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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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to force during 1st time testimonies from those which state their narratives and the lessons that should be here. the right person in charge of an insane script. the script becomes believable. a fucking lips made the end of fear on a jersey the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligated or coming up in the next 60 minutes and is really strike on homes indeed. and by law in central garza kills at least 30 palestinians. got to disagree another. so that least comes to let them know that you're on the deed
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a chevy. what the us $45.00 days a for a palestinian doctor, a tells the story of the tortures he endured and it is really the tension. also it has the the us a 2nd thing of strikes against the targets and the worst was fires into lays history. it shows the face of a $112.00 people for the fires are still burning news . hello, we start in gaza where there is really army is bombing, densely populated areas in the central and southern areas of district. the air strike has leveled homes in the city of that and been asked to leave at least 30 palestinians in injuring thousands more.
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the injured or streaming into hospitals that are already overwhelmed cities. an oc sallow hospital has received the most patients. but it's running out of fuel medicine and basic supplies. meanwhile, some of the heaviest assaults have been on rough and southern dogs. um, and that's where is really ordered palestinians to go for their own safety. now the is really the army says that a trying to expand the ground operations there will bring in honeymoon, which is joining us from what i saw in southern gaza to 1st tell us about the air strikes in. they didn't buy enough. and the aftermath of the strikes any so yes, very in. well, it's not. it's not an exaggeration when we say that we cannot keep up with the amount of destruction and the number of deaths caused by the ongoing relentless ears strikes an artillery sitting on the gaza. strip just over nights and early
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hours of yesterday's evening. they are the hours of, of last night, more intense bombing campaign on the since from the area of the gaza strip. merely on data by city, a densely populated area. and the reason for it, it is densely popular, is because of the initial weights of the work. people were told to evacuate the defense from the area. and as the ground invasion is targeted in hon. you and is very intense. people were ordered to be evacuated, parts of hon units, and to go directly to dated by the center of the area, particularly the west trend on the northridge and sorry, the, the southern western part of the city there. but because it's large, nice designated the safe zone. what happened an overnight a top this seat zones came under tv, massive, relentless air start destroying residential homes, other public facilities, including a mosque in the, in the area. 30 people have been reported killed in 10 others. injury is
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a critical injuries or rise to a lot. so hospital hospital. a is really over was a not only is suffer from extreme shortage or medical supplies in short of a fuel to keep it running, but also a sufficient number of medical staff to conduct and perform necessary medical attention. as we've seen in the past. people literally died on the floor of the house with it as the weight for medical attention from a doctor or a nurse. it's happening one more time. the likelihood of people losing their life, the front insufficient medical attention as a result of the large number of injuries arrived to the hospital is very high. just moment is not only a lot for hospitals, but also across the gaza strip. we're looking at a cripple health care system as a result of the ongoing bindings and extreme shortage of medical supplies just within the past hour, ongoing and renewed massive attack to the western part of the central area amelia. and they'll say a lot rep is you can to block one on a block to have reports emerging,
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it from the central area about more residential homes of being targeted and destroyed. and i know where you are and about saw kind of where you are and about how we understand there's also been drones are everywhere. there's also been a heavy assault tiny where you are, and jeff and that's where people have been told to go to for their own safety. what are conditions like they're on the yes. what, what's interesting about the attacks within the past few weeks, we're seeing a storage in the air as strikes and their killers. something in, in both the central area amelion during about a 100 rough estimate. and these are the 2 particular areas that most of the displays, palestinians were ordered to evacuate to because they are as these really military, according to its narrative. they are safe for display policy. but we've seen examples of people within days or hours of their arrival. they were bombed and
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killed inside homes that they were shouldering and rough eyes over crowded full of people running out of space. a lot of medical supplies, food supplies, and also the infrastructure is not enough, not sufficient. for 1900000 displays tell us any of the city's population, about 250000 palestinians. look over the problem as of people are flea and the horror of the war in the northern part of the center earlier and more recently from han you and as we're talking about a population that storage into 1900000 people here in dropbox. so you can imagine the difficult living conditions and the horror experience that they go through every day of their life. thank you, honey. my fluids reporting from what i found in the gaza strip as well. the palestinian doctor and gaza says he was tortured by is really forces during nearly 7 weeks of detention. sorry,
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the fund model for the pediatrician and the hospital in gaza city. she said she was blind folded with his hands and legs shackled. here's his story. on the floor, the mode model, so can be the be upfront money, the more stuff more just fill out the wash it on and the, and the problem some that the problem mean definitely under specify, oh my god to disagree with that is that at least comes to let him know that you're on the deep a chevy. what that we that somebody for john love us. i'm unable to miss tasha. uh. use it. i'm not john. well i'm not a 2nd. i'm getting it and sending to that. how you, who are part of me, what the study was, i'm not well, i'm glad that didn't look. yeah was i didn't get an apology. that's
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a little frustrated about the body shop. 7 so doing the study it can be, should be different than, than just the of the guy that was said by what the one that queued a brown look up to that comes to our, to be in your up a some to actually do it on that was because it isn't at the packing. okay. can you just says the lead time, so i'd agree that yolande wouldn't them also being that they done a lot of you know or what's the, what's the, what's saturday because they had the so you won't let me fussing happy in the 11 yards. israel's work cabinet has met to discuss the military campaigning,
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gaza as rightly ministers put pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. about the next steps have the central its reports from occupied east jerusalem of this war. comedies meeting tonight took place on the hills of a wide or cabinet discussion in which several members of nothing. y'all, whose coalition, including his own ruling, la crude party, had expressed frustration on multiple different levels, saying that they wanted to be involved in negotiations when it came to the release of the captives. they wanted to be brief on everything that the war cabinet was being briefed on and that those discussions should be taking place in the wider cabinet since they are members of the coalition. now you have had pressure on these really prime minister over the last week or so from members of the right wing part of the government. we're talking about each more bend. we're the country's national security minister and betts and it's small rich, the country's finance minister,
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who essentially for the last 10 days have been threatening to leave the government . if nothing, yahoo enters a deal that they say is not in favor of israel. and that would mean the release of thousands of house and you detainees from is really jail. so you have that pressure . but then you also have pressure from the opposition benny gans who joined nathaniel whose emergency government, he and his party are not part of the wider coalition. he's saying, but if nothing younger continues to cave to the right and to come to pressure, he's going to leave the emergency government. then you have another member of the opposition. you're le pete, who in the last few days has said if the right wing we've the government, he and his party are ready to step into offer netanyahu a safety net. if it means getting a deal that would bring back these really captives from gaza, the pressure just continuing to mount on ness and yahoo also from an international standpoint from the americans. but also remember from the families of the captives
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who've been saying for around 4 months now that the government has failed them. they are not with them in their plight of bringing back their loved ones, saying, but not enough. how has been done. and the prime minister himself has said repeatedly that israel has read lines when it comes to discussions about these deals like he's not going to end the war and he's not going to withdraw. is really troops from guns uh, all of this came as the war cabinet was expecting some sort of answer from us on this deal and negotiations. but that hasn't happened yet. so it is seeming like, well these negotiations and mediators and everyone is involved in these conversations. it seems like we are still a wiles away from a deal from says guys are needs to prepare for the return of the palestinian authority. is governance for ministers. the funds says you will have made the comments on a visit to cairo. he's been meeting the egyptian for administer from the president's 2 countries of health hawks on negotiating
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a cease fire in gaza and delivering humanitarian aid level. it will give you a salma as we discussed together, as well as with president of cc. the consequences of the war and gaza can be felt in your board as if you were worried about the forced displacement of populations into your tier a tree. we perfectly understand these worries, and on this point, process position remains constant here. we can do him and rejects all actions of leading to the sand, like you, we're worried by the strikes and rough us secular state answered the blinking is returning to them, at least for his sister visits since october. the 7th. he expressed the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis in gaza ahead of the trip, and he's due to visit saudi arabia, israel, egypt, on cats harp. the trip comes just days after the is really minister. it's him our bank and we are criticized the us as response to israel's war on gaza. of the u. s. has carried out more strikes on poles, the targets in yemen, in
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a new wave of attacks against a rainy and back group. the vital administration says it does not want the bombing campaign to set off a regional war, but it won't let us thoughts on us. forces on commercial ships go unanswered. national security advisor james sullivan says more american strikes are expected. rosalind jordan reports from washington, d. c. american b, one bombers flowing from texas to the middle east on thursday. part of the body ministrations plan to retaliate for and a run back to groups. drone strike that killed 3 us soldiers in jordan. i don't think the uh, the adversaries are, have a one and done mindset. and so they have a lot of capabilities. i have a lot more to bite. how says the b want and other war? plains bombs,
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at least 85 targets in iraq and syria targets controlled by the islamic revolutionary guard corps codes force and its affiliates on sunday, a mandatory notice from president joe biden, to congress about the event, or the strikes have been taken to deter the i r g, c and affiliated militia groups from conducting or supporting further attacks on united states personnel and facilities, and have been conducted in a manner designed to limit the risk of escalation and to avoid civilian casualties . the us also watched air strikes on who's the targets in yemen on saturday. and on sunday, this in response to weeks of who the attacks on commercial shipping and u. s. navy warships in the red sea, congressional republicans accused biting of cowardice, by targeting around proxies and not the country itself. we should not be appeasing or wrong. that's what the vitamin ministration has been doing for the last 3 years
