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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the civilians under fire is really forces target crowds in gaza. city who were scrambling for desperately needed aid supplies. the several venue is good to have you with us. this is alice has 0 live from don't also coming up to data. you ends palestinian refugee agency says the is really military has opened fire on it's
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a trucks as the entered gaza opposition politicians are forcibly removed from sending goals. parliament, dream of boats to delay presidential elections and vigils are held to mark the 1st anniversary of earthquakes that killed tens of thousands in both turkey and syria. the beginning does a city where is really forces are fired at a crowd of palestinians who are waiting to collect much needed humanitarian. 8 it's the 9th day in a row and that there been reports and is really true. expiring and crowds in gaza. city palestinians have been gathering at the kuwaiti round about their desperate to pick up food for their families. and the palestinian red crescent society says the top officials at alamo. the hospital that's in hon units have been released from is really custody. the general manager and director of the facility had been detained
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and taken to an unknown location. meanwhile, the red crescent has released video showing crowds of displays, palestinians leaving the hospital. the palestinians taken shelter there had been under siege by his really attacks for more than 2 weeks. today marks the 15th day for the continuous decision to add a tax and the whole space and boom bored meant and gunfire didn't stop out at the facility and i'm at home because there was also direct attacks. and um is really gone for years at the hospital and the team. we have loved 3 cliques when they were conducting their human utility and mission inside the hospital. and the for this plan at headquarters every day, there's injuries and people who are killed inside our facility's because of these continuous is really a tops the house we to has turned out every day with reading did the bodies
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inside of the yards of the hospital. because of the continuous besieged and not being able to send the people who are killed to be buried at the symmetry is now we are witnessing, disaster humanitarian disaster. as an hospital, there's no food left for that. it's please people. very basic. medical supplies have been run out. we only have if you that did laugh for 6 days more antibiotics run out of medications for people with the chronic diseases. also run out and all the efforts to coordinate a safe access to get into the entry of medical supplies and oxygen as well. because also we have run out of oxygen for the 2nd time. and now we have received conducting any surgeries because of the oxygen deflection as well. and tell her a couple of reports from rough uh in southern gaza. the main focus was on the city
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of han unit square. it has been widely attacked, especially during the facility of another hospital where a number of residential buildings that have been targeted and ongoing, often to reboot bought and then to of the eastern part of the city. now it has been reported according to i wouldn't stay on the ground. i've been saying that israel is destroying and demolishing a residential neighborhoods. one off to the java, especially in the central areas of hon. units that are so close to a nice or hot master hospital where medical teams and if activities are completely on april to uh, being a forwarded safe cory door to get to rough off. but today, uh, people who have been trapped in the uh, i'm a hospital and had been given a safe cory door to sleep 2, uh, 2 rough or a number of, of them had managed to sleep by the opposite. still truck inside. the medical facility is especially a elderly people to a people who are suffering from critical injuries alongside with the medical teams
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. we're still operating inside this partially operating hospital. situation in terms of as strikes in the middle areas have caused us to continue. but we have been seeing a gradual increase of violent clashes between the policy and flight isn't the is very, so we'll just in kansas city and in every mile neighborhoods in a suburb of neighborhood as well in the central areas of kansas city houses 0 has gained access to areas of northern garza, which is really troops have now left on a cell. sharif reports, furniture volume. what do you model on the one for the 1st time we've been able to reach this area of also i'm neighborhood in eastern jamalia. this is the border point between eastern jamalia and l to for area. as you can see behind me, this is where the occupation forces and their vehicles were located. this is where posting and fighters and is really forces battled for quite a while. is really troops dredged all roads and destroyed all the houses in this area. how you had the mall. she had
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a month to call. we can see the scale of destruction left behind in this part of jamalia. and nothing was spared, including roads, streets, and the surrounding infrastructure. while as a message i've called hava them, are vision dot to start to watch feet. as you can see, the community, this whole destruction that are not a single habitable house in the entire area, nothing sped, land, houses, trees all destroyed. nothing is habitable, yes, but we remain steadfast and unwavering with our strong combination. and after that we will rise again. are stronger than before until built this country. each olive tree you have uprooted with your builders as will grow again, just like in the past, all i need to jump. so the total let to let to let you know the month. even factories and houses were targeted and destroyed in this area. this is the al civic mosque. one of the oldest mosques in northern gaza, which has also been destroyed by is really forces even have the football. what
