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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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or an anti business extremist organization. most of them are also facing state domestic terrorism charges. the 1st such cases in georgia's history. the, [000:00:00;00] the here watching the news, our life or my headquarters. and i'll find that you navigate are coming off in the next 60 minutes is really protest or is try to block aid from entering gaza. despite an order of declaring that area a close military zone, palestinian parents are forced to sell foods to buy diapers. basic goods are
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becoming scarce, more expensive, it costs to strip us up through the state. antony blinking is in cairo with the war on guys a high on his agenda. he's expected in a heart in a few hours a year on from devastating earthquakes into a 2 year on serious life is far from normal. we report from the hardest hitting circus province. and i'm far as small with the sports the 1st asian cup, semi final kicks off in just a few hours as low as rank team left and the term that jordan will try and pull off and upset again. son, humans sub korea, the halloween beginning, gaza, where the humanitarian situation is getting more dire by the hour. meanwhile, is really demonstrators or attempted to block aides from reaching palestinians who are in desperate need their once again at the cut them upside and border crossing.
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they say a no age should enter gaza until is really captives being held in the strip are freeze on monday is really forces open fire on palestinians and gaza city as they waited for foods as well as other humanitarian supplies. and the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees says, is really forces fired on it's trucks carrying aids for the north of the gaza strip . all this is parents right across cars are struggling to provide for their children. not just food, but basics like diapers. prices have swords since the war began. stephanie decker has more, and it's the simple things in life we take for granted, such as diapers, for childs that become a major issue in times of crisis. and then yeah, the prices of diapers are ridiculous on it. imagine each diaper change when your son will cost you around $1.00. you must change them at least 4 times and 12 to 15
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hours. in 24 hours, you need $5.00 to $6.00 diapers that the child cluster around $5.00 a day. especially in a bad situation like this. if the prices are high and people have no income, there isn't even a ticket. for the people of golf though life has become about surviving each day, finding food, water, basic hygiene products, everything has become more expensive and if you can afford it and it was, it was fun, but i did not buy diapers. i find pieces of material and use them for her, but what can i do that those are so expensive to my husband is unemployed. so where would i get them from? united nation says around 1700000 palestinians have been forced from their homes. many live in tents with no access to basic sanitation. the organization estimates there is one shower for 2000 people. and around $500.00 people have to share a single toilet. it's
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a ticking health time bob saw her all that stuff. i just didn't want to have that. what has recently appeared on the scene is hepatitis a and the infection resulted from densely populated places due to the war and displaced people living in texas and was done with this really a tax. intensifying in hon. eunice and southern garza, more people are forced to move to the alpha in the most southern area of the strip . from there, however, there is nowhere else to go. stephanie decker, which is 0, that we have had a request moved with us from what i saw in the south of the gaza strip for an update. tiny, we've seen steps reports of the shortage of nearly everything. how were people surviving the yes, were very difficult and challenging situations for families across cell. very crowded, run by city and squeezed in this small part of the gauze from not only we're seeing
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or we're getting, it was the coming to normal. now to see every single day, children is corps of children. just as roaming those russell fell, draws searching for scraps of food that was due. now dire families are going hungry . they don't have what's enough for the days. some of them just go for quite some, some time without any food, without any proper need to keep them surviving. and in top of that, there is an extreme sure that your basic necessities that survive a life. and we're talking about physics that lies the sanitation task for women as well as diapers, for children and a new born baby. just the lack of the students that agents make it very difficult to survive the difficult conditions people are experiencing right now. but similarly, donnelly, that's a war and bonds going on, but also it, it's whether it drains and sometimes, if possible, the floods,
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cattle care is just indeed very difficult. living conditions on the president did catastrophic humanitarian situation. we did talk to some people about their reaction on how they feel because we thought we could do right now. just make people voices heard about their suffering and day to day misery. this is what they have to say. a situation is more than dire. these living conditions are not fits even for animals that we sleep mode and what send no mattresses, pillows, no covers. even toilets are not available. were worn out sick and fatigued. there's no food and when we get it, we use wood fire to cook. there's no clean water. people are suffering from several diseases at the same time, and there's no medicine or children and suffering more than us. what did we do to deserve all this? we ran for our lives and left everything behind. i do not have any money. i have a family of 9 and we receive little aid, some flower,
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a few canned items every 3 days. the aid that's delivered is scarce and hardly reaches us. we can hardly survive. our life is really difficult. we're on the verge of salmon and honey, with all of this, we see that is really a protest or is that the cut them beside them crossing who are trying to block what little aid is entering the strip? how have the protests impacted the movement of laurie's the world is, let's just set up the context here for what's going on in the normal conditions. there used to be many restrictions on the commercial products and goods in train, the gaza strip. so what we're used to this kind of restrictions even to pre folders 7 is that what we're seeing right now in the midst of this humanitarian catastrophe, going on across the dots, are not only kind of mobile sided with crossing, being blocked by for tests or is that what it is probably about the release of
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captive until until all the cops and really then human interior, a gun entered the gods group. would seen that in the past week also at the us as do doors to the ports where a group of protests, there also prevented the trucks to maternity and trucks from entering gauze or from the northern border to the gods. did these ongoing practices and the ongoing a blockade and they've got, they've just makes the whole process very difficult on the ground, not only to have imputed the delivery of a to people, but also it, it created a broken eh, aid system on the ground. not only it just now is being difficult in delivery of date, but also there was a work on the ground. just find it very difficult. there is completely lack of board the nation on how many trucks are going to be entered and where are they supposed to be deliver. and how about the northern part, where there's famine actually going on, where people gather waste for a minute to read it, but they are shot at. so it's a series of things,
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a broadcasting in 3 days over the crossing. but also people who wait for food are being fired that by heavy machine guns in the gaza strip. and i told the broken humanitarian aid system going on and gaza strip. okay, honey, thank you so much for that update. from what i found in the cells of the gaza strip will now speak to michael mansfield, who is the human rights lawyer? he's joining us from birmingham michael mansfield, thanks for your time with us on how to 0. if you just allow me to read out what the international court of justice ordered, and it said that israel must take all measures within its power to avoid a genocide and it's worked with from us as well as to immediately enabled to provision of urgency needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to the gaza strip is what we're seeing happen at the cut them asylum border crossing with the protest. her as we're trying to block aides. pretty much the opposite of what the i c g has a i. c, j has ordered it's up pretty much,
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it is absolutely. it's kathy g r a t, uh, on a pulling situation in which is i have has a responsibility as an occupying tools to ensure that non confidence and innocent civilians. and when you're dealing with the millions who being displaced as well as the 26, maybe 27 sizes, mainly women and children who's being killed. so file, it is an absolute disgrace. and the action taken by the south african government recently. and the international court of justice is extremely info. and of course, these actions that are happening right now on the ground, plainly, not in contravention of the old or by the international coal. the problem is, of course, is israel getting to pay due respect in regard to the code? it's go to report back it very soon towards the end of this month, whether it's upheld any of these orders the moment. and that seems to be
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a determination bias. now not to come up. so can these protests be considered then a plausible genocide act? yes, they can be possible because the object of the exercises on the opposite aim that has a full of collective punishment. that is one thing that the know does not limit whether you're talking about genocide or international humanitarian law or world crimes. you are not committed to, is it well restrict, collectively on a group which the full can be undoubtedly interpreted that is a matter of the destruction of that group that, that is time to mount a genocide. and if people are doing that without intervention by and that is raised to that without the intervention of these ran, the government just spell been happening. and then they all complicit in the. i agree the international court has yet to make a final judgment. but it seems to me that it must be getting pretty close to it
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when the report comes back from it. so if they do or go back, so what's the less that is really a government's be doing right now. what we understand is that they've declared that area at the border crossing as a close military zone. yet we see the images of the protest her as, who are still there as well. i mean, again, your points, the very obvious in the sense that they have an obligation to ensure well as far as they are able in territory, which they are ok, fine to ensure that to monitor in a on a much bigger scale than has been anticipated. but humanitarian aid gets through to the civilians who are still managing to just survive. and all that doing is existing because there's not much more given the conditions and the is there any government has an obligation on the international law to ensure that that happens? well that doing is hiding behind the, the defense of self defense, which i, i have to say in my view,
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self defense can no longer apply to the situation that dealing with now what they're dealing with now. and what the some publications have said is there any politicians have said flatten garza, that is really an object that seems to be a bundle rate k i. when you look at the bill that is coming back and that doing the on the basis they will, we've got to get an thomas, sorry about this 27000. i mean, when is when the americans lose 3? so there's looked at over time that they, that happens in that case. i mean, it's just ridiculous. the situation is out of hand and out of control. and i, i just wish that international governments, as well as international institutions would have more cars, like south africa in step into this with the machinery is that it has to be adopted . has to be used properly. and in, in a properly lawful mind, which is exactly what south africa that, and then i have the international. again, i have certainly very strict to say, and i have one of the things, what are the options, michael mansfield, for the international organizations,
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as well as the international community to say the next and they'll be as option if they don't get a result. will they get a non satisfactory for about, i guess problems and try it down. humanitarian aid to the my new month's bill, the other things the beginning or if they didn't get us out as they don't get a result of 2, or they don't get a satisfactory ripple in other as israel, as i said, they are not completed or whatever. but in those instances, the option for the quote at that point is to do what they didn't do when they gave that order. so in other words, they can determine at that point, but actually the obvious but basically will measure there's no other match that should be ac smile now, because without that, let's see spot plus the humanitarian aid of both the hostage. but they're all tied up together and that should be decided now and the cool can go that saw that it can
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turn to the united nations and say, of course it probably united nations it's, it's split between the 2 major possible 3 major pas are always disagreeing, about everything, unfortunately, the machinery is of justice is brought it in this way, but also the security council to do something about a ceasefire. they're the ones who all have the power to do it. the rest of us to walk in a fairly help of situation, but most, i think with believable public all are as i by what they say. i said to me in michael, nashville, and we thank you so much for speaking to us from birmingham in the okay. okay, thanks. now the us secretary of state has met the egyptian president. i've been for the has seized the for talks on the war on gauze, on antony blinking is hoping that his tour of the middle east will have broker and, and to the conflict. on monday, he met the saudi crown prince and re odds. and he's also due to visit cuts are be occupied, westbank and israel. the speak to how much i'm june in tel aviv. so talk to us about blinking and being in the region once again what, what do we expect?
