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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] so the and is with the strike on phones indeed, and by the whole, the central dogs at the headquarters in delphi, and also a heads that at least some sort of the yeoman, the deep should be. what's the $45.00 days of horror, a power spinning,
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and dr. tells the story of the torture she endured and is really discussion. also has our brand in northwest focused on the talk, the police station killing a police officer in the worst swath fires. and she lives for us to reach to at least a 112 people. 45 years are still the how are we starting, garza where the is really army is bombing, densely populated areas in the central and southern areas of the strip the and asked why? cuz leveled homes in the city of did and bella killing it says 30 pounds is the needs of thousands more many of those killed were children. they were rushed to thereby and oxo hospital, along with the scores of injured people. the medical facilities running out of fuel medicine and basic supplies. meanwhile,
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some of the heaviest assaults have been on rough and so southern gaza. that's where israel ordered palestinians to go for their own safety. now the is where the army says it plans to expand its ground operations. their honeymoon fluid is joining us from what i find southern gaza, honey. talk to us about the the air strikes and didn't but off, which resulted in the killing of dozens of palestinians. the yes, well where you just receive more reports of from the central area, mainly from the city of people. more people are dying. they are in the hospital waiting for medical interventions. these people where the critically injured from overnight, a tax on the group of residential homes and by including public facilities and a mosque in the western part of their the last to these 30 people have been already reported killed in the tots, including women and children. and what makes this, that is the thing, in fact,
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this whole war is different that any part of the cycle of violence is the, the devastating number of children have been killed so far. we're looking at more than $10000.00 palestinian children have been killed since the beginning of the world. that's an entire generation of a children that is likely to affect how the society progress on the future progress in the future as socially or even economically. but this is, the situation is there, but over not a tox, early hours of this morning are heavy artillery shooting of the eastern part of the city all the way to the western part of the central area and the site. i have the refugee kinds of block one and block, 2 more residential homes have been destroyed. more public facilities and infrastructures are being severely damaged by the ongoing, bombings and han unit. there are more intense fire stick and it plays around with this disease of not that are hospitalized and all the way to the western parts. we're not only there is
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a presence of is really times that on the vehicles but also attack and drones. the are shooting at every moving objects in the area, preventing people from leaving targeted areas into a safer ones in the western part of the city, or even coming all the way through or off in gaza. they're more renewed attacks on our tiller shooting of the eastern part of the cities, including the destruction of more residential homes and the raising of entire farm lands and other cultural areas. only consistent with the uh, the plan of creating a buffer zone by making the entire area uninhabitable by creating conditions on the ground to make it livable unbearable folder look a residence to go back to their home. the situation so far are getting very difficult, particularly here in rough. we're seeing more people are fleeing door. yeah. honey . talk to us about sort of fund particular because we understand people who are
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fleeing the areas where they're getting bombed. are going to odessa, which is now very overcrowded. what are the conditions like they're a very difficult situation for a very crowded this faces here in rough estimate the we're talking about a small part of the got they've got a dropbox with the size is relatively small. compared to the other cities of the gaza strip. here we're looking at smaller space with more than 1900000, displace palestinians since the beginning of this war, old, crammed, in this small part of the gaza strip near the gaza gyptian border where people literally right now just setting up their 10 meters away from the gypsy gaza board and they don't have any safe place to go to right now. to the further south we have the borders to the northern part of the city is where most of the intense fighting taking place in the city of han you. and if there is
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a growing sense of panic and fear, as these really military repeatedly stated, its intention of expanding the military operation here in broadcasting fee. but we're really seeing a search in the tax the aerial attacks. and these are tillery sitting within the past 2 days old. so just an indicates that the coming days are going to see the more of this happening, including a ground invasion according to these really military defense. and this minister who stated that victory won't be completed until the roof is being attacked. and all of this, of course is taking place why people are anxiously waiting for a possible ceasefire deal that will do the mass killing of the people and government and put an end to this war. all right, thank you so much, honey. my phones for that reporting from the fund garza of a palestinian doctor and also says that he was tortured by is really forces during
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nearly 7 weeks of detention side. i'm better off my model for the pediatrician and the hospital in gauze a city. he says that he was blind folded with his hands and legs chuckled. here's the story of the, the for the my old model. so can be today a beat upon my, the most touch, the wash it on the, to the problem. some that the problem mean definitely under such a oh my god to disagree with that is that at least comes to let him know and now you're on the deep a chevy. what that we that somebody for john love us. i'm unable to miss tasha. uh, use it. i'm not john. well, i'm not a 2nd. i'm getting it and sending to that how you who are part of the what the study was i'm not well, i'm glad they didn't look. yeah, i wish i did get a policy that's
