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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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reality and future states organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the . ready the low on the bulk of this is the news life and coming up in the next 60 minutes. it's very strikes devastate and heavily populated areas across cost. odyssey and desktop is bouncing, overwhelm hospital squadron, to treat the secretary of state, arrives in saudi arabia, on the 1st leg of the middle east tool that includes stops in egypt. castle in his room qualifies button through into neighborhoods in a city, at least
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a 122 people have been killed in thousands for somebody tango on the street. so set a goal is capital protest. esteban present maxine south, step down off the delayed presidential elections. as for red bulls formula, one team footstep boss under investigation. a complaint has been made against christian horner and read the book. say they are taking the allegation seriously. the thanks for joining us. we begin this news though, and gaza web palestinians are suffering as this route pushes ahead with his bombardments of the strip and over night, striking central gauze as the owl bhalla killed and injured thousands of people. many of them children. a summer binge of 8 begins coverage and warning. some views may find the images in his report. distressing. the the is the winning becomes louder.
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it's daybreak and not that. would this be months of suffering an immense district? like every of the morning. the buddies are then piled on trucks. these are victims of it's really bombing and data that are incent, 2 dogs. another mother carries her child the last kiss from the sister. one last, jones defeated, defaulting loved one, went off to the other. the dead gathered on the ground. the god is sufficient for us to describe it and is really drawing muffins the morning of these mothers, father's husband's brothers and sisters in the drawing is louder than the funeral pants on day 1. 22. there's no let up in the budman of density populated posting in
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areas is really forced as the drew from some parts. this is what it means of much of cause to more than 2 thirds of the population is displaced. many of the $1700000.00 displaced people have been pushed out multiple times at the places where they took refuge are also being attacked by is really forces without another attack and data, the black and heavy under the family, buried under the home. but we managed to recover some dead bodies from the rubble. this residential building had 4 floors. a dozen families were inside. these really planes leveled it to the ground. more than a 100 persons, not one or 2 more than a 100. mostly women and children were killed. this is a crime. more wounded are brought to the end, equip, intuitive supplies. alexa, hospital,
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doctors come to tragic since many of the critically going to die because they cannot provide that across care. it's too dangerous to operate incentive cause it because it is really forced, has been snipers as mike fins, more women and children who make up 75 percent of the killed and wounded colorado pain the northeast by the way, into the college just in the winter, the due date and got the some of the job he's out of there. and target has the name, joins us live now from rough and tired. we've just seen some more. of course, distressing images, particularly of young children, affected by these ongoing strikes and showing that we've seen in the past many days . now, particularly in the south, up people that now anticipating a ground war in the south as well. to follow all of these abstracts of
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the well, uh, generally the majority of guns and see have been displaced from the houses and being right now trapped and rough. like they are on april. they are unable to go to any of the, like you said you to the unrelenting sack of destruction on displacement. that happens, in fact, due to these very ongoing or offensive inc all as a service, especially to of, to $120.00 days of fighting on the ground. palestinians are completely terrified regarding the potential step that might be taken by as well. if the manage to mentally tally dismantled the military infrastructure in calling you to city and as the, as the is really defense minus type of kalonde said earlier that the where the are going to operate in rough off too many totally dismantled. also the palestinian, but it's a fresh truck to he bought the question from a residence on for a factories what to go next. they have new options remained as the ongoing plans
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that are made by the israeli side. and just a few moments ago, the is very defense minister has said that the word go to rough or at what the way he didn't say when or how. but he said that this is one of the priorities right now for these very all made to operate in the area, which is also just said it to be from the east ready perspective. one of the main central areas for the policy and fights his existence by palestinians here, i mean the civilians are completely terrified with such a steps might be taken as they are completely suffering from the aggravating humanitarian crisis. as new evacuation waves are arriving to this very densely populated area and we have seen seeing within the past few days, there was a very notable increase of military strikes. roughly districts, especially from the eastern parts, which might be the stock points for any possible military ground, including as these various forces have been attacked, things, houses, agriculture lands on the central infrastructure in the city. overall i'm,
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it's the ongoing bombardment on the southern costs of going to so count as soon as you are completely afraid of that step and they are asking about the day next. what if that's happened? in fact, you won't be able to return back to the nose or to han units or any other place where he is, but it has a 3 to default, simply because there was find nothing. but russell's and destruction attack is my understanding that before on the time of the service before israel's war on guns that were roughly around 200000 or so people in raw for that number has now searched to well over a 1000000 some estimated to be as high as 1800000 a more people are likely to have that in the coming days as this conflict continues . what does that mean for conditions the of the well a majority of if activities will hot, earlier evacuation reflect to real far and also for this specially new arrivals
