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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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the, the the is ro attacks the gaza strip from the north to the south with heavy bombing reported in gaza. city did and found out and get up on the you're watching all the 0 light for my headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligated to also coming up the us sector of state antony blinking is on his way to saudi arabia where israel's months long war on gosh, i will dominate his agenda. an amnesty international report reveals, arise and least sole source used against palestinians in the occupied west,
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spring on rest, and sent a go off to the president's office phones, the upcoming election, the it's 11 gmc about to 1 pm in gaza, where the is really army is bombing from the north to south of the strip, often targeting heavily populated areas. after nearly 4 months of bombardments and countless evacuation orders as as really forces purcell's palestinian say there is no where left to run. take a look at gaza city in the north where israel's military assault was 1st focused destruction and devastation is everywhere. fighting is still going on. and that's despite is really claims that they had gain security control over the area. meanwhile, an overnight is really our strike is at homes and date and by lawson central,
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also killing at least 30 people and injuring thousands more. many of those killed were children. more than 80 percent of girls. this population has not been displaced. half that number is crammed into the southern end of garza and dropped off. it's where it is really ordered palestinians to go for their own safety. but if i to is being bond and is really forced to say they're expanding their ground operations there. well, dozens of palestinian families and that's off or being forced to use a cemetery as a place to shelter. they started pitching their tents and the tombstones because there's just simply no other space children. they're living without basic necessities. and the cold weather is causing a string of diseases. let me put in my will waiting for the day that we join those buried here. what else can i say? there's nothing to eat. we cannot sleep. the most simple right for human is a bathroom. there's none the most simple right for human is water. there's no way
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that peaceful joining us now from what i saw is our correspondence. tiny, my fluid. so honey, the north and central regions of the gaza strip. and in fact, where you are and left off being struck by israel. a yes, well, so far what we're looking at an overnight a tax on hours of this morning. and just within the past few minutes, more bombings, leading into more displacement and more distraction. not only for people and the southern part here in order to center the, but also in large named the northern part of the business is the subject of relentless. a mass of airs. riots has relentless artillery southern since the beginning of the or more residential homes are being targeted and destroyed. more evacuations centers and zones into another part of the golf as they are being rated, as well as being targeted by attacking drones on terrorist and enforcing the vast
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majority of people who've been on the run since the beginning of the world seeking a refuge and a show started from one place into another. literally we look at out an entire population is trying to do in gaza. and then older part moving from one is 3 it to another, from neighborhood to another seeking safety if it exists. but we have in the central a, an overnight attacks the group of residential homes were targeted and destroyed, causing the death of at least 30 palestinians. the vast majority of them were women, and children, and tens of other injury is a critic of injuries arriving to look for hospitality and already over well hospitalized suffered from lack of medical supplies in the shortage in the medical . the stop just preventing the husband from a given the medical intervention, not the se for saving lives. the situation are getting very difficult, bite our particularly when there's growing news and leading to concern and panic,
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to the 1900000. just the policy of a possible expansion of the round invasion in, throughout the city where people have no other place to go to of the honey. so what are the conditions like and rough? i'm where you are because we, we understand that people leaving the other parts of the gaza strip are coming to the south, which is supposed to be a safe area. very difficult living conditions for the vast majority of people here in rough. i say this since the beginning of the word, we've talked about large number more than half of the population. been a squeeze that in, crammed into this part of the gods are very small. and just to, to know more about what's going on in terms of situation, the violations of human rights and all the of the, of the group started. in fact,
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this is committed by these really monetary we're joined by human rights rights activists and the lawyer front of them. is that a center for human rights mr. badger that has just to explain more about what they have been a documenting of these atrocities is their budget. thank you so much for joining us . there is an intention of these really monitoring to come to a rough, a city we'd be, we heard the statements made by that the, the defense minister talking about expanding the operation throughout the city. what does that look like for you on the grounds, conducting and documenting human rights violations? it's a i think if the is relative ation is intending to attack or off, then we are talking about at that we witness the last chapter of this, of this genocide and was simply because we are off off is hosting a 1800000 display civilian in addition to the
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2200s of origin and happy time. so we are talking about the most over populated area in the world in this new post the city roughly. then you can imagine the, the, the, the huge, the, the huge, okay, it casualties and kills once if they decided to to attack off, i think is royal day by day is continuing. it's ongoing genocide. i think this water should stop simply because it is targeting civilians. and if they decide to come through it off of them, we will see the darkest moment in the, in the, in the, in the, in the history of the palestinian civilians. we uh, as you want us, organizations can said that what is going on as a gross violation to the international humanitarian low israel is violating things
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before. 4 basic principles that does that sound the responsibility on us. they thought they liked it. first one, proportionality, the 2nd one best could, i mean each discrimination between combatants and civilians. the fed is mississippi, there is no justification to what is being happening and because it's to, i'm the, i'm doing. the 4th principle is the humanity. now the patient, the state of the is the corporation, is the state above the law. we could say that the state office requested the decision policies, the united nation, us, the more the other put on the picture, you disappeared as you move this to the site gets better. thank you so much. thank you. so as we heard from mr badge that the lawyer and a human right active, it's on the ground been documenting cases of the gruesome violations of human
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rights continue. what do you mean? i zation of palestinian. what are the, where the 10 or, or the fox of, of the genocide, the lax on the ground, is something that palestinians so anxious to see an end to an a waiting for a ceasefire moment that will relieve them of from the ongoing, intense bombing campaign. all right, thank you so much, honey reporting for us from what i find the gaza strip, the us lecture of state antony blinking is once again heading to the middle east. he spoke about the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis and gaza ahead of his trip. he's due to visit saudi arabia, israel, egypt on cats, are the trip comes to his days after that is really minister. it's a more been give your criticise the us response to israel's war on guys on very challenges joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so what is on blinking is agend . um, what's he going to achieve? the yeah, what is something about a crisis to this?