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we're seeing, what's left behind by the occupation forces, after withdrawing from also on neighborhood in eastern jamalia, total destruction of mosques, buildings and roads to the palestinian released agency losses is really forces opened fire on its trucks carrying humanitarian aid into gaza. meanwhile, has released these pictures of trucks that it says were damaged by is really naval gunfire. earlier on monday, it's unclear exactly where the convoy was when it was attacked by the don't have a low set that wouldn't matter this morning. it was not the 1st time and when are a convoy with the united nations wasn't talking it just a 3rd time it couldn't void belonging to enter well has been exposed. ok. docs on its way to the north or when it's coming back from the north. and this is not acceptable. you many to didn't couldn't voice according to international humanitarian law, must be protected from all parties to the conflict. also during combined pull off in the u. n. is putting together
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a group of senior officials to audit and off the largest humanitarian provider and gaza. they will check whether the un agency has done enough in response to is really allegations that 12 at staff were involved in the october 7th attacks investigation will be led by the former french minister kept him cold enough. the review group will begin to work later. this month and is expected to publish its findings in april. donors have taken clear notice of the swift action taken by the secretary jones taken by the commission in general to address head on the issues that may exist a week will continue to communicate with donors. the secretary general is been very forthcoming with the commissioner general. i have no doubt we'll continue to do that as well. we also encourage other members state you may not have given to unwind the past or had given in the past,
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but have not given recently and have the ability to do so to show generosity and to show solidarity. the emergency meeting of the un security council has been held at russia's request must go, accuses the united states of irresponsibly escalating tension in the middle east. following last week's us military attacks on positions in iraq, prison salumi has more on this from the united nations. russia called the meeting of the security council saying us air strikes in syria and the rock over the weekend risk escalating war throughout the middle east. a threat to international peace and security, restrict you so we could put the, it's a new recent events confirmed that the us is not looking for or has never sold a solution to the problems in the region. but the us accused russia of calling the meeting under false pretences. the actions us forces took on february to are necessary and proportionate is consistent with international law. an exercise of
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the united states inherent right to self defense. the u. s. bond 85 targets in retaliation for the dust of 3 of its military personnel stationed in jordan. it accused the atlantic resistance in a rock. a coalition of a rocky militias aligned with a rod rod has denied any involvement in that attack. some security council members like the u. k, so the u. s. has a right to defend itself, but all said they are worried about a wider war in the region. you want officials have also expressed concern about a whitening war in the middle east as well as a worsening humanitarian situation in gaza. they're the largest eat operation. onrush is itself under attack. the secretary general announced an independent committee to review on ross and make sure it's doing everything in his power to ensure neutrality. that's after accusations, 12 of its employees helped him off on october 7,
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meeting several nations to suspend their funding. we hope that the donors have taken clear notice of the swift action taken by the secretary jones taken by the commission in general to address head on the issues that may exist a week will continue to communicate with donors. they are looking for new donors to meet causes, growing needs. kristin salumi al jazeera, united nations, the us secretary of state has arrived in saudi arabia on the 1st leg of the middle east tor anthony, blinking is meeting officials and re add. they will discuss the one, gaza. he will also visit katara egypt, the occupied west bank, and israel washington says it is trying to prevent further escalation in the middle east, despite carrying out their strikes against iran link groups and am in in iraq and syria mohammed john, resume reports from tel aviv, uh, when you look across these really media landscape where there are lots of leaks
