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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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on the the, [000:00:00;00] the on his radio strikes, slackens homes in the city of the in central garza, whether it's a large concentration of displaced palestinians, the gloves that are running what she wants that or line headquarters here in the also coming up. these really will come cabinet, meets us pressure,
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chrysler sci fi deal with him us 2 days enough to morning on the cloud until a wall 5 kill more than a 100 people, with full 100, more missing devices being counted in el salvador cousin, the color is projected to be heading for lunch side victory, the welcome to the price only beginning garza will face advertising soon showing by these right. the army has killed more than a 120 pounds as to the instance. not today. and then strong because level homes and the city of the but as a major concentration of displaced people at least 30 have been killed and many more wounded federal streaming into the acts. the hospital. some of the heaviest strikes over the past day have been in the rough uh, the, the border with egypt. and that sort of tens of thousands of palestinians are told to move to bias royal for their own safety. now these ran,
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the army says it plans to expands ground operations that she um yeah, no, not a problem. there is no safe zone here in rafa. that more than 1600000 people. if these families and they drop off, they will smash us like tomatoes, there is no safe area. even those who came here claiming safe passage, they were all hit. and that's been heavy fighting reported in the know thing dollars a city and not despite his route having time weeks ago that it dismantled hamas, his military framework in the area of correspondent topic i was a as in rough with more he is very ami use expanding its military attacks, of course, the southern part of gauze, as we've been hearing the sound and the buzzing of the east. very minute tree surveillance, the drone over the calling of the facility of i was going to hospice her for more than an hour. right now the for the whole ring inside the area has been searching for the targets to be bombardments at people bought it. and this is a part of the ongoing intelligence effort being made by the user. the all me in the
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city of roof has to have been targeting to date, a number of areas insight dropped off. at least 2 palestinians have been killed in such as tribes. but the ongoing efforts on the ground here in the pod you, the city as will continue, especially the military, one by these very ami as they have found in different areas including this, especially among neighborhood were at least 16 palestinians have been killed in that city. only since the hours of today's morning and similarly situation is very dear rates in the middle go verbatim in prosecutor in derek by town, we're at least 14 policies have been killed off to a residential building belongs to cut off time. many had been completely destroyed and they are still people to stuck under the russell's as um, its ongoing efforts by the civil defense team to a completely boned them from under the wreckage of the destroyed buildings. similarly, also the attacks continued one of those higher rock refuge account in the past hour
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where we deem is really military drones have open defiant against different residential buildings to it's ongoing efforts to force through steeple in these areas. to sleep, move to rough. i just to have a kind of full military mobility on the ground and against the palestinian fighters . now these very will cabinets has just wrapped up that meeting this evening and the seller is it occupied east jerusalem for us? a lot to discuss. i'm sure in the will cabinets under lots of pressure on the prime minister as well. that war cabinet meeting came off the heels of a regular cabinet meeting the wider coalition. and they would sit off separate complaints for these really prime minister telling him that they want to be involved when it comes to negotiations about the captive release and any sort of deal framework. they also argue that they want to be present for one of the most on
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chief david barney, a reeves, the smaller war cabinet, on any sort of updates that he has had with mediators about the deal. they're saying that these types of conversations should be in the wider cabinets since they are the ones who will vote on the framework eventually. additionally, you have pressure from the far right. we're talking about each more bend. we're the national security minister and bits and it's smaller. it's the countries finance minister, both known, ultra national as both individuals who planned on voting no to the previous deal. back in november, ben beer and his party ultimately voting against it. but they've been saying that they're threatening to leave the government if nothing yahoo enters the deal that they would consider on favorable to israel seem to release of thousands of palestinian prisoners from is really jail saying that that simply cannot happen. these really prime minister also wonder a lot of pressure from the opposition for many gans and his party against remember, entered the emergency government with nothing. yahoo, but it's not