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. we're projecting weakness on the world stage. try kitchen buttons, national security adviser says that's not true. i would just say from the perspective of t, ron, if they chose to respond directly to the united states, they would be met with a swift and forceful response from us. meanwhile, a new round of diplomacy, secretary of state antony, blinking, is heading to israel. the occupied west bank gutter egypt, and saudi arabia for more talks on ending the war and garza and cooling, regional tensions. russell and jordan elgin's era and the occupied westbank. the is really military is again conducting res, across several cities. incursions are taking place in total cutting but i'm a law novelist and hebron is really forces have arrested 30 palestinians and at least $382.00 have been killed since israel last it's we're on gaza on october. the 7th. we haven't had that. abraham joining us from bethlehem in the occupied
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westbank knew that what do we know about the latest raids as well? that in this is becoming part and parcel of what palestinians go through on a daily basis. on average, we're talking about more than $41.00 is really reads across the occupied westbank. they a noise. this time it was concentrated that out in a refugee camp, which is the novelist to the north of the occupied west bank. where does, where the forces up surrounded the house, apparently, according to sources there, they were looking for someone who they deem is wanted, but they could not find them. so they arrested his relative who's been seeing a growing use of police the case per day of these really forces arresting relatives when they didn't want someone else. but basically this has been used a long time ago as a way to pressure families to hand themselves over when they arrest the mother to father, a sister or brother. but after the war we've been seeing an increasing use of the
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tactics by these really will have been raising. but we're not only talking about these really forces and the rates are also talking about attacks by is really suck those. we are here in bethlehem and just a few kilometers away from us is way the settlers of attack the palestinian car need and then the goal is really supplement. basically, this is not something that would make headlines because this is becoming part of the palestinian reality. also, yesterday night, these really some of those have birds colliers and put them in front of a main street that is used by palestinians. it's kind of the street that connects the north to the rest of the occupied westbank making movement really difficult for policy. it is, this is just a slice of what palestinians go through every the right. so is that, well, all of this is happening and the occupied westbank were also of course, getting reports about the ongoing negotiations towards some sort of ceasefire in
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gaza. so would the people in the occupied westbank feel about this? was that in for palestinians? yes, they want the ceasefire. yes, they want the blood shut to stop and to receive god district. but they believe that what's happening now with the americans trying to push more for a ceasefire, trying to push for a sanctioning for is really suff plays is seeing here as a way for the americans to enhance the what was the thing amongst the palestinians in the arabs and muslims in the united states. so if you to ask fellow citizens, you're the majority would send you the this is just done for alex oral calculations . they believe that b is really, is, are not interested in a ceasefire right now. they believe that they. 9 have been left alone by the world now within the 5th months of the war and nothing has really progressed when it comes to depaula city is reality under this boulevard. but also if you take the occupied west bank as well,
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and the tension that has been only increasing with this really forces not only reading homes, refugee camps and towns, but also going inside the hospitals carrying out assassinations against palestinians. but the theme as wants to this gives you an idea of the value or a situation the need not only for a ceasefire, but also for an, an independent palestinian state and an end to the occupation. and as the days goes by posting is field the that exploration is becoming much further away from the me that i am reporting for us from bethlehem and the occupied westbank. thank you. the sweltering heat, extreme dry conditions on wild fires burning out of control. that's what millions of south americans are enduring right now. in chile, flames have scorched thousands of factors of land and forest destroying more than
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a 1000 homes. a summer heat wave of spreading right across the region from columbia to park. why rising temperatures and strong winds have found hundreds of fires across the continent. drought says another threat in several countries with farmers and heard or is especially at risk. last year was the hardest year on record. many scientists, a climate change on the a new a, whether phenomenon has worsened the crisis or line america editor. let's see, you know, and reports on the situation. and she lays coastal versus petty's a region to begin with. let people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce winds in just minutes they turn these homes into an infernal brook center miss that tells us every one under her street is pitching in degrees of level. the only thing left of their possessions except for the clothes on their back,
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and we run for our lives helping our elderly neighbors. we all help for 3 naples died the heat and the flames were unbearable over the phone. though these are the deadliest wild flyers in the history of chile, a country already familiar with natural disasters. hundreds remain missing. presumed dead, firefighters continue working day and night to control the fires in the densely populated but a slow region. 14 a gauge chief leslie's high man who's been fighting fires for 40 years, says is convinced they were started deliberately. what, what you're focusing on time. it's something they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour and 6 different places when the winds were extremely strong. humidity, very low, and the temperature is high, but not enough to ignite a fire on its own. this was no accident. the government appears to agree and vows
