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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm AST

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the mold and untold stories from asia and the pacific. on the unless morning and gaza at least a $107.00 palestinians have been killed and is really a tax in the last 24 hours the we're watching out to 0 light from headquarters and del time getting obligate to also coming off the thomas city. and parents are forced to sell food to buy diapers. basic goods are becoming scarce. sounds more expensive across the street. the us talk through state entity blinking is in kyra
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with the war on gaza. hi, on his agenda. he's expected in cats are later on tuesday. and turkish police kill 2 people after they fired weapons in front of the court house and assemble the hello. we begin in gaza where the death toll from israel's attacks on palestinians is mounting the health ministry. so as a pleased, a 107 people have been killed and a 143 injured in the past 24 hours. these are the scenes that we use to from the side hospital and drop off where people are mourning their loved ones for people, including 2 children were killed in one of the latest strikes on palestinian homes . and that hon. you know, 6 people were killed in a strike on an apartment building. more than 27 and a half 1000 palestinians have now been killed and nearly 67000 injured since the
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7th of october. the parents in dogs are struggling to provide for their children, not just foods, but the basics like diapers, the items are available, but prices have storage. stephanie decor has more it's the simple things in life we take for granted, such as diapers, for childs that become a major issue in times of crisis. one said you didn't send yeah. the prices of diapers are ridiculous on it. imagine each diaper change from your son will cost you around $1.00. you must change them at least 4 times and 12 to 15 hours. in 24 hours, you need $5.00 to $6.00 diapers that the child cluster around $5.00 a day. especially in a bad situation like this. if the prices are high and people have no income, there isn't even a ticket. the for the people of garza life has become about surviving each day, finding food, water,
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basic hygiene products. everything has become more expensive and you couldn't afford it. and it was, it was fun, but i did not buy diapers. i find pieces of material and use them for her. but what can i do that? those are so expensive to my husband is unemployed. so where would i get them from? united nation says around 1700000 palestinians have been forced from their homes. many live in tents with no access to basic sanitation. the organization estimates there is one shower for 2000 people. and around $500.00 people have to share a single toilet. it's a ticking health time bob saw her all that stuff as did. what have that? what has recently appeared on the scene is hepatitis a and the infection resulted from densely populated places due to the war and displaced people living in texas and was done with this really a tax intensifying and hadn't eunice and southern causal. more people are forced to move to the alpha in the most southern area of the strip. from there, however,
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there is nowhere else to go. stephanie decor, audra 0. what's the ringing honey? my whole time. he's joining us from girlfriend southern gaza. honey. talk to us about the latest air strikes across the gaza strip and thereafter. well, of the yes, very well, since the last time we talked, we are looking at more intense bombing campaign across the pond units sent, particularly around the vicinity of knoxville hospital where major road major leading roads. the main gates of the hospitals are blocked by presidents and vans. have these right a military the times that army vehicles that are not only that is showing residential homes within the hospital. but also shooting at people are trying to leave the area, afford a safer for run their reports of many people are killed, they're still out on the road. and there is an ability for a permanent exam,
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the defensive pro, as they are barred by the presence of the time phenomena vehicle to go and collect the injuries from the roads where they were targeted to the western side of the, of high noon. as many around and i've been hospitalized where the number of people have been evacuated from the hospital with the exception of elderly, about 40 of them who are, who have limited mobility, the need wheelchair to move on in addition to those with health complications and other with the grid on injuries or on able to leave on with the absence of family and relatives around them. it's hard to evaluate to them to say, for air, but the vicinity of the not gonna have to be done been heavily showed by times then artillery jennings, vince the, uh, the afternoon and the early afternoon hours in, within. also the complex that vicinity of the university complex velocity diversity,
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small residential homes, including 2 facilities during the buildings of the university were targeted and severely damaged. it's important to point out there's still going to be able to still shoulder a good inside those facilities, but have no ability. i know where to go. a course the ministry house administer of held there at least a 120 people so far are being killed. and within the past 24 hours with more injuries reported the different health facilities. but the concerned now that this number will go up the number of those because because those who have been injured it critically do not have the sufficient medical intervention by di remaining the operational health facilities such as locks or not. so it has to be done, or even here in the deep at the majority of health facilities are working at the lowest capacity they have. right. and how many we saw in steps report a moment ago about the shortage of nearly everything. and how prices now have
