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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without that fear of facing a jail term informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that see that convocation inside story on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the phenomena that was put on them. and this is a new zone life from dawn, coming off in the next 60 minutes and as stripe flash as hollins in the garden city of data by law, where there was a large concentration of displace tungsten in the bachelor to contain foss furthering wall files across central, sheila, more than
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a 100 people have now lost their lives. salvadorans had to the poles, good strong men. they. okay. cl another term as president of the central american nations and the social media site that starts with the old tens 20. so most people look for facebook and he has a heads who begin and gaza with fierce air attacks and showing by the israeli army has killed more than a 120 palestinians since saturday and asked why? cuz he leveled hollins of the city of the law. where there was a major concentration of displace peaceful at least 30 people had been killed, many more wounded, a streaming into ox, a hospital with some of the heaviest strikes over the past day have been in rough or near the border with egypt. that is where tens of thousands of palestinians were told to move to via israel for their own safety. now the is ready. um it says it
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plans to expand around off ration staff. does she? um yeah, no, not a problem. there is no safe zone here in rafa that more than 1600000 people. if these families and they drop off, they will smash us like tomatoes, there is no safe area. even those who came here claiming safe passage, they were all hit this moment and there's been heavy fighting, revolted, and the north and gauze associated that is just 5 israel having claimed weeks ago that it dismantled him off of military framework. and the area a correspondent thought a couple isn't, isn't java with more. it is really the only use expanding its military attacks. of course this other parts of gauze as we've been hearing the sound and the buzzing of the east. very minute tree surveillance, the drone over the calling of the facility, all the way to hospice are for more than an hour. right now they have the whole ring inside the area has been searching for the targets to be bombarded, meant to people bought it. and this is
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a part of the ongoing intelligence as being made by the us with the army in the city of roof as they have been targeting to date, a number of areas inside drop off. we're at least 2 palestinians have been killed in such as strikes, but the ongoing efforts on the ground here in the pod, due to city as will continue, especially the military, one by the is where the army as they have found in different areas, including just especially in a neighborhood where at least 16 palestinians have been killed in that city only since the hours of today's morning. and similarly, situation is very dear rating in the middle school, renee to inc. caustic killer in derek by town, we're at least 14 palestinians have been killed off to a residential building belongs to cut off time. many had been completely destroyed and they are still people to stuck under the russell's as um, its ongoing efforts by the civil defense team to completely pull them from under the wreckage of the destroyed building. similarly,
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also the tax continued one of those higher rock refuge account in the past hour where we deem is really military drones have opened the fire against different uh, residential buildings to um its ongoing efforts to 1st boost people in these areas to sleep, move to a rough life, just to have a kind of full military mobility on the ground and against the palestinian fighters . for the palestinian doctor and gaza says he was tortured by is there any forces during 87 weeks of detention side of the drive on model was a pediatrician at all of the hospitals in regards of city. he says he was blindfolded with his hands of legs shackled. he has his story and his own woods ought to be the for the most model. so can be the be upfront money, the more stuff more just fill out the wash it or not. and you know, yeah, and the problem some that the problem mean definitely specify, oh my god to disagree with that. is that at least some sort of moon that you all know that the deep
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a chevy. what that we that somebody for john love . so i'm unable to miss tasha. uh. use it. i'm not john. well i'm not a 2nd. i'm getting in. send me to that. how you who are part of me with the study or something. uh well, i'm glad they didn't look. yeah, i wish i did get an apology that little frustrated the comedy stuff. 7 so doing this study, you can apply the should be due then just then just the of the gun that was need said by what the one that queued on up to that comes to our to be
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in your up for them to come to actually do it on was because it is in that case. can you just says when i'm a come to the club so i mean they, oh my goodness, i'm also being there. they got a lot of, you know, or what's the best of savvy because they had the so you won't let me fussing happy in the 11 yards. these were any on me says one of its soldiers has been killed in gaza. the the 24 year old was this died and flashing of the south at least $225.00 is where the soldiers have into some, some of the trees, not just the ground defensive and october and the is ready. will cabinet has been missing this evening? that's go to home, the son who it's just joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. sounds like one
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of the longest cabinet missing since the will began home the mid reports. the problem is to bethany all who is under pressure from is science politically, the this war cabinet meeting now well into its 5th hour. it's not unusual for these meetings to go well into the night, given how many disagreements there are within these really governments. it comes off the heels of the cabinet meeting that took place earlier today in which several ministers and connected to members within nets and yahoos. a little accrued party had boys several concerns about the potential of a new deal involving the release of captives. but also that they wanted to be informed when it came to these types of decisions, but they didn't want them just to go to the war cabinet. they want it to be involved when the most san director goes to meet with mediators abroad. what kind of deal framework that they're looking at. there are several red lines that is really politicians have said they have like the release of thousands of palestinian
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prisoners. we've heard this from members of the far right, like you to me are bend beer and benefit. a small rich, both members of nothing. yahoo, who's coalition, but not members of the war cabinet now for the last week or so. they've been threatening to leave the government essentially topple the coalition. if nothing yahoo entered a deal that they saw as on favorable towards israel. they're also other red lines, but nothing yahoo himself has said like ending the war and gaza withdrawing troops from the territory. so this is something that is constantly ongoing, but he's not just spacing pressure from the far right. and for members of his own political party, there's pressure from the opposition. benny gans remember joined to the emergency government as an hour member of the war cabinet. he says that he would leave if nothing yahoo came to the far right demand. so a lot of pressure on me is really prime minister as that war at calvin. it's
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session is still happening as we know with discussions about a potential release of captives, but also about the state of affairs when comes to israel's ground operations in gaza. and honda and all the issues that's been on the cabinets agenda is how to fill the gap left by thousands of palestinian work is banned from working in israel since october. the 7th. what's the israeli government saying about this? this has been an issue for 4 months now since the beginning of the war since october. the 7th. there are huge gaps in labor specifically when it comes to construction because palestinian workers were far from entering israel from the occupied west bank even though they had permits. so these rarely government has said that they are going to bring in 65000 foreign workers with in the coming weeks to help with construction sites previously around 72000 palestinian workers from the occupied west bank worked on these construction sites. and these really
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government is saying that half of them have been stalled since the beginning of the war. but this is something these really government has been considering for some time back in december. or it was said that these really prime minister wanted to bring back the policy and workers because of just how much these really economy was suffering. but he did not have a majority in the cabinet for that decision. and ultimately, it was decided due to what they called security concerns. the palestinians would not enter. but now this issue becomes of how expensive is it going to be the $65000.00 foreign workers coming from india 3 longer. and it was becca stand, in the preliminary weeks, they're going to have to be provided housing insurance and on top of the wages. but they are going to earn which are already quite low. so this is something that is going to be extremely costly for these really government in lieu of allowing palestinian workers to come back to israel. right?
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have the thank you very much for that home. the son who live and occupied east jerusalem song says guys and needs to prepare for the return of the palace. janina saw. she's governance. that's according to the french foreign minister stefan says you and who's in egypt is being missing. the country is foreign minister and president, fonts in egypt have held talks on achieving a safe spot and gaza and delivering to monetary in a new level. it will give you a salma as we discussed together as well as with president, i'll see, see, the consequences of the war and gaza can be felt in your board as if you were worried about the forced displacement of populations into your tier a tree. we perfectly understand these worries, and on this point, process position remains constant here. we condemned and rejects all actions of leading to the sand like you. we're worried by the strikes and rough and his writing this all his land in the hundreds of one is that a few northern southern 11 on the explosion was that
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a cemetery near the town and bleed the 2 files from the mon group, which was allied to his follow what killed it in? his riley strike on friday. isabel has threatened without war of hezbollah doesn't pull back across the water fighting has escalated the following, as well as one gossip us national security advisor jake sullivan says they will be most strikes on iran link targets and retaliation for the 3 american troops killed in georgia. in a week ago, it began with the strikes on friday night, but that is not the end of it. we intend to take additional strikes and additional action to continue to send a clear message that the united states will respond when our forces are attacked or people are killed. rosalyn jordan has moved from washington dc in the national security advisor, jake sullivan, did appear on some of the sunday public affairs shows input. she talked about the
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need not just to try to reduce the risk of an escalation in security crises across the middle east. but also about the fact that the security that the secretary of state antony blinking is on his way to the region to deal with the war in gaza. the secretary of state is leaving on sunday in order to carry out our talks with the partners and with interlocutors in culture, in egypt, and saudi arabia, in israel, and in the occupied west bank. now this is of course a complicated situation that the body to ministration is trying to manage. one point that sullivan kept stressing was that the us is not working for direct confrontation with a ron, which is something that many republicans in the us congress have been calling for the us. the by the administration is trying to underscore that it's trying to reduce tensions because it wants to see ultimately and, and to the war in gaza,
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overturn of the captives back to israel, and to try to establish the groundwork for an independent palestinian state. it's a lot to juggle. a lot could go wrong. that's according to a lot of military observers here in washington. the funerals are being held in bagdad for the victims of us as strikes on friday. the rocky government declared 3 days of morning for the 16 people killed the us launch and dozens of stripes across the rock and sylvia targeting groups linked to a ron. they followed the cutting of 3 american soldiers and a drawn attack in jordan last week. but among the mourners that those funerals in bagdad was the leader of the father organization, which is linked to yvonne. he says, all american troops must leave a rock build honda and was not in huh. yeah, it's going to do it many times. the time is come to expel, not the exit, but the expulsion of the americans and they have to leave. if they remain is
