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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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and future stakes, organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the and is released icon homes in the data center in central dasa kills at least 30 palestinians. the, you're watching all to 0 life from a headquarters in delphi and getting obligated to also coming up with disabilities that at least some sort of the on the, the, the chevy. what's the do we have? 45 days of whore, a palestinian doctor tells the story of the torture he endured and is relieved.
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attention also ahead on man and northwest office on attack, the police station killing at least 10 officers on the worst wildfires and chillies history, co, things, the 112 people's 40 fires are still burning. the hello we starting gaza with the is where the army is bombing, densely populated areas and the central and southern areas of the story. the an error strike is leveled homes in the city of date and by the killing at least 30 palestinians and injuring thousands more. and many of those killed were children. their bodies were taken to the nearby in oc sallow hospital, along with scores of injured people. the medical facilities running out of fuel medicine as well as basic supplies. honeywell, who does it off i had southern gaza. so how many,
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what's been the aftermath of the air strikes that have taken place in central garza so yes, very well. there is more death and destruction as a result of relentless airs. riots on the city of dated by the western part of the city, a densely populated area which the vast majority of peoples the residing there right now are among the displays. palestinians are from the noted parts and garza city, but as the early hours of last night and over night, multiple relentless areas, stripe targeted residential homes in the vicinity of the residential or block destroying the targeted homes. as the last the surrounding the public facilities at a mosque within the vicinity of the area, the reports of 30 people to be confirm killed, arrived to unlock the hospital with tens of other injuries, a critical injuries arriving to the hospital. the heart breaking part of the story
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is the, the, the people who were waiting for doctors and, and medical the staff to intervene to save them. some of them were dying on the floor of the hospitalized. there is an extreme for medical supplies and also not enough doctor's available at the, at the hospital, given that the area within the past few weeks has been largely unsafe for medical to stop along with their families to state to stay in it. so we're looking at more people are dying as the extreme charge your medical supplies and also because there isn't enough doctors and nurses to do it the proper medical intervention to save their lives. the situation in central area officer d is very military holdout. it's invading forces and been very tough as the entire area is subject to relentless error strikes, the targeting all the refuge account, including did it. but i city a city that's been designated at a safe zone for all the displays. how a city of the,
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from the refugee camps in the central area. i know so from garza and the northern parts, how do you and the situation in that software you are, we understand continues to deteriorate the river right there because of the overcrowding. just talk to us about what you're seeing over there. very deteriorating situations in rough i city right now. we're not only looking on this place. vast majority of the population ended up in rough or city, but the fact that there isn't enough food, not enough water resources, and no medical supplies to help those not only who are been injured by the by the relentless that tax, but also the spread of disease if that has been a major reason so far within the past few days of rescuing people's life right here . because of this threat of diseases in tens or, and evacuation centers and the inability of hospital remaining health facilities in
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rough activities to intervene and to provide the necessary medical intervention to save life, particularly among children and women. and those with, with the, with health complications and life threatening conditions, revise over crowded people here, have a high level of panic and fear. there are more news emerging from these rated side of intention to expand the military operation in this over crowded part of the gaza strip. more than half of the population i've been crammed here in rough. i see the further south southern part is this. you guys a border where people do not want to cross to egypt because this will only feed into their permanent displacement. but the state, it's much more dangerous here and there more atrocity going to be committed. similar to what happened to the central area and gaza and the northern parts. okay,
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honey, thank you so much for that update from alpha and gaza. now israel's work cabinet has met to discuss the next steps in the military campaign and gaza pressure as mounting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. several cabinet members, including some from his own party, wants to be involved in negotiations to release the 136 captives who were still held in gauze of the national security minister. it's him, our bank of air has threatened to quit the government if the ceasefire deal rates with how much does not favor is real. all is happening while the us secretary of state antony blinking is returning to the middle east for his 5th visit since october. the 7th, he expressed the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis in gaza at of the trip. he's due to visit saudi arabia, israel, egypt, and cats are. the trip comes to his days, officer is really administered from our bank if we're criticized. but us is raw response to israel's war on garza, i'm joined by been law. he's the editor of eric, died just to discuss the visit by secretary of state blinking and more below.
