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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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to continue the stokes between our 2 countries to reach to a solution and stability in the region, particularly i'm into this war and look forward to about the future for the region . thank you. all. good evening. everyone is okay because you're welcome and thank you. thank you for the as always, very productive discussions that we had today this evening with the mirror and with the, the prime minister as well. we've had constant engagement at the highest levels of our respective governments going back many, many weeks, not months with an intense focus on securing the release of hostages and getting an extended pause to help address the dire humanitarian situation in gaza. and we saw the results of the last pause, the initial pause of a 105 hostages out
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a significant increase in humanitarian assistance. getting in the repair of critical infrastructure in gaza and more broadly reduced regional tensions at the same time. so together with cutter, an egypt we put forward is you know, a serious proposal that was aimed at not simply repeating the previous agreement, but expanding it as the prime minister just said, a mouse responded tonight. we're reviewing that response now, and i'll be discussing it with the government of israel tomorrow. there's still a lot of work to be done. but we continue to believe that an agreement as possible and indeed essential. and we will continue to work relentlessly to achieve it. as we had meetings already on the strip in uh, in riyadh, in cairo now today and oh ha, focused on ensuring as well that we can use any pause to continue to build up plans
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for the day after and gaza of security. you've had a cherry and reconstruction governance all bring a real challenges with them. but that's exactly why we are in need to be focused on them. now. we're also determined to use any paused to continue to pay the diplomatic path forward to a just and lasting peace and security for the region. that is the best way the best way to ensure that october 7th, and the tragic loss of life by israelis and palestinians is not repeated. when i was last in the region, a few weeks ago, i said that there's a very powerful pass that we can see before us to actually get to lasting peace and security. and it's coming ever more sharply into focus. and israel that is
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integrated into the region with security guarantees from its neighbors and partners alongside a practical time bound irreversible path to a palestinian state. living side by side in peace with israel, with the necessary security arrangements for both peoples on this visit. one of our key objectives has been to continue to hammer out the substance and sequence of all the steps that would be necessary to enable us to move down that path. now that's one path. it's clear and, and you can see that it gets us to a destination that would benefit virtually everyone in the region. and as i said, bring lasting peace and security to israelis and palestinians alike. but there are those who want to move the region in a different direction and take
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a different path and who are actively working to sabotage and every effort to move toward lasting peace and security. just look at what we seen in the last couple of months and indeed in the last couple of weeks, attacks in syria and a rec, attacks on israel from lebanon. attacks on international shipping, in the red sea attacks and jordan, the killed 3 us service members. and of course the attack on israel on october 7th, each and every one carried out by groups trained and funded informed by ron ron and its proxies claimed that they are carrying out these attacks somehow on behalf of the palestinian people. that is absolutely wrong. and it's a cover for their to intent. not
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a single one of these attacks as advanced the rights, the opportunities, the security and the dignity of the palestinians. they are all fundamentally about ron's quest for power. since october 7th, we've been very clear in warning, any actor that we try to take advantage of the conflict don't do it. we've been very clear that we do not want to see the conflict expanded. we don't want to see escalation, but we've also been clear that if our personnel, if our people are threatened, if they're attacked, we will respond. we will defend them. we are responding to violence, not initiating, as we're seeking to present escalation, not fuel it. and as we do this, we will continue to use every tool available to us to reach an extended pause that gets hostages out to get some more assistance in that brings com to
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guys's civilians. and it keeps diplomacy moving forward toward the integrated and more secure region. in these efforts, we are very fortunate to have caught her as a park. thank you enough to fill out an image on the list. i saw a window opens up and all now for a question, the 1st question by side, but are you from the out of the individual to vision? what my 1st question is, how to his extending to minister of foreign affairs. what is good to as assessment of that age and the developments as what to send to region and what is a, it's a message it to the concerned parties and such a development to the secretary or to of state. so let's put on tony blinking. why it seems too hard for the united states to end the war on gaza, or access to push for the cx 5 audio fall?
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or are we going to witness soon a ceasefire? or is it going to be signed as here, or to sign into here and cuts out or agree to hearing cuts out into ha. and the last 3, before you're traveling to is all you need to, and that's in your whole. i'm going to ask the same question the political oscar today is mr. on point blinking to nice to be secretary of state. thank. and then the next, the top even. it is as low as to our assessment to the region, the amended, but the development is from the beginning. cutters. position has been clear, the water should stop and it shouldn't do. conflict shouldn't expand in the region . unfortunately, we see the tension in the region are expanding. good, there are some for us. some of pot waters and some sources explode to be
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a conflict on some other part was on forces. what degree it's such tensions? we believe that path to extinguish old visa crises, and this piece is to arrive to adjust the lucian to the palace. teen young. a question. and in the water on a guy's, our advice i'm going to all parties is to accept the size uh, self dress train that we do one this the 2nd of finance to expand. we don't want any escalation in the region with the one to see if there's a more losses of lives on what we see currently or today is the threat to international trade and money time. but it impacts not only that agent but international trade. in general, the best path for the most effective fast forward right now is
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to get an extended period of con um and to work toward an end to the conflict is through an agreement on the hostages. and that's what we're intensely focused on with our partners here in color egypt working with israel. and of course, now that we have the response from a mazda to the proposal, it was put on the table a week or so ago. we're going to be very intensely focused on, on that. and again, that offers the, the prospect of extended com, hostages out more assistance in that would clearly be beneficial to everyone. and i think that offers the best path forward. but there's a lot of work to be done to, to achieve and we're very focused on doing, doing that work. now, forces we've set along all of this could have been over yesterday
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last month, 3 months ago, 4 months ago. first of all, if i'm honest with not committed the atrocities of october 7th, and 2nd after that had a stop hiding behind civilians had they put down their weapons and had a surrender. but that of course, does not happen. so the best path now is see if we can make real this renewed hostage agreement. but i'll let others speak to my character. um, and all i can say is that most people who assume the position that i have the great privilege of assuming. now, i don't get there by being nice all the time. the sort of funny obamacare, what are we to so,
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hello, mister secretary of prime minister. my 1st question is to both of you understand there are a sensitivities about some us response, but i'm wondering mr. secretary, how do you plan to overcome is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his refusal to commit to a permanent ceasefire after the phases of these deal. was there anything in the home us response that would, that you think might change his mind and surprised mister, could you help us understand why the reply took a week? was it the communication challenges? the difficulty to restrict yahoo, i'll send more. are you worried that the fighting would actually hamper is actually hampering the communications on this important area of negotiation? and one more for you, mr. secretary, i'm going to try to ask the similar question that my country colleague asks, maybe
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a little less directly. it's been 4 months into this war, and this is your 5th trip. and yet the united states seems unable to meaningfully influence benjamin netanyahu has position on some fundamental issues that you yourself advocate for palestinian, the creation of a palestinian statehood. how long israel's notary campaign and gaza will last minimizing civilian casualties? aren't you worried that this is, this makes america look weak on it and it under cuts its ability to rally allies and partners and other foreign policy issues. and in that sense, what can you do differently, for example, tomorrow. thank you. on the 2nd. yeah, please. thank you. the questions for you? first of all are on the hosted question i, i appreciate you asking the question, you'll appreciate that i'm not going to answer it because the sensitivity of this
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matter is such that we're just not going to get into any of the details. so all i can say is what you've heard from both me and the problem industry, which is that we've received the response to the proposal and we are studying it intentionally and it's been shared with the, with these railings. i'll pick up that conversation tomorrow in israel when i'm there, and we will be working as hard as we possibly can to try to get a, an agreement so that we can move forward with not only a, a renewed, but an expanded agreement of hostages and all the benefits that would bring with it virtually everything that we do in diplomacy, in general. and in the case of this crisis, more specifically is a process. it's almost never flipping
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a light switch. and it requires being in there with your sleeves rolled up every single day to try to make progress on all the areas where we've been determined to make progress. and i think if you look at the record, we've seen important steps taken significant steps taken that i would argue would not have happened without our engagement. and our intervention, including the provision of humanitarian assistance to begin with, to gaza, which was not the case. and the days following october, 7th, to the significant expansion of that, the assistance of the efforts to open more crossing points into cause of the work that we're doing every single day to try to strengthen protection for civilians. our efforts as well to prevent the conflict from escalating and despite