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absolute evil for the rocky people will be more rocky blood shed and more sacrifices. other rocky use now is the time for them to leave, and the parliament has to say its word and if it doesn't defend the rocky people, then they're not representative of the rocky people. on a house on is following developments from the rocky capital. several rocky cities and of course, investors are the funerals for the 16 people who are killed in the us just like most of them all then does all the popular mobilization force is all just see a map at some of the functions within the p. m. f. a allied with the one, but this group is also part of the, the rockies of forces, and therefore through the 5 minutes. so. so a lot of controversy about the strikes and the head of the p. m. a. a said that the united states forces should withdraw from your walk and said that this crime as he described it, should not go without accountability beep commander in chief,
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i'll see about known as frederick. i don't know how much i read. he's designated by the us as a saturday visit us today, one of the size where the strikes took place along with the folly menchie delegation. most of the expenses we are getting from the pm a side on the all i. i live in the vault or calling for the direct us, which was one of the same time. we had also witnessing more attacks on us vases yesterday. only the 2 uh fox uh, i claimed by the stomach resistance sidney rock. one was the east of the bill to north phone, but that i don't know. the one is if you the 2 days president gabriel's lodge was declared 2 days of national mourning off to wall 5 killed. more than
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a 100 people. strong woods and scorching heat had been shooting the flames and the cost involved part a so region. president barge says a number of dead as lucky to rise is a wound of severe consequences if anyone is found responsible for deliberately stopping the 5. the, the fee for the sudden it's hard to think the horrible and heartless people who inflict so much pain in boxes. it goes. but if these people exist, we will search for the persona, we will find them. and they will have to say something like, not only rejection by the entire society, but also the bill to alaska america editing to see a new and has more from then. yeah, down mine shit. a we've been a competing, a fire fighting brigade in this field, which is part of the of a forest. and as you can see, they are say ards drowsing fires, but you don't see flames. but this, the fires are actually underneath. it's actually from the roots of these trees,
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mainly pine trees, and we can feel the heat underneath the are we to in fact this is a painstaking and slow process for every 10 of these uh, trees or roots, the day dows, another 20 of booms of smoke appear in the horizon, so this is going to take them days if not weeks to actually extinguish. and this was happening all along this region. we were also in the neighborhood where people lost everything they had. they tell us that while they were just basically sweeping around their house, they suddenly saw a to what they called a storm of sparks coming in towards their homes. and it just a matter of minutes they were on fire. they had to run for their lives. they couldn't take anything with them except the clothes on their back. many people in just in that area where we were died. and we're hearing that the death toll now it has is, has a past 100 the highest ever, for an emergency,
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a disaster of this kind in chile. and we also are hearing from authorities that are nearly 400 people are still missing. most of these people presumed dead. so this is a tragedy, a national tragedy that is called everyone's attention. but what is most of the order is really making people feel shocked is the fact that everyone seems to coincide, at least the authorities and firefighters seem to coincide that this was done on purpose to lotion in el salvador, as presidential election is about to end president said canada is expected to be re elected by land sign as popular algae in the polls is largely a tribute to it has cracked down on criminal gangs over 70000 suspects of gang members have been arrested since he declared the state of emergency 2 years ago is go to a correspondent, model and profit of his joining his life on the capital sound salvador. so given who candidate is expected to win, convincingly manny, what's being on the minds of voices today is a cost,
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a balance of the $1.00 thing that's not on the minds of motors rather would be who's going to win. there is an expectation that this is going to be nothing short of a landslide victory for president volcano, who by the way, is still at the podium at the moment. speaking to reporters within the last hour, it did take to the polls to vote. and. 8 i will just tell you a few of the things that he's been saying over the course. 4 of the last few minutes, he's a urging people that there is still time there is a little under an hour left for salvadorans to head out to the polls. cast their votes. he's saying that elections are not one with good intentions. he also had a message for some of his critics abroad, especially human rights organizations, important governments who have referred to him as a dictator, folks that referred to him as an autocrat. his message to those critics is that no
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one has the moral authority to say what else salvador needs, but the salvador and people themselves take the opportunity as well to tell some of his achievements, not least, of which has been transforming el salvador from one of the most dangerous places in the world into arguably the safest country in the western hemisphere. those were his words. but again, here elizabeth, nobody seems to expect that this is gonna be anything short of a landslide victory for president book. and if anything, many of the people that we've spoken to don't even seem to know who the opposition candidates even are. yeah, and the criticism is about how he has made the country safe. it isn't as interesting that he remain so popular to the spot that criticism from rights, groups of his presidency being cold, unconstitutional of the right. and this is sort of a testament to the ability that president vocally has to sort of appropriate these
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negative statements to set about him. this idea that he's in all the crowd or, or when critics call him a dictate or even on the, on the form, the, on ax, formerly known as twitter, used to refer to himself as the world's coolest dictator. why then the, i think the reason why people still gravitate toward him and why do you so wildly popular, not only here, no salvador, but across the region is because of that success that he's had with proving violence with doing away with things. but the criticism again from human rights organizations has been at what cost, there's been a consolidation of power that has led to not little to no democratic. so rattled for less morality left in the country. he stacked the supreme court with more lists that have allowed him to seek re election despite of ban a constitutional band that prohibits presidents 1st from seeking more than one consecutive term. but if you ask the average person here and on top of those, those things, those details don't seem to bother that much. many,