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will have been turning up to rough off within the past few days. the situation for them is absolutely dramatic as this people are struggling, it forwards every single aspect of life they have. if you have earlier struggled with vote, finding access to forward to bolts and medical supplies. now for the new arrivals valve, the struggling to find 10, at least to live in order to be away from the is very bombardment, good old areas, insight drops. i have the become right now. flooded with the factory streets parks, a residential houses and buildings will start with the make the make shift filters and united nation run schools that had been time to be completely mass filters for evacuation spot. there was people are right now here are completely one to return back to the houses. the ongoing is very bombardments, it's people are struggling all the time to have access also to one meal for the family members. as we have these things called heart prices and slide costs the market and the deep shortage of a pro docs that had been allowed to be transferred into goals. and that happens
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despite the national resolution feet by the united nations, and also by the international court of justice to increase the capacity of the humanitarian supplies being delivered to cause us that helped to mitigate the aggravating humanitarian crisis to now there was never any touchable development regarding that, while people were still struggling each day, especially that isabelle is planning to invade drop off, and this is will completely turn everything upside down in terms of the humanitarian situation for palestinians. here tara committee science is a waste china cup. i was in there in rough as the us, sexy of states has arrived in saudi arabia on the 1st leg of the middle east and tool and to the blinking these meeting officials and re add the oil and gas are expensive. the top of the agenda can also visit council on egypt by west bank, and israel washington says is trying to prevent further escalation in the region while violence has been flaring up in the admin. jordan, iraq and syria was crossed to tell of even mamma jump june,
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who's standing by us. haven't blankets, visit comes, of course, and they come to tech support. many hope will be a breakthrough. when it comes to halting, this comes, they want to leave is do we anticipate until the blinking to pull when he finally arrives in israel? so maybe i can tell you by looking across these really media landscape here when it comes to the types of leaks that are being provided to different outlets and anonymous government sources. we're talking to different publications. essentially the mode here is that blinking is going to have a tougher time. then he would like that blinking is expected to try to exert a lot of pressure on this and yahoo to sign off on a potential ceasefire deal with how much that also is going to try to exert a lot of pressure on it. some yahoo to try and allow more humanitarian aid into gaza in the days a had all that being said, they'll fax the matter is that when you hear from is really officials these days,
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they're prospect about a deal happening any time soon. not nearly as optimistic as other leaders, especially not nearly as optimistic as what we've heard from us officials over the course of the past few days. and there's lots of reasons for that. one of the reasons for that is because that's and yahoo is under a tremendous amount of political and societal pressure. here you have what many people think is an untenable political reality for netanyahu at this very critical moment. on the one hand, you have his right flank, you have those far right wing, members of his coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been v or, and finance minister. best of all, smart rich who had said on many occasions over the course of the past week, that they essentially are ready to walk away from the government, collapse the government. if they feel that nothing yahoo is about to enter into a deal that would not be advantageous to is real. now the red lines for the far
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right are as follows. number one, they don't want to see thousands of palestinian prisoners released in exchange for the remaining captives is really capt is being held. and guys also, they do not want to see and into the war. they want the war to continue even after a potential cease fire, until as they say, how much is eliminated beyond that, you also have no idea who under pressure from the opposition. now just this evening you had your la pete, who's the head of the opposition. he met with in that to me a who, a little bit earlier. he emerged from the median. a once again said that he's offered the prime minister, the chance to work with him. he said that essentially he's willing to do anything that needs to be done in order to support the prime minister to get some kind of a deal. that would mean that these captors being held in god's that would be released. that means that he would also potentially be willing to join the government on a limited capacity now and beyond that, you will have that to you out coming under pressure from members of the war cabinet
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who don't believe it. he's doing enough to try to secure the release of his captor . so it's going to be a very tricky time for blinking to be here. he will be exerting pressure, but whether or not that's and yeah, who will give into that pressure whether or not he will align himself more with the us positions that's not expected, but we'll just have to wait and see at this very critical time me, i could diplomatic tight right, full and see blinking, i haven't jump june instead of a mini, thanks for that. let's look into all of this in more detail with mountain bashaw. i'll just do a senior political analyst. so um we had from hobby that talking about of as pressure cost that that yahoo is on, nobody called just will be about pressure. there must be an incentive here as well . i don't know if a steep lincoln's in south even the that's the 1st leg of his tor. the normalization of relations that saturday has been the big carrots has been down a little bit in front of nothing. y'all whose face is this still interested? so i think it's a huge gift through the whole government and the government that is involved in genocide and guys to be awarded for it's genocide for it's for crimes,
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for the kidding of tens of thousands of people with normalization of relations with the most strategically important out of the country today. so good idea is absolutely huge. the question is not what the, nothing. yeah i would buy. and the question today is whether the soul with these are going to buy in because by that is running on the clock and the clock is ticking by june july. he's going to be busy with the convention. after that, there is no foreign policy and he said, think the president who is low in the pools in the united states have not been set up on my wants to wait until to see who's the next person. why son, why send in to buy them? if he goes out into trump for another 40 years. so i think barton is under a very, very sick time limit here. and that's why he needs to be able to sell this to these riley's onto the cell with these as quickly as possible. right. and just to just
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repeating moves on from re adds to a cairo, then go out here and uh, and then on to is around the occupied westbank my, why many fi stuff? now the u. n is putting together a group of senior officials to order the owner of the largest amount of time provided in the gaza strip for they will check whether the u. n. agency has done enough in response to his rating on vacation. so 12 of our staff were involved no type of samples from us of tax investigation will be led by catherine coronado, the former french foreign minister, the group who begin what collated this month and is expected to publish its findings in april for since leaving joins us now from the united nations and kristen, is this the u. s. way of restoring ross reputation in the wake of what we've seen happen? well, it is one of many steps that the united nations is taking to do. just that. this review process was actually requested according to the un by the head of on road
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back in january before these most latest allegations of wrongdoing. by the 12 and right employees came to light. those 12 employees, of course, accused of taking part in the attacks of october 7th, those employees have been let go and an investigation was started on that front as well. that it is being led by the organization of the office of internal oversight services of the united nation. so we've got in parallel, an o i o. s. investigation happening specifically concerning those 12 employees who've been like go have been accused of wrongdoing. and then this new independent review group that has just been analysis, which will take place to simultaneously in parallel, to about looking at the bigger picture of how unreal is being run. is it doing
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everything in its power to ensure neutrality? is it doing everything in its power to insure against any serious breaches? how is it responding to those breaches and so on? this effort is going to be led by the former foreign minister of france. catherine colona, she's working with 3 scandinavian agencies, but the united nations interestingly says that it will only be successful if is real cooperates as well, with the investigation going forward. but clearly an effort by un officials to restore trust and restore funding, frankly, to and right, which has been seriously curtail right in the wake of these latest allegations. chris and i understand that you and security council is set to meet also to discuss the situation in the middle east who's called a meeting and what's expected a yeah, this is a meeting that russia called expressing concern about the spillover effects of the
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war and gaza and the regional di stabilisation that could in sewage, the 2nd time they've called a meeting like this. they did so in response to us attacks in syria, in a rock and yemen over the weekend, and response to 3 american soldiers being killed at a military base in jordan to a group that is backed by a ron the united states has said, this is the 2nd time, as i said, that the russians have requested such a meeting, political and peace building affairs department here at the when will be briefing the council. and certainly you want officials, we've heard express concern about the widening impact of the war on gaza. and in what it will do for the, for the region, just today, the spokesperson for the secretary general said that they are in fact very concerned about the spillover
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a fact. and the meeting also happens out of time when a cease fire resolution that was put forward by algeria. and the security council is being stymied by the united states who says that they are, they don't see it as helpful as they work for their own a ceasefire, right? pause, humanitarian pause negotiations between a mos in and israel. so this is a way for the security council, the keep the issue on the agenda given its inability to pass the resolution. right chris? so many thanks. christmas leave me the you and a new york. well, my one is still with me here in the studio to look into this in a bit more detail. my, when i was struck by something the mounting, griffith, the you and so you minutes here. and she said a few days ago with the address, the un security council, he described the, the funding of as, quote, hardly disproportionate. what is the rush to define the organization by several western powers, say about global alliances, amongst those particular countries,
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cynicism, pure, pure, adulterated, cynicism. i haven't seen a recent memories, something so cynically. sadistically executed by western powers against a united nations agency that is solving in a more time too many and people 80 or 90 percent, 80 or 90 percent of them displace people. on the basis of allegations that have proven based on the evidence that has not been provided until today. the united states, the one who started this, after which part of other countries followed and it's footsteps does not, did not see the evidence that was provided for the acquisition made against 12 out of $15000.00 on the staff. so the idea, so i've sort of not only is just upset because of how much it hurt people,
