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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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for sufficient intelligence, it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to the the hello and robot this. and then this is the news on life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, is there electronics for gaza strip from the north to the side of the heavy bombings reported in gaza. say to get on bala, unlawful living among the dance palestinians pitch make shift time. send a cemetery in rough or significant. nowhere else to go. and i'm gonna say international reports reveals a rise and leave full force used against palestinians in the occupied west by one
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child as dying every 2 hours from long nutrition and one of sedans. largest refugee comes doctors without borders, calls that catastrophic. and in sports, he was state of new jersey. we'll host the 2026 welcome sign on footballs, governing body feet has released details. so what will be, is his biggest ever turn? the 13 g m t, that's 3 pm in garza with he is really armies bombing from the north to the sides of the strip. off and targeting heavily populated areas. often nearly 4 months bombardment. i'm complex evacuation orders. this is really forces push side of pato standing and say there's nowhere left to run. not this is guys a city in the north. this is where it is. it was military assault was 1st focused.
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there's destruction and devastation everywhere i'm fighting is still going on. that's despite is really times that they have gained security control over the area . meanwhile, and overnight is very air strikes us at homes. in general, bala in central gals are killing at least 13 people that injuring dozens more. many of those killed were chosen more than 80 percent of gases populations not being displaced past that number is crammed into the southern end of gaza. in rafa, it's where israel ordered palestinians to go for their own safety. drug golfing, too, is being bombed and is ready for us to say they're expanding the ground operations there. or does a palestinian family's aims off or being forced to use a cemetery as a place to shelter? it started pitching their tents among the tombstones because there's simply no other space and children there are living without basic necessities. the cold weather is causing a variety of diseases. new put him off when we are waiting for the
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day that we join those buried here. what else can i say? there's nothing to eat. we cannot sleep. the most simple right for human is a bathroom. there is none. the most simple right for human is water. there is no way that each so honeywell, who is involved in the southern gaza. so the central and northern regions are being hit, the central region seems to be hit taking that most attacks at the moment of the yes, that's right. done just within the past hour. so another residential home in the central area emitted by city. so it less than 24 hours after a massive, relentless error strikes over and i target in the group of residential homes and causing the death of 30 people right now, just within the past hour, another residential no more targeted. a number of people reported killed, including women and children, all rushed into a lock sauce has to go. it's important to point out that review or the more bomb it
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means or lead into an over whelming conditions on hospitals across the golf street . but many right now, a lockbox, but there's really over well exhausted medical this stuff just find it very difficult to do, offer the necessary medical and medical intervention for the injured ones. in fact, a lot of people died on the floor of the hospital due to the shorter medical supplies and then the ability to intervene immediately and to save lives. and yadda . and the northern partner of more bombing, an intense artillery sitting today from parts. but more right now, concentrated around the, the colleagues complex. that's the western part of gaza city around this lake and our universities and also within the vicinity of honor was main headquarters in gauze as to where there is going on. a systematic control, demolition of older residential homes in the area. so far there's really military,
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is it creating conditions on the ground to make life very difficult for palestinians to live in golf on the northern part of eventually forcing them into explosion. i mean, obviously with these attacks continuing and obviously these are the fact that it's going to push it to its ground forces 5, the size. that means that an awful lot of people are going to be heading towards where you are and rough. uh, what kind of conditions are they gonna see when they get there a very difficult and challenging living conditions and run by since the beginning of the war on intensifying the air strikes and the military operations in both hon unit and a central area where more people were forced out of their homes and came here to rough as city. but really that city is over crowded. evacuation centers are packed with this with palestinians. we have people right now setting up their tents inside cemetery is just, this is a how much difficult the situation and how difficult living conditions. uh,
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ended up in rough actually did. people do not have a space, not even industries where people in the past set up their tents on the side roads. now they're seeking refuge on june 3rd inside cemetery. and top of that, there is the problem of many goals of medical supplies that are very depleted and food supplies and water, where most of the water consume deer is contaminated. everything is, is looking very difficult for people here. and with, with that intention of, there's really monetary the for a further plan to expand the operation and brought back to the mounting of pressure and the state of panic. and fear a mind people who because they don't have any other option. they don't have any other place to go to, to fix safety, safety, and refuge as the war continues. in fact, people think if they are, the operation is started. they don't have another option but deprives to egypt.
