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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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digital firm scene investigator spot, we're doing it from space design to inform. most events on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on our address here, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters, and i'm getting obligated or coming up in the next 60 minutes. is really forces open fire at crowds and gaza cities where people were scrambling for desperately needed aid supplies.
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palestinian parents are forced to sell food to buy diapers. basic goods are becoming scarce and more expensive across scouts of the us sector. stayed on to me, blinking is in cairo the war on gaza. hi, on his agenda. he's expected in caspar later on tuesday and circus police killed 2 people after they fired lessons in front of a court house and assemble and support. legal massey says he's feeling better after his controversial no show in a hong kong, a friendly match and matches the city close the gap on a liberal pool and the primary relief title rates, the hello we begin in gaza city where is really forces have opened fire on a crowd of palestinians who are waiting to receive humanitarian aids. it's the 9th day in
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a row of reports if it's really troops shooting at people in the city. palestinians have gathered at a central round about desperate for food parcels for their families. after months of is really bombardments, at least a 107 people had been killed in the past 24 hours. and parents and guards are struggling to provide for their children, not just food, but basics like diapers. the items are available, but prices have swords. stephanie decker has more, this is the simple things in life we take for granted, such as diapers, for childs that become a major issue in times of crisis. a lot of them a robust said, you didn't send yeah. the prices of diapers are ridiculous on it. imagine each diaper change from your son will cost you around $1.00. you must change them at least 4 times and 12 to 15 hours. in 24 hours, you need $5.00 to $6.00 diapers that the child cluster around $5.00 a day, especially in a bad situation like this. if the prices are high and people have no income,
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there isn't even a ticket. for the people of garza, life has become about surviving each day, finding food, water, basic hygiene products. everything has become more expensive and you couldn't afford it. and it was, it was fun, but i did not buy diapers. i find pieces of material and use them for her, but what can i do that those are so expensive to my husband is unemployed. so where would i get them from? the united nation says around 1700000 palestinians have been forced from their homes. many live in tents with no access to basic sanitation. the organization estimates there is one shower for 2000 people. and around $500.00 people have to share a single toilet. it's a ticking health time bob saw her all that stuff i did. what have that? what has recently appeared on the scene as hepatitis a and the infection resulted from densely populated places due to the war and
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displaced people living in texas. and it was done with this really a tax intensifying and hadn't eunice and southern causal. more people are forced to move to the alpha in the most southern area of the strip. from there, however, there is nowhere else to go. stephanie decker, ultra 0, will get an update now with honey my full time, he's joining us from but i fund southern gaza to talk to us about the latest airstrikes on the gaza strip hand and particularly that incidents and gaza city where people were fired on as they scrambled to try to get him on to terry and aid on the yes, very united, this seems to be non stop. and it's not only people who gathered into groups waiting for humanitarian aid, but also have people who are trying to live targeted areas or at the residential home seeking refuge elsewhere in the gaza city. or the northern part of being far that either by the top of drones or by heavy machine guns or by the heavy armies
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via those who are ready to evacuated. and since there is a neighborhood across gardens to be on the northern part of the yesterday. and large a crowd of palestinian internal displays hungry hold on a traumatized. we're waiting for human to during the trucks to be delivered to guys at the no depart were shut out and fired. the vast majority of these people were rushed into a ship, a hospital, a very over, wasn't hospital, almost out of service with dana ability or medical intervention proper, but they're going to the vent or vengeance. the majority of those will arrive lost their life or the risk good to lose their life. and majority of the people who work with big amount of them or to children, a women trying to get their hand on. what are they counted provide for their families or their children in the spin from area on han you and is the same exact scenario. is it repeating itself? there's more coming more, a bombing more, maybe 10,
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the destruction cycle continues to destroy. the vast majority of the neighborhoods and residential blocks, we're looking at an area that has completely leveled to the ground. more of agriculture land, completely raised in what is really, is saying is part of a bigger flight of stablish in a buffer zone. and they through part of the city around the hospital zone. so we're looking at very difficult situation. nasir hospitalized as of last night, where the major side of whole river explosions on bomb and going on within its vicinity is just adding more pressure. no really over wasn't exhausted. hospital suffers from lack of medical supplies that if you, but also the rest of the many lives inside of it, including patients and those with critical injuries. all right, honey. and also, according to the, as really is what they're saying is that this offensive affairs will eventually reach the town and foot off where you are. that's on the egyptian a border. we know that there are more than half of the 2300000 people are seeking refuge there. and this is going to pose
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a huge risk for palestinians or sheltering. isn't it? yes, that it's not a secret. if we say that people here get together into smaller groups and to try to westbridge each other, what are they able to do in case a military operation? expanded dropbox city. we're talking about an over crowded city limited space here . the vast majority of the city implants are turned into tens county and phasing out of president that human at terry and catastrophe across the city. more than half of the population be to squeeze to this part of the city. we've been able to talk to some people here to get their reaction and to document their fear and concern of a possible in 10 cents. as these ready, monetary repeated this, that they're, they're coming through and this is what they have to share with us. the situation is more than dyers. these living conditions are not fit even for animals. we sleep mode and what send no mattresses, pillows,
