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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the on the bulk of this has been use our life though coming up in the next 60 minutes. devastation across cause or the posting in the death toll rise in swan is right. and strikes and residential areas in the northern and southern strip. the us secretary of state arrives in saudi arabia and on the 1st flag of the middle east, some tool that includes stops in egypt,
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and israel qualifies bones. when time neighborhoods, it should a, at least a 112 people have been killed and thousands for some angle in the streets of senate goals, capital protests as demand. first of mucking style style steps down off the he delayed presidential elections and i'm fine. how much is for the us states of new jersey, old host of 2026 woke up final laws governing body. feet has released details of what will be the biggest and the toilet. the thanks for joining us. we start with the war on gaza, whether it's ready, army is bombing the strip from the north to the south, often targeting heavily populated areas, often any full months of bombardment. i'm countless evacuation order is ready for these purcell palestinians. say there is now no way left to run. this is the situation in gaza. city in the north way as well as military assault was 1st
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focused destruction, as you can see, is everywhere and facing is still going on that las despite this way, the claims that they had gained security control over the area. meanwhile, and overnight, it's rarely asked ry could homes in their obama and central guys are killing and injuring thousands of people. many of those with children now more than 80 percent of goals as population has been displaced. half that number is crammed into the southern end of garza and rafa it's way israel ordered. posting needs to go for their own safety, for rough or to is being bombed and it's ready for us. they say they're expanding that ground operations the well that's good to turn. it covers the i'm now who's are reporting of a situation on the ground that from rafa and southern gaza, i'm tired because we mentioned our real pop search in a tax bombardment. artillery landing in the south of the strip. what's the very latest? yes, exactly. there is
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a very clear instance if occasion of these very minute to raise a strikes that 1st different areas in gauze on a particular that have been seeing that in the south. and in the middle governance of the territory. and last, how exactly have we? i've been hearing the loud explosion and why fi that is an error strike that targeted the eastern part of a cell. i'm neighbor who is an area that is adjacent to the, to the diction borders as they have targeted and agriculture land um its ongoing from button. and by the way, for the city of hon, you, it is. and since the hours of today's morning at least 14 palestinians have their reports killed in that area, i'm the very special staff between the palestinian fighters and these really so just in the city. busy as each route is intensifying, gets ethics to take a full control over the city that which is considered to be one of the strong uh, areas of fighting that these really forces has taken parts in, within the past few months. and we have been seeing also
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a gradual increase for the military strikes when derek, bella, town with them is of areas of guns were full. palestinians have reported shields and an asteroid in the city where a residential building was completely reduced to the roof of the suit. systematically dis, on getting military attacks from contributed to royce, to death, to, to more than 100. 15 palestinians have been killed within the past 24 hours. i'm tired because we've been reporting that on now, an estimated 1800000 people displace many of them heading to rafa before the conflict. there was several 100000 people in rafa. of course that number has substantially increased a more people are on the way. well, conditions for white people that the world situation in socks and rough eyes, completely insane. we'd been seeing more evacuation waves of sea production, arriving to ruffle finding for a place to show and to take refuge in the fountain. nothing does. the little families have been forced to live in the open,
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or some of them have been when to live on the streets in the box, just because they did not find any place to live in a simply because the majority of you on run shoulders have been all the crowded with in factories alongside back to agricultural lands in rough i had been completely become. busy a full with the residents who are a set of who were sitting up a midship filters and the sense that like who kinds of basic mississippi services ration for the new really arrivals to russell is completely a dalia for them. especially with the on giving a deep shortage of food and medical supplies. we have to reporting about this for non weeks right now. and have been seeing that day by day situation is due to your rating and the new practical mitigation of humanitarian aggravating prices. in the southern part of gauze and, and people here in rafael, completed, afraid, and terry 5, in terms of the possible military drought included to russell, as the, as well as the defense, minnesota,
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off the launch as alias sites. it seems that if there's going to be any possible ground evasion for that part of goal is that it seems the destruction of civil infrastructure might taking place. and this is what palestinians are completely wanted to avoid. i'm to be away from especially that they have been following the east by the orders to flee to areas that supposed to be saved. so and later found that will save. so on top inside lights have to be areas of operations for these are the all me sorry to have a resume. that was the very latest from joseph. thank you. now the policy know right crescent society says top officials are they all a mile hospice hospital and con units have been released from is ready custody. the general manager and administrative director of the hospital had been detained and taken to a non ne location. the red crescent also says that hundreds of just based upon the signals have been told by is ready for us is they have permission to leave the alamo hospital. the facilities be not the siege for 2 weeks. today marks the 15th