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however, before they feed into their permanent displacement, something they don't want it to happen. but it's saying a robot is also very dangerous for them. as rough i is increasingly becoming unsafe, given that the bombing is getting closer and closer to each housing base and very intense in town in terms of magnitude on the level of destruction, it is causing so far trying. thank you very much, honey mama talking to us in the rough in southern garza, a 6 year old palestinian girls and the right job has been missing for 7 days. she was dropping with some members of our family and is ready for us is open 5 and the group in gaza. city every one except and is believed are being killed. the palestinian red crescent society sent to rescue workers to help her. but nothing's being had from them either. his mother's waiting for any word on her daughter and she has made this play. nice know, sam, what is the plan? brush up the plan. it has to like the a multiple, then the head of the month that we are when a mazda, i'm
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a couple inside one of the, the head that, well, i mean a, we can now when i'm in the morning and i had much or a son wouldn't have been to have them, you know, when you'll measure the money, look the had the we have to go ahead and told them it had the had been your, my head this know enough, i'm comfortable sleep note moving to i. so we move into most of us to balance them is they're smarter than why you come, but i'm going to say 40 sonya, please send me to spend. that's been fixed so our summer and that's what this absence in getting him. this last the good and good luck not settled when victor positive of us not going to see how much the marvin think of how well this of the how about the boss have these are about the it was 1500 bath now. how does it get there? is some, have this one i have good, the whole must be. i know that's what i mean. that's to unlock the history and lice . thought of my how good did i know the bad you didn't mind, but i was gonna see,
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i know we just knew could be because of that, but we love the somebody here we have the we've had time is very limited. so if it was something, so maybe i'll sort of the fill up the better for, you know, the sudden the how did the, how long did with the fees in spain as an artist is going to send an additional $3800000.00 to the u. n 's agency for palestinian refugees and father in minnesota . jose manuel i bought a says the humanitarian situation in gaza is desperate. major donors including the u. s. on germany suspended funding off to israel accuse 12 on my stuff of being involved in the october 7th for tax. the agency provides like sitting assistance to more than 1800000 people. us secretary of state and to me, banking is once again heading to the middle east. you spoken about the urgent need to address that you monetary in crisis, and garza ahead of his trip is due to visit saturday or maybe i'm israel. egypt on
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caught on. the trip comes just days after. is there any minutes to if not bring via criticize the us response to israel's war on gaza? we're going to speak to him how much i'm doing in television. so what are the expectations for this latest visit by and to me, blank into the reach. so rob, this is going to be difficult trip for us x ray of say advanced me blinking now the the purpose of the visit as announced by the, by the ministration at the top of the agenda is to try to get more humanitarian aid into gossip. the secretary is going to be this thing, saudi arabia, egypt, father. then he's going to be coming to tel aviv, where we are here, as well as jerusalem and the occupied west bank. now it's also expected that the secretary blinking is going to be discussing what's going on wider in the region right now. specifically those us lead airstrikes and places like yemen at all. can
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syria against iran fact targets the us secretary of state wants to try to ease tensions in the region? that is certainly something that is going to be paramount on his agenda because us, president joe biden is very concerned about a wider escalation about a conflagration in the region. that's why it's so important for blinking to be making this trip right now. you can see it is essentially kind of a crisis tour of the region at a time when the tensions are at an all time high. he's trying to de escalate the situation, but a lot is going to depend on what he is able to achieve when it comes to a potential ceasefire in gaza. because joe biden believes that's as it's been reported that if they are able to achieve a ceasefire or perhaps a months long cease fire in gaza that that would significantly reduce the level of tension that you would see a decrease intentions on israel's border with lebanon as well as decrease intention in places like yemen, so a lot for blinking to try to accomplish a lot of expectations. but it's going to be tricky for him to navigate all of this
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. it's such a critical time wrapped up over the last several weeks. you and our teams have been reporting and the families and friends have been putting pressure on the nation, yahoo war cabinet to organize some sort of a release of captives that are being held in gaza in israel at the moment. is there any um, expectation or any thinking about whether or not down to the banking this visit is going to put more pressure and that's in yahoo to actually accept a ceasefire deal. so conventional wisdom in israel, when you look across these really media landscape where you have a lot of anonymous government officials, being quoted in various publications. the conventional wisdom is that blinking is here to exert a lot of pressure on that's in yahoo to try to not be so intransigent when it comes to israel stance on gaza. because you've seen those past trips by blinking when the administration of joe biden has placed a lot of expectations on that end. there hasn't been much of
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a diplomatic success when it comes to those trips. they've not been able to really move the needle when it comes to. that's an yahoo! in his stance on the war, it's clear that blinking does want to see nothing. yahoo do more to get to that cease fire. everybody here thinks that blinking is going to be putting that pressure on it's yahoo, but nothing yahoo isn't just under pressure from the us administration because right now you've also had people like, as you mentioned in, in your info to me, rob you had it more been give here the far right, we national security minister, who criticized joe biden. just a couple of days ago in an interview. you have the pressure from the us ministration and that's in yahoo for him to do more. then you have pressure from the right flank. people like it's more been given here who have been essentially saying publicly for the last couple of weeks that they are willing to walk away from this governing coalition and collapse the government if they think that netanyahu is entering into some kind of a deal that would see the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners or that would mean effectively into the war. then you also have mentioned yahoo being under pressure from members of the opposition. people like yeah, you're lucky the opposition leader who has criticized nothing. yeah. who publicly