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no covers even toilets and not available for worn out sick and fatigue. there is no food and when we get it, we use wood fire to cook. there's no clean water. people are suffering from several diseases at the same time. and there's no medicine or children and suffering more than us. what did we do to deserve all this? we ran for our lives and left everything behind. i do not have any money. i have a family of 9 and we receive little aid, some flour, a few canned items every 3 days. the aid that's delivered is scarce and hardly reaches us. we can hardly survive our life is really difficult. we're on the verge of salmon. i'll just say what has gained access to areas of northern gauze where is really forces have withdrawn on a city for reports from japan. yeah. yeah. well, the model and the one for the 1st time we've been able to reach this area of also i'm neighborhood in eastern jamalia. this is the border points between eastern
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jamalia and l. 2 for area. as you can see behind me, this is where the occupation forces and their vehicles were located. this is where posting and fighters and is really forces battled for quite a while. is really troops dredged all roads and destroyed all the houses in this area. how you have the more she had a month to fall, we can see the scale of destruction left behind and this part of jamalia and nothing was spared, including roads, streets, and the surrounding infrastructure. as well as a message i have, it's good to have a demo vision dog to start to watch v. as you can see, this whole destruction that are not a single habitable house in the entire area. nothing sped, land houses, trees all destroyed. nothing is habitable. yes. but we remain steadfast and unwavering with all strong combination. and after that we will rise again louder, stronger than before, until built this country. each olive tree you have uprooted with your pull. those as will grow again,
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just like in the past. all i need to jump. so the total of what i like to let you heavy a month, even factories and houses were targeted and destroyed in this area. this is the al civic mosque, one of the oldest mosques in northern gaza, which has also been destroyed by is really forces even have the purple. what we're seeing, what's left behind by the occupation forces, after withdrawing from also on neighborhood in eastern jamalia, total destruction of mosques, buildings and roads. are you an agency for palestinian refugees? says is really forces fired on it's trucks carrying humanitarian aid for northern gaza. warner. why release these pictures of trucks, which it says were hit by naval gunfire on monday? it's unclear exactly where the convoy was during the attack. agencies have repeatedly accused is really blocking deliveries to the north of the gaza strip. at the latest that, that wouldn't matter. it was not the 1st time when you're recording void with the
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united nations was i talked about it this the 3rd time it couldn't void belonging to enter well has been exposed. ok docs on its way to the north or when it's coming back from the north. and this is not acceptable. you may need to didn't, couldn't voice according to international humanitarian law, must be protected from all parties to the conflict. also during come back to the un agency also released this video showing one of its health centers destroyed by the is really our, me, it's in the chef red line, neighborhood of gaza city or know us as the is really military has targeted a 147 of its facilities since the war began. the us like through state has met the egyptian president, had been for the has the see for talks on the war on gaza. anthony, blinking is hoping that his tour of the middle east will have broke or an end to the conflict. on monday he met the saudi crown prince and re odds. he's also due to visit katara the occupied westbank, as well as room for a challenge to joining us now from occupied is yours,
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when so blinking is making some t stops before heading to israel. what's behind the choreography of this trip, rory to hold at the bottom. white house does not view the cause of war as isolated as sees it is as part of a kind of wider regional crisis. the intervals, wider regional diplomacy and a wider regional balancing act. so it sees the situation with a rom, and again, that's being part of this. and therefore that's why blinking is on his way. but from re added the volume and figure out the parts of the middle east as well. re ads is crucial. he wants to restart the normalization process between saudi arabia and israel. that was the rails by the cause of war. that's one of the factors that's going on here. also during the cairo and dial hardwell
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agents and capital operators crucial pods, all of this potential see spot deal uh, getting a c spot deal back on track would help the white house so bite and thanks and in the escalating tensions in the, in the region particularly with the wrong thinking yeah, my next cetera. so cairo is important because of egypt, boda with gaza and the smuggling groups that have traditionally be the way by which time us supplied itself. and then of course, you have cats which has a crucial mediation role with how much the cell sites. the choreography is basically building up a kind of a coalition or a, or an arab sentiments, awards and momentum towards that spot deal. the heart being really and this is why you're also hearing from you the u. k. and the us of the moving revitalized tools of
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a 2 state solution because for these our partners to really buy and they have to be assured that a 2 state solution is the ultimate destination. right. and once he gets to israel, then what's waiting for him there, particularly when it comes to that issue of the 2 state solution. well, he's going to get a lot of push back. he's going to get pushed back from. and that's a now who, because nothing yahoo has spent most of his political career moving in opposition to a 2 state solution. also, netanyahu at the moment is on the increasing pressure from the right flank of his governing coalition, particularly from the bank via and smotts rich to very right wing. parts of that coalition make up. and they are saying that the united states should not be meddling in israel's national security issues and it's interest.
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and they want netanyahu to reject a deal, basically that widespread pessimism here that's a, a deal is really in the all thing. that's how my stuff. and once it really uncertain me any deals that will lead to the release of lots of kind of in prison is, is an, a long time sweet spot on the ground is not in israel is national security interest as long as it hasn't finished the job in gaza, so you mentioned yahoo is got a very, very sort of narrow area of operations ready been, he's been saying to the, to the right waiting of his calculations, the police park down. i mean, in this game a long time, it's up to me how to deal with the international partners, how to deal with the united states and also maintain israel's national security interest. i don't need you telling me what to do. all right, or a challenge report from occupied is to respond. thank you. the us state department says that footage is really sold, are standing over
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a strict and wounded palestinian and gaza is deeply troubling. the video is reportedly uploaded on social media by the soldier. he since deleted it. there been multiple previous reports if is really soldiers abusing or executing on arms, palestinian civilians is now in canada, the education minister of british columbia has step down after making controversial comments about a historic palestine. selena robinson refer to the region as quote, a crappy piece of lands. they have no connection to how it started. they don't understand that it was a crappy piece of land with nothing on it. you know, there were, you know, several 100000 people. but other than that, so robinson was speaking on zoom as part of a panel of jewish politicians, organized by a pro is really advocacy group. she later apologized on the platform x. but after back class the premier right now and she had submitted her resignation.
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the, there's been a shooting and assemble which was left, 3 people wounded and to attack or ins, dads and 9. and the women opened fire at a police check point in front of a court house to if those injured were police officers said, i'm comfortable. clue joining us now from a skin their own interest to you. what more do we know about what's happened as well? the number of the one did increase to 63 of them are police officers, and 3 of them are civilians. and as far as we know what the interior administered earlier i look, i posted on his social media the attack. the attempt to that back in his words was done by the evolutionary peoples and liberation front d h k, p c, which is a foreign left organization that is deemed as
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a terrace group into here. and so far, what we know is that the investigation has been launched and uh, and the police is trying to find what is behind this and why this attack was planned. but in 2015, the same organization targets it's a prosecutor and assemble who was working on a file that was way too too dizzy protest of 2013. and they took that prosecute threats hostage. and after 6 hours of negotiation, the prosecutor uh, was severely injured. then he died. and the attackers were also uh, killed by the security forces inside the building. so we are waiting for more details to arrive at by deal sowards these fact to you. okay, so and i'm thank you so much for that update from sir to you. or we can now speak to a test, sir. he's an associated professor political science that has an kyle, young jewel university history. and he goes from guys into the thanks for your time with us on how to 0. what are you hearing about this attacks or?
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uh uh, thank you for having me. as many friends by side i'm of already attack is eh, claimed responsibility about the revolution that people, it's about ation pumpkin for on and also so many stuff inside of the community declared 2nd to kill terrorist our belongings for these organizations. when we look at the back brand new organizations, this is a tire instead of this organization included in the international terrorist organizations lease as well funded in 1994, my adult, some of our a which has a marxist larry and just find the organ. let me get the terrorist attacks conducted by it is or cut out organizations. they usually have targets. the government telephone shows, or perhaps police officers, military officers, et cetera. and date it changing the overall regime out in the system to
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a communist marxist menus regime. eh, so they usually authorize me p k, k p id kind of reflect on his agent as well in their attacks, especially in the eastern part, what couldn't be behind what, what, what do you think could be behind this particular attack that happens in front of a court house, we understand from send them the 6 people have been wounded and the 2 attackers had been killed as a data might miss total. of course. busy the tensions 1st of all, the upcoming local elections. so the 1st, at a most dissenters, organizations fees agree, i think, call it to n, y, and one, especially before the elections to prevent the free elections. especially if somebody is very important, a great metaphor, the file to affect the results of these electronics. it might be a bundle of the reasons. the 2nd is and as you know, uh there is a and other uh, ongoing challenge,
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especially between the high level of courts within the supreme court. and if it is all the court mac counties and uh, regarding uh, just the system. so uh to increase the attention regarding the just split the effective implementation of the justice system. and. busy to create a fire in the poverty is the main a objective of the pattern organization in come back thing these events i right, obviously, i mean, we will wait to see what the results of the investigation is. be the there is an ongoing investigation. according to our correspondence that i'm a firm stumble um, but how do you expect the government to respond? of course, uh, 1st of all, uh, by using the macbook uh and communication systems. and all these stories, i think the, the, the investigators will try to reach the voice. busy behind the key
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points at this attack, who target the collective intelligence. and i think we can expect more at rest months after this one because the connections and network uh, including all the people, especially located at the summer and elsewhere will be basic nathan and uh, they made a b r i said, so we can see your upcoming operations by police operations as well. all right, thank you. cut, sir. we thank you for joining us from santa thanks for having me. the, the . well, it's been a year since several powerful earthquake structure kit on serial killing, at least $59000.00 people and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless to mark the anniversary, thousands of people march and the turkish province of has 5,
