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tv   Witness Fire Beneath Her  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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some degree that'll steal our attention at the un is on what's happening now in the north key. bu, province, mainly and goma. we are determined to increase our work. we are in discussion with local military officials on a joint and coordinated response. this resurgence of am 23 rebels is estimated to have displaced more than a 1000000 people from their homes with no end to the fighting inside mike level of the 0 politicians and ukraine could vote on new legislation as soon as wednesday, which would increase the ranks of its army, that is as the full scale war with russia approaches its 2nd anniversary, new measures would include lowering the draft age, enforcing young man, a young man who have left the country to register for possible. call up rob mcbride reports from keith with his country in a deadlock war and in need of recruits. 55 year old we kyla has decided to put on
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a uniform and pick up a gun. and another as well. the time has come. they need to end these. the young people don't fully understand the times it'll come to. he's joining the, as of volunteers, a unit known for its far right few sent out for nationalism that says it has no problem. attracting new recruits. we need to communicate with people not to intimidate them. everyone would have to fight sooner or later. so there has to be a, these are for her. but nationally, ukraine seems to be suffering will fatigue when the full scale war broke out, tens of thousands of men equally volunteered to fight. but 2 years on with the growing realization that it won't be over any time soon. back to you as the as him has faded and many of those 1st volunteers still on the front lines are simply exhausted. the legislation is being debated. that would reportedly swell the ranks of the military by up to half a 1000000. but that would still mean so just saving now not being discharged for 3
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years. and many families who regularly hold street protests believes that some fact we want the mobilization after 18 months. there are some of us who carry the burden of this war. well, there are others here at home. we're getting used to the war and ignoring it with russia still managing to find ways of new recruits. but it's the salts. there's a growing feeling from these protestors that husbands and sons will be lucky to make it home again. rob mcbride, i'll just say era, keith. all right, those are headlines that does it for me. so then the 8th of this hour, the news continues here on else 0, after witness to the we don't typically focus on the public, it's of the conflict. it's the consequence of wars,
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the human suffering definitely the 4th time. it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence. in recent years. we brave bullets involved because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides. the central hotspots have increased more than 6 times compared to 202255 years works for the hinge and hayes battling a seemingly unrelenting false authority. se conditions um, particularly dangerous vis you should be on the
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in my lifetime. i have seen the for, i sold the clear and with it a whole way of life have been complaining for the rights of my people. look into the companies that costs all these different stations, but that can only go so far. and i started to think that i needed to, to something, something new and real and that's how i started on this journey. it has taken effect to my answers to the or the
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other matters. look at it. do i give you what they get? it sounds good. yeah, yeah, a give him, i don't know if someone will help a. he's on the on. i think i'm gonna get him the teddy. my to man, i are always busy. but right now is the busiest time of all the drivers and is just weeks away and ready to risk of people in fires. and a lot of people will need our support. got, do i set the out of the money they got in? and then the other thing add up was the evidence of that uh the one that i'm using
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. but from last at the moment i'm get that be got there. let me just take everyone to that. let's see what we have here. uh get stuff. i'm gonna get a number up this month's got a football team, but the 2 a semester and then what up the semester got a new are sir. did you get that? yes, and on the way loomed a month to month. get the graph. uh the beginning one day. yeah. and then how much that up and that the wow the as i grew up in the city, but my ancestors, my family, ill or from the into for us. so i'm always working this for the people there. and just recently expedited the new project in the village of massive stars the.
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2 global warming off and the gun, but the bottom line to full. yeah. yeah. with the go to in the immune dealing with the letter but my hand and i like, what do you mean in the metric that look like that? and i don't know how you all
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get to the destructive industries and different stations are a big trip to indigenous communities like mine. but i didn't always see it this way . the grid, 5 years of 2015, changed everything for me. the thousands of forest bush creating 6 choking small that is freddie far beyond indonesia borders. hospitals are filled with people suffering from respiratory diseases. the doctors have only one word of advice. evacuate the alpha and told me that many people die checking on goose indonesia has become the world's largest palm or the export. during the past 2 decades, much of the forest land was clear using fire. nowhere to hide from the
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price. and this is, it's like we are in the war but that's also the time where i decided to take this seriously. the . we cannot wait for someone come to help us, but they need us, give them a yes i know. but what, what is the item to see also, the deforestation was the biggest threat to power wait, applied places of the people who so the, for us as a way of making money. there's so much loaded and new forces, or the people who lived in it when it came to lyn use as the indigenous people of the island. we were not part of the conversation. the,
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the people here typically have something something that under the ever since 2015, i tried to be a voice for my community. but recently i've come to think i need to do more to secure and protect the land. that is ours. the the
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penny and that'd be happy to the apartment. so my envelope we have to live in that. yeah. and this floor is, is a very special place for me. growing up i will visit it, explored it. seeing a lot of different and the myspace. yes. and that's my recently
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they have fun ways to buy some of the for us. but even here they've been, the forest industry is closing the some of the, i guess the funny yeah. the the, the, the one you have the internet, most of the mini mom and i had and i didn't get it and the other day and the phone
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hung up and got one. yeah, i would do it with a night stand and no one's going to have that in the land around. the village has always been on the people and it has been manage. plato, villagers or generations kindly meant then is an empty that's what base it. but actually those people, the key, that's us, they have i sent according some of the diet ways to buy stuff done. and i went the showed a video to my auntie. now i know how to
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get a get you know the the the, the needs of the lease i guess was eligible. not getting the, the oh you said, yeah, i me, its level of that up. and i guess the new sort of behind in that in the sending us that phone me be a little time,
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a little cool. so with the bull i know needle i saw it on the middle. yeah. that'd be that could somebody doesn't maybe more sadly enough for us as a part of the community. it has no reason to hook archer and it's also part of the identity. so fire, we have a kicked ours already. it's a small at am, but it's a step and testing milan for us. they are the best. so if somebody will do i do what, what are they getting what we, what we're doing, what i'm fine. i'm me . i'm done me from this little for any here to put us on the cut off for you. i mean a lot of
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a lot of stuff it makes me worry. i put a lot of fun flakes that happened in the close and the companies on this matter. it's always a but then ownership, the and of course be protected our home expense. but now how can we predict this
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land the judge of what to say. so let me put you on the board for less from the headline couple because then what about that that include us? how about to get cut off by then you get the month done. caught up on cut out. yeah . job the so motors that i have evening and any of the students that have a good bye. yeah, that's the last thing. yeah. then so got
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a letter suggest something just to have the right now i feel a bit of feedback from what is coming next. that's the reality for everyone here. the know what to do with the yeah. you know. mm hm. and later in the us and uh at the uh,
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same glitzy on the salon for the i bought the best buy and i was the see upcoming newsletter to split the f bomb boost that's out on. yeah. and this much see me. he said the hold on that and he said he don't they didn't do a do i have to call follow up when you have a mind that the when i'm on the do not board leila. so these are the get after he gets out like goes up the she had that the find, the block one was that i kept getting the data that i didn't need the secure at minimum 50 actors of the forest because that's the requirement to be part of the program of you and to get the restoration so we can get access to more explosion support. and of course the legal protection come on monday, i would give them the
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ones on 5 minutes to come on young, