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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the the color that run install the attain this as a new, the life from the coming up in the next 60 minute capital it says they've received a response from her last on the framework of an agreement with israel asked me blinking says that response has been shed with tears raining a will. a starvation is really set. lives in protest isn't blocked trucks carrying life, saving a from entering, going through the car. and likely we'd be forced to stop our
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appreciation in dawson unexposed region by the end of february or beginning of march. you an agency of, of how this thing in refugee is tells out a 0. the organization is on the brink of collapse of the several. jonas suspended their contribution under us court rules of donald trump. time face trial on charges if you're trying to overtime the 2020 presidential election. the council has prime minister says hello, this has given a positive response to a proposal for deal with israel and comes as he meant within us that because we have space here. and uh huh. as me blinking has been on a middle east, told him saying he wants to broke and then during end to the war check moment the novel romano. sony says that cattle was optimistic. instead, i'm the we have received
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a reply from us on the general framework of the agreement regarding the captive. the reply includes some comments, but in general, it is positive. however, given the sensitivity of the issue, we will not go into the details, we are optimistic and we have to live with the response of all to these random parties. i see it all the us as talk to for that on same thinking says he will be discussing how mazda is response with israel on wednesday. is this a lot of work to be done? but we continue to believe that an agreement as possible and indeed essential. and we will continue to work relentlessly to achieve it. we're also determined to use any paused to continue to pay the diplomatic path forward to a just and lasting peace and security for the region. that is the best way the best way to ensure that october 7th, and the tragic loss of life by israelis and palestinians is not repeated.
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oh, here's exactly what time us has said about the proposal. the movement has dealt with the proposal in a positive spirit. in order to ensure a comprehensive and complete sci fi and via question against out people, and she will release shelter and reconstruction, lift the siege on the gaza strip and complete a prison. the exchange process has some, all of our reports. now from the that you took weeks of behind those, those diplomacy, an aspect led by tall egypt and the united states of america to try narrow the differences between the high mass and is well on the new political deal. about a week ago, how mass was presented with the new proposal based on a phase agreement that starts with a pause of about 4 to 5 weeks in exchange for the release of 3540 is why they kept is mostly women and elderly. how much in general said that they are ok with that.
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however, when it comes to phase $2.00 and $3.00, that's with us, they said they wanted more guarantees from the key plasma. katasha is the objections, americans that this is going to be a full is the least 3 months that would ensure these fridays won't return back with the relentless bombardment of this trip. if how must, how's that do it will be a diplomatic victory for them, and they can go back to the old people in this trip and say, off to all the atrocities the massive death total the civilians. we finally have a dignified exit strategy from a purely operational aspect buckets. holidays gave the proposal to the political bureau of how mass established here in doha, how to give it back to the top military command. the assembly gates emphasize the,
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until you see a city wide who is the top a guy of how nice in gaza. and it took them some time to talk about the aspects of the deal come back to the political bureau, which handed over the final unsettled categories. he'll give it back to the americans are going to discuss it with these varieties. any of these varieties, say we're okay with that, then we have to wait for an official announcement off the deep. what does it mean? we have to wait and see what does it mean for how much we have to wait and see if the i'm back is how been insisted, how i shall have no political future in does the other players. and the reason we're saying that basically this is something that people who does on the policy is in the west bank have to ultimately decide, but the americans are adamant on the need to put together a deal put an end to the eat off. how about us, and even by the policy you know, thought it to, to take over. and this explains why the 2nd state and the blinking is touring the region, hoping that the some of the political have the ways such as found your baby would
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play a strong cold using his political and finance to leverage to a, to put together the new security and political architecture in the region pushed about by the other to 0, doha, hold as are even reporting on me. banking is heading to israel for the next leg of his middle east and tool. so that speaks to mom a jump dream. he's intel a v for us mom and so now that i'm all says that they've sent a response, the board is essentially in israel. is course that's right in the sides. yeah, we've not gotten any official response from government leaders here in israel with regards to what, how much has stated or counter offered. we are starting to see some anonymous as rarely officials quoted in is really media outlets that essentially has been the modus operandi here for the last week in the lead up to secretary blinking visit. now what we've heard in the last hour,
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some sources telling is really media outlets that a red line for them is still going to be any deal that would see an end to the war . that's been a red line from a lot of people in the government for a while. now we're still hearing that there's another government source who isn't quoted and some is really media outlets as saying that what they've heard thus far about what is being said by how much that is tantamount to a negative response. now they're not saying that they think it was a refusal or that they think that negotiations won't go forward. they're just saying that's far, that they're not as optimistic about it as you've heard from, especially american officials. so this is kind of where things are in israel and the lead up to blinking visit. many people have said over the course of the past few days, they don't think that it's going to be easy for blinking, trying to convince them yahoo to agree right away to enter into
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a ceasefire. massage, you, you say it wouldn't be easy. it was interesting to see that press conference with think and he was peppered with questions on just how much influence the us actually has on his while at the moment there won't be saving plenty of requests from the wife's house sort of seemingly been ignored. can you give us a sense of the reception clinton's likely to get given where these really offensive is right now, where the negotiations are a zone a size? yeah, a clearly from these past visits by blinking to israel, the americans have been frustrated by netanyahu's intransigence by netanyahu's failure to fall in line with us as requests when it comes to the war on gosh, now blinking of course is coming here. he is going to attempt to exert as much pressure as he can for and that's an yahoo to one. make sure that more humanitarian aid gets into gaza and to try to get him to agree to
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a cessation of hostilities and gaza. but the reason that's tricky is because nothing yahoo is in what is essentially an untenable political reality right now. and that's in yahoo is facing not just pressure from the us. he's facing a huge amount of political pressure and societal pressure as well on the political front. you have far right wing ministers like national security, mr. it's more been give year and finance minister best of us, much rich on many occasions over the course the past week i've stated publicly that they are willing to walk away from the government to collapse the government if they think that that's and yahoo is going to try and enter into a deal that would see among other things, the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners in exchange for those for those is really kept as the one, gaza. they have also stated they do not want to see an end to the war and they want to ensure that is really our me is going to continue to stay in gaza even during a ceasefire. so that's one hand. then you have the opposition. that is increasingly calling on this and you know who to resign a beyond the political pressure. there's the sidled pressure week after we more and
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more relatives of those captors and guards are coming out on the streets, demanding nets and yahoo do more to secure the release of their loved ones. on the other hand, you still have a majority of people in israel that support the war effort and want to see what nets and yahoo says are. the words aimed the elimination of how much a cheap so it's a very complicated political picture for nets in yahoo to a very difficult political reality for him. he obviously is trying to survive if his government were to collapse and based on the opinions calls we keep saying there's so little faith in his leadership right now based on his polls. but if it's government work to collapse and there were new elections, it was almost certainly that he would be out of a job and starts you all a sudden, i mean, watching over dynamics at that meeting between us. and you all haven't blinking into more, very excited, so you might have been challenging for now and television. thank you very much, man. well, we have also had from the us president, your address to mazda is response to a possible do. there's been a response from the opposition but um it
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is yes, i'm sorry from us, but it seems to be a little over the top. we're not sure where it is there's. there's continuing negotiation right now. also more that speak to our white house correspondent. kimberly how good can we the u. s. has made it very clear. there's lots of stake so yes, that's right. and so what we know from what we've heard from the secretary state, actually blanking is that he will be taking this offer that has been presented via the communicators, both egypt and katara that was presented to them by home, us to israel. and now the ball is really in israel's court, but uh, what we already know from the top ally, the united states. you heard of there from the us president that to already the initial reactions are that it is over the top and what we know, what of the big differences of opinion is, is with regard to the ongoing conflict,
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israel's war on gaza. we know that the position of the is really is, is, and with the support of the united states is that it must continue until all of the top. how much leaders are around a kate? it's something that we understand. according to the national security council's folks for us and john kirby is something that is of great opposition on the other side. so this is one obstacle that is going to have to be overcome. and we also know that in the context of all of this, the secretary blinking has been working as he has been having these conversations with the leaders in the kingdom of saudi arabia. to try and normalize these relations between israel and error of neighbors. and so it is with these discussions on 2 separate tracks that the secretary of state is trying to accomplish a great deal. kimberly, how could the with alexis,
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for us from the white house. thank you very much. kimberly. let's not bringing mullin. bizarre i was, was there a senior political analyst who joins us from the moment? let's just start with the big question that everyone's wondering. we're talking about how much has been can actually likely to get out of his trip to isabella and out of nice. and you all here, tomorrow it well, it all depends on how much leverage that he wants to use. if he's going to sound like you sound it tonight, then it doesn't board one. because you set up and you're sound it either he's a jetlag or he's not really serious about placing america's strategic wait, where it needs to be placed squarely on the government because it seems everyone else he is meeting. i'm not meeting meaning come us on board to and the war and the aggression and 3 because you it is only there not any all government
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that there is an obstacle. it is that the government that the by that the registration has supported or heartedly financially made it certainly diplomatically and otherwise. that's why. and if you allow me, uh, probably would probably should start with some straight talk because you know, they pretty much, they're not good that straight talking. the more been as far as the united states is concerned, i think. and as far as everyone else is concerned, is over, the war is over. someone needs to do my front minister. nothing now is that he did all what you could. he can do all the people he can do storage on the guys. he's not able to defeat, come us. that's ok. he's not able to impose this condition. that's fine. you said in government, but this war has run its course the by down miss rush, i understand you're understands it the out of uh, partners of the united states understand different clearly everyone else in
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palestine. so now it's just a question of how to do with in a way whereby it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings. oh no problem continues. is really to come quite central air. the by, that's my search. a new state of mind, prime minister in the heart of his survival, is dependent on him and their support. and even if he doesn't to abide by what there's no need to, which is a deal that releases are the captives. i'm the senior prisoners and ours eventually like a ceasefire, an enter the question. the united states will start with support. more one, i wanted to ask you about this, this of the track as well or that, that, kimberly was mentioning when everything can be a, began this tripping re i didn't obviously the u. s. has been encouraging of, of saudi arabia, normalizing ties of israel. might that trip have yielded anything that might change? nothing. yahoo stones. is there anything in it for him from that? but believe it or not and started. yeah,