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the worst hit region. demonstrators transferred, we won't forgive, we won't forget. basically the government didn't act quickly enough in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. some protest or as fault with police when they tried to close roads in neighboring syria. thousands of people have gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the quakes. most of the casualties were in the opposition held areas for region that was heavily damaged by aerial bombardment during the war . all i saw better generally, i leave it on. we share this remembrance with the civil defense cruise, who worked hard, and we remember those who died and hoped this catastrophe will never repeat itself again. we lift these candles to remember those who died in that tragedy. well massaging we need help in support here to fix the homes. as for the stores and earthquake, the people still living in the caps because the lost everything. and you don't have the means to repair the damage from the other. it's quite the estimate of the earthquake cause widespread destruction across the vast areas. so on february,
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the 6th 2023, just after 4 am the magnitude 7.7 quakes struck near the southern circus province of i'm, i'm a ross, less than 20 minutes later, a magnitude 6.5 tremor hitting your guys again. tap then that afternoon, a 3rd quick hit come on the russian again. this time in the north of the province. the earthquakes effected in the area of a 120000 square kilometers, including parts of northern syria. at least 59000 people were killed. and more than 807000 injured. about 14000000 people in turkey and syria were effected let's i'll speak to caroline holt in geneva, she's a global head of operations at the international federation of the red cross. welcome child to 0, thanks for your time. so how is your organization supporting both are to you and syria one year on. thank you for inviting me alone today and the
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opportunity to continue to keep the story in the minds of people. it's we set at the time this was going to be a mattress and not a sprint. um, disasters of this size of coal. so not dealt with in just a short period of time. we're working with axes on the ground with the turkey shred, present them with the syrian ira break present to continue to support those ongoing needs of those families who have lost everything. who did lose everything one year ago. i'm really to help them support them continue to afford the basic needs, but also with the mental health care support. that's also very much required. still, what are the biggest needs today in the original estimates, of course it was about keeping people alive. it was about food and it was about emergency shelter. it was about clean water. now one year wrong. we still know that people are struggling, people lost everything. and i think it's important to continue to remember that as part of the story that rebuilding the livelihoods they need to make sure that they've got basic income to continue to take care of the families. more than 400000
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people in turkey are still living in temporary accommodation and we know that millions in syria not least because of the quite for the cost because of the compounded impacts of the disasters that have affected the country, are really continuing to struggle to cope with the everyday demands, right. and from an operational view point, what would you say are the biggest challenges when you're on from the, from the earthquake that struck both countries. but it's important to remember that as close to kia and syria ones the same place when this tragedy struck. so in syria, certainly access the still a problem of the time. we talked about the charlie to getting heavy lifting material in that to move the robots eclipse. space for people to rebuild the lives . that's still a challenge in syria. there is still russell on the ground and people are still living amongst the devastation in took here. we've seen very much that the parties have steps in the government has,
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has also supported with providing people with longer to most sustainable housing. but there were still hundreds of thousands of people who are facing a car of wins on the temporary shelter. so shelter, livelihoods, i'm really the rehabilitation and the long term sustainability of access to clean will to is a critical piece still. so, so yeah, right. so then how is the r i c r c a dealing with these challenges when it comes to syria and getting access as well. i work with the i a thought see, and we're working very closely with the syrian ira bread crescent on the ground. we also have partners working in the places that are difficult to access and we're working very carefully with them to make sure that we're addressing the vulnerabilities on the needs where we find them. and you said just a moment ago that when the arrows quick struck um you had said that this was going to be a marathon. so what sort of time frame are we talking about for, for sort of the countries to rebuild from a disaster like this from,
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from your experience and what you've seen from my experience, it would be nice to think this was, this would take anything less than 3 to 5 years in terms of really supporting the re establishing that no mile etc. but people want. but of course people are also very creative and very resilience. and they are starting to pull the lives together really from the devastation and the nothing but they were left with. so we do see that there are pockets of the, of good development on good recovery and people are recovering well. but certainly that's not the case across the past, and it's important that we keep the story in the headlines. and i very much welcome this opportunity because the, the, the, the size of the devastation that people experience. it means that it's, it's not something that won't come recover from in a matter of months. okay. caroline holt from the i f r c. we thank you so much for a speaking to us. now hundreds of people enter key or are still missing. and