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welcome to al jazeera, what will his visit achieve and what's the significance of him arriving 1st in saudi arabia? well, kinds of the 1st part of the question, what it will cheve, it's very hard to discern because there are so many pieces to this puzzle. so many competing elements, and the report mentioned to ben via and been viewed, although he's not officially part of the war cabinet, is really raising his profile, raising the agenda, attacking america for not supporting the war enough. and he's very much hitting that element of the israeli population. the put on the far right, settler element, speaking to them directly. and you know, for them becoming here, or there is not only standing up to a mouse, but standing up to america for not doing enough. so blinking comes into the situation. i think with
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a deck stacked against them. he's gone to saudi arabia because saudi arabia is critical to the american project to begin the process of ending this war. that's part of the, the, the deal to, for the saudis, to normalize with israel. that was very much on the plate. prior to the 7th of october attack, there was something we suggest. the reason that's how most attacked was to take it off the plate monuments outbound the crown prince remains very much committed to wanting to normalize where these early. so these have put their conditions. yeah, they put their conditions. and what's interesting is that he is said he wants a nato. so defense agreement, you want support for his nuclear program. and he wants assistance with the vision 2030, which is floundering somewhat. the palestinians are back there somewhere in terms of, of his, of his strategic thinking. the, the official position this out is,
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is there must be a tuesday solution. there must be what a 100 and some of it's called a pathway to this. this is tuesday solution. i think that is very uh, bate really particularly given the numerous promises that the palestinians let me give it over the years. i wrote a tuesday solution sound by for just a 2nd bill because we're going to take a look at what's happening in yemen for the moments. and the us is carried out more strikes on who's the targets in yemen, and a new wave of attacks against a rainy and back roof. the bite and administration says that it doesn't want the bombing campaign to set off a regional war, but that it won't let us all so on us forces in commercial ships to go unanswered. the national security advisor, jake sullivan says more americans strikes are expected. so it, at least in public or the americans say that they don't want this war to spread regionally. um, do you think that the, the us administration is really serious and trying to contain and prevent a wider war? i think they're conflicted,
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really because if you look at these attacks on the who face the, who these, that made it very clear. the policies find guys that we will call off the, the drone and miss all the tax on words. the shipping, you know, the facts, the matter is the who. these was the 9 years of, of saudi bombardment. they're very resilient. they have made it very clear. they will continue, in fact, the number of attacks have increased since the, the americans with the assistance of the u. k. started hitting some of their missile facilities. and, you know, i think this is again, a risk for the americans that they will get pulled into a further escalation. the who these are up for a fight. it's making the saudis very nervous because again, they were very close to getting some sort of a piece deal with it with the who is right. they want to get out of them and they just simply want to walk away mine. it's not somebody be attacked on the 4th. is this a below? i mean, we saw just a few days ago. also the american attacks, or what they describe is
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a radian back groups and syria under ro. yeah. and there again, we've got a situation where, particularly a rockies who, you know, i really in a difficult place, the rock is want to move somewhat away from the rain in control. we rented them very much and better themselves into the political system in, in iraq. they have a, the demolition. is there any back? malicious uh, the rockies have been trying to roger extricate themselves. however, the americans come in hitting these militia again. ups, the ante, once more, right, is also pressure on americans was it wasn't less than forget that american troops are still interact, they're still in syria pressure on by and pull them out. what happens then? we shouldn't forget that isis is still very much around and that once the americans, levi's is good player up again, there are lots of pressure points and, and, and that's why people are so concerned that this would explode into a bigger regional problem. so thank you. so much bill all thanks for your analysis
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. well, the is really military hasn't gotten conducted, raising several cities across the occupied west bank incursions took place and to cut them. but i'm a monopolist on however, on at least $28.00 palestinians have been arrested of taking the total number, the chain since october, to more than $6500.00 is really forces have increased the frequency and intensity of the rates in palestinian towns and cities in the past 4 months, at least 382 palestinians had been killed. that abraham is joining us from bethlehem to tell us about the latest raids mid that that took place across the occupied west bank as well. the main one took place near l. i in refuge account which is to the noise of the occupied to us the rank need not bless with palestinians have use some. how may the exclusive devices defied to the is really forces that have been raising the fugitives know according to our sources. they are these really forces i'm surrounded,