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thank you very much for that. that is manuel dropping off with the same live in san salvador roches, ukrainian artillery attack on a bakery has killed at least $28.00 people, including a child 10. now those will ended. and this child's con, saturday, the city and the eastern region of the hans close caption by russian forces 2 years ago, early in the war, the fee is fighting, has continued nearby since then a m p 's in button. you're asking the question of the, um, so system ready for the capabilities of the army, navy and air force of being scrutinized by the parliamentary defense committee. it was that storm clouds on the horizon following russia's invasion of ukraine and wholesale government reforms and needed to always become shortages of equipment and personnel. well, final service men and women, and leaving that in joining up. the army now has 73000 soldiers compared 280002010 . the ministry of defense wants to increase spending hasn't specified
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a date. the committee found that maybe 2 and a half $1000000000.00 a month to replenish munitions, munitions, stocks, and equipment. may instead of be spent elsewhere will be the, is the military and defense experts. and he says there are competing priorities for the conservative government, especially with a general election this year. the, there was in the conservative pots, in particular, who would say what defense, what, when any boats and the election, which will come to the next 12 months. so so, so let's so, you know, put the money where either in cash, social, cat or in the national health service, all of these things where we could get some folks. i think that's incredibly short sighted myself because of your bills. i'm going to shoot capability. you're putting people to work, i'm, you're getting taxes and it isn't just spending money. so then i got to spend on it stopped piles and it's got a silica out what it needs is also go to sorta,
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what is the british on the full? i'm not, i think is a fundamental question that needs the next government, which of a policy is to address head all the problems that britain has and the germany doesn't have, for example, is we have a nuclear deterrent that has to be renewed because of the submarines that currently take it to say all growing very old very quickly. and that's a program because it has to be inherently sites where money is a real issue and it takes up so much of the budget. i would argue the nuclear deterrent is most of the defense issue, but the nationalized issue and should be paid. so actually not taking another from the ministry of defendants has budget. so across the board, do government company and has got to look at all of these issues, is still a head on algebra that you one says cold, and 8000000 people have been displaced. and so dogs fighting a rock did last year,
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plus hardwood casa in love. we find that why the construction is 6. a is arriving in a country with one of the highest inflation rates in the world. the had the then much of a straight. it has been sweltering under a heat wave with very hot and dry conditions continuing to bring an extreme wildfire risk in place is not, it doesn't mean we haven't seen some what to weather. we've got the remnants of a tropical flight come across towards the southeast, being very heavy rains the likes of new south wales and the australian capital territory on monday into choose day. it does pull away very quickly as we go into the mid week moving towards new zealand. then we'll see some what. so whether effecting the north and half of the country on choose day much dwyer down in the
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south. we will see temperatures coming down. however, for patients like allied and mel, but instead we'll see that heat being pumped back into puss by tuesday. so the help of the tasman we can see that heavy rain starting to pour into the southwest corner on monday some very gusty winds as well. but for the nose of this allows me settled picture with the temperature continuing to y as in christ church. so do you want to get yourself is that on tuesday? very pleasant weather that continues to dominate in the north. that was a move to southeast asia. things are looking pretty pleasant across from northern areas to places like in the china and the philippines. very heavy rain, however, continuing to dominate across indonesia, monday into tuesday. the coveted beyond wells, akins without hesitation. fulton died for power. defines how
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well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare other people with that in people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be the power around the on how does they're examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians exploring a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform, most events and exposure. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on our address here,
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the washing machine is for, for the wanda is on top stores, the ssl is ready as far as of pound at the central got the city of been off a long sunday nice and leveling several homes at least 30 palestinians have been killed the past day, many more wounded us streaming into our long so hospital attacks have also continued in the rough uh and southern golfer that's ready on the plans to expand ground operations down to order and tens of thousands of palestinians to move to the roof of the safety and sheila is president gabriella voltage has declared 2 days of national morning after was was killed while the hungry people, strong weapons and scorching heat have been feeling the flames and the close to involve body. so reach him. well members of
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a palestinian veteran community who lived in the hills of the occupied westbank for decades. so that being attacked repeatedly by his riley settlers. they have complained to the police, but the settlers keep coming back. charles traffic visited one community near jericho. these 3 little holes in the ground meant to be graves. these ladies settlers who ducked them even late flowers, they were a palestinian veteran school. i'm a cobb and disturbing warning to these promised indian community occupied with spend 100 marlene. i moved to the want to kill us. the message is clear, they would even know that i would children, it's intimidation. they want this out during the interview to own settlers wearing military uniform approach in a small off road vehicle. we stop and film us with weak film them. oh,