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here's the story of one mother who has never given up hope of finding her son of the boston ma glitch, inhibition the you what the scandal and all 3 of them all just about thoughts on you to be smooth. besides, completely on the didn't look long, corporations of will not be buckled them sort of the union and they stuck with florida. the books on will to, to be non, i'm just this in a, you could told them clear you called the building because you called if you want me to not only have somebody else because i replied, you will prove it to support your part. uh well, you should see that you could just see it on the big news of mine. but you know, i'm just sort of, you guys, photo likes to just pull it off. little pile. estimated partially into these little to honorable thought chicago data. the cartridge should not be the sort of, i'll call them get on the, on the other, but you'll be ended up going time stuff. so it gives you more into order. is tell
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us to lie how it is to be not done. it could be not on the terms that it didn't get to you has done it or not. is it done? which one did it take you again? it was a small model. sedona cool. the task folder, if you choose to keep with me, let me just make it to michel missing. to see us. it is to be a lie. and ms. arnik let them fit to cover learning appointments allows john to be $450.00 signal ma mazda and belinda. yes, um i want you to know will you make each on the, the still ahead on the i was a 0 and it was our why china's economic clothes are having consequences throughout asia and what it's government is doing in response. coming up in support. it's semi final time with the asian cup here in doha of georgia and tries to pull off and upset again. south korea, that story is coming up a little later with,
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for the head of the, the web has been set very fat across the europe over the past few days. but there's a change to come, thanks to this weather front, which is defending its way for the sound. that's a dividing line between much colder and wintery conditions across the north. but we still got that settled weather dominating in the south with high pressure remaining in charged temperatures, keeping well above the average here, but it will get cold up in the north. some heavy rain rolling down person on the island of island type just coming down slightly. here we could see some snow later in the week. we'll have to see about that across most central areas of the u. k. but so now there's a wintry weather dominating across, scanned today, there was some significant snow the southern parts of new way into sweden and onwards to the baltic states with the weather as well for germany. since when warnings out that you can see those blustery winds blowing away from west to east before the south of this, i'm not quite, it's a story. lots of rooms coming in for the se. what remains
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a laundry settled. but there is that heavy rain stuck in to pull across into front, bringing some snow to some central parts of your. we also see some way to weather starting to talking to northern parts of spain and portugal, but in terms of temperatures, lots of room for the southeast corner. the latest news, as it breaks, people are scared from the shops that's hospitals are also a target. it's happening is 2024 with detailed coverage is really forces continue their intense bombing around lost their husbands, all in pon unit from the hall to the story doesn't who's been arrested interrogation and put into the presence of dave information on family members.
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the news the young, the top stories on the algebra news hour is really forces of open fire at a crowd of palestinians who are waiting to collect humanitarian aid in northern
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gaza. people had gathered to receive much needed supplies and food parcels. a shooting and assembled was left, 3 people at 6 people wounded and 2 attackers beds of mine and the women opened fire at a police check points in front of the court house. 2 of those injured were police officers, the revolutionary people's liberation front because claimed responsibility. it's a group that the governments call suffice is a terrorist organization. it's been a year since several powerful earthquakes struck turkey and syria killing $59000.00 people and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. and one of the worst hit turkish provinces protest her excuse the governments of not acting quickly enough in the afternoon. antonia a calculator has been charged with a 191 counts of murder, paul and 10 good mackenzie was arrested following the mass starvation of more than 400 people,
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he's alleged to have encouraged his followers to starve to death in order to meet jesus mackenzie on a, on his electric accomplice as a fleet of not guilty on oh, a 191 pounds 10 months of fighting. and some done has caused prices to store the rate of inflation, which was around 80 percent before the conflict started is expected to double this year. and the sooner these pounds has lost nearly half its value, that all adds up to it, increasing the desperate situation for many, hey, but morgan reports from under me on i'm a how much has come here to shop for years, living in the man incidents, capital hot tomb she normally can find to most of what she needs here. but for months she hasn't been able to afford food for now. i also started with the guys. there was an increase every month. the prices of meat, poultry, vegetables all have become very expensive since the war began. the costs are too
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high because our income is limited, and there are no salaries while used to be enough for us to sustain ourselves in a day. now we need to double that i, the market's prices have been increasing since the start of the war between the army and the power military rapids support forces. last april, the un says the cost of an average basket of food has increased by 8 to 8 percent since the conflict began craters. the, one of the reasons behind the price rises is difficulties in getting goods. but at some things we have here are imported, has been an increase in the price of foreign currency. so the cost of food commodities has also increased. and especially because we also have to add a small profit margin. so customers that come in by less and less because their money hasn't increased in value or amount. the world bank forecasts inflation to reach nearly 160 percent this year. the value of this is denise pounds. currency