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to find and punish the culprits which might have taken minutes to light. good, 2 weeks to extinguish. this may look like a very small flyer right now, but this is a pine tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree there, very deep. they go all the way down here all the way up there. so when you think you put out the fire, it can ignite at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again to try to extinguish it. mr. muncie, i lost everything. his car, his home, and just livelihood in nor mrs. green house growing and selling exotic plants. luckily he was away with it all went up in smoke. unlike his dog napoleon, who survived, but just barely. okay. yeah, yep. i felt that obviously there had been 5 before up in the hills, but this time homes were lost and i've been living here 30 years. neighboring countries are offering help,
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which to leave will lead. as reports emerge of new wild fires for this helps to see a newman al jazeera in the park, but i used to region to the votes are being counted in el salvador as presidential election official results are not out yet, but the incumbent. now you book kelly has already declared himself the winner. his popularity is largely attributed to his correct down on criminal gangs. more than 70000 suspected gang members have been arrested since he declared a state of emergency 2 years ago. turning to pockets done now, where are men in the northwest have attacked a police station? at least 10 officers were killed and another 6 injured in the city of their smile con, focused on, has seen a series of attacks on security forces and recent days. general elections are scheduled to take place on thursday. come on. hi. there has more from his lot about . it was this particular attack took place in the district of get
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a smile con um the remote for litigation which are situated outside the main city of the itemized con knowledge. and remember, the dates might have gone also borders what was formerly focused on the driver's duty of how it was this done. this was one of the hard beds of the day to get the bon focused on focused on the accused of wellness done, of providing centuries on, not doing and off disrupt the infiltration of the dollar bond fight that they have been attacking the police at random over the past few months, there's been a spike in the number of a tag. dozens of police men have been carried in february police station, so they attacked coming. uh, as you mentioned just days before the election, the ttp and it's affiliated group, there's a new group which is guard a movement for jihad and focused on the day. a good job focused on this is
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a group that has been claiming responsibility for multiple or diag, that'd been an attack and below just on as red and rich for p d. i a was good you. okay, so this is not new, but given the fact that the security forces, the police are going to be deployed on election day because this is going to be a sensitive election to have to maintain law and order. so therefore, uh there is likelihood of more attacks against the police at the time when they're busy in election year. the, but this is not something new and it's likely to continue on to the issue. is it a dog for the one is done? and how focused on deals with this bill? was the just heard all this comes ahead of highly contentious parliamentary elections in pakistan that's set for thursday. a 128000000 voters are registered. but one of the country's most famous politicians is not on the ballot. here's come
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all again, or it's another electron and bug it's done. but the mode is subdued in a country recovering from its worst economic and political crisis. in that case. in april 2022, brian minister, i am wrong, con was all scared through a lot of no confidence either resign from parliament and the provincial assembly of 2 major proven fish. the band made for new elections on his dollar in prison and barred from the upcoming elections where this party over the wireless or the domain to take part at independent candidates. former prime minister no actually was previously convicted of corruption charges is back not being given, relieved from all previous convictions. another contender is below where the focused on people, sparky, son of the as, as an editor. busy the prime minister banner did but go, this is the same problem in the book to family stronghold for decades focused on
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southern province of then i'd been ruled by dennis days and feel the lord. they've become even more fall portland rented. yeah. even as the watch majority living object ball were de without adequate health care education, and even clean drinking water. the shining tomb of the family stands out from the dwelling of the fall for them. if that story of misery and successive governments have not lived up to day campaign promises south of the year, we are disappointed from all leaders of this country as a considerable success plays. because our house, we don't even have enough to feed our kids. we have seen many elections, but this time to make a difference model to be below where to go to a spar the so good. it's very close and house whenever people, but decades of road by his parking at nor drug about change,
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the problems that you mentioned or not isolated to send poverty. we'll discuss it the problems that we face and sins below just on the pile. um, not only in our country in india, which is much larger than us, also faces such a problem without being run. pondering the rage, mind the fight will remain between the buckets on people's party and the muslim league awards is of mismanagement, rampant corruption and misuse of fall as undermine confidence in the system. people are dressed, progress on why do you have the the election? would it be free? in fact, i know where the dead board will even be counted or ignored. like previous elections come out of how you did under the, at all. it's normal, but still ahead on all to 0 to would be presidential candidates in russia or so to find out a bill be allowed to run against represent will be live in moscow funds. we report