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what's up. so the by that is that it's made by a country is right, and that's a one and guys are on guys off. but that has just destroyed some 400 scores in guys, most of which are on the west coast. so i know schools are being destroyed is red, is being rewarded on, on why is being investigated amazing. what is if you could explain to us, what is the israel is m. o is modus operandi for wanting to get rid of. or in the 1st place, there's one basic reason that drives as a today, as well as 40 years ago during that drop and ministration. wonder why there's not only an organization that deals with the daily needs of the, by the senior refugees in terms of schooling on health. among others. it's because it's the one that is all entrusted with their destiny as refugees with our right to
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return to their homelands. right? until the right is somehow materialized until the right is somehow compensated right. but certainly materialized. i think the or not all would stay there as the one that takes care of them. i know, personally, i know all of, of hundreds of scholars, a senior scholars and scientists, and business leaders that graduated from one of the schools is an indispensable institutions for by the same society. one, many things is always mom to show that there's been an explosion in the you have any port city of the day of the who's the strong house. this is the moment of the bloss before the headquarters of the young and the navy. over the last few days, the u. s. and u. k of lowest asked strikes, targeting, who positions, and you haven't including in how do i have if you're a spice kurdish forces in serious say 6 if that fights as have been killed in
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a drone strike. the attack happens on the us military base in the northeast in provence, of the zillow. the excitement resistance i'm group, and iraq has claimed responsibility. let's get the latest from washington dc and speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly how could so i can be, has there been any reaction to this attack? we have heard some unofficial reaction that is being reported in the media with regard to that there has been some damage that has been confirmed in infrastructure as well as some casualties. but in terms of numbers, we are waiting. a pentagon briefing that will be coming up at 1930 g m t, where we expect that there will be not only official reaction, but of course the details that we've been waiting for. what we do know and all of this. so is that since the united states launched its own retaliatory attacks in iraq and syria on friday evening into saturday. and then of course into yes'm and
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saturday to sunday, the united states a cell phone. it's based as an interest has now experienced its own attacks. a 3 in total since friday, and a $169.00 since a have since october 17th. so the united states has maintains that as long as that is experiencing these kinds of attacks. it will have and reserve the right to defend itself at a time and placements choose it. which means that there is a very much the possibility that we can see more u. s. air strikes. the united states is simply not said the campaign we saw in recent days is over. so we'll watch very carefully. we'll see what more of the pedagogy has to say. the white house insist that this is not in any way intended to be escal, a tory, that it is defensive in nature. and they also say they are not seeking a broader conflict, particularly with iran. and given the fact that some of these attacks have been of by a run back to militia groups,
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and they also say they are not seeking direct conflict flicks with iran. so we're looking forward to this pentagon briefing at 1932 m t to find out what more the pentagon might have to say. okay, and we'll of course be ready to cover that. so we do you. kimberly how could live with the white house? thank if the okay, we're going to turn to some breaking news britain. this king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. buckingham palace announced that he would not be fulfilling his public duties. spells the king spent several days in hospital for an enlarged prostate tests that identified a separate type of come some probably minutes to receive c nightwish charles. well, as of it, he had no doubt the king would be back to full strength in no time. we'll say and get a go is standing by in london. i'm sonya took us through firstly how this announcement
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was made. well, it has been reported via a to buckingham palace as well with the the announcement that his matches that the king charles while he has been advised not to undertake any public duties at this time. he still will be undertaking state business and official paper. what he came back down from no foot to his home in london. and what was, of course, just little over a week ago that he was on the diving treatment for benign prostate enlargement at a private hospital in london. now as far as we know that and as far as what the policy is saying is that this diagnosis of cancer is not to do with the health issue that he has with his prostate. however, this openness that we're seeing from the pilots as well from the royal family
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themselves, is according to the palace a way for the king to encourage man, especially man in his age bracket. he is 75 years old to have that prostate check and also to have a more openness with regard accountability with regards to his own health as well. and of course, another member of the family, his daughter and the princess of wales. catherine was also in hospitals while having and all the health issue, but also with this atmosphere of openness that is being seen with the pilots. they want to make sure that whatever issues house or otherwise that the wall family having that it is accountable to the public, and that if they can help provide any health messages to the public, then this is the way that they would do it. but in the meantime, apart from undertaking his treatment till monday, it will be suddenly a slow, a time table about the king will be following, given his treatment. and sonia has to be there any indication as yet as to what
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type of com. so this could be, you know, over they all being open, there's only so much information that they are allowing to go into the public field as it was. but of course, with the particular type of health issue that the king has been ongoing treatment full for that the 9 prostate enlargement. it is suddenly obvious that so this is a message of health message that the willing to kind of get more med in the age bracket to be to check out. of course, it is sometimes on the diagnosis and it can be deadly of course. but these issues of course, pertain to the fact that men of that age wilks is to come to some of those health issues. and well, we don't know exactly what kind of cons. so the king has been diagnosed with. suddenly it is a reminder of that all the people, perhaps and the family themselves are not setting. you know what i mean from such conditions. and it is certainly something that they want to transmit to the public