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a member of the coalition itself. he's threatening to leave the war cabinet and the other types of emergency positions, but his political party is in is nathaniel who keeps to the right saying that there are certain situations where nothing yahoo needs to choose between politics and between either winning the war or bringing back the camp is that he simply cannot have both. this has been something that's been reiterated from him for months now. and as the war enters, it's 5th months. these really prime minister just has pressure mounting from all sides within his own government. the war cabinet, the opposition international pressure from the americans. and also remember the families of the captives who for more than 4 months now have been saying that these really government has failed to secure the release of their loved ones from the city that forced occupied the streets of them. thank you. so the us will be conducting most twice on a rainy and ling targets, in retaliation for the coming of 3 american troops in jordan last week. that's
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according to the us national security advisor jake sullivan. the by the administration says it doesn't, the bombing campaigns is that all 5 regional, but they wouldn't let the tax on us forces on commercial ships go, announced that most of them. jordan explains american b, one bombers flying from texas to the middle east on thursday. part of the bike and ministrations plan to retaliate for and a run back to groups. drones strike that killed 3 us soldiers in jordan. i don't think the uh, the adversaries are, have a one and done mindset. and so uh they have a lot of capability. i have a lot more to abide, how says the b one and the other war plains bombed at least 85 targets in a rock and syria targets controlled by the islamic revolutionary guard corps codes force and its affiliates. on sunday, a mandatory notice from president joe biden,
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to congress about the event, or the strikes have been taken to deter the i, r. g. c, affiliated militia groups from conducting or supporting further attacks on united states personnel and facilities, and have been conducted in a manner designed to limit to the risk of escalation and to avoid civilian casualties. the us also watched air strikes on who's the targets in yemen on saturday. and on sunday, this in response to weeks of who the attacks on commercial shipping and u. s. navy warships in the red sea, congressional republicans accused biting of cowardice, by targeting around proxies and not the country itself. we should not be appeasing or wrong. that's what the vitamin ministration has been doing for the last 3 years . we're projecting weakness on the world stage by kitchen buttons. national security adviser says that's not true. i would just say from the perspective of t ron, if they chose to respond directly to the united states,
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they would be met with a swift and forceful response from us. meanwhile, a new round of diplomacy, secretary of state antony blinking, is heading to israel. the occupied west bank gutter egypt, and saudi arabia for more talks on ending the war and garza and cooling, regional tensions rosalyn jordan else's era hey, bypass the group of us and it says publish the text of along the way to deals that includes mit trade. as well, and he crane republicans have been insisting on including funding for us both to secure a team of 10 for proving mold ministry, a to ukraine, that will be whole months of negotiations to get the bill written facilities to be approved in several votes before landing on present, jo biden's desk that's getting all of this smell efficient. he's standing by for us in washington dc. hi, i mean, so what do we know about the bill and when might it reach the floor for a vote?
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well, this bill is already in big trouble. and its only been out for just over an hour to $370.00 page bill. it's taking months to negotiate essentially what it deals with is $118000000000.00 put towards at quote essentially, it's sorting out the record number, of course things we've seen on the us mexico border also the way that they deal with the immigration checks and also, they will make it tougher for those to claim asylum know, as well as that. in this bill, there's also $62000000000.00 up for ukraine, with military $814000000000.00 for israel to replenish weapons that they've been using in the war in gaza. and also $10000000000.00, which would be used for aid in the running guys up for medicine, food, water, things like that. and also in ukraine as well. now,
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there will be $2400000000.00 as well to help fund the continued military operations in the red sea that we've seen, particularly over the last few days. but as i say, this is already in trouble. no, to buying this good statement from the white house, say that this is a good bill. he says it makes the country safer. makes the border more secure, and gives those new authority to shuck the border. but already just reading social media, there's at least 5 republican senators who say that they are absolutely a new vote in this. but the biggest problem he's got is steve salise, who is the majority leader in the house. he's the main republican who decides when bills come to the highest floor to be voted on. and he's already said that this bill will never make it to the floor of the house. so after all these months of discussion, after all these negotiations, this bill within hours of its best is already in significant difficulties and
