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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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with the is where the attacks claim more lives in southern dogs. i will move in a 1000000 displays palestinians decision shown to the dominant of a problem. and this is all just the on line from doha. so coming up, fighting on the ground and gauze, a continue is amazing. the is ready cabinet is underway. as pressure grows for a cease find deals with him, us police clash with protest as incentive go on as an opposition candidates and the postpone presidential election is arrested i'm
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going to contain the wall 5, and sheila, at least 64 people are killed thousands fleet at homes the beginning, gaza way as well as with len trust bombardment of the strip has killed more than a 120 palestinian some saturday. and the death toll continues to rise. more than one and a half 1000000 displays, palestinians are now in as off or near the border with egypt cells. and so people have be moving from one shelter to another. they're desperate to find food. and protection from his riley strikes the area as being bombarded day and night as well . and his set of plans to expand is ground operations and dropped off to months of ordering palestinians to move there for safety. is she um yeah, no, no, but there is no safe zone here in rafa that more than 1600000 people. if these families and they drop off, they will smash us like tomatoes,
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there is no safe area. even those who came here claiming safe passage, they were all it is normal. that is very full. since i've been following artillery on tank shelves into the strip fighting has been reported in gaza. city in the gulf . and in con eunice in the south is go to our correspondence out a couple of them. he's joining us live from that all fine. so let's start with the situation in alpha. in the south topic, we've heard of more as rarely as tribes including on a school well, in fact, as a noise, droves as midnight drove is much more close uh inside a roof. i would be seeing more as strikes as is building since the flights military attacks in the south. generally, as we have been seeing that these, when i launch a series of as strikes on the eastern side of brooklyn in the past hour, and especially in the area that is so adjacent to con unit city, we're bottles, the
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a raging or an hourly basis. and we've been seeing today at least 16 policy as have been killed in hon. eunice city since the beginning of this day. and more than doses of palestinians have contingent in what transports, it's too rough hospitals, and alongside with european hospitals. in the southern parts of con you, it is, it's worth mentioning that the strikes to day will not only directed towards rough i district, but also extended to reach in the past hour at the middle school roommates. and in particular, in dairy bella town where at least a 10 palestinians have to revolt, a cube in an air strike that level to the ground, a residential building below them to belong to a cup of family and at that attack, had contributed to roy's the desktop endeavoured but only to dates to uh it twice to at least 30 palestinians will have been cute since the hours are for these morning, only in that part of garza and products. what can you tell us about the situation around all ship?
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a hospital which we understand is rarely forces have surrounded and there are at least a 100 people trapped inside. well, selections that you're hearing about that or yes, uh the situation that is absolutely chaotic as people who are still trapped in a medical complex are completely terrified with the sound of it gets ready surveillance of drones and be quite cope to miniature drones that's from now and then are opening the fire on the residence inside the medical complex and also on it's vicinity where the on, on april to get out from the medical facility. that because these body forces had been re deployed again in these central a neighborhoods of garza city. and they are having clashes and fighting a close contact, fighting with the palestinian fighters in the mount late for who would, as we have been seeing different views. imagine from these areas they have been showing how they are attacking these really at the military time. sometimes they use very small impulse to dates, have killed at least 7 palestinians in guns,
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a city a long slide. the desktop generally today has a rise and to reach at least 11 power city has been killed only in the cost of kansas city um its unbalancing circuits of destruction. and one of the latest attacks have been conducted on the vicinity of a suicide tower, where the had been caused with fire due to the ongoing bombardment on difficulties vicinity. as long as these very forces to now did not completely withdrew from the north of cancer, or i thought it thank you very much for that. that is thought otherwise, the room i'll correspondent in gaza is joining us live from rafa. so that is why the army says one of its soldiers has been killed in gaza. the 24 year old was the start and slicing in the south. at least $225.00 is where the soldiers have been killed since the military launched is found defensive in october. and as riley will, cabinet is missing right now let's go to home,
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the son of ruth. she's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and it sounds very much from the prime minister netanyahu is under pressure from all sides. politically. that's exactly right, that meeting now in its 3rd hour and it comes on the keels of a cabinet meeting. we've connected you all who's coalition, where there were a lot of grievances for members of nathan, y'all whose own but crude party saying that they want to be involved when there are negotiations about these captives. they want to know the details. when israel's most sad chief comes back from negotiations with mediators. but these really prime minister is under immense pressure from all sides from his coalition, from the right wing, members of the government and the opposition, members of the right wing camp, like the national security minister. it's a more bend beer and the finance minister based on his small bridge for the last 10 days or so. i've been threatening to,
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we've the government. if nothing yahoo enters into a deal, but they would consider not favorable to israel. this means that there will be a large number of palestinian detainees. it is rarely jails released as part of that deal framework. this was also something that was mentioned by members of nathan york, whose party and these really prime minister had responded by saying that any framework, any sort of deal that would involved the release of palestinian prisoners would be similar to that framework to the ceasefire deal. we thought back in november, the numbers of palestinian detainees per is really captive would be saving or so around 3. but how mass has simply said that that's not enough. and we also know that members of nothing, y'all whose government has been saying, but there are certain palestinians, it is really jails that they do not want to see release to these really are also pushing that's in yahoo from the side of the opposition. you have been against
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a member of the countries for calvin at his party entering an emergency government . so it's important to remember that they're not part of the coalition, but benny gas has been threatening essentially to we is nothing y'all who caves to the right. it's a more bend, we're with quite inflammatory comments today about the united states, causing even more divisions between benny gans and that's in yahoo in the coalition . so the pressure is mounting from all sides on these really prime minister as these deal. negotiations are still ongoing, but it doesn't seem like a deal framework isn't sites just yet on time to thank you for that. i'm the son who is live and occupied east jerusalem up front and says guys that needs to prepare for the return of the palace to noon authorities. governance that is according to the french foreign minister, stefan says june. he's an egypt to, he's been missing the egypt, sion foreign minister and president, fonts, and egypt have held tools on achieving the see spot and gaza and delivering humanitarian aid. you level it will give you a salma as we discussed together,
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as well as with president, i'll see, see the consequences of the will and gods can be felt in your board as if you were worried about the forced displacements of populations into your tier a tree we perfectly understand these worries, and on this point, process position remains constant here. we can do him and rejects all actions of leading to the sand like you, we're worried by the strikes and rough and his writing massages landed. the hundreds of mona is at a funeral and southern 11 on the explosion was at a cemetery near the town of bleed. the 2 functions from the amount of work which is allied to has bella le killed in an israeli strike on friday is on, has commissioned without war. if hezbollah doesn't pull back from the board to cross border fighting has escalated the following, as well as one, gaza, and us national security advisor jake sullivan says they will be most strikes on iran, link targets and retaliation. the 3 american troops killed in joining a week ago. it began with the strikes on friday night,
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but that is not the end of it. we intend to take additional strikes, an additional action to continue to send a clear message that the united states will respond when our forces are attacked or people are killed. rosalyn jordan has more from washington dc. the national security advisor dig sullivan, did appear on some of the sunday public affairs shows, in which he talked about the need not just to try to reduce the risk of an escalation in security crises across the middle east. but also about the fact that the security that the secretary of state anthony blinking is on his way to the region to deal with the war in gaza. the secretary of state is leaving on sunday in order to carry out our talks with the partners and with interlocutors in culture, in egypt, and saudi arabia, in israel,
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and in the occupied west bank. now this is of course, a complicated situation that the body to ministration is trying to manage. one point that sold and kept stressing was that the us is not working for direct confrontation with a ron, which is something that many republicans in the us congress have been calling for the us. the by the administration is trying to underscore that it's trying to reduce tensions because it wants to see ultimately and end to the war in gaza, overturn of the captives back to israel, and to try to establish the groundwork for an independent palestinian state. it's a lot to juggle, a lot could go wrong. that's according to a lot of military observers here in washington. to julia now with 55 is a trying to contain thousands of walls size that have killed at least 64 people. strong winds and scorching heat have been fueling the flames and the capital and