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from officials and also anonymously, uh, sourced, um, government officials speaking to these different publications. well, they're essentially saying that it's not going to be an easy time for blinking and that the prospect for, and that's in yahoo signing on to some kind of a ceasefire deal. not quite as optimistic about that as the american counterparts are at this stage. so there's lots of reasons for that, but primarily the biggest one is the kind of pressure that benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister is under right now, both politically and societally. so nothing yahoo right now is facing growing pressure from his right wing flank. you have those far right wing ministers, like it's more been give you are the national security minister like both of those monitors. the finance minister who have openly said on multiple occasions over the course of the past week that they essentially would be willing to leave the
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coalition collapse the government rather than see nets and yahoo enter into some kind of a cease fire deal that would not be advantageous for israel, more and more members of the right are saying that it's unacceptable for them to see thousands of palestinian prisoners released in exchange for the remaining is really capt isn't gaza. also, they're saying it's unacceptable for them to see and into the war without israel having achieved this ultimate goal and objective of completely eliminating how much of the in other news now set a goal is parliament has back to the president's decision to delay the election until december, but there were dramatic scenes in the run up to the vote. look at this police in riot gear, entered parliament and remove the opposition members from the chamber. the presidential pole was originally scheduled for this month and presidents mackey south sites of disputes over the selection of candidates for delaying the
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presidential election. nicholas hank reports from outside senate goals, parliament, a historic votes. under extraordinary circumstances in the parliament, the building right behind me police in riot gear, entered the premises, removed all position, members of parliament who refused to sign the bill or to vote for this bill that would extend present. matthews sauls time in power and says, and you election date. once they were removed, the bill was voted unanimously. election will be held on december 15th and president. selves can stay in power, but he will have to face protest on the streets. there was growing anger among so many senegalese, that they were rob from the opportunity to choose who would leave this country when he canceled the press,
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the presidential election that was scheduled for february 25th. this is the 1st time in setting goals history. that election is cancelled or delayed. there has always been a peaceful handover of power. the internet, mobile phone connections are down. certain television stations have been put off air security forces and the government says it's because the internet is being used to spread divisive and hateful content. but for the opposition, they see this as another move to stifle freedom of expression in this country. meanwhile, international organizations continue to condemn what is happening in san diego and call for these elections to take place as soon as possible. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car, a still a head on elsa 0. unrelenting rain in the golden states flooding and mud slides
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take hold of communities in california, the hello, that was not in north america, where we've had 2 systems of con, son, one of those a storm system moving away from the florida panhandle. but we've had one come into the west coast and it's gonna stick around for a little bit longer. it's called flooding in california. that's because it is a latest atmospheric river, also known as a pineapple. express is, was a very heavy range, the likes of california and with that life threatening flooding in places, mountain whitehouse. and that's thanks to damaging winds that of also cause a power outages that there it is on choose day bringing very heavy rain to the likes of los angeles as well as san diego,
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some of that snow stretching across the east into the rockies as well. and the rain dribbling down into the north, west of mexico and further east to this. it is a clear, a picture, certainly across the great lakes. we could see some fold and mist issues in chicago, but logically care across the east coast with sunshine for new york city on washington d. c. that was sunshine will be coming back into florida once that area of low pressure he is further out east is going to bring some heavy rain in the days to come for puerto rico with some of that dripping all the way south down to columbia . that's where the i'll look the hey jamie into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that any thoughts provided? hang on. my question to you. all the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb,
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too. in the security council, this is, it may just something look as if it ex thursday is here. the story on told to how does era news the are you watching else? a 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces have fired on a crowd of palestinians who are waiting to pick up a few minutes. here in a northern gaza. crowds had gathered hoping to receive much needed assistance and food to feed their families. the palestinian relief agency during the loss is really forces have opened fire on its trucks carrying humanitarian aid and to gaza
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. the agency released these pictures showing instructions damaged by gunfire. us secretary of state density blinking his back in the middle east to discuss the war on gaza. he has been meeting officials and re add and is expected to travel to israel be occupied, westbank egypt, and could talk the turkey and syria marketing. the 1st anniversary of earthquakes had killed more than 50000 people. the destruction spanned an area almost the size of greece. at 17 past 4 in the morning. a magnitude 7.7 quick hit near the southern torcous province of kyra my maurice. less than 20 minutes later, a magnitude 6.5 tremor struck near a gallery and then at 124 that afternoon, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck again in common mars this time in the north,
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in the province. the earth quakes effected an area of 120000 square kilometers, including parts of northern syria. in total, at least $53000.00 people were killed. in more than one 107000 people were injured . about 14000000 people across 14 provinces and turkey and syria were affected, and the turkish province of hockey, a vigil has been held for those who died. it was the hardest hit province with more than 24000 people killed. that's nearly half of all depths caused by last year's quakes. more than 200000 people had been living in temporary shelter since the disaster. and a neighboring syria dozens of gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the earth quakes. most of the casualties were in opposition. controlled area is a region that was heavily damaged by aerial bombardment during the country civil war. it's so trillion authorities have arrested at least 2 people suspected of
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deliberately starting a wildfire on friday that spread to large parts of a central vote. but i saw a region, a 122 depths, have been confirmed, but that number is expected to still go up. a lot in america editor lucy, a newman reports from viet didn't matter in both, but i saw on the hills of the city aveena the model. the destruction that began on friday nights is impossible to quantify. recall seeing any vial, it was the kitchen, the bathroom, and the dining friends, relatives, and total strangers volunteer to help residents clear the rubble left by the wild fires in my that'd be the ends case from a 3 story home which also ran a grocery shop. but she considers us health lucky by the seen only my neighbors father, my daughter in law's 2 parents, the 3 children are frequently all of them brand to death. it's unbearable. the
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stench of desk is still strong here. when the fire hit this neighborhood, many people rushed to their vehicles to try to escape, but there's only one narrow road in and out of this area until very soon, the traffic was absolutely paralyzed, needing many people to die sitting in their cars, unable to move. the regions governor is angry and tells algebra that this was a man made tragedies or else i can know. do you know if there is such a handful of miserable months has caused best? he came to destroy elsie and we'll have them down and imprisoned them because they caused molten fires. these were mothers at the morgue, sorrow, and shock, a company those waiting for the remains of their loved ones to be released for burial. among them 2 sisters who lost their mother and 17 year old disney that who died trying to save her. so you give me cellphone 8 or you double game only. i know that my daughter was a hurry because she never a bandage. my mother and her grandmother,
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they were fond together their bodies in an address to their hundreds of more presumed victims, yet to be found. so many have come to provide dna samples, hoping the forensic teams will be able to find and identify their missing loved ones. the see and human algebra, but i used to region chinney. at least 3 people have died in a powerful storm that hit the us state of california. heavy rain and strong winds have caused flooding and mud slides and down the power lines across the region. rentals reports from los angeles flood waters swept through streams, rivers and neighborhoods from san diego to san francisco, with as much as 35 centimeters of rain predicted. for some areas, the slow moving storm system termed an atlas fear river by media raul, a just also lash the state with wind gusts,
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around 95 kilometers per hour. the los angeles river, normally a nearly dry, concrete channel, was transformed into a torrent close to overflowing its banks in san jose, the fire department rescue 3 people in several dogs trapped by the rising guadalupe river. we launched our boats, got them and got them out of the water and successfully got them to shore in sacramento. large trees toppled closing power outages, and hundreds of thousands of people are without electricity in central and northern california. in the san francisco bay area road ways flooded and residents piled up sandbags in san diego. entire neighborhoods were flooded and some people were forced to climb up on their roots for safety. police and fire department as well as mayors urged people to stay home and stay safe. but as always, some treated the emergency as the lord, including one person who wrote a surfboard down to let it rock strewn canyon in los angeles and ventura,
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cody's mud slides damaged homes and block highways, leading to mandatory evacuations. while in the sierra nevada mountains, heavy snow could create white out conditions making travel hazardous. altogether 30000000 people are under flood watching. the storm is expected to last for another day or more. rob riddles, l g 0, los angeles. it's written as king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. buckingham palace announced that he would suspend his public duties while undergoing medical treatment. last month, the king spent several days in hospital for an a low enlarged prostate test, then identified a separate type of cancer. san diego reports from london. the king returned to london on monday to begin treatment, and what has been described as a form of cancer. now just the last week, he had been in hospital for treatments to a benign, enlarged, prostate,
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that treatment had been deemed to success, which makes this news rather shocking. some o the treatment has begun rob a swiftly, the king will not be undertaking any public duties, but he will be still continuing with the state to choose which presumably means he will still be meeting with the prime minister for his weekly meetings. now his son, harry will be flying back to the u. k, from the united states in the coming days. but it is yet and not the set back of news for family, which has already been facing health concerns. the king's daughter in law, catherine has also been hospitalized recently for abdominal surgery as well. and of course, the policy itself is attempting to be as open as it possibly can be, with regards to what treatments and the health situation of members of the royal family. not just because they want to keep the public informed,
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but also judge the public to be aware of certain signs and to also look at their own health concerns as well. finally have done so they've got jago, i'll just sarah london of the british and irish prime ministers of met. northern islands, newly appointed leaders rushing through american leo of a red car, were visiting the new administration at belfast storm at council. for the 1st time, the appointments and 2 years of political crisis that was sparked when the main british union, his party walked out. the party protested against post brags at trading arrangements that it said undermined to northern islands place in the united kingdom. and now that we've got the executive back up and running, it's right that people have that local politicians focusing on that prior. she's the only thing with public services that hasn't been developed government up and running k for, for too long. but now we do have it, i'm a consult focusing on delivering for everyone. but for me, crucially,
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nothing in wants to be negotiation breaks. any read lines i remember when, right? that happens. we set out a number of objectives. one was to make sure there's no hard border between north inside the other was to make sure that's the public of islands position in new york and single market wasn't undermined in any way. and the 3rd was to make sure that the good friday agreement, institutions would function. and all of those things are the case today, and that makes it a very positive day might be the spanish coast guard has rescued 102 people who were trying to reach the canary islands by boat. the bodies of 2 people were also recovered from the vessel. rescuers said more than a 1000 migrants and asylum seekers from subs are in countries have reached the islands over the last few days. hungary as governing today's party, it has boy accosted a vote that would have been the 1st step towards ratifying sweden's, been to join nato hungry is the only nato member not to have approve the application, which requires unanimous approval. 5 minutes to victor or benz party has repeatedly blocked it,
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demanding the swedish fine minister come to view the pest in person. first or band has close supplies with russian president vladimir putin, a sort of president of them. all these has demand and demanded indian troops withdraw from the country during an address to parliament mohammed and we do emphasized the importance of sovereignty. the mold leaves says india agreed to pull out its military personnel before may. but you daily has yet to confirm this timeline. i one of the big gum, i believe the melodies to strengthen its military capabilities, to be able to defend the country by road c. and as we started to do that, now, the more deviant defense pulse will soon be able to conduct surveillance of the 900000 square kilometer area of the multi exclusive economic zone. 24 hours a day. about a 100 border guards from man, mar, have crossed into neighboring bangladesh to flinch, fighting between security forces and a rebel group. and the lions of 3 minority groups have been battling the military
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june to seize power in 2021. 1 of these groups is the, our count army, bangladesh shares a 270 kilometer border with me and more and hosts more than a 1000000 were hinge or refugees. or origination, venezuela, it has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. but despite the listing of some us sanctions, many people are still struggling to cope. marianne assumptions reports when inflation failed from $300.00 to a 190 percent last year. there was recent to celebrate for some in venezuela, at the south american nation still have one of the highest weights in the world with wages frozen for the past 2 years and no exchange rates. making a trip to the shop is a nightmare for many level various as they own. last year i would get food for the week with the equivalent of $20.00. now i get enough to 3 days. meet some fishes so expensive. my pension is 3.5 dollars a month. what are we going to do?


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