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many times and called on him to resign. and then you also have the whole being under pressure from people like when he gets them. remember the opposition who joined the unity government as part of the war cabinet now, and is also publicly threatening to walk away from the government if he thinks that nothing yahoo is keeping under pressure from the right wing. and it's not going to answer as far as you will because of that. so a lot of political pressure, there's also societal pressure. as you mentioned just a moment ago, more and more demonstrations by relatives of those is really health captive in gaza . they want to see the government do more to secure their release, and they're becoming a lot more vocal about rob mama, jim, jim, and television mom and thank you very much indeed of the us back code is not forces in a city. i say 6 of the fighters are being killed in a drunk strike. it happened on the us military base in the northeastern province of data source assignment resistance on group. and the rock has claimed responsibility
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then a called as in southern level with more the crater sled syrian democratic forces have lost 6 men. they were killed in that drone strike, but the target appears to be the us base they were in the us base. these are allies of the united states, according to the sonic resistance in iraq. they claimed responsibility in their statements. they do mention the target being what they are calling the occupation base the us occupation base. so this is the 1st major significant attack against us forces in iraq and syria since friday. since the u. s. military carried out dozens of strikes against iranian backed armed groups in syria and iraq, in retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers in jordan. the aim of those strikes were to deter iranian back groups from targeting from further targeting us
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to the troops in iraq and syria. clearly that is not working. so these groups are carrying out these attacks because they believe the u. s. is complicit then as well as war on garza. they believe the united states has unconditional supports to as well, allows it to continue targeting to targeting garza and they say this will only stop if there is a ceasefire in garza as return to a coverage of the war on gauze of the palestinian red cries of societies says top officials are the auto mall hospital and con units have been released from is really custody. the general manager, administrative director, has been detained and taken to an unknown location. the red cross and also says hundreds of displays, palestinians have been told by, is written a board forces. they have permission to leave the all, i'm all hospital. the facilities being under siege for 2 weeks nibble far. far a is a spokesperson for the palestine red crescent society. she's joining us from ramallah . thank you very much. indeed for being with us. i want to ask you,
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1st of all about these 2 officials are the alamo hospitals. in con eunice. my understand that you may not be up to date with what they're coming to the situation is, but is there any indication as to why they particularly were taken by these really forces for the evening? things put, having me, they released officers, they were detained for more than an hour by is ready to occupation our forces. they were asked regarding an am in the whole speech in and they were tools that according to the is, are 8, is the they want old, the displaced be. but why couldn't the inside and i'm in hospital the credit found at the defend headquarters the to leave the hospital. so basically uh, today marks the 15th day for the continuous precision attack at i'm in the hospital in bloomberg mens and gunfire they didn't stop at the facility and i'm at home
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because there was also do i have a tax and is there a become prayers of the whole speak to an and the team. we have loved 3 cliques. when they were conducting their human to the admission inside the hospital and the find this plan at headquarters every day. there's injuries and people who are killed inside our facility's because of these continuous is really a top the house because it's has turned out every day when bedding did the bodies inside of the yards of the hospital because of the continuous disease and not being able to send the people who are going to be buried at the symmetry is now we are witnessing, disaster humanitarian disaster and hospital. there's no food left for that is please people. very basic. medical supplies have been run out. we only have if you that did left for 6 days or on to buy articles,
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thrown out medications for people with the chronic diseases, all sort on out. and all the efforts to coordinate a safe access to get into the entry of medical supplies and oxygen as well. because also we have to run out of oxygen for the 2nd time. and now we have to see it and conducting any surgeries because of the oxygen deflection as but one of the key elements of all of this, of course, is the ability of medical cruise to be able to, to supply the health that, that people need. um, are you aware of how wide spread the is really uh, targeting of medical crews is um, how often do you hear stories about members of the medical profession either as i'm getting screwed in power, emetics or actually within the hospital being taken by these mailings and held and so basically this is the 15th day or what hospital and the emergency medical center
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and hun units are being deceased. and even at that time, no one is able to go out of the hospital or the meds for them to send to the quarters. this includes also the ambulance movement and prevent they're out already but to the wounded beeping in the city since the beginning of the war on god's that 9 of i was pretty weird as the one they were on duty at 6 of them were released and 3 others an artist and up to this moment and under and out of this right under asked and this up. so that leads not only the parents find an interest in the workers, health care workers are being asked of since the beginning of the war. and this has resulted to many hospital shot down because of the is there any attacks which is attacking costs between the 90 medical supplies and medicine, as well as an artist, the doctors, nurses, and the medical staff?