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the non to be blinking is just taking upon themselves these, that landing in riyadh and round about. now if you have somebody who already is supposed to be to the landing pretty soon, he's got a day of torques, then he's going on tomorrow to colorado and then to the hallway. you are the rates . and then also that on wednesday, he's coming here to this part of the wells tend to be very slim and the west bank as well. of course he's going to be talking along the way about why the regional instability he's gonna be talking about. ron is going to talk about yemen is going to be talking about recent u. k. and us as strikes on who's the targets in yemen and targets in syria and iraq as well. but of course, when he gets hit, the primary focus is going to be on the role in gaza and that's take some of it. and the national security advisor set to the purpose of lincoln strip is basically it's trying to help the humanitarian situation in gauze that we understand that. so that's job binding. this got to increase me frustrated with benjamin netanyahu that
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are being reported in us. media is pretty on site re, things that bite, and as far as that being said, about destiny are you behind the play store sites have been denied by the white house, but the police here in israel, but he's in his route, is that of the blinking. it's a, it's a basically trying to squeeze netanyahu available, put pressure on him to accept a cx 5 deals finds that are all those within that, you know, he's coalition on the right flank, fall right flank. he said he shouldn't go anywhere near that sort of thing. and refrains, then give it, it's mom and give her a certain pull down the government's pull down that coalition. and if nothing, you know, he's signs up to anything. and that's he doesn't believe is the right thing for israel. and that's the, the thinking here is a bite and once is route to sign up to a deal to settle what kind of domino effect but with the brain about a more terrible sputtering cause of that would solve
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a fighting on israel is northern border with has been already lebanon, and perhaps guess saudi is ready, normalization, back on track, of course that are domestic issues here as well. so for fighting sit biden's administration, he can see that the war and gauze, or is really damaging his re election prospects in november. lots of a fight says in the us would normally have democrats and looking at this particular if they come from arab american populations, all the young about. it says they think that the us is complicity in genocide at the moment. so while there is a struggle for actual physical survival going on and gone, is that right now with the moments in jerusalem and in dc, that's a more political battles. plus the bible going on right now to all right, thank you so much. marie reported from occupied east jerusalem. the u. s. s. carried out more strikes on the targets in yemen and a new wave of attacks against the rainy and back group. the by the administrator and says and doesn't want the bombing campaign to set off a regional war,
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but that it won't let assaults on us forces uncommercial. ships go on, answered national security advisor. jake sullivan says more american strikes are expected us and us back. curtis lead forces in syria, say 6 of their fighters have been killed in a drone strike. the attack happens on a us military base and the north eastern province of data sword. this logic resistance armed group and iraq has claimed responsibility. zayna who is joining us from the south of what i've been on for this story. what, what happens, and what more are you learning about this attack as well, the credit sled, siri, and time of classic forces have lost 6 men. they were killed in that drone strike, but the target appears to be the us base they were in the us base. these are allies of the united states, according to the sonic resistance in iraq. they claimed responsibility in their statement. they do mention the target being what they are calling the occupation
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base the us occupation base. so this is the 1st major significant attack against us forces in iraq and syria since friday. since the u. s. military carried out dozens of strikes against iranian back to arms groups in syria and iraq, in retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers in jordan. the aim of those strikes were to deter iranian back groups from targeting from further targeting us to the troops in iraq and syria. clearly that is not working. so these groups are carrying out these attacks because they believe the u. s. is complicit then as well as war on garza. they believe the united states has unconditional supports to as well, allows it to continue targeting to targeting garza and they say this will only stop if there is a ceasefire in garza. but there's also something else for these groups. um,
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part of the so called excess of resistance, they have long stated that their goal is to push us forces out of the region for them. this would be a victory for them. this will be the ultimate retaliation if you like. not just for you can hear i'm, i'm sure if you heard that are totally so we are also along a very volatile border because the gods award has spread across across the region. so for these around the and back groups, the aim is to push us forces out of the region, but at the same time, so supports to gaza. so all right. so and i thank you so much and i'll close that report. if somebody's arguing in the self 11 on, in the occupied westbank is really military, has again conducted raids across several cities incursions took place and sort of cutting. but i'm a monopolist and have her on is really for us as of a rest that at least 28 palestinians. and if these 382 have been killed since israel last it's, we're on gaza on october 7th,