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i'm probably our viewers on the world and i've been watching and i understand that for america, palestinian life doesn't really mean much there. there's a kind of racist imperialism on the part of united states that we haven't seen for a long time. perhaps seems to be no more, or perhaps a rockwell but you really care about is right. and then as far as getting towards the understand that the best way to to secure the future is by normalization of a solid. so, but even though not that's not the other, this is actually the, the main concern or the united states at this point in time. the, by the end destruction believes that, that you could secure normalization. so the idea and this read that should be the best strategic incentive necessary in order to get any is ready to progress. just have to agree to some form of i agreement over a did they asked me the problem with that is they could secure the saw with the
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agreement to one the is ation. but i think the best way the vision so called for the day after, for the palestinian state tex independent sovereign i'm going to continue with this kind of part stretch. it's almost like a false promise, but that is what the americans are promising to solve these. and that's where these right is the, to go at this point in time as well at this point. my one, let's talk about the potential deal that's on the table. and being discussed right now, i had the country prime minister use the word from the sing when he was asked about as nice as response. but he also said it took them a week to get to this position. are you optimistic or you know me, i'm be honest, optimism and pessimism doesn't really say go in my analysis, but i'll tell you something just interesting that i heard from the new to that a little uh, a statement from president by that when he said the opposition for the on that part, how much is probably asking perhaps
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a bit over the top and i tell you what that means. i think what much of the agreement is going to be is that there is some kind of a framework understanding agreements now that's been reach. but the question is how, what do you think the, the framework with, right. so how much is asking a good number of things as you would expect to ask now that god, his eyes distort to because that couldn't go to waste. so guess i was asking what a number of things including the end of aggression, including eventually re re construction or, or the rebuilding of gaza. but also it just calling for a very specific number. and the very specific names for palestinian prisoners to be at a nice so it's not gonna leave it to is read to release whoever or whoever it wants to to needs, including also will probably only have 2 more months to stay in prison. so for example, these drain depress, it says there's already talking about some names that aren't quite high,
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or how much is less such as model one biology, or what about a wheelchair spend some 2 decades and is there any germs now? is considered a pretty them fight or a future mandela if you want, just to sort of buy these rates that are just like one that was closer than south africa when he was in jail. so there are neighbors like that, but how much is this on? it's gonna be hard for the government to swallow, but that is the price to end the war along the shower out, is there a senior political analyst always great to get your thoughts. thank you for joining us again. moment as well right now on the ground and gaza is really forces intensifying that attacks and rough or the other border with egypt. soldiers that are attacking from the land and sea. and that's despite the un warning of mass civilian casualties. and even further displacements, nearly 2000000 palestinians are sheltering and rough and they have, you know, what else left to go. israel's prime minister has threatened to continue the war
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until all his goals are met. this was the scene at the time of the solemn crossing between israel and goes away. far right. protest as had been trying to block critical aid from entering garza and stealing supplies, the palestinians desperately need to simply survive will not speak to tar couple of them. he is in raffle for us. talk. how much of these protests affecting 8 actually getting through that border at the moment? yes. well, in fact, we have been seeing him following these protests being healed by these very settlers in order to look at the entry of humanitarian supplies into the gaza strip, the current will send them across the board. and these kinds of protests have been made nearly carried out by the east valley citizens that who are trying to send a message for these ready government that you short stop allowing for the humanitarian supplies delivery into calls as long as these very hostages are not
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yet being returned back again to the it is very solely done. this is a part of the ongoing prussia being made on palestinian people that largely contributed to increase and to exhausted page the dalia humidity of your situation . i've been seeing that to normal days to offer you the one where there was a clear restriction, how big can boast a has been imposed on the a delivery on the commercial goods. that every integral is especially b r a. com. i will send them both of us right now within the i'm with the new russia on these very 7 the from it seems that uh, these kinds of approved us with a fixed and it gets, it leaks on the numbers of a humanitarian supplies being allowed to get into dollars, especially if you've got disparate dolphins here in the southern part of the charge . we are in a very clear means for such much needed humanitarian supplies due to the uh, the 2 due to the amount of number uh, the numbers of people who are arriving to roughly and also due to the ongoing sky rocketing prices in terms of the palestinian products that are afforded in the past
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the market and this is completely, will affect negatively. but it's, it's a part of also, of a systematic policy being used by he's about to use salvation on farm and as a clean weapon for the will in order to need palestinians. and also to add to exec it's much more pressure on the power send. you a similar from atari, as, as well as military campaign, now seems to have rafa to which was meant to be a safe story family and its site. can you tell us what that is looking like now that on the ground, man? yes, and the situation on an hourly basis is completely changing as we have been seeing . more strikes have been bouncing roof our district within the past a few hours since the last few hours. we have been seeing a number of a strikes to talk you through the eastern part of the district in an area that's a so a jason to the board is with egypt and in the last hour the seeing and at us. and it strikes that targeted a group of palestinians,
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and those of who are neighborhoods in a rough off were a number of palestinians that have been injured, are being transported to the, to our hospital, to receive treatment. and this is the concrete facts on the ground here. there is incredible increase of strikes in roughly in comparison with previous normal days of fighting. the east bend is also attacking the adjacent areas between russell and can you just um, its unrelenting boom. bottom is for the city of con eunice, within the past few hours, and we have been also exacting back the middle over night today had been targeted in a very curious to kill the way it works to residential houses in on the, in a different bus. and a has a refugee county were attacked in the past hour, were not 12000, he was being killed and change it. and the how, how do you have been transported to unlock saw a hospital for medical treatment at the situation? sounds also down in the milder at parks with crosses and confrontations across from tops fighting between the palestinian volunteers. and because we had assumed isn't these neighborhoods also continued in the past?
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i'll try a couple of them there with alexis forest from the ground in rough on the southern part of the gauze district. thank you, terry. well, throughout the strength, parents are struggling to care for their children and prices. and some of the most basic items of stored as our correspondent stephanie, back and forth. and it's the simple things in life we take for granted, such as diapers, for childs that become a major issue in times of crisis. and then yeah, the prices of diapers are ridiculous on it. imagine each diaper change when your son will cost you around $1.00. you must change them at least 4 times and 12 to 15 hours in 24 hours. you need $5.00 to $6.00 diapers that the child cost you around $5.00 a day, especially in a bad situation like this. if the prices are high and people have no income, there isn't even a ticket. for the people of golf though life has become about surviving each day, finding food, water, basic hygiene products,
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everything has become more expensive and you can afford it. and it was, it was fun, but i did not buy diapers. i find pieces of material and use them for her, but what can i do? diapers are so expensive to my husband is unemployed. so where would i get them from? united nation says around 1700000 palestinians have been forced from their homes. many live in tents with no access to basic sanitation. the organization estimates there is one shower for 2000 people. and around $500.00 people have to share a single toilet. it's a ticking health time bob saw her all that stuff. i just didn't want to have that. what has recently appeared on the scene is hepatitis a and the infection resulted from the densely populated places due to the war and displaced people living in tennis and was done with this really a tax. intensifying in hon eunice and southern garza, more people are forced to move to the alpha in the most southern area of the strip
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. from there, however, there is nowhere else to go. stephanie decker, which is 0, the the, the us cause has role that for the president, donald trump, can face trial on charges of crossing to overtime, the outcome of the 2020 election. the judges unanimously rule that he is not immune from prosecution. it's a major setback for the republican frontrunner, who's also about doing multiple legal challenges ahead of this year's presidential race trumpet, saying that he will appeal this ruling. will that spring to pass, you call him cheese across this forest from washington dc. so probably this was a unanimous decision and on the question that's never been up before, right? this is never has and so is, this was a pretty scathing decision on top of that to democratically appointed judges, one republican appointed judge and they really put some restrictions on what he can
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do next about this. but just back up a little bit. this is over the for felony counts the trump is facing for his re. busy all in the january 6th insurrection, if he's found guilty on this, we're talking pass a possibly decades in prison. so the stakes are high, us presidents when it comes to civil litigation, the supreme court is rule. busy they cannot be sued for anything they did in their official capacity as president. we again, you, as you mentioned, we've never had a past president facing criminal charges who wasn't pardoned. and so now the question is, does that immunity transfer from the civil to the criminal side and the, his attorneys actually tried to make the argument before the judges that they were asked if the president and his capacities president order cl team 6 to kill us political rival, could he face criminal charges for that? and the lawyers argument is not unless he was impeached for that offense and convicted. obviously, trump was impeached over january 6th,
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about convicted in the senate, so that didn't sit well with the judges. they basically just said across the board, laid out an argument after argument argument, the president is not above the law. and if you word that would pretty much be the death knell to democracy. me. well, if i didn't, what does this now mean for the case against trump and for his election campaign going for this? this is huge. the stakes could not be higher. one, when it comes to the vote, there was just a recent poll in the southern most important swinging states, 53 percent of people said if trump is convicted of a crime, they will not be able to vote for him ad. so there's that going on. he's trying to delay this, and these made it very clear, is try to delay it. but this court, this appellate court, didn't really give them any link wiggle room. and that they said by monday, you need to appeal to the supreme court. that's really his only option. and so then the supreme court, they could take it up in an expedited basis. a lot of the attorneys have been
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talking, do you think that they're going to have to do that because they've done that was another trump case, in which case it, it could, could be delayed by months. but if they didn't expedite, it could be delayed by up to a year. and this is another reason why that's important because trunk believe the former president donald trump believes if he is able to win this election. then he could either tell his attorney general to get rid of the case, or try to do something again that's never been tested in the course, which is to try and pardon himself. so incredibly high stakes, not just for the vote, not just for the president, but for the constitutional precedence if this is going to set. so it's a very big deal of the appellate court, ruled this strongly against the former president patrick, out hand that across or is that for us from washington dc during a very interesting yes, thank you. past are still a heads here here on now to 01 in officers devastation as christ headsets here. syria, suckers protest of blame the government for not doing enough to revisit the
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hello. the change has come to europe. we've seen lots of mild and settled weather. well, things are tiny, much colder, and more wintry across the north. we are going to see some snow potentially in places that's full spring light conditions just days ago. but we still got that winds down in the south. lots of settled weather here, high pressure and charges, the few showers here and there for northern parts of it today. so what's the weather as well, creeping into the very knowles of spain and portugal, but that is the worst of the rain pining across into front bring some snows, wintry weather to the likes of germany. it is looking around the winter as well. further towards the northeast, that's just going to intensify over the next few days and it's not junk. we on like to see some of the white powder effects central pots, of course,