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day for the continuous precision attacks at i'm in the hospital and boom, bored ments and gunfire. they didn't stop at the facility and am i supposed to because there was also direct attacks. and um, is there any con prayers at the hospital and the team? we have loved 3 cliques when they were conducting their humanitarian mission inside the hospital. and the find this plan at headquarters every day. there's injuries and people who are killed inside our facility's because of these continuous is really a taps the house we to has turned out every day with reading did the bodies inside of the yards of the hospital because of the continuous besieged and not being able to send the people who are killed to be buried at the symmetries. now we are witnessing,
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disaster humanitarian disaster asked. and hospital. there's no food left for that is please people. very basic. medical supplies have been run out. we only have, if you, that did left for 6 days more antibiotics run out of medications for people with the chronic diseases, all sort on out and all the efforts to coordinate a safe access to get into the entry of medical supplies and oxygen as well. because also we have run out of oxygen for the 2nd time. and now we have to feed conducting any surgeries because of the oxygen deflection s, but a 6 year old palestinian in the red job is the missing for 7 days. she was travelling with some members of her family when his randy forces opened fire on the creeping casa city. everyone except him does believe to have been killed. posting the red crescent society sent to rescue workers to help us, but nothing's being heard from them. either ends mother is waiting for any word of
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a door. so when she's made this play nice, know some one of the fly him that i have to fly and it has to back the, i'm a, we're gonna have not had a gun. i'm one of the we are when a mazda, i'm a couple inside one of the head that, well, i mean a we can now, when i mean even more than a head must or a son wouldn't have been to have them you. and let me know when your message is for me to eat, my money was the, had the we have to go ahead and told them that i had been, you'll know, had this note in the comfortable sleep note was moving to i. so we move into most of us, but that is that with me, is there some i could then why are you come? but i'm going fix what he said. you have to spend, that's been fixed source and that's what this ask than cigna. you can have this last, well that's good and good luck. not settled bins. if the does the how much does the marvin think of how well because a couple of them. i just bought it on the bought have these about that it was 1500 baths. now. how does a good there is some,
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have this one i have good. the whole must be, you know, that's what i mean. that's what locks the has been was i started my how did i'm the bad. you get logged, but i was thinking of seeing what we just knew could be because of that. but we, la isabella, here we have the time is very limited. so if it was something so then the sooner the better for you, the sudden the how did the, how long the, the, the mother of 6 year old henry job who's been missing and goes a for a week. now, spouse, spain has announced it will send an additional $3800000.00 to the u. n. 's agency for public senior refugees and on his own rough foreign minister jose manuel. a virus made the announcement saying the amount of turn situation in causes desperate . major donors including the us and gemini, suspended funding off the is around the cues, 12 right employees and kind of being involved in the all type of 7th attacks. the
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agency provides a live saving assistance to more than 1800000 people who respond to us. the spending funding for on rice next year of state entity blinking is cooling for the amount of serious situation in gauze and to be urgently addressed using re added on his 1st visit to the middle east. since israel is war on god's that broke out will also visit costs at egypt. and israel washington says it's trying to prevent further escalation in the region, while violence has been flaring up in the ever jordan iraq and syria. there is, it comes as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under political pressure at home to negotiate the release of captives held in gaza. like speak to him. how many challenging who's the lie for us in tel aviv. so saudi arabia and car right though. huh. and then finally, to is around a wednesday, lincoln's vision of course, comes in the context of what many hope will be a breakthrough and holton is conflict. how is this visit being seen? where you dave,
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it's being seen primarily as an attempt by the, by the administration to exert a lot of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to enter into a ceasefire. and to get more in line with what the by the administration would like to see out of the prime minister of israel. you can judge from visits in the past by blanket is real, that they usually ended in a way that has not satisfied the bite. and administration that's in yahoo as continued to be intransigent, often times saying that, look it, there are times when i, when friends of other countries have to say no meaning that israel has to say no to america's request. and that has not made the, by the ministration happy. now when you look across these really landscape, the media landscape and you see these anonymously source to government officials, they are not expressing a lot of confidence about the possibility of a cease fire being reached any time soon. there's still a lot of debate going on in israel as to what would be acceptable to different
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members of the government. so nothing. yeah. who is under a lot of pressure is going to come under pressure from buying bite. and of course, would like to see a ceasefire, not just because of what's going on here, but because the binding ministration believes that if there is a cease fire when it comes to gaza, that that with less than the tension when it comes to israel's border with lebanon, and the potential for conflict with how with has butler, which of course, the, by the ministration does not want to see. and also the by the ministration, believes that if there's a ceasefire and causes that will lessen the tensions when it comes to with who these are doing any i'm and so there's a lot writing on this trip. when it look, when you look at these really media landscape and those government sources that are being quoted, they know that there's a lot riding on this, but they're skeptical as to how much exactly blinking will be able to accomplish during this visit. need another blankets visit comes off to my bank. if you had nothing y'all who's far right coalition partner. so he wished donald trump to return to the white house, accusing the binding, the administration of a thing to support. i'm asked, what do these comments say about destiny?
