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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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of the challenges of reality and future states organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and this is the news on life from don't hard coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel attacks the gaza strip from the north to the side of was heavy bombing reporters in gaza, city data, obama and dropbox. us secretary of state, down to the blinking is on his way to saudi arabia for israel's, a month long more than gauze was going to dominate his agenda. and on this day, international reports reveals,
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of lies in legal force use against the palestinians. and the occupied westbank and the worst want fires and chillies face to reach you at least a 112 people for the fires are still burning. and for the state of new jersey will host the 2026. walcott final footballs governing body fee for has released details of what will be, is the biggest tournament ever, the $10.00 g m t that's mid day and goes over these really armies bombing from the north to the size of the stripe. often targeting heavily populated areas after nearly 4 months of bombardment, i'm complex. evacuation order is ready, forces push safe. paula standing and say there is no where left to run. now this is guys, a city in the north. this is for israel's military assault was 1st focused, destruction and devastation is still everywhere and the fighting is still going on
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. that's despite is really exciting is that they have gain security control over the area. i mean, while an overnight is where the air strikes, i said holmes in general, bought in central guy. so that's kind of at least 30 people and injuring thousands more. many of those killed or children. more than 80 percent of guys this population has not been displaced. hofstadter number is crammed into the southern end of gas. in rafa, that's where israel has ordered palestinians to go for their own safety. but dropbox too is being bombed and is very forced to say that expanding their ground operations there. now dozens of palestinian families in rafa are being forced to use a cemetery as a place to shelter. they started pitching their time some of the tombstones because there's simply no other space children, they're living with the basic necessities and the cold weather is causing a list of diseases. awesome. we're waiting for the day that we join those buried here. what else can i say?
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there's nothing to eat. we cannot sleep. the most simple right for human is a bathroom. there's none. the most simple right for human is water. there is no way . if each other must always live for us and rough on the southern guys like honey. so we're just talking about a list of attacks that have not started in the north, but they're working way they their way side of again, both in the north but particularly also in the center of the yes. well, more and tragedies emerging from the central part of the gaza strip as well as for the north end and city bit lie, a bit tunneling on dogs, a city where and not only were looking at areas where there's been a military, has pulled out in what seems to be a tactical move, but the level of destruction caused by the so far the month long war to the northern part is, is beyond comprehension. a great deal of damage to infrastructure, a residential home,
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some areas are beyond recognition. but what's really tragic right now is the fact that we have a type of drones are everywhere in the gaza city. and the northern part does have a good, a very low level and shooting and see what to do. we're trying either to leave areas that are not safe for them and we went elsewhere to shoulder or the dispute looking for, for the water and shooting of them. the reports from i wouldn't, is on the ground, tens of bodies industries, and they were attack and shot i'd drive these attack and drones. and tanya, and as so far, the eastern area of tonya is in the central part where it is very minute. i also pulled out of for an area where people went back to their homes and were able to pay out from under the robins or collect from the st. bodies of people being killed either within the past few days or just this morning. so far, 14 of those bodies have arrived to an already over well,
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almost out of service has been done in honda and his mazda has to the, the natalie suffers a, from lack of medical supplies, but also again, the insufficient medical, the staff to do any necessary medical intervention to save lives. the most of the body is collected from the street, women, children, an elderly event. and it's believe they were trying to lead their homes. are they are there where he's, are they attacked by this really monitor? they're also report of more attacks by, by drones, by attacking drones in honda and it's an overnight, a top room of residential home in the central area. particularly dated by seduced, were destroyed completely causing the death of at least 30 people on tens of others . injury is a critical injuries that is hard to intervene on to save them are on the floor of alaska hospital. now, honey, with all these attacks that we're reporting on, of course, people continue to try to flee that the, the fighting. they're heading to where you are in rough or tell us about what kind
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of conditions they're going to find when they get there. of the very difficult living conditions for hundreds of 1000 of displays, palestinians of playing the horror and the central part on hon. you in a city and those what already evacuated since the beginning of the work revised running out of space. and now people don't have any other place to go to a to, to set up their tents. and what's shocking within the past couple hours, we've looked at images and videos of people to set up their tens inside cemeteries because robinson is running out of space. so we have just a simple walk into this phrase, of rather refined tens everywhere on the sidewalks, on the little islands in the middle of the road, or any empty land. now have turned into tents. cam, this is how the situations ok and drop. i'm not only running out of space, but also running out of it read necessities here, including food and water, and medical supplies of necessity,
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survival items that help people combat all the difficult conditions right here. not all the bombs that are causing the death of people here, but also the living condition as well as the spirit of diseases because of the modern nutrition because of the cold. it's winter. weather is, is it's called as with possible the flood tongue or care as well. but we have entire tens have been flooded with people who got sick with diseases when they're related diseases like flu and cold. these are very simple, but at this current time with health, but some of these are tripling, it's difficult to get the right medication or the, the proper medical intervention to save them, particularly to children that women, honey, thanks very much indeed, that tiny. luckily, bringing this up to date from the rough i in southern gaza or u. s. equity of state and to be blinking is once again heading to the middle east to spoken about the urgent need to address pressure monitoring crisis in gaza. head