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can i ask you, what are the funded medical software released and they talk to you and your colleagues, what is it that they tell you that the is really so i have told them about why they have been arrested rather than just told to leave the hospital what is the reason that the, as really is gave for actually arresting and detaining medical stuff. so basically, um, is there any forces never? i 10, uh there is an regarding, uh what they are doing. so basically, as i mentioned today, it's 15 days uh, attacking this whole spectrum and window know why i'm on hospice and is being targeted. it's not the 1st time we have already shut down a goods hospital. it was forced to be shot down in the city after it was attacked and pcs until it was shot down. and basically most of the whole speakers in gauze this trip happened and shot down because of the is there
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a need that tags at the hospitals, which has resulted too many hospitals shut down. but is there because of bombardment or running out of wood fuel and medical supplies that offer sanction spokesperson for the palestine red present society. thank you very much indeed for being with us about us any and dr. and gaza says he was tortured by is there any forces during nearly 7 weeks of detention site? the other one come on model for is a pediatrician at all. only hospital in garza city. he says he was blind folded with his hands and legs. shackled. is the story of the, the, for the old model. so can be the be upfront money, the more stuff more just the dr. wash it or, and the, and the applause. something that the problem mean definitely specify to disagree with that. is that at least some sort of the on the deed, a chevy. what do we have?
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somebody for john assignment a booster. uh. use it. i'm not john. well, i'm not a 2nd. i'm getting it and sending to that how you who are kind of knew what the study was. i'm not on the west side is an apology. definitely especially about the economy as well. 7 so doing the study you can at the should be good then get then get the of the gun that was set by what the cubic oh look up to that comes out of the new york up of the some to actually do it on and was but then it is in that case,
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can you just says pin number lead time so i mean i oh man the ma sabina, they got a lot of you know, what's the best of luck by the compressor. they had a death in us that you won't let me fussing happy in the 11 yards. is there any military has again conducted veins in several cities and they occupied westbank incursions took place and to hold on no problem ireland novelist and habit on at least $28.00 palestinians have been arrested taking the total number to change since october to 6540, at least the 383 palestinians have been killed by his very forces on settlers, says israel launched as war on garza. i'm new to. abraham has more from bethlehem and the occupied westbank. the main one to place need in a few g time,
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which is to the noise of the occupied to us to man commute novelists with palestinians have use some help made exclusive devices to fight to the is really forces that have been raising that. a few jacob no, according to our sources. they are, these really forces i'm surrounded, the house that they say belongs to a wants to palestinian man. they could not find the man, but what they did is that they were arrested at relative. and again, this is a tactic that we've been seeing these really forces using before the war, but they've intensified their use of this collective punishment. the use of okay, and let's arrest the brother. a sister, a father and mother to kind of put pressure on that one to tell us the news to hand themselves in the raise of continued also elsewhere in the to fight the west bank. they've been taking place in drama lot in jeanine. and as far as we can look at the bigger fixture, the most place that has been weighted by these really forces,
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when it comes to the occupies, the west bank has been never this followed by the law. and you mean, when we talk about these really violations and these really tension this has been directed towards the palestinians. we're not just talking about these really forces . and these really filters were also talking about these really suck to theirs. who have been attacking protestant is just a few could over if there's a way for where i am right now is really circulars of attack, if hell, a simian car need, and then begin his reading supplement. they've also groups of settlers have gathered in a street in a sort of messiah village, which is basically in history that connects the north and they occupied those things with the rest of it. they have a, put some tires on the street, making the movement. the frost is really difficult and it is because of those growing, subtler attack. second spouse thing is that we see movement at night between 1200. that's becoming really dangerous. and really when the difficult doctors without
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borders is one, the one child is dying every 2 hours in sedans. samsung comes in north dial. 4 is one of the country's largest and oldest cons. hosting displaced people a group size, people sheltering there were already heavily reliant and international support for the central aid. as, as fighting broke out last april. they've been largely abandoned. more than 45 percent of students population is in dire need. if you monetary and age and the conflict has made it worse and you as, as 5000000 people are facing catastrophic levels of food shortages. michael dunford is the regional director for east africa, the world food program. he's joining us from port. so don, thank you very much indeed for being with us on sunday, i was talking to um, faithful. get onto the commissioner of the un high commissioner for refugees. and he describes the situation in saddam as having simply been forgotten by the rest of the world. just tell us from your perspective how severe you think things are thanks very much at the moment we have one of the worst you monetary and dissolves