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all his control over his cabinet. i thought primarily need these comments say that the nets and yahoo is quite beholden to the far right wing members of his coalition. and that of course includes it's marvin v or the far right wing natural security minister. now those comments made in that interview with the wall street journal. they have, they have really ruffled a lot of feathers here. there are many members of the political it leads here that are just outraged by those comments. there are some members of the government to say that it's more been a very should be arrested for what he said that he should be impeached as well. so there's still a lot of outrage about that because they see that it's not being helpful when it comes to israel's relationship to the us at a time when that relationship really is at a low point. and when it's clear that joe biden, the president of us, is growing more and more frustrated with benjamin this and yeah, he'll be cognizant. yeah, it was in transit intransigence. now beyond all that, it also shows how much pressure and that's in yahoo is, is coming under from members of his right flank because you've had over the course
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of the last couple of weeks, more and more members of the right wing that have essentially said publicly that they're willing to walk away from the coalition and collapse the government. if nothing yahoo were to enter into a cease fire deal that would see the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners and also one that would see an end to the war on gaza. so that's a big amount of pressure that net to me i was under in the fact that nothing. yeah . who in some ways keeps going. those sentiments and public remarks that he's making shows not just that he's plain to his base, but that he's very concerned about this sort of politically untenable situation that he's in that to me. yeah. who is continued to say that he does not want to see the release of thousands of palestinian as he calls in terrorist. and also that he does not want to see an end to the war. that even if there is a ceasefire, that does not mean that the war will end and that the war will not end until they have eliminated how much. so all of this really going to show what a difficult, complicated political situation reality really that nothing. yeah. who is in that
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is very critical time. nice. all right. well how many, many, thanks to them, how to jump june in tennessee. it would show involved, is there a significant scarlet smile and discharge? look into this in a bit more detail. so it's a moment where does some, the blinking, the white house need to push israel the most in order to secure anything that resembles a breakthrough, when it comes to securing a home to the fighting, nevermind permanency. so i think his best bet is to be honest, it's hard to a diplomats, to be honest, and it's not an open secret or it is an open secret that they lie. but in this case, i think the by the administration, after 4 months of support, that goes right and they can afford to be a brace of really honest with this. right. and i'm not just talking about the american leverage here. and i'm not talking about the american a military financial,
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i'm not talking about the protection of israel and the international body. and all of those things i'm talking about the simple fact that this war is over. i think nathaniel is not paying attention. why didn't is the buyer and miss richard looked from far, it has a better view of what's going on. thing guys, that in the middle east, what you quoted a lot of defense self defense as is res, call it. or whether you corner a lot of aggression as the by the city of call it this, what is over the logic of this war has right now is right. it has the story, most of guys all. and it's unable to defeat thomas. it doesn't look like it will be able to defeat him. us been a normal circumstance or the middle east way to remain quiet or to palestine does not go up and in flames. florida is right. it doesn't do the same for america, does not get exposed in a way where own it's interests are compromised. so this one, as we know it's in terms of is, are and punishing guys ends as photo of how much did the store 7 and getting all
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the venge out of it, system and destroying or it's kind of destroying goes on finishing what it wants to do in terms of putting it aside, meaning ending garza as a political entity that's finished. so if, if you, regardless as being, as you say, logically politically, a war that has a run its course that is come to an end. what does that mean? i'll leave these upon red lines about coming to some sort of agreement, the both abbas and these, right? the government, a drawing in the side. let's start with a mass. what does the red lines do you think when it comes to a degree? well, that's exactly what they are doing now as we speak, by the way, because they gave a sort of an agreement in principle. but that's just a framework agreement. the one that was reached in cairo and we've got that. and so as of now, both is really is on the and the photo. so how about us are going to fit it in with details? how many prisoners,
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what prison i was going to be released by his right. busy in return for how many kept his earliest, why have mouse? how quickly, when is our leave garza? i meant the is there any troops? when would it finish its bombardment from head and c and so on, so forth. so all these things are filled as we speak. i think the problem in terms of reaching a ceasefire, it is not with how much today because it's really wants to cease fire because it wants to the end aggression. and i think at this point in time we can stop talking about the ceasefire and start talking about 10 things. the aggression against gaza . and as far as they're concerned, those guns then lead to the prisoners. i mean, the 1st priority, there's anything that russian, i guess, cuz then it is how many for how many and i think it's not very difficult. yeah. it's a calculation by the end of saying 4 months for each captive. that's the tools. and then we can talk about for each captive. i'm on the soldiers. i don't know 1520 or
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30. this is the kind of figure. just start reaching to. but i don't think it's complicated. what is complicated. and i think by the season is that the water needs to and it needs to wind down it needs to. and the problem is that the blinking is not the man for the mission. of our, for example on, in terms of israel is the red lines that they've refused to. if you refuse to accept anything above the complete an author, elimination of a mass on indeed associated groups where we said time and time again. and that seems like an impossibility unless of course, representing very much and i do. but nevertheless, it is a red line for me, these are these start working this like this, right. has it then orange one to i think or red lines to end up changing do it anymore. right. mike tyson used to say everyone has a plan until they're pushed in the face for they've been punched in the face and cause, i'm not sure how much you know of a plan they have now now that whatever their game is not working out. and i think the big deals on what are, which maybe we'll get the chance to talk about that more later. but they are the