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of his trip is due to visit saudi arabia, israel, egypt, and cut off the truck comes as days after it's ready administer. it's not been via criticize the us response to israel's war on. guys are going to go to the rotary challenge. susan, occupied east jerusalem. forest, what is as we blinking, gonna be hoping to achieve with this latest visit? yeah, well, this is blinking crisis toys, it's cold and he's to, to touch down and re add and about an hour. and then as he say, he goes on to cairo to die off. and then on wednesday, he's going to be arriving here. interested in he's going to be going to the tennessee as well, talking to my food, i pass in the occupied westbank. there are many things that he's got to be discussing, of course, along the way, why the instability in the region? it wrong. the us and u. k. a tax on a, here's the targets and bombing in syria or in the rock, etc. but of course, when he gets here, the thing is going to be focused,
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my civil home is the war in gaza. there awesome reports in the us media at the moment, the bite and behind closed doors have been signed them pretty unsavory. things about benjamin netanyahu started to be denied by the white house, but certainly the police here is that blinking is coming to put some more squeeze on nets and yahoo to go for a safe spot deal. the police in jerusalem is mats by then thinks that's a safe spot deal with set off a kind of domino effect. the more doable c spots stopping fine things in the north . the base are all on that. northern is ready. border with 11 on has blocks and also get a saudi is ready, normalization, back on track. met to me all he was under pressure from the rights length of his coat. i should not go anywhere near such a deal. i've been going to be criticizing the united states or its influence and he
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is ready politics. i am saying that he would pull out of benjamin netanyahu, his coalition. if nothing y'all, he'd signed up to a deal that he didn't agree with. but i think there was some awareness in growing awareness in the democratic party and by me, the white house, the, the cause of war is terrible. full biden's re election prospects. certainly in parts of the us like mission. good slides are a big uh, power populations in university towns, whether it also young. but it says the gospel is playing really badly for the democrats. and so i think that's, that's a fee if any there is increasing the white house that unless the white house can persuade nothing, you want you to dial back on the war and call us up then. yeah. in, in november you might know. okay, go right. get re elected, so it was a, let's rule baffled. it's a bible going on and going as a, as a political battles to fight with the bible. go and fight in dc and in jerusalem. and it's sort of the challenge, don't you by the east jerusalem roy. thank you very much. i'm john, not by bill law. he's the editor of our,
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of digest. good to have you with us. and i'll just say that, let's talk about this. the backdrop. this is this latest visits, a is happening against which is they were not towards an eventual cease far in gaza . given the fact that the over the last couple of weeks we've seen definite tension . so we say between these really governments in the us, particularly us being one of the biggest allies in the, in the region when it comes to visits like this is the us just a presence in the negotiations. or does it actually have any leverage which is prepared to use in order to be able to move these negotiations forward? yeah, that's a question or is it prepared to use the leverage? there's no question that america has leverage. it has huge leverage which it has shown and is not prepared to use and practice taking the opposite stance, which is backing. and that's, you know, backing israel to the full. however, the situation is deteriorating and so rapidly in so many ways. and when you report
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your report or just knowing that the awful situation are off for the fact that once again, civilians seeking shelter had been bombed by the is really, is really say, you know, we pulled back our ground operations, but they've intensified their bombing operations. it's very clear that global opinion, particularly in the global south, and i thought a very interesting as well else. the impact in america for buying is such that it's not just the error of americans who are turning their backs on joe biden. it is also this younger generation we've seen efforts to suppress support for palestine and campuses right across america. it hasn't succeeded. and by that has got to worry about that. because if this younger voter population and the air pump, air american population to in their hands, he's in big trouble who pulls already showing. he isn't in trouble. so this kind of ups the ante for blinking. whereas previously you had the sense that lincoln was shuttling back and forth for him for one year. capital to israel,
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back again to washington, talking about restraint. while you know his past by that with delivering the weapons are continuing to bump. i'm aware of that looked a bit, a trip there. now wherever i think the, the political pressure is domestically may clarify lines, may push the, the americans to actually use a leverage more strategically than they prefer to do. the difficult, a big god and then yahoo is kind of backed himself into a corner. and ben, cuz we're this guy now is really at the high, i think of his power is because he's not gonna give you the near there's. yeah. and, and what was the surety advisor? yeah. and part of that, that coalition that net and your call will together with the far right. so he can get back to the prime minister shift. then chavira has gone out and he has a typed america. and you're not doing enough, which is, you know, on the face of it already just america has backed israel to the hills,
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keeps applying the weapons. yes. yes. speaking. hi, susan, the speaking to uh, a constituency in israel that very much supports and very much support suspicion of driving the palestinians out of the west bank, driving the palestinians, or rather the ultimate knock by and, and, and so what does blinking in this situation? because nothing, you know, may want to move may by any chance because of the power that think of here, it is now rather exultantly disciplined when it was here. but what are the out, the key issues that he's going to be talking about, which is this constant concern that this conflict would spill over into the white one more the middle east. now given the, the actions and reactions that we've seen between the us and the ron and the various on groups and functions that there are. and that the us has been taking action against over the last $2.00 to $3.00 days or so. where do you think the again, the leverage lies with the us?