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vision. thanks so much for that update in washington dc. the chile does decide 2 days of national molding to the victims of wild size. more than a 100 people are being killed as far as raging central posts the country with face the death toll could rise, the strong winds and scorching some a heath of feuding. the flames in the coastal valid theresa region and will finds, has started further to the south. all locks in america to at least see a name and as little to begin with, let people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce winds in just minutes. they turn these homes into an infernal brook center miss that tells us every one under her street is pitching in decay is available. the only thing left of their possessions except for the clothes on their back and we run for our lives helping our elderly neighbors. we all help for 3 naples, died. the heat and the flames were in bearable forms all these are the deadliest
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wild flyers in the history of chile. a country already familiar with natural disasters. hundreds remain missing. presumed dead, firefighters continue working day and night to control the fires in the densely populated, but a slow region. 14 a brigade chief leslie's high man who's been fighting fires for 40 years, says, is convinced they were started deliberately put on what you're focusing on. it's something they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour and 6 different places. when the winds were extremely strong, humidity, very low, and the temperature is high, but not enough to ignite a fire on its own. this was no accident. the government appeals to agree and vows defined and punish the culprits which might have taken minutes to light could take weeks to extinguish. this may look like a very small fly right now, but this is
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a pine tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree, they're very deep, they go all the way down here, all the way up there. so when you seem to put out the fire, it can ignite at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again to try to extinguish it. mr. muncie, i lost everything, his car, his home, and just livelihood in, nor mrs. green house growing and selling exotic plants. luckily he was away with it all went up in smoke. unlike his dog napoleon, who survived, but just barely. okay. yeah, yep. i felt that obviously there had been 5 before up in the hills, but this time homes were lost and i've been living here 30 years. neighboring countries are offering help, which to me will lead us reports and merge of new wild fires for this helps to see a newman algebra in the park, but i used to region chevy. slow, still
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a head hey. on the 0. the invitation presidential candidates looked at the boys to the youth. they make up the majority of the country sites as the hello. the wesley disturbance has pulled its way across most of the areas of south asia. and it brought the fast, heavy snow for to cobble in afghanistan, that was welcomed, wintery weather, often months all dropped and what's expected for in december. but we had to wait until february for that it's moved on pretty quickly. and even behind cooler conditions where i've gone to star northern parts of pockets, dawn and india still a few showers and wintery conditions lingering across the north pony across internet port. and both ton,
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but watched y a for the south. of this were likely to see the fog become an issue once again in the north west of india, mill showers creeping across into the north east of the next few days. but long, sweet, why was settled conditions down to the south. just a few showers, edging into sri lanka. the rain is the story across southern pots of china is coming back in off for a possible system, pulls its way east, across the korean peninsula, and japan were getting some snow to place. this needs to tokyo, as well behind the much more clear unsettled picture in the north of china. we are expecting that winter weather to develop across central parts of china. it's gonna be a lot cooler, and we'll hand with some wintery features through to wednesday. the meeting of mine's discussing the defining issues of our time in one year. we source that change it became clear or at that point, but we really were in that kind of
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a new era of a nobel peace. slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge. and explore the pedals and possibilities of authorship intelligence. it changes the way we think. and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to the the book look and watching. i'll just remind you of all top stories here. it's really as trying so kind of the central golf in the city of denver about that on sunday night living several homes, at least the the palestinians have been killed over the past day. the wounded of
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being taken to alex on today's present. gabriel bar, it shows that 2 days natural morning after bonfires killed moving 100 people strong winds and skulking key to choose the flames of the coastal file to reach. so each time us sentences of released types of a deal that excites video create as well. i need praise as well as funding to tackle searching migration republicans have been insisting on including funding for us, for the security intent for creating more assistance for ukraine. i know to the border between mexico and the united states where republicans are heading out of what they say present jo biden's, reckless open bold policies, the republican governor of texas greg habits and the 14th of the state governors from his party of an equal pass. the cities of the center of the political feud between republicans and democrats, of how many migrants across the border. recently, i bought 20 games convention to deploy his own states police along the border 100
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concentrated hospital from eagle past. texas governor greg abbott was flanked by 14 fellow republican governors in this attempt to show a force that came in defense of a move that really can't be overstated in both it's controversy and its significance. and that move is abbotts open defiance of a u. s. supreme court order, this order which came about a month ago, tells the state of texas that it must allow us border patrol to access the border in this part of ego passed texas. and to carry out the federal government's will, including cutting through razor wire, which was put here by the state. but that has not happened. we can still see the state troops who are blocking access and guarding this gate in the border fence. and abbot says he is doing this again and open defiance of the supreme court ruling because he claims that there is
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a loophole in the us constitution saying he can seize essentially these military powers. when a quote invasion is upon his state. and that is the term he uses to describe the migrants who have been coming across the border. we are here to send a loud and clear message that we are banding together to fight, to ensure that we will be able to maintain our constitutional guarantee that states will be able to defend against any type of imminent danger or an invasion that has been threatened by joe biden, and his abject refusal to enforce the immigration laws of the united states of america. we'd have to reach back all the way to the 19 fifties and us history for a comparable episode to this. and that was an ugly chapter when the governor of arkansas refused to comply with the supreme court order to desegregate schools in his state. that ultimately ended with the federal government,
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sending the military to that state of arkansas to carry out the desegregation. and people are fearing that this situation now in texas could develop in a similar manner, hitting the state forces against the federal forces which could be have. it could be very dangerous, of course for the migrants caught in the middle of that all and dangerous for this country. heidi to castro out a 0 equal pass, texas, us offices and candidates. and so they all say that appear appeal against the president's back is solves to create to postpone this most presidential election, demonstrates us, they've been holding protests against that decision with police responding by firing. take us and even detaining it off position. presidential candidates. nicholas actually pulls the from the capital duyka. the nothing that can stop us says the presidential hopeful update and go. we're exercising our basic rights. we
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have an appointment with the senegalese people. security forces, prevent her from meeting party supporters. then she's arrested accused of taking part in the illegal gathering and mast officers seemed forcing her into a police van hours before the start of campaigning on saturday. president lucky saw canceled this month's presidential election. he says he's protecting democracy and isn't trying to extend his own term. but his decision is feeling widespread anger in the district of the car named liberty protestors showing their defiance. the cancellation of the vote is seen as an injustice protest here is say, once again, the powerful or robbing them of the chance to make their own future. so we are in a country where people are mistreated, it's really tough for us. the world needs on desantis. this is a cry from the hearts. i'm a struggling entrepreneur. i have a master's degree. i'm live selling coffee on the streets. you know, work,
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jobs are given to. those are political connections. we won't work. so we want to work for our country. our time has come now. they're protesting with the opposition is calling a constitutional, coo and block and avenue leading to the presidential palace. there are urging others to join their revolts. there's been running battle between protesters that have been throwing rocks and the police have been responding by firing here. guess they want to prevent this. yeah, they're going to take place. but supporters of the opposition are determined to gather and to get their voice is heard. the west african regional organization to echo was the us and france of all expressed concern and urge to the announcement of an election day. do you feel that it could pull up any point? and this is not what we these of because the people themselves know we just conflict. no, any conflict,
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but you have localize way to send isn't conflicts. and bass fight then destroys, think i supposed to have public was been regarded as the most stable democracy in west africa no longer seems so stable. nicholas hawk algae 0 otherwise been counted in el salvador was predicted at preston. the kelly will be re elected by a landslide, his popularity as long as be attributed to his chronic donald criminal gains. more than 70000 suspects of getting members of interested since he declined the state of emergency to yes, good morning for men will rob alone, whose incense as little the the polls have closed here in the el salvador, though there seems to be little doubt that it's going to be anything short of a landslide victory for salvador and president. now you book it in the hours just before the closing of the polls, the president held the press conference where he doubted some of his achievements, not least, of which was
