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tv   Mindset Denmark Jamaica  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 5:30am-6:01am AST

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to thousands of affected families, he also addressed fears of our son made reports of people trying to deliver the night new fires up missing. nobody got up and wound up. we had only to the current, no, for each country unless who'd be in direct contact with the may or should. i have to tell them exactly which area needs special petroleum in thinking. we know that improving a sense of security is very necessary to prevent uncivilized behavior miserable people. residents here say they're still in danger. after surviving last weekends wildfire 2 thought came on the last night we discovered a tree trunk on fire. it didn't catch on fire by it said it top in dry twin two's tree. and jerry gracie and roaming the entrance after curfew. navy special forces are being deployed on land and there on the lookout for arsonist who is suspected of having started to wildfire last friday. destroyed entire neighborhoods. there's still a lot of questions as to how and why the worst a natural disaster in chile,
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since the 2010 earthquake to place the government is asking the european union for assistance because of its expertise in wild flyers, especially in a highly populated areas but the people who live here say that there are other things that need to be taken into accounts. they're referring to an incentive to burn land. what's the name of everyone can see that whatever for us to accurate cultural land has been ravaged by wildfires. soon after the land is sold for housing projects, 1st the fine, then the sale of the long people they will serve with it. i asked the deputy interior minister about the allegation, some people, you know, they, for some time there's been a bill in congress that would declare areas impacted by fires ineligible for building projects. it's unacceptable that there be a perverse incentive for walk fires to benefit private economic interests. others up pushing for the government to increase penalties and try our soonest as
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terrorists, whatever the cause or the motivation behind these fires. the outcome has been dead . sea and human algebra via my not cheating. no mystery, but it used to be from the 19th century has watch stuff on canada is eastern shore, as i said to me to long shipwreck has been discovered in the waters off the canadian province of new foundland, archaeologists have extracted parts of the ship, hoping to i'm caught up more clues about it's past the splitting of the hurricanes which hit the province in 2020 to dislodge the ship from the ocean floor. you can find on the streets is not assessed on our website. that sounds as a result of the mindset to stay with the unique perspective on and the but don't want to even if i'm not reporting,
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i want to leave this and it was really helpful. my things thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target your journal on hers. voices, the number of the patients. please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0 will using it al marks, pressure anxiety around the rocks, the solutions to the mental health crisis week school. the big question and unique approach to boosting electrical loving on this week shows what's the future of psychological treatment we may take, develop is trying to improve mental health outcomes. when i look at you may cause of course to be a will lead us to mushrooms therapy with diesels around the use of suicide. and
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this is a site this is mine. 624 year old sophie olsen has suffered from skits of friends since early childhood. today in denmark, she's part of the world's largest study, exploring the use of the misty virtual reality to treat her condition. guided by a therapist headsets sessions, i think to help patients safely confront the voices in the head. so many mess. click new hotmail. okay, and what does she need? it begins with designing and avatar the resembles the hallucination sophie hughes 1st. if she chooses hell, be out of a tile. looks a whole. yeah. the ultimate, the skilled other thing. oh, yeah. that's what the shoulder length street. yes. the. then she chooses the albatross downs like pitch. but uh yeah. the just wife things get those
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personal downgrade. yeah. so yeah, so if you didn't put the headset on and start speaking with the advertising which is voiced by the therapist, there misquoted or no find me a little to fix it. the parasitic that you the cab looked uminski, the sophie's in charge to speak up against the advertise, so that the hallucinations lose that power will disappear. a sophie in that environment with the headset on being embarrassed or how does that help you cope like can you explain? it really helps because i suddenly have the voice inside my head in front of me and being able to talk directly to it rather than just in my head. it's me who is in control. and it's me who's able to say like, no, don't say that, that's not true. that's not the way i am. you don't know that about me. so it
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sounds as though you feel like strong. yeah, exactly. it feels like suddenly i have the power or myself and not the voices. so these tried other types of treatment including medication and speaking with a therapist. that says only virtual reality therapy is what. what surprised me, probably the most was how just through the 1st session, how well it made me feel instantly, basically at like being able to talk to it that way in my own life nipples safe space between from the university of copenhagen, who are leading the study say that all skip the for any patients who have undergone the treatment of showing some form of improvement, void by their success, the researches and now testing the tech on other mental health conditions. they're hoping they can change more lives, like safety's the survey. what are your dreams? what do you have to do in life? well, i want to be out there and through what i lost, whether it's working with animals or with animation or something like that. and how
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do you hurt these therapy will help you achieve those streams? it will definitely help a lot because with my past educations and stuff like that, it was always the battle of, or you're going to drop. i'll do never going to become in these things now i can say like, it's okay, it's all about like taking chances and seeing if they work or not, as someone who's benefit from using technology. so she hopes denmark will continue to embrace new innovations to improve mental health and will be the people should have open minds towards technology when it comes to mental health. because instead of being afraid, we can use it to our adventures. and the technology can help the way it helped me a to truly hope that other people are able to use it soon enough. so they also can feel the relief i have. so the 1st in most schools are racing new technology to improve well being in the classroom. children here use
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mood monitoring apps such as the wisdom about how they're feeling off to the results or even students and teachers like henrietta the school can see the overall mood of the class. ok, i got a bad oh uh okay. the 6 months, the little bit on the sofa, the top post here to come with bathroom assessment system, the flat top negative so sure. let me job. i have about i was get a lemon law position. i don't need them. yeah. yeah. and i choose these beautiful, i have another to and then a going give me school from their number one negative point today of, of social media. and that opens the conversation. sometimes they'll be like,
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oh this stream or the did that or this happened on tick tock and then it's good for me to know. oh, okay. something really bad as going on right now. that's good for me to be aware of . maybe also parents, you know, when you say the screen is kind of gives you the statistical like view of the classroom. why the stats important to you with a school teacher. so as teachers, it's become such a multi faceted job and we have a lot of issues with test or not having a good time and a lot more administrative work as well. um, so it's good for me to have a tool that's making sure that i check in with them every week. you date them. yeah . so do you think you can begin? henrietta is part of a small group of teachers could give feedback to the team behind both so they can keep improving the see your, my ts propes shows me how it works. it's super easy to do it what it takes,
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3 minutes in the classroom, right? so this is a q r code that you can use with your phone. yeah, it opens up in here. the very 1st thing i do, i choose a dog. and today i'm a happy dog down and i go on and then after that i can choose what impacts me positively right now. so food was good. yeah. and then what didn't work for me. okay. one thing is, social media impacts me badly right now. so then there's a different thing, this is we call them selections. mm hm. so the classroom here, building their narrative together. what do we like? okay. i like the outdoor and an indoor that's definite. i also like group work more than working alone. and i also like fairy tales more than harvest or is yeah. now this, this, thank you for me. then generate a mood landscape for the cloth based on their answer. this is how it would look for a teacher, right? so all the kids do this,
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and then here you see this is the dogs they chose, this is the positive and the negative impact factors. and over here you have the costs are of interest. and again, this is building up the narrative of the classroom. what do we like? and this is something that is super important for us. we want the classroom to work on well being together instead of working it individually. if something impacts us, we need to, to take the responsibility together and then help each other out. is there any way the ink cartridges to, we're going to ensure that they're giving, as honest answers as possible. i a yeah, we chose early on to do this to do everything anonymously. super important because the very difficult thing in a classroom is to speak up on a topic. not to use any other recreation to move the classroom. well. they all taught in denmark, public school system. i'm a frustrated with the lack of support, the youth, mental health. we have movies,
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there's been a lot of other countries. we have one of the best schooling systems. so why do the kids not thrive? and they don't, it's been a curve going down for a long time. it's the biggest problem that we face of the mental health of our youth. that is what drives me. putting my energy towards that in denmark, this huge debate surrounding the use of technology by children ranging from screen time to dos of privacy. mathias says move protects children by collecting, noted, personal dosher at all. but notes that misapprehensions remain about how the technology works. for instance, we don't do way at all, but you can put us in some kind of situation where say hey i, it's crazy, it's, it's, it's dangerous and you guys are kind of doing it. we're not doing a i'm, we never going to do a, we do an analysis for the teacher. very different. you would just quite both right, in sign you would never do artificial intelligence. but what, what is your version to that? technology?
