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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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to partially supplement the human workforce, the the hello there, i'm just of the pay. this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 16 minutes. capital says how much has responded to the framework for an agreement. on garza, you are a secretary of state, i'm thinking, says he'll discuss it with his room. the wall diplomacy continues a series of strikes of hip rafa and southern gaza home to almost 2000000. the space policy on the ground fast respond as a struggling to save the wounded and gaza about creation. patients from hospitals
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on the fire from is ranisha centralized. former president, sebastian pierre, has been killed in a helicopter crash. the cattle, his prime minister says how mazda has given a positive response to a proposal for a deal with israel and came as he met with the secretary of state here under huh. i'm me blinking is on yet another tourism, at least saying he wants to broke out and during and to the war, israel says it's studying the response of some whole bar up against our coverage. it's been a week that time us received a proposal, cuts off a key mediate to hoops could lead to a new deal that to be in the morning cause a freeze riley captive an allowable aid into the strip. it cuts off 5 minutes a minute so far enough, as is confident,
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an agreement is within reach that i'm the we have received a reply from us on the general framework of the agreement regarding the captive is the reply includes some comments, but in general, it is positive, however, given the sensitivity of the issue, we will not go into detail when would you be optimistic and we have delivered the response to these random parts are talking about see if us secretary of state and tended blinking rebates cautious. who we have to convince these vide, is to accept how about us as terms of the us official refrain from talking about to seize by restoring, instead to oppose. we're also determined to use any paused to continue to pay the diplomatic path forward to a just and lasting peace and security for the region. that is the best way the best way to ensure that october 7th, and the tragic loss of life by israelis and palestinians is not repeated. how
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mass which controls gaza, says it has responded positively to the negotiators, kupta and egypt. but the incest, the best result in a minute and ceased by a proposal for possible agreement was presented to the leader of how about his political bureau despite honey i know how but his, the groups lead to think us uh yeah, yes. in law, along with an assigned brigades command him a base for how the ultimate say over any possible deal. by pushing for an agreement on guys the, the us officials keeping the eyes on the buddha gold. convincing sandy ravia, the most powerful country in the region to establish ties with is well the prop has reiterated a saudi arabia strong interest in pursuing that. but he also made clear what he had
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said to me before, which is that in order to do that, 2 things are required. an end of the conflict in gaza and a clear credible time bound path to the establishment of the palestinian state. many remain skeptical. the jews, the us of siding with these well run and these lies hold. if the warning does look in 10 is the middle east with the model by instability hash about about under 0. meanwhile, and it's really as strike has targeted warehouse housing, the space to palestinians, and they're all out in the central gulf of strip bees on pictures now from salo being street where the warehouse is where cases, ambulances and rescue crews rushed to the scene to try to retrieve the windows and
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transport them to the nearby locks the hospital under any forces of also hits the southern city of rasa. as usual, that with a series of as strikes me any 2000000 palestinians are in that area right on the board with egypt. just in the past few hours, ambulances have been rushing injured people to the cool way to hospital target boys in has one out from rafa. in southern casa, there is no, any lit up in fine thing on the ground. no one else strikes that keeps bounding the territory. and especially the rough i today, which had been one of the main areas that isabelle has concentrated on providing all kinds of military attacks. one is simply because this area and right now is the one of the last remaining areas that is why did not operate. and in the last, i'll have been seeing more attacks on roughly this time, on the western side, especially in tell us what's on neighborhood where a residential building had been completely destroyed were to palestinians have been
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killed in that strike. and the number of the family members and that the house that had been destroyed has been ended up being taken to equate to hospital here to receive medical treatment. we have been seeing that in the majority of the injured we young children, um its unrealistic, also 2nd of destruction. continued on the, on the eastern part of roughly where a lot of strikes today had been target said the eastern areas that are adjacent to the board as with egypt. and the situation was, was found to be critical for the middle coordinates of the territory. and especially when there was bella town, where the east by the forces had targeted a residential buildings along side with a warehouse for palestinian evacuated, have been taking and seeking refuge in where a number of policies have been reported in just being transported to ok. so hospital for medical treatment for yes, the is valley surveillance of drones keep flying over this car roof our district and very low altitude. and it's ongoing intelligence efforts to find targets on the
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ground to be eliminated. of all our reports by the global body that monitors found and has found that the whole population of gauze is now facing crisis levels of hunger under what's known as the integration fluid security phase classification. 2.2000000 palestinians don't have enough food and a mountain malnourished. around half the population is facing the imagine sea level of hunger. now in the north of this trip, especially people that are facing prolonged periods of time without food, even access to water. across the north, central and southern parts of causa. they're all at least 580000 palestinians who are facing and i'm creating here salvation desk and extreme levels of non nutrition policy makers. you and representatives and civil society activists gathered here in the hall to discuss ways to guarantee access to food for people, both in garza and around the world. and we didn't convertible a nearly the entire population of goza. that's 2300000 people is
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imminent risk funding to dispose goods when a to pay is people are desperate to get their hands on it. while the faith is available, is not very expensive. with 500000 people already facing extreme hunger as a result of the destruction of ford systems due to the siege. on average, only 30 trucks are allowed in daily to gaza compared to $500.00 at pre war levels. starvation is a weapon of war, is bond on the international humanitarian law. it's considered a war crime and a crime against humanity to deny food. the means of the existence, the means of subsistence to a people or to any uh, identifiable group on the basis of discrimination. this is what's happening in this conference and don't, it's focused on global food justice,
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simply people's right to access food. so with complex systematic violence being the biggest causes of hunger in the world, the world goes on the top of the agenda. although the restriction control of food and goza didn't begin on the 7th of october with this recent will, garza has been on the blockade since 2007 with israel controlling what goes in and out. the color is of, of the community had been calculated at 1st they fit into quantities of food and basic stuff. and this was thursday to the tech losses. i couldn't unload the best of these types of food restrictions. when lighting no end. when this was eva, cause a did have an agricultural sector, but the damage from these ready bombardment last a long time. it will need maybe a few years to, to check on the saw you a one day. it only means for different types of i'm your nation. that was and maybe some lines. and it depends also on how much freedom that goes on and will have
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access to the media to the indian. because the fishing is, is one of the most important sources of what security for it goes on. historically, starvation is knowledge the mind made problem and that full urgently needs non made solutions to store people going of hunger. and goals are the only solution is an end to these ready bombardment, image and kinda how to 0. the ha, the one on the all food supplies the very limited in gaza, but there's also almost no access to clean water out of there is on the social re, for poor stuff from northern garza, on the immense challenges that palestinians face trying to find any war to a tool less than the goals, but it's still reeling under the roof. so this is really bump up at the decades long see, all crises continued to unfold across the street, particularly in the north, at daybreak people venture out hoping to find something more to know which of these
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really occupation forces have read the destruction. i don't need to residential areas, hospitals, schools, i'm places of worship, ones are they own, but also i to the water supply network. i'm and even underground. well, as with the seller nation plants, real estate targeted and destroyed from the hours children. as you can see around on the streets, searching for both of them. and finally, we find some of them coming from under the debt free of this ruined residential building. people line up here for hours just to get some water line as you to go to the do my you, i came for far away to get water for my children. can we found a well under this trouble? it's very difficult to find water even when we get up at about 5 in the morning and start our mission. i mean, we're appealing to the world to enable us to receive food and water and i the minute. yeah. we as to whether or not. so that's not that, so it is a tragedy. well, the misery, our children are starving to death. we can't even give them a piece of bread children, a sick they've contract of diseases. the lack of water is another dilemma. and then
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up to another i'm, she said that are carried over john and i will almost 3 kilometers every day to get some clean. what, uh, what add insult to injury is that we all starving or my, this water isn't fit for human consumption with a cut. we have no other choice or the media and the moment or so to her look. and then as you know they, i came and found one q all the way to the end of the road, opened a returned empty handed to make sure it gets some order. i must get up before sunrise load and then conduct that to hi could this is the situation and the newest, the because a strong as the total absence of clean was telling me what the, what do you see here is not drink or say for human consumption palestinians are left between a rock and a hard place of these radio to patient forces have destroyed causes, infrastructure, including the underground wells and the southern nation. finally, even though we managed to find some water, now face the longevity back on us to show you just the all shamella was all
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throughout the strength of parents. also struggling to care for the children. and the price is the most basic items have sort of stephanie debt that reports. it is the simple things in life we take for granted, such as diapers, for childs that become a major issue in times of crisis. the robot said you did send. yeah, the prices of diapers are ridiculous on it. imagine each type or change for your son will cost you around $1.00. you must change them at least 4 times and 12 to 15 hours. in 24 hours, you need $5.00 to $6.00 diapers that the child cost you around $5.00 a day, especially in a bad situation like this. if the prices are high and people have no income, there isn't even a ticket. for the people of garza, life has become about surviving each day, finding food, water, basic hygiene products. everything has become more expensive and if you couldn't
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afford it and it was, it was fun, but i did not buy diapers. i find pieces of material and use them for her bubble. what can i do that those are so expensive to my husband is unemployed. so where would i get them from? the united nation says around 1700000 palestinians have been forced from their homes. many live in tents with no access to basic sanitation. the organization estimates there is one shower for 2000 people. and around $500.00 people have to share a single toilet. it's a ticking health time bob saw her all that stuff. i just did what have that, what has recently appeared on the scene as hepatitis a and the infection resulted from densely populated places due to the war and displaced people living in texas and was done with this really a tax intensifying and hadn't eunice and southern causal more people are forced to move to the alpha in the most southern area of the strip. from there, however, there is nowhere else to go. stephanie decker, which is 0. i mean, not on run,
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the biggest provider, if you monetary and aiden to the strip, is facing the uncertain future of the many of its biggest international during the suspend of the funding. last month to the to mount is on rose global director of communications. and she says, unless that funding for uses reversed the agencies collapses. and the reason is likely to come to an end to end all the rest of the region and the february or beginning of march. unless the donors that suspended the funding will resume the funding. or if we get funding so other to as an increase in, in funding so far, end of february, beginning of march including jobs i went to 1000000 to rely on on down for their share, surviving. so some of the beginning of the war bringing in human and terry and supplies has been congress, some alteration and
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a huge challenge not only for on ground, but for other humanitarian organizations. you see, before the horse type, the dollar i've received on the average $500.00 trucks every day in the days since the war started. i mean, it's been 4 months in the days we come even close to that number, the highest we have was 300. and that was only during the short lived discriminatory info. so much more humanitarian supplies need to come in and also come most of supplies. so that the market and all that which is almost nonexistent, ma'am, can stand back on it's feet that human internal ration and also just let by on ro cannot do it on his own. the centralized phone, the president's about to infinity era has died in a helicopter crash. the national disaster agency confirm that the crash occurred in
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the southern to land town of level uncle 0. it was before the piloting the aircraft when the crash happened. 3 on the people also injured. well, let's be to our last in america editor lucy, a newman. she joins us now from both parties. so into a lucy, it tell us a little bit more about the cross you were telling me earlier about the former president used to do some piloting himself. it seems now it has been confirmed. he was a polishing this helicopter. yes indeed, we had seen the president hoping to have a couple of years and claims and fly them himself on a number of occasions. i remember that right after he was inaugurated in which followed the devastating earthquake here in 2010. he skipped lunch with the heads of state that had come to visit him and the hop found was plain to went off to another part of the country to, to check the, the damage from that are as quick. so this was something very typical of his, he was on holidays in that go around the whole area when the plane crashed or fell
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into the lake. 3 people including his daughter or she swimming to shore. but unfortunately, the former president save us down pierre, that was not one of them. and so now it has been officially confirmed that he did indeed parish. very, very sad news for julia. indeed, sir, you were telling me earlier about about the shocks and everyone's feeling that by the end of his 2nd time, there, he was a controversial figure out. how will people be reflecting on his legacy now? no, he was a controversial figure. he was not a once, but twice president, a conservative, the only man from the conservative wing to govern, surely since the end of the dictatorship in 1990. and although the current president voltage was his political f o t and everyone else in this country is indeed not only feeding the shots, but also sadness for his death. and the way that he died because he was as,
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as president forage just said and then addressed to the nation a short while ago, he was a democrat of bubble. there is a of a period, a 3 day period of national morning that's been declared that will be a state funeral to honor a man who was twice president of this country who handles the pandemic very, very well, even according to his to his opponents and who will be remembered as again as a man who did his very best for the country, seeing him in the what the latest for us on that story from chalet? thank you very much, tracy. are all set a goal is national assembly has voted to move this bonds presidential election to december. the 15th temporarily extending mackey south presidential 2nd tab of that decision has pumpkin protests including some inside senate goals, parliament and it goes hot cripple. it's now from the capital stucco. inside
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syndic goals, parliament, opposition and peace are removed by police in riot gear, summer shout, democracy is under attack. as they are pushed out, they had refused to sign a bill to delay the election. it extends the president's time in power security forces using tactics from the streets inside the national assembly against elected members of parliament. the motion to delay the election by 9 months effectively extending the president's mandate is passed nearly unanimously after hours of heated debate. all good, if it was just been voted as unprecedented and synagogues history, it's a constitutional cube because article one of the 3 of the constitution says clearly the mandate of the head of states cannot be extended or revised from the suburbs to the edge of parliament protest are getting louder and coming closer to the presidential palace. the government has restricted mobile internet access. some local media outlets have been taken off their authority,
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say they are stopping the spread of hateful and divisive content rights groups say it's a violation of fundamental rights to presidential candidates are appealing to the constitutional counsel to intervene. the constitutional council has the responsibility to take decisions that were being come to the country and save on ation from the summer period, which is really an insult. to the senegalese people, the police intervene preventing the candidates from talking salt as the elections were canceled because members of that council, which is meant to draw the list of can the dates are suspected of taking bribes. he says the electoral process has lost credibility and the delay will allow time to rebuild trust in the country's institutions. the president says this bill is a way to clean up a democracy in this country. he is now calling for national dialogue,
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and he's hoping that this will qual, anger on the streets. but there is a growing resentment amongst many single these said neil said they had been robbed of the opportunity to have their say on who gets to govern this country. nicholas hawk alger 0. the car on the not a to or a is a full, the prime minister have sent a go. she was arrested at a protest against that election delay on sunday, she since been released. she told down to 0 the decision to postpone the vote as a direct attack on center calls democracy. it's a continuum of, uh, you know, the, the, the way the president my cosign is taking out democracy backwards. i went through the process process that was a peaceful one. i stepped out of my car. i was picked up by the police, are arrested for i was and they let me go with no charges. this is what's going on, you know, throughout the country,
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1000 of the young people out in jail. and they then put in front of a court yesterday, what of the major, a television station i got removed from f and a license has been removed from them. they've been many other off of journalists and it's unheard of. and on the top of it, the country never witnessed a postmodern off of the election presidential election since 1960. so that's the 1st time ever um. so we do have to spend and defend our democracy. i'm receiving society with the trade unions. and the other thing is a president. my concern is putting the stability of the country and deputies according to the constitution. no one can drawn more than 2 consecutive terms. his time is ending, 2nd of april. so what's gonna happen yesterday? the parliament to correct unconstitutional and low as your position. we will
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challenge that in front of the constitution of council because the low is not supposed to be above the constitution. um, so this is the state of our democracy is being addressed to being attacked by president my concern for the all the state, despite the constitution, the same synagogue has been running. the justin fed election for many, many years. that's how he got to part with himself. and microsoft because of the democratic process that he caught up tip now as we speak, um so, um, what do we want to correct as we, as we speak, like a new government and a new president connected to that. let's respect to the constitution. let's make sure that sort of leaves have the opportunity to choose who is going to name them and on the way to fix what went wrong. it's a full me, us court has ruled the former president, donald trump 10 phase trial on charges of closing to overtime. the outcome of the 2020 election. the new, the judges unanimously ruled,
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but he is not immune from prosecution. the drum says that he will appeal. patrick, i'll handle votes from washington. dc. courts have ruled the us. presidents are immune and civil cases for what they didn't office, meaning they can't be sued, but can to be charged with a crime. that's a question that has never been tested now, and appellate court has weighed in and decided unanimously. former president donald trump is not immune and he can be tried for his alleged crimes on january 6th. this after trumps lawyers tried to set a new standard in court, which seemed to baffle the judges of president who ordered still team steps to assassinate a political bible was not impeach. can you be subject to criminal prosecution if he were impeached and conducted 1st? and so your answer is, is a, trump posted the social media a nation destroying, really unlike this cannot be allowed to stand. he has until monday to appeal to the
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us supreme court. many experts think they're likely to hear the case. i think the court would be very likely to find in favor of the government on this. uh, it would be a huge shock to our entire system of government for the supreme court to decide that a former president is above the law at that would be a basically, a former president would be untouchable. trump is clearly hoping that the high court takes this case and takes a long time to rule polls show the majority of voters in key swing state, say they won't vote for him if he's convicted of a crime. and if he doesn't go to trial before the election, any retakes, the presidency, he can have the case thrown out. particle haine, al jazeera washington on pockets done goes to the polls on february, the 8th and fiscal policies that all campaigning on such as to address. rising unemployment and poverty constructs conditions on the learn from the international
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monetary fund of forced cutbacks and subsidies crawl high to travel to the southern send province to find out how poor people they're all creating a collection games and politicians i campaigning for. but that mean misery to these people living in a makeshift church and sure cardboard and bug is gone. stevenson robin there among the thousands of families displayed by major flag extra large one 3rd of the country in 2022. 12. um got a lot of yes. we are very poor, we live out in the open in this cold winter. we lost everything in the floods, all our belongings, livestock and even our homes were swept away. the politicians, the landlords come here for, for the sessions, but not one of them has helped us nearby mother gaines to a newborn baby hoping you will make it to the rain. most of the children head don't
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have warm clothes and many are sick. so but uh, both the look at these kids, what can i do for them? i have nothing to offer except to cook girls for them so that they can eat. we all are starving and ready to work on living for our families. but even all men can find jobs and it's hard to survive. a young man and his wife, yours works left of their really and a little they were able to saddle ridge, often stuff like that to go by. yeah. they live in a games with the whole family or 5 people are going to get there to warm on the cold winter night. august on the 5th most popular country prices of food are spiraling. and many essentially commodities are out of reach. for millions of people. the word bank says 40 percent of focused on either living below the poverty line and the country, the main one,
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the better naturally to adjust the government's defense spending to address that go to detracts from if eastern border within india and it's for instance on get rid of run it's done also means there's literally left to allocate or development and alleviating fall would be the model i that i just need. uh, sure, cardboard fin province focused on post to the head here on the 01. yeah. often devastating as quakes hit to key a in syria. tucker's protest is blame me compliments and not doing enough to rebuild the the i had lie that astray has suffered. it's the hottest january on record and that heat has followed us into the new month temperatures. however,
