we didn't the pond on it on. we didn't expect it onto one because depends on a strong team. so when do it on winds are bundled with the hop right for you as their team. let's take a rental and extending 5th tide. so it's like another day out does, yeah, you said you. so let's just check on that line up for the last 4 and the asian camp in south crew will take on jordan for sports in the final as a looked when that 1st title in 64 years. that's the 1st 70 find on tuesday, and it's followed by that around versus casa match on wednesday to and that's it for me in the cloud. so let's do that, but i'll be back in just a moment. i'm on another full how 5 use see then the
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1st mass protest of 2024 u. k. 7th national demo since the stones of israel garza was another enormous gathering period conference groups in a group of 50 miles to the west of lincoln in the east, newcastle in the know right. and on the south coast as well. the sentiments here very clearly says find out if you see what's happening in there's no question about it is a broad spectrum of anti war pro palestinian sentiment. among the british jewish groups of pulled up the is reading the government's actions. there is a sense the international public opinion is having an impact is putting a resistible political pressure on international leaders. while the cottage
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continues close for a ceasefire and they get loud neos rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deputy fires increasingly ripped through them. in the face of man made deforestation and unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all the plans to protect or village fire beneath a witness documentary on that. and just so you know, these, these 2 took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. in partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its strong and every meal is like a piece of the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural,
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historical and cultural beauties. the at least 2 children are killed in many injured and rushed to show hospital. in dogs are often it's right instruction in 2016 for displace products the on the clock. this is out of your life and death. also coming, united states, the united kingdom carry out most strikes on iran factory fees and you have a couple of sun funerals held in fact done for the 16 people killed in american strikes and a rack on friday.


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