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is playing out in real time and sit on. i can't imagine that there isn't any student needs to somehow be impacted by the crisis. as you've said over 45 percent of the population are acutely hungry at the moment. and when you look around and you meet with colleagues, government and other stakeholders, you realize that every sector is on the verge of collapse. and one of the things that came across when we were talking to for the program to yesterday and, and also prior to talking you to you today is the scale of this. the numbers are absolutely huge when it comes to 8 organizations like yours are you and actually actually in a position to be able to supply the aid and help the people need. i think it's fair to say that we are doing everything we possibly defend, but the reality is that because of the ongoing conflict because of the in security
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and because we don't have the access to the populations where they are, we not meeting all of the needs we need funding to allow us to do that. the beyond that we need desperately for a safe file. we need the humanitarian access to get us into some of the most remote areas. and ultimately, so don desperately needs a political solution because this concept will not n 3 funding. if i remember correctly, there were about 3000000 sitting. these people who had been displaced even before the fighting began. if there is some sort of political, this solution or at least some sort of ceasefire, will not actually make a difference in the way that you and other 8 organizations are able to supply the help that people need. absolutely, the moment insights to don today, i have a 7000000 people displaced. another 1700000 people have already sold refuge across the border in either chad egypt, old south. so the,
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the ending of the conflict will allow w t and you, other humanitarian act is the scale for most of the industrial level that is required to a good, the catastrophe to is playing out. as we space when you and organizations like yours approach, um they the authorities or either trying to find some sort of solution to this crisis or indeed they that they access if you like, who would involve themselves? what kind of a response do you get? is there an efforts that you can be optimistic about that there is some attempt to try and find a solution to this, to lose this complex thing going for 10 months and we've done yes. have a solution? so what we need is the international community to wrap up it's efforts. in the meantime, we need the international community to continue to respond and increase their response to this crisis. unfortunately,
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with the likes of the middle east and jobs with you train. so down to some extent is believe program they indicated yesterday. this has been lot sleep. acosta. and we need the world's attention backgrounds to die and the region because in fact, this is not a limit to just to sedona, but the region is feeling the impact. if this continues, i'm very concerned about the outlook will be done for we appreciate you being with us and i'll just say to so thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you very much. as time for the weather, here's kind of a hello there. let's have a look at the weather across south america, which should i continues to baffle those wild fires across the central regions that being called the west in a century. thanks to an extended summer heat waves of very high temperatures, low humidity and powerful winds. you've had at least a 100 people killed and thousands of homes distorted. you can see that heat is still there. on monday temperature is continuing to rise, not just here,
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but of course moving parts of origin, tina into uruguay and paraguay as well. that heat continuing to dominate for least the for simple future. if we have a look at the 3 day, the santiago, the temperature will come down slightly, but hot weather, dominating through to thursday. for the white to weather we have to head for the south. we go to weather system, it's going to come in monday into tuesday for the very south of july, with the weather as well for the north of this with some intensive fund, the stones from northern parts of brazil, and some heavy rain coming into columbia of the next few days that thanks to an area of low pressure bringing heavy rain to the florida panhandle, pushing those under the down pools across the caribbean. there's not where to weather, working its way further east on woods to puerto rico on tuesday, with some heavier rain for columbia. a start ahead and i'll just say to find out why that are being process and tear gas incentive, all is capital car. and supporters of el salvador, president obama,
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to celebrate the officer. he says he won re election on his phone and also went to prove to be a decisive game in english premier lead title rates. as far as going to be here with the details, the, the latest news as it breaks, people are here from the facts that are also a target. it's happening in 2024 with detailed coverage is regularly forces continue. their intense bombing around lost their hospital in san eunice from the hall to the story. dozens has been arrested interrogation and put into the presence of given information on family members. competent beyond wells. taken without hesitation, fulton died for power defines how well we live here.
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we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be the power around now to sierra the, [000:00:00;00] the, to me watching or does it out. reminder what's up. so is this, are, these are the armies plumbing guys from the north to the side of targeting? heavily populate today is tons us evacuation orders to be an issue as far as as
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push size with the study and say there is nowhere left to run your aspect. cody slide forces in service, say 6 of verified as being killed in a drones site. to talk happened on a u. s. military base in the northeastern problems have data source, islamic resistance on the roof, and the rock has claimed responsibility. and doctors without borders has one that one child is dying every 2 hours and we sit on some some trump in north star for more than 45 percent of the population is in desperate need of a 5000000 people are facing catastrophic levels of food shortage is made worse by the conflict the is there. any forces have been withdrawn from some parts of north and central garza and residents of return to the short neighborhoods. found homes of schools on all facets of life destroyed. here's what our journalist witnessed at schools and the elbow days refuge account.