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in the island of island, as we go thursday into friday. but very heavy rain behind that for northern parts of france as well as into the north west of spain. we could see some flooding from that. and as a rain, that takes us all the way through to east scenario is freezing rain coming in for ukraine. but for russia, it is looking dry up very cold, then mine is 10 degrees celsius early on. so say, but lots of heat and warm. continuing in athens, that's your weather the, there's a lot of worry from any of us that what's going to come from this ultimately is a few half measures that don't really do a darn thing for communities on the ground. and i just want to say, you know, of the 4 largest agricultural academies in the world. the us is the only one that still allows fair quantity is use band at china. it's banded for sale, expand it,
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and use this double here in the last 10 years. and you know, quite frankly let's just follow the lead and the rest of the world here and get rid of eric white, one, some pro then they'll kind of stay just underway. yeah. the agent come being played here and to tell for a ripple to time. 2014 started a tournament, but only one will be crowned champions. right across the action on the
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welcome back to watching all 0. i'm this positive hey here and uh huh. let's remind you about top stories. a most has given a positive response to a proposal on a framework deal with israel and comes as us secretary of state on spring blinking is in the hall full tulips on the wall and garza. he says he'll be discussing the proposal with israel on wednesday. meanwhile, the funeral, solving house and rough as israel intensifies it's offensive facility in the south and gauze that has been attached now from a lot and, and see more than 100 palestinians have been killed since monday. and is ready, protested i. once again, blocking you monetary and from entering the gauze district, they've been demonstrating at the time of the southern border crossing more than 100 trucks of life, savings supplies was stopped from entering garza on tuesday. protests at gauze as border on the, on the issue preventing aid from guessing to palestinians and run the biggest
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provider, if you mind is hearing aid into the strip is facing an uncertain future of to many of its biggest international donors suspends of their funding. last month, juliet to mount is under as a global director of communications, and she says, unless that funding fee is, is robust, will some of the donors come on board, the agencies collapse is imminent. the reason is likely to come to an end to end all the rest of the region and the february or beginning of march. unless the suspend of the founding will resume the funding or if we get funding. so all they're doing as an increase in funding. but so far, end of february, beginning of march, including in gone, so were $2000000.00 to rely on on down for their share, surviving. so some of the beginning of the war bringing in human and terry and supplies has been congress, some authoration and a huge challenge not only for on ground,
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but for other humanitarian organizations. you see before the horse type, the dollar received on the average $500.00 trucks every day. in the days since the war started and it's been 4 months in the days, we come even close to that number, the highest we have was 300. and that was only during the short lived discriminatory info. so much more humanitarian supplies need to come in. and also come most of supplies so that the marketing does that, which is almost nonexistent. ma'am, can stand back on it's feet that human ration in god, which is left by on ro cannot do it on his own. a whole lot of money off fluids supplies severely limited and goes up, but there's also almost no access to clean water out of there is uninstall sharif reports now from northern garza, on the admins challenges that palestinians face trying to find any will for tool. elizabeth, because it's still reeling under the roof. so this is really bump up and decades
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long. see all crises continued to unfold across the street, particularly in the know at daybreak. people venture out hoping to find something more to know which of these really occupation forces have read the destruction. i don't need to residential areas, hospitals, schools, i'm places of worship, they own, but also to the water supply network. i'm and even underground. well, as with the seller nation plants, real estate targeted and destroyed from the hours children, as you can see around on the streets, searching for water, that'd be scam. and finally, we find some of that coming from under the debt free of this ruined residential building. people line up here for hours just to get some water line as you to get the idea and i've been able to do my use. i came for far away to get water for my children. can we found a well under this trouble? it's very difficult to find water even when we get up at about 5 in the morning and start our mission. i mean, we're appealing to the world to enable us to receive food and water and i the minute. yeah. we as to whether or not. so that's not that, so it is
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a tragedy. well, the misery, our children are starving to death. we can't even give them a piece of bread children, a sick they've contract of diseases. the lack of water is another dilemma. and then up to another i'm, she said that our kids over here and i was almost 3 kilometers every day. so to get some clean, what uh, what add insult to injury is that we all starving or my, this water isn't fit for human consumption with a cut. we have no other choice or the media on a level now or so to her look. and then as you know, they came in from glen q all the way to the end of the road, opened a returned, empty handed to make sure it gets some order. i must get up before sunrise load and then conduct a the heck this is the situation and the newest because as strong as the total absence of clean water. i mean what, what do you see here is not drink or say for human consumption. palestinians are left between a rock and a hard place. as these radio patient forces have destroyed causes infrastructure,
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including the underground wells and the southern nation. finally, even those who manage to find some water. now faced the long journey back on us to show you josie, all shamella as well. students of brown university in the united states has gone on a hunger strike in solidarity with palestine. we will hunger strike until the demand our match and for the group of students including posted in jewish, indigenous black students have not been on hunger strike since friday. they're demanding. the university brakes ties with companies that profit from human rights abuses in palestine, where we can now speak to one of those hunger strike is, you know, it's an apple joins us from providence and rhode island. manta, this is obviously a diverse group of people on hunger strike, i believe. so now on day 5, how many of you all the and how long will you continue? a 3rd 19 of us um, right here in brown university,
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they're actively on hunger strike. and we will continue until our demands are met and until our university here is that we do not want to be keeps listed by attending this institution in the ongoing genocide and apartheid and palestine. i had talked about your, the loans being that i understand you want the universities and down the to divest from companies involved with the war on gaza. the university there has said that it doesn't directly invest in weapons manufacturers, for instance. or what do you actually austin, university corporation to do? we're asking the corporation to verbally say that there is a genocide going on right now. and they are, we have a very in depth report about how they are investing companies that are helping ab israeli occupation. so in addition to up in manufacturers like tech, strong, but they're investing, and we're also asking them to broadly look at other things that are destroying infrastructure right now. and tell us stein destroying other kind of like the base that is being built there right now. and it's helping 8 is really occupational. so problem is we're asking him to recognize that. and here are call for divestment.
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understand brown has 1st to make the investment decisions before in the case of the full. so in the case of tobacco jewel asking them because even be then to make a similar quote based on ethics here. yes. in terms then of how far this could go, you've said you will continue being on hunger strike as long as it takes until the mountains. and that would, is that an indefinite period, or is there a potential point at which you would leave the university to? i think that it depends on what the university's reaction to us is. um, right now, we are not planning on stopping any of our escalation anytime soon. this hunger strike has caused mass crowds of students to gather around us and gather for the cause of supporting those and co sign in the campus center. we've been saying 300 to 400 students come out for rallies every day. continue to engage in our programming and we expect that effort to continue and our protests will and they were here and talk about the response from the university. i believe it at all the protests that have taken place,
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them. they have been arrest once the atmosphere live on campus. now when it comes to the conversation about what's happening and also yeah, i think as one of the hunger strikers, i've experienced nothing but solidarity and appreciation for everything that has been happening on this concept campus. as of late to we've been seeing. like i said, these nice crowds gathering, i'm feeling fatigued and dizzy, and only starting to feel kind of what the effects of this hunger are doing. and i've been able to really be fueled by the people that are continuing to show up and support an advocate for our cause. and i think we're all sitting here together. imagining what others and how soon are going through and kind of letting that ground us and few of us moving forward. now i'm kind of paul brown university student here, as he was just saying is on hunger strike at the moment and solidarity with palestine. thank you so much for joining us here on out as they are in the and of course the
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. so we'll take a and syria unlocking one year since it's great scales, nearly $60000.00 people and tie towns and pots of cities were leveled with countless people trapped under the rubble of half days. magnitude 7 when 7th of quake struck me of the southern tucker's province of carlin marsh. just off to 4 am on the 6th of february 2023. less than 20 minutes late to imagine 2 and 6.5, trying to hit me a gauzy on test and then that afternoon, a 3rd grade kid, carmen lost again. this time in the north of the province. those are the critics effected an area of a 120000 square kilometers, including parts of moving syria. at least 59000 people were killed. more than 807000 engine around 14000000 people across to k and syria were affected. now a year on many people seem to care still angry. i'm for the government's response to these ass quakes. thousands of gathered to protest in the countries southern
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province of hawkeye, local say that schools of lives could have been saved if building regulations had been dissolved. and many say that government promises to rebuild happens in fulfilled. it was more remote, it goes more mother saw that it, has there been any progress that has been no progress? it's just in addition to that they demolish. you take the on from the rubble because the debris where ever they see it empty and then they leave without the municipality. i can find a solution to this. the, the tell us there is no work going on here yet. target a hello correspondence and im castillo is in hot side one of the west head areas along 11 cities, effected by last as catastrophic earthquake halted by turkey of syria border has been the worst hits the city center on top. y'all has literally become a ghost town. the sweets are unrecognizable, and people who remain in the city, mostly low income level. people are being sheltered in containers that i called container cities. but to see behind me,
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there are several of them in hotel and in other earthquake affected cities. but we home with some local businesses reopened in containers like this in the city center . this is a saw and the people are hopeful that one day they will city will revive again. and the government has a symbolized oldest resources for the reconstruction of the city. however, the locals here know that it will take longer than they expected to have a permanent place to stay despite the government has started to deliver the flights of houses within the last couple of days. so you have to solo else, is it a hotel? i took yeah, and hundreds of people took a also still missing. here's the story. if one mother who's never given up hope of finding her son to the boston laws which inhibition them. what the scandal and all 3 of them all to say about the door telling you to do it. smoot, besides going to look didn't look long corporation of the column sort of the union