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clowns in his red. nothing. yeah, i was not beholden to them. nothing. i was using them like he is using the guns and go on like he's using the amount of cuz nothing else could be seen. yes, as he's on the pressure from both sides. but he could also be seen as a man who was using all sides in order for him to stay in power for him to prolong the conflict. so he doesn't end up in june. well, what otherwise may science while, while i'm sure that are right, i us backed kurdish of forces in serious say 6 of that fight as have been killed in the drive and strike. the attack happened on a us military base in the northeast in provence, of the as or your stomach was distance. um, the group in iraq is claimed responsibility say to hold a is in southern lebanon with all the credit sled syrian democratic forces have lost 6 men. they were killed in that drone strike. but the target appears to be the
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us base. they were in the us base. these are allies of the united states, according to the stomach resistance in iraq. they claimed responsibility in their statements. they do mention the target being what they are calling the occupation base the us occupation base. so this is the 1st major significant attack against us forces in iraq and syria since friday. since the u. s. military carried out dozens of strikes against iranian, backed armed to groups in syria and iraq, in retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers in jordan. the aim of those strikes were to deter iranian back groups from targeting from further targeting us to the troops in iraq and syria. clearly that is not working. so these groups are carrying out these attacks because they believe the u. s. is complicit then as well as war on garza. they believe the united states has unconditional supports to as well, allows it to continue targeting of to targeting garza and they say this will only
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stop if there is a ceasefire in gaza. there's been an explosion in the i'm in the city of a data who t stronghold in the country. this is the moments of the bloss of the full, the headquarters of the ebony navy over the past few days to us. and you came last as strikes talking to the who 2 positions of government, including in today that's i just like you to sell that go now and members of parliament to holding a debate after president mackey sal postponed this month. selections. the bill could see the pole pushed back by up to a year, present style sided control overseas, around the selection of candidates for delaying the vote. the proposal was put forward by opposition figured kareem wade with the support of the president. meanwhile, police of the capital of dock uh 5 to the gas of protests as outside the parliament
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building. the demonstrations accuse presidents of being a dictator and the demand that he steps down there follows process on sunday and which a prominent opposition leader was arrested. i'm enough, a tour, right? cool. the election delayed unprecedented democratic regression. nicholas huck joins us from the senegalese capital duyka and the next. so mike, yourselves, disappointments of the elections is being displayed, debated by little make us. but what all of us make any difference until well, you could actually make a difference because once the lawmakers put the bill for it and the lawyers put into place for a new election date, then there is no turning. there's 2 things happening in the parliament at the same time, members of the ruling party at a portion of the opposition party members of the party of kareem wide, who support a bill to for a new date for these elections. and then there are,
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there was opposition, m m p who wants to appeal the decree, put forward by president. much yourself to cancel the elections. i can tell you this is a very tense moment at the national assembly. you are seeing a lot of fighting a lot of a. m p is coming close to blows and surrounding the parliament. there are lease in right. get trying to protect for the beach. all eyes are on what is happening parliament today, but the internet is down. tv stations have been shut down. so it feels for many people in san diego that they're being shut out of this debate that can tell them the future of this country and who will be able to lead with the ability to, to change the way. but who will be able to lead this country that has only seen peaceful transitions of power since 1963 need a net we've seen really 10. seen some of the past 48 hours,
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riot police on the streets to a gas 5. what's the latest? when it comes to the demonstrations as well, people who are trying to gather just in a few numbers, whether it be around where the national assembly is or further away i was in a neighborhood called liberty yesterday, where we saw a real tens of fights between a supporters of the opposition, members of civil society, and the police will all, all attempts to, to, to protest are being a suppressed by security forces. remember, human rights watch came with a report ahead of the selection. calling out this a, the shrinking of freedom, a space or descent saying that more than a 1000 members of the opposition civil society ball. so journalist had been arrested at head of the vote. and so there's a sense among as many senegalese,
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that they're the space or the freedom for them to express themselves. the democracy is being stifled. when i speak to members of the government or the presidency, they say what they're trying to do is to guarantee stability. and safety for all they're saying that those that come out are participating in illegal demonstrations and that, that was that protest and try to burn tires are criminals and they need to be dealt with with the law. and right now the law is what the president microsoft seems to be using to try to extend his time in power for the opposition. they saw the, the justice system, the parliament as being used to stifle political opponents. right now, present like yourself seems to be using these 2 tools in order to remain a to extend his time in power. so what we have right now,