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the attacks awful chapel. go find the finest in the community. save you a tech to lead point this man scene here. um, and seemingly being protected by his ready soldiers offering will seem to the veteran's go pens, lives here are the settler outpost a couple of kilometers away. i mean, well i give her, i didn't, i will have she beat me and another woman. he asked us to give him all phones. the other woman was holding a baby when her oh, really had faded when you've lived in for more than 50 years to their livelihood depends on these green pulses for their animals way of life. the generations is barely changed for decades. the better when we're able to her, they go down into this field close to an illegal is way the settlement, the settlement they tell us is expanding in this direction. it would have been a couple of weeks ago. the veterans say that a group of he's really sick, lives on and wearing military uniform,
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came and put the steel stakes in the ground. now the line of the stakes runs around full color on which is in that direction. it's clear evidence that the settlers tried to take more land we had companies slowly move on to the local is ready police station. he and 2 of his friends want to make full complaints. solely mine says the secular leader, purposely run over and killed 10 of his goats and stolen carcasses. the police demanded we stopped building, raised the footage and insist if we leave. the next day we return to the village to hey, what the police said. let him out and says he spent 9 hours at the police station. he says it opens, felt like they were investigating. no, the legs crime he was repulsing a me, john, if not matter, the police only can come when the settlers lie complaining about the box. i filed
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an official complaint to protect myself. it's like we have no rights in the eyes of these rated police. it's like we don't exist in his really low. so to sir, so layman's complaint to these way, the police seemingly made no difference the next morning. sunny the settlers a back. how do you spell that for me? so the next time this happens and you play the game of the shouts, one most of the mind carrying a rifle or call the police and they will take, it will go. she way. it's better we community living on palestinian land is being terrorized by owns man, apparently immune or in different to be as really whole international child stratford which is a at a model of a shot in the occupied with bank knowledge of the border between mexico and the united states, the republicans are heading out what they say, a president joe biden reckless open for the policies, the republican governor of texas greg habits,
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and 14 all the state governors from his policy and eagles pause the cities at the center of the political feud between republicans and democrats of how many migrants across the board to as go to our correspond to tidy show cost or she's joining us live from the city in texas near the border with mexico. and sounds like governor abbott is trying to show strengthen numbers here. heidi absolutely. elizabeth and he was back by these 14 fellow republican governors because essentially he has made a very controversial move. that move has been that texas governor greg abbott is defying a us supreme court order, which i cannot under state the significance of this order compels the state to allow us border patrol to access the border. they actually been shut out of this area because we are a gap. it said that washington was unable to manage this border system. and so that
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state police should do so instead, and the supreme court disagreed with that and said that had to be on done. however, that hasn't happened and it's been weeks since the supreme court order has been issued. they are still state controlled. national guard troops behind me guarding the state the fence that behind which is the border itself and app it defending this move says he claims in a novel legal theory that the us constitution says that the state has the power to claim these essentially military powers. because of the quote invasion, he says that is what migrants coming across the border menu with their children on their shoulders holding their only belongings in facts, surviving cartels really the most vulnerable arriving here in the us. he's calling them and any invasion. this is what else he said, and we are here to say in
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a loud and clear message that we are banding together to fight to ensure that we will be able to maintain our constitutional guarantee. that states will be able to defend against any type of imminent danger or an invasion that has been threatened by joe biden, and his abject refusal to enforce the immigration laws of the united states of america. now the national association of republican governors have endorsed abbott's defiance of the supreme court. but there have been many constitutional scholars and people on the left who have said this is setting a very dangerous step. the united states has only seen as in its history one time in the past. in the 1950s, when the governor of arkansas refused to allow the segregation to happen in that state school. ultimately, the federal government then had to send a federal national guard to enforce the supreme court order to segregate schools,
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and many fear that this could essentially ample flight to that extent dispute between the federal and state government. here and of course, we need to focus that this, the people at the center of this all are those migrants who are coming and truly vulnerable. and to have this military potential stand off between 2 sides of the government could be very dangerous to them. indeed. but they're not finding a lot of people who have a lot of sympathy for them. are they heidi? also an eagle pos. we have that convoy of an team live in protests who arrived on saturday use folks. and many of them are they still there? yes they were uh they really created this a public display essentially where some of about 200 vehicles from across the united states. uh carrying essentially right wing protestors. and supporters of donald trump uh anti immigrant sentiment traveled across the country to eagle pass,