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i think it's a early stage technology. there are many problematic fields within a guy that we haven't, you know, discovered yet. so i wouldn't, i wouldn't bring that into a fairly new technology and we've created him a conversation with mathis. i was quite surprised when he said that he wouldn't use any artificial intelligence technology in any future software that he develops. but as you will soon discover, not every inventor feels that way. the technical university of denmark, lena clements is speed. bod use creation. i based systems to help screen and treat children. submit to distort is one of them is a project where people, the coach to develop emotional awareness on these coach isn't a person. it's an eye on how would checkbox they can respond to voices and facial expressions. hello,
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i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotions. let's start by identifying which emotion you find the most challenging to express. so we could, for example, work on happiness, happiness. yeah. let's see. i'm detecting some angry your facial expression. is that you or is that me? no, let's work on the 20. you have it in the shop or asks me to imagine an incident which might make me angry. skipping lunch. that's certainly sounds frustrating. now take a moment to really connect with that anger. as you visualize the feeling of hunger, when you've missed lunch, pay attention to how it feels when you let this emotion live on your face. please take your time and let me know when you're ready to move on. i'm ready. wonderful. now i invite you to lift that anchor, go below your body and face to relax, returning to a neutral state. take as much time as you need and let me know when you're ready to
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continue. please continue. great job. you are doing well learning to express and control your emotions. when you see this technology really helping people in the mental health sector, this specific working on emotions couldn't be more on the autism spectrum. or for example, where you need to work with how to express emotion, but it could be any of us saying, okay, there is, may be, you know, in a work situation where you often look angry, but this is not what you're trying to express. you could also go in and work on that through an app like this of 6 months ago. i, would this be even possible? maybe not to this extent. there's a lot of stuff happening right now in this space. and it's just improving with very high speed. but it's not just new technology that could be developed to improve evidence or help from denmark. i'm heading to jamaica learning emerging therapy nike why involves using suicide. a compound found in so called
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magic mushrooms at this village. these tours are on a full day retreats where they'll take the psychedelic drug for some additional properties. kirsten was and i was recommended to retrace by her brother. he said he was profoundly changed from having done the treating here and we have the same childhood traumas. he's a doctor, he's an initiative, so he has the medical science background and for him to turn around and say, this just did it. it says it's eye opening for me. the mother of to has tried siblings therapists where she lives in america. it takes time to get comfortable with the therapist, where is from my understanding is still assigned and it just basically pushes you through the door and says deal with it. trust me because
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a guest of troy citizens magic mushroom retreat. my celia, which started in january 2023. the canadian has a background in real estate. so the amazing powerful medicine i tried it and yeah i, it was kind of very scary. the 1st step. why do you feel this is the public setting for such a therapy? i find that nature is a better place to do up and it just hasn't been any rules or regulations place that would make it difficult to start off. you know, i retreat here and my celia is one of around 20 companies offering suicide. been assisted therapy in jamaica, twice for trait except the 10 guest at a time full screen, the full hand with at least one cool. and the questionnaire. i've only ever you know, rejected to people on the basis of concerns over their medication. or in one case
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it was the person's age. they were just too young for us to, to care for the sake of them. that is, the 4 days choice stops and give gifts, 3 doses of suicide each increasing in size. today they're preparing the largest quantity called the her ro is designed to give a psychedelic trip up to 6 hours. if it feels like it's overwhelming, they can like slow the process down. the heroes dose is usually anywhere from $7.00 to $14.00 grounds, depending on the particular client. the deeper you go, the more repairs that the get done. and now we don't miss. in jamaica, darren knows was governing how much suicide and a person can type. it's a stark contrast to other countries where you could be jailed will face the death
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penalty, the possessing magic mushrooms or change your lives or saving lives. i think that we are, we're way behind this should have been done 40 years ago. really? yeah. i've had people that had suicidal tendencies a couple of times in the mushrooms of cakes and that, that desire a way which, which is a good thing. how much knowledge did you a mess before opening the doors to you know, retreats like this. i looked for people in the industry through linkedin. i consulted with doctors. i have doctors who are friends and every time i have a retreat, i learned something new. so we just continue to make it a little bit better each time. do you feel at this retreat there is adequate, you know, supervision when people take the machine. oh yeah. a 100 percent. we usually have one guide for each 2 people with a master's degree in neuroscience, tired or a peck of is one of those got. we don't believe and disorders. we don't believe
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in anyone being sick or broken. it's because certain needs are not being met. and we get to know co, passionately what these individuals are needing. aside from overseeing the psychedelic trips, these guides provide a range of other activities like yoga and sound healing. but it's magic mushrooms that have the biggest impact. there's still a stipend. does this transcendental experience like there's anything from expensive, blissful joy? and there's the flip side. there's replay of some of the most traumatizing experiences that might have been encountered in your life. and my personal belief is the medicine doesn't always give you what you want. it gives you what you need. such thought the logically lot meant for these 4 guys comes with a 3 and a half $1000.00 bill. but that's cheap. some one week for traits in