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the other was what am i going to see what i'm going to do with them? yeah, i know the, the what
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the, i understand the nationalist as being what he calls are shocking spike. and israel's campaign of kings of palestinians in the occupied west bind. the rights group has documented instances of his very forces using lee full force with infinity and quote, a chilling disregard for palestinian lives. it's investigated for cases between october and november last year and which 20 palestinians including 7 children were killed. the report also find is rarely forces prevented palestinians with life threatening injuries from receiving medical aid and the attack that was trying to help them including 1st responders. 2023 was the worst year for palestinians is un records began at least $507.00 people were killed, including $81.00 children. at least 382 people have been killed in the occupied westbank since the war on gods have begun. and that includes 7 palestinian prisoners who died and is ready custody. chemistry international is urging the
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international criminal court to investigate israel's unlawful killings. her son is always satcher on israel and paula sign it, i'm gonna say international. and she's one of the authors of that report. she told us once it find a lot of the people in to get him to the us. that just as his son was shocked and he was trying the father of the was trying to provide him with assistance. as soon as he was trying to reach, he was shot to the person who was trying to help. his son was shocked by. is there any forces and then i was list and his father wanted us to be. we know that during grades is there a need for says lacy to the entire area. sometimes for our, even for these blocking ambulances from beach in the afternoons is that tried to reach at great risk, especially there is crescent community, a organization. they are shocked as we interviewed one,
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a 1st aid provided in. janine who was directly shocked as she tries to as she was an ambulance. and this, this is nothing new. we had been documenting these attacks against face 1st 8 providers, ambulances, a in the, in the west bank for many years. but what we found is that this year in particular, and in full and wonder what's going on because the attacks on hosted those that there has been this pipe. the trying to buck has done over arms man in the north west of attacked the police station, at least 10 officers were killed and another 6 were injured in the city of device mail con park astonishing a number of attacks and the security forces in recent days general elections are scheduled to take place on thursday. small hi does get more from us from about. it
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was this particular attack took place in the district of uh did a smile con um the remote for litigation which are situated outside the main city of the itemized con knowledge. and remember that data might have gone also borders what was formerly focused on the drivers duty of how to where this done. this was one of the hard beds of the day to get the bon focused on focused on the accused of wellness done, of providing centuries on, not doing and off disrupt the infiltration of the dollar bond fight that they have been attacking the police at random over the past few months, there's been a spike in the number of a tag. dozens of police men have been good in february police station, so they attacked coming. uh, as you mentioned just days before the election, the ttp and it's affiliated group, there's a new group which is guard
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a movement for jihad and focused on the day. a good job focused on this is a group that has been claiming responsibility for multiple or diag, that'd been an attack and below just on as red and rich for p d. i a what good you. okay, so this is not new, but given the fact that the security forces, the police are going to be deployed on election day because this is going to be a sensitive election to have to maintain law and order. so therefore, there is likelihood of more attacks against the police at the time when they're busy in election year. the but this is not something new and is likely to continue on to the issue. is it a dog for the one has done, and how focused on data is reduced to still is declared 2 days of morning for the victims of wild fires at least a 112 people have been killed as flames burn and essential regions. the fears that the death toll could rise. obviously it is locked in america,
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edits understand human reports from vol for a. so region began with, with people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce winds. in just minutes, they turn these homes into an infernal brook. send them miss. i tells us every one under her street is pitching in decay of level. the only thing left of their possessions except for the clothes on their back and we run for life helping our elderly neighbors. we all help for 3. naples, died. the heat and the flames were unbearable. the condo fees of the deadliest wild flyers in the history of chile, a country already familiar with natural disasters. hundreds remain missing. presumed dead, firefighters continue working day and night to control the fires, the densely populated by the but a slow region. if we order them on the gate chief with sweets, jaime,
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who's been fighting fires for 40 years, says, is convinced they were started deliberately, what, what you're focusing on it. so they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour in 6 different places. when the winds were extremely strong, humidity, very low, and the temperature was high, but not enough to ignite a fire on its own. this was no accidental. the government appears to agree and vows to find and punish the culprits which might have taken minutes to light could take weeks to extinguish. this may look like a very small fly right now, but this is a pine tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree. they're very deep, they go all the way down here, all the way up that. so when you think you put out the fire, it can ignite it at any moment unless the firefighters keeps coming back and back again to try to extinguish it. mister month, see, i lost everything, his car, his home, and just livelihood in,
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nor mrs. green house for growing and selling exotic plants. luckily he was away with it all went up in smoke. unlike his dog napoleon, who survived, but just barely. okay. yeah, yep. i saw that obviously there had been size before up in the hills, but this time homes were lost and i've been living here 30 years. neighboring countries are offering help, which to me will lead. as reports emerge of new wild fires for this helps to see a newman al jazeera in the park, but i used the region to the official results in i'll solve those presidential election, haven't been released by the income, but now your bill haley has already declared himself the winner is popularity is largely attributed to his truck down in criminal games. my arrival over the posts from the capital of san salvador, the celebrations and the salvador in capital supporters of the beginning, cheering on
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a victory that will give the controversial president. second term, author the problem before you, we didn't have hope, but today we have it. and that means a lot. appearing before a crowd of thousands, gaily called the election historic. all now in the next 5 years, just wait and see what we're going to do. because we're going to continue doing the impossible and showing the will the example of el salvador nigi. but kelly largely owes his support to his administration's hard line policy to rid the country of dang, like m, s 13 and the 18th street gang, which it caused chaos. in el salvador, for the last 30 years. those successful in dealing with criminal gangs. critics say the suspension of civil liberties, consolidation of power, along with an unconstitutional bid for re election, have made look at it a democratically elected dictator. he has everything, you know, all the power there and no controls. there's no way defending the flowers. so
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that's what we're seeing today. any constitutional precedent. the one the, even though there was an expectation that salvador and president nable kelly would win by a landslide. the celebrations here in el salvador historic center hartsville, massive though human rights and civil liberties. advocates continue to warn that el salvador is walking a dangerous tight route for a majority of salvatore and the promise of a future of safety. and security is the norm out ways just about any other alternative men will drop a little al, jazeera sunset of other a while ridge. kindest way that has one of the highest inflation rates in the world . despite the lifting of some us sanctions and dropping prices. many people are struggling to cope funny in assumptions or goals. when inflation failed from
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$300.00 to a 190 percent last year, there was recent to celebrate for some in venezuela or the south american nation. still have one of the highest weights in the world with wages frozen for the past 2 years and no exchange rates. making a trip to the shop is a nightmare for many level various as they own. last year i would get food for the week with the equivalent of $20.00. now i get enough to 3 days. meet some fishes so expensive. my pension is 3.5 dollars a month. what are we going to do? the local believe that a currency uses value against the dollar from week to week. it is obviously less is only god can help her. i go shopping, praying so i can buy all i need. things are more more expensive by the day. economists say the government is not raising, we just to control the installation, but president neglect moto says things are better with good supply. at 90 percent
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market traders saved businesses back because customers don't have enough cash to send you an idea of let them know what i mean. they said, you know, people used to buy 10 bananas. now they take 2 or 3 spinning has gone down all over the country where all effected in order to sell her products join the american says she lets customers pay weeks later. take me and several people can afford the all people who spend many days of the month without a penny. so i let them take my products. they always come back to pay me. the you is listed sanctions. i'm going to swear, let in october. you seem restrictions on the countries financial goal then and there detectors has boosted the economy. the condition to prevent sanctions being re in post is to guarantee fair elections. the analysts say the road to recovery will be determined by the general election this year to come. and what if anything was sort of taken out of extensions and agreements could impact our estimation of inflation rates. we're not optimistic because in an electoral year we always see
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the rates go up. my most optimistic number is 170 percent. that prediction of high inflation and soaring prices for the foreseeable future is the last thing. these shoppers want to here. and, you know, scientist just see to the still ahead on all does is we are toronto, we're gonna have details of where the 2026 football world comfortable start and finish. that's coming. when sports was fine,
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the stuff at the sport. here's far robinson keystone watch the what state new jersey. well, how's the 2026 world cup final football is governing. body fi, fi has released details of what will be the biggest ever will come the tournament. will involve a record number of teams and is being held across the 3 countries and the richardson reports. so here we are for the biggest announcement in the history, all the announcements with will the final of the 2026 feet woke up the plague when there is your new jersey. faith has never been in organization. so shy away from it that if i personally, the scale of this world cup is without see cool. the 2026 woke up final will be played at the met life stadium in new jersey. the last of an unprecedented 104 met
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. she's taking place across 3 countries with millions of people coming to the united states for the whole woke up to mexico into canada as well. and of course, being in new york, which is such a cosmopolitan city. what do you have between you work in new jersey over to one the nationalities mexico's us take a state email hosting, opening much. it's a country that's helped to previous will cups in 19701986. we are toronto, the world companies in canada for the 1st time we are canadas opening day like mexico. it will have the teen matches. the tournaments has been expanded to include full t, a teams compared with the $32.00. we sort catch all 2022. it will last the record, the t 9 days. that's 10 days longer than the previous world cup. the new full