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on the growing crisis of the software and us mexico, puerto the the hello that, let's have a look at the weather outlook for europe over the next few days. and after a very pleasant weekend, we're going to move pleasant weather in the new week. but things are going to turn colder late in the week and went to across the western parts of your but from now on monday, very settled conditions. high pressure is still in charge and move in the way of sunshine, then cloud because the weston area stretching down into the iberian peninsula. so from gusty winds, for parts of the mediterranean, fully conditions dominating across the north of it today. but an improving picture full that southeast corner. instead, what the weather is starting to come come into the northwest heavy rain for
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scotlands. that's thanks to the front. it's taking that rain across into denmark and further afield. we are expecting things to ton wintery for the baltics and pots of scandinavia on tuesday, below the so much dry as some gusty winds. however, still blowing across the czech republic. well, no, in the way of sunshine coming in and a lot of want and that's southeast corner. so while we see temperature is coming down across from western areas that on monday we'll see them picking up and places like we're mania, as well as the sub. yes, we have a look at the 3 day for battle. great. well, lots of sunshine and temperatures. well above the average 3 to wednesday. the israel has now imposed a complete space on god's at so how do they survive? if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as
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a ripple effect of the 1000. what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this when the price of oil goes up, the cost of almost every thing goes up. counting the costs on algebra, all competed beyond wells, taken without hesitation forth and died for power that finds out well. we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scale the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions the use them to be the power around that one out there. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the in the top stories on alpha 0, this, our, the is really army as bombing, heavily populated, civilian areas of casa and airstrikes levels, homes in the city of did. and by now in the central part of the strip chilling of these 30 palestinians and injuring the u. s. has carried out strikes on food, the targets india men for the 2nd day. american forces had multiple missiles. they say were prepared to launch or gain ships in the red sea. surely has declared to this morning for those killed by walls fires. at least a 112 people have died as fires burned in central regions of the country. with nearly 400 people on account of for the death toll is expected to rise. a 15 year
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old palestinian boy has been named the newton of gaza. he successfully generated electricity using the most basic tools and what's left from israel's war. in his words, this is how he did it. and then the then, then there's another question. another question that i'll do them again. let us, we'll we'll have to elephant the most likely that we will have to come in, but i wish they hadn't started yet. so that's what it's in the computer. one of the no,
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no, he left but he has no other questions. yeah, he's going to the who is about to send to the dentist. hopefully let me see the number i need to consider selling the finance issue with the the, and the issue and then the, you know, measurements shipments that are listed as low as notice. so the side of the dispute is the end of the setup. and then what it would come out of the had to be, you know, put a new can of hey, the guys and the fees tina did they to pick up the back of the service? surely animal had to ship the money and i'm calling to do
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a lot of these and the fed has not come in the nation and and will return now to the visit of the us sector of state. answering blinked into the middle east. i'm joined by the law right here in the studio. he's the editor of eric guy. just welcome to alta 0, or if you're right, the law. so blinking is expected in the region in the coming hours. he's beginning his trip this time, and saudi arabia is not significant at all. well, i think it is in so far as saudi arabia is, is a key player in this project to achieve some sort of a ceasefire tied into a normalization deal that the salaries are longer and some on the crown prince's quite anxious to conclude the terms of the saudis have had our meetings as far as that, and there be a ceasefire, and that there be a pathway to a palestinian state pathways interesting term. is that because what does that mean? is that mean? at some point we will see a 2 state solution. i rather doubt it, uh,
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benjamin now has made it very clear that it will be in a 2 state solution. but i think beginning of the saudi arabia is a signal to the israel, is that the americans are getting a little more serious about pushing forward on this, on this plan to deliver something sort of as the as far. because the fact of the matter is people across the world, including the nice aids, are becoming increasingly horrified by the expanse of this law. her. and in the end, uh and, and there has to be some forward move. and so i think the beginning and saudi arabia is a sensible place for him from the special with normalization. how much do you expect blinking to be pushing for this 1st time around? well, i think you'll push quite hard because uh, the americans have made it clear. i think they made it clear before 7th of october . that realization was the width of the trajectory that president, by the wants to see the american see this as a or
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a pathway to security. you know, that's a very debatable point. because if the situation in palestine improves only slightly, that's no guarantee of security. the reasons behind the situation are not been dealt with that the palestinian people are yet again treated very, very badly and denied their legitimate rights, right. just data. so all of this, of course, happening as you were just mentioning a moment ago that negotiations we understand are taking place over some sort of ceasefire agreement. we understand no agreements has been reached yet. um, one would expect that how much on the policy, the infections involved in these negotiations will be looking for certain guarantees, right? if there, if there was to be handling over there trump card, which is the military personnel that they hold hostage in in, in garza, what do you think the conditions are for from us?