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the house that they say belongs to a wants to palestinian man. they could not find the man, but what they did is that they were arrested at relative. and again, this is a tactic that we've been seeing these really forces using before the war, but they've intensified their use of this collective punishment. the use of okay, and that's a rest of a brother, a sister, a father and mother to kind of put pressure on that one to tell us the news to hand themselves in their raise have continued also elsewhere in the to fight the west bank. they've been taking place in drama lot in jeanine, and as far as we can look at the bigger fixture, the most place that has been weighted by these really forces when it comes to the occupies with frank, has been not for this, followed by the law and you mean we talk about these really violations and these really tension that has been directed towards the palestinians. we're not just talking about these really forces. and these really soldiers were also talking
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about these really suck to those who have been attacking protestant is just a few could over if there's a way for where i am right now is really circulars of attack is paula sydney and car need. and then megan is reading supplement, they've also groups of settlers have gathered in the threes in a sort of messiah vintage, which is basically in the street that connects the north of the okay, find those things with the rest of it. they have a, put some tires on the street, making the movement. the fallacy is really difficult and it is because of those growing, subtler attacks. again, spouse thing is that we see me with a sniper between one town to another. becoming really dangerous and really, really difficult. all right and it died, but i am reporting from best time to an adult. thank you so much i. it's still a heads on alpha 0. there's been a running battle between protestors that i've been throwing rocks and the police have been responding by firing here. guess we're on the streets in senegal,
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where the postponements of the presidential election, the sparks protests, the handler they will head down on the environment with us to southeast asia. and you can see the fig account is still there were close southern parts of the region. much dry up in the notes, just a few showers here and there. but lots of settled weather with sunshine for the likes of thailand where the weather pulls in. however, to southern parts of the philippines. and it is a very wet picture across malaysia, down into indonesia with bus of rain affecting sumatra as well as java as we go into the mid week. and the good news for australia is that what went up from tropical stomach clone curity, the remnants of that will move the way across the se, pretty quickly. well,
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in the way of scattered showers here in this new south wales on choose a way to whether however across the tropical north. and it is looking largely cool for melbourne. 22 degrees celsius. the on wednesday it has cooled down long. so you for that southeast corner, the heat however, will continue to build across the north, some of the bringing of fi a danger in places and have a look at the temperature in process. just going to continue to rise over this next week by thursday will be at 38 degrees celsius. much little more for christ church cooler down in the very south with more heavy rain to come in. but dryer in the north of the month of august the on as ordering a general election on february the 8th with its former later on, gone in prison. many focused on is that asking if the boys will be free and they're
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without the data for the latest development and details. and now let's say this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers how the news is cut the the hello again. the top stories on alta 0 this our, the is where the army is continuing to bomb. heavily populated civilian areas of casa and air strikes has leveled homes in the city of dayton. bye now from the central part of the strip showing at least 30 polish simians on injuring dozens of others. the u. s. has carried out strikes on the targets in young men for the 2nd
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day in a row, american forces had multiple themselves. they say were prepared to launch again ships and the red sea is really military has, again, conducted raise across the occupied westbank is really forces storing the cities have some cutting. but i'm on the annapolis and have run at least $28.00 palestinians have been arrested. let's turn to some other world news now and then practiced on our men in the northwest have attacked a police station. at least 10 officers were killed and another 6 injured in the city of data smiled con. august don has seen a series of attacks on security forces and recent days. general elections are scheduled to take place on thursday as us backed curtis legged forces say that 6 of their fighters had been killed in a drone strike on a military base. it struck a military academy and data zoar that's located within a us led coalition base. these logic resistance in iraq has claimed responsibility
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is included as joining us from southern lab and also the to tell us more about this a task that took place in data zora to syria as well. yes. what we understand from the syria and democratic force, this is a service area, and curtis group, which has allied with the united states that their, their position or their base a military academy came under fire a drone attack. and so that's 6 of its fighters were killed according to the s, the s, the drone came from syria and government territory. now in syria and government territory in the provinces, there is or an eastern syria, iranian backed of farm to groups are based. and in fact, the stomach resistance in iraq issued a statement claiming responsibility for this strike saying that they targeted what they called us occupation base in eastern syria. so no doubt,