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which they see is the epicenter of the migrant search. and even today, as the governors were giving their press conference, these pro anti migrant protesters were chanting, trying to create a scene, essentially saying that they support what abbott is doing. and trying to manage this border with these controversial means they to blame the federal government for failing to secure the border. meanwhile, in washington, there's been a stag nation in congress trying to come up with a solution with republicans digging in their hills. despite democrats wanting a greater border enforcement measures. heidi, thank you very much for that. heidi 0 cost for joining his line from equal pos, texas to sending all now with security forces have detained in opposition, presidential candidate to you and protests from the capital on top of the congo. and is one of 19 opposition candidates in the election postponed by president mark you saw,
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and the com demonstrations barricaded streets and protests against the move. police 5 take us to dispose crowds for the protests of planned on monday. nicholas hawk reports from decala were in on charters. water was in there so much anger amongst the population here. many of them were going to be 1st time voters. the majority of the people here under the age of $25.00, we spoke to one young lady who is out throwing rocks at the police and she says, i have a master's degree. i'm an educated woman, and yet i'm selling coffee on the streets. there's so many people that have left this country in the last year despite the booming economy and also the world bank, claiming that 60 percent of the population has electricity. we've been in villages where people don't have power, don't have access to the internet even today in certain areas where the protest took place. so we're seeing droves of young people who are educated and can't find words. and they were hoping to get their voices heard during this election,
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the president like himself says, you will get your chance to, to have a say in this election is guaranteed also that people don't run it again. if there was another vote. but 1st, there needs to be a rebuild of the trust of the electoral process and we've seen the west african body echo was showing concerns over the decision to postpone the election. we've seen friends that former colonial power in the united states warranty to see a date for this election to take place. but there is going to have to be lots of dialogue between demand that is in the presidential palace, the government, and all of these political biggers, all of when wants to take his place inside of the palace. or the best way to control of saddam has created the was largest displacement crisis, the united nations as 98000000 people have been forced from their homes by fighting between the army and the pound, military rapids support forces that is on top of the 3000000 displays before the
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conflict began in april with some have fled to neighboring countries, but most of move to say for areas within. so don, hey, the morgan has moved from costume. upfront mohammed, her daughters and her grandchildren have lived in this classroom for 6 months. the school in hospital has become a temporary shelter for some of the menus to denise forced from their homes by the conflict between the army and the power of military rapids. support forces are frost, as they flight, when the fighting moved into their neighborhood. listen, it is the moment that uh, it was terrible to leave the house. we carried the kids left, the air conditioning on, i'm left with nothing but the clothes on. our box. artillery shows landed narrow, straight bullets were flying everywhere. early in the conflicts, the power and military group took control of most of the capital made reports at fest, rape, and killing. many residents moved to safer regions,
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often areas controls by the army. in dar 4 where the rapids support forces is accused of estimate cleansing, have a 1000000 escaped to neighboring cad. another 1000000 have cross the border into south sudan, egypt, and issue a po, bringing the total number of displaced. so denise to nearly 11000000. according to united nations figures, families often travel long distances by foot to reach safety. if you know single said i feed their families for 3 days to get to they haven't eaten and we're in poor health. one woman collapsed during the journey and died. people who are physically and emotionally exhausted, there was no special displacements caps and the shortage of tense. many people sleep out in the open access to food, clean water and health care is also difficult. back and hard to offer us has conditions are far from ideal. but at least her family is safe. for now any way,
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there is no sign. the conflict is going to end any time soon. meaning most of the news will likely be forced from their homes. he but morgan altered their heart to him. and the un high commissioner for refugees, filippo randi has visited display surroundings in ethiopia. and so don, he says they feel so gulshan and and unless there is at least a ceasefire, if we continue to grow, i've seen it myself in the old neighboring countries. i wasn't mayfield you last just a couple of days ago. i've seen it here. i've spent 4 days hearing so that the internal displacement is quite dramatic with incalculable consequences and the conditions of those, the displaced but in general, of this with and these are becoming worse or so because because we have very little resources to help them, the international community is focusing on other crises and neglecting this one. besides these numbers, which are
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a bit mind boggling. one need to consider other elements of the crazies old schools or old. most old schools and universities had been closed since last paper. and when the war began began. no education doesn't existing, so down to date, 70 percent of the children in need. the vaccine nation, according to the virtual, cannot be reached. food insecurity is growing. does this thing important that people made by the work foot program? yes it is. so it's a crises with multiple effects and made much more complicated by the fact that there's a huge front line if the complex one going across the country very difficult to work across the front flight and reach people on the other side. but many obstacles also for too many pattern organizations working on either side, especially most of them are working on the government side of the front line. my strong appeal here to the authorities that are located as you know here in parts for them. the governmental authorities has been please,