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need to i. but i am has more from bethlehem in the occupied westbank. the main one to play is need in a few g time, which is to the noise of the all to part of the us to mag need. novelist with palestinians have use some help me exclusive devices to fight to the is really forces that have been raising the fugitives know according to our sources. they are, these really forces i'm surrounded the house that they say belongs to a one to the palestinian man. they could not find the man, but what they did is that they were arrested at relative. and again, this is a tactic that we've been seeing these really forces using before the war, but they've intensified their use of this collective punishment. the use of okay, and that's a rest of a brother, a sister, a father and mother to kind of put pressure on that one to tell us the news to hand themselves in the raise of continued also elsewhere in the
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a few fights with bang. they've been taking place in drama lot in geneva, and as far as we can look at the bigger fixture, the most place that has been wait is by these really forces, when it comes to the occupies westbank, has been never this followed by the law. and janine, we talk about these really violations and these really tension this has been directed towards the palestinians. we're not just talking about these when the forces. and these really filters were also talking about these really set killers who have been attacking kind of thing is just a few could almost, there is a way from where i am right now is really circulars of attack. if alice, sidney and car need, and then megan is really supplement, they've also groups of settlers have gathered in a street in a sort of messiah village, which is basically in the street that connects the north and they occupied those things with the rest of it. they have a put some tires on the street, making the movement defrost is really difficult and it is because of those growing,
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subtler attacks. again, spouse thing is that we see movement at night between 1200. that's becoming really dangerous. and really, really difficult. still ahead on alta 0, supporters of el salvador as president scholars to celebrate for slain to re election before votes were fully on the business. latest sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business late industries sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination in dubai and federal tax upfront takes on the biggest cities of context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront on how to 0. the
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the hello again. here's a reminder of the top stories on alpha 0. this our piece really army is bonding heavily populated areas of awesome. an overnight air strikes levels, phones in the city of dayton, bye now from the central part of the strip ceiling, at least 30 palestinians and enjoying jobs. us stock. curtis lead forces in syria say 6 of their fighters have been killed in a drone strike. the attack happens on a us military base in the northeastern province of data source. the slavic resistance on preventing rocks has changed. responsibility is really military has, again conducted raids across the occupied west bank. its forces storm the cities of twins cut in, but i'm a monopolist. i'm have runs at least 28 palestinians have been arrested. understands your national says there's been what it calls a shocking spike and israel's campaign of unlawful killings of palestinians and
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occupied westbank. the rights group has documented instances of is really forces using lea full force with impunity and quote, a chilling disregard for palestinian lives. it investigated 4 cases between october and november last year in which 20 palestinians, including 7 children were killed. the report also found is really forces prevented palestinians with life threatening injuries from receiving medical aids, an attack those trying to help them including 1st responders. 2023 was the worst year for palestinian since un records began. at least 507 people were killed, including 81 children. a staggering 382 people had been killed in the occupied westbank since the war on gaza began. that includes 7 palestinian prisoners who died in is really custody. and this the international as early doing the
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international criminal court to investigate israel's unlawful killings. but do it how son is a research on israel and palestine and amnesty international? and is one of the authors of thought reports. she spoke to algebra 0 about their findings. one of the people in to get him to the us that just as his son was shocked and he was trying the father of the was driving to provide him with assistance. as soon as he was trying to reach, he was shot to the person who was trying to help his son was supposed to buy it saturday forces and then the list. and his father wanted us to be, we know that during rates is there a need for says they speech to the entire area. sometimes for our, even for these blocking ambulances from beach and government says that try to reach at great risk, especially their trust and community organization. they are shocked at. we interviewed one a 1st aid provided in janine who was guided me,
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shot as cheap try to as she was in an ambulance. and this, this is nothing new. we have been documenting these attacks against face 1st 8 providers, ambulances, a in the west bank for many years. but what we found is that this year in particular, and in full and wonder what's going on because the attacks on hosted those that there has been this pipe center goals. national assembly is debating a bill that would re schedule the election to august 25th and extend president micah salas mandates until his successor is elected sol. postpone the vote on saturday, citing controversy over the selection of candidates because talk reports from the car. are
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the signals that can stop us, says the presidential, hopeful and go progress were exercising our basic rights. we have an appointment with this syndic lease people. security forces, prevent her from meeting party supporters. then she's arrested accused of taking part in an illegal gathering and mast officers seen forcing her into a police van hours before the start of campaigning on saturday. president lucky saw cancelled this month's presidential election. he says he's protecting democracy and isn't trying to extend his own term, but his decision is fueling widespread anger in the district of the car named liberty protestors showing their defiance. the cancellation of the vote is seen as an injustice protest who is say, once again, the powerful or robbing them of the chance to make their own future. for a moment. we are in a country where people are mistreated, it's really tough for us. the world needs on desantis. this is
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a cry from the hearts. i'm a struggling entrepreneur. i have a master's degree. i'm left so like coffee on the streets. yeah. there's no work. jobs are given to those of political connections. we won't work. so we want to work for our country. our time has come now. they are protesting with the opposition is calling a constitutional, coo and block and avenue leading to the presidential palace. they are urging others to join their revolts. the west african regional organization echo was the us and friends of all expressed concerned and urged you know, it's a bit of an election. thank you. feel that it could pull up any point and this is not what we these of because the people themselves know we just conflict. no, any conflict, but you have localize way to send isn't conflicts, and bass fight, then destroys thing, guys. so south public. it was been regarded as the most stable democracy in west africa no longer seems so stable. nicholas hawk elgin's 0
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votes are being cancelled in el salvador as presidential election. but the encompass diable. kelly has already declared himself the winner. manuel. rep hello reports from the capital, the celebrations and the salvador and capital supporters of the kelly, cheering on a victory that will give the controversial president 2nd term after the before you . we didn't have hope, but today we have it. and that means a lot appearing before a crowd of thousands, gilly called the election historic all now in the next 5 years. just wait and see what we're going to do because we are going to continue doing the impossible and showing the world the example of el salvador nigi. but kelly largely owes his support to his administration's hard line policy to rid the country of dang, like m, s 13. and the 18th street gang would have caused chaos in el salvador for the last
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30 years. those successful in dealing with criminal gangs. critics say the suspension of civil liberties, consolidation of power, along with an unconstitutional bid for re election, have made look at it a democratically elected dictator. he has everything, you know, all the power there and no controls. there's no way defending the flowers. so that's what we're seeing today. i mean there's no precedent the one the, even though there was an expectation that salvador in president and able get a would win by a landslide. the celebrations here in el salvador historic center are still massive though human rights and civil liberties. advocates continue to warn that el salvador is walking a dangerous type road for a majority of salvatore and the promise of a future. safety and security is the norm. ways just about any other alternative
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men will drop a little al, jazeera sunset of other and that's it for me. thanks for watching. the weather is next, then it's inside story. you can always cut on line to, i'll just the result from as well for all the days of stories by the high low that powerful storm systems. what this way across east asia, from the earlier satellite image, you can see it moving across the korean peninsula through to japan, bringing wintery went to and when the conditions. now on tuesday, we still have that normally flow, keeping things logically cool across places like south korea, as well as japan, the temperature in tokyo, just touching 5 degrees celsius the on choose day. still a mix of snow and rain continuing as we go into the mid week, but it is looking
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a little bit room of the on wedding. stay behind that we have got another system working its way across a south of china, recent drenching down pools, freezing rain to most central areas and bits and pieces of snow. here in the laundry, cloudy, full shanghai over the next few days, and improving pick up in the north for basing. if we have a look at the outlook will be up to 7 degrees celsius. so above average on friday, with sunshine, through to the end of the week. now it is looking much quieter across the northern parts of south asia as that west of the disturbance pushes its way further east. taking rain to the port and boots had lost huge. why behind that hardly any warnings, not only for funk, for additional launch, we settled with sunshine across the south of india. the meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year. we source
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that change, it became clear at that point, but we really were really kind of a new era of know about the slower it's maria theresa and professor michael wooldridge explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to talk. hassan is about to hold another election. the opposition is complaining of unprecedented political refreshments. will the outcome make a difference? this time and just how much influence is the army having on august on the policy. this is inside story the how does that.


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