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a little frustrated about the economy. 7 as well. 7 so doing the study it can be should be due then just then just the of the gun that was need said by what the when that cubic oh look up to that comes to a degree in new york for them to come to watch me and was but then it is in that case, can you just says when i'm a company? i'm so i'm bringing a old man who and i'm also being there, they got a lot of you know or what's the best of savvy because they had the so you won't let me fussing happy in the 11
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yards. israel's work cabinet has met to discuss the military campaign in gaza as right wing ministers. put pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu about his next steps. desantos reports from occupied east jerusalem of this war. comedies meeting tonight took place on the hills of a wide or cabinet discussion in which several members of nothing. y'all, whose coalition, including his own ruling, la crude party, had expressed frustration on multiple different levels, saying that they wanted to be involved in negotiations when it came to the release of the captives. they wanted to be brief on everything that the war cabinet was being briefed on and that those discussions should be taking place in the wider cabinet since they are members of the coalition. now you have had pressure on these really prime minister over the last week or so from members of the right wing part of the government. we're talking about each more been we're the country's national
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security minister and betts and it's small rich, the country's finance minister, who essentially for the last 10 days have been threatening to leave the government . if nothing, yahoo enters a deal that they say is not in favor of israel, and that would mean the release of thousands of posting you detainees from is really jail. so you have that pressure. but then you also have pressure from the opposition benny gans who joined nathaniel whose emergency government, he and his party are not part of the wider coalition. he's saying that if nothing young who continues to cave to the right and to come to pressure, he's going to leave the emergency government. then you have another member of the opposition. you're le pete, who in the last few days has said if the right wing we've the government, he and his party are ready to step into offer netanyahu a safety net. if it means getting a deal that would bring back these really captives from gaza, the pressure just continuing to mount on ness and yahoo also from an international
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standpoint from the americans. but also remember from the families of the captives who have been saying for around 4 months now that the government has failed them. they are not with them in their plight of bringing back their loved ones saying, but not enough. how has been done. and the prime minister himself has said repeatedly that israel has read lines when it comes to discussions about these deals like he's not going to end the war and he's not going to withdraw. is really troops from guns uh, all of this came as the war cabinet was expecting some sort of answer from us on this deal and negotiations. but that hasn't happened yet. so it is seeming like, well these negotiations and mediators and everyone is involved in these conversations. it seems like we are still a whiles away from a deal in the occupied westbank. they is really military has again conducted res, across several cities. incursions took place into and cut them. but i'm of the novelist and hebron is really forces of arrest that at least 30 palestinians and at
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least 382 have been killed since as her last. it's one gaza on october, the 7. let's cross into the him that that is joining us from best land. so these rates are an almost daily occurrence they've got. but how expensive, where these latest ones, the well, according to file sent in these ways are becoming part of their daily lives. we've seen these really forces encouraged, and if we send a refugee camp, which is the part was back in that place. they were looking for someone. they surrounded his home. they say that his wants to do them, but they have a rusted a relative of his to kind of flip such around the family to kind of put pressure on that one to kind of simian, to hand himself over to these resources. and this is something that we've been seeing even before the war, but also after the war has been seeing that use of this tax of pressure and
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properties of what palestinians call co elective punishments against posting is being employed more and more now when, when we talk about those ways we're talking about race that's on average exceeds within $4.00 to $1.00 wave. the occupied westbank, but we're also talking about the subtler attacks just a few kilometers away from where we are as really stuff. let's have re this, or you have a tax policy, new bands, car, they've really hurt this. what's the problem with that policy is to on a daily basis. they just can't move from one child to another without feeling that they could be targeted or hit by these really forces or by these really stuff. those will have also, yesterday, with of tires on the roads link in nablus to the rest of the occupies westbank, making movements with the scary for promising as a contact for the rest of the occupies westbank. this is the parts of the state and the reality that policy is go through on
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a daily basis. so as the rates continue and the seller attacks take place as you were saying, howard palestinians, and they occupied westbank really feeling an adult when they hear that there could be ongoing negotiations towards the ceasefire and gaza. well yes, everyone is looking towards in fort worth towards having a seas fire and gaza. that can stop the blog sides. but they feel that this is all being done this time when the us is now going into another round of presidential elections that they feel that this is all being done for alex tour all calculations . what do we talk about what palestinians want? yes, the fire as the source, but they also want an end to the is really the victory of the patient that has been signing for decades. i'm sending here in front of a closed with a 3 check point that used to connect bethlehem seduce and now it's been closed. but also let me show you part of what kind of city is go through on
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a z live there's these is where the separation wall that is just selecting best lab from some oh, this is really separation wall. you're talking about that too long, occupational preoccupation that has been really 2nd lots of difficult people in the mountains is how the city and all that they were guessing is more is really was for is to, for birth complications to their lives. in addition to those ways that often result in the killing and arrest is sometimes the only fault is that they're just going about their daily lives that thank you so much for that update from bethlehem and they occupied westbank. and we do apologize to our viewers for that's like distortion in the video with adapt. thank if it's still a head on out to 0. the newton of gaza, we hear from the palestinian boy who has been able to generate the electricity