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this delay of the election and president my case. so extending his time in power are 2 sides of the same coin and that people have sent a goal are not duped. they've gone through several peaceful transition of power and what they're saying, it's their democracy that our state today, some people call it a civil to a constitutional coup. there's been the african union in the regional body across france, a former coined power, the united states, all concerned over what is happening in the one of the most stable democracies to psych trees where there has been military coups need. okay. many things. so walking us through all that nicholas tuck bye for us, and dr. still ahead on al jazeera as opposed to this amount of time, but it was present, gathered to celebrate our 3 2nd one relation support hospital. when we could prove to be a decisive game of the english,
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i mean the type of the the a hello that let's have a look at the weather across south america, which should i continues to baffle those wild fires across the central regions of being called the west in a century, thanks to an extended summer heat, waves of very high temperatures, low humidity and powerful winds. you've had at least a 100 people killed and thousands of homes distorted. you can see that heat is still there. on monday, temperature is continuing to rise, not just here, but of course moving pots of origin tina into uruguay and power supply as well. that heat continuing to dominate for at least the for simple future. if we haven't looked at the 3 day, the santiago, the temperature will come down slightly, but hot weather, dominating through to thursday for the west to weather we have to head for the
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south. we go to weather system. it's going to come in monday into tuesday for the very south of sheila, with the weather as well for the north of this with some intense fund, the stones from northern parts of brazil and some heavy rain coming into columbia over the next few days. that thanks to an area of low pressure bringing heavy rain to the florida panhandle, pushing those under the down pools across the caribbean. there's not way to weather working its way further east on woods to puerto rico on tuesday with some heavy rain for columbia. the bone meals rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deputy. fires that increasingly with through them in the face of man made deforestation. an unforgiving climate change. a young
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indigenous leader makes both plants to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey at the latest news. as it breaks in ukraine, centuries long struggle to establish a distinctive national identity. literature has always played a significant role with detailed coverage. critics say the use of government helicopter is in line with the president's upbringing from around the world activities and probably said thousands of victims died waiting for justice that never came to the lack of accountability people. crimes committed in default is what's in boulder named profit for it is a part of the crimes the the the
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looking box you without just there is a reminder of our top story is this our, you say the army is bombing gaza from the north to south targeting heavily populated areas countless evacuation or is it would be an issue to schools as push south policy and you'd say there was no way left to run your sexual state on to the blinking this back in the middle east and discuss the war one because i'm is just arrived in riyadh is expected to travel to israel, be able to find the west by egypt and cuts off us by kurdish forces in syria, say 6 of the finances of being killed in a drone strike. this talk happened on the us glitching face of the north east improvements of the day as though it's not meant resistance of grief in a rock has claimed responsibility now desperate and display some palestinian families of pitching that tents in the cemetery and rough or southern gaza or more people are being forced into the southern quarter of the strip as the as ready, army expands its ground offensive if to so i'm going for begins our coverage
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surrounded by dust, displaced policy in use of trying to live where others are buried with nowhere else to go, these families have found shelter amid the tombstones. so i have the hand which you know, they do not again and ask you on the phone so we are forced to leave behind. so we ended up here. people started putting up tents in and around the graveyard. the entire area is crammed with display thousands. when you run out of space, we're living among the dead. and that's a lot more more fresh graves a doug every day with children playing only a few meters away. parents say they can't protect their little ones from the horrors of life and gaza. while i'm lucky, if you had this number, then you would, children are shock traumatized. they're going crazy them on the witness. dozens of bodies being buried. the body is returned by the east ready forces or decomposed and smelled oh, food channel. the i'm mentioning
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a psychologically really and the i'm not know my children anymore. i don't allow, i don't have no unit stuff estimates more than a 1000000 children in the gaza strip will require mental health support them in the i'm so scared i cannot sleep. my younger brother is frightened by the grapes to we just just yesterday a truck came and offloaded 70 bodies. so they were buried before ice. nearly 1700000 palestinians had been forced from their homes by israel's military, offensive. and off, are they all running out of space annually? everything else it's saturday. that means the more we are forced to live among the dead waiting for our day to die, enjoying them 6 feet under. what else can i say? there is no food. we can't sleep peacefully, we have to nights the most basic human rights. no bathrooms, even more so there is none. but also is where is well ordered palestinians to go for their own safety. but as the army plans to expand its ground operations in the
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south of the strip, the symmetry and this tent camp will likely keep growing. you do some good food, audra 0 or in the occupied westbank. these are the ministry has again conducted rates across several cities and incursions took place and took care of ramallah, nablus. and hebron is ready for us is arrested at least $28.00 post indians and at least $382.00 have been killed since israel lowest it's war on guys. on october. the 7th. abraham has moved from bethlehem. from y'all to find the west bank, the main one to please me, a i in refuge account which is to the noise of the occupied to us the rank me a novelist with palestinians have use some help made exclusive devices to fight to the is really forces that have been raising that are few jacob no, according to our sources. they are, these really forces i'm surrounded, the house that they say belongs to a wants to palestinian man. they could not find the man. but what they did is that