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a mass of reduction to crime. and getting rid of the countries, things which in itself, undeniably has led to a transformation from one of the most dangerous places in the world to arguably the safest country in the western hemisphere. those were the words of a president kelley. he also had a message to critics who have referred to him as an autocrat. those that have referred to him as a dictator. he said, no one has the moral authority to say what the salvador and people want more than this up more than the salvadoran people themselves. and it has been an undeniable transformation fear. you can see it in the, in the streets. it's what's led to so much popularity for president kelley. what human rights observers around the world say, however, is at what cost a loss of civil liberties and consolidation of power. the stacking of the supreme court, which has led the president himself to seek re election despite a constitutional ban against re election. but again, these are all details that the people will solve it, or at least most of them don't seem to bother by made it up
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a little al jazeera. salvador nivia has a new interim president, following the dance of how gain getting gold. i'm going to, i'm going bought plants to uphold the constitution into the new leader is elected at the end of the the a 2 year old. again, gold passed away and hospital after cancer treatment. so the battle is a control of sedona is created, the world's largest displacement crisis. the united nations says many 8000000 people have been full from their homes by the fighting between the army and the power military rapids support forces. us on top of the 3000000 displays before the conflict even began in april, some of the flight to neighboring countries. but most of move to say to areas within sit on hipaa moving reports from the capital cock to offer up mohammed her daughters and her grandchildren. have lived in this classroom for 6 months. the school in hartfield has become
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a temporary shelter for some of the menus to denise forces from their homes by the conflict between the army and the power military rapids support forces. offer us as the flight when the fighting moved into their neighborhood along the senate. it is the. it was terrible to leave the house. we carried the kids left, the air conditioning on. i'm left with nothing but the clothes on a box. artillery shells landed near a stray bullets were flying everywhere. early in the conflicts, the power and military group took control of most of the capital and made reports at the fast rape and killing. many residents moved to safer regions, often areas controlled by the army. in dar 4 where the rapids support forces is accused of estimate cleansing, have a 1000000 escaped to neighboring cad. another 1000000 have cross the border into south sudan, egypt, and issue a po, bringing the total number of displaced. so denise, to nearly $11000000.00 according to united nations, vickers,
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families often travel long distances by foot to reach safety. so you see no single said i see to their families, to 3 days to get to they hadn't eaten and were in poor health. one woman collapsed during the journey and died. people who are physically and emotionally exhausted, with no official displacements caps and the shortage of 10. many people sleep out in the open access to food, clean water and health care. it's also difficult back and hard to offer us as conditions are far from ideal, but at least her family is safe. for now any way, there is little sign. the conflict is going to end any time soon. meaning most of the news will likely be forced from their homes. he but morgan altered their how to power his residence, invited to triple parking charges to see these and the referendum, city officials have been saying that the higher rates were needed as to these cause, more pollution. take up
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a lot more public space and in danger. road safety is of causeway $1.00 times oval will not be charged to save $19.00 per hour. parking in the city center. but it's no system in terms of finances. it would cost us around 200 year olds per day . i mean, i don't know the fees by heart, but that's extremely expensive. life cost a lot, children cost a lot. so it will just be too expensive because i think in the end we'll have to stop using our cars. but we need our cars to travel out of pairs for holidays and weekends. intonations are giving up for the presidential election in 10 days time. younger voters are set to play a big role in choosing that next lead has. let's jessica washington reports not from jakarta. youth group say it's an unprecedented chance to highlight issues which are important to them. as dozens of young people crammed into this convention center in the capital for an unusual festival. social boots allowed visitors to take pictures with presidential candidates and simple
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balance sheets for the 1st time. vote is to practice before election day. i hope you still had to keep your both was when i for the election festival was organized by a group called to be directly meaning which means choose wisely. they said it was a reassurance for young boots. has to discuss politics with candidates. we should look at the election like we're, we're going to hire somebody to do a job for the independent organization has also created an online platform detailing the campaign promises of each of the candidates, as well as post achievements and controversies. more than 200000000 in the agents registered the 63000017 and tailoring that. the key priority the campaign system who
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has made the most obvious attempts to appeal to young versus making use of


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