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admits the ruins of for the growing sizes of the southern us mexico border the the had a lot of the pleasant weather conditions made for a pretty wonderful weekend because parts of europe particularly well the southwest and southern areas. we had spring like weather conditions above average temperatures with people from booking to the beach in sicily to enjoy those weather conditions. now they're still there as we go into the new week that area of high pressure dominating across the west, drifting its way across most central areas. we'll see temperatures well above the average here, but even if they do come down slightly in the west, they will be back up as we go into choose day. and the temperature is continuing to
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rise down in the very south for palomo and is city will be up to $21.00 degrees celsius that on the wall above the average with lots of sunshine now might look most sonya across a central area. so we've got gusty winds causing a problem in some areas of red warnings out across parts of germany. so that was where the strength of this weather system that swelling its way through towards more east and every spring, some heavy rain. so the lights of a check republic on monday, it clears off a saw the east north as we go into choose a bringing a wintry mix to scandinavia as well as more east and areas. heavier rain across central pots of britain and the island of island will settled. however, in the south, the odd he came into meetings. as a un, i'm back to the position given to you by or died. suppose you've described that is better than is better than any be thought provoking answers my question to you. all that good cooks, i think,
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is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe. in the security council. this is something they just don't think look is a problem. it exports that you hear the story on talk to, how does their the the the, here's a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 this our, the is really army, is continuing to bomb the heavily populated, civilian areas of gauze, off an air strike has levels, homes in the city of data and been off in the central part of the strip killing at least 30 palestinians. an injury tells us has carried strikes on the targets in
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young men for the 2nd day in a row, american forces had multiple themselves. they say were prepared to launch again ships and the red sea is really military has again, conducted breeds across the occupied westbank is really forces storm the city is attend cutting, but i'm, i'm the novelist on temper on at least 30 palestinians have been a rest of the us secretary of state anthony, blinking his returning to the middle east for his 5th visit since october. the 7th express the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis in gaza ahead of the trip. he's due to visit saudi arabia, israel, egypt on cats are the trip comes just days after the is really prime minister is really minister. it's a more been give here, criticized the us as response. ringback israel's war on gauze of the law is the editor of era digress. he says that he's expecting that blinking will continue to
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push for a ceasefire during his trip. and so far as saudi arabia is, is a key player in this project to achieve some sort of a cease fire tied into a normalization deal that the salaries are longer and some on the crown princess, quite anxious to conclude the terms of the saudis, of her making thus far as that there be a cease fire and that there be a pathway to a palestinian state. a pathways interesting term, isn't it? because what does that mean? is that mean? at some point we will see a tuesday solution. i rather doubt it. uh, benjamin now has made it very clear that will be in a 2 state solution. i think beginning in saudi arabia is a signal to the israel is that the americans are getting a little more serious. but pushing forward on this, on this plan to deliver something sort of as the as far because the fact of the matter is people across the world, including an ice age,
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they're becoming increasingly horrified by the experience of this law. her turn to some other world news now and then practiced on our men in the northwest of attacked a police station at least 10 officers were killed and another 6 injured in the city of dera. smile con, focused on has seen a series of attacks on security forces in recent days. general elections are scheduled to take place on thursday. come all hides or has more from his mom about . it was this particular attack took place in the district of uh did a smile con um the remote for litigation which i situated outside the main city of the itemized con knowledge. and remember that data might have gone also borders what was formerly focused on the driver's duty of how it was this done. this was one of the hard beds of the day to get the bon focused on focused on the accused of wellness done, of providing centuries on,
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not doing and off disrupt the infiltration of the dollar bond fight that they have been attacking the police at random over the past few months, there's been a spike in the number of a tag. dozens of police men have been good in february police station, so they attacked coming. uh, as you mentioned just days before the election, the ttp and it's affiliated group, there's a new group which is guard a movement for jihad and focused on the day. a good job focused on this is a group that has been claiming responsibility for multiple or diag, that'd been an attack and below just on as red and rich for p d. i a what good you. okay, so this is not new, but given the fact that the security forces, the police are going to be deployed on election day because this is going to be a sensitive election to have to maintain law and order. so therefore,