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some of the recent actions that have been necessary in response to files that we've seen directed at our personnel and our people we've been working, i think effectively to do that in each and every one of these areas we have a cheap results that had we not been engaged, i believe would not have been issued. but in all of these areas, there is much more work to be done. and in a number of places we need to see as i've said before, real unclear results. not simply a change and in 10, but an in change in what actually results and i will be discussing all of that uh, what i mean is real tomorrow,
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as we have throughout this district. i forgot to think you had a question about why the response took too long. of course, the number of challenges that we are facing. so all the english issues. it's not something new and what's happening on the, on big at all. and then not as uh, it affects the course of the negotiations all the time. and this is something that we've been highlighting and many occasions communication was that are presenting some challenges, but also the negotiation itself. it took some time in order to get them to a place where we get that to response overall. and as the secretary mentioned here, and we have mentioned earlier that to it's better not as not to also for the benefit of the negotiations to a v at any of the details. but the prospect of this looks for us, at least as a we're to see if they're giving more promising and more prospects for,
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for a better results. we are hoping to get for to see it and to see other things very soon. so as of the other, you will kind of come back to you so many from the template for you. so i didn't want jump into my question is to nearly as much as you said was up to his product. you have accidents in minnesota for an offense, what all the latest developments of the country mediation process on? what did it arrive about mobile shop? now, let's see, we have pointed out to this letter in the beginning of this adventure conference, we just received the response. uh, i need a few out. what does that go and we dispatch it to the is really side of course this matter would be subject to for the negotiations about the new pairs of sudden
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a deal to us. so the, to fund the, we hope that the idea would be closed, like on the very soon what can, without what part doors in the united states and in egypt. so a lot of the olivia causes a cbs thank you very much. mister secretary, since the american retaliatory response in iraq and syria begin on friday, us and coalition forces have been attacked at least twice, indicating the tyrants has not yet established. do you have any indication to date that to ron will stop providing weapons to his proxies or otherwise work to constrain their behavior? and did you hear any support on this trip from your, our partners to continue the strikes a normalization efforts? do you believe that you now have with the saudis something in hand that will change . prime minister netanyahu is declared opposition to an eventful palestinian state or does
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a broader regional agreement require different breed leadership and israel and mr. prime minister. the us a said that last week strikes and iraq and syria, or the beginning and not the end of its response. you called this earlier and unfortunate expansion. do you have you that the actions that the us is now taking as escalate tory? and if i may follow up on my colleague on the hostage deal, you mentioned positive comments from us. there's been consistent reports of divisions within the group. are you confident that this response that you've gotten is from a unified consensus? thank you. let me thank you. first, and i don't want to speak for, for colleagues or other countries, but i think it's, it's fair to say that all of our partners very much oppose. and the project of the attacks that have been perpetrated by
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a variety of groups often directed at us. but that effect everyone's interest, the red sea whose the attacks on shipping their effect, the interest of virtually everyone in the world, given the implications that it has for, for shipping. it's so important to countries around the world with 15 percent of global traffic going through the red sea. and we've already seen the adjustments that, um, shipping companies, countries. we have to make it in ways that's imposing added cost on consumers and countries around the world. so that the attacks on our personnel, including the attack that killed 3 americans in jordan, i've heard nothing but a condemnation of those attacks opposition to them and
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determination that one way or another they cease. we've been, as i said, very clear from day one that anyone trying to use the conflict and guys as an excuse to expand the conflict, to attack our personnel to attack shipping to um, engaging in any form of escalation as press the conflict. we would uh, strong stanley against that. and that's exactly what we're doing. we have been very clear that we don't want the conflict escalate. we are, we'll, we'll do everything we can to prevent that, excuse me. but the same time we will defend our personnel anywhere and everywhere that they're under track of i will see the results as you've heard, clearly from secretary austin, as well as from the president of the response that we've undertaken
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over the last few days is going to continue, and it's very important that not only does those engage in these attacks, get the message, but that they act on it by ceasing the attacks against our people in personnel. and we will do what's necessary until that happens. the 2nd part of your question in saudi arabia, i had the opportunity to discuss, again with some principal hopkins on the boy forward really for the region as a whole. and i said a few minutes ago how there is an incredibly powerful pass that, that lies before us. but it's going to require everyone involved to make hard