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and particularly when he gets to israel, the of the so the room, one of the things that blink and really wants to accomplish with this trip is to try to de escalate tensions in the region. it's clear that the fight and the ministration believes that if they're able to reach a ceasefire deal when it comes to gaza, that that will lead to a decrease intention on israel towards 11 on that. it will that border with level now that it will also essentially calm things down when it comes to what these are doing. if you haven't, that's what's on blinking agenda. but when you look across the is really media landscape. when you listen to the political commentators and you'll see the quotes by anonymous government sources in a lot of articles. and there's really publications and they are not as optimistic about what lincoln will be able to achieve, especially when he comes to israel. not part of that is based on the previous
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visits. the blinking has page is real since october 7th, in all of those visits blinking has wanted to see more from that some yahoo as far as getting more in line with the us position and as an yahoo has continued to be intransigent. and that's one of the reasons why there was a lot of tension between the us and israel right now. now beyond that, a lot of people leave it blank is going to have a tough time because of the sort of untenable political situation that prime minister netanyahu finds himself in right now. in israel, you have political pressure and you have societal pressure when it comes to the political pressure and that's and yeah, who is facing well, you have far right wing ministers like the national security minister, it's more been beer and the finance since the best of all smart for it, and they have continued to say on multiple occasions publicly over the course of the past week that they would walk away from the government, essentially collapse the government if they believe that nothing yahoo is going to try to enter into some kind of a ceasefire deal that they believe would be detrimental to israel. now the red
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lines when it comes to the far right as an essential deal. well, they include the fact that the right wing does not want to see the release of thousands of pallets in the interest nurse in exchange for those as rarely kept as still being held in god's us the far right wing also does not want to see and see in this to the war and does not want to see the israeli army withdraw from casa. so that's a reality. the nets and yahoo is contending with right now when lincoln is coming. and he's going to be putting more pressure on this and yahoo to try to agree to us these far beyond that. you also have you have a pressure and that's yeah, he's facing from the opposition in many of the members, the opposition saying that they want that to me. i would to resign other members of the opposition saying that they would be willing to join a limited time government when that's in yahoo. but only if right, we members of his coalition were to leave. then you also have societal pressure more and more relatives of those is really kept as being held. and guys are coming out week after week being openly critical of the government and the government's efforts to try and secure the release of their loved ones. they are saying again
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and again with louder and louder voices, but nets and yahoo and the defense ministry. you are good lots and that others should be doing more to secure the release of their family members. so when you look at this fairly complicated picture for an s in yahoo, the fact the blinking is coming here, he's going to be, is there any pressure on him as well? that does not mean that nothing yahoo will fall in line with us expectations, and that's where it's going to be very delicate at a very critical time. and it's going to be something difficult for blinking to navigate all these political realities and let them know who is contending with right now. all right, thank you so much for how much into a reporting from tennessee. the us state department says that footage is really sold are standing over a stripped and wounded palestinian and gaza is close. deeply troubling. the video was reportedly uploaded on social media all by the soldier. he since deleted. it's there been multiple previous reports of is really soldiers abusing or executing on on the palestinian civilians. in canada,
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the education minister of british columbia has step down after making controversial comments about historic palestine. here's how selina robinson described the region before the creation of israel. it may have no connection to how it started. they don't understand that it was a crappy piece of land with nothing on it. you know, there were, you know, several 100000 people. but other than that, robinson was speaking on zoom as part of a panel of jewish politicians, organized by a pro is really advocacy group. she later apologized online. but after back class, british columbia premier announced that she had submitted her resignation. the shooting and assemble was injured. at least 6 people and police have killed the 2 attackers. a man and the women opened fire at a police check point in front of a court house. 2 of those injured were police officers. system customer who has
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this update from a skin tear, and in turkey a the number of the one that increase 263 of them are police officers and 3 of them are civilians. and as far as we know, or what the interior administered on the look i posted on his social media the attack. the attempt to that back in his words was done by the evolutionary peoples and liberation from d h k, p. c, which is a far left organization and that is deep as a terrace group into here. and so far, what we know was that the investigation has been launched and uh, and the police is trying to find what is behind this and why this attack was planned. but in 2015, the same organization targeted a prosecutor and assemble who was working on a file that was related to dizzy protest of 2013,
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and they to that persecutor as hostage. and after 6 hours of negotiation, the prosecutor uh, was the severe the injured then he died. and the attackers were also, uh, killed by the security forces inside the building. so we are waiting for more details to arrive at by deal sowards these, the good. it's been a yours and several powerful earthquake structure to you and serial killing, at least $59000.00 people and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless to mark the anniversary, thousands of people marched and the turkish province of his high, the worst, his region. demonstrators translated, we won't forgive, we won't forget. they say the government did not act quickly enough in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. some protest or as fault with police when they
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tried to close a road in neighboring syria, dozens of people have daughters to pay tribute to the victims of the quakes. most of the casualties were in opposition held areas, a region that was heavily damaged by aerial bombardment during the war. all i saw that a jamie and david offered on, we share this remembrance with the civil defense cruise, who worked hard. and we remember those who died and hope this catastrophe will never repeat itself again. we lit these candles to remember those who died in that tragedy. well massaging we need help on support here to fix the homes. as for the stores and the earthquake, the people still living in the caps because they lost everything and they don't have the means to repair the damage from the quake. holding earthquakes caused widespread destruction across the vast area. on february, the 6th 2023, just after 4 pm. the magnitude 7.7 quakes struck near the southern circus province of to her mom. a rush less than 20 minutes later. a magnitude 6.5 tremor near does the on tap. then that afternoon, a 3rd quake had come,
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remind me or rush again. this time in the north of the province. bureaus quakes effected an area of a 120000 square kilometers, including parts of northern syria. at least 59000 people were killed and more than 807000 injured. about 14, the young people in turkey and syria were effected center because of all glue has been to visit a ship housing, hundreds of those or still displaced on sent this reports there, play a loving but like the shadows on this page, the trauma is never far away this ship is home to survivors of last year's catastrophic earthquakes and southern took here, a floating hotel, its features rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facility. social workers over lessons to some older residents. still recovering from there all day. 4 to 5 year olds. good note is
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scared of entering the building after the earthquake destroyed her home. her brother didn't make it, but just survived, spending 2 days dropped onto the wreckage of a 6 story building funding structure gave me live in state as him is. i've given these issues. luckily we have the c a, we are living on a ship bill, a small world. hey, we our family. yes, the government will give us new apartments, but i can't afford the amounts of money. that's why i don't have any plans in almost 1200 people live aboard this for storage ship. most of the women and children. some of the men have work, while others, especially the elderly, stay aboard a meal times or an opportunity to, to socialize and take comfort in one another. it's, it's was a great experience for all of us to, to be there. improving valving the school term and to 2 weeks ago and leaving children with free time to play. took a new, i'm on them, get to you and go to the park with my friends. were having a good time,
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but i missed my mom's cooking and eventually they have something to look forward to this amusement park, your skin durham portal was complete. the some merge by the tsunami, triggered by the earthquakes a year ago after repairs were made. the park has reopened, trying to obtain visitors, giving many here for the life is a flaw. so returning to normal, despite the normal to all the distraction into just southern city of pots are seen, i'm to solo l g 0. scan them in took yeah, we can now speak this a lot have been across and who's the deputy director of partner development or dyslexic relief world wide? joining us from london, thanks for your time with us on al jazeera, talk to us about how challenging it is to rebuild after an earthquake of this magnitude. if we look at turkey, it in particular for a moment, the president had promised to rebuild hundreds of thousands of homes by now. but as we heard in the report, many survivors are still living in shipping containers and intense or yeah,
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i think the 1st day we need to understand how unprecedented and the scale and size of of the devastation and what it caused myself with the aid agency. a stomach, grief was, was bad responding on the night of the week and i've been involved in the amount of terry inspect the for more than 20 years. i've seen many disasters and many crises, and i've never seen anything to the scale and size of what the key and syria each country has its own context. and it's important that we appreciate and understand that from the package side, it was the scale, the devastation. we also need to appreciate and understand the cost of, of, to kia was already, you know, so many refugees from syria. so many people in need a high level of poverty. so many challenges. so many difficulties from the syrian perspective. people did not have the tools that don't have the results in able to respond to the quick when you talk about the needs and the challenges. now they are
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still huge, more than 17000000 people are still in need. agencies like ourselves, you know, we're excellent at being able to put together our plans and being able to respond right away to the emergency needs. but the scale and size and the amount of need was be holding one of us and the doing as much so we can sort of support our, our people in cherokee and syria receiving from organizations like yours. if the rebuilding process is taking so long of what the rebuilding process has by all means begun. i mean these things are broken into different phases, but it's the scale and size the amount of need. but one thing i want to highlight is, by all means yes, we need to build homes, we need to pull infrastructure back, we need to, you know, repair a lot of the suit. ready age and, and what the facilities and lots of that's happened. but it's the scale is the size of the conditions. it's the cost, it's the amount of need. but for me more than anything i want to bring to people's attention. the psychological and emotional impact that such trauma has caused so many, especially a population of the syrians and the tech issue. many of them have had multiple
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displacements, and many of them are suffered for more than 1112, the, as of multiple displacements. moving home to home and you know, off the, i can say being brought back to normal. but if you like, getting to some form of the amount of to just before the break off the 1011 years of war and struggle and suffering. and that's quite hits and puts them right back to the beginning of the process. so it's an area that a lot of was as going on, but lots of what that needs to be done was still appealing to people to not forgets it. right? we need that to be more coordination between international and use. we need more support. we need, you know, more assistance and we need to continue helping and supporting and rebuilding it's going on. but there's so much more that needs to be done. what, what about access to sort of the basic basic necessities like food, clean water, sanitation, education has not been restored one year on from these earthquakes, not to the level. it was no and there are many different reasons for that. we have