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jamaica charge up to $16000.00, but the us and custom is like customers are on the to buy the price. so we one would, what do you want? acceptance? i think all of our trauma is comes down to self love, self recognition, which is very lacking in myself, especially. and i'm hoping to see the light, you know, the bigger light in life. the reason because gives me time to reflect. i only still welcoming phone tours as the retreats to macon are they, benefiting from my friends therapy, come to the capital kingston to find out more at the university of the west. the black cartridge, dr. winston della hey, is researching the effects of mushroom therapy previously. jamaica's chief medical
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officer, now heard the caribbean, so i could deal ex association is 2021. the slab on campus is tested, the 5, the property of local magic mushrooms to ensure the safe to sell. and so in essence, you're testing for pure product. this, the bar tree is what allows you to have that objective sheet of paper to the objective evidence of what's in this product that you're buying. i don't take chances with my health, so i would prefer her getting my products from somewhere lives as ease clinic downtown. this patient is one of 120 jamaicans, treated with doses of suicide and by dr. winston. he says, suffers of severe trauma, obsessive compulsive disorder, alcoholism and depression that will benefit from his non weak treatment program. so here's a product that can be prescribed for persons on, on
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a single usage depending on the dosage that do well and stay with i know and no other product like that and all of psychiatric, hey, kirk, a, what happens here is very different ways of traits on the dr. winston, patients receive increment to doses of suicide and every 3 days the 3 weeks followed by a 7 day break just provide. busy a psychedelic for a patient isn't sufficient. we recommend the combination of psychotherapy, along with the 5. the 5 in dr. winston says he's training is a loss for assessing. suitable candidates, do i offer to all patients? know if you've had a history with me or not come in. ready this thing, appointments and heavy kind of as it was, i'm not here die for that. a patient with a history of scripts of, for any of or for us agree relative. what's good, so for now, clearly, not nurses. also, i supervise the treatments. i'm very clear. you shouldn't take more than one drama
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side assignment and not be supervised by someone. certainly have 3 exams are going to have cognitive distortions. you're not in control off and at 6 grams even more. so. dfcs are those dependent. in the past 4 years, dr. winston has traced it a number of people who were rushed to hospital off to they can see mushrooms and more traits for it for patients can get psychotic with those outside of alex and it's done before the system to make it is a signatory to you. in tracy, which limits its ability to import export, magic mushrooms, but there's no other restrictions. dr. winston says, jamaica is mushroom industry. lex regulations safeguards and qualified stock. but that won't continue or con, continue should not continue. there are many retreats across jamaica. i like what concerns do you have about them?
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well, one that the safety that's required isn't in place and the more efficiency do then the more you're going to have of persons with out onto artifact. that's the disadvantage of these retreats, where you may not have full histories, go dependent on person's self for 14. so all of the is it true? you should have access to a psychiatrist of a concert. you must. and is that happening here on the other to my knowledge know, are these are traits giving solid 5 and treatment of 59? i think ultimately that's that's the end result. the, the retrieves the gifts, gazing ready to take the her rolling dose of still assigned to a secluded out to location is chosen for the trip. this time it's a botanical got taught help of state. what would happen if someone suffers a psychotic episode?
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raise blood pressure or an elevated hot right from the slide dice? nothing is without risk, right? it would transport that person to a doctor or the hospital. some people we've spoken to, they've said they should be a trained psychologist on the side and every retreat. do you agree? i mean a therapist depending on who they were, i found that to be more stringent, more stand offish then arthur at this, whether hands on why would move regulations hamper the experience will affect the work you do? i think that that there's just not enough knowledge to start making rules here. and i just think regulations just bogged things down, keep people out of the market. and you know, that add on necessary costs or obligations to something that truly doesn't need to be that. you know, that rationalizes just before they take the dogs,
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we stopped filming awesome. respect to that. previously. a few days later, i may help with testing to see how the magic mushrooms therapy affected for me. it had a delayed response, and i had requested to go back to the villa early because i was not having fun. i was out of my elements. i was hot, father, there was too many bugs, but as soon as i was back indoors in the villa, that's when it hit you know, people say they see kaleidoscope. i didn't have any of that. the nausea was pretty strong. but i was very calm, very logical. so what did you learn about yourself? i learned that i need to trust myself more. not be in such a rush to get to the results. would you type mushrooms again? yes. i think mushrooms and they searching with the therapist could be very helpful
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because they would be leaving you with question to say, okay, well, now that you've figured that out, how do you feel about that? and i think that's where their purpose combination with mushrooms could really be use your mentor is showing us the possibilities and challenges for the magic mushrooms therapy, mental health professionals, and patients a lot see suicide and as a new way of improving as psychological well being. for now, the lack of regulation, the best use of prophet reputation, the psychedelic power dies at risk ceiling. the sports like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally been off limits to women. when i, when a meet, the female athletes flashed into the place and the ring on which is the wrong
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one, somebody shoots somebody else dead. most people expect the police to arrive with him cuz on that person and take them to jail. and then stand your ground. you can shoot somebody in getting their truck and drive away. is that unusual? that is very unusual because we're talking about the crime of murder. but it's a very clear in the statute. they don't want anybody arrested. that's why it's a get out of jail free card. it's time you pull the trigger. what do you think the shooter wasn't arrested? because of the law? i feel like she's hiding behind the standard round. the
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the guitar says how much has responded positively to a proposed deal on gaza. us secretary of state anthony blinking says that he will discuss it with israel. the single venue it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life from the also coming up the series of aristotle.


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