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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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of the challenges of reality and future states organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the bottom of this has been use our life from the coming off in the next 16 minutes from the nose to the south of balance that is where the strikes devastate heavily populated areas are housed and in so being told, well overwhelmed, hospital struggle to treat the engines. the us secretary of state arrives in saudi arabia on the 1st leg of the middle east. the tools that include stops and egypt
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casa, and israel law fire has been to in time neighborhoods in should a, at least a 122 people have been killed in thousands 1st from their homes and diversions. king charles announces his undergoing treatment for cancer. the who begin this name is alan dollars, as well as pushing ahead with its bombardment of his trip. an overnight strike and central gauze has been out of the law, killed an engine thousands of people. many of them children with sullivan job. it begins coverage and a warning, but some of you as may find images in his report. distressing the is the reading becomes louder,
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it's daybreak and not, or would those be months of suffering and immense district? like every other morning, the bodies are then piled on trucks. these are victims of it's really bombing and data that are incentive does. another mother carries her child one last kiss from the sister. one last, jones defeated, defaulting loved one, went off to the other. the dead gathered on the ground. the god is sufficient for us to describe mother and he's really drawn, muffled as the morning of these mothers, father's husband's brothers and sisters in the drawing is louder than the funeral pants on day 1. 22. there's no let up in the bottom of density populated palestinian areas is,
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is really forces that drew from some parts. this is what remains of much of cause. more than 2 thirds of the population is displaced. many of the $1700000.00 displaced people have been pushed out multiple times at the places where they took refuge are also being attacked by is really forces without another attack and data, the black and heavy under the family, buried under their home. and by the way, we managed to recover some dead bodies from the rubble. this residential building had 4 floors. a dozen families were inside. these really planes leveled it to the ground. more than a 100 persons, not one or 2 more than a 100, mostly women and children were killed. this is a crime. the more wounded are brought to the end, a good intuitive supplies. alexa hospitals, doctors kind of tragic since many of the critically going to die because they cannot provide that across care. it's too dangerous to operate incentive because it because of is really forced,
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has been cited as make things more women and children who make up 75 percent of the killed and wounded colorado pain the northeast by the way, into the college just in the winter, the due date and got the some of the job the other there. let's go to our correspondent thought a couple assume he's joining us live from alpha and thought of others increasing. is there any strikes on the south that you've been pushing on for the past few days? continuing yes, that's right, there is no any. so say you should have minutes to act. so now the ground mean the palestinian fight is on the east very so just especially if that is read within the past 24 hours has completely pressed on its military defensive on the southern part
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of kansas truck now starting with roof i today, which has been multiple a heads, especially that one of the latest strikes that targeted a residential building in the eastern part rough for full pound study and have to report it killed in the pond to gauze. and now we've been seeing that the eastern part had been why the i talked in the past few days that area so adjacent to her new to city. we're back to staff to continue to take place at one of the latest. but a 3 strikes the i targeted residential building on the facility, openness or hospital, which had been surrounded by these very many trees and bustles. the close contact pointing in the uh, in the streets of con eunice had been de you by just getting much more west as we, as we have been seeing more videos from the east very and palestinian side shows a show the, the unrelenting a battles between both spots on the ground in terms of teaching full control over on you and us are sitting now by the middle of overnights of calls in the past few hours had been widely attacks,
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especially on deputy bella and mr. rod refuge account. we've been hearing from residents that on the ground have been saying that the bombardment on the altered or shooting did not stop in these areas as they have been targeting residential neighborhoods and only unlocks the posts, but so in a different but a had received today at least 15 palestinians to have been killed at home, govern greske, to efforts by the civil defense cruise to recover the victims from under the ruffles of the destroyed houses in such areas of confrontations. okay, so can continue on strikes across the strip. but given that most of the population is now in alpha in the south, where you are, how did people they figured when they hear, that is why the defense minister say once again that the army is moving towards stuff or well, this is the not mat in fact for the majority of governance and so are right now, taking refuge in rough or tuesday have photos. that is where the oldest is the
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beginning of this complex to move and to see safety in the south. and later, the mediterranean operations had been expanded to the south and they have been informed again to flee to rough. uh, and they have pulled up. they used by the oldest to get to rough, a 100 right now they are in the last remaining place that they did not witness mass military inclusion till now. so they are completely frustrated. there's a sense of completely mistrust had been rising among palestinians in terms of what is what had been saying because it completely and or in of constantly had been doing to me the opposite. what they have been saying and ordering people and people here are completely don't know what to go next, especially if the military operations has started in a rough while, you're talking about more than 1900000 palestinians are taking refuge. he often they have lost the houses, it means that there is no any place to go to in order to live, especially that the majority of areas where it is where the ministry has operated in have completely turned into
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a rustled where the come not have any civil facilities to be provided and there was no any. oh, so hygiene facilities just to live it. it's these a rough exceeds in her rustic destruction that has been unfolding whole areas of gauze. i thought the, the, the follow simians here are to now has a glimmer of hope in terms of the on giving gives she ations to reach to a cease fire that might bring that in for the fighting. but also with the are afraid from the next to step. that is where might take in the coming days, if the minutes hardly managed to take full control over on you. and as, as these ready defense minutes. that stated that the rough might be the next destination for these ready all me. but when, and how this is what they did not say in terms of this case as privacy as here, a waiting completely for a resolution that might, and they're suffering on the grounds. that infection very much for that thought it was on joining us live from alpha of the us, secretary of state has arrived in saudi arabia on the 1st leg of the middle east.
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tor asked me blinking it's amazing officials and deals with the war on gaza expected to top the agenda here also visit the casa egypt. the occupied westbank, and israel washington says it's trying to prevent further escalation in the region . the slide caring off his trunks against the wrong linked groups in yemen. jordan rock and sylvia. let's speak to mohammed jump, juwan correspondent. instead of even mohammad how open is the, is ready government to have a message the us secretary of state will be bringing this time. so elizabeth, that's really a big question at this point because when you look across these really media landscape where there are lots of leaks from officials and also anonymously sourced government officials speaking to these different publications. well, they're essentially saying that it's not going to be an easy time for blinking and
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that the prospect for, and that's in yahoo signing on to some kind of a ceasefire deal. not quite as optimistic about that as the american counterparts are at this stage. so there's lots of reasons for that, but primarily the biggest one is the kind of pressure that benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister is under right now, both politically and societally. so nothing yahoo right now is facing growing pressure from his right wing flank. you have those far right wing ministers, like it's marvin over here, the national security minister like both of those monitors. the finance minister who have openly said on multiple occasions over the course of the past week that they essentially would be willing to leave the coalition collapse the government rather than see. and that's an yahoo enter into some kind of a ceasefire deal that would not be advantageous for israel. more and more members of the right are saying that it's unacceptable for them to see thousands of
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palestinian prisoners release in exchange for the remaining is really, capt isn't gaza. also, they're saying it's unacceptable for them to see and into the war without israel having achieved this ultimate goal and objective of completely eliminating how much they also don't want to see these really army withdraw from god. so now aside from that, you have also the opposition that is putting pressure on that to me. all right, now you have the head of the opposition. yeah. your la pete, who is a he just and that actually in the last couple of hours with nothing yahoo and he offered to nothing. yahoo essentially that he would join the government for a limited time. if that meant getting to some kind of a deal that would see the release of those capt is being held in god's and now the reason this is difficult for nothing yahoo to do is that let pete with join if. if the right wing minister is like, like a, like small to rich and, and a, and been v or were either ousted or if they left. and that's the who knows that if the pain were to join, he would join for
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a limited time after which he would leave. that would mean that would be no more coalition. that would be elections. and because it's and yeah, who is so deeply unpopular in poll after poll here in israel, that means essentially he would be out of a job, his government would collapse, so it'd be new elections. so it's a very fraught, difficult picture here. so i'm would say politically untenable, reality for an engineer who at the time beyond the political pressure, you also have societal pressure more and more relatives of those chapters. and guys are coming out week after week demanding that and that's in yahoo do more to secure the release of their loved ones. they are growing more vocal, more and more of them are coming out into the streets on a weekly basis. so right now, a very difficult time and also the fact of the matter is when blinking has come to israel in the past, it's been clear that blinking has not been able to get nothing yahoo to do all the things the us wants, nothing. you have to do that's one of the reasons the relationship between the us and israel is so difficult right now. so you put all of these together. you see how tricky the political picture is right now. and it's just unclear how this is going
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to with how it's going to be navigated, going forward. yes, absolutely. mm hm. and thank you very much for breaking all of that down for us. that is my home and jump june live. and 10 of these there's been an explosion in the game, any port city of holiday that that is a hope, the stronghold. this is the moment of the blogs before my headquarters, the i'm in the navy over the last few days, the u. s. and the u. k have launched as strikes targeting who the positions in yemen, including and whole data us back kurdish forces and soviet say 6 of the slices have been killed in a drawing strike. the attack happened on a us military base and the north eastern province of data as old. these long it was distance i'm group in a rock has claimed responsibility. let's get the latest from washington dc and speak to our white house correspondent kimberly halted. so kimberly the us secretary of state on his 5th trip to the region since the war began the 1st since
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the us as strikes in iraq. and silvia as of his agenda wasn't full enough. yeah, that's right. and certainly the strikes weren't the purpose of the meeting. the meeting was designed to advance normalization relations between saudi arabia in israel as well as to try and continue working on some sort of agreement to try and facilitate to the release of captives that exchange for the palestinian prisoners. and it's really jail. but now given the strikes that have taken place over the weekend, there are certainly no question the that is going to be a major part of the conversation. and we can confirm as we look ahead to a pentagon briefing that will be taking place in the coming hour that there has been a confirmation unofficial. that is, that there has, in fact been some damage to infrastructure on one of the us basis inside of syria, as well as some casualties. so we'll continue to update you on that. but in the midst of all of this, this has become
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a growing problem for the so i'm the administrator and that it says that all the actions, it's taken all in the recent days in the last 72 hours have been to de escalate the tensions in the broader middle east region, even as they have seen, the conflict escalating. what we know is that the united states says as long as us interest in the region are continuing to be attacked and we know those attacks have been ongoing. most recently, since fridays, 3 more $169.00 since october 17th, the united states says it will respond to the time and place of its choosing well at the same time, say it does not seek a broader middle east conflict, nor does it seek direct conflict with a run or any of its iran back. malicious committee. thank you very much for that. that's all white house correspondent, kimberly helped joining us live from washington dc to and we're drawing now by tom or thomas pickering,
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a former us ambassador to the when the also served as us and best suited to jordan and israel, amongst other posts. and he's joining us live from boston, virginia. thank you very much for your time. this to pickering, from your experience as a korea diplomat, what do you think secretary of state lincoln will be trying to achieve on this trip? i think it's quite clear to secondary blinking will be working very hard to achieve a combination of a ceasefire. the return of hostages of their possible trade for palestinian prisoners. there's in israel, clearly a deal between saudi arabia and israel, about the future and their own relationship and other things that will necessarily a pin to that, including the capacity to continue the context between israel and the palestinians. who is the idea in mind are moving toward
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a 2 state solution. not all of this is obviously agree by either side of the report shows that we're quietly getting closer. okay. and those reports, we've seen those reports for the last week or so that we aren't getting close could be getting closer to another seats. fi lincoln is visiting the countries mediation negotiations between as well. and how much do you think that this us administration is using the leverage that it has with israel to achieve a cease fire? i think the administration has been careful and cautious. we have an election coming up uh, voters, uh, with frank ships both to the jewish community in the united states. and they are communities in the united states are torn by this particular conflict. and the bind administration is attempting to maintain an equitable balance between the 2,
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perhaps not strongly enough in favor of one side or the other. but this is the problem of a long term and difficult set of negotiations. yeah, on the middle east thing down the road to objectives that are sometimes rejected in principle by both sides and how to balance that and move it requires more leverage in the application of more leverage. and that in itself, incurs costs of potential loss of voters in the coming american election is really it is a very careful hold. yeah, it can be like type role was absolutely, and it's really interesting that you bring that up ahead of the election. is it possible to reach an equitable balance when there are many more, let's say, uh, solutions of israel when there is a lot of jewish population when there was a logic event, jellicoe population on the whole,
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in the united states that supports as well. then most of them on our population, there was, this is obviously the challenge for any administration in what was the administration of their opponents will be seeking to increase the number of positive votes for themselves as this process unfolds. here is the time when leadership is a totally important and moving ahead. and i have a long style does a diplomat. that successful diplomacy, even if in fact it requires sacrifices on the part of both sides to get there is an extremely important asset to have in your purse moving into an election. and it gives you a basis for saying we did the tough thing. but we did the right thing and we brought this conflict to an end, and we brought the hostages home and we stopped the killing. and gotcha. and if you will advise them the u. s. government right now, what would you be telling them to do?
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what is the tough and the right thing to do in this situation? i would say emphasize the continuity, continuation and application of leverage and talks, perhaps to consider a problem. the diplomats have long identified too many moving parts should this time maybe to slim down the asks on the part of both sides in order to get a process that can be begun and continued, but doesn't solve every thing at one time. even though each side is pushing for objectives, usually the opposite to what the other side wants at a time when the negotiations are at their surface point. and if we're not there, we're certainly approaching that point. all right, mister pickering, it's great to get your insights, your expertise on this. that is a form of us to from that thomas pickering joining a lot from boston,
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virginia. thank you so much. i the ballast and in relief agency on the wall says it's trucks carrying humanitarian aid until the gaza strip came on. the fire from is riley forces on why has released pictures showing trucks that it says were damaged by his writing naval gunfire. early on monday, it's unclear exactly where the convoy was when it was showed on why it says this isn't the 1st time it's convoys have been hit. the don't have a lo, so i would my go this morning. it was not the 1st time warner a convoy with a united nations was a talk. it is the 3rd time it couldn't void belonging to enter well has been exposed to attacks on its way to the north or when it's coming back from the north . and this is not acceptable human, if you didn't, couldn't voice according to international humanitarian law, must be protected from all parties to the conflict. also, julian, combined as pull off in the u. n is pushing together a group of senior officials to audit on. one of the launch is through monetary and
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provide it in the gaza strip. they'll check whether the un agency has done enough in response to is really allegations that 12 of its stuff were involved in the toy the 7th attacks. the investigation will be led by catherine call, or non d form, or french foreign minister. the review group will begin with later this month and is expected to publish its findings in april as go to our correspondent kristen salumi. she's joining us live from the united nations and sun, much at stake with this investigation, crushed and given on what is a lifeline for millions of palestinian refugees. not justin gaza, but the region yes. clearly and attend by the united nations to restore confidence in i'm right. after allegations that 12 of its employees took part in the october 7th attacks on israel. but this in panel that was announced today by the un secretary general. i actually will work in
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a parallel with another investigation that's taking part place by or under i should say, the office of internal oversight services, o i o. s. and the investigation announced today actually was requested over a month ago by the head of iraq. phillip lazurick really to review their procedures more generally. so we have one o i o s. investigation. that's looking specifically at the allegations of the individuals accused of taking part in that attack and then another investigation more generally into the procedures. and that are in place to vet on, right. and how that is all working. this as a number of nations have announced that there suspending their donations to unreal in light of those accusations. and at a time when the demands of the people in gaza and the need for on, right, and humanitarian aid has never been great or the united nation is very concerned.
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not only about the ability to get 8 into gaza, but also about the fact that this conflict could be expanding beyond the borders of israel and gaza. in fact, this afternoon, we have a security council meeting taking place that was called by russia under the agenda item of, excuse me, threats to international peace and security. this was called for after the united states launch attacks and a rock and syria over the weekend bombing some 85 targets killing some of dozens of people in those countries. that in response to it says attacks on its military base in jordan, which killed 3 service members. so clearly a lot of concerned that this conflict is escalating, not de escalating and the needs of the palestinians are only getting greater. kristen, thank you very much for that. question,
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so let me live at the united nations in new york. the turn into some breaking news now and burdens can charles has been diagnosed with cancer. buckingham palace announced that he would not be fulfilling his public duties. last month, the king spent several days in hospital for an enlarged prostate test, then identified a separate type of cancer. prime minister issues do not wish to control as well and said that he had no doubt that he would be back to full strength and no time. let's go to a correspondence. sonya guided go, she's joining us live from london to pass through how this announcement was made. sonya, it was made around 6 g m t out from buckingham palace spokespeople when they issued a statement confirming that while the king had been treated for
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a benign, enlarged, prostate during the diagnostics that took place at that time, it was revealed that he has some form of cancer and now the king has also started treatment on monday, and he came down from the will residence in sandra num and no foot down to london to begin this treatment as well. but of course has come a somewhat of a shock, especially given the news that from last week where he had been having treatment full this and large prostate had a private london hospital that, that the indication was that he was going to successfully. but clearly, also on one hand, out as a saying that perhaps this treatment, what led him to go and have this treatment was perhaps a blessing in disguise. as it seemed to reveal something a lot more serious, which is this form of cancer. now we do not know exactly what type of cancer it is . the palace have not revealed any details about that. but certainly, as far as the consent,
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this whole openness about having with revealing the extent to all the kings house shows really that there is certainly a new chapter in the will households where they are keen to be far more open about these issues, especially health issues on one hand because it is a public service and it is a public service announcement as it was because the u. k. a at least one and 2 people will be diagnosed with some form of town so. so the will households are, will also extremely keen to show that the king is a part of this public service service in order to get people to check on such health issues and threshold. and also that's a varies hope, perhaps for treatment as well that it need not be a death sentence. and that counsellor isn't the part of the people's experiences as well. and that's a lot more. okay,
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a lot more as situations ought to be really paid attention to when it comes to receiving a diagnosis such as this. all right, sonya, thank you for that. sonya geiger live in london. we are joined now by richard fitz williams, a boy, a watch and commentator and public relations specialist. and he's also joining us live from london. thank you for your time. so 1st they, what does this mean for king charles's royal duties? who fills the gaps as well? as he intends to continue his stay due to use the gap and this is a serious problem really. and they were with so by the queen come, i had a student carrying on around duties during this fairly difficult period can cause us has been mentioned, was recently in the hospital for by my prostrate to condition and also the princess and why it was i was in the hospital for, for my time she won't be able to cooper if you to the coming weeks. so i loved fold
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both on queen carmella and also to the principal wales. what do you have those 1st engagements has impact on the 7th of february. he has to be conducting a name because of because you need to be with catherine when she was in the hospital and also taking some time while she recuperates. but anyway, it clearly shows the problem. it was of a shuffled, slim line monkey industry difficult to add all service calls. it can be a shock to some of the people that having seen a photograph of uh, they can create and yesterday, and there was a married man who's in charge of lake street made share photo says all to hear the same. so they're very, very unfortunate. yeah. and how much again, you know, do the questions about who fills the gap left by prince charles because of his house. once again, you know, full size to look at the problems within the royal family. prince harry leaving his royal duties and prince andrew not being able to carry the mount because of the
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full, loud from the jeffrey epstein scandal. yes, absolutely. i mean the news is that from time they will be flying about to see is solid. and this is the, uh, that would be great if not, i meeting of minds. certainly a great deal of some of the problems hiring because obviously this is a sort of a serious issue. the families together. as indeed, neither he nor presided the possibility of him carrying out any road due to so you uh, last with say in the last year uh, just over 2010 years ago there was something like 4000 as proof. as i did find out, there's a danger of having a few members of the royal family and very, very kitty, they will be very service furnished, given the unprecedented nature of this because the plan's under,
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since no one had expected anything like this. all right, mr. fitzwilliam sent just 11 final question. is there any royal president from something like this happening previously with them or not? i don't know why i'm not a sudden they knocked right on glad to senior royals for the same hospital. at the same time i left all of the same day and very different ways, but also the president that i know phone over the hope of most the child since shining his willingness to share his conditions. because it's the process right to some kind of problem, and we know there's a kind of a diagnosis, but not the details. when it says subjects in the health problems such as something he was due to. so which is who said his purposes among mazda fits williams. thank you very much for shedding large 1. 1 of this for us, that is which it fits. williams joining a lie from london. the still ahead on the news,
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our time police going to killed the northwest pocket some days before national elections. the the hello, the settled weather story that has been dominating much of your over the past few days is going to change just as a change in the ethics of the weather system. that's going to bring some very heavy rain to part of the north west, a heavy rain moving from west of scotland towards most central areas of person on the island of island, with a bit of a wintery mix behind that. now we could see some snow recall central areas as that cold air blows down, hitting that room and mass. we'll see suddenly some snow across the scan today be a putting across into the baltic states and small heavy rain pushing down into germany. so that touching into western parts of france,
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so rain and powers over the next few days. we also see some rain shimmy its way down in northern parts of spain as well as into portable, but it is still a largely settled story here with more in the way of sunshine than cloud temperatures are still sitting high. so this time of year that they'll continue to rise for lisbon over the next few days. it'll get kuda across more northern areas. so it will towards the north east for places like moscow, but also sheet pumping into that southeast corner temperature is picking up. certainly for bell grade and bucharest, 19 degrees celsius that on wednesday, with sunshine on counting, the cost of china is economy face has a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? tech giants, making big profit skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment,
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while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on houses 0, economic crises, dorming, the glow. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflicts and wars destroying for extra factors aggravating the global food crisis and assess securing the development of a comprehensive and systematic response. the international conference on food justice from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future stakes. organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the
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the, the watching all just bear with me, elizabeth put on and on a reminder of our top story is the sound. is there any ami is forming gaza from the north to south toppling heavily populated areas? it's issued more of actuation orders as it still says push south. the palestinians say there was no with the safe for them to go. and us secretary of state antony blinking is back in the middle east. the pool on gaza is caught in saudi arabia and will travel to is ready to go to 5, west bank of egypt. and the cost of the joint is putting together a group of senior officials to audit on the largest amount of terry and provided in the gaza strip the avenue. what of the agency has done and now on the accusations that 12 of it stones polluted with him, us now in gaza,
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some palestinian families of pitching tents and the cemetery in rough or more and more people are being forced into the southern corner of the strip as the, as really all made expands as ground defense of if the some, again, for reports are surrounded by dust displaced policy in use of trying to live where others are buried with nowhere else to go. these families have found shelter amid the tombstones. so i have the hand which you know, they do not again and as you have the phone, so we are forced to leave behind. so we ended up here, people started putting up tents in and around the graveyard. the entire off area is crammed with display thousands. when you run out of space, we're living among the dead. and that's a lot more, more fresh graves, a dog every day. with children playing only a few meters away. parents say they can't protect their little ones from the horrors of life and gaza. look to you via they remember the name of children i shot traumatized. they're going crazy them on the witness. dozens of bodies being buried
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. the body is returned by the east ready forces or decomposed and smelled oh, food channel. the i'm mentioning a psychologically really and the i'm not know my children anymore. i don't allow i don't have no unit stuff estimates more than a 1000000 children in the gaza strip. will require mental health support them in the i'm so scared i cannot sleep. my younger brother is frightened by the graves to just just yesterday a truck came and offloaded 70 bodies. so they were buried before ice. nearly 1700000 palestinians have been forced from their homes by israel's military, offensive and off, are they all running out of space annually? everything else it's saturday. that means the more we are forced to live among the dead waiting for our day to die and join them 6 feet under. what else can i say? there is no food. we can't sleep peace today. we are to night the most basic human rights. no bathrooms, even more so there is none,
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but also is where is well ordered palestinians to go for their own safety. but as the army plans to expand its ground operations in the south of the strip, the symmetry and this tent camp will likely keep growing. if do some good food, i'll g 0 is rarely for those have been withdrawn from some parts of north and central gaza residents who return to the shattered neighborhoods have found a homes destroyed. is what one journalist, adria, and a list by the witness in schools at the outboard age refugee camp.
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the other world. what am i going to say you? what am as you with them? yeah, i know the, the the so many palestinians full stiffly as well as the tax on gauze. i have been left with nothing displaced, living in comes the trying to find ways to provide for their loved ones. and for one family, that means making and southern pizza is from the make shift tend on the side of the
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road. the the the, the, the,
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the the the, [000:00:00;00] the the, the list i sent the most definitely get the book with last night i'm the guy. i'm the guy beside me.
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i shut in, i used to do that and i know that i've done a pay a 1000000 in revenue and today is the mentor front bumper which i never missed from the minister in the unloading time. good enough. the the just kind of go now with members of parliament, a debasing a bill off the president and lucky solve postponed this month's elections. the legislation could see the poles laid by up to a yeah, president self. i said disputes over the selection of candidates for the length of a to that proposal was put forward by opposition, so got cutting. what would the support of the president? meanwhile, police in the capital, the call fi t, a gas protest is outside the parliament building demonstrations accused president sol as being a dictator and a demonte. he steps down. it follows protests on sunday and was
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a prominent opposition leader was arrested. i mean, after today had cooled the election today on unprecedented democratic regression. correspondence. nicholas huck is in setting goals capital the call with more once the lawmakers put the bill forward and the lowest put into place for a new election date, then there is no turning. there's 2 things happening in the parliament at the same time, members of the ruling party and a portion of the opposition party members of the party of kareem wad. we support a bill to for a new date for these elections. and then there are, there was an opposition m m p who wants to appeal the decree, put forward by president like yourself to cancel the elections. i can tell you, this is a very tense moment at the national assembly. you are seeing a lot of fighting a lot of a m p is coming close to blows. all eyes are on what is happening
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parliament today, but the internet is down. tv stations have been shut down. so it feels for many people in san diego that they're being shut out of this debate that can tell them the future of this country and who will be able to lead with the ability to, to change the way. but who will be able to lead this country that has only seen peaceful transitions of power since 1963 a tobacco style. now we on demand and the northwest have attacked a police station fix. 10 officers were killed and 6 engine, and the city of that as my con, focused on has seen a number of attacks on it. the security forces in recent days, general elections a shed, georgia take place on thursday. come on. hi, that has more fun. as lombard, it was this particular attack took place in the district of uh did a smile con um the remote for litigation which are situated outside the main city
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of the itemized con knowledge. and remember that data might have gone also borders what was formerly focused on the driver's duty of how it was this done. this was one of the hard bed of the day to get the bon focused on focused on the accused of wellness done, of providing centuries on, not doing and off disrupt the infiltration of the dollar bond fight that they have been attacking the police at random over the past few months, there's been a spike in the number of a tag. dozens of police men have been carried in february police station, so they attacked coming. uh, as you mentioned just days before the election, the ttp and it's affiliated group, there's a new group which is guard a movement for jihad and focused on the day. a good job focused on this is a group that has been claiming responsibility for multiple or diag. that'd been an
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attack and below just on his red and ridge for p d. i a was good, your cares. so this is not new. but given the fact that the security forces, the police are going to be deployed on election duty because this is going to be a sensitive election to have to maintain law and order. so therefore, uh there is likelihood of more attacks against the police at the time when they're busy in election year. the, but this is not something new and is likely to continue on to the issue. is it a dog rid of one has done and how focused on data is reduced bill machines as a journalist and also, and he's been telling us more about the groups accused of carrying out the attacks . there are multiple reasons for the violence and it's capable of doing cloud problems and believe to stop problems. and um, the major problem is zip code. the both the militants in both places are against the elections. they want to embed as the government as much as they time by loan to
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see the tax in boot system. there is a particular issue of the pollutants minutes into bunting separation from my son i . many of the groups are active. the separate is the other part of this a complex equation is what is happening in k b or ever fucking problems. i'm going to work, which is where the pa concerned. he finally bought a most effective day of being attacking a government, sent to the police of the army and basically to embarrass likes, time, and also to make a claim that they all they want to be see if they just too much of a notice of, of of this area, probably within the bikes, on the floor in something like a $100000.00 troops to secure that would be the election and the to make sure that there's no violence but the line and since the ongoing for the last few days,
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non stop. and then be multiple attacks with the heavy weapons bomb blocks. the i'm a rock is a tax on, on police stations. and as it is such a items of government, and that'd be a very disturbing and a lot of politicians of if i be going for a postponement of the elections, but that wouldn't resolve the issue because it actually is now on the on, on a moving forward and i think the majority of the population certainly want to election the head on the news. our supporters of el salvador was president gathers just celebrated off the he claimed to election victories
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the the so the,
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[000:00:00;00] the to as president a copy of barge has declared 2 days of national mourning for the victims of wild fires sweeping through the coastal log. but a so region, the strong winds in high temperatures, assuming the flames. the death toll has arisen to at least a $122.00. and with 100 still missing their off is that number could rise significantly. 55 as a working with let and escalate to contain the blazes and the densely populated area, a latin america editor, lucy, and human reports from valve body. so, and they've been the most devastating the most deadly that this country has ever ever witnessed. and you can see signs of that right, where i am, these people that you see here lining up are waiting to give information to the a prosecutor's office. this is part of
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a long and very painful process for the identification and the delivery of the bodies that are being found little by little. and this is right next to the morgue at the end of this street for us. they begin by saying they are missing their loved ones. they don't know where they are. in some cases they've been able to find their charge bodies. in many other cases, they have not been able to do so. from here, they have to go over to the medical institute, which is part of the, the health system. and of course, is where the mortgage is, where the bodies are not have yet been given back to their loved ones to their family members. the survivors to be buried yet because it's taking a very, very, very long time. and that's what people who are complaining about, but eventually the, the government is trying to, and the legal authorities are trying to match the bodies with the d n a of the people who are here. so that also takes time. we have seen absolutely devastating signs of grief pierre stories of, of
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a father that went to look for his son while the son went to look for him. and then the father died. i'm in trying to get to the one of their children and a grandmother dying with her grand daughter who went running to save her families was separated. 3 or 4 members of the family, dine, and the rest left destitute without anything. very, very, very sad stories indeed we did here though, and we have seen some signs of generosity. for example, the, the owner of the largest funeral parlor in the country. and in fact, in south america is offering free burial services. the indian, everything from the coffin to psychological help for the family members whom they say have already lost everything and certainly can be paying for a funeral. the world of and president mohammed movies who has demanded indian troops withdrawal from the country. julian address department to emphasize the importance of sovereignty. the molding says india agree to pull out its military personnel before may, but new delegates yet to confirm the timeline,
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the homeless movies you also promised to upgrade the defense falls into what he called a modern military. one of the big guns. i believe the motives to strengthen its military capabilities, to be able to defend the country by road c. and as we started to do that now the multiplan defense volts will soon be able to conduct surveillance of the 900000 square kilometer area of the melodies. exclusive economic zone 24 hours a day to el salvador is incumbent late at night. bouquet says he's one sunday's presidential election. official results haven't been announced. his popularity has sewage and recent mom's last name because of his crack down on criminal gangs. model on rob blow reports from the capital san salvador celebrations and the salvador e capital supporters of the beginning, cheering on
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a victory that will give the controversial president, 2nd term author the problem before you. we didn't have hope, but today we have it. and that means a lot appearing before a crowd of thousands, gaily called the election historic. all now in the next 5 years, just wait and see what we're going to do. because we are going to continue doing the impossible and showing the will the example of el salvador nigi. but kelly largely owes his support to his administration's hard line policy to rid the country of dang, like m, s 13 and the 18th street gang, which it caused chaos in el salvador. for the last 30 years. those successful in dealing with criminal gangs. critics say the suspension of civil liberties, consolidation of power, along with an unconstitutional bid for re election, have made look at it a democratically elected dictator. he has everything, you know,
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all the power there and no controls. there's no way defending the flowers. so that's what we're seeing today, any constitutional precedent. the one the, even though there was an expectation that salvador and president nable kelly would win by a landslide. the celebrations here in el salvador historic center hartsville, massive though human rights and civil liberties. advocates continue to warn that el salvador is walking a dangerous type road for a majority of salvadorans. the promise of the future was safety and security is the norm out ways just about any other alternative. men will drop a little al jazeera sunset level to venezuela. now the only rich nation has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. and despite the listing of some us sanctions, many people are still struggling to call it of money on
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a sanchez reports. when inflation failed from $300.00 to a 190 percent last year, there was reason to celebrate for some in venezuela, at the south american nation still have one of the highest weights in the world with wages frozen for the past 2 years and no exchange rates making a trip to the shop is a nightmare for many level various as they own. last year i would get sued for the week with the equivalent of $20.00. now i get enough to 3 days. meet some fishes so expensive. my pension is 3.5 dollars a month. what are we going to do? the local believe that a currency uses value against the dollar from week to week. it is obviously less is only god can help her. i go shopping, praying so i can buy all i need. things are more more expensive by the day. economists say the government is not raising, we just to control the installation, but president neglect moto says things are better with good supply. at 90 percent
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market traders save businesses back because customers don't have enough cash was on the fly than on our initial year level. people used to buy 10 bananas now they take 2 or 3 spending has gone down all over the country. we're all affected in order to sell her products to one americans. if she lets customers pay weeks later, take the ending that people can afford on the all people who spend many days of the month without a penny. so i let them take my products. they always come back to pay me the you is listed sanctions and then this will let you know tobar. you seem restriction. so the country's financial golden energy sectors has boosted the economy. the condition to prevent sanctions being re in post is to guarantee fair elections. and the, let's say the road to recovery will be determined by the general election this year . you come and what is the 2nd nomic sanctions and agreements could impact our estimation of inflation rates. we're not optimistic because in an electoral year we
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always see the rates go up. my most optimistic number is 170 percent. that prediction of high inflation and soaring prices for the foreseeable future is the last thing. these shoppers want to hear. when the innocent is a defeated and that set for those new valve, but we are back in just a few minutes. the in the history of refugee camp south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees as my hon. mishaps husband set previously spent a year and administered to detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. connected, accepted the 90. we suffered a loss because of administrative detention. it would have been easier if you will. sentence. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence, walk down any valley here,
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turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge, according to the palestinian prisoners society around $3300.00 promised indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years. surrounded by walls, full of photos to showcase happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. unique perspective, i don't want to be, but don't want to go even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelter. in the street, in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on our economic crises, dorming, the glow. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflicts in wars destroying production. factors aggravating the global food crisis. and the
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substituting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response, the international conference on to justice from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future stakes. organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the the from the notes to the south and balance that is rarely strikes. devastated heavily populated area of hundreds of old palestinians have been killed while overwhelmed hospital struggle to treat the engines, the
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hello on elizabeth put on them. and this is ellen. just even live from door. ha. also coming up. the us secretary of state arrives in saudi arabia on the 1st leg of


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