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they were arrested at relative and again, this is a tactic that we've been seeing these really forces using before the war, but they've intensified their use of this collective punishment. the use of okay, and that's a rest of a brother, a sister, a father and mother to kind of put pressure on that one to tell us the news to hand themselves in the raise of continued also elsewhere in the to 5 to us. bang. they've been taking place in drama lot in geneva, and as far as we can look at the bigger picture, the most place that has been weighted by these really forces when it comes to the occupies the west bank has been never this followed by the law and janine, we talk about these really violations and these really tension this has been directed towards the palestinians. we're not just talking about these really forces . and these really filters were also talking about these really set to theirs who have been attacking protestant is just a few could on with. there's
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a way for where i am right now is really circular is if attack, if alice simeon car need and then megan is reading supplements. they've also groups of circulars have gathered in the streets in certain was i a village, which is basically in the street that connects the north of the occupied those things with the rest of it. they have a put some tires on the street, making the movement defrost is really difficult and it is because of those growing, subtler attacks. again, spouse thing is that we see movement at nights between one town to another. becoming really dangerous and really, really difficult. the 15 year old palestinian boys be named the newton of gaza. he successfully generated electricity using those basic tools must be left behind by israel's war and his words, this is how he did a and then this assumption, the dropbox then, you know, then there's another had a question about getting that other item. again,
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let us, we'll we'll have to elephant the most likely that we will have to come in, but i wish i hadn't started yet. so that's what it's in the computer. one of the no, no, he left but he has no other questions. yeah, he's going to the who is logged in to the dentist. hopefully let me see and i'm a member, i needed to consider selling the finance issue with the see you joe. now most of
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the and the issue and then the, you know, measurements shipments that are listed in the so the side of the dispute is the end of the fed up. and then what it would come out of the had to be you put a new can know, hey the guys and the fees tina did they to pick up the back of the service? surely animal one don't have to shoot the middle and i'm going to do a lot of the and the defendant has not come in the nation. and the chile is declared 2 days of national mourning for the victims of wild fires. at
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least a 112 people have been killed as far as burn and its central regions or fears the death toll could rise strong winds and high temperatures of fueling the flames. and the coastal evaporates are region. and we'll find some toss it further to the south, which is 0 is less than america editor lucy, and even reports began with, with people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce winds in just minutes. they took these homes into an infernal brook, send them miss. i tells us every one under her street is pitching in decay of level . the only thing left of their possessions except for the clothes on their back and we run for life helping our elderly neighbors. we all help for 3 naples, died. the heat and the flames were unbearable. the condo fees of the deadliest wild flyers in the history of chile,
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a country already familiar with natural disasters. hundreds remain missing. presumed dead, firefighters continue working day and night to control the flyers, the densely populated, but a slow region. 14, a brigade chief with sweets, high made who's been fighting fires for 40 years, says is convinced they were started deliberately or what you're focusing on it. so they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour in 6 different places. when the winds were extremely strong, humidity, very low, and the temperature was high, but not enough to ignite a fire on its own. this was no accidental. the government appears to agree and vows to find and punish the culprits which might have taken minutes to light, quick, 2 weeks to extinguish this way. look like a very small fly right now, but this is a pine tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree, they're very deep, they go all the way down here,
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all the way up there. so when you think you put out the fire, it can ignite at any moment unless the firefighters keeps coming back and back again to try to extinguish it. mister month, see, i lost everything, his car, his home, and just livelihood in, nor mrs. green house for growing and selling exotic plants. luckily he was away with it all went up in smoke. unlike his dog napoleon, who survived, but just barely. okay. yeah, yep. i saw that obviously there had been size before up in the hills, but this time homes were lost and i've been living here 30 years. neighboring countries are offering help, which to me will lead. as reports emerge of new wild fires for this helps to see a newman al jazeera in the park, but i used to region city and we can speak to lucy and now she's in properties as it was. of course, when the reason is affected by the fives and just say i understand that you will
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have to move down. and also a reminder of course of exactly how devastating these buys have been. is absolutely this the more the it in the city of by friday. so itself and just to clarify, there is the regional voted by you so and then you have the city itself. and that is where the mortgage is and where forensic scientists are gathering information to try to identify the bodies that are being picked up so far. the officials number is 112, but we know that there will be many, many more. many are here that haven't been identified yet, and you see here, all these people, many of them already know that they've, they've been able to identify the loved ones that were found. most of them absolutely carbonized. others are searching for information for their missing loved ones, because there are least 300 people whose bodies haven't been found or haven't been identified. so this is