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the costs around the valve body. so region president, a copy of a bunch won't that the death toll could arise. he also want of severe consequences if anyone is found responsible for deliberately starts from the fire the, the fee for the sudden it's hard to think the horrible and heartless people who inflict so much pain in boxes. it goes. but if these people exist, we will search for the persona, we will find them. and they will have to say something like, not only rejection by the entire society, but also the lot of people them been fluid. as go to alaska in america editor lucy, a newman, she is joining us from vienna, denmark, that's in both parties. so and uh, let's see. it took us through what you have been seeing since you arrived there. it is indeed we are in the box that ice a region. and right now you could see some firefighters right behind me putting out a fire. but the interesting thing is that the fires are not necessarily when you
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see the flames. the fires underneath all of this because the roots of these trees, many of them, pine trees are still lit. and so they have to sort of, did kick around drive to flood these routes. the kids that are up to 500 meters long. you can see the smoke billowing behind me behind them as well. they've been fighting these fires now since 6 o'clock this morning and will probably continue until at least midnight. it is a race against time. people have died, as you know, the president just mentioned $64.00 deaths, but that he knew that they would be many more and that there will be many more. and we also spoke to the head of this brigade. this is led by to these forestry corporation and the head of that brigade tells us that he is convinced that these fires were this deliberately because they started with 6 simultaneous fires in
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different places, all at the same hour in a row. and he said that that was impulses that could not have been a coincidence. he also said that the temperature as well very, very high, still a very, very hot. there's been a heat wave here in this part of the country were not high enough for these fires to have started and spontaneously. alright, let's see it. and what does the president declare and the state of emergency main for how a rescue teams can respond to this? it means that the president has access to emergency funds immediately without having to go through so much red tape. we will be using those funds. of course, to bring in more helicopters, more planes to dallas, the claims, but also to help those who have been left homeless. there are up to 6000 photos that have been damaged or disappeared entirely by these fires. we've seen families that have had nothing left. absolutely nothing but the clothes on their backs. they're being kept. they're being taken right now to shelters,
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but they will need help to rebuild, to, in fact, in some cases, find another place to live. and so it is still a very critical situation and just to add, not just in the blog, but i used to be another my region, but in other parts of killing for the south fires are starting to pop up as well. so this is just the beginning of the fire season here in chile, much, much more is expected to come with a thank you for that, that is listed in human joining us live from bog, buddy. so to the head on al jazeera, the un says more than 8000000 people have been displaced in saddam since fighting erupted last year. plus i'm out of the cost i in the bob we find out why the construction and fix a is arriving in a country with $1.00 of the highest inflation rates in the world. the
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brought to you by visit castle had low then much of a straight. yeah, has been sweltering under a heat wave with very hot and dry conditions continuing to bring an extreme wildfire risk in place is not, it doesn't mean we haven't seen some what to weather. we've got the remnants of a tropical flight club across towards the southeast bringing very heavy rain. so the likes of new south wales and the australian capital territory on monday into tuesday. it does pull away very quickly as we go into the mid week moving towards new zealand, then we'll see some way to whether affecting the north and half of the country on choose day, much drive down in the south. we will see temperatures coming down. however, for places like adelaide and melbourne instead, we'll see that heat being pumped back into puts by tuesday. so the help of the tasman, we can see that heavy rain starting to pour into the southwest corner on monday,
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some very gusty winds as well. but for the knows of this allows me 2nd picture with the temperature continuing to rise in christchurch. so do you want to get yourself is that when she's a very pleasant weather that continues to dominate in the north? that was the move to southeast asia. things are looking pretty pleasant across from northern areas to places like indo china and the philippines. very heavy rain, however, continuing to dominate across indonesia, monday into tuesday. the weather brought to you by visit council. meeting of mine is discussing the defining issues of our times in one year. we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in a kind of a new era of know about the slower it's maria ressa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on
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a jersey to the the watching knowledge of the of a man is the put on. and uh, a reminder of our top story is to sell as well as offensive and gaza is moving to the south. at least 2 children were killed in dropbox, the city housing 1600000 palace finance has been repeatedly shelves as one of the attacks of killed 12 and a 120 people on the saturday. and as, as well as attacks intensify prominence to benjamin. nothing young has been chair and a cabinet mason to discuss the wall and gaza and firefighters and shanetta trying to contain thousands of all 5 that have killed. at least 64 people. strong wins and scorching sheets have been fielding, the flames, and the cost involved part
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a. so region security forces incentive goal and have detained an opposition presidential candidates during protests from the capital on to bubble. got and go on this one of 19, all physician candidates and the election postponed by president marcus saul into con demonstrations, fabricated streets and protests against the move. please find, take us to dismiss cross for the protest of planned on monday. nicholas hawk reports from dakota. were in on charters, water was in there so much anger amongst the population here. many of them were going to be 1st time voters, the majority of the people here under the age of $25.00, we spoke to one young lady who is out throwing rocks at the police and she says, i have a master's degree. i'm an educated woman and yet i'm selling coffee on the streets . there's so many people that have left this country in the last year, despite the booming economy and also the world bank,
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claiming that 60 percent of the population has electricity. we've been in the villages where people don't have power, don't have access to the internet even today in certain areas where the protests took place. so we're seeing droves of young people who are educated can't find words, and they were hoping to get their voices heard during this election. a prison like yourself says, you will get your chance to have a say in this election is guaranteed also that people don't run it again. if there was another vote. but 1st there needs to be a rebuild of the trust of the electoral process. and we've seen the west african body echo was showing concerns over the decision to postpone the election. we've seen friends of former colonial power in the united states warranty to see the dates for this election to take place. but there's going to have to be lots of dialogue between the man that is in the presidential palace, the government, and all of these political biggers,
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all of when want to take his place inside of how this to the best also control of saddam has created the world's largest displacement crisis, the united nation says 98000000 people have been forced from the homes by the fighting between the army. the pound, military rapids support forces that is on top of the 3000000 displaced before the conflicts began. last april was somehow fled to neighboring countries, but most have moved to say for areas within. so don, hey, but morgan has moved from costume, from how much her daughters and her grandchildren have lived in this classroom for 6 months. the school in hudson has become a temporary shelter for some of the menus to denise forces from their homes by the conflict between the army and the power military rapids support forces for us as the flight. when the fighting moved into their neighborhood along the senate, it is the one that uh, it was terrible to leave the house. we carried the kids left,
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the air conditioning on. i'm left with nothing but the clothes on our box. artillery shells line to narrow, straight bullets were flying everywhere. early in the conflicts, the power and military group took control of most of the capital, made reports at the fast rape and killing. many residents moved to stay for regions, often areas controlled by the army. in dar 4 where the rapids support forces is accused of ethnic cleansing, have a 1000000 escaped to neighboring cad. another 1000000 have cross the border into south sedan, egypt and issue a po, bringing the total number of displays. so denise, to nearly 11000000, according to united nations figures, families often travel long distances by foot to reach safety, safety no single said i feed their families for 3 days to get to. they hadn't eaten and were in poor health. one woman collapsed during the journey and died. people who are physically, i'm the motion exhausted,
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with no official displacements caps and the shortage of 10. many people sleep out in the open access to food, clean water and health care is also difficult. a back in heart to offer us as conditions are far from ideal, but at least her family is safe. for now any way, there is little sign. the conflict is going to end any time soon. meaning most of the news will likely be forced from their homes. he but morgan altered their heart to him. and the un high commissioner for refugees 24 bronte has visited this place sort of days. and if you, if you. and so don, he says they feared for gulshan on and unless there is at least a ceasefire, if we continue to grow, i've seen it myself in old neighboring countries. i wasn't mayfield you last just a couple of days ago. i've seen it here. i've spent 4 days hearing so that the internal displacement is quite dramatic with incalculable consequences and the
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conditions of those the displaced. but in general, of this with the needs are becoming worse or so, because because we have a to be put for resources to help them, the international community is focusing on other crises and neglecting this one. besides these numbers, which are a bit mind boggling. one need to consider other elements of the crises, old schools, or old, most old schools and universities had been pro since last paper. and when the war began began, no education doesn't existing. so down to date, 70 percent of the children in need. the vaccine nation, according to the virtual, cannot be reached. food insecurity is growing. there's this thing important that people made by the work foot program. yes, it is. so it's a crisis with multiple effects and made much more complicated by the fact that there's a huge front line if the complex one going across the country very difficult to work across the front line and reach people on the other side. but many obstacles