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. it over these obviously sonya we wait for further details coming from the pilots . but we do we anticipate any comments from the like of likes of prince william, for instance. and i think perhaps really that will be left to the household of the king himself. the prince. of wales will be focusing on his own re max and of course it is his wife has also had a has undergoing treatment as well and her own health issues. and he's already mentioned that he would be a really focusing on that and focusing on where he can take over from how he can help, how to his father, king onset, and all the jew cheese perhaps fulfilling some of the public duties that the king is unable to do so right now, but unless there is more information which has been no tate by the household, it is unlikely that the prince of wales will speak on behalf of his father unless
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of course instructions to do so or i tub. sonya, i'm many thanks for that. so i agree. i go there in london on the breaking news that king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. let's bring in richard phillips williams, drivers of all watch, and commentators and public relations specialist who joins us from london. if i will welcome to you so, and the announcement made not that long ago. um, what does this mean obviously in terms of pins, it looks like king charles is ability to continue doing his doing his duties so far as we understand that she will be able to function with somebody's basic saying for example, signing bills into more of that sort of thing, i mean should it in any future occasion, which we must most sincerely hope. it does not mean that there is anything but 2 in the fall of incapacity law, that would be a, that's
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a procedure right by causes the state to act for. and i mean as a 2nd step versus of course being the shop as your correspond, the smoking. he was recently in the hospital for him, but not in the process of trying to launch mount. and it was then, but this phone kind of sudden we thought of the details. so it was the sausage. so obviously this is, this is the serious news. how much of the pumps, or is it from what we may have seen with the previous monex regarding how come didn't open the king? and indeed the role of household has been about this diagnosis. it is sort of saying that's completely new really. i mean, like k occasional things, all white and queen elizabeth was in the hospital as i was also taking your time on that and disseminating the news rows of cost with in some top or 5. and indeed, we see most of the different approaches all as the case and also of catherine
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happens or somebody else to that various illnesses. and she has been in our house and she feels able to be when he had the procedure for 9 the, the process, right. he shared it with the nation. the how was i need this has been reflected in numbers of people looking at the national health services website and also a more awareness of this condition. and this is what he was trying to do. so it was a very difficult time for me to solve. he is thinking of how to help others add some of these issues and because there's prostrate issues, for example, a very sensitive sometimes people on and off, i'm talking about us too late. so in that sense, these statements from vaccine pause, right. of course, the huge question is, is this the valuable? what is that? what are the next steps?
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how's that being any announcement from the progress regarding treatment? and we don't know the titles. we only know that she's, i'm the guy in treatment as i understand it. and this hopefully in the coming days i was witness to the private pre employment we, we will be update the snow now. so as i say, it is a shock if you actually consider as i say here, was a longer subbing for this. the lapse of history he's been on this for says the best of queen elizabeth and most of the time earlier before last remnants of the shocked rain. and it must be some see that they have people coming past band. there is no question of his absolutely remarkable ability. these are sort of kind of the reading that came on at bonham. mental issue solid issues dealing with and religious understanding on cell calls as well as his constitutional possession. but there's no doubt this is bad news and the nation will be, i'd say, got
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a stomach shot. but what does this mean for the royals and the roles? does this mean we are likely to see the likes of principle in the future? king step up to the log to fill some of the duties that king charles will not be able to continue doing while he's receiving treatment, for instance, that we expect so precisely that the problem is be as that with the princess. so the way it was a while, and indeed i'm unable to participate in data run and gauge funds to the least the but you stop period and possibly along with the roster. i was she was at the hospital for arouse something like get a full night. i just know not we just been announced that the prince of wales will carry out his 1st duty on the sense of february. so that has
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run into a new suit. but there's no doubt also that there's talk about them lying on. if you buy that off off your members of the wrong family able to carry out certain gauge months. i mean, we now have the king when there's a cancer diagnosis, which has the parents as a whales most unfortunately unable to perform duties. so i number weeks as i started out a whole lot more rest on vice principal levels. and of course you can come to that who has been quietly but conscientiously continuing hunt duties. but so essentially, uh, we would have to obviously wait till to see what suitable show and how to set the king. what unless he went back so they would wish and be back and able to bump form is usually is very so. well that is of course, the type of so many, many people that in the united kingdom, richard fits williams. many thanks for joining us and just repeat the breaking news that we received a short while ago was the presence king charles has been diagnosed with cancer.
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the is armando top, so is this our is where the army is plumbing, gaza from the north to south target. same heavily populated areas countless evacuation orders to be issued as forces push south posting and say there's no with your section of states, empty building. can this back in the middle east for talks on god? so he's currently in research and is expected to travel to israel, westbank egypt, and tom for you and is putting together a group of senior officials to audit for the launch is to monitor and provide a in the gaza strip review whether the agency has done enough in response to the accusations, the 12 it stopped colluded with time us processing and families of pitching that tents in the cemetery. and rafa and southern cause are more and more people are
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being forced into the southern quarter of the strip is the is ready, homie expands its ground defensive if to send going for reports surrounded by dust, displaced, polished in use of trying to live where others are buried with nowhere else to go. these families have found shelter amid the tombstones. so i have the hand which you know, they do not again and ask you on the phone so we are forced to leave behind. so we ended up here. people started putting up tents in and around the graveyard. the entire area is crammed with display thousands. when you run out of space, we're living among the dead. and that's a lot more more fresh graves a doug every day with children playing only a few meters away. parents say they can't protect their little ones from the horrors of life and gaza. while i'm lucky, if you had this number, then you would, children are shock traumatized. they're going crazy them on the witness. dozens of bodies being buried. the body is returned by the east ready forces or decomposed
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and smelled oh, food channel. the i'm mentioning a psychologically really and the i'm not know my children anymore. i don't allow, i don't have no the unit stuff estimates more than a 1000000 children in the gaza strip will require mental health support them in the i'm so scared i cannot sleep. my younger brother is frightened by the graves to just just yesterday, a truck came and offloaded 70 bodies. so they were buried before ice. nearly 1700000 palestinians have been forced from their homes by israel as military offensive in the off of the old running out of space annually. everything else it's saturday. that means the more we are forced to live among the dead waiting for our day to die and join them 6 feet under. what else can i say? there was no food. we can't sleep peace today. we have to night the most basic human rights. no bathrooms, even more so there is none. but offer is where is well ordered palestinians to go
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for their own safety. but as the army plans to expand its ground operations in the south of the strip, the symmetry and this 10 can, will likely keep growing. if the some good food, i'll just 0 the sound of go now where members are fundamental holding at the base of to president mackie sal postponed this month's elections. the bill could see the pole pushed back by up to a year president, south side control facies around the selection of candidates for delaying the vote . their vote was, it was put forward by opposition, figured carrying blot with this force of the president. meanwhile, policing the capital of ca, 5 t a gas if the test is outside of the part of the building. to demonstrate his accused president style of being a dictator, demanding he step down. it follows protests on sunday in which a prominent opposition indeed, was arrested. i mean, not to re, had called the election delay, an unprecedented democratic regression. a correspondent nicholas talk is in send
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a go with more. and once the lawmakers put the bill forward and the lowest put into place for a new election date, then there is no turning. there's 2 things happening in the parlor. at the same time, members of the ruling party and a portion of the opposition party members of the party of cream wad we support a bill to uh for a new date for these elections. and then they are, there was opposition. m. m p. who wants to appeal the decree put forward by present like yourself to cancel the elections. i can tell you. this is a very tense moment at the national assembly. you are seeing a lot of fighting a lot of a. m p is coming close to blows. all eyes are on what is happening parliament today, but the internet is down. tv stations have been shut down. so it feels for many people in san diego that they're being shut out of this debate that can save them
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the future of this country and who will be able to lead with the ability to, to change the way. but who will be able to lead this country that has only seen peaceful transitions of power since 1963. how some of those incumbent lead to 9 book can i sees one the recent presidential election of the county beneficial results have not yet been announced. his popularity is so should we some months launch the because of his crank down and criminal gangs on autopilot reports from the capital sense of the, the celebrations and the salvador in capital supporters of the beginning, cheering on a victory that will give the controversial president. second term, author the problem before you, we didn't have hope, but today we have it. and that means a lot. appearing before a crowd of thousands, gaily called the election historic. all now in the next 5 years,
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just wait and see what we're going to do. because we are going to continue doing the impossible and showing the will the example of el salvador nigi. but kelly largely owes his support to his administration's hard line policy to rid the country of dang, like m, s 13 and the 18th street gang, which it caused chaos in el salvador. for the last 30 years. those successful in dealing with criminal gangs. critics say the suspension of civil liberties, consolidation of power, along with an unconstitutional bid for re election, have made look at it a democratically elected dictator. he has everything, you know, all the power there and no controls. there's no way defending the flowers. so that's what we're seeing today, any constitutional precedent. the one the, even though there was an expectation that salvador and president nable kelly would win by a landslide. the celebrations here in el salvador historic center are still massive
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though human rights and civil liberties. advocates continue to warn that el salvador is walking a dangerous type group for a majority of salvatore and the promise of a future of safety and security is the norm out ways just about any other alternative men. wizard up a little al jazeera, sunset of other or, or rich and venezuela has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. but despite the lifting of some of us sanctions and dropping prices, many people are still struggling to cope or other, such as reports. when inflation failed from $300.00 to a 190 percent last year, there was recent to celebrate for some in venezuela, but the south american nation still has one of the highest weights in the world with wages frozen for the past 2 years. and lo, exchange rates, making a trip to the shop is a nightmare for many level various as they own. last year i would get food for the
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week with the equivalent of $20.00. now i get enough to 3 days me. some fishes, so expensive, my pension is 3.5 dollars a month. what are we going to do? the local believe other currency uses value against the dollar from week to week. it is obviously less is only god can help her. i go shopping, praying so i can buy all i need. things are more more expensive by the day. economists say the government is not raising, we just to control the installation, but president neglect moto says things are better with good supply. at 90 percent market traders saved businesses back because customers don't have enough cash to send you an idea of let them know what i mean. they said, you know, people used to buy 10 bananas. now they take 2 or 3 spinning has gone down all over the country where all effected in order to sell her products join the american says she lets customers pay weeks later. take me and several people can afford the all
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people who spend many days of the month without a penny. so i let them take my products. they always come back to pay me the you is listed sanctions and venezuela in october. you seem restrictions in the countries financial golden energy sectors has boosted the economy. the condition to prevent sanctions being re in post is to guarantee fair elections. so let's say the road to recovery will be determined by the general election this year to come up. and what if anything was sort of taken out of extensions and agreements could impact our estimation of inflation rates. we're not optimistic because in an electoral year we always see the rates go up. my most optimistic number is 170 percent. that prediction of high inflation and soaring prices for the foreseeable future is the last thing these shoppers want to hear. when you know scientist just see to today has the class 2 days of national mourning for the victims of wild fires. at least
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a 122 people have been killed in fires to bend across central regions. or if he is the desktop to dry, strong winds and high temperatures of fueling the flames, and the coastal parties, a region on both sides of sausage even further south. i'm just here is less than america at a time to see and human reports begin with what people describe as a sudden downpour of centers given by fierce winds in just minutes, they turn these homes into an infernal rook center. miss that tells us every one under her street is pitching in degrees of level, the only thing left of their possessions except for the clothes on their back, and we run for our lives helping our elderly neighbors. we all help for 3 naples, died. the heat and the flames were unbearable. the condo fees of the deadliest wild flyers in the history of chile, a country already familiar with natural disasters. hundreds remain missing.
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presumed dead, firefighters continue working day and night to control the fires in the densely populated valve, but a slow region 14 a gauge chief leslie's high man who's been fighting fires for 40 years, says is convinced they were started deliberately. what, what you're focusing on time. it's, i think they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour and 6 different places . when the winds were extremely strong, humidity, very low, and the temperature is high, but not enough to ignite a fire on its own. this was no accidental. the government appears to agree and vows to find and punish the culprits which might have taken minutes to light could take weeks to extinguish. this may look like a very small fly right now, but this is a pine tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree, they're very deep,
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they go all the way down here, all the way up there. so when you seem to put out the fire, it can ignite at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again to try to extinguish it. mr. muncie, i lost everything, his car, his home, and just livelihood in, nor mrs. green house for growing and selling exotic plants. luckily he was away with it all went up in smoke. unlike his dog napoleon, who survived, but just barely. okay. yeah, yep. i felt that obviously they had been fired before up in the hills. but this time, homes were lost and i've been living here 30 years. neighboring countries are offering help, which to me will lead as reports emerge of new wild fires for this out. to see a new and al jazeera in the park, but i used to region city badging, cortez sentence, and australia, and right to suspend the death sentence. young hang john, who was born in china,
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has been found guilty of espionage. the sentence comes off the young's arrest in 2019 of the chinese airport. he had worked as an employee of china state secuity department for a decade. australia as foreign minister has condemned the verdict. the style in government has advocated for dr. young with china at every opportunity and at the highest level we have consistently cold for basic standards of justice, procedural fitness and humane treatments to dr. young in accordance with international norms and toners, they grew up the guy, sions, this friday will not relent. in our advocacy for justice for dr. young's interest and will be including appropriate medical treatment. and we will continue to provide controller assistance to him and his family close to our lands. wanted to see of the re, you know, to include his family. so it had on, i was just there, i'm him stored away here from south korea's campus vapor after that crunch asian
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come send me final showdown against showed him the business like this. this brought to you believe, i guess is i live slowly on one of your this makes model leads. the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the of the the okay, it is time to support his son. thank you very much and you have well read bullet formula. one team boss, question horner is under investigation. red bull have started the prob, following a complaint of inappropriate behavior, made the guess the 50 year old. the team says that they're taking the allegations extremely seriously or not, has denied the accusations against him in his statement. redbull said,