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and they stuck with florida. the both of them will totally be non, i'm just this in a you could told them clear you called the building because you called if you want me to not only know somebody else because i replied, you approve it to support your part. uh well, you should get that you could just see it on the big news, the money. but young musicians for the dies photo less to be put off later. pilots may have actually into little to audible thought. your card data. the cartridge should not be the sort of, i'll call them get on the, on the other, but you'll be ended up going down the ticket and you can go into order is tell us to lie how it has to be not done. it could be not on the terms that they didn't get the cost on it or they are now. is it done? which one did it take you again? it was small amounts of donica, little thoughtful, that if you choose to keep with me, let me just make it to michel missing to see us. it is to be a lie. i know ms. arnik let them fit to cover learning. a pool must allows down to
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reflect 50 symbol ma mazda and the letter. yes i'm, i want you to know so, and then what do they teach on the a hostile ahead here on auto 0. the cost of the installation is set to double and it's $2.00 as the countries conference continue the
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the the welcome back. now synagogue national assembly has voted to move this month's presidential election to december. the 15th, temporarily extending matthew south. the 2nd time a decision has prompted protests,
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including some insights and a goal is parliament. and it goes horrible. it's now from the capital dachelle, the inside sending goals of parliament, opposition and peace are removed by police in riot gear. some shout, democracy is under attack. as they are pushed out, they had refused to side a bill to delay the election. it extends the president's time in power. security forces using tactics from the streets inside the national assembly against elected members of parliament. the motion to delay the election by 9 months, effectively extending the president's mandate is passed nearly unanimously after hours of heated debate. all good, if it was just been very so it is unprecedented in somebody else history. it's a constitutional coup because article one or 3 of the constitution says clearly the mandate of the head of states cannot be extended or revised from the suburbs to the edge of parliament protest are getting louder and coming closer to the presidential
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palace. the government has restricted mobile internet access. some local media outlets have been taken off their authority, say they are stopping the spread of hateful and divisive content rights group. say it's a violation of fundamental rights to presidential candidates are appealing to the constitutional counsel to intervene. the constitutional council has the responsibility to take decisions that were being come to the country and save on ation from the summer period, which is really an insult. to the senegalese people, police intervene, preventing the candidates from talking salt as the elections were canceled because members of that council, which is meant to draw the list of candidates are suspected of taking bribes. he says the electoral process has lost credibility and the delay will allow time to rebuild trust in the countries institutions. the president says this bill is
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a way to clean up a democracy in this country. he is now calling for no tional is dialogue, and he's hoping that this will qual, elgar on the streets. but there is a growing resentment amongst many single these such fields that they had been robbed of the opportunity to have their say on who gets to govern this country. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car and then also tori is a former prime minister of seneca and she was arrested at a protest against the election delay on sunday. she since been released, she told down to 0, the decision to postpone the vote is a direct attack on set of goals, democracy. it's a continuum of uh, you know, the, the, the way the president, my concern is taking out democracy. blackwood, i, i went through the process process that was a peaceful one. i stepped out of my car. i was picked up by the police,
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are arrested for i was and they let me go with no charges. this is what's going on, you know, throughout the country, 1000 of the young people didn't jail and they then put in front of a court yesterday, what of the major, a television station i got 3 moved from at and they license has been removed from them. they've been many years of, of john at least then it's unheard of. and on the top of it, the country never witnessed a postmodern of of the election presidential election since 1960. so that's the 1st time ever um. so we do have to spend and defend our democracy. i'm receiving society with the trade unions. and the other thing is a president. my concern is putting the stability of the country in jeopardy according to the constitution. uh no one can run more than 2 consecutive terms. his
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time is ending, 2nd of april. so what's gonna happen yesterday? the parliament to correct unconstitutional? no. and as your position, we will challenge that in front of the constitution of council because the low is not supposed to be above the constitution. um, so this is the faith of our democracy is being addressed to being attacked by president. my concern for one of the faith despite the constitution is the same sort of god has been and i mean, the justin fed election for many, many years. that's how he got to part with himself, microsoft because of the democratic process that he caught up tip. now as we speak, um so, um, what do we want to correct as we, as we speak, like a new government and a new president connected to that. let's respect the constitution. let's make sure that synagogue leads have the opportunity to choose who is going to name them. and the only way to fix what went wrong in kenya,