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a slow and extraordinarily painful process. this is probably the most painful place to be right now. and i've been hearing just devastating stories of people, a mother, for example, with a, with a photograph of her now deceased mother next to her sister who was also of course, the daughter of the woman who died with a photo of her daughter who died with her grandmother both in brace, they were found, they found their remains there waiting now for those, for those to be we understand the 1st bodies that will be returned to the family members so that they can be taken to be buried somewhere. but certainly there will be no wake, they have no, no town, no house to go back to. so this is going on all over the hills of here of virginia, the model of on friday. so region, it's only just be getting the flyers are continuing, but they are right now thankfully more or less under control because the temperatures have gone down. and so have the winds loosely as somebody literally stood down in your port. is this a,
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this police from the all star to use of these fires may have been started deliberately. one of the security concerns and the wake of these devastating funds the ab. absolutely, i spoke to the governor just a short while ago and he was very emotional. then you said that he's absolutely convinced that these fires began simultaneously on purpose that they were absolutely deliberate. he said that these are mammish's monstrous people that the government is trying to hunt them down and will punish them, not for our sins, but for murder, because of the amount of people who have died. this is the, the lot the most deadly fire of its kind since, since these numbers have been registered in julian history. so it is, it is a terrible situation, but nobody really knows what is motivating it, or they, pyro maniacs. or do they have another agenda? nothing of that is yet clear, except that there is more more evidence that this was done on purpose the cm
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anything. so that let's see. and even on latin america as to the reporting from my partner, as i mentioned, of how solve it. it was incumbent data now a book kelly says he's won the recent presidential election. beneficial results of no and being announced his popularity, a search of recent months lost it because of his crank down on criminal gangs by the apollo reports from the capital of san salvador. celebrations and the salvador and capital supporters of the kennedy cheering on a victory that will give the controversial president 2nd term after the before you . we didn't have hope, but today we have it. and that means a lot. appearing before a crowd of thousands who kelly called the election historic. all now in the next 5 years. just wait and see what we're going to do. because we are going to continue doing the impossible and showing the will the example of el salvador nigi. but kelly largely owes his support to his administration's hard line policy to rid the
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country of dang, like m, s 13. and the 18th street gang would have caused chaos in el salvador for the last 30 years. those successful in dealing with criminal gangs. critics say the suspension of civil liberties, consolidation of power, along with an unconstitutional bid for re election, have made look at it a democratically elected dictator. he has everything, you know, all the power. there's no control, there's no way defending the flowers. so that's what we're seeing today, any constitutional presidents up one the even though there was an expectation that salvador and president able get a would win by a landslide. the celebrations here in el salvador historic center hartsville, massive though human rights and civil liberties. advocates continue to warn that el
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salvador is walking a dangerous type road for a majority of salvador and the promise of a future for safety and security is the norm. ways just about any other alternative . men will drop a little al, jazeera, sunset of other tiny, the pockets done. now what on demand the northwest of attack, the police station police 10 offices were killed and another 6 injured in the city of the smoke con, pockets done to seeing a number of attacks on the security forces and recent days. general elections shedra to take place on thursday, newly elected mold vivian will dv and president mohammed wizard, who has demanded indian troops withdrawal from the country during his 1st address upon events, he emphasized the importance of sovereignty. i'm old eve says india are agreed to pull out his ministry personnel before may, but new daddy is young to confirm the timeline. mom and boys who will say,
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promise to upgrade the defense, full listen to what he called a mountain military. so had them out there we are. toronto will have all the details of where the 2026 football. well couple start and finish . have some support coming up next. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination in due by the the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the, [000:00:00;00] the type of support. now his son, thank you very much and he was the boss of red bulls, the f one team. christian horner is under investigation but will have started the
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pro. but following complaint made against the 50 old, the team says that they're taking the allegations extremely seriously. well, horner has denied the accusations against him. the usa, its of new jersey will host the 2026 woke up final footballs governing body pizza has released details of what will be the biggest of a woke up. the tournament will involve a record number of teams and is being held across 3 countries and they were to send forth. so here we are for the biggest announcement in the history, all the announcements with will. the final of the 2026 feet woke up the plague when there is your new jersey. faith has never been in organization so shy away from it that if i personally,
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the scale of this world cup is without see cool. the 2026 woke up final will be played at the met life stadium in new jersey. the last of an unprecedented 104 met . she's taking place across 3 countries with millions of people coming to the united states. uh, for the whole woke up to mexico into canada as well. and of course, being in new york, which is such a cosmopolitan city. what do you have between you work in new jersey over to one of the nationalities? mexico's us take a state email hosting, opening much. it's a country that's helped to previous will cups in 19701986. we are toronto, the world companies in canada for the 1st time. we are canada's opening day like mexico. it will have the teen matches. the tournaments has been expanded to include full t, a teams compared with the $32.00. we sort catch all 2022. it will last the record,