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i think the conditions for how much does they have to feel confident that whatever deal they enter into is honored by the other side and, you know, again that's, that's rather shaky right now. but i think yes, you're right, that they want to have what they would consider to be a cast iron agreement. that in return for the release of some of these key hostages, that they get a significant release of prisoners that are being held in is really jails. that's going to be tricky because nothing yahoo has already taken a lot of flak, a lot of fire from the extremist. and is there a shame and been given a particular about the expense of the prisoner releases. so i think there's lots of hoot over yet. meanwhile, as, as, as they're reporting the, the killing of civilians continues in gaza. and although these are at least have claimed to have somewhat de escalate it in terms of the, their military activity. in fact, you look at the situation numbers arising significantly. and again,
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as obviously as reporting, the west bank is almost 400 people have been revealed by ideas or set the vigilantes. yes. so the situation remains. i mean freestate tents and i feel that blinking is, you know, really, i hope writing with the one hand type got his back because the prisoner has made it clear that, you know, regardless that the back that america has is their sales back. and that's, and that's not going to change how, how keen is the us administration in not seeing this war expands regional lead me. and let's look at the broader context here and also look at what's happening in the m and the american continued their strikes against the fruit, these young and young men. but at the same time, they say publicly that they don't want to see this war, expand regionally. they don't very, the last thing that the americans want is a region particularly binding in what is now a presidential election year. it's very clear that the american electorate,
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the american public, did not want to see america engaged in foreign wars. uh, the last thing that by me wants, is and expanded war. the last name, uranium is, why does it have to mentor? this really isn't the end. benjamin netanyahu seem to be pushing for an expanded war. seemed to be caught again, poking it by and to encourage that. i think that a joe biden will do everything to avoid a one. we're seeing that now the strikes and in syria in iraq are causing a great deal of anger, particularly in rock because of violation of the solver in that either getting or these attacks on these militias or in the environment issues. i think that the approach will be to continue to pound away at the who these are the refusal to engage the who to use as regards the, the ceasefire. the american position that you pay position is there's nothing to do with a cease fire is simply about protecting your national shipping. i think there's
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a mistake and, and as long as that, who's these, you know, continue to show those, go after read the shipping, then the americans will continue to, uh, they hit them, the situation that remains very involved with the all right, so law, thank you. so much for your analysis. now, a group of us senators has published the tech stuff along the way to the proposal for a bill that includes military a to israel and ukraine. republicans have been insisting on allocated funding for us border security in return for approving more military a to ukraine. there's been months of negotiation to get the bill written, but it still needs to be approved and several votes before landing on president job items desk for more on this. here is alan fisher and washington dc. the public ins and democrats have been talking about this for months. finally, we've got the details in a $370.00 page bill. it covers bought the security 8 to create and also to israel,
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a $118000000000.00 in total. now on board the security, they're aiming to try and reduce the record number of border crossings that we're seeing in recent years is going to be more stringent immigration checks. there's also going to be strict are laws on asylum applications. now there's also going to be money for ukraine, $62000000000.00, and also for digital $14000000000.00 to replenish some of the weapons that the of used in the water and gas. but there's also $10000000000.00 for humanitarian aid for ukraine. and guys, which would cover things like food medicine, shelter. and there's also an additional $2400000000.00 for the operations currently underway in the red sea operations that we're seeing over the last 3 or 4 days. but this bill is already decreasing real difficult. joe biden has said this makes the both the most secure it's being in use gives the present authorization to close it died on his august republicans to start playing politics with the board. but
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already a number of republican senators have said they're going to vote against the bill. but some of them said that before they knew the details, one of the reasons is they don't want to give joe biden, a bipartisan when on a key issue in an election year. not least because donald trump is said he's going to run on the issue of border security. here's another problem for joe biden. steve scully's, who is the number one republican in the house. he also share tools when votes go on the house floor. he's already said that this is never going to get as far as a house vote. and mike johnson is the speaker of the house, or a public, and also a said that if it ever mixed it to the house, this bill is dated on arrival. so for all of job items, hopes that he can get this bill signed quickly. it's already in serious trouble for me hours after it's bill. i'll expect. sure. i'll just see the washington to the us congress is considering
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a measure that would shut down and it's southern border with mexico if the daily average of migrant crossings exceeds 5000 that's well below the current number of crossings. as my grandson, asylum seekers from latin america fleet to the us from the border town of ego passed and texas, heidi so castro reports the law enforcement, the police maintain the peace between a few doesn't right? we n t my group protesters. and if you doesn't border residents who said migrant should be welcomed. usually people just want food and water and a clean pair of socks. sometimes when i find people they get down on their knees and they ask for god to bless me. but this wasn't the only stand off an eagle pass texas on sunday meters away and steps from the us border. texas governor greg abbott declared his states opposition to the federal government. and we are here to
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send a loud and clear message that we are banding together to fight to ensure that we will be able to maintain our constitutional guarantee that states will be able to defend against any type of imminent danger or an invasion flank by 14 other republican governors, abbot is an open defiance of a u. s. supreme court order issue last month commanding that he stand down, texas national guard troops who are putting a barbed wire and blocking us border patrol agents from removing at the troops guarding this section of the border report to the governor of the state of texas and their mission is to keep everyone out, including the us border patrol agents who report to president bided in washington, and that has created an absurd standoff between the federal and state governments.
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why on earth with governor ad it be doing this defying or us supreme court order? putting national guardsmen and border patrol agents at odds and potentially in danger. endangering the lives of asylum seekers. calling right wing militants from all across the country with long guns down to a park that they take over without telling city authorities. i mean, why would you do that? the texas governor says a loophole in the us constitution allows him to take such measures because his state is under quote, invasion by migrants arriving in record numbers. democrats call it a political stunt, meant to stoke the republican base. the opposing sides remained at an impasse as tensions rise and divisions. pardon heidi jo. castro alger 0 equal past texas. in russia to presidential candidates are set to appear before the election commission on monday to find out if they will be allowed to run against president
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vladimir putin. one of them, boris. now this then is a critic of gluten underwear and ukraine just recently. election officials said they would investigate irregularities in his election bid paperwork. critics say the move is a way to keep anyone from challenging putting in the march election will speak to julia, shep of alova in moscow. so what are we expecting to hear from the central election commission you'll, you'll, as well, we are expecting to hear some explanations regarding a number of mistakes. the legend mistakes and people signatures the ones that boris in addition, the only anti will presidential hopeful, as you mentioned, have collected in support of his presidential candidacy. it seems like they will be no big decision today on whether more recent edition actually allowed to run for president. it's still a be gone, ask that or was the last week of january the 30. first of all, reason the definition submitted more than 100000 signatures of his suppose as to the central election commission. the commission took about 10 days to consider and
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verify those signatures. and the lady said will come up with the decision, hopefully, whether to register and the distance kind of the see full president or north with just a couple of days. often edition actually submitted the signatures the central election . the commission stated that they had allegedly found so called dead souls and a signature list, meaning that a number of signatures of people who had already died appeared on those lists. meanwhile, ledesmond himself expects that he will be allowed to participate in the main stage of the elections in march, but expos notes, so optimistic about us. all right, so you really are, what are the chances really of the offices in winning and to what extent would they pose a threat to president clinton a well, it's interesting but a role. and there was a difference on 2 kinds of that cold cuts irina doing sol button. she was completely bought from uh the presidential campaign at tools. so she basically
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didn't, she wasn't allowed to even collect signatures. what we see now is that the board isn't adaptions, growing support has allegedly caused a real style and the criminal. we have an opinion that the criminal and the presidential administration will create hurdles for him. so his name won't eventually appear on the bottom of the crime and doesn't want to take risks. it was the main kinds of it's letting that person to receive a welding support and the majority of voters. but we can see the course adoption, the kinds of the, from the civil initiative policy can take over the entire pro to select for it, get the voices of people who are against the ukrainian conflicts and take 2nd place off to the left, him a piece and with a double digit result, everyone's sewell's cool saloon ques, and list keys when hundreds of thousands of people, what a good to leave the signatures and illegally show that support without being detained for that position. a full,
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the only presidential her full on to will presidential hopeful. all right, thank you so much for that reporting from us. go still ahead on the 0. i'm out of latasha. in the above, we find on why the construction the 6 area is thriving in a country with one of the highest inflation rates in the world, the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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opposition candidates and set a goal. so they'll appeal president, mark yourselves, decision to postpone this once presidential election. demonstrators have been holding protests and the capitol police responded by firing tear gas and detaining an opposition. presidential candidates. nicholas hawk reports from the car is the best thing that can stop us, says the presidential, hopeful i'm day and go progress. we're exercising our basic rights. we have an appointment with this senegalese people, security forces, prevent her from meeting party supporters. then she's arrested accused of taking part in an illegal gathering and mast officers seen forcing her into a police van hours before the start of campaigning on saturday. present like you saw cancel this month's presidential election. he says he's protecting democracy and isn't trying to extend his own term. but his decision is fueling widespread
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anger in the district of the car named liberty protestors showing their defiance. the cancellation of the vote is seen as an injustice protest, or say once again, the powerful or robbing them of the chance to make their own future. for a moment, we are in a country where people are mistreated, it's really tough for us. the world needs on desantis. this is a cry from the hearts. i'm a struggling entrepreneur. i have a master's degree. i'm left selling coffee on the streets. you know, work, jobs are given to those of political connections. we won't work. so we want to work for our country. our time has come now. they are protesting with the opposition is calling a constitutional who in block and avenue leading to the presidential palace. they are urging others to join their revolts. there's been running battle between protesters that have been throwing rocks and the police have been responding by