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this process which is already underway is being carried out by an external specialist. a virus to a company takes these matches extremely seriously and the investigation will be completed as soon as practically possible. it would not be appropriate to comment further. at this time. the state of new jersey will host the 2026 woke up final football as govern info. the for has released details of what will be the biggest advert woke up the tournament. it will involve a record number of teams and is being held across 3 countries and there is just general thoughts. so here we are for the biggest announcement in the history of announcements with will. the final of the 2026 feet woke up the plague when there is your new jersey. faith has never been in organization so shy away from it that if i personally,
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the scale of this world cup is without equal. the 2026 woke up final will be played at the met life stadium in new jersey. the last of an unprecedented 104 met. she's taking place across 3 countries with millions of people coming to the united states for the whole world cup to mexico, into canada as well. and of course, being in new york, which is such a cosmopolitan city. what do you have between you work in new jersey over to one of the nationalities? mexico's aspect of stadium o host the opening much. it's a country this help to previous will cups in 19701986. we are toronto, the wealth copays in canada for the 1st time. we are candidates opening game like mexico. it will have the teen matches. the tournaments has been expanded to include
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48 teams compared with the 32. we sort catch all 2022. it will last the record $39.00 days. that's 10 days longer than the previous wells cup. the new full mouthful feature at 12 full team groups and the last 30 to knock out round for the 1st time. miami, in contrast to saw players and stands, will be doing a lot of traveling. the shortest distance between the quotes of final and semi final venue is moving 800 kilometers, with all the teams, not just united states or mexico, a count of the ideas that you, you get them to a locations throughout the time that you don't have teams jumping across the country, the big positive, the international teams is the increased chance of qualifying africa, for example, will be represented by at least knowing countries up from 5 in 2022 on the richardson l g 0 south korea is, has code, yoga and cleans means. it says he's drawing on argentina's, woke up experience ahead of his team's asian cup semi final softly i pay drilled in
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on tuesday, having schooled late goals to avoid the knock thoughts and the previous tooth rounds. these 2 teams match and the group stage and drew to to south we are aiming to win. the 1st title is 64. yes. if you look at back at odds in tina how they started the world cup with dolores against saudi arabia. how nerve as they were in the next game against mexico because of that pressure that you mention, you know, they kind of feel, oh my gosh, you know, if you don't be mexico now we might not go any further than the one that was cap. so is the process. egypt has coach and way of victoria has been sacked off to the teams last 16 exit to add the ask a couple of nations. the 7 time champions failed to win a game at these hormones in ivory coast. beside lost in the homicide, lots of injury and just the 2nd game homage yusef. a form i had the coach has been appointed as interior and manage
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a or follow up with an international and analysis has gone on trial in spain charged with sexual assault. a 4th year old appeared in a court in barcelona having spent the last year in jail as this whose football career saw him playing at barcelona events and post. you could face it 12 year prison sentence, he the nice annual wrong to him. the and the n b a, the oklahoma city tons of the fee to the toronto raptors in double overtime. the sun, those adults get a score 20 full points. why the team also score the records 233 points is in the game. oklahoma went on to overturn a 23 point deficit to beat the rafters 15527. the inc. crickets, india have won the 2nd test match against england. england captain vince sofa was
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run off as he seemed chase the victory target of $399.00. desperate to whom right took the last wickets and he finished with mine in the match. and d, a winning this contests by 106 runs to level the series and things good. pretty heated the, in the final of the month to the open creation 10 to saw for nacory to a took his frustration out on his racket, often on false era. court was never able to regain his composure and eventually lost alexander by the lake. of cuz extent even the 3 most public up to a korea high, 23 in the world. and that's it as well for me. 100 back to me. all right, thanks a lot. so that's it for me. recently use our a more news the shortly, but a reminder of the breaking news service hours of united kingdom's king charles the
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3rd has been diagnosed, comes some more news on us on other days news here, and i was the the know kind of stay just underway yeah, the agent come being played here and to tell for a record the time 2014 started the tournament, but only one. the crown champions realty, the right across the action, the agent on else as they are competent beyond well taken without hesitation. fulton died for power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare other people with that. and people empower, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to beat us of our around the on out. is
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there a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year? we source that change, it became clear at that point, but we really were in that kind of a new era of a nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of walking fishermen, cabbages, it changes the way we think, and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b, a r series on a jersey, the economic crises dorming, the glow. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflict and wars destroying production factors aggravating the global food crisis. and the substituting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response. the international conference on to justice from a human rights perspective,
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challenges of reality and future stakes. organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the or the, [000:00:00;00] the tunnel on elizabeth put on them. and this has been use our line from the coming off in the next 16 minutes from the notes to the south of gaza is where the strikes devastate heavily populated areas. college students have been told, well overwhelmed, hospital struggle to treat the engines that us secretary of state arrives in saudi
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arabia, on the 1st leg of the middle east tools and include stops in egypt casa, and israel. while fire has been to in time neighborhoods and should a at least


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