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a self proclaimed religious play that has been charged with a $191.00 counts of nata phone and 10, gave mackenzie was arrested off of the mass starvation moving 400 people. he's accused of encouraging his followers to starve to death in order to go to heaven. mackenzie and his co accused have pleaded not guilty. 10 months of fighting and through dawn has caused the price. is that to soil, the rate of inflation which was around easy present before the conflict started is expected to double this. you have a move in the ports from under one i'm member. how much has come here to shop for years, living in the man incidents capital, heart of tomb. she normally can find to most of what she needs here. but for months she hasn't been able to afford food for now. i also started with the guys. there was an increase every month. the prices of meat, poultry, vegetables all have become very expensive since the war began. the costs are too high because our income is limited,
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and there are no salaries while used to be enough for us to sustain ourselves in a day. now we need to double that markets prices have been increasing since the start of the war between the army and the power made it through rapid support forces. last april, the un says the costs of an average basket of food has increased by 8 to 8 percent since the conflict began traitors the one of the reasons behind the price rises is difficulties in getting good spokesmen at some things we have a or impulse, it has been an increase in the price of foreign currency. so the cost of food commodities has also increased. and especially because we also have to add a small profit margin. so customers that come in by less and less because their money hasn't increased in value or amount. the world bank forecast inflation to reach nearly 160 percent this year. the value of this is denise bound. currency has sunk. fuel costs have increased to the ongoing fighting and destruction of
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factories means that goods now take longer to make it to market by the same. and yet they all made sense. but now come from one state. when in the positive came from another, they'll also others that fact owners had to relocate, so they include the cost of relocation on the price of made sense with the conflicts showing no sign of ending prices are expected to rise even further with more so denise appearing they'll be unable to afford their basic needs. hey, but morgan onto their heart to him on progress on that goes to the polls on february, the 8th, and political parties that campaigning on pages to address. rising unemployment and poverty, but strict conditions on a loan from the international monetary fund have also forced cutbacks and subsidies . come on, how to travel to the southern, send the province to find out how people there are coping election games and politicians are campaigning for. but that mean mid victor, these people are living in
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a makeshift church and sure cardboard and bug is gone. stevenson robin there among thousands of families displayed by major of large extra large one 3rd of the country in 2022. 12. um got a molly is that we are very poor. we live out in the open in this cold winter. we lost everything in the floods, all our belongings, livestock and even our homes were swept away. the politicians, the landlords come here for, for the sessions, but not one of them has helped us nearby. a mother came through a newborn baby hoping able to make it to the rain. most of the young children had don't have one clothes and many are sick. so but uh, both the look at these kids, what can i do for them? i have nothing to offer except to cook girls for them so that they can eat. we all are starving and ready to work on living for our families. but even though man can find jobs and it's hard to survive, a young man and his wife,
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yours works left of their really and a little they were able to saddle ridge, often stuff like that to go by. yeah. they live in a games with the whole family or 5 people 100 to get there to warm on the cold winter night. august on the 5th most popular country prices of food are spiraling. and many essentially commodities are out of reach. for millions of people. the word bank says 40 percent of focused on either living below the poverty line and the country, the main ones that are better naturally to adjust the government's defense spending to address security threats from if eastern border with india. and it's, for instance, on get rid of run it's done also means there's literally left to allocate or development and alleviating fall would be the model i that i just need. uh, sure, cardboard fin. robin spark is done. all that set for me and his dogs is, hey,
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but i'll be back in alignment with want to stay with the activities designed to help young mines come to terms with children with very different experiences but also suffering some degree of trauma gung good children such as 12 year old carrillo struggled to talk about their experiences. we would take it into buses. he tells us to russia where we stayed for a bit over a month. ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been full simply relocated to russia despite repeated efforts and international mediation. only about 400 children have been with us. for now, the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian. children helping them recover at these rails war on guns or continues. we bring you every angle,
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if the story we're getting into the hospital that you've spent almost the last 100 days here. what lessons can be drawn if you adjust the piece you better prepare for. it's clear to the families that the plan for the government to continue with this world isn't working. so many more people killed overnight to, to concert where the strikes have been focusing. all we now seeing are worrying escalation the prices and where the system lead international efforts to contain the will stay without a 0 for the latest developments. economic crises dorming the glow. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflicts and wars destroying production. factors aggravating the global food crisis in the sense of getting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response. the international conference on to justice from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future states organized
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by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar. and association with the, the, the password it says they've received a response from us on the framework of an agreement with israel visiting us secretary of state. i'm thinking says that response has been shared with these, right, the other than the spelling of your time. this is the, this is a bonus in life from the coming up in the next 30 minutes, the
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tara at night is well intensifies its attacks on rasa in southern dawson areas in central cause of.


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