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also for to many 10 organizations working on either side, especially most of them are working on the government side of the front line. my strong appeal here to the authorities that are located as you know here in parts with them. the governmental authorities has been please, at least until we see spike comes, lift the many, many heavy requirements that we have to address that we have to face every day to deliver a to the people, people here field or the very people, the people, the most effective field of a band students for abducting and clearly, you know, this being ukraine. and now guys, these are tremendously complex crisis, these right, that there is a tension on them. but to what we're asking, we, the humanitarians, what we're asking the international community is tied to juggle different balls at
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the same time. the thing is underway in the presidential and legislative elections and el salvador presidents night because it is expecting a land slide re election. victory is popularity in the polls is largely attributed to his crackdown on criminal gangs more than $70000.00. suspecting gang members have been arrested since he declared a state of emergency 2 years ago. non going on bomba has been sworn in as many as interim president photo and the depth of how good guy and gold and bob the promise to uphold the country is constitution until a new leader is elected. at the end of the year gone, gall passed away after a brief fashion with cancer. he was president for the past 9 years. does above way . now the country has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. and the local currency is constantly losing value. as well, corresponding total latasha reports from the capital head out a people are looking for safe ways to protect them money. this is one of that is
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rich tablets, newly built homes and exclusive estates. here is the middle class of, of when you development are also going up. and these are low cost houses in another part of the capital. zimbabwe has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. investing in property is all several people are trying to protect. the earning is the opposite because if nobody has the biggest advantage in the front end, battlements, the only way to preserve your body is by investing in assets was assets tends to appreciate in value over time. bradwell, which it and i saw his father's generation struggle off today with time and savings were wiped out by inflation. he believes is less risk in brick and mortar investments. so he's helping build the family home. and that's it. that won't be too affected every time. doesn't bobby and dialect tumbles. you can see may be the price will fit in products dollar to day, maybe tomorrow,
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the 50. but when you have properties you, i'm sure you can see them on it. which of i'm underlines, because it's on the bobbies have had bad experiences with financial institutions. here. salaries and savings can disappear over night within place them adjusting the value of people's savings. some of the building homes of money from relative abroad to achieve some economic security and others are converting these and bobby and dollars into us dollars the bobby and say at least this way they can see where their money is going. commercial and residential real estate is going in nearly every neighborhood for inflation, for teachers and bobby, and this is a safer way to protect their money and generate some income. harden with tasha algebra potty to russia says a ukrainian auditory attack on a bakery has killed these 28 people, including a child 10 others were injured and they shrunk on saturday. the city and the eastern region of the han was captured by russian forces to you as it goes early in
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the war. fee is fighting, has continued nearby since then. mostly what you should heard shouts and something, hit me in the back. i turned around and i was under so many people cried for help, but we were all under slabs ourselves. thanks to the rescuers and to military police. we were there, they helped us a lot was pulled out with jack, who is a part of the us state of south carolina. joe biden has won the democratic primary for the us selection. it is the 1st time that south carolina has come 1st on the list of states losing in the democratic primaries bite and had a comfortable one against 2 other candidates working away with 96 percent of the voters. it's like a music has about to be on the edge of the grammys with its own category for the 1st time. and after a beat styles from nigeria, a ready to win, big as the 66th annually was long shot, los angeles, and a few hours, for instance, to lead me has more. so for this, so like on,
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i was july but 1st came to the united states from nigeria 15 years ago to study medicine. but his musical talents and the growing popularity of the attribute sound, took him in a completely different direction to the stage in the studio. there he and his band, the kingsman have backed up some of the most popular african artists of the day, including 3 of the 5 nominated for a grammy award and a newly created category of best african music performance among them. ira star, when i 1st came, it wasn't as popular, but over time it started growing and growing artist like with good, you know, the veto burner. boy, they kind of broke that boundary. you know they, they broke that door and it kind of just became very popular. the past couple of years, african musicians have a long history of being recognized at the grammy awards for many different styles of music. but this year.


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