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mouthful feature at 12 full team groups and i left the t to not cat around. for the 1st time. miami, in contrast to cancel plans and funds will be doing a lot of traveling. the shortest distance between the quotes of final and semi final venue is moving 800 kilometers, with all the teams, not just the united states or mexico account of the ideas that you, you get them to a locations throughout the tournament. you don't have teams jumping across the country. the big pulls up to the international teams is the increased chance of qualifying africa, for example, will be represented by at least knowing countries up from 5 in 2022 and the richardson l g 0. former brazilian international danny else has gone on trial in spain, charged with sexual assault. the 40 year old appeared in a bar sloane a coat cords, having spent the last year in jail, owls whose football career saw him playing at barcelona event is and p s g could face a 12 year prison sentence. he denies any wrong doing wrong and directive dropped
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points and the spanish title race carlo and chalabi side took the lead through, brought him the as against city rivals at let it go. but ral, can see that a late equalizer as a matched finish level at 11. well, are still top of the table. 2 points clear jerome now arsenal have moved up to a 2nd and the primary lead table after a big win over at liverpool arsenal, went into this game, trailing little pool by 5 points. they took the lead through high a soccer just before half time living for equal wise things to an arsenal own goal by defender gabrielle arsenal may be most of some confusion in liverpool defense to go to one up in the 2nd half and an injury time leander. which was hard seal, be 31 victory. then we'll share that with energy in the state and is the best sites in the season. we demanded that we had to go to a different, a level line connected again to the mazda at the lake. has every game and they have
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responded and i'm been a little wait, i'm not seeing the play as lift. absolutely. originally for the holidays, all in every single both. and i kind of in the browser, if you want to find a specialist who becomes german, england and probably another i positive ask because most of the time you but being theater 2nd. so i'm sorry to say that but and you have to in football games, i know that and as many as you can and this is able to integrate one manchester united are up to 6 and the table they meet west time at old trafford, alejandro. they're not, cho was the star for our turn, has team is going twice to help united when this one is reno. step 3 is head coach . you're going clansman says he's drawing on argentina's, woke up experience ahead of his teams, asian cups on the final step, 3 play jordan on tuesday, having scored late goals to avoid being knocked out. in the previous 2 rounds, the student's name is match and the group stage, andrew $22.00. if you look at back at odds in tina how they started the world
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cup, lift the loss against saudi arabia. how nerve as they were in the next game against mexico because of that pressure that you mention, you know, they kind of feel, oh my gosh, you know, if you don't be mexico now we might not go any further than the one that was cap. so is the process is you have had coach hurry, victoria has been sacked after the teams. the last 16 accepts of the africa combinations. the 7th time champions failed to win a game at the tournament and the ivory coast. beside las mohammed sell it to injury and just the 2nd game. well, how about the use of a former all ali couch has been appointed as in term manager, the and the on the a, the oklahoma city thunder defeat of the toronto raptors in double overtime. the thunders josh a getting squared 24 points while the team also scored a record 23. 3 pointers in the game, oklahoma city went on to overturn
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a 23 point deficit. beat the rafters a 135 to a 127. and cricket india one the 2nd test, much against england england captain ben stokes was run out as his team chased the victory. targeted 399, desperate from right took the last weekend and he finished with 9 in the match. indeed, winning this contest by a 106 runs to level the series things about pretty heated in the final and then i'll probably a open question. tennis star, warner corps eje took his frustration out on his racket after an unfortunate forced air course, which was never able to regain his composure and eventually lost to alexander booth like as has ex. then the victory news, a boot like that to a career high. 23 in the world, right? okay, that is all your sports now back to you, rob. fine,
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thank you very much. and you know, of course you can find a lot more on our website use on support as well. that's all just 0. don't com. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes, was more on all the stories on roadblocks to stay with us. some of the what constitutes exempt. so we can talk to a see i want you to start with just the fact runners to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in the policy and it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no 1000 service this placement and you're saying you're reports for that . i should just trust too much, as the community often is the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and
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elders, the integrity in the pursuit of styles of light scorched find for you . real quick accounts rising from beneath the rubber best put stores salvaged on the high seas, brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning filming the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera economic crises dorming the glow. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflict and wars destroying production. factors aggravating the global food crisis and the substituting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response. the international conference on to justice
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from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future stakes. organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the a the israel attacks, the guys are stripped from the north to the side of bombings reported in gaza. city demo bala underestimate the number about the center. this is all it does have a live from don't have also coming up living among the dead palestinians pitch makeshift sense and a symmetry and rough on saying they've got nowhere else to go. and honestly,
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international reports reveals, of wise and legal force use against palestinians in the occupied west pine protests


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