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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem? you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the . is there any forces? open fi, i crowds in cars, the city where people are scrambling to desperately needed aid supplies, the money. this is out of their life and also coming up palestinian parents forced to sell food to buy diapers basic goods off. and cummings gas on more expensive in gaza. and we have from gauze is quite front of the 12 year old boy who's keeping
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his will be on drains and 9 plus the purchase is in tech, a town we want to give and we work to get so me anniversaries, the devastating upgrades that killed at least $59.00. the we began in garza city. where is right. a forces has opened fire at a crowd of palestinians who are waiting to receive a humanitarian aid. is the 9th day in a row of reports. it is writing troops shooting people in the city. palestinians had gathered at his central round about desperate for food parcels for their families, to parents in gaza, resorting to desperate measures to look off to the children. the prices of baby
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formula in diapers have sort many say they can no longer afford basic necessities for that children going on with this heavy left on that just honey because there is no milk for the past 2 months. we started feeding her solid food. she isn't supposed to be eating until she 6 months old, but because there's no milk and the child is hungry, there's no alternative. we started buying biscuits, ground rice and sarah black. if there's any, a thought of on the price of diapers is ridiculous. imagine that for each type of change for your son, that will cost you around for 5 seconds. and for your son's health, you need to change them at least 4 times. that some to 12 to 50. now we got in 24 hours. you'll need 5 of 6 diapers. so child will cost you 22nd today. especially in a bad situation like this. the price is all too high and, and there's no income for people. there isn't even a little of that. is there any forces struck residential areas in one unit?
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so even though it's coming at least one child, honey, my mood is in rough uh with me that deadly night for people in hon. eunice, merely in the western part of the city around the vicinity of, uh, another hospital and to the west trend side of it where, how much the city uh, how much residential compounded. this is not the 1st time the city has been. the compound is not tax aggressively just within the past few weeks for the residential towers were completely destroyed. but what happens at night? an overnight of taxes look like a target killing, a flat and in the tower. and one of the residential towers completely destroyed a 6 people reported killed inside the flat one child among those who were killed. and we were told by an eye witness that this is a displaced family, been filtering inside the tower. and since the beginning of the work coming all the way from the northern parts of the gaza strip, very,
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very difficult situations indeed. then why is here? no very crowded southern part of the trip. at 1900000 displays, palestinians are struggling to find the, the drinking water and food. we have an actual spam and taking place in the northern part on gauze as to where people literally, within the past week they resorted because they don't, didn't have any other choice, but it animals without another dry food. it just to sustain themselves in these difficult times. the us state department says footage, if an is riley soldiers standing over a stripped and bound, palestinian in gaza is deeply troubling. the video was reportedly uploaded by the soldier on social media. hey, since the initiatives that have been multiple previous report, so if it's rarely soldiers abusing or executing on on palestinian civilians. so how does era has gained access to areas of northern garza where is reading
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troops have withdrawn and i saw sharif. has this report from jamalia? yeah, well the model on the one for the 1st time we've been able to reach this area of also i'm neighborhood in eastern jamalia. this is the border point between eastern jamalia and l to for area. as you can see behind me, this is where the occupation forces and their vehicles were located. this is where posting and fighters and is really forces battled for quite a while. is really troops dredged all roads and destroyed all the houses in this area. how jim has the mall, she had a month to fall. we can see the scale of destruction left behind in this part of jamalia, and nothing was spared, including roads, streets, and the surrounding infrastructure. was that message i've got to have of them are vision dot to start to watch, feet. as you can see, the community, this whole destruction that are not a single habitable house in the entire area. nothing sped, land houses,