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firing here. guess they want to prevent this. yeah, they're going to take place. but supporters of the opposition are determined to gather and to get their voice is heard. the west african regional organization to echo was the us and france of all expressed concern and urge to be those bits of an election day. do you feel that it could to any point and this is not what we deserve, because the people themselves know we just conflict? no. any conflict, but you have localize way to send isn't conflicts. and bass fight then destroys any guys. so south public has been regarded as the most stable democracy in west africa . no longer seems so stable. nicholas hawk elgin 0 know, maybe a has a new into a leader after the death of president hague a gang job, and go low and boo bob pledge to uphold the constitution until
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a new president is elected at the end of the year. 83 year old in gold passed away and hospital on sunday. after being treated for cancer. he'd been president for 9 years and the longest serving prime minister before that zimbabwe has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. and the local currency is constantly losing its value. as her latasha reports in the capital, her rory, people are looking for safe ways to protect their money. this is one of his rich 7th, newly built homes and exclusive estates. here is the middle class of, of when you development are also going up. and these are low cost houses in another part of the capital. zimbabwe has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. investing in property is all several people are trying to protect the earning. yeah, i'll tell the police have no bodies. i think that's the biggest advantage is the current going to the side of battlement. the only way to preserve your body is by investing in assets. was assets tends to appreciate in value over time, right, well,
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much it and i saw his father's generation struggle off today with time and savings, well wiped out by inflation. he believes is less risk in brick and mortar investments. so he's helping build the family home, and that's it. that won't be too affected every time doesn't bobby and dialect tumbles. you can see may be the price will fit in products toilet today maybe tomorrow is the safety. but when you have properties you, i'm sure you can see them on it. which of i'm underlines, because it's on the bobbies have had bad experiences with financial institutions. here. salaries and savings can disappear over night within place them existing the value of people, the savings, some of the building homes of money from relative abroad to achieve some economic security. and others are converting these and bobby and dollars into us dollars the bobby, and say at least this way they can see where the money's going. commercial and residential real estate is going in nearly every neighborhood for inflation, for teachers and bobby, and this is
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a safer way to protect their money and generate some income high them. a task out as a godaddy at australian citizen has been hand that is to spend a death sentence by a chord in beijing. young. hang june is a chinese born australia national. he's been in jail since 29 since his trial on espionage charges was behind closed. doors, 68 year old writer and pro democracy activists denies. the accusations and australia and authorities say they're shocked by the court's decision. he's trying to in government is a phase of this outcome. we will be commuting, communicating our response in the strongest terms. as a 1st step, i have directed my secretary to someone astronomers invested, which was friday to express our objection. i want to acknowledge the acute distress that dr. young and his family will be feeling today. coming off to use of uncertainty to the residence of paris, a vote at a triple parking charges for su fees and
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a referendum. city officials have been saying the higher rates are needed since s u . v is caused more pollution takes up a lot of public space and in danger. road safety, owners of cars weighing $1.00 tons or more will now be charged nearly $20.00 an hour for parking in this city center. back in a moment's was born in the the latest news, as it breaks in ukraine, centuries long, struggles with stablish, a distinctive national identity literature has always played a significant role with detailed coverage. critics say the use of a government's helicopter is in line with the president's upbringing from around the world activities and probably save thousands of victims died waiting for justice that never came to the lack of accountability people. crimes committed in
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default is what's in bozeman. interpret for it is a part of the crimes and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question professor applies unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads, profit without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 . this is the 1st to me so that we see in real time, it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to scream at the 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to raise or the listening post covers how the news is covered. the the is with the strike on homes indeed. and by the whole,
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the central golf at the headquarters in delphi, and also a heads that at least some sort of the yeoman,


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