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are sitting rather low across the southeast corner. it was way to here over the weekend, but the remnants of that tropical fica and have now pulled out to see instead what a legacy of showers continuing parts of new south wales into queensland and more intense thunderstorms, dominating across the very north of a stray. the much dryer across the southern parts and into the westward is a story of heat. once again, we're going to see those figures continue to rise in places like pets will be up to 39 degrees celsius the on thursday. now in contrast to this, the numbers will be going down across the south island in new zealand. christ church coming down over the next few days. what's the weather running its way from the south to the north, but the north island remaining large be fine, and dry on thursday. such a degree celsius that in guys been so pleasant. weather with the temperature well above the average. and temperatures have been sitting around the high of course pots of indo china, in particular for thailand barely a drop of rain in the sky. that lots of heat continuing such speed degrees in
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bangkok, there on wednesday, much west to across indonesia. the latest news as it breaks, people are here from the facts that are also a target. it's happening is 20. 24 with detailed coverage is really forces continue their intense bombing around lost their hospital in san eunice from the hall to the story. doesn't have been arrested interrogation put into the presence of given some nation on family members the stairs from i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type them
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a new app from audi 0 nice at using. is it the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching out a 0 uninstall via tate and that's remind you about top stories cancel. it says someone else has given a positive response to a proposal for deal with israel and follows a meeting between the kinds of fun, minnesota and the us secretary of state on sampling can choose been in our house. he's now set to discuss the reply with israel when he visits on wednesday. mean,
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rather, israel has been continuing its attacks across casa stripes, on residential areas in the center, and sounds of stress. and they're all on ambulances. they've been rushing injured people, some of the warehouse sheltering displaced palestinians for today's school in the presence of us students and jada has died in a helicopter crash in the region of level encore. and yet it was reported the pilot thing, the croft, when the crash happened. 3 of the people in the, the students of brown university in the united states have gone on a hunger strike and solidarity with palestine. we will hunger strike until these demands are matched in for the group of students including palestinian jewish indigenous and black students have not been on strikes since friday. they're demanding that the university breaks, ties with companies that profit from the human rights abuses and palestine on the
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on to nicole is one of those on hunger strike. and she told me that she's witnessed widespread solidarity for the course at the university were asking the corporation to verbally say that there is a genocide going on right now. and they are, we have a very in depth report about how they are investing. and companies that are helping ab is really occupation. so in addition to up in manufacturers like tech, strong, but they're investing. and we're also asking them to broadly look at other things that are destroying infrastructure right now. and co sign destroying other kind of like the, the base that is being built there right now. and it's helping 8 is really occupational . so problem is we're asking and to recognize that and here are call for divestment as one of the hunger strikers. i have experience, nothing but solidarity and appreciation for everything that has been happening on this concept campus. as of late to we've been seeing. like i said, these last crowds gathering, i'm feeling fatigued and dizzy, and only starting to feel kind of what the effects of this hunger are doing. and i've been able to really be fueled by the people that are continuing to show up and
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support and advocate for our cause. and i think we're all sitting here together. imagining what others and pulsing are going through and kind of letting that ground us and few of us moving forward. how tall harold, and how long shall i used to make kites and fly them outside his home? attacks by these really ami forced his family to move to a refugee camp, but he's still trying to continue his hobby. this is a story that is one of the the get bashed be on the bottom of yeah. i'm as much as the commission model of my shift so i don't know that the these 2 are the shipments going on with that as a shop with my but i yeah, the last lab the i'm going to go up the money. i put it in the search my mother says to call me because. 7 again,
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i got the dental like i got enough good. my name is shad. i'm really better man responding all the shows. wish that i'm a cup because of the lead you by you. so when are you? i tell you, i think these are the she's in the lab seo don't want to pleasant mean shannon also joanna joanna, joanna, did you want to go to see the be given there to sign the lease to or the us plan, but that's gonna play out of our model yes, we're done show. i'm right, and i'm just gonna provide just the, just a give them an i need to know when a toilet and what that condition was finding that the function of the phone and the
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by the way of butter budget. that's a lot of money to get that she'll she'll get off. she'll get the last one, but the show a leg or bottom, a leg the tequila and syria on locking one year since as creek still nearly 60000 people and tired of towns and pots of cities were leveled with countless people traps that under the rubble for days. magnitude 7.7 of quick struck me of the southern tucker's province of cut them on. let us just off to 4 am on the 6th of february 2023. less than 20 minutes phase of magnitude $6.00 time a hits nic. isaiah and tab and then that afternoon, a 3rd grade kid kind of a lot of again, this time and the north of the province. these as quakes affected an area of a 120000 square kilometers,
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including parts of northern syria. at least 59000 people were killed and more than 807000 injured. around 14000000 people across to key and syria were affected. right. now i hear wrong. many people are still angry over the government's response to the quakes. thousands gathered and purchased in the country southern province of hats. i so cool say that schools of lives could have been saved if building regulations had been observed and many said that government promises to rebuild, since they haven't been fulfilled. and this will remove it goes, well mother saw this, it has, they've been any progress. it has be no progress. it's just demolition. they demolish. you take the on from the rubble, that'd be throwed the debris where ever they see it empty and then they leave without the municipality. i can find a solution to. this does not tell us, there is no work going on here yet. target hope most of the rubble has now been faded away, but we building is still slow and estimated. 3000000 people were displaced off to