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this is an escalation just a few days ago on friday nights. the us military carried out to scores of strikes, targeting $85.00 positions of, of the ronnie and revolutionary guards. could this force and arms groups associated with it in iraq and syria, in retaliation for the coming of the american soldiers in georgia in the us military was hoping that the strikes would deter further strikes against its forces in syria and iraq. clearly, this is not the case. now the stomach resistance in iraq claiming responsibility. now whether this drone came from positions in iraq or syria, the bottom line is this. these are groups that are part of the so called excess of resistance, whose goal right now is to drive us forces out of the reach and they see this as their immediate goal. and they see this really as a retaliation, not just against,
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for the, for the war on gaza, but for the numerous strikes against iranian, and iranian link positions in the region. all right, then a has a reporting from the self of loving on. thank you. in russell to presidential candidates are set to appear before the election commission on monday to find out if still be allowed to run against president vladimir putin. one of them, boris nonsense, and is a critic of present. and the war in ukraine recently. election officials said they would investigate irregularities in his election. but paper work critics. a to move is a way to keep anyone from challenging putting in the march election. let's be to the shop of a low by joining us from moscow. so what are we expecting to hear from the central election commission of the the center election commission has already said that they have found motors, 16 percent of mistakes in the signature list, of course not destined to register him as
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a ton of for the russian presidency. at the commission recommends not to register a force natasha, but the final decision will be made as a may say on february, the 7th. we know that the dances team said they are going to analyze the planes and all the mistakes and not be as soon as starting to turn out himself and february the 7th to justify his position and defend his bid. the test and overseas they only ansible presidential who have collect hasn't been submitted more than one hundreds of thousands of signatures in support of his candidacy last wednesday, january the 1st 1st and the depth to submitted the signatures of he supposes to the central election commission and the commission took some time to consider and verify them, but just a couple of days alternate tested, submitted the signatures, uh the commission stated that they have allegedly found some mistakes. and so code that shows in particular, in your signature list that match the number of signatures. if people have already
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dies that appeared on the list and the test and expect that he will be allowed to participate in the main stage of elections in march with experts and not so ultimately took about that. saying that boris of testing is it? well, actually everybody sees his growing support and that's has allegedly caused real displeasure and the criminal hit and opinion that the criminal and the presidential administration will create some sort of hurdles for him. so his name was eventually up here on the ballot. all right, thank you so much for that update from us. so the opposition candidates and set a goal. so they'll appeal a president mackie selves decision to postpone this month's presidential election. demonstrators have been holding protests and the capital police responded by firing, tearing gas on detaining an opposition. presidential candidates. nicholas hawk reports from the car. the nothing that can stop us says
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presidential hopeful update and go progress. we're exercising our basic rights. we have an appointment with this senegalese people, security forces, prevent her from meeting party supporters. then she's arrested accused of taking part in an illegal gathering and mast officers seen forcing her into a police van hours before the start of campaigning on saturday. present, like you saw cancelled this months presidential election. he says he's protecting democracy and isn't trying to extend his own term. but his decision is fueling widespread anger in the district of the car named liberty protest are showing their defiance. the cancellation of the vote is seen as an injustice protest here is say, once again, the powerful or robbing them of the chance to make their own future. for a moment, we are in a country where people are mistreated, it's really tough for us. the world needs on desantis. this is
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a cry from the hearts. i'm a struggling entrepreneur. i have a master's degree. i'm left so like coffee on the street. yeah, there's no work. jobs are given to. those are political connections. we won't work . so we want to work for our country. our time has come now. they are protesting with the opposition is calling a constitutional coo and block and avenue leading to the presidential palace. they are urging others to join their revolts. there's been running battle between protesters that have been throwing rocks and the police have been responding by firing care. guess they want to prevent this. yeah, they're going to take place. but supporters of the opposition are determined to gather and to get their voice is heard. the west african regional organizations echo was the us and friends of all expressed concern and urge to be you know, it's been given election day. do you feel that it could pull up any point?