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to appreciate and that is understand economically for any country when it goes and has enough quick uh to the scale. but the key and syria did. uh, there was a real challenge in terms of accessing substance applies. there was a real challenge and the economic impact uh, getting people back into work. one of the programs that were working on the end geo is like ourselves, is trying to look up means in ways that we can get people back, you know, to have their own economic and problem and how they can be able to end their own sort of money, but imagine losing your home, losing your family, losing your business, losing your live viewing. so rebuilding, you know, one of those elements and ensuring that you provide the basics. of course, this works and this sort of phased approach, those basics are being provided, right? but it's the scale is the size, the amount of need this bad, but that's really the challenge and you know, it's, it's you, you've spent such a long time in that fast or critical period in such and rescue that been led to lesson, show the older basic so that, for people that start looking at the, so the rebuilding process, the amount of need, the amount of challenge that you know we're facing and will be at the embryos.
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we've done a great job, but the so much more that needs to be done. okay, we'll leave it there. we thank you for speaking to us on how to 0. thank you. and hundreds of people in church here are still missing. here's the story of one mother who's never given up hope of finding her son in the boston log village inhibition. the you hope the scandal and all 3 of them all just about to adults on you to be smooth. besides completely on the didn't look long, corporations of will not be buckled them sort of the union and be stuck with florida. the both of them will turn to be non, i'm just this in a you could told them clear you called the building because you called if you want me to not only know somebody else because i replied, assist you with the support of your part. uh well you should cuz it's because of the big news of mine. but you know, i'm just sort of you guys, photo lush to just pull it off. little pile. estimated partially into these little
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to honorable thought chicago data. the cartridge should not be the sort of, i'll call them get on the, on the other, but you'll be going to, i'm sure you're going to order is tell us to lie. high kids took the be now that it could be not on the terms that they didn't get the test on it or they are not done. which one to take you again, it was a small model. sedona cool. the task folder, if you choose to keep it with me, let me just make it to me, cool, cool, missing to see us. it is to be a lie. i didn't miss arnik, let them fit to cover linea plymouth louse scanning before 50 signal. ma mazda and the letter. yes, um, i want you to know. will you be keith? i'm sorry for the weather. he is carl. hello, there's a very quiet weather story across south asia at the moment. but if we look at the previous satellite image, you can see that area of dense cloud pulling its way from west to east, across the north of the region. and that's bringing some showers into northern parts of post on into india as well,
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but they dry up through the mid week. heavy rain can be found towards the north east, but nothing of note. instead, we'll see some small issues possibly for issues as well. come back in to the north east as we go into thursday, but largely settled story, but cold across northern areas of india for places like new delhi. very chilly overnight and into the mornings. but lots of sunshine by day, all the way down to the south with any, any rain for southern parts of india, the mold is as well as sher lanka. and it's a similar story, what's mold in areas of east asia, lots of sunshine, dominating to beijing. we'll see temperatures pick up here, over the next few days. instead, we've got more rain and wintery weather across central pots of china, icey conditions, who they probing the that rain picking up across the cell. ahead of that, if you shows and wintery flurries for japan, but an improving picture here. and as that rain pulls its way into taiwan, we'll see things cool down in taipei for trial on friday. still
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a has on all to 0. talk this on goes to the polls on thursday. we'll explain why one former prime minister may capitalize on the jailing of another former leader. on dollars high runner, we hear from a 12 year old boy who's keeping his hobby dream for life. coming up and support says he's feeling better after his controversial no. so in a home called friendly matched details coming up later for sarah, the president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. you cannot make crises,
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dorming the glow. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflicts in wars destroying production. factors aggravating the global food crisis and assess securing the development of a comprehensive and systematic response. the international conference on to justice from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future states organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the the
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hello again here the top stories on al jazeera this hour. it's been a years and several power, a powerful earthquake structure, t and serial. killing 59000 people and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless and one of the worst hit circus provinces protest or is excuse the government have not accident quickly enough. in the aftermath is ready for testers are once again demonstrating as a cut them upside and border crossing their blocking humanitarian aid from entering the gaza strip. they say supplies to not get in until all the cost of being housing guys are freeze. the law parents are called scouts are struggling to feed their children prices of food and basics like diapers of swords since israel's war on the surface again in october. some parents and guys are unable to find milk for their babies, meaning money have no choice, but to feed them solid food, even though it's detrimental to their health. and if it's heavy,
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but on the edge of honey, because there is no milk for the past 2 months, we started feeding the salt lake to choose and supposed to be eating until she was 6 months old. because there is no milk. a child is only, there is no sense in, i mean we started buying biscuits strong prize on several of the models and i know this is unhealthy eating. we know that it causes her intestinal distress . i'm floating on colleagues, as you can see 24 hours like this. she cries and cries, continued a week ago, we took it full time, so alex, a mazda is hospital, the i know we are do something home so to us, but there is nothing else. we can do. 12 year olds, how much summer use to make kites and find them outside his home by taxed by the is really army forced his family to move to a refugee camp. but he's trying to continue his hobbies using what little he has.