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the quakes. southern cost, the only who has one hour from high 51 of the west to terry is in the middle of pop type central district on talk. yeah. local optic traders. second, the finds the old stuff living in a go city after losses. catastrophic earthquakes that killed nearly 55000 people. despite the scale of the destruction, he vows to stay put in the city, which sfreddo is one of the world's most active full lines and has risen like a phoenix from similar disasters over the centuries. lots of those tickets because we didn't want to leave our land as a cult, dependent back then on the my store like to are on, there was chaos. the people who are running away there was looting and stuffed. then i said, i'm not leaving the medical that i'm here and received the response from other shop owners. outside is a historical city. talk between the mediterranean sea and 2 kids border what state
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area. it is also one of 2 kids most rare logistical diverse places. on the, on the 1st anniversary of the earthquake prayers were held to commemorate the victims. families for the santa trees, where they loved ones are buried in a scan, doing a soup kitchen run by thousands of volunteers since the beginning of the disaster delivered to locals living in container city where women tried to cope with a trauma to learning, to additional hand crafts with discourses, uh they are contributing to the family economy by selling to their equest system. and also this is a healing care for old in every sense is to move on the feel school the children feel school, their husband feels good for these women. moving to a permanent place could be the biggest motivation to pick up their life from where they left outside of city center looks like
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a giant construction site. even the buildings that are standing are empty. but we have seen some small businesses reopen and containers that are use us shelters in temporary camps. the government has gradually started delivering punched houses while locals, who remain here say they're hopeful of better days. ahead see non custodial al to 0 hotel. i took care of a neighboring syria, a country already ravaged by civil war. most of the casualties were in opposition. how there is the un says, at least $6000.00 syrians were killed in the quakes. the cities of a level and it led what among the hardest hit in a region already severely damaged over the years of conflict and little month. uh so what about the challenges in the area? the area became really poor. we barely got our daily food and we run around all day looking for our livelihood. jan doris became afflicted off the vs. quite cool. they'll know jobs. yeah, no education, nothing at all. no, i see that. i spoke to joe english, he's
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a communications specialist with unicef. he says that support is urgently needed for the family is affected by those quakes and took in syria. and there are many families who are still sleeping outside because the kids are too terrified. still catching night terrors at the idea of sleeping inside. and so this is not a short term response. this is something which needs to continue on for that to happen. we need funding under un is appeal for syria. last year was passed and 7 percent funded. and so that means we have to look at the needs and not just the need in terms of like a so i shall be in terms of defining safe drinking water, providing food, providing shelter, education. we have to look at that and say we can only meet needed thoughts and that is an impossible decision to make and families in syria and didn't talk yet because of so much more. all i hear on hundreds of people into k, i also still missing. here's the story of one mother who is never given up hope of
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finding her son or the boston ma glitch. inhibition the you hope the scandal and all 3 of them all just about thoughts on you to be smooth. besides, simply look, didn't look long corporations of will not be buckled, them sort of the union and they stuck with florida. the both of them will turn to be non, i'm just this in a you could told them clear you call to them because you called if you want me to not only have somebody else because i replied, if you will prove it to support your part. uh well, you should see that you could just see it on the big news of mine who, by young musicians for to be dies, photo lashed to be part of the letter. pilots may have actually into little to audible thought chicago data. the cartridge should not be the sort of archive them get on the, on the other. but you mean that it's going to i'm stuff. so it gives you more into order. is tell us to lot how it has to be not done. it could be not on the
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terms that it didn't get to you has done it or not. is it done? which one did it take you again? it was a small model sabbatical task folder. if you choose to keep with me, let me just make it to michel missing. to see us. it is to be online and ms. arnik let them fit to cover learning appointments allows john to be $450.00 signal ma mazda and belinda. yes i'm, i want you to know what we've actually done the, the concern is growing in democratic republic of congo of the m 23 rebels and suckled the strategic town of soc a in the east of the country. the companies on me and you and peacekeepers have been struggling to contain the groups in advance on government. most curious provincial capital, michael, apple reports, young and old. carry all they can fighting between congolese soldiers and m. 23 rebels and the east of the country is pushing people like this. another 5 into the town of soccer. she was driven out of the village of shop shop,
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captured by rebels just days ago. to see that it was very difficult for us to stay in the village rebels arrives and there was heavy fighting between the rebels and the army we've been has since monday, without food, money or anything. the only way for us to survive is to know bags of food in the streets. many sit too scared to try and leave the town. that's already in circle. soc is one of the last towns before goma north keepers capital and capturing it would deal a logistical blow to come to the soldiers. it was last taken by the rebel group. in november 2012, thousands of un peacekeepers watched on as m. 23 fighters took control of the city from the army, both fun, say, sheltering and a school in socket. thankful he and his family could make it out of his neighboring village in life. we left her home without any possibility of carrying any thing
