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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the council says how mass has responded positively to as opposed to the concept us secretary of state and to the big concerns he will discuss it with his round the carry johnston. this is all just a real life from the also coming up, the series of asked strikes, gets
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a wrestler in southern johnson and to almost 2000000 displays, palestinians acute tongue during the gauze. this trip with more than half a 1000000 people are facing most of the news. the news today is a former president specified in the air and has been killed in a helicopter crash. the got to us, the prime minister says, how mass has given a positive response to proposal for deal with this? well, it came as he met the us secretary, stating doha. obviously, blinking is on yet another toward the middle east saying he wants to break in during end to the war. israel says it's starting the response. i shouldn't hope our begins are coverage. i'm sorry, it's been a week that time us received a proposal. cuts off a key immediate to hopes could lead to a new deal that to be in the morning cause
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a freeze riley captive an allowable aid into the strip cut off 5 minutes a minute. so far enough, as is confident, an agreement is within reach. instead, i'm the we have received a reply from us on the general framework of the agreement regarding the captive is the reply includes some comments, but in general it is positive. however, so given the sensitivity of the issue, we will not go into detail. we would you be optimistic and we have delivered the response to these random parts are talking about see if us secretary of state and tended blinking remains cautious. who we have to convince these vide, is to accept how about us as terms of the us official refrain from talking about to cease by referring instead to oppose. we're also determined to use any paused to continue to pay the diplomatic path forward to
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a just and lasting peace and security for the region. that is the best way the best way to ensure that october 7th, and the tragic loss of life by israelis and palestinians is not repeated. hum us which controls garza says, it has responded positively to the negotiate to cut an egypt. but they insist that the must result in a permanency is by a to the proposal for the possible agreement was presented to the leader of how about his political bureau despite honey i know, huh. but he's the groups lead to think us uh yeah, yes. in law, along with the assembly gates command, him a base for how the ultimate say over any possible deal. by pushing for an agreement on guys the, the us officials keeping the eyes on the board. the goal convincing sandy ravia,
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the most powerful country in the region to establish ties with is well the crap hands reiterated saudi arabia, a strong interest in pursuing that. but he also made clear what he had said to me before, which is that in order to do that, 2 things are required. an end of the conflict in gaza and a clear credible the time bound past to the establishment of a palestinian state. many remain skeptical the jews, the us of siding with these, well iran and these lies hold. if the warning does that continues the middle east with the model by instability hushing by about under 0 in central god. so it is rarely a truck has targeted a warehouse housing. it displays palestinians. well, these are pictures from some of the street and the opening on the warehouse is located ambulances,
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and the rescue crews of rushed to the sea to try and retrieve the wounds you can transport them to nearby our excell hospital. and in the south is rarely forces have been targeting the city of rafa with a series of strikes very to 1000000 how to students are in that area on the board with egypt. in the past few hours, ambulances have been rushing injured people to the right to hospital in the goal. is that correct? as it is in reference to southern guns, that was more on the latest strikes that but been seeing more attacks on roughly this time on the western side, especially in tell us what's on neighborhood where a residential building had been completely destroyed were to palestinians have been killed in that strike and the number of the family members and that the house that had been destroyed has been ended up being taken to a quite to hospital here to receive medical treatment. we have been seeing that in
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the majority of the injured we young children, um its unrealistic, also 2nd of destruction continued on the, on the eastern part of rough or where a lot of strikes that they had been target said the eastern areas that are adjacent to the board, as with egypt and the situation was, was found to be critical for the middle coordinates of the territory and especially on bear with bela town where the east, by the forces had targeted our residential buildings and alongside with a warehouse for palestinian evacuated, have been taking and taking refuge in where a number of policy is, have their reports of aged being transported to ok. so hospital for medical treatment for yes, the is valley surveillance of drones keep flying over this car roof our district and very low altitude. and it's ongoing intelligence efforts to find targets on the ground to be eliminated. the threats of starvation has reached critical levels in
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gaza and funding enough food has become vital to survival. policy may cause you and representatives and civil society activities have been gathering and don't catch up . to discuss the ways of guaranteeing access to food for people in gaza. and around the world image and kimberly reports a nearly the entire population of goza. that's 2300000 people is imminent risk of funding dispos. guess when a to pay is people are desperate to get their hands on it. while the food is available is not very expensive, with 500000 people already facing extreme hunger as a result of the destruction of ford systems due to the siege. on average, only 30 trucks are allowed in daily to gaza compared to $500.00 at pre war levels. the stove ation is a weapon of war is bond on the international humanitarian law. it's considered a war crime and
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a crime against humanity to deny food. the means of the existence of the means of subsistence to a people or to any uh, identifiable group on the basis of discrimination. this is what's happening in this conference and don't it's focused on global food justice, simply people's right to access fee. so with complex systematic fun and i think the biggest schools of hunger in the world, the world goes on, is at the top of the agenda. well, the restriction control of food in garza didn't begin on the 7th of october with this recent will cause a has been on the blockade since 2007 with israel controlling what goes in and out . the categories of, of the community had been calculated and fascinated into quantities of food and basic stuff. and this was thursday for the close. is that what i looked at as a and these types of food restrictions, when lighting no end, when this will result even goes a did have an agricultural sector,
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but the damage from these really bombardment last a long time. it will need maybe a few years to, to check on the saw you on the it remains for different types of i'm going to she and that was, and maybe some lines. and it depends also on how much freedom that goes on and will have access to the media to the indian. because the fishing is, is one of the most important sources of what security for dozens. historically, starvation is knowledge the mind made problem and that full urgently needs non made solutions to store people going of hunger and goal. so the only solution is an end to these ready bombardment, imaging kinda out 0, the ha, a lot. early off food supply severely limited in garza, but there is almost no access to clean water houses. there is on us also reports not from northern gauze that when the immense challenges,
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palestinians face trying to find any want to, to less than the goals, but it's still reeling under the roof versus riley bump up decades long. see, all crises continue to unfold across the street, particularly in the know at daybreak. people venture out hoping to find something more to know for sure. these really occupation forces have read the destruction. i don't need to residential areas, hospitals, schools and places of worship. ones are they own, but also to the water supply network um, and even on the ground. well, as with the selling nation plants, roles they targeted and destroyed from the hours children, as you can see around on the streets, searching for water, that'd be scam. and finally, we find some of that coming from under the debt free of this ruined residential building. people line up here for hours just to get some more the line as you to go to the my you. i came from faraway to get water for my children. can we found a well under this trouble, it's very difficult to find water and when we get up at about 5 in the morning and start our mission, i mean,
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we're appealing to the world to enable us to receive food and water. and i the minute. yeah, we as to whether or not so that's not that. so it is a tragedy. well, the misery, our children are starving to death. we can't even give them a piece of bread children, a sick they've contract of diseases. the lack of water is another dilemma. and then up to another i'm, she said that are carried over john and i would almost 3 kilometers every day to get some clean. what, uh, what add insult to injury is that we all starving or my, this water isn't fit for human consumption with the cut. we have no other choice or the media and the moment or so to her look. and then as you know they, i came and found one queue all the way to the end of the road. opened a returned empty handed to make sure it gets some water. i must get up before sunrise load and then conduct a hack. this is the situation and the know if the because a straight as the total absence of clean was telling me,
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well what do you see here is not drink or say for human consumption. palestinians are left between a rock and a hard place. as these radio patient forces have destroyed causes infrastructure, including the underground wells and the celebration. finally, even those who manage to find some water. now faced the long journey back. and it's a chevy, is josie. all shamella has. it's not a nation's releasing works agency for palestine. refugees is the biggest provider of humanitarian aid into the gaza strip, but it's now facing an uncertain future off to. and then if it's the biggest international don't, is suspended the funding last month. less off to solve its workers in garza, but accused by is one of the involved in a tax on its temperature. on october 7th, when he was a global director of communications, juliet fema says on this, the funding phrase is reversed. the agencies collapse is imminent. the
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organization is likely to come to an end to endorse the rest of the region and the february or beginning of march. unless the suspend of the founding weight is in the funding or if we get funding. so they're doing us an increase in, in funding. but so far, end of february, beginning of march including jobs, i went to 1000000 to rely on for their share surviving. so some of the beginning of the or bringing in human and terry and supplies has been come for some alteration and a huge challenge. not only for on ground, but for other humanitarian organizations, you see before a divorce type, the calls are received on the average 500 trucks every day in the days since the war started. and it's been 4 months in the days we come even close to that number, the highest we have was $300.00. and that was only during the short lived
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discriminatory info. so much more humanitarian supplies need to come in. and also come most of supplies. so that the market and all that which is almost nonexistent, ma'am, can stand back on it's feet that human to turn ration and also just let by on ro cannot do it on his own. it is rarely forces. i once again coming out several raids . acosta occupies westbank with vehicles have been filmed streaming into, to colorado, which has become a flash point city. and a nicely incursions by that is very military. more than 380 products students have been killed in the occupied westbank since the war on dallas that began to reinstate me. there was reporting on his very attack within the country. lodge explosions have been seen in the city of homes, or a number of people have reported they've been killed. state made, it also says some is very mix salsa, intercepted over the city. since october 7th,
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this row has stepped off. it strikes on rounding targets within syria. so the head on out is there another setback? performer us present? donald trump, as a court was he's not from prosecution on should a, around some security in the area escaped by wild spies reports. that's awesome. it tends to not nuance, the hello. there is a very quiet weather story across south asia at the moment. but if we look at the previous satellite image, you can see that area of dense cloud pulling its way from west to east, across the north of the region. and that's bringing some showers into northern parts of pakistan into india as well, but they dry up through the mid week. heavy rain can be found towards the north east, but nothing of note. instead,
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we'll see some smug issues possibly for issues as well. come back in to the north east as we go into thursday, but largely settled story, but cold across northern areas of india for places like new delhi. very chilly overnight and into the mornings. but lots of sunshine by day old way, down to the south with betty. any rain for southern parts of india, the mold is, as well as sher lanka. and it's a similar story with mold in areas of east asia, lots of sunshine, dominating to beijing. we'll see temperatures pick up here over the next few days. instead, we've got more rain on wintery weather across central parts of china. i see conditions for who they problems that, that rain picking up across the cell. ahead of that, if your shows and wintery flurries for japan, but an improving picture here. and as that rain pulls its way into taiwan, will see things cool down in taipei for trial on friday, on the
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low kneels rain forests or some of the world's oldest. but they are no match for the deputy fires that increasingly with through them in the face of man made deforestation. an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on just the you know, the book it back to remind to about the top stories this task says her masters give her the positive response to a proposal for deal with this route. it follows
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a meeting between count times a prime minister in the us, secretary of state, and lincoln, who's been in the search discussed of if somebody with israel on wednesday as well as husband continue. we had some types of cross concepts with strikes on residential areas and the sentence sounds with district that often i'm in and since i've been rushing into people's a hospital off to warehouse sheltering, displaced kind of sticks with kids students. so for brown university in the us have gone on hunger strike and so on a diety with palestinians until these demands are match info for the group, including the pedestal unit, jewish indigenous and black students. again, their actual from the day that they're mounting, the university break times with the companies that profit from human rights abuses in palestine. antennae. paul is one of those on hunger strike. she says she's
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witnessed widespread solidarity for that quote was at the university. were asking the corporation to verbally say that there is a genocide going on right now and they are, we have a very in depth report about how they are investing in companies that are helping ab is really occupation. so in addition to up in manufacturers like tech, strong, but they're investing, and we're also asking them to broadly look at other things that are destroying infrastructure right now and tell us sign destroying other kind of like the base that is being built there right now. and it's helping 8 is really occupational. so problem is we're asking him to recognize that and here are call for divestment. as one of the hungry strikers, i have experience nothing but solidarity and appreciation for everything that has been happening on this concept campus as of late. so we've been seeing, like i said, these last crowds gathering. i'm feeling fatigued and dizzy, and only starting to feel kind of what the effects of this hunger are doing. and i've been able to really be fueled by the people that are continuing to show up and support and advocate for our cause. and i think we're all sitting here together,
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imagining what others and how soon are going through and kind of letting that ground us and fuel us moving forward. the other news today is a former president sebastian for the air has died in a helicopter crash. national dissolves to agency confirm that the crash occurred and the southern it should in town, the local run code. and the error was reportedly pond it across from the crash happened. 3 other people were injured, the adult deposit, she's a political scientist, an associate professor at the university of santiago. he's been looking back up and yeah, it was time in office. she had this way of governing that was different from a regular politicians. and that was definitely well received in some periods of case, but ministrations. but uh, both the ministrations ended with very low approval rate. and i think that had to
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do with his inability to reach um for example, uh to reach agreements. not just with the opposition, but also with uh, some uh, key actors in the center. right. and the right. so he, he had this way of, of governing there was very, i can to the way of seo man and just company. and that was part of his appeal and the, and that's like, that is part of the reason he was not elected once but twice. but that also had his, uh, its shortcomings. she was actually very, very active until the end. and some people were saying and, and she was certainly suggesting that she might have been a presidential candidate portal and she will know that you want it to be present or for the 3rd time. so i think she wasn't completely satisfied with everything. he said he had a t p wanted to achieve more so tier and syria have been mocking one year since us
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quakes killed nearly $60000.00 people. it's okay. yeah, most of the rubble has been cleared away, but rebuilding has been slight, an estimated 3000000 people were display stuff. the last is of quakes. so them custodian has more from high type province. one of the westgate areas in the middle of halts central district on talk. yeah. local optic traders 2nd the far is the old stuff living and that goes to city after losses. catastrophic earthquakes that killed me on the 55000 people. despite the scale of the destruction, he vows to stay put in the city, which sfreddo is one of the world's most active full lines and has risen like a phoenix from similar disasters over the centuries. we'll talk about the types of things that we didn't want to leave our land as a cult, dependent victim on the my store like to are on, there was chaos that people are running away. there was looting and theft. then i said, i'm not leaving that. i made
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a call that i'm here and received the response from other shop owners. outside is a historical city. talk between the mediterranean sea and 2 kids border. what state area. it is also off too, cuz most really just the diverse places. on the, on the 1st anniversary of the earthquake prayers were held to commemorate the victims, families for the cemeteries where the loved ones are buried. a, in a scandal, a soup kitchen run by thousands of volunteers since the beginning of the disaster delivered to locals living in container cities where women try to cope with a trauma to learning, to additional hand. crafts with discourses. uh, they are contributing to the family economy by selling to their equest system. and also this is a huge think is for old in every sense is to move on to feel schools. the children feel school, their husband feels good for these women. moving to
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a permanent place could be the biggest motivation to pick up their life from where they left outside of cities center looks like a joint construction site. even the buildings that are standing are empty. but we have seen some small businesses reopened and containers that are use us shelters in temporary camps. the government has gradually started delivering fledged houses, why locals, who remain here say they are hopeful of better days, had seen after solo l to zebra. hawkeye took care petitions in ukraine have been considering new registration to increase the rank so it's only as a full scale war with russian approaches. it's seconds out of history. new measures would include lowering the draft age and forcing young men left the country to register a possible cold up public private reports now from keith with his country and a deadlock war and the need of recruits 55 year old to be kyla has decided to put