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this is his story that is one of the and the should be on the bottom. um yeah. i just didn't come across much from the machine model of my shift. so i don't know that the, what is to our shipments going on with that as a shop with my but i yeah, the last lab the i'm going to go up the money. i'm about to put it into the search in the search for me because. 7 again i got in the general i wouldn't let you know look like a guy came up last night on minute shad. i'm really better man spot and all the shows wish that i'm a cup because the, the lead you, if i, you, we so when are you?
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i don't want to be able to show in the loop when she's in the lab seo. don't want to present me shannon also on the i do understand there's gonna be sort of giving it to sign the lease to or the us plan, but not gonna play out of our model. you have a minute. okay. as well. don't show i'm. i don't, i'm just. 0 just the just give them an i need to know when a toilet and when that condition was fine, the one on the bottom of a budget that i feel i'm going to get that issue that she'll get off. she'll get the last one. but the general ledger bottom i like the,
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let's take a look at some of the days other news now. so the goals, national assembly has voted to move this month's presidential election to december, the 15th, temporarily extending microsoft 2nd term. the decision has prompted protests including some inside parliament. nicholas tact wraps up developments from the car inside sending goals, parliament opposition and peace are removed by police in riot gear. some shout, democracy is under attack. as they are pushed out. they had refused to cite a bill to delay the election. it extends the president's time in power. security forces using tactics from the streets inside the national assembly against elected members of parliament. the motion to delay the election by 9 months, effectively extending the president's mandate is passed nearly unanimously after hours of heated debate. all good if it was just been very so it is unprecedented in somebody else history. it's a constitutional crew because optical,
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one or 3 of the constitution says clearly the mandate of the head of states cannot be extended or revised from the suburbs to the edge of parliament protest are getting louder and coming closer to the presidential palace. the government has restricted mobile internet access. some local media outlets have been taken off their authority, say they are stopping the spread of hateful and divisive content rights group. say it's a violation of fundamental rights to presidential candidates are appealing to the constitutional counsel to intervene. the constitutional council has the responsibility to take decisions that were being come to the country and save on nation from the summer period, which is really an insult to the senegalese people. police davita preventing the candidates from talking salt as the elections were canceled because members of that council,
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which is meant to draw the list of candidates are suspected of taking bribes. he says the electoral process has lost credibility and the delay will allow time to rebuild trust in the countries institutions. the president says this bill is a way to clean up a democracy in this country. he is now calling for national dialogue, and he's hoping that this will qual, anger on the streets. but there is a growing resentment amongst many single these that feel that they had been robbed of the opportunity to have their say on who gets to govern this country. nicholas hawk algae 0. the car in kenya, a self proclaimed religious leader has been charged with a $190.00. 1 counts of murder. hall was hanging mackenzie was arrested after the mass starvation of more than 400 people. he's accused of encouraging his followers
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to starve to death. in order to go to heaven's mckenzie and his co accused have pleaded not guilty. mocking wipers in nairobi was more mackenzie and $29.00 associates charged with a $191.00. that is wellness done, then mostly children. this follows that kenzie allegedly ordering his followers to starve themselves to death before the end of the world that he said would take place in august last year. but they rolled and 1st to stop the children to death. now it's been a complicated case for the prosecutors. supposedly many of these people chose to solve themselves today. although others have reported and the people weren't allowed to leave, but in the case of the children, the prosecutors are arguing, as they have no choice in this messa, and says that that was in fact, that is he was once a taxi drive and struggling to make ends meet. we got involved in an evangelical church, started preaching, set up, his own big group. his preaching was often radical. uh,
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talking about the end times he set up a tv channel, any youtube station, any, have several run in with the old. these are the various matters, including preaching that people should go to the hospital when they were sickle. the children shouldn't go to school. about 5 years ago, he's part of his church, blendy and less for the bush. the code is follow is to follow him to prove costing on youtube throughout this this time and drawing people from all day that can yeah, has been promised a chance to live in a spiritual community, a free for mobiles of modern society. 10 months of fighting and so don has caused prices to store the rate of inflation, which was around 80 percent before the conflict started is expected to double this year. and the student is pounds has lost nearly half its value that all adds up to it. increasingly desperate situation for many him oregon reports from him to them
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on a i'm a how much has come here to shop for years, living in the man incidents capital, heart of tomb. she normally can find to most of what she needs here. but for months she hasn't been able to afford food for now. i also started with the guys. there was an increase every month. the prices of meat, poultry, vegetables all have become very expensive since the war began. the costs are too high because our income is limited, and there are no salaries while used to be enough for us to sustain ourselves in a day. now we need to double that markets prices have been increasing since the start of the war between the army and the power made it through rapid support forces. last april, the u. n says the cost of an average basket of food has increased by 8 to 8 percent since the conflict began traitors the one of the reasons behind the price rises is difficulties in getting good spokesmen at some things we have here are imported.