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with us. m. 23 rebels were shooting and people. it was very difficult for us to march on the road under a hail of bullets before reaching here with my family. while the un peacekeeping presence in the country is being phased out, over the course of this year, the under secretary for peace operation says there closely monitoring the situation . the degree that's also our attention at the un is on what's happening now in the north q province, mainly in goma. we are determined to increase our work. we are in discussion with local military officials on a joint and coordinated response. this resurgence of m 23 rebels is estimated to have displaced more than a 1000000 people from their homes. with no end to the fighting insights. mike level l g 010 months sizing and through dawn has caused prices to sol. the rate of inflation, which was already around 80 percent before the conflict started,
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is expected to double this. you have a 1000000 reports now from on demand a member. how much has come here to shop for years living in the man incidents capital, heart of tomb. she normally can find to most of what she needs here, but for months she hasn't been able to afford food for now. yeah, i also started with the guys. there was an increase every month. the prices of meat, poultry, vegetables all have become very expensive since the war began. the costs are too high because our income is limited and there are no salaries while used to be enough for us to sustain ourselves in a day. now we need to double that markets prices have been increasing since the start of the war between the army and the parent military rapids support forces. last april, the u. n says the cost of an average basket of food has increased by 88 percent since the conflict began traitors the one of the reasons behind the price rises is
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difficulties in getting good spokesmen. at some things we have a or impulse. it has been an increase in the price of foreign currency. so the cost of food commodities has also increased. and especially because we also have to add a small profit margin. so customers that come in by less and less because that money hasn't increased in value or amount. the world bank forecast inflation to reach 9160 percent this year. the value of this is denise bounce. currency has sunk . fuel costs have increased to the ongoing fighting and destruction of factories means that goods now take longer to make it to market by the 70. i'd be careful, they all made sense, but now come from one state. when in the positive came from another, they'll also others. that fact the owners had to relocate. so they include the cost of relocation on the price of made sense. with the conflicts showing no sign of ending prices are expected to rise even further. with more so the needs figuring they'll be unable to afford their basic needs. hey, but morgan,
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i'll just narrow her to them. a hostile ahead on al jazeera rising cost to strive european farms to the streets and protest as they demand a more support from politician. the a rural expense on the southern tip of the korean peninsula is a testing ground for public transport of the future. this is a mock very important the gateway to electric flying. taxis division is an automated aerial public transport system, connected by a network of vertical and ducking ports on rooftops high above the congested roads . below. what you see behind me is the o. have the option that we piloted personnel air vehicles, south korea's answer to the air attack. it's 1st public test flight marks, a mountain of source for the country. that's gaming to launch the flying taxi's as early as
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a year 2025. the us is always of inside 50 for the world. people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back phone is across europe, a protesting against following sale prices. cheap for an info, it's an environmental regulations. european union has propose to scrap pools on pesticides as a concession. so the agriculture sector from the get go reports, a tire and fuel re from european palm is no sign yet to an end to that and go towards their respective governments and the
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european union across the continent. from slovakia to spain, there is the point of happiness with the rising cost plans to implement green policies. i'm states that the market will be flooded with cheap imports from ukraine of to the u waived quotas and duties. when it's products of to russia's invasion. we're demonstrating against europe against the common echo cultural policy, the bureaucracy and the countries of the placing products inside the country. without health controls, we just can't compete with them. it's tom is across europe have been shouldering the burden of rising cost of energy, fertilizer and transport added to that. governments have been trying to reduce prices for consumers as inflation continues to affect your p in economies. in strasburg, well, farm is protested outside the european parliament. the climate commission has
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stated his case for the block to stick with slashing greenhouse gas emissions. we are recommending that the 24th of it should be a 90 percent cost in emissions. so why we're making this recommendation now? well, at the risk of repeating myself, because the case for climate action is beyond bots and requires planning into here and then not the words that are likely to find the sympathetic care among farm is facing debts and of the price precious. and with the new e u y, treating with south american countries to import will, brazilian and argentinian beef. many questioned the environmental impact of such policies and the financial effects. so any vehicle i'll just say around high reasons of non celebrations, marketing, new zealand national day. the holiday known as white tanya day is the anniversary of the treaty signed between the murray chiefs and representatives of the british
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crown. a 184 years ago. adrian brown, the poets from wellington. no protest has long been paused, become memorization of national day. but the youngest mole he to this year, this demonstrates his voice federal position to government plans. they say it's written mari living stands, it's and rights rights guaranteed in the countries founding document. significantly, many of the protest is with non mari. so i think that the government is probably quite surprised was how it, how we're coming to give this a stand and response. and so it would be very interesting to see how they respond to say, everyone showing up here and around the country. why tony is the best place of making using the traditional memory welcome or how to deal of it with renewed spirit and pride this year?