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the t 9 days. that's 10 days longer than the previous world cup. the new full mouthful feature at 12 full team groups and i left the t 2 not cat round for the 1st time. miami, in contrast to cancel, as it stands, will be doing a lot of traveling. the shortest distance between the quotes of final and semi final venue is moving 800 kilometers, with all the teams, not just the united states or mexico, a count of the ideas that you, you get them to a locations throughout the time that you don't have teams jumping across the country, the big pulls up to the international teams is the increased chance of qualifying africa, for example, will be represented by at least knowing countries up from 5 in 2022 on the richardson l g 0. former presented to national identity as, as a, has gone on trial in spain, charged with sexual assault. a 4th year old appeared in a parcel on a quote having spent the last year in jail. i says, whose football career saw him playing at barcelona event, has some p s g could face
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a 12 year prison sentence. it denies any wrong doing. and how much would it have dropped points in the spanish tied to a race car launch a lot decide it took the lead through brought him diaz, i guess, city wide. well that's, that's equal a 3 i'll can see that in the late equalize as a much finished level at $11.00, we all still top of the table to punch clear of to run off. and we'll have moved up to 2nd in the premier league table off to a big win over level pool. also went into this game training livable by 5 points. they took the need to because, but before half time livable equalize thanks to an altima on gold by defend the gap in the gun has made the most of some confusing and difficult defense to go to one. often the 2nd home and an injury time enjoyed for a side sailed the 31 victory, the machine that we're going to do this thing and it's the best types in the season. we demanded that we had to go to
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a different level and connect it again to the mazda at the lake, has every game. and they have responded in the way. i'm not saying that plays left . absolutely. originally it was the heart of this all in every single both and i kind of in the browser if you find a find, a specialist who becomes german, english and probably another i post or ask because most of the time you but being theater 2nd. so i'm sorry to say that but, and you have to, in football games, i know that and as many as you can, and this is able to integrate one south korea is head coach yoga clansman is it says that he's drawing on argentina's, woke up experience ahead of his team's asian cup, semi final south square, a pedro then on tuesday, having school late goals to avoid being knocked, taught in the previous to rouse those 2 teams that meet mets in the group state. andrew to to if you look at back at origin, tina how they started. they woke up with the loss again, saudi arabia,
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how nerve as they were in the next game against mexico. because of that pressure that you mention, you know, they kind of feel, oh my gosh, you know, if you don't be mexico now we might not go any further than the one that was cap. so is the process. egypt has co, truly, victoria has been sacked off of the teams. the last 16 exit at the ask a couple of nations. e 7 time champions failed to win a game id tournaments in ivory coast. beside last mohammed fall off to injury and the just the 2nd game mohammed uses a form i had a coach has been appointed as interior manager and the n b a. the oklahoma city signed the defeated the toronto raptors in double overtime. if on the is just get a score, the 24 points, why the team also has for the record 233 points is in the game. oklahoma went on to overturn a 23 point deficit to beat the rap says 135 to 127 in cricket. india
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have won the 2nd test match against england. ben stokes was run out as his team chased the victory deposits of 399, just 3 to 4 months to the last wicket and he finished with 9 in the match india winning this contest by 106 runs to level the series and has been a member of performance by new zealand, russian, or i've been to the of the score in his 1st test century against south africa. he went on to convert it to a double hundreds, finishing with 240 runs. often 9 hours of backing to put to new zealand in control of things. got pretty heated in the final all the month to the open question, tennis style borne according to careful stressing out on his racket often unforced error or it was never able to regain his composure and eventually lost to alex on
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the public of cuz i've done that in math, and that's what was bought for me on hand. you back to me us. thank you very much so that will that send me any pocket for this new side of it? i'll be back in just a moment. sign with much more of the days. you used to the latest developments run the success of states for tense, the middle of the snapshot of an ordinary day. most people go about the business, hardly paying any attention to the rope or navigating the streets. these devices to legal documents, parcels, and food from companies and restaurants. people during process takes just a couple of minutes using an app up to which they re vote has this treat. a 3 d map installed in the brain, prevent them from getting lost, and electronic eyes help overcome obstacles. something that sometimes might prove
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to be quite challenging. russian rather than the use of people trying to help delivery robots out of a snow trip to have gone viral on line. since russian are interesting so called special ministry operation and ukraine, thousands of micro laborers have left the country fronting innovators to fast track . and you know, it takes the tree to partially supplement the human workforce, the phone counting, the cost of china is economy faces a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? tech giants, making big profit skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment, while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on al jazeera president biden says, $1.00 to $2.00 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences
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for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, stealing the sports like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally being of the limits to women. one on one a speech, the female athletes flashed into that place and the ring on out just the you're on the, [000:00:00;00] the load on the phone because this is the news our lives. so coming up in the next 60 minutes, devastation across cause published against desktop arise as well as writing strikes


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