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there's been an increase in the price of foreign currency. so the cost of food commodities has also increased. and especially because we also have to add a small profit margin. so customers that come in by less and less because their money hasn't increased in value or amount. the world bank forecast inflation to reach nearly 160 percent this year. the value of this is denise bound. currency has sunk. fuel costs have increased to the ongoing fighting and destruction of factories means that goods now take longer to make it to market by the same. and yet they all made sense. but now come from one state. when in the positive came from another, they'll also others that fact owners had to relocate, so they include the cost of relocation on the price of made sense with the conflicts showing no sign of ending prices are expected to rise even further with more so denise appearing they'll be unable to afford their basic needs. hey, bill morgan, i'll do 0. hard to him. the general elections are set to take place and practiced on on thursday,
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but with the former prime minister in mont county jail and his party facing a crackdown. another former prime minister and a watch reef is looking to capitalize as a bank reports from lower level or the cultural capital of buckets done with job is the most populous province. and it said, whoever wins here stands the best chance of winning the country. it's considered a strong cold for north street and he's putting the bucks done mostly leak. he held the campaign rally in good, or whether a man, roger about our support team, because whatever he has promised, he has the whatever. he says he does very well. i'm the com, okay. if anyone has helped the pool, it's noel. sorry for the bill. amount to way anything good happened in this country . it's happened during his tenure, a case of the shot campaigns which is doomed in on the crowds and gave the image of a pet stadium, but turn act was low, the stadium was not filled and the mood was subdued. shareef has been cleared by
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the quotes, despite been convicted on corruption, charges sentenced to prison, disqualified from holding public office for life. now he's back and is considered by some to be the top contender, disaffection. but if he is a favorite, it's because the most popular politician, the buckets done is in jail. for what does he support his believe or charges orchestrated to keep him on con and his peach? i talked you from seriously contesting these evictions. no prime minister in the country is more than 75 year history has ever completed a full term in office. it's the military support that is seen as making or breaking governments here. cons parties facing what many consider is admitted treat back, correct. although the military denies accusations of incidence saying it's a political on the streets, many people tend to disagree. some people, some people out, the other is the middle treated, does everything, whoever the one will come into office, they have decided to make the muslim league with the elections will not be fair.
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but i will vote for the guy he made as ordered with the acre. we're able to put con on the p t i. what has happened to is wrong. they removed his cricket box and move from the ballot paper that stopped him from standing. the youth will work for him. i think we live in a democratic society, what we're not, we're living in indicators. a companion has been quite as in previous selections, and in some cases, peachy, i support this happy forced campaign in secret. what people will have this, the by that box, and despite all the challenges and obstacles, wrong cons, party force establish independence, may get told the presence of power a start vague. i just did all the hold of buckets done. still ahead on the i'll just it renews our manchester city. close the gap on liverpool in the premier league title race doc stories coming up with foreign sports in a moment. the
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the of the term for all the sports and the truth. farrah during thank you so much. asian got semifinals take off later on tuesday was south pre up against jordan. these 2 met and the group stage and drew to 2 sides career aimed to win their 1st asian pop in 64 years and scored late goals to avoid being knocked out in the previous 2 rounds. their code year in clansman says he's drawing on argentina's, woke up when and cuts her 2 years ago. if you look at back at ogden tina how they started, they woke up with dolores against saudi arabia. how nerve as they were in the next
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game against mexico because of that pressure that you mentioned. you know, they kind of feel, oh my gosh, you know, if you don't be mexico now we might not go any further than the one that was cap. so is the process. let's go live down to algebra. there is andy richardson who is at the game for us. and andy, how much of a surprise is it that jordan have made it this far? yet on the even the then i still to minutes to get that funds would have thoughts saying that same losing in that final walk game ahead of his tournament against japan. 61 would have fast forwarded a few weeks to them appearing in that 1st ever sent me. finally, you mentioned that the father met to the group stage. i'm only a last minute on goal preventive. jordan from securing a famous win again south for in that game. so if that will give them some confidence, we sort of cool us how well morocco dated the world, coughing that 2022. well jordan have american coach. he signed a mood, so he's had considerable success as a player and a coach. aaron cats,
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always domestic league, is also one of the asking champions league is, would that cost to blanca like him or okay, so he knows how to get things over the line in big games like this. and really, joel, the storage is one of the compelling narratives this may, besides you cup such as success, be seen, record crowds. and i've been talking to the tournament director about what we've seen here in cats. a sofa to develop things of the same culture after the world cup has been very soft. it sits tangible a i can say legacy. and we felt that the local league, the local league, has had a much higher following the season in comparison to the previous seasons. and just because that passion of football, i think during the world cup has continued on and also the excitement, divorcing the asian cup was still there in the beginning of the competition. we've had some unexpected results. we've had the level of football in asia has really increase and they've showcase that by having some teams that qualified, that