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at least until we cease fire comes, lift the many, many heavy requirements that we have to address that we have to face every day to deliver a to the people. people here feel ordinary people, the people most effective feel it's a band students for golf. and the clearly, you know, there's been ukraine and now guys that these are tremendously complex crises, cities, right? that there is a tension on them. but to what we're asking, we, the humanitarians, what we're asking the international community is tied to juggle different balls at the same time. and then the video has a new interim president, following the death of how good guy and go and go to and bump the pledge to uphold the constitution until a new lead isn't acted. at the end of the year, 82 year old gone, gone, passed away and hospital off of cancer treatment. he'd been president for the past
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9 years off to being the countries long to serve in prime minister. some bob boyd has one of the highest inflation rates in the world and the local currency is constantly using value as how to latasha reports from the capital head audit and people are looking for safe ways to protect them money. this is one of how that is rich separate, newly built homes and exclusive estate. here is the middle class of, of we new development also going up. and these are low cost houses in another part of the capital. zimbabwe has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. investing in property is all several people are trying to protect any yeah, i'll tell the police have no value. i think that's the biggest advantage. it is the current going to the side of battlement. the only way to preserve your body is by investing in assets was assets tends to appreciate in value over time. right, well, much it and i saw his father's generation struggle off today with time and savings
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were wiped out by inflation. he believes is less risk in brick and mortar investments. so he's helping build the family home. and that's it. that won't be too affected every time doesn't bobby and dialect tumbles. you can see may be the price will fit in for douglas toilet today. maybe tomorrow the 50. but when you have properties you, i'm sure you can see them on it. which of i'm underlined because it's on the bobbies have had bad experiences with financial institutions. here. salaries and savings can disappear over night within place them existing the value of people, the savings, some of the building homes of money from relative abroad to achieve some economic security. and others are converting these and bobby and dollars into us dollars the bobby, and say at least this way they can see where the money's going. commercial and residential real estate is growing in nearly every neighborhood for inflation, for teachers and bobby, and this is a safer way to protect their money and generate some income. had them a task,
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the algebra to the head on the new south african music has to be honored if the grand news with his own cash increase, the 1st time the jo button and donald trump headstart really opposed messages by officer trunk would turn the us into a dictatorship shaking car is trumps cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out. com is locks inspections and the radical left dogs that live like firm and within the confines of our country. many voters are fed up with high prices, and biting stands on these rails war on gaza as close to decline and support in his
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own party. trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal towns is elected. trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more fossil fuels in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states, it's likely to be a bitter babel the and the nation's a going up for the presidential election in 10 days, and the young adult is set to play a big role in choosing van data is as jessica washington reports from chicago to youth group sites. and i'm president of john's to highlight issues which were
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important to them. or dozens of young people crammed into this convention center in the capital for an unusual festival. social boots allowed visitors to take pictures with presidential candidates and simple balance sheets for the 1st time. vote is to print as before election day. i hope you still had to keep your both with me when i for the election festival was organized by a group called to be jacqueline music, which means choose wisely. they said it was a rich hans. the youngsters has to discuss politics with candidates. we set the election like we're, we're going to hire somebody to do a job for the independent organization has also created an online platform detailing the campaign promises of each of the candidates, as well as post achievements and controversies. more than 200000000 agents
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registered the 63000017 and tailoring that. the key priority the campaign system who has made the most obvious attempts to appeal to young bushes, making use of celebrity inducements and acute care could choose to soften the image of the former general and current defense minister pulling indicates those efforts are working. now the campaigns is performing best among the younger voters. among these under 30 voters is the proposed give run tickets. they reached the majority among people under 25. i think back in before december. you squared say the selection represents a chance to bring issues such as environmental concerns, employment and education into focus. even though young people have little influence when it comes to policy making. power up is a coalition of used organizations all calling for stronger commitments from every
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candidate to address climate change is that i'm wondering if we have this convolution shows that young people actually have different concerns, like human rights, indigenous peoples and the economy. but we are all aligned on the climate issue. they say it's an historic opportunity and the cooling on young people to recognize the power in shaping indonesia is future. jessica washington, which is 0 to come to social media, john facebook has turned 20 and the over the past 2 decades, the platform owned by meta has been credited with revolutionizing how we interact and share ideas online. but it's also raised major concerns of the privacy hate speech and misinformation, and tomorrow hand reports mark sucker. burke was 19 years old when he started facebook as college dormitory room now known as mehta. the company has grown into a global empire. originally a way for university students to keep in touch it quickly,