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increased drastically in the gaza strip. power people surviving are indeed very difficult situations for people here were able to see and document these cases the by they not only were seeing extreme shortage of this parts of the, of goods here in the market given that the commercial, the crossing it has been a block for the past week or so by protests there's that, there's really sort of preventing bills of trucks of, from coming in together, but also the number of a truck in terms of humanitarian. it is also a small compared to the actual need here for people who are sending up a prices are storing up as well as the, the, the amount here is still a little in top of that people do not have the financial capabilities. we're talking about 4 months now where people haven't received their, their payroll as well, or dis sellers if they are
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a public and please let alone the public sector that has been completely destroyed and damaged financially by the ongoing war. so we see they are real suffering, not only a famine going on, but people are unable to get their basic survival items. then according to the report, the things that are basic and taking for granted like diapers or survival, life in sports, children are not available that have the are available. they are at the very high price. not everyone can afford them, which rest the life and the health of many of the newborn babies who do not have access to these items. all right, thank you, honey. honey, reporting for us from deaf off in the gaza strip. well, the orange wing of how much has released the video appearing to show it's fighters targeting the is really army in, goes out in tons fighting has been taking place across the strip last week, the group claim to have killed 15 is really soldiers and destroy tanks. as well as other military vehicles. that is really army says the $224.00 foot soldiers have
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been killed in the strip since october of the us state department says footage of and is really soldiers standing over a stripped and wounded palestinian in gaza. is quote, deeply troubling. the video was reportedly uploaded on social media by the soldier, and he since deleted it. there been multiple previous reports if is really soldiers abusing or executing on or palestinian civilians is really, protesters are holding more demonstrations if they cut them aside and border crossing. they're trying to block humanitarian aids from entering the gaza strip. and that's despite an order by the is really army declaring the area a close military zone. they've health protests there for days saying that age should not go through until captives being housing, gaza, our friends the us dr. state has met the egyptian president,
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have the effect of his safety for talks on the war on gaza. antennae blinking is hoping that his tour of the middle east will help broker and, and to the war. on monday he met with the saudi crown prince, and re odds is also due to visit cuts are the occupied, westbank, and israel roy a challenge has more from occupied east jerusalem. the barton white house does not view the cause of war as isolated as sees it is as part of a kind of wider regional crisis that involves wider regional diplomacy and a wider regional balancing act. so it sees the situation with a rom and a human as being part of this. and therefore that's why lincoln is on his way, but from re added environment. and so your other parts of the middle east as well, re ads is crucial. he wants to restart the normalization process between saudi arabia and israel. that was the rails by the gauze of wool. that's one of the
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factors that sky on here also guides a cairo and dial hardwell agents and cancel off. i was crucial part of this potential ceasefire. deal uh, getting a ceasefire deal back on track would help the white house so by and thinks in, in the escalating tensions in the, in the region, particularly with the wrong think, mean you have an etc. in canada, the education minister of british columbia has step down after making controversial comments about a historic palestine. here's how selina robinson described the region before the creation of israel connection to how it started. they don't understand that it was a crappy piece of land with nothing on it. you know, there were, you know, several 100000 people. but other than that, so robinson was speaking on zoom as part of a panel of jewish politicians, organized by a pro is really advocacy group. she later issued an apology online. but after back
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class, british columbia's premier announced that she had submitted her resignation or the shooting and assemble was injured. i think 6 people hung police have killed the 2 attackers of mine and the women opened fire at a police check points in front of a court house to if those injured were police officers said, i'm a customer who has this update from a skins or and in turkey, the number of the one to increase 263 of them are police officers and 3 of them are civilians. and as far as we know or what the interior in minnesota. yeah, look, i posted on his social media the attack, the attempt to that back in his words was done by the evolutionary peoples and liberation from d h k, p c, which is
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a far left organization. and that is deep as a terrace group into here. and so far, what we know is that the investigation has been launched and uh, and the police is trying to find what is behind this and why this attack was planned. but in 2015, the same organization targeted a prosecutor and assemble who was working on a file that was related to dizzy protest of 2013. and they took that prosecutor as hostage. and after 6 hours of negotiation, the prosecutor uh, was the severe and the injured, then he died. and the attackers were also killed by the security forces inside the building. so we are waiting for more details to arrive a by deal sorties for taking your back to news on the wrong guys, because it's really for testers, have been holding more demonstrations of the kind of asylum border crossing. and
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what they're trying to do is blocks you monetary an aide from entering the gaza strip. that's the spite and order by the is really army declaring that area a close military zone. the protest or is i've been holding protests there for a week saying that age should not go through until captives being housing guys are our friends. we have with us. we have a jump june who's joining us now from tel aviv to talk to us about these protests taking place that the cut them up with that and board across and also what the government is doing about them of the so the government is trying to dissuade these protesters from coming out, as you mentioned, they have declared that area and military zone. they did that in the past week because they thought that would enable them to keep the protesters away. in fact, that has not been the case. they can tell you to show up and by doing so, and on many occasions they are form human chains to try to block the trucks from going in. and now we're told that today they were able to block trucks from getting
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in much needed aid, getting into gaza. and that's something that's not just difficult for a lot of is really politicians to swallow at this time because they agreed on this a to go through the kind of what was that in crossing. but also what a time when israel is coming under increased pressure by the us to ensure that more a gets into gaza. this is really the top of the agenda, one of the top things on the list for us secretary. so it has to be blinking as he come to the region and as he's expected to be in israel tomorrow he's going to be talking about trying to get more aid flowing into god. this is such a point of concern when it comes to the americans. what's going on because of a sudden crossing with these protestors that in fact the us secretary defense lloyd austin, spoke to there's really counterpart these really minister of defense to go on to about it about a week and a half ago. essentially say this a can't be disrupted, there cannot be these delays going on. so what often happens is these protestors, they come out, we're talking about dozens of protests or sometimes they reach
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a 100, a $150.00. today we're told that dozens of protesters, they come out, they try to disrupt the trucks from being able to get through. often times they do that until they are um, essentially just disperse by the is really security forces up there. often times there are the tensions uh these people are arrested for all we should mention when it comes to the makeup of these protesters that, as we're told, most of them belong to right wing is really groups. many of them are settlers. we're told that some of the protesters are, are indeed relatives of chapters being held in gaza. and some of them are relatives of is rarely soldiers who were killed in the fighting of gaza. but most of them are, there's even been allegations by is really politicians that there are, is really far right wing political groups that are organizing and potentially even funding some of these protesters. so it's a real bone of contention here in israel, it's something that is controversial here and it is something that is going to be a real topic of discussion. as we understand that when it comes to us x ray or say
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they have to be blake and coming to is real tomorrow and discussing several of the issues on his agenda with prime minister benjamin as the alright, you'll keep across the story for us to know how much i'm doing report in front of the thank you so much for the time being. still a has it on all the 0 causes height runner, we share from a 12 year old boy who was keeping his hobby dreams along the i had low that record breaking extreme hate to cause much of south america has unfortunately brewed the perfect conditions for devastating wildfires not just in columbia, but also central parts of chile and now it's argentina's ton tobacco. those places in the past to go near region. now the bad news is we're still seeing very strong
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winds and low humidity and exceptionally high temperatures, not just in the cell, but also up in the north with records broken for the guy on his and store. and um, and you can see that heats continuing to pump in for chilly northern parts of argentine. no, but the good news is, is it temperature will peak and when our service, but we are going to see some, what to weather, come in for the late to pots of the week. and what's the weather as well? we'll creep into power. why bringing some relief to the heat wave here, we can follow their shows and storms of further north with some heavier storms coming in to ecuador rain as well trickling into northern areas of columbia. we can see that that's from an area of low pressure that's bringing very heavy rain across the car, being on woods to his span. your, you can see those shot was trailing down into columbia. so we'll see a heavy rain for the likes of puerto rico as well as the bahamas and the british virgin islands on choose day that to weather update. the. the
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president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media. on out to 0, government shut off access to social media. the news reminder of the top stories on alta 0,
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the is where the army has killed at least a $107.00 palestinians and gaza in the past 24 hours. at least 10 died in strikes on residential homes on and off on, on eunice. more than $27.00, thousands and a half palestinians have not been killed since october. the 7th. the us secretary of state has method gyptian. presidents have been set the has c c for talks on the war on gaza. antoinette blinking is hoping that his tour of the middle east will help bring an end to the conflict is also due to visit cuts are the occupied, westbank and israel. a shooting, an assembled is less, 6 people wounded into attackers dead, and 9 and the women opened fire at a police check point in front of a court house. 3 of those injured were police officers. the revolutionary people's liberation front was claimed responsibility the
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its many years and several powerful earthquakes structure kit and syria killing at least $59000.00 people on leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. to mark the anniversary, thousands of people marched and the turkish province of ties the worst hit region. demonstrators chanted, we won't forgive, we won't forget. they say the government did not act quickly enough in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. some protest or is fault with police when they try to close a road. the neighboring syria, dozens of people have gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the quakes. most of the casualties were in opposition held areas, a region that was heavily damaged by aerial bombardment during the war. caroline holt is the global head of operations that the international federation of the red cross. she warns that earthquake hit region sensor key and syria still struggle with access to basic necessities. that is just as of this size of cool. so not
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dealt with in just a short period of time. we're working with actors on the ground with the turkey shred, present them with the syrian arabic present to continue to support those ongoing needs of those families who have lost everything, who did lose everything one year ago, and really to help them support them, continue to afford that basic needs, but also with the mental health care support. that's also very much required. still, acosta. kia and syria one of the same place when this tragedy struck. so in syria, certainly access is still a problem of the time we talked about the child in getting heavy lifting material in that to move the rubble checklist space for people to rebuild the lives. that's still a challenge in syria. there were still russell on the ground and people are still living amongst the devastation in took here. we've seen very much that the arts is, have stepped in. the government has, has also supported with providing people with longer to most sustainable housing.
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but there is still hundreds of thousands of people who are facing a car of winds up on the temporary shelter. so shelter, livelihoods, i'm really the rehabilitation. and the long term sustainability of access to clean will, to is a critical piece still. in kenya, a self proclaimed religious leader has been charged with a $191.00 counts of murder, paul and tank and mackenzie was arrested after the mass starvation of more than $400.00 people. he's accused of encouraging his followers to starve to death in order to go to heaven. mackenzie and his co accused have pleaded not guilty. malcolm webb is joining us in my robi. so what does this charge mean for the former religious leader, malcolm? this is the latest in a series of charges made against mackenzie and his associates, the previous cool, a rings. they've been charged ways a month. so more than 200 cases,
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child to the terrorism invited to live ation. and so, so now the matter charges mackenzie in $29.00 associates charged with a $191.00 mode as well. i'm just, i'm then mostly a children this for those mackenzie allegedly ordering as follows to stop themselves to death before the end of the world that he said would take place in august. last yeah, but in order for us to stop the children to death, now it's been a complicated case for the prosecutors. they're supposed to leave. many of these people chose to solve themselves today. although others have reported that the people weren't allowed to leave. but in the case of the children, the prosecutors are arguing, as they have no choice in this matter and says that this was in fact that is so reminder, smell, time, the background to this case. and what had happened at the time of the