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a lot of people didn't think would qualify. we've had teams that last that we didn't expect them to lose in the group stages. and that to showcase the level of football in asia. now what about south korea? will this finally be there year? do you think you're excited when certainly have, sorry. there is a failing lunch money to friends utils. who have the hazing danger? the german culture of wasting the supreme in silence, a generation of bias, some kind of hair in jane's mental struck. she is at times pretty difficult to pin down uh, width and will they tell you, produces is pretty exciting games. and for that 5 matches sort of fall surfing goals in 2nd hall out of time and they to have some fantastic individuals. we saw that in the quarter final against australia, west suddenly young man, regardless of any overall taking framework, pretty much just decided on his art in sit tight. the game by the scruff of the neck won a penalty that kept his team and the toner rod at the end of the 19 minutes against australia. and then scroll down from testing free,
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kicked to titus team 3. so they all the favorites to go through and face, see if it gets all or around in subsidized fun. all right, andy richardson reporting live for us from mid find a lease stadium. thanks for now. a legal massey says he help us to play an inter miami's final game of their pre season tour of asia as after he controversially failed to take part in their previous game in hong kong. much to the disappointment fans, organizers and government officials, david stokes reports legal, messy cup and uncomfortable figure on stage in tokyo. his 1st appearance sent into miami's p. l. disaster in hong kong with thousands of friends turned up to watch him only for the world cup went up to stay on the bench and thought it meant that goes on food. and it was a shame because i always wanted to participate even more so because we traveled so far and people were excited to see our matches. i hope we can return and i can play another game as i do whenever i can. but the truth is that it is
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a shame that i was not able to participate. c $40000.00 funds paid up to $600.00 to see messy and action in hong kong. he was on the team sheet, but never took to the field because of a leg muscle strain. who's running out around the stadium, when it became clear he wasn't coming on? how do you bring that? shame on them. same on the organization. should refund the organize it, the asia said it only found out during the game that messy would not play. and his withdrawal and it's not vacation for a $2000000.00 government grant. the staging the events that raise up the best invention to make the integrate success fall call them by doing the best players in the world and fully understand and share the appointments of local and overseas fans and stakeholders. it's fair to say that hong kong had gone into full messy mode for the game. the sports minister set the government did everything it could
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to rectify the situation with immediately request them to explore the remedies such as messy, appearing in the feud to interact with these fans and receiving the trophy. unfortunately, as you always see, these did not look up into miami. we'll conclude the agent to in japan on wednesday with a game against this. so kobe messy says he feels better, but it's still not confirmed whether we'll play david stokes. how does era manchester city of close the gap on leaders, liver pulling the race for the primarily title, vote and score and a hat trick as they fall from a gold down twins, free one at branford, england. midfielder has now scored 14 goals and all competitions. the season to victory new city up to 2nd place and the table 2 point high liberal pool with big gain and hands. okay, that is all your support for that back to you during. thank you so much for that update and thanks for watching the news. our analogies are i will take
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a short break and we'll be back in just a moment with much more of the diseases and all the latest headlines that you need to know about. so we'll see you then thanks for watching by the unique perspective on and the but don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to talk. it's a journal on her, it's voices, and i'm all the complications on please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering diabetes in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0, neil's rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deadly fires that increasingly with through them. in
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the face of man made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes old plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey in the history of refugee south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees as my hon. mishaps husband set previously spent a year and administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. connected, accepted the 90 we suffered or lost because of administrative detention. it would have been easier if he was sentence. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence. walk down any valley here, turn any corner, and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge,
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according to the palestinian prisoners society around $3300.00 promised indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years. surrounded by walls, full of photos to showcase happier times. these women tried to lighten. but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. the is really protest her has tried to walk aid from entering gauze all despite in order and declaring the area a closed military zone. the for my headquarters in dow. hi, i'm danny. you navigate to also coming up. i was thinking and parents are forced to sell for me to buy diapers. basic goods are


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