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expand it to the great republic. within a year it had a 1000000 users by 2012, it had a 1000000000 today, 3000000000 people use the platform every month. a 3rd of the world population on facebook was at the forefront of a social media revolution. the change that we share ideas, pictures, and videos online. during the spring uprisings, activists use it organized protests and spread the word about what was happening in real time. politicians use it to share their campaign messages, paying massive billions of dollars for advertising in the hopes of reaching voters . but methods based controversies over the years. data privacy scandals have led to massive fines from regulators. i am proud to now and many say it doesn't do enough to suppress hate speech and this information. we want to hear more without delay about what facebook and other companies plan to do to take greater responsibility
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for what happens on their platform. is dr. burke has repeatedly been brought in to face the tough questions from regulators and politicians. we didn't take a broad enough view of our responsibility, and that was a big mistake. and it was my mistake. and i'm sorry, but through it all met has been able to outlast or buy out most of its rivals. instagram and whatsapp are among the many services now under the metro umbrella collaboration, which is really what this is focused on. as to the future, mark sucker break says lies in the matter versus olympic gold medalist tongue. a virtual space he believes will be the successor to the mobile internet to this. and that pollution of the business matter hopes will guarantee its continued success for another 20 years. since monahan, l. just the euro. oh, non gallagher as a technology and culture riser, and he says facebook has still managed to remain
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a leading social network. clearly we have adapted our behavior to adapt to the algorithm, to the news feed. all of these things that we've become accustomed a day and day out in the same way that facebook has been adjusting to the patterns of the internet and the competitors and swallowing up sites like instagram and also changing their business habits to the way internet culture changes. and that goes right up until today, as they are trying to adjust to a future that they believe will be based in the mentors for the last 20 years, that facebook, it's existed, it is always an or met a is, you may call it, but they have always sort of transgressed and then apologize they've, they've always kind of push the push the limit, push the line and then step back just a bit from it. so they've, they've always, they've always been sort of overstepping those lines in terms of price, in terms of privacy, in terms of security and things like the cambridge analytical scandal. um they, they, they've always drawn the iron lawmakers,
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a across the globe of african music is about to be honored at the grammys with its own category for the 1st time. and after a beat styles from my dear, you are ready to win. big as the 66th annual slice of los angeles and a few hours kristen salumi has more so for this lake on i was july, but 1st came to the united states from nigeria 15 years ago to study medicine. but his musical talents and the growing popularity of the attribute sound, took him in a completely different direction to the stage in the studio. there he and his band, the kingsman have backed up some of the most popular african artist of the day, including 3 of the 5 nominated for a grammy award and a newly created category of best african music performance among them. ira star, when i 1st came, that was the most popular, but over time it started growing and growing artist like with good, you know,
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the veto burn a boy. they kind of broke that boundary. you know, they, they broke that door and it kind of just became very popular. the past couple of years, african musicians have a long history of being recognized that the grammy awards for many different styles of music. but this year, for the 1st time ever, they have their very own category. and it's dominated by nigerian afro beats. the genre caught the attention of the recording academy after exceeding 15000000000 streams on the music platform. spotify, obviously a level of quality that we looked at, but also the critical mass of the amount of recording is being created and consumed . and we know just looking at data, looking at uh 75 platforms and other ways of analyzing it, that this music is very popular, is a ton of really talented people, making it. it's a highly creative people, like the king's men who are getting ready to record their own original after beats music. the blend of different gera is, you know,
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hip hop. so pop classical music as but lame blend that and now have um the african sounds surrounding that. you know, it's, it's, that's kind of half or beat so you know, a sounds that news, no borders christian salumi algae or a new york. and that's it for me, elizabeth front, him. so had raman is here in just a few minutes, say operating current safety religion was the fee that you might be left behind. delving into the dark side to reveal how tuesday calls and still fear to exploit and manipulate to jerry and co force featuring 1st time testimonies from those with skate their narratives and the lessons that should be here. you get the right person in charge of an insane script. the script becomes believable. a fucking lips made the end of fear on a dizzy siren sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she race to rescue people in need. suddenly a warning to halt. there was
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a 5.5 magnitude tremor nearby. we finally arrived that note caused some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people called home, they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction. with so many structures needing to be in susie with one of the highest casualty accounts, supplies are so low and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. and federal tax upfront takes on the big issue today. zip code to what is that for now? it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront without 0. asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action
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the hospital with seeing this gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been in fact to h as an in depth coverage thailand states it's future on fossil fuels, no renewable. i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story . the strikes lockson's homes in the golfing city of the world as a large concentration of displaced palestinians. the salon. so robin, you're watching. oh, does it run like well, headquarters here in the hall also coming up the bottle to contain sauce spreading wildfires across central chile, more than a 100 people have now lost their lives balls. it was gonna el salvador with strong
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monday ad because i predicted to wait another time as president spotlighting slides and the social media side to start digital twins 20. so what's the outlook for


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