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and this is not what we these of because the people themselves know, we just conflict. no, any conflict, but you have localize way to send isn't conflicts. and they straighten this twice. i think i supposed to have something. it was been regarded as the most stable democracy in west africa no longer seems so stable. nicholas hawk algae 0 schuler has declared 2 days of morning for the victims of wildfires. at least a 112 people had been killed as fires burned in central parts of the country. their affairs and the death toll could rise. as about 400 people are accounted for, strong winds, and high temperatures are fueling the flames and the coast, or vows to raise a region, and more fires have started further to the south as our line america editor, lucy, a newman reports began with what people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce winds in just minutes,
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they turn these homes into an infernal rook center. miss that tells us every one under her street is pitching in decay as of level. the only thing left of their possessions except for the clothes on their back and perform. we run for life, helping our elderly neighbors. we all help for 3 naples, died. the heat and the flames were unbearable. these are the deadliest wild flyers in the history of chile. a country already familiar with natural disasters. hundreds remain missing, presumed dead. 55 years continue working day and night to control the flyers. the densely populated bottle but a slow region. 14, a brigade chief with sweets, jaime, who's been fighting fires for 40 years, says, is convinced they were started deliberately put what you're focusing on the time it's. i think they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour in 6 different
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places when the winds were extremely strong, humidity, very low, and the temperature is high, but not enough to ignite a fire on its own. this was no accidental. the government appeals to greece and vows to find and punish the culprits which might have taken minutes to light could take weeks to extinguish this way, to look like a very small fly right now. but this is a pine tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree, they're very deep, they go all the way down here, all the way up there. so when you think you put out the fire, it can ignite at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again to try to extinguish it. mister month, see, i lost everything, his car, his home, and just livelihood in, nor mrs. green house for growing and selling exotic plants. luckily he was away with it all went up in smoke. unlike his dog napoleon, who survived,
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but just barely. okay. yeah, yep. i felt that obviously there had been 5 before up in the hills, but this time homes were lost and i've been living here 30 years. neighboring countries are offering help, which to me will lead. as reports emerge of new wild fires for this helps to see a newman algebra in the park, but i used to region to the votes are being counted in el salvador as presidential election official results are not out yet, but the incumbent and valuable kelly has already declared himself the winner. his popularity is largely attributed to his crackdown on criminal gains. more than 70000 suspected gang members have been arrested since he declared a state of emergency 2 years ago. the terrace residents have voted to triple parking charges for su fees in a referendum, city officials have been saying the higher rates are need is because the larger
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vehicles cause more pollution. take up a lot of public space and endanger road safety. owners of cars weighing $1.00 tons or more will now be charge just over $19.00 per hour for parking in the city center . going back to our top story now in israel's, we're on gaza. a 15 year old palestinian boy has been named the newton of casa, his successfully generated electricity using the most basic tools and what's left from israel's war. this is how he did it. and then this will send him a dropbox. and then then there's another had a question about getting that, i'll do them again. let us, we'll we'll have to elephant them.


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