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has sunk. fuel costs have increased to the ongoing fighting and destruction of factories means that goods now take longer to make it to market by the 7 here. they all made sense, but now come from one state. when in the positive came from another, they'll also others that fact owners had to relocate. so they include the cost of relocation on the price of made sense. with the conflicts showing no sign of ending prices are expected to rise even further with more so the needs figuring they'll be unable to afford their basic needs. hey, but morgan onto their heart to him. the angry scenes of marred celebrations, marking new zealand national day. the holiday known as white tank, the day is the anniversary of the treaty signed between murray cheese and representatives of the british crown. a 184 years ago. adrian brown reports from wellington protest has long been paused to become immigration of national day. but the youngest,
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more he to this year is demonstrate his voice, their opposition to government plans. they say it's written mari living standards and rights rights guaranteed in the country's founding document. significantly, many of the protest is with non marie i think that the government is probably quite surprised was how it, how we're coming to give this a stand and response. and so it would be very interesting to see how they respond. say everyone showing up here and around the country why tony is the best place of making using the traditional mile re welcome or hacker delivered with renewed spirit and pride this year. the proposals to scrap some assemblies, reaction policies of galvanized. mallory people, especially on these hello treaty grounds. this was christopher lockson's, 1st visit to my tongue. you use prime minister capital to show respect is
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governments proposals of on set of many. he says the country needs policies based on need. not rings of time. do you think you would be challenged and they'd be um, a range of views around the table around around the conversation, which there was um that's to be expected and yeah, so it was yeah, pretty much as like speaking many mile re people see the culture is under attack, especially the plan to review the founding treaties principles and could tail the use of the memory language. well, what is it to do the inverse, the normal as soon as the country is nothing. you can either say this gathering is the biggest and at least that he use. traditionally, while i tell you days, also an occasion for discussion and debate. one of the few times that countries political leaders held accountable to marie adrian brown al jazeera, willing to
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a chinese thoughts have rebounded from 5 year lows after intervention from financial regulators. markets across asia reacted positively to news that chinese regulators will take action to stop a thing called malicious trading. and in an unusual step, president change and paying was reportedly personally brief on the situation. quote with war on this, we have katrina, you who's joining us from beijing. so we have this dramatic recovery from china, stock market today. what, what's behind all of this will do. magic is definitely the right word to describe it. we had on friday trying to stuff market plunge to the lowest low seen of 5 years. and they know tuesday just days later we saw a tiny blue chips don't make the biggest game since 2022 and not trading. it ended with those stocks up like 3.5 percent. now, what's behind it? into woods state intervention. the 1st step is that the state fact investors need
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sweeping purchases of chinese new chip stocks and which are really predominantly state back enterprises. they've said they want to expand the scope of their investments, institutional investors, we are told to buy more as well. secondly, we had trying to escape a securities regulated take some very significant steps to cub short selling. we saw some, perhaps put on brokerages. some hedge funds are banned from selling completely. and the statement from the regulation was that it was moving to stabilize and safeguard, trying to stop markets from what it said was move. this is short selling. and then thirdly, we had this serve while i confirm before the president seated thing himself was musing with china's finance regulations, which doesn't seem like a big deal. but it is very unusual here in china that the chinese leaders himself will deal with these issues directly. so that's, that's a really positive, significant market and it did work to boost sentiment here. so katrina, this is just one problem. china's economy is facing. are these steps doing to
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address those larger issues of the well the problem is in terms of market i definitely symptomatic of the why. the issue in that is trying to is economy is facing deep stagnation. the company sector, which has been traditionally major driver of growth, remains in a deep prices. and china is one of the few countries battling deflation. and we've also had the past year, many analysts wasting and pushing for some me just stimulus to get tons of economic growth out of this right from the government. but aging has so far, refused to roll out a major steps instead, it's released some very small piece meal moves, which having satisfied a load of bees and buses. so we've had a lot of global invest. dean, china, i'm invested and that's why we see this huge prices in confidence. so unfortunately, while these moves to rescue trying to stuff market seems to be working, at least in the short term. it's not going to deal with the why the issues in the
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all right, thank you so much. katrina, you're reporting from beijing. the other you case? king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. buckingham palace announced he will suspend his public duties while receiving treatment last month. the king spent several days in hospital for an enlarged prostate test that identified a separate type of cancer and foreigners let's speak to so in your games or joining us from london. so obviously the u. k. as in shots, tell us more about the reaction. sonya the well yes said the study does seem to be quite a lot of surprise at the announcement that came from buckingham palace on monday evening, stating that while the king had been having treatment, successful treatments full of benign and large prostate diagnostics that with that and subsequently done seemed to confirm that he had indeed a full of cancer. now while uh,
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it is interesting that the palace has been open about the diagnosis. they still are quite reserved about going into any other further detail as well. for us, there is the argument that the king has his own rights previously as he goes on the goes treatments full cancer as well, but also in a show of trying to be as open as possible as well. so say coming to be regarded as somewhat of as a public service in order to try and raise awareness of the issue and to try and get the public to be more aware of these issues as well. it certainly has been one of the concern given that in the u. k. a at least one and 2 people will at some point be diagnosed with kansas. and this is a point that the king on the palace want to underline that he wants to make this really a show of public service in order to get people to be more aware of these issues. but in the meantime, his youngest son, harry,
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it's been reported to be flying back from los angeles to see the king. his public duties will of course be cattails. he will still be undergoing a certain state g t's. and that includes having his meet the weekly meetings with the prime minister. all right, thank you. so in your go, your go reporting from london to please 3 people have died in a powerful storm in the us state of california heavy rain and strong winds caused flooding. on mud slides and downs power lines across the region. rob reynolds, how's the latest from? los angeles. floodwaters swept through streams, rivers in neighborhoods from san diego to san francisco, with as much as 35 centimeters of rain predicted. for some areas, the slow moving storm system termed an atlas fear river by media raleigh just also lash the state with wind gusts,
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around 95 kilometers per hour. the los angeles river, normally a nearly dry, concrete channel, was transformed into a torrent close to overflowing its banks in san jose. the fire department rescued, 3 people in several dogs trapped by the rising guadalupe river. we lost our boats, got them and got them out of the water and successfully got them to shore in sacramento, large trees toppled closing power outages, and hundreds of thousands of people are without electricity in central and northern california. in the san francisco bay area road ways flooded and residents piled up sandbags in san diego. entire neighborhoods were flooded and some people were forced to climb up on their roots for safety. police and fire department as well as mayors urged people to stay home and stay safe. but as always, some treated the emergency as alert, including one person who wrote a surfboard down of flooded rocks through canyon. in los angeles and ventura
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counties mudslides damaged homes and block highways leading to mandatory evacuations. while in the sierra nevada mountains, heavy snow could create white out conditions making travel hazardous. altogether 30000000 people are under flood watching. the storm is expected to last for another day, more rob, riddles, l, g, 0, los angeles. let's go more on this now with our weather presenter car legs. so what's the forecast like and how much worse isn't going to get? well, there's no wild weather to come, the west isn't of yet, and that's because it's a very powerful storm system. this one of historic proportions, the 2nd one to hit the us west coast in just a week. and you can see it streaming out that cloud that shows the ribbon of rain. it's called an atmospheric river because it pulls in the moisture originating from around hawaii. so it's a nickname to pineapple express. now it's fueled in with a very strong wind, so that rain, just pause and, and this one on the wind,
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rapid intensification boatload genesis, we quoted becoming a palms fi close. so you can see it busting in california, bringing very heavy rain as well as in snow to the mountains it hubbard and 4th winds that caused the power outages, as well as the life threatening floods and lance lights and mud slides. now it is very slow moving, worked its way from san francisco down to los angeles. and you can see those large amounts of rain got new record, rain full, the moving a 104000000 pieces coming in to sunday. the previous record was set about a 100 years ago, and the worst isn't over that you can see that rain pouring in the yellow peak showing where it's gonna full heaviest. we could see about the average annual rainfall in los angeles in just a day on choose day. that's not just here, but it's also the neighboring states we've seen in las vegas flooding here. rain for the rain, for record, for february was broken, but the system is moving its way further east over the next few days is going to be
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some recovery coming in to california with some sunshine in los angeles on thursday . all right, so thank you so much for that as well. what's your terms of our top story now? and that's the we're on. does a 12 year old, the how much sham i used to make kites and fly them outside his home and goes up a tax by that is really army forced his family to move to a refuge account. but he's trying to continue his hobbies using the little she has . this is the story that is one of the and the i guess i should be on the bottom of. yeah. i just didn't come across much from the machine model of my shift. so i don't know that the, what is to our shipments going on with that as a shop with my but i yeah, the last lab the i'm going to go up the money. i bet clinton's
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mother says my mother says to call me because. 7 again, i gotten the general i wouldn't let you know look like a god left him a light on minute shad. i'm really better man responding all the shows which is not an advocate because the the if i you we so when are you? i don't want to be able to show in the loop when she's in the lab seo. don't want to present me shannon also i don't want the i do understand there's gonna be sort of giving it to sign the lease to or that the falls play. and then that's gonna play out of our model. okay as well that show i'm right and i'm just gonna provide just the just
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a give them and i need to know when the toilet and what god condition was finding that the function of the phone and the bottles i have. but if i get that, i feel i'm going to get that. she'll. she'll get off. she'll get the last one. but the general ledger bottom, the still ahead on the i'll just there is our manchester city. close the gap. i'll never for an opinion at least title race that's coming up with far off the news from i'll just on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on