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uh there is likelihood of more attacks against the police at the time when they're busy in election year. the, but this is not something new and is likely to continue on to the issue. is it a dog rid of one has done and how focused on do is reduce? bill schuler has declared 2 days of morning for the victims of wildfires. at least a 112 people have been killed. smires burned in central parts of the country. there are fears and death toll could rise is about $400.00 people are on, accounted for strong winds and high temperatures, or fueling the flames and the coastal vault to raise a region and more fires have started further to the south. as our latin america editor lucio newman reports began with what people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce winds in just minutes. they turn these homes into an infernal rook center. miss that tells us every one under her street is pitching in decay as
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a rebel. the only thing left of their possessions except for the clothes on their back, and we run for life helping our elderly neighbors. we all help for 3 naples, died. the heat and the flames were unbearable. these are the deadliest wild flyers in the history of chile. a country already familiar with natural disasters. hundreds remain missing, presumed dead. 55 years continue working day and night to control the flyers. the densely populated bottle, but a slow region 14 a brigade chief with swiss. hi me, who's been fighting fires for 40 years, says is convinced they were started deliberately put what you're focusing on it. so they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour in 6 different places. when the winds were extremely strong, humidity, very low, and the temperature was high, but not enough to ignite
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a fire on its own. this was no accidental. the government appeals to agree and vows to find and punish the culprits which might have taken minutes to light could take weeks to extinguish this way, to look like a very small fly right now. but this is a pine tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree there, very deep. they go all the way down here all the way up there. so when you think you put out the fire, it can ignite it at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again to try to extinguish it. mister month, see, i lost everything, his car, his home, and just livelihood in, nor mrs. green house for growing and selling exotic plants. luckily he was away with it all went up in smoke. unlike his dog napoleon, who survived, but just barely. okay. yeah, yep. i felt that obviously there had been 5 before up in the hills,
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but this time homes were lost and i've been living here 30 years. neighboring countries are offering help, which to me will lead. as reports emerge of new wild fires for this helps to see a newman algebra in the park, but i used to region to the so those are being counted in el salvador as presidential election. official results are not out yet, but the incumbents. i kelly has already declared himself the winner. his popularity is largely attributed to his crackdown on criminal gains. more than 70000 suspected gang members had been arrested since he declared a state of emergency 2 years ago. more now for many, well rop. hello, who's in san salvador? it's an absolutely excited crowd here in san salvador historic center. people out here by the thousands, celebrating the victory viola to a victory of salvador, president able get it. there was that expectation the presidential candidate would win by nothing sort of
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a landslide. that's exactly what we saw take place. despite concerns and warnings from human rights groups, civil society organizations that have abused president of human rights abuse of starting the supreme florida bill, solve it, or with laura list that would help in the re election. it's something that is specifically banned by the countries constitution supports for president naples that really appears to be as strong as ever the 0 salvador the us congress is considering a measure that would shut down it's southern border with mexico if the daily average of migrant crossings exceeds 5000 and that's well below the current number of crossings as migrants and asylum seekers from latin america fleet to the us. meanwhile, republican governors have decided to take measures into their own hands from the board. a ton of equal passed in texas. heidi so castro reports,
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you go away from the law enforcement, the police maintain the peace between a few doesn't right? we n t. margaret protestors and if you doesn't border residents who said migrant should be welcomed. usually people just want sued and water and a clean pair of socks. sometimes when i find people they get down on their knees and they ask for god to bless me. but this wasn't the only stand off an eagle pass texas on sunday meters away and steps from the us border. texas governor greg abbott declared his states opposition to the federal government. and we are here to send a loud and clear message that we are banding together to fight to ensure that we will be able to maintain our constitutional guarantee that states will be able to defend against any type of imminent danger or an invasion flank by
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14 other republican governors, abbot is an open defiance of a u. s. supreme court order issue last month commanding that he stand down, texas national guard troops who are putting a barbed wire and blocking us border patrol agents from removing it. the troops guarding this section of the border report to the governor of the state of texas and their mission is to keep everyone out, including the us border patrol agents who report to president bided in washington. and that has created an absurd standoff between the federal and state governments. why on earth with governor ad it be doing this defying or us supreme court order. putting national guardsmen and border patrol agents at odds and potentially in danger. endangering the lives of asylum seekers. calling right wing militants from all across the country with long guns down to a park that they take over without telling city authorities. i mean,
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why would you do that? the texas governor says a loophole in the us constitution allows him to take such measures because his state is under quote, invasion by migrants arriving in record numbers. democrats call it a political stunt, meant to stoke the republican base. the opposing sides remain at an impasse as tensions rise and divisions. pardon highly jo. castro. alger 0 equal pass, texas. coming back to our top story now in israel's war on gaza. a 15 year old palestinian boy has been named the newton of gaza. he successfully generated electricity using the most basic tools and what's left from israel's war. this is how he did it. and then this will send him a dropbox. and then then there's another had
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a question about getting that other item again. let us to the


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