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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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try to lighten, but with the uncertainty only deepening. there's little comfort to be found. the is really a protest or is try to block aid from entering gauze all despite in order to clearing the area a closed military zone, the life and my headquarters in del hi, i'm danny. navigate are also coming up on how to study and parents are forced to sell food to buy diapers. basic goods are becoming scarce and more expensive across the street. the us sector, state entity blinking, has been in cairo for the war and gaza. hi, on his agenda. he's expected in katara shortly. and
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a year on from devastating earthquakes and searching it on serial life is far from normal. we report from the hardest to turkish problems, the hello. we're beginning gaza, where the humanitarian situation is getting more dire by the hour. meanwhile, is really, demonstrators are attempting to block aids from reaching palestinians in desperate need there once again at the cut them upside and border crossing. they say no age should enter, garza until is really kept us being held in district. our freeze on monday is really forces open fire on palestinians and gaza city. as they waited for foods and other humanitarian supplies. the un agency for palestinian refugees says, is really forces fired on its trucks carrying aids for the north of the gaza. strip . all this, most parents across garza,
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are struggling to provide for their children, not just foods, but basics like diapers. prices have swords since the war began. stephanie decker has more it's the simple things in life we take for granted, such as diapers, for childs that become a major issue in times of crisis. and then yeah, the prices of diapers are ridiculous on it. imagine each diaper change when your son will cost you around $1.00. you must change them at least 4 times and 12 to 15 hours. in 24 hours, you need $5.00 to $6.00 diapers that the child cluster around $5.00 a day, especially in a bad situation like this. if the prices are high and people have no income, there isn't even a ticket. for the people of garza, life has become about surviving each day, finding food, water, basic hygiene products. everything has become more expensive and if you couldn't afford it and it was, it was fun,
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but i did not buy diapers. i find pieces of material and use them for her, but with what can i do that those are so expensive to my husband is unemployed. so where would i get them from? united nation says around 1700000 palestinians have been forced from their homes. many live in tens with no access to basic sanitation. the organization estimates there is one shower for 2000 people. and around $500.00 people have to share a single toilet. it's a ticking health time bob saw her all that stuff. i just didn't want to have that. what has recently appeared on the scene is hepatitis a and the infection resulted from densely populated places due to the war and displaced people living in texas and was done with this really a tax. intensifying in hon. eunice and southern garza, more people are forced to move to the alpha in the most southern area of the strip . from there, however, there is nowhere else to go. stephanie decker, which is 0,
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as well. we've got correspondence covering the story of the entire humanitarian needs across the region in a moment to speak to him how much on june he'll join us from tennessee eve. but 1st, let's cross it off and gaza and speak to thought it was so thought it was seeing steps report the shortage of nearly everything in the gaza strip prices. skyrocketing, how are people surviving of the? that's right, very. and people here completely struggling in order to afford that basic mississippi's um, its a very deep shortage of medical humanitarian supplies inside costs and out web being clearly seeing that every child is under the age of 5 is a very desperate dress in terms of mountain nutrition, is actually negatively impacts on their ability to own development. and also on bro, who signed on top of that, the united nation, a nation's for prototypes, indicated that to isabel completely blocked the access to a farm lands. and also to see as they have destroyed and raised 29 percent,
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that lease of the guns are generally called plans. and they have also damaged more than 70 percent of pushing the fleets and agriculture wells, of course, the territory. and this is completely inflicted negatively on the ability of people to have access to full truck access to water. and we have been seeing that it's going hot. prongs has insight garza are completely day by day probing. due to the lack of commercial bro ducks in the palestine, your markets, and all that happens despite the international resolutions made in order to increase the capacity of the humanitarian supplies to the desperate palestinians inside the territory. but to now people say by they are struggling, especially people who are living in another part of garza who are right now. grinding the animal feed just to make the flour in order to, to children. and we have been spoken to a number of residents inside the southern parts of gauze are asking them about how
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they are tubing with the current situation of the deep choices you fluids. and that's what they have been saying. all right, thank you thought about doing reporting from what i saw in the gaza strip, but i'll speak to him how much i'm june. he'll join us from tel aviv. so we see the pictures of the is really a protest or is that the cut them? i will sign, i'm crossing who are blocking a that a thought it was just saying is very much needed in the gaza strip. what are you hearing about these protests from your end so that in as we understand the process are still going on, there are around, we've been told $200.00 or so demonstrators out there as a kid and what was that? i'm crossing they arrived around 4 hours ago. we understand that before the arrival of 70 trucks, full of aid were able to cross into gaza. but that since they've been out there, at least a $132.00 trucks have been delayed, have not been able to cross. now, it's an interesting situation up there. one, we must mention that these pro test certificate and most of them crossing well.
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they started roughly around a week and a half ago. they've been happening on a near daily basis. you have between dozens to a couple of 100 on any given day. now the fact is, last week you had one of the days when this happened, where there were at least 18 people that were arrested. then you will have the israeli government make a decision that this area was going to be declared at military zone. so. busy that would, in an attempt to dissuade people from coming out there and protesting. and yet you have a day like today when there are a couple of 100 people out there, there is the presence of police and security forces. and yet, as we've been told, nobody has been arrested. so that really leads to a question of why, especially at a time when you are a secretary of state, anthony blinking will be arriving in israel tomorrow. he's been in the region and one of the things as pop on his agenda when he's talking to regional leaders is to try to ensure that more aid gets into gaza. that's one of the things he's going to
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be speaking with tomorrow, with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. now, this is all happening also at a time when there is a lot of antagonism in israel towards this idea of a getting into gaza. in poll after poll, you'll see reflected by members of the as really public. they do not really want to see aid getting into god, but because they believe that it will get into the hands of how much. so it's a very complicated picture here. what we know today is that those processors are still out up there even though they're security. and they are blocking aid, getting through blinking is going to want to talk about this is certainly an 8 area of concern for him. but what exactly is going to happen next? and if these protests are going to continue, we'll just have to wait and see. all right, thank you mohammed jump to him for that update from tel aviv michael mansfield, as a human rights lawyer and he forms the israel's actions don't comply with the provisional measures issued by the international court of justice is the responsibility as an occupying fools to ensure that non confidence and innocent
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civilians and a when you're dealing with the millions who being displaced as well as the 26, maybe 27000, mainly women and children who's being killed. so file, it is an absolute disgrace. and the action taken by the south african government recently in the international court of justice is extremely info. and of course, these actions that are happening right now on the ground up plainly, the net income prevention of the order by the end. and that's because the problem is, of course, is israel going to pay due respect in regard to the code? it's go to report back it very soon towards the end of this month. whether it's, i've held any of these orders the moment, and that seems to be a determination by as well not to combat. the object of the
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exercises undoubtedly aim, that is a full of collective punishment. that is one thing that the law does not permit whether you're talking about genocide or international humanitarian law or war crimes. you are not permitted to, is it well restrict, collectively on a group which the apple can be undoubtedly interpreted that is a matter of the destruction of that group that, that is time to mount a genocide. and if people are doing that without intervention by and that is raised to a bit without the intervention of these riley government has still been happening. and then they all complicit in what the. i agree the international court has yet to make a final judgment. but it seems to me they must be getting pretty close to it when the report comes back from is or if they do revolve back all 12 year olds, and how much am i use to make kites and fly them outside his home? the tax by the is really army forced his family to move to a refugee come,
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he's trying to continue his hobby using what little he has. this is his story. that is not the and the i guess i should be on the bottom. i'm. yeah. i'm as much of the mission model of my shift so i don't know that the these 2 are the shipments going on with that as a shop with my but i yeah, the last lab the i'm going to go up the money. i put it in the search and the surgical name because then again i got the dental. oh and you know, look like i got enough good. my name is shad. i'm really better man respond and all that is shows, which is not an advocate because of the lead if i you,
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we. so when are you? i tell you, i think these are the she's in the lab seo don't want to pleasant mean shannon also joanna, joanna, joanna, we are doing this. i'm just going to be giving it to sign the lease to or the us plan with the our model. yes, i'm right, and i'm just the just the just give them and i'm wanting to know when a toilet and what that condition was finding that didn't have enough sleep on the bottom of a budget that i feel i might get that issue that she'll get off she'll go to like the show, a leg or bottom of leg the all the us sector of state has met with the egyptian president of the c. c for talks on the war on guys up until the blinking is hoping
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that his tour of the middle east will help broker an end to the war. on monday he met with the saudi arabian conference and re odds, and he's also due to visit cuts are they occupied, westbank and israel. he's expected here in cats are within the hour, hushing behind by the is joining us here on site to discuss blinking visits. so he's arriving in doha shortly. what's he hoping for here? he's most likely going to be looking forward to hear what his, how about saying about the last off of that was presented to them about 10 days ago, particularly off to the tati the objections. the c i a chief and the most out chief, but in paris, which is based on the idea over phase deal. starting with a pools of about 4 weeks in exchange for the release of is riley cafeteria,
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particularly the women and the elderly which is going to be followed by another face. the problem in the past was basically how about saying no, we won't cease by outright. and then we will talk about the other details of the agreement, particularly when it comes to the idea of exchange. that the cost is in exchange for a number of policy is detained by these right now that they believe that they have managed to narrow the differences between these writers and how about this is why we're looking forward to see what, how much it would say and whether he's going to give the go ahead for disagreement last time comes by ministers and what happened all the time. it was an in, in, in the us. he said that the pain of this particular moment that it would've been a comfortable position when it comes to bring of these writers and have us to agree on a div. that's also, he seems confident that this time they're not going to be talking about something similar to what happened in november, a truce that it's likely going to be
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a cease by about still. we ought to wait and see what, how much is going to say, right? and how soon, you know, before he eventually gets to israel, he's, he's doing a number of stops. of course, one of them is katara. he started out in saudi arabia. what's behind the corner, all the 3 of his trip this time around a facility. they say that this is basically about the need to get to an agreement on the, on the, on the deal. you have resentment in response of the wells frustration over to what many describe as lack of action from the americans when it comes to putting more pressure on these riley's to invest. because this is people strays and many governments of these ponds of the world to help people think that this is about time for this to come to. and then there's another aspect of the study which is basically just the last time blink. and was headed to how it was interesting that his opening remark it didn't talk about because i had talked about the who with these wanting them that that because we, we tell you it's enough to do hyundai. i'm not a good spot. the pounding jose positions across the country idiom. and today people
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are pretty much concerned about the potential for this to develop into a full blown military confrontation, drawing the iranians into a conflict. the saudis were on the verge. well, putting together an agreement with the who these before the spots of the, of the conflict and cause that they don't want to see themselves dragged into anything similar to what happened in 2015 to this is next next door. and for the saudis, this is a ton shop to see how the different uh, security challenges that the americans are looking forward to trying to agree on with the key neighbors. there's another issue which we wish the auntie basing behind closed doors, which is the future of god. so he's going to take over time. they are definitely asking every single neighboring country and key players in the region. the commitment when it comes to financial support for gaza and also political support if the palestinian authority is going to take over. and as you know, the read, this is an extremely pony issue for many key players in the region because you have those who say it's we should not be talking about both how much era we should be
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talking about the need to solve ongoing cycle. violence is part of the world and the need for these writers to recognize, recognize a policy and it states extremely an interesting stop over for the american offers on here. and once it gets to israel, he's also heading to israel at a really tense moment. i mean, there has been comments from the security minister. it's more been give, there has been open the critical of us president joe biden. joe biden himself has been critical of nothing. yahoo as well, when would we expect there? because also it's an extremely delicate and then that gets to understand the moment they just, there's no deal is gonna have a knock on effect on the election with many swing states in the united states of america. some of the out of communities. best thing about this time, they won't be voting for a full binding, but they do understand at the same time that many key players have been saying that
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we need you to put more pressure of the same time on these riley's and that's and you know, in particular, because you know, what people are saying behind closed doors is that's one of the biggest problem is with this agreement, is that many key players in this particular agreement? believe that nothing. yeah. how is using it just for his own personal political survive and not necessarily because he's genuine about the need for a deal back in november to remember the not to it was quite different. i thought it was will really ok see of hands on with comes all when it comes to the need to put together a genuine agreement that will hold. sadly, the no means the amount is to get to that agreement. these riley's pounds of how much area of the saying that no, no, no, no we're, we'll continue. our ultimate goal is destroying how much waste time, venality that has to change and the conditions themselves. because the thought is as one of the key play as in these mediation, definitely, i'm not going to go for anything less than a genuine deal, but this time is going to hold for weeks, not necessarily for just few days. okay,
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awesome. we'll keep us across the story. thank you so much for the time being as well. the us state department says that footage just send is really sold or spending over. a stripped and wounded palestinian in gaza is quote, deeply troubling. that video is reportedly uploaded on social media by the soldier, he since deleted. it's there been multiple previous reports if is really soldiers abusing or executing on armed palestinian civilians. in canada, the education minister of british columbia has step down after making controversial comments about historic palestine. here's how selina robinson described the region before the creation of israel. and they have no connection to how it started. they don't understand that it was a crappy piece of land with nothing on it. you know, there were, you know, several 100000 people. but other than that, robinson was speaking on zoom as part of a panel of jewish politicians, organized by a pro is really advocacy group. she later issued an apology online. but after
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a back class, british columbia is premier, announced that she had submitted her resignation. because it's coming up after the break. surface police kill 2 people after they fired weapons in front of a court house. and somebody will explain why thousands are protesting. instead of celebrating news evans national day, the hello there is a very quiet weather story across south asia. at the moment, but if we look at the previous satellite image, you can see that area of dense cloud pulling its way from west to east, across the north of the region. and that's bringing some showers into northern parts of pakistan into india as well. but they dry up through the mid week. heavy
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rain can be found towards the north east, but nothing of note. instead, we'll see some small issues possibly for issues as well. come back in to the north east as we go into thursday, but largely settled story. but cold across northern areas of india for places like new delhi, very chilly overnight and into the mornings. but lots of sunshine by day old way, down to the south with betty. any rain for southern parts of india, the mold these as well as sher lanka. and it's a similar story, it was mold in areas of east asia, lots of sunshine, dominating to beijing. we'll see temperatures pickup here over the next few days. instead, we've got little rain on wintery weather, across central pots of china. i see conditions well who they proteins that, that rain picking up across the cell. ahead of that, if you shows and wintery flurries, full japan, but an improving picture here. and as that rain pulls its way into taiwan, will see things cool down in taipei for trial on friday. the
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on the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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on the top stories on l. g 0 is really for the testers. are once again demonstrating at the cut on the southern border, crossing their blocking humanitarian aid from entering the gaza strip. they say supplies should not get in until all captains being held in gaza or freeze. meanwhile, parents across scars are struggling to feed their children. prices of food and basics like diapers have swords since israel's war on the strip began in october. a shooting and stumble has killed one person, an injured at least 5 police killed the 2 attackers. a man and a woman opened fire at a police check point in front of a court house. 2 of the injured were police officers. officials say it was carried out by
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a marxist group intent on over throwing the government or the it's been a years and several, a powerful earthquake structure to you and serial killing at least $59000.00 people, leaving hundreds of thousands homeless to mark the anniversary. thousands of people marched and the turkish problems of the time, the worst hit region. demonstrators chanted, we will forgive, we won't forget. they say the government did not act quickly enough in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. some protests are as fault with police when they try to close roads and neighboring syria. dozens of people have gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the quakes. most of the casualties were in opposition held areas, a region that was heavily damaged by aerial bombardment during the war. this is all i saw that a jenny and the last it on. we share this remembrance with the civil defense crews who worked hard. and we remember those who died and hope this catastrophe will never repeat itself again. we lit these candles to remember those who died in that
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tragedy. well massaging we need help and support here to fix the homes. as for the stores and the earthquake, the people still living in the caps because they lost everything and they don't have the means to repair the damage from the other. it's quite. all the earthquakes cause widespread destruction across a vast area. on february the 6th 2023, just after 4 am the magnitude 7.7 quake struck near the southern circus province of karma. rush less than 20 minutes later in magnitude 6.5 tremor hit near garcia and tap then that afternoon. a 3rd quiet could cover him on the rush again. this time in the north of the province, the earthquakes effected an area of a 120000 square kilometers, including parts of northern syria. at least 59000 people were killed. and more than 807000 injured about 14000000 people in turkey and syria were effected
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on hundreds of people in turkey. it are still missing. here's the story of one mother who's never given up hope of finding her son. the boston ma glitch inhibition the you what the scandal and all 3 of them all just about thoughts on you to be smooth. besides simply look didn't look long. corporations of will not be buckled them sort of the union and they stuck with florida. the both of them will turn to be non, i'm just this in a you could told them clear you called the building because you called if you want me to not only have somebody else because i have it beside us. if you will prove it to support your part. uh well, you should see that you could just see it on the big news of mine. but you know, just sort of be nice. photo likes to just pull it off, little pile estimate of actually into little to audible thought. chicago data is each cartridge should not be the sort of archive them get on the, on the other. but you mean that it's going to, i'm stuff so it gives you more into order,
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is tell us to live how it is to be now that it could be not on the terms that it didn't get to you. how started it or not? is it done? which one did it take you again? it was small model, sedona, cool, thoughtful that you've cushions took it with me. let me just make it to michel missing to see us. it is to be online. and ms. arnik, let them fit to cover learning appointments allows john to be $450.00 signal ma mazda and the letter. yes, um, i want you to know, will you be kids on the please. 10 people have been killed in an explosion at a market and assume all the capital a mortgage issue. at least 15 others were injured. the car is the largest on busiest market in the country. it's not clear what caused stop loss. in kenya, a self proclaimed religious leader has been charged with a $191.00 counts of murder, paul and tank and mackenzie was arrested after the mass starvation of more than
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$400.00 people. he's accused of encouraging his followers to starve to death in order to go to heaven. mackenzie and his co accused have pleaded not guilty mountain wipers and i rotate with more kenzie and $29.00 associates charged with a $191.00 mode. as we understand them mostly children, this follows mackenzie allegedly ordering his followers to starve themselves to death before the end of the world that he said would take place in august. last yeah, but they've old and fast to stop that children to death. now it's been a complicated case for the prosecutors. it's supposed to lead. many of these people chose the stuff themselves to that. all the others have reported and the people weren't allowed to leave. but in the case of the children, the prosecutors are arguing as they have no choice in this messa, and says that that in fact, he was once a taxi driver struggling to make ends meet, got involved in an evangelical church, started preaching, set up his own big group,
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his 3, tig was often radical, talking about the end times he set up a tv channel, any youtube station, any, have several running with the all stars. these are the various masses include increasing the people should go to a hospital when they were sick. all the children shouldn't go to school. now about 5 years ago, he se blendy and less for the bush. the code is fuller was to follow him to broke costing on the cheap route this this time and drawing people from the kenya bean thomas. a chance to live in a spiritual community, a free for mobiles of modern society to hundreds of haitians have been protesting against prime minister. are you only bank schools and public offices were closed and several cities were demonstrators blocked. major roads in the capital. they want him to resign for sailing. just tackle the rise in crime and gang violence.
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angry scenes of martin celebrations, marking new zealand is national day. the holidays known as white time, the day is the anniversary of the treaty sign between monterey cheese and representatives of the british crowd a 184 years ago. adrian brown reports from wellington protest has long been paused, have become memorization of national day. but the youngest mole heated this year, as demonstrates his voice, their opposition to government plans. they say it's written in mari living stands, it's and rights rights guaranteed in the countries founding document. significantly, many of the protest is with non marie. i think that the government is probably quite surprised was how it, how we're coming to give this


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