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a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the support system during thank you so much. lean on massey says he hopes to play in inter miami's funnel game the pre season tour of asia. that's after he controversially failed to take part in their previous game and hong kong. much to the disappointment of spans organizers and government officials, david stokes reports as
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a legal messi cuts an uncomfortable figure on stage in tokyo. his 1st appearance into miami's p. l. disaster in hong kong with thousands of friends turned up to watch him only for the world cup went up to stay on the bench and thought it meant the concern for them. it was a shame because i always wanted to participate even more. so because we traveled so far and people were excited to see our matches, i hope we can return and i can play another game as i do whenever i can. but the truth is that it is a shame that i was not able to participate. c $40000.00 funds paid up to $600.00 to see messy and action in hong kong. he was on the team sheet, but never took to the field because of a leg muscle strain. who's rang out around the stadium when it became clear he wasn't coming on. how do you bring this the as far as the shame on them, organization should refund the organize it, the asia said only found out during the game that messy would not play. and his withdrawal and its application for $2000000.00 government grant,
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the staging the events that raise up a divest invention to make the man of great success fall, call them by doing the best players in the world and fully understand and share the appointments of local and overseas bands and stakeholders, it is fair to say that hong kong had gone into full messy mode for the game. the spokesman is to set, the government did everything it could to rectify the situation. we immediately request them to explore the remedies such as messy, appearing in the feud to interact with these friends and receiving the trophy. unfortunately, as you always see, these did not look into miami, will conclude the agent to in japan on wednesday with a game against me. so kobe messy says he feels better,
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but it's still not confirmed whether he'll play david stokes. how does era the phasing cap 70 bundles kick off later on tuesday with the south korea up against jordan. these 2 mats and the group stage and 322. so 3 are aiming to when they're 1st agents have in 164 years and the scores late goals to avoid being knocked out in the previous 2 rounds. their code, you're going, coincidence as he's drawing on argentina's, woke up when in cuts are 2 years ago. if you look at back at odds and to, you know, how they started, they woke up with the loss against saudi arabia. how nerve as they were in the next game against mexico. because of that pressure that you mention, you know, they kind of feel, oh my gosh, you know, if you don't be mexico now we might to not go any further than the one that was cap . so is the process mattress or city have close the gap on leaders liber pulling the race for the primary lead. title fell fraud and kicked
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a hat square to hat track as they fought from a goal down to win. 31 at branford, england. midfielder has now scored 14 goals and all competitions this season. the victory moves city up to 2nd place and the table 2 points behind liverpool with a game enhance. read the formula one team, boss. christian horner is under investigation over inappropriate breed behavior toward a team and 40 the complaint is allegedly about his aggressive management style, but the 50 year old denies any wrong doing. right. bull says it takes the allegations very seriously and is using an external barrister from process warner has been teen principal principal since 2005 just 5 days to the super bowl and nfl commissioner roger, good al says pumps are taylor swift, has been good for the sport, but i was city. las vegas has been stepping out preparations for the big game between the kansas city chiefs and san francisco. 40 niners much has been made of
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cheese tide and travis cows. she's relationship with with the season. and while sometimes have criticized her presence at the games get out says the swift effect has had a big impact for both travis and taylor wonderful young people. they seem very happy. she knows great entertainment. and i think that's why she loves nfl football . but i think it's great to have a, have her a part of it. obviously it creates a buzz that creates another group of young fans, particularly young women that are interested in seeing why is she going to this game? why is she interested in this game? besides travis, she's a football fan, and i think that's great for us. daily clippers be the atlanta hawks dukes down there and be a winning street to for games to why leonard start on the night for the clippers scoring $36.00 of them in the final minutes of the game. james, hard in that a 30 more to help the clippers hold off the hawks, a 149-2844. okay,
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that is all you support for now during back to you. thank you so much for that update and thanks for watching the news. our on algae is with you in just a moment. she'll have much more of today's views and all the latest headlines. thanks for watching. bye bye. for now the this is the 1st genocide this we see in real time is the victims themselves long because there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. business latest is sponsored by
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intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in dubai. to zeroes. here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas?
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of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man regions. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care strict the morning the families, they lost at least a 100 pounds of stadiums. a killed in is riley attacks in the past 24 hours. the money inside you, this is alex, is there a life? and also coming up on how to send the entire and
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supposed to sell food to buy dogs says basic goods are becoming skies more expensive across concepts. the ones that you've stay on to me blinking is in kara


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