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the proposals to scrap some affirmative action policies of galvanized memory, people especially on these hello treaty grounds. this was christopher lockson's 1st visit to why tanya use prime minister capital to show respect is government's proposals have unsettled many. he says the country needs policies based on need, not rings. all kinds of thinking would be challenged and it'd be a range of views around the table around around the conversation, which there was um that's to be expected. and yeah, so it was, yeah, pretty much as i expected. many mallory people see that culture is under attack, especially the plan to review the founding treaties, principles and could tail the use of the mri language. what is it to do to invest in the as soon as the country is not moving, either say this gathering is the biggest and at least that he is traditionally, while i tell you, days,
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also an occasion for discussion and debate. one of the few times that countries political leaders held accountable to marine adrian brown, elder 0, willing to south korea's unification. ministry has unveiled a previously classified report, detailing the reality of social economic conditions in north korea. and the document is based on surveys conducted with over 6000 north green defective units. kim has moved from sol and his new year policy address last month. north korea's liter shocked many by declaring south korea would no longer be regarded as a kid. but as its primary foreign enemy to be subjugated in the outbreak of war, leaders of the think tanks of either of occasion minister in sol say the outrage of stance reflects an embattled in john hood weighed by pressures at home and that it should only make so more resolute to reunify with its neighbors. i says that north korea's internal situation is quite serious, north korea and see how well they fellow korean south of the border or living and
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question why they have to live in such a poor conditions. so the north korean state is resorting to a very extreme solution by making it citizens, except that the south is no longer a part of the same people. but an enemy that must be destroyed in recent years come down, has passed laws to discourage young people from consuming smuggled. south korean content, those accused to be in violation are publicly punished. some even face the death sentence. this newly declassified analysis of surveys conducted during a 10 year period found that 83 percent of north koreans who flood during the periods of 20162020, admitted to watching external contents such as south korean television dramas, compared to just 8 percent of those who defected? prior to the year, 2000 north korea's food rationing system is believed to be near collapse despite
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state media airing, bountiful harvest, 7 out of 10 people who left north korea between 201620. 20 said they never received state rations about have said they've not been paid for their official work. critically also on a rising trend is dissatisfaction with the north hereditary succession. the report said 56 percent were unhappy with the board interval system more north koreans believe it should be scrapped, then kept the union so people government has decided to declassify. and this report in the belief that our citizens should be accurately informed about the new realities of north korea. by releasing the testimonies of people who fled the secret of state officials here hoped to put the focus on the rights of north koreans who they say are often ignored in the global coverage of kung on fast
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moving weapons development units. kim alda 0. so a while that's it for me in the style z a t. remember, you can also get more out a 0. don't com, cherry johnston will be in the chat next for you with all the latest to stay with me. say operating current safety religion was the fee that you might be left behind. delving into the dockside to reveal how tuesday calls and still fear to exploit and manipulate to journey a powerful force featuring 1st time testimonies from those with skate their narratives and the lessons that should be here. the right person in charge of an insane script. the script becomes believable. a false ellipse made the end of fear on a jersey coveted beyond well taken without hesitation. fulton died for power that finds out well. we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and
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the people in power, investigate explosives and questions. they use them to be of our around that one out there in the history of refuge account, south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees as my hon. mishaps husband, fet, previously spent a year in administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. connected to the cubic feet of the night. we suffered less because of the administrative detention. it would have been easier if he was sentence. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence. walk down any valley here, turn any corner, and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge. according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 promised indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years.
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surround the by walls full of photos, the showcase. happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. the cutoff says how mass has responded positively to the framework for an agreement on the concept us secretary of state and to the blinking. so i see, we'll discuss it with these wrap the periods, all mrs. down to sarah locked in. so so coming up the while diplomacy continues


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