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does the us actually have any influence over whether or not this concept expands or is it more down to how big they are? the parties in the middle east react to the us, which will determine whether or not this actually becomes a consultation and it starts to expand. well, i think that the big, the big player, of course, individual america is around now neither on, excuse me, other run nor america want this war. however, when you engage as americans are doing in palm party and that's with ease, you escalate when you start to attack in syria. and then to take the rock where you're hitting these militias. that also upset to the extent to which america can control this more. you know by and says it's calculated and we and we can manage it. i think the americans have misread particularly misread with these that who these was the 9 years of heavy bombardments from the saudis. and they were able
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to withstand that. and they came back very resilient and much stronger. we've seen that since the u. k. and, and the americans started bombing the, who these, they've increased the number of attacks and the red sea, the who it is will not back down. and i think americans miscalculated on that as well. mm hm. felt thank you very much. indeed. i know we're probably going to be talking to in the future about this, but for not beloved editor of bottom digest. we appreciate it. thank you very much . i now, as we've just been discussing, the us has been counting, got more strikes, of who's the targets, and you haven't in a new wave of attacks against the iranian box group. the by the ministration says, it does not want the bombing campaign to set off a regional war, but it won't let us thoughts and us forces international ships go on on. so national security advisor jake sullivan says more americans strikes unexpected you guys by cut a slide forces in serious a 6 of their fighters have been killed in a drone strike. it's ok happens in the us military base in the northeast, and province of data source is fine, makes resistance on group,
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and iraq has claimed responsibility. one this we're going to go to is in a quarter in the southern lebanon. so talk through what's been happening. first of all, is in a while the se, in democratic forces, he s c. s has lost 6 men in this throne strikes for the target was clearly see us. but this sonic resistance in the rocks in its statement said that its target to the what it's called the us occupation base in response to the war on garza and in support of the palestinian people. this is the 1st significance attack against us forces since friday nights. when the us military carried out the series of strikes against the iranian revolutionary guards, could this force and arms of groups affiliated with it in syria and iraq? those strikes were in retaliation for the killing of 3 us soldiers. ensure that those 3 us soldiers were killed in
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a drone stride carried out by slamming resistance in iraq. so clearly the message is to the united states, saying that those strikes will not deter us. in fact, in these statements where they claim responsibility for the striking eastern syria and the province of their resort, they do promise more strikes. so if the u. s. has a, was to deter further strikes against its forces. it is clearly not working. this is the life is of course over multiple attacks against u. s. military base is across the region, just put it into context for us. of the, well, there is no doubt the war on garza past spreads across the reach and yet to mentioned earlier, divided administration does not want the original war, but there are front lines across the region. one of those front lines behind me, the 11 on israel border has law also a group allied with the round part of the so called access of resistance. launching
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attacks and support of garza and then you'll have the groups. you're running back groups in iraq and syria targeting us troops, and then you have the who is in, in yemen, tars firing drones. and this house toward israel, and at ships and the red seats. and all these groups say the same thing. and that is when the war on cause us stops, when there is a cease fire in gaza, then we will stop these attacks. so clearly it is a very dangerous situation. there is no fault out regional war, but definitely heights intensive across the region. as long as the war on gospel rage data, thank you very much and using a call to talking to us from just on the border with syria they're not in the occupied was by the is really military has again conducted res, across several cities. incursions took place until from ramallah novelists and had put on. is there the forces of arrested at least 28 palestinians,
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at least 382 have been killed since israel lost its war on gaza? on october, the 7th through the abraham has moved from bethlehem and talk about westbank to the main one to place need in a few g time which is to the noise of the occupied to us to man commute novelists. with tell us the news have use some help made exclusive devices to fight to the is really forces that have been raising that. a few. jacob, no, according to our sources. they are, these really forces i'm surrounded. the house that they say belongs to a wants to palestinian man. they could not find the man, but what they did is that they were arrested at relative. and again, this is a tactic that we've been seeing these re, new forces using before the war, but they've intensified their use of this collective punishment. the use of okay, and that's a rest of a brother, a sister, a father and mother to kind of put pressure on that one to tell us the news to hand
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themselves in the raise of continued also elsewhere in the of to fight the west bank. they've been taking place in drama lot in jeanine, and as far as we can look at the bigger fixture, the most place that has been weighted by these really forces when it comes to the occupies, the west bank has been never this followed by the law and you mean when we talk about these really violations and these really tension this has been directed towards the palestinians. we're not just talking about these really forces. and these really filters were also talking about these really suck to those who have been attacking protestant is just a few could over if there's a way for where i am right now is really circulars of attack, if hell, a simian car need. and then megan is really southern and they've also groups of settlers have gathered in a street in sort of messiah village, which is basically in this 3 that connects the north and they occupied those things
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with the rest of it. they have a, put some tires on the street, making the movement defrost is really difficult and it is because of those growing, subtler attacks. again, spouse thing is that we see movement at night between 1200, that's becoming really dangerous. and really when the difficult, the to back us on our, on demand in the northwest have attacked a police station. at least 10 officers have been killed and another 6 have been injured. and the city of that is know con, walk us down and seen a number of attacks and the security forces in recent days. general elections are scheduled to take place on thursday and tomorrow heights has got more from the slum about this was this particular attack took place and the district of did a smile con um the remote for litigation which are situated outside the main city of the itemized con knowledge, and remember that data might have gone also borders what was formerly focused on
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the drivers duty of how to where this done. this was one of the hard bed of the day to get the bond focused on focused on the accused of wellness done, of providing centuries on, not doing and off disrupt the infiltration of the dollar bond fight that they have been attacking the police at random over the past few months, there's been a spike in the number of a tag. dozens of police men have been carried in february police station, so they attacked coming. uh, as you mentioned just days before the election, the ttp and it's affiliated group, there's a new group which is guard a movement for jihad and focused on the day. a good job focused on this is a group that has been claiming responsibility for multiple or diag, that'd been an attack and below just on as red and rich for p d. i a was good you. okay, so this is not new,
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but given the fact that the security forces, the police are going to be deployed on election day because this is going to be a sensitive election to have to maintain law and order. so therefore, uh there is likelihood of more attacks against the police at the time when they're busy and election year the, but this is not something new and it's likely to continue on to the issue. is it a dog for the one has done? and how focused on deals with this bill was come? i was just telling us all of this comes ahead of a highly contentious parliamentary election in pakistan that set for thursday, a 128000000 voters are registered to vote. but as come out explains, one of the country's most famous politicians is not on the about. it's another electron and bug it's done. but the mode is subdued in a country recovering from its worst economic and political crisis and decades. in april 2022, brian minutes came round con was ousted through
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a water of no confidence either zine from parliament. and the provincial assemblies of 2 major proven fish. the band made for new elections. con is now in prison and barred from the upcoming elections. but this party over the wireless or the domain to take part at independent candidates, the former prime minister. now why should he was previously convicted of corruption charges it back not been given, relieved from our previous convictions. another contained it belongs to the border of the focused on people, sparky, son of the as as an edge. busy of a prime minister banner did, but go, this is a good friend problem in the book to family stronghold for decades focused on southern province of then i've been ruled by dennis days and feel the lord. they've become even more fall portland road. yeah. even i watch my daughter to live in abject fall, where
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d without adequate to help get education and even clean drinking water or the shining tomb of the family stands out from the dwelling of the fall for them. if that story of misery and successive governments have not lived up to day campaign promise a south of the year, we are disappointed with only this of this country. as a consider was the slave lucas, our house. we don't have enough to feed our kids. we have seen many elections, but like the oldest, this time won't make any difference other to be below where to go to a spar, the so good in bed, clothes and house, whatever people, but decades of road by his parking at, nor drug about change, the problems that you mentioned are not isolated to send poverty. we'll discuss it the problems that we face and send below interest on the product. um,
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not only in our country in india, which is much larger than us, also faces such a problem without being run con into rage. mind the fight will remain between the buckets on people's party and the muslim league awards is of mismanagement, rampant corruption and misuse of fall as undermine confidence in the system. people are dressed progress on why do you have the the lecture? would it be free? in fact, i know where the dead board will even be counted or ignored. like previous elections come out of how you did under the, at all. it's normal, but the still ahead and i'll just say that there would be presidential candidates in russia as it looks like he won't be allowed to run against the flooding. air pollutants are going to be alive and most uninstalled also, when the workforce proved to be
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a decisive game in the english family cycle race. the had a lot of the pleasant weather conditions made for a pretty wonderful weekend because parts of europe particularly well the southwest and southern areas. we had spring like weather conditions above average temperatures, with people from booking to the beach in sicily to enjoy those weather conditions. now they're still there as we go into the new week that area of high pressure dominating across the west, drifting its way across most central areas will see temperatures well above the average here. but even if they do come down slightly in the west, they will be backup as we go into choose day. and the temperature is continuing to rise down in the very south for palomo and easily we up to $21.00 degrees celsius that on the wall above the average, with lots of sunshine now might look most sonya across the central areas. we've got gusty winds causing a problem in some areas of read warnings out across parts of germany for that west
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of whether thanks to this weather system that swelling its way through towards more eastern areas, bringing some heavy rain. so the lights of a check republic on monday, it clears off a saw the east north as we go into choose a bringing a wintry mix to scandinavia as well as small eastern areas. heavier rain across central pots of britain and the island of island will settled, however, in the south pole and counting the cost of china is economy face has a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? tech giants, making big profit skipped by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting, the cost on hours is 0. the demand for mental health support is going to know then at any time in the history, that's the biggest problem that we face the mental health enough. oh use that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark,
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what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready. and in jamaica, we'll skip magic mushrooms. everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well and stay with i know and the product life and all of psychiatry. my you said episode full on, on disease the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the what, you know, what is it a reminder about child stories. this is really,
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i'm is bombing heavily populated areas of jobs on an overnight air strike. leveled homes in the city of debt on fall out in the central part of the strip killing at least 13 con experience of injuring dozens of others. us back to cottage that forces in the city, i say 6 to verify it has, have been killed in a drones trying to attack happens in the us military base in the northeastern promise of us, or is on a resistance on the roof and the rock. this claims responsibility is really military. it has again conducted rates across the occupied west by and as far as installing the cities of ramallah novice and pebble, at least 28 palestinians have been invested. many palestinians forced to flee israel's attacks on gaza. i've been left with nothing displaced, living in camps are still finding ways to provide for their loved ones for one family. that means making and selling pizzas from make shift tents on the sides of
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district. the, the, the the the a provide me with the
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the the nice the push the to the list i sent the most definitely get the look with last night on the god you know, i'm the god. besides me, i shut in, i used to do that and i know, yeah, i didn't approve him. yeah,
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i knew i meant to something, you know, i never missed from the minister. i've known the times with enough, the 6 year old pun assuming the same as rush out has been missing for 7 days. she was travelling with some members of a family when there's really forces open 5 in the group and gaza city. everyone exception is believed or being killed. the pot of standing in red crescent society sent to rescue workers to help her. but nothing's being heard from them either seems mother's waiting for any word and our daughter and she's made display is a nice know some, what is the flow? him goes up the flow and it has to back the a multiple then the head of column one of the month that we have when a mazda, i'm a couple inside one of the head that, well, i mean a, we can know what i mean. even most the more them and it has much a son when i have been to high volume and let me know what your message is for me to eat my money because i had the flu. i had and told them that i had been you'll
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my had this note with my money comfortable sleep note was moving to i. so we move into most of, of us to dallas. that one was there and then it was like, you come but i'm going fix what he said. you have to spend. that's been fixed source and that's what this assman sydney, you're getting him this last the you know, getting him all the luck. not settled. winzip the does the good the i've been thinking how well because a couple of them, i just bought it on the bought have these about that it was 15 in the back. now. how does good there is some, have this one i have good. the whole must be i know that's what i mean. that's to unlock the, has been, was i started my, how did i'm the bad. you get logged, but i was thinking of seeing what we just knew could be different because of that. but we, la isabella, here we have the time is very limited. so if it was something so then the sooner the better for you, the sudden the how did the,
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how long did with the mister international sizes being what he calls a shocking spike in israel's campaign. of unlawful kennings, of palestinians in the occupied westbank. the right script is documented instances of his very forces using legal force with impunity on quote. a chilling disregard for palestinian lives is investigated for cases between october to november last year in which 20 palestinians, including 7 children were killed. the report also find is very forces prevented palestinians with life threatening injuries from receiving medical aid and attacks . those trying to help them including the 1st responders. 2023 was the worst year for palestinians since un records began at least $507.00 people were killed, including $81.00 children, $382.00 people at least have been killed in the occupied westbank since the water and guys have begun. and that includes 7 palestinian prisoners who died in his very
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custody. amnesty international is urging the international criminal court to investigate israel's killings. what of assigned is our research or on israel and palestine. it on this change national. just one of the offers of that new report. she's joining us. some of them are in the occupied west by a very good to have you with us. just tell us, 1st of all how you gather the evidence. the author of october and november, we interviewed him ok, interview and victims of these facts. in addition to survivors to families, all rendered attempts of people were killed by the forces we focused on specific locations and to get him area. and you said them in areas where there were struction of music cabinet systems to people who were injured. we've gathered all the video and audio visual evidence available on these cases and our evidence that
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team i asked you located and certified these pictures that we are the founding open source are received from the survivors and using these different interviews with people. and if it is there, all the visual evidence, we found that these 4 cases that we documented were emblematic of a pattern that has been used by as j forces, which is to fire protest you'd engaged at the people who called to clean those threats to today is that a soldier or a border police? when they were shot? we documented system of the accused of each other on the foot force using grades. you didn't get that expedited that'd be forces to break down and track down on code tests, including just into sports to start showing in started please violation of international human rights flow, which demands that the 3rd piece should not use excessive force the, again, by the people who skills doors, we also
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a child that is there any forces to matter to the sense from reaching wounded people that providing them with what could have been life saving treatment? nowhere to ask you more about that because that's something that we have been covering uh here at all just as well. this increase in the number of targets that are linked to uh, medical crews are trying to help people that just give us some of the details. you can kind of what you've heard about the way that to the medical cruise going to to people's assistance. i have been targeted by is really forces still one of the people to get him to the us as just as his son was shocked and he was trying the father of the what do i need to provide him with assistance? as soon as he to was trying to reach, he was shot, the person who was trying to have his son was shocked by integrity forces and then the list. and his father wanted us to be. we know that during the dates, is there a need for the says,
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please each to the entire area. sometimes for our given for these blocking lenses from beach and try to reach at great risk, especially their trust and community organization. they are shocked. we interviewed one at 1st as a supervisor and you mean who are directly shocked as cheap trying to as she was an ambulance. and this, this is not on you. we have been documenting these against face 1st, a provider ambulances, a in the bank for many years. but what we found is that this year, in particular, and in photo, i'm wondering what's going on with the attacks on hospitals that there has been this pipe and perhaps last weeks and read on the abc no us because it's an and you, it's all is there is complete disregard for the predicted state is that tough, but those are supposed to be joining. i understand that you won't be international
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criminal court to take some action against this because of course, the international criminal court deals with prosecutions against individuals. how confident, given, of course that, that about a couple of weeks ago, we saw that ruling from the international court of justice with regards to action that it says israel should take to prevent genocide in gaza. where does your confidence line know that if you take this evidence to the i see see something may happen or so we know that i sent you in case uh south africa filed against is a fixing, is there enough commuting to? and so i think that as a separate case, the case of the international court, unfortunately, we are not wanting to use, says the case against this day it was opened. we know that the inspection was knowledge by this point. and this,
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despite me to use the international criminal court hasn't been incredibly slow actually investigating is or is violation. what we found out is that the, some of the asked to mr. by incident then recovery did not work for the amount to win for 2 days. and waited for the inflicting suffering to all civilians. and these are more efficient to the context which is hard to huge is a crime against humanity and within the jurisdiction of the criminal international criminal court. we do believe that these cases, well the are in the back or is there is a heart that some against all palestinians are really in the, to miss this to the impartiality, objectivity and the for you to into the system is there is do this really has nothing to gauge these violations. but her son, we appreciate your being with us and i'll just do that. thank you very much. indeed for your time to watch those fun administrator. somebody is really
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a boss of the officer an interview she gave to russian media. the grandmother says it's one of how put in made for the calls unacceptable. public stipends on russian foreign policy during the interview hoffman and had questions of russia stance on the war and gaza. for more than this, we're going to speak to you in our shop, a lot of the in the most go. so what more do we know about this diplomatic situation that's being created as well? exactly. the news is rarely, i'm bosses a russia, a simone help or, and we'll be summoned to the russian for administrator. and also that interview with congress on newspaper and according to a number of sources here in vasa, the administrator for an offense decided to call the diplomats in connection with as they say, unacceptable. public statements by these really i'm boss of the questioning on disclosing russian foreign policy in being through you the people them outside that she believed an open and direct dialogue between the 2 countries and in the
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development of friendly relationship. but she off the question of why, how mosse was not included in russia's list of terrorist organizations, saying that russia's position worried how that russia was losing the sympathy and support of his rainy's, including russian speaking, is riley's on show. so expressed her position about the conflict and you, craig, saying that the ukranian territorial integrity was no disputed. so basically it seems that developing a story and of course we are about to hear more from before and ministry on that you have to stay with the ceiling because i wanted to ask her about something else . so the presidential count would be candidate bought us, not just in this is the election commission in moscow is fine. what it costs irregularities and his paperwork and message and telegram. now this is says the commission fund 15 percent of the signatures he submitted in support of his election. but what invalid that is incentives going to appeal decision to the high court. if the commission refuses to register him,
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the commission is due to make its final ruling on wednesday. so usually a lot of the chance is given that this is yet another opposition figure has been removed from the race of those standing against president vladimir putin. actually winning the yeah, well the chances appreciate them the commission recommends is that varies in addition, be refused to registration. the final decision diode him will be made at somebody's hang on february, the 7th, as you said, but a version additional visit is the only presidential hopeful with an anti will red shriek and a poor queuing day and night to lead the signatures in support of his candidacy and as it was the only. ringback way to show the anti will position without being detained and is growing popularity and his growing raising have cooled discontents in the kremlin because in the criminal they don't want to take
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additional risk here. they basically won't let him approves into when with an overwhelming number of votes and the overwhelming now with the overwhelming support as an addition can take a 2nd place with a double digit results grabbing food b and c, who a electrician. so basically, and we also had an anti war and a presidential hopeful cold cut serena didn't. so but, but she was bought from competing at school and she wasn't even allowed to that to start collecting signatures. but with boris in addition, obviously we see that the kremlin and the whole, the country has seen a chance for a just to the well, basically they've seen that people. uh, actually there are many people who are ready to vote against present person for someone else. and there are people who actually want to express the on to will sentiment you're, there's hope of altima in most go, you'll have thank you very much indeed to say that it has declared to 2 days of
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morning for the victims of wild fires, at least a 112 people have been killed as far as burning central parts of the country that our fears the death toll could rise. about 400 people to run, accounted for a lot in america, editor of the sea, and human reports began with what people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce winds in just minutes. they turn these homes into an infernal rook center. miss that tells us every one under her street is pitching in degrees of level, the only thing left of their possessions except for the clothes on their back, and we run for our lives helping our elderly neighbors. we all help for 3 naples, died. the heat and the flames were unbearable. the condo fees of the deadliest wild flyers in the history of chile, a country already familiar with natural disasters. hundreds remain missing.
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presumed dead, firefighters continue working day and night to control the fires in the densely populated valid but a slow region. if we're supposed to meet the gate chief leslie's hi me, who's been fighting fires for 40 years, says, is convinced they were started deliberately. what, what you're focusing on time it's, i think they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour in 6 different places . and the winds were extremely strong. humidity, very low, and the temperature is high, but not enough to ignite a fire on its own. this was no accidental. the government appears to agree and vows to find and punish the culprits which might have taken minutes to light. good, 2 weeks to extinguish. this may look like a very small fly right now, but this is a pine tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree. they're very deep. they go all the way down here
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all the way up there. so when you seem to put out the fire, it can ignite it at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again to try to extinguish it. mister muncie, i lost everything. his car, his home, and just livelihood in nor mrs. green house for growing and selling exotic plants. luckily he was away with it all went up in smoke. unlike his dog napoleon, who survived, but just barely. okay. yeah, yep. i felt that obviously there had been 5 before up in the hills, but this time homes were lost and i've been living here 30 years. neighboring countries are offering help, which to me will lead. as reports emerge of new wild fires for this helps to see a newman al jazeera in the park, but i used to region chevy. it would depend, as well as got one of the highest inflation rates in the world, despite the lifting of us sanctions and dropping prices. many people are still
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struggling to cope money on a sentence reports when inflation failed from $300.00 to a 190 percent last year. there was reason to celebrate for some in venezuela, at the south american nation still have one of the highest weights in the world with wages frozen for the past 2 years and no exchange rates. making a trip to the shop is a nightmare for many level various as they own. last year i would get food for the week with the equivalent of $20.00. now i get enough to 3 days. meet some fishes so expensive. my pension is 3.5 dollars a month. what are we going to do? the local believe that a currency uses value against the dollar from week to week. it is obviously less is only god can help her. i go shopping, praying so i can buy all i need. things are more more expensive by the day. economists say the government is not raising, we just to control the installation,
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but president neglect moto says things are better with good supply. at 90 percent market traders save businesses back because customers don't have enough cash was on the flat. then on our initial year level, people used to buy 10 bananas. now they take 2 or 3 spending has gone down all over the country. we're all affected in order to sell her products to one americans. if she lets customers pay weeks later, take the index that people can afford on the all people who spend many days of the month without a penny. so i let them take my products. they always come back to pay me the you is listed sanctions and then this will let you know tobar you seen restrictions on the countries financial golden energy sectors has boosted the economy. the condition to prevent sanctions being re in post is to guarantee fair elections. so let's say the road to recovery will be determined by the general election this year. and what is
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the 2nd nomic sanctions and agreements could impact our estimation of inflation rates. we're not optimistic because in an electoral year we always see the rates go up. my most optimistic number is 170 percent. that prediction of high inflation and storing prices for the foreseeable future is the last thing. these shoppers want to hear. when the innocent is a defeated it's done 1st. busy as far, rob, thank you so much. the real estate of new jersey? well, how's the 2026 world cup final football is governing body fee for has released details of what will be the biggest ever woke up the tournament. will involve a record number of teams and as being held across the 3 countries, adding richardson reports. so here we are for the biggest announcement in the history, all the announcements with will the final of the 2026 feet woke
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up the plague when there is your new jersey. faith has never been in organization. so shy away from it that if i personally, the scale of this world cup is without see cool. the 2026 woke up final will be played at the met life stadium in new jersey. the last of an unprecedented 104 met . she's taking place across 3 countries with millions of people coming to the united states for the whole woke up to mexico into canada as well. and of course, being in new york, which is such a cosmopolitan city. what do you have between you work in new jersey over to one of the nationalities? mexico's us take a state email hosting, opening much. it's a country that's helped to previous will cups in 19701986. we are toronto, the world companies in canada for the 1st time we are canadas opening day like mexico. it will have the teen matches. the tournaments has been expanded to include
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full t, a teams compared with the $32.00. we sort catch all 2022. it will less the record the t 9 days. that's 10 days longer than the previous world cup. the new full mouthful feature at 12 full team groups and i left the t 2 not cat round for the 1st time to miami. in contrast to cancel, plays and spends will be doing a lot of traveling. the shortest distance between the quotes of final and semi final venue is moving 800 kilometers, with all the teams, not just the united states or mexico, a count of the ideas that you, you get them to a location throughout the time that you don't have teams jumping across the country, the big positive, the international teams is the increased chance of qualifying africa, for example, will be represented by at least knowing countries up from 5 in 2022 on the richardson, l g 0, roman dre drawn points. and the spanish title raised carlo enchilada aside, took the lead through brit hume, diaz. again, the city rivals, athletic, go around,
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can see that a lady equalizer has matched finish level at $11.00 round are still top of the table. 2 points clear of jerome arsenal has moved up to 2nd in the primary lead table after a big win over levered pool arsenal went into this game. trailing liver pulled by 5 points. they took the lead through kyle soccer. just before half time li live in full equalize things to an arsenal own goal by defenders gabrielle arsenal made most of some confusion and live his defense to go to one up in the 2nd half and an injury time in order to ceasar and seal beats free one victory, 6. then we'll see that we did it in the state and is the best sites in the season. we demanded that we had to go to a different level and connect it again to the mazda at the lake, has every game. and they have responded in the way,
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i'm not saying that play is left absolutely everything they put the heart of this all in every single both. and i kind of in the browser, if you want to find a specialist who becomes german, england and probably another i positive ask because most of the time you but being theater 2nd. so i'm sorry to say that but and you have to in football games, i know that and as many as you can and this is able to integrate one egypt had code truly. victoria has been sacked after the teams last 16 exits at the applicant couple of nations. the 7th time champions fail to win a game out the tournament in ivory coast. beside last mohammed solid the entry and just the 2nd game mohammed you service of former o l e. coach has been appointed as in term manager and the and b, the oklahoma city center defeat of the toronto raptors in double overtime. a sondors josh getty scored 24 points, pharmacy moses for an a record's 233 pointers in the game,
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oklahoma city went on to overturn a 23 point deficit, piece of rafters, 835-2127. and cricket india one the 2nd test match against england england captain ben stoves was run out as a team, chased the victory and target of $399.00. desperate for me. i took the last 4 digits and he finished with 9 in the match. and the winning this contest by a 106 runs to level the series. and there's been a memorable performance by new zealand ration levin drive, therefore, in his 1st test century against the bath. okay. he went on to convert it to a double 100, finishing with 240 runs after 9 hours in faddie to put new zealand and control. and things got pretty heated in the funnel, the mobility, a open question, tennis star, warner courts took his post ration out on his racket after and on. forced air courts was never able to regain his composure. and eventually, loss to alexander's is like it has expand the victory news boot like up to
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a clear high 23. okay. and that is all your support for now back to rob fire. thank you very much indeed. now dean is going to be here in a couple of minutes with me on all these stores. don't forget the website. i'll just need to talk. com. i know about this and stay with us and i'll just the of the month of the fish bucket gone is ordering a general election on february the 8th with this form or later on von, and present many buckets on. is that asking if the boys will be free and they're without the data for the latest development and deep end analysis to say, operating current, say, if the religion was the fear that you might be left behind. delving into the dark side to reveal how tuesday calls and still fear to exploit and manipulate to journey powerful force featuring 1st time testimonies from those with skate their
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narratives and the lessons that should be here. the right person in charge of an insane script. the script becomes believable. a fucking lips made the end of fear on a jersey. a whirl expense on the southern tip of the korean peninsula is a testing ground for public transport of the future. this is a mock very important the gateway to electric flying. taxis division is an automated aerial public transport system, connected by a network of vertical dots and ports on rooftops high above the congested roads. below what you see behind me is d. o path. the optionally piloted personnel air vehicles south korea's answer to the air test. it's 1st public test flight marks, a mountain of source for the country. that's gaming to launch the flying taxi's as
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early as a year. 2025. the the is ro attacks the gaza strip from the north to the south with heavy bombing reported in gaza. city didn't find out. and did of on the you're watching all the 0 light from my headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligated to also coming up the us sector,
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state antony blinking is on his way to saudi arabia where israel's months long war and gosh, i will dominate his agenda. an amnesty international report reveals


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