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decisions. and none of this comes easy. but with regard specifically to normalization the crap pins reiterated saudi arabia strong interest in pursuing that. but he also made clear what he had said to me before, which is that in order to do that, 2 things that require an end of the conflict in gaza. and a clear credible time bound path to the establishment of the palestinian state. so we know the immense benefits that would come for everyone concerned with israel's further integration into the region starting with the benefits for israel. so that's something that is,
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or at least we'll have to decide for themselves. and again, all of this requires difficult hard decisions made all the more challenging, given the focus on the uh, the conflict and gaza. but these are questions that fundamentally our partners will have to answer, answer for themselves. answer for everyone else we can't, we can't do that for the all we can do is cheap. our focus on what we strongly believe is the best answer for the long term security. the long term piece for israel, for the region, as well as for the past and people. and if we're able to move down that pathway,
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it also does something else. it isolates those who rejected starting with the wrong and in that sense, in terms of dealing with some of the most profound security challenges that is real faces in his face for years, it will be in a much stronger position as part of an integrated region to deal with but again, these are decisions that will have to be made. none of them are easy and will continue the, the effort to prepare all the diplomatic steps necessary to be able to move down that path if that's the path that everyone choose. a regarding your the us
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a response fish the for the uh as uh, i have expressed and many okay, and i thought a jack didn't condemn any attack that's in front of the country. so fidelity or leading to killing at citizens. and of course the citizens, but also it's part of their mission within the core issue in which is a member and, and of course, we thought teddy understand that each country has not only to protect to silver it and its own citizen with the images they are seeing according to international, yet a lot of advice to or the prophecies all the time that we should uh, of course, take in consideration. what's happening in the region and try to avoid any use, get it to the measure, whether or not understanding uh to the context of this at tech regarding your 2nd
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question about the moss. and that is for the division in the between the boss, the inside on the outside or dealing in its entirety for, for or what was the last 2 years is been with the for the ticket office. and this china that we are using has been on was it's just so giving us that us bosses that to the present votes and that's what we have see it in the 1st floors and hopefully also with the, with the account responses match. we are having that will lead to the 2nd hope for the pose and exchange of of hostages. i think that's no one of the channels that we have and that's uh, has to be an order was effective for us. so we, we don't see, or we don't,
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we are not in position to examine data unity and that division our what sneezing, gusts really are the results of any agreement that we would have the flexibility of the nice but it was the was, it was out of the side, it was a lot of the and number 81 moment 3 with the said on my they come on low because are all right, so you are watching i which is 0. it will welcome to you. if you've just joined this week, just be marching a joint press conference by the us extra estate antony blinking alongside katara as a foreign minister who will say double says the country's promise to shake, but haven't been up to run. i'll punny the main take away from matches the both leaders feel that the negotiations so far have been positive. what they says it's actually amounts to is a progress report on those negotiations and basically just confirming that they have received a response. importantly from us from us themselves have come confirmed that saying
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that they have responded to the truth proposal in a quote, positive spirits and to be blinking, then went on to say that it is down to hammer quotes. and now to discuss this proposal with israel on wednesday, that of course is where he goes off to leaving cuts off. well that some pack uh what we've just heard from the secretary of state technic, atari prime, is that here in hong kimberly how kids is live in washington. how many jump june has standing by and tel aviv. but the 1st is because i have some how barbara, who has been attending that press conference here in dough. ha. so how soon as i mentioned that perhaps the strongest take away from all of this is the both top diplomats feel that when it comes to a progress report on vacation site fall, that things are moving positively forward. as it is, we have a strong indications that this is going to move forward to was the implementation
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of a, an agreement that so me, when you listen to the cathartic prime minister has said we receive the onset of how mass things are positive. we're looking forward to see some significant developments in the upcoming days of the same time, the and, but the capacity is always octo, can in terms of a permit and sees why a us secretary of state was talking about. the sun says that this is going to be a possible d, but each time he was just talking about a truce, how mass came out saying that we have given a positive answer to the proposals. what all those? because we do understand the how mass was given a proposal based on a phased agreement. thus foss with 1st force that last for about 4 to 5.


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