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on a uniform and pick up a gun. another as well. the time has come. they need to end these. the young people don't fully understand the times it'll come to. he's joining the, as of volunteers, a unit known for its far right view, sent out for nationalism that says it has no problem. attracting new recruits, we need to communicate with people not to intimidate them. everyone would have to fight sooner or later. so there has to be a, these are for her, but nationally, ukraine seems to be suffering will fatigue when the full scale war broke out, tens of thousands of men equally volunteered to fight. but 2 years on with the growing realization that it won't be over any time soon, that in few z as them has faded, many of those 1st volunteers still on the front lines are simply exhausted. legislation is being debated, it would reportedly swelled the ranks of the military by up to half a 1000000,
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but that would still mean so just saving now not being discharged for 3 years. and many families who regularly hold street protests believes that some fact we want the mobile ization after 18 months of there's some of us who carry the burden of this war. well, there are others here at home. we're getting used to the war and ignoring it with russia still managing to find ways of new recruits, but it's the salts. there's a growing feeling from these protestors that husbands and sons will be lucky to make it home again. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. keith, in the us call, it says rule that full of precedent. donald trump is not immune from prosecution. routing time during the hearing of a case relating to the thought of a ton of 2020 election results. plastic oh, hang reports, courts have ruled the us. presidents are immune in civil cases for what they didn't
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office, meaning they can't be sued, but can to be charged with a crime. that's a question that has never been tested now, and appellate court has weighed in and decided unanimously. former president donald trump is not immune and he can be tried for his alleged crimes on january 6th. this after trump's lawyers tried to set a new standard in court, which seemed to baffle the judges, could have the president to ordered still, team steps to assassinate a political bible was not impeach, can be subject to criminal prosecution if he were impeached and conducted 1st, as a theory ups or is it a trump posted to social media, a nation destroying really unlike this cannot be allowed to stand. he has until monday to appeal to the us supreme court. many experts think they're likely to hear the case. i think the court would be very likely to find in favor of the government on this. it would be
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a huge shock to our entire system of government for the supreme court to decide that a former president is above the law at that would be basically a former president would be untouchable. trump is clearly hoping that the high court takes this case and takes a long time to rule. hold show the majority of voters in key swing state, say they won't vote for him if he's convicted of a crime. and if it doesn't go to trial before the election, any retakes, the presidency, he can have the case thrown out. particle haine al jazeera, washington or jerry in the us state of michigan has convicted that women of months little to, for buying us on a gun. that he then use in a school shooting sort of a company became the 1st parent in the us to go on trial for school. shooting carried out by the child husband to face his own to try them and still to charges. in much the incident in 2021 resulted in the depths of 4 students. the shooter who was 15 at the time is now serving
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a life sentence. us investigate to say for missing bolts on a door panel with a blame for a blow out and a boeing of $77.00 mex alaska airlines flight last month. the us national transportation safety boards. new report says the boats were removed to fix damage down to the door panel during the manufacturing process, an emergency crews into they are searching for hundreds of people who remain missing the following severe wildfires. at least 131 people have died in the fires, which were founded by winds and joint conditions, precedents, gabrielle bar, it says security is being increased off the reports of us and this attempting to like you 5. well actually, america and a to see and human reports from the region of output i so visiting a rural community ravaged by wild fires. julian president
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w bought each console residence promising aid to thousands of affected families. he also addressed fears of austin, need reports of people trying to deliberately night new fires missing. know about a go up a wound up. we were going to the co no. for each country, at least, who would be in direct contact with the may or should i have to tell them exactly which area need special petroleum and thinking. we know that improving a sense of security is very necessary to prevent uncivilized behavior miserable people. residents here say they're still in danger. after surviving last weekends wildfire trick document, but it's broke up. last night we discovered a tree trunk on fire. it didn't catch on fire by it said the top in dry twins whose train drivers, gracie, and roaming the entrance after curfew. navy special forces are being deployed on land and there on the lookout for arsonist, who is suspected of having started a wildfire last friday, destroyed entire neighborhoods. there's still
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a lot of questions as to how and why the worst natural disaster in chile since the 2010 earthquake to place the government as asking the european union for assistance


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