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well, what we know is mckenzie story goes back quite some. yes. the very same town of comes to town, admittedly, where he's sitting cool. today. he was wanting to the taxi driver struggling to meet and needs struggling to make ends meet. we got involved in an evangelical church, started preaching, set up, his own big group. his preaching was often radical. talking about the end times he set up a tv channel, a youtube station, any, have several runnings with your solar si, size of various boxes, including preaching that people should go to hospital when they was sick. all the children shouldn't go to school. how about 5 years ago, he parts of his church melody and less for the bush. the code is fuller was to follow him to pull costing on the cheap route this this time and drawing people from the kenya been promised a chance to live in a spiritual community, a free for mobiles of modern society. but it turned down. so it was
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a very small style place to live. it was difficult to buy food once of live it we spoke to last year, attributed that partly to mackenzie's change in his preachings. when he switched from promising a utopian community to me instead predicting the end of the totally going his photo is a to solve themselves to death. and the whole episode left many canyons wondering why so many people died and why it took so long to deal. so it sees it, but it's still serious. all right, malcolm lab report if and i wrote, we thank you for 10 months of fighting. and so john has caused prices to soar. the rate of inflation, which was around 80 percent before the conflict started, is expected to double this year, and the student needs pounds has lost nearly half its value. that all adds up to an increasingly desperate situation. for many hipaa. morgan reports from durham on i'm a how much has come here to shop for years,
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living in the man incidents capital, heart of tomb. she normally can find to most of what she needs here. but for months she hasn't been able to afford food for now. yeah, i also started with the guys. there was an increase every month. the prices of meat, poultry, vegetables all have become very expensive since the war began. the costs are too high because our income is limited, and there are no salaries while used to be enough for us to sustain ourselves in a day. now we need to double that markets prices have been increasing since the start of the war between the army and the parent military rapids support forces. last april, the un says the costs of an average basket of food has increased by 8 to 8 percent . since the conflict began traitors, the one of the reasons behind the price rises is difficulties in getting goods novel. at some things, we have a or impulse. it has been an increase in the price of foreign currency. so the cost of food commodities has also increased and especially because we also have to add
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a small profit margin. so customers that come in by less and less because that money hasn't increased in value or amount. the world bank forecast inflation to reach nearly 160 percent this year. the value of this is denise pound. currency has sunk. fuel costs have increased to the ongoing fighting and destruction of factories means that goods now take longer to make it to market. model, they all made sense, but now come from one state. when in the positive came from another, they'll also others. that fact the owners had to relocate. so they include the cost of relocation on the price of made sense with the conflicts, showing no sign of ending prizes are expected to rise even further with most of the needs, fearing they will be unable to afford their basic needs. he but morgan onto their heart to him. chinese thoughts have rebounded from 5 year lows after intervention from financial regulators. markets across asia reacted positively to news that
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chinese regulators would take action to stop what they called malicious trading. and then an unusual as the present and future bank has also reportedly met financial regulators as katrina, new explains turmoil and china stock market is not the only economic headache facing the chinese government's problems and trying to sort of market i definitely symptomatic of the why the issue in that is trying to is economy is facing deep stagnation. the company sector which has been traditionally major driver of growth, remains in a deep prices. and china is one of the few countries battling deflation. and we've also had the past year, many analysts wasting and pushing for some new just stimulus. see a ton of economic growth out of this right from the government. but aging has so far, refused to roll out any major steps. instead, it's released the very small piece meal moves which haven't satisfied a lot of these and buses. so we've had a lot of global investors,
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dean china on investable, and that's why we see this huge prices in confidence. so unfortunately, while these moves to rescue trying to stuff market seems to be working, at least in the short term, it's not going to deal with the why. the issues in the u. k is king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. buckingham palace announced he will suspend his public duties while receiving treatment. last month, the king spent several days in hospital for an enlarged prostate test, then identified a separate type of cancer. are returning to the wall and gaza and 12 year old. how much am i used to make kites and fly them outside his home and gaza attacks by that is really army forces family to move to a refuge account. but he's trying to continue his hobby using the little he has. this is a story that is one of the.


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