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trees all destroyed. nothing is habitable. yes. but we remain steadfast and unwavering with all strong determination, and we will rise again stronger than before until built this country. each olive tree you have uprooted with your pull, those as will grow again, just like in the past all on the other job. so the total, what i did actually has the uh month, even factories and houses were targeted and destroyed in this area. this is the l civic mosque, one of the oldest mosques in northern gaza, which has also been destroyed by his really forces even have the proof of what we're seeing, what's left behind by the occupation forces, after withdrawing from also on neighborhood in eastern jamalia, total destruction of mosques, buildings and roads. you an agency for palestinian refugees, and russ says, is there any forces fide on its trucks carrying humanitarian aid from northern gauze, as it relates space pictures of the trucks,
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which it says where hits by naval gum fi. on monday, it's on k, exactly where the con boy was during the attack. agencies have repeatedly accused israel of blocking deliveries to the north. the strip the by the don't have a low set the model this morning. it was not the 1st time when you're recording voice with a united nations was that talk? it does the 3rd time it couldn't void belonging to enter well has been exposed. ok . docs on its way to the north or when it's coming back from the north. and this is not acceptable. humanitarian convoys, according to international humanitarian law, must be protected from all parties to the conflict. also during come by the us section of state and to me, blinking meanwhile, is arriving in cairo on the 2nd leg of his tour of the middle east. on monday, he met the south, a crown prince to discuss as well as one, gaza. washington is hoping that his visit will help broken cease fire and deal to release captives. he's also reducing visit castle. the occupied west point is
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around the . it's been a year since several powerful, as quakes struck tacky and syria killing at least $59000.00 people and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless to monkey anniversary, thousands of people launched in the tech has proven so has high west hit region 7 spaces chanted. we weren't forgive and we weren't forget, they say the government did not act quickly enough in the immediate off tomorrow for the disaster. some protest as for with police when they trying to place a road where the quakes cause widespread destruction across a vast area. on february the 6th 2023, just off the for a and the magnitude $7.00. quake struck me. the southern tech is proven so if
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caught them on, my gosh, less than 20 minutes later, a magnitude, 6.5, tremont hit me and goes into the later that afternoon. a said craig hits cut them on, my gosh again, this time in the north of the province. the quakes effected an area of a 120000 square kilometers, including pumps of northern syria. 59000 people were killed. and more than 807000 injured, 14000000 people in turkey, a, i'm sorry, it was affected. so now, because you only has been to visit a ship housing, hundreds of those who are still displaced, she sent us this report. they are playing a loving but like the shadows on this page, the trauma is never far away. this trip is home to survivors of las vegas, catastrophic earthquakes and southern took here, a floating hotel, its features rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facility. social workers over lessons to some older
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residents. still recovering from there all day. 4 to 5 year olds. good note is scared of entering the building after the earthquake destroyed her home. her brother didn't make it, but just survived. spending 2 days dropped onto the wreckage of a 6 story building funding structure gave me live in state is in miss i've given these issues. luckily we have the c a. we are living on a ship bill, a small world. hey, we our family. yes. the government will give us new apartments, but i can't afford the amounts of money. that's why i don't have any plans in almost 1200 people live aboard this 4 story ship. most of the women and children. some of the men have work, while others, especially the elderly, stay aboard a meal times or an opportunity to, to socialize and take comfort in one another. it's, it's was a great experience for all of us to, to be there. improving valving the school term and to 2 weeks ago and leaving
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children with free time to play. took a new, i'm on them, get to you and go to the park with my friends. were having a good time, but i missed my mom's cooking and eventually they have something to look forward to this amusement park. your skin durham portal was complete. the some merged by the tsunami, triggered by the earthquakes a year ago after repairs were made. the park has reopened, so entertained visitors giving minute, here for the life is a flaw. so returning to normal, the spiked the normal to all the distraction into just southern city of pots are seen. i'm to solo elda. 0 is scanned them in. took yeah. okay, well we can speak now live to send them closer to you. she joins us from his skin veteran. so them as we saw in your package that many people still living in shelters and temporary, a combination year wrong. we know that president edwin made promises to rebuild 300000 homes in
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a yes since the as quite to what extent has that promise been met as well? yes, there are hundreds of thousands of people who are living during container cities. and as you know, the scale of the earth, the damages caused by the earthquake, has been very large, affecting 11 cities and nearly 13000000 people pushing out a nearly 3000000 people from their own cities. and it's still, uh, people are trying to cope with that. people are living in a dire conditions in terms of hygiene, in terms of the comforts. but the government has pledged 300000 housing. they have started to deliver the houses in nearly $4.00 to $5000.00. the houses that have been finished so far, but it's a long way to run and it's requires a lot of capital then. so far, according to officials, the cost of the damages of both hundreds $1000000000.00 us dollars to turkish economy. so it will take some time. but the government is trying their best to fax
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them out the process. so tell us a little bit about the mood of the people that you've been speaking to holiday and co. fact. you're on a man. well, people are traumatized. this is definitely the for so especially women and children because the earthquake was very, very strong. and they are telling about the there are a little bit harder stories that belongs to a today and last year. but we are seeing lots of polls. the story is people are trying to cling on live. people are trying to survive and rebuild their lives as the results of reconstruction in the region. it is difficult, it's a stuff they know, but they're trying to survive and i'm in one of those. conte no caps, container city is provided by a foundation and run by the government and there's a very positive story here. we have a kitchen, it's nearly 4000 volunteers gathered in this kitchen since the earthquake last year
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. and they have been delivering for the people in need in the, in the scan that on how to i a nearby towns and all of them are bowling to, then i have to do it. mr. cutter, who is the co founder of this kitchen, a 100. could you please tell us how did you come up with this big volunteer kitchen what you have been doing so far since the last one year? so after the domestic architect, that's 6th of february. we a few people to commit detection and i to the architect. so our goal was to support as many people in need, of course. so i was but also as well the other ones who were such as this coach on this with teams and to support them with a hot meals with the social guster. i'm a chief and biber at the me. we started this role. and in just a method of view, this indulgence of other volunteers joined us and we stopped at the beginning, the hop nearest to the seas which rode demolished,
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to the people in this place to to at that time, tense or tense this and actually in a year time in this course we did it with our 17 menu cups of meals, which is like daily certified spots are thousands meals, the people that may have. so people and, and in the, in the, within the time as the needs, but also evolving and changing me as and also if you had been on the sites in almost every district of the city outside of the, the, had the chance to close the exam. i see what is the new sense here from that we also supported them, tex foods, pets, uh, hygiene packets. and also later on, we implemented school starts at 3 that would then at breakfast packets to the little students and which should be heard from the teachers that it was in other need. so for one year time we did what we could do. and every day we think we
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thought we still think about what's because what's the time between next and uh we, we are here. it will be here. we do imagine it'd be coming to speak. but as it as being on the subject of, for all the thoughts on that, you mentioned volunteers a vc that's we have some an impact on work. and as far as i know today, there are 120 volunteers here and we are seeing those cooking boilers, right. behind us and you have so many food coup insides already for the anniversary . could you please tell us, what are you going to do with these food today? and today is also a special day in islam. many people here are fasting. and what is the plan for today? and then over 3 of the earthquake, we wanted to be here today. the game supporting the or take the consensus tend to get everything. so there are 2. so we probably have a program of the 1st that will be some crazy that would be prayers. that would be a memorial service east on the 31st and then with your service. and then we will
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have we will have it and move it over to the people in this container city and also to the other content. this is like, i think it will be till to like $25.00 to touch a 1000 foot. people get it. well today it's a very special dates very heavy day for the people here. so we just want to spend with them and to be together with them today here. thank you. well, yes, as we have been a reporting in our news and as we have been speaking with the people, it's level of the government. it's the n deals. it's the volunteers and it's also the private institutions they are trying to help assist the local senior to enable it and to come up from the ashes and where i'm standing right now is another example of that trying to give people hold and food is a symbol of saving and turkish culture, which is very important today. okay, thank you for that to them. because what is that for us in escandone?
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for hundreds of people in tech a all still missing. here's the story of one mother who was never given up hope of finding his son in the boston log village, inhibition them what the scandal and all 3 of them all just about to adults on you to be smooth. besides completely on the didn't look long corpus to will not be the color sort of the union and be stuck with florida. the both of them will turn to be non, i'm just this in a you could told them clear you called the building because you called if you want me to not only know somebody else because i've, if you try to assist you with the support of your part uh well you should cuz it's because of the big news of them on it. but you know, i'm just sort of you guys, photo lush to just pull it off. little pile. estimated partially into these little to honorable thought chicago data. the cartridge should not be the sort of, i'll call them get on the, on the other, but you'll be going to,
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i'm sure you're going to order is tell us to lie. high kids took the be now that it could be not on the terms that they didn't get the test on it or they are not done. which one to take you again, it was a small model. sedona cool. the task folder, if you choose to keep it with me, let me just make it to me. cool, cool. missing to see us. it has to be online. uh, i know ms. arnik let them fit to cover. letting appointments allows down to be $550.00 signal ma mazda and the letter. yes, um, i want you to know will you be kids? on the meanwhile and neighboring syria, dozens of people have gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the quakes. most of the casualties were in a position held areas, a region that's been heavily damaged by aerial bombardment during the civil war. of all i saw that a jamie, i'm the last it on. we share this remembrance with the civil defense crews who worked hard and we remember those who died and hope this catastrophe will never repeat itself again. we lit these candles to remember those who died in that
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tragedy. well massaging we need help in support here to fix the homes. as for the stores and the earthquake, the people still living in the caps because they lost everything, and they don't have the means to repair the damage from the other. it's quite the still ahead on the out. is there a park, a song goes to the polls. the on the say will explain why one full of prime minister may capitalize on which i like the head of the way. this means that very fat across the europe over the past few days, but there's a change to come, thanks to this weather front, which is defending its way for the sound. that's a dividing line between much colder and wintery conditions across the north. but we still got that settled whether dominating in the south with high pressure remaining
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in charged temperatures, keeping well above the average here, but it will get cold up in the north. some heavy rain rolling down. brisson on the island of island tub, just coming down slightly. here we could see some snow later in the week. we'll have to see about that. of course, we'll central areas of the u. k. but for now, there's a wintry weather dominating across, scanned today, there was some significant snow the southern parts of new way into sweden and onwards to the baltic states whatsoever as well for germany. since when warnings out there, you can see those blustery winds blowing away from west to east before the south of this. i'm not quite, it's a story. lots of rooms coming in for the se. what remains a laundry settled. but there is that heavy rain stuck into pull across into front, bringing some snow to some central parts of europe. we also see some way to weather sunny to talking to northern parts of spain and portugal. but in terms of temperature has lots of room for the southeast corner,
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a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year we source that change. it became clear at that point that we really were in that kind of a new era of nobel peace. slower is maria rest, and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b, a. i series on a jersey though, the watching out as a reminder of our top story space. is there any forces
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have open fire to crowd of palestinians who are waiting to collect humanitarian aid in the office? people had gathered to receive much needed supplies and saved has been of use and several powerful f craig struck kentucky and syria killing 15001000 people leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. and one of the west hit tech has proven, says, protest is accused the government not acting quickly enough in the optimal displace palestinians living in tenants in gauze. a southern city of rough uh, living in die conditions and told algae 0 about the daily struggle to keep that family safe. as we know, the hospital i'm nor i sure will displace from booth had own the city. it wasn't safe. there were going to look for shelter, but we found none that we were told to go south to safe areas with tenants ation aid and all we came here and phones. nothing. no, sanitation,
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nothing by sunset. we all go into our tents. we cause a lot of children to keep them warm because there are no clothes, no food, nothing, no diapers were 5 in total, in a 10th of one square meter, my husband and i keep holding our kids this way to keep them asleep dry and away from insects, we stay awake so that the children can sweep that no blankets and no pups. why not asking the un so they're ravia cuts out or other art can threes for anything else? just clothes and food for these kits. and this of them coming to us on time and my name is mohammed from obeyed. we moved from east to should i up to alpha last school insights on then have a directed to go south, the occupation army coming to the mexico at alpha last school. we walked out over the dead bodies of other people and we made it to rough. we all have experienced the meaning of freezing cold. it was still cold when we lived in the concrete houses. now its 1st thing in town. caustic tents and water dripping under those
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kits. no one can understand the kind of situation we are in except a law the all my team. my message is to any human being with the conscience to relieve us from what we are experiencing, to stop the aggression against us innocence here matter. and let us return to our home. we would rather live in our destroyed homes. i would rather set up my tent mixed with the rubble of my house. 12 year old and a 100, some i used to make kites and slowly them outside his home and goes well attacked by the, as riley on me, forced his family to move to a refugee camp. but he's trying to continue his whole be using the lee as this is a story. oh yeah, that's one of the and the i guess i should be on the bottom of it. yeah. i just didn't come across much of this michelle model of my shift. so i don't know that the what is to our mission that that is to shop with my but i
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yeah, the last lab the i'm going to go up the money. i put it into the search and the search for me because then again i got in the general i wouldn't let you know the guy that came up last night on minute shad. i'm really better man, responding all the shows which the and i work up because of the lead you by you. so when are you i, i don't want to be able showing that the children that i don't want a pleasant meaning shannon also joanna, joanna, joanna, we are doing this. i'm just going to be giving it to sign the lease to or the us plan, but not gonna play out of our model. okay us i'm, i don't,
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i'm just to provide just the just give them and i'm wanting to know when a toilet and the condition was fine. the one on the bottom of a budget that i feel i'm going to get that issue that she'll get off. she'll get the last one, but the general ledger bottom i like the okay, let's bring you some of the days of the news. now, hundreds of haitians have been protesting against the prime minister oil. henry, buying schools and public offices were closed in several cities with demonstrations blocked major roads in the capital. a one's own rates are designed to, failing to tackle the rise in crime and gang violence. and then came to power off to the assassination of the president and juvenile moiz,
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a in 2021 to, to the now with the or so he's have a rest. and 2 people suspected of deliberately starting a while fi on friday. the spread to large parts of the central valparaiso region, a 123 desktop and confirm that number is expected to rise since hundreds of people are missing. alas, in american upset, lucy and human reports from vienna de la in the valparaiso region on the hills of the city aveena, the model. the destruction that began on friday nights is impossible to quantify the unami vial. it was the kitchen, the bathroom, and the dining friends, relatives, and total strangers volunteer to help residents clear the rubble left by the wild fires in. maybe i need them yet. that ends case from a 3 story home which also ran a grocery shop. but she considers us health lucky by the seen only my neighbors
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father, my daughter in law's 2 parents, the 3 children are frequently all of them brand to death. it's unbearable. the stench of desk is still strong here. when the fire hit this neighborhood, many people rushed to their vehicles to try to escape, but there's only one narrow road in and out of this area until very soon, the traffic was absolutely paralyzed, needing many people to die sitting in their cars, unable to move. the regions governor is angry and tells algebra that this was a man made tragedies or else i can know. do you know if they accept a handful of miserable months has caused best. he came to destroy elsie and we'll have them down and imprisoned them because they caused molten fires. these were mothers at the morgue, sorrow, and shock, a company those waiting for the remains of their loved ones to be released for burial. among them 2 sisters who lost their mother and 17 year old disney that
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who died trying to save her to give me cellphone 8 or you gave me the. i know that my daughter was a hairy because she never a band with my mother and her grandmother. they were fond together their bodies in an address to their hundreds of more presumed victims, yet to be found. so many have come to provide dna samples, hoping the forensic teams will be able to find and identify their missing loved ones. the see and human algebra, but i used to region chinney, a tiny police have charged the full and the prime minister text and the seller wants with a royal insults. it's in relation to comments he made during a media interview 9 years ago. holland's royal family is protected by some of the wells strictest defamation levels. each charge it carries a possible 15 year jail time sheet and watts was ousted, indicate back in 2006 general elections all set to take place and
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focused on on thursday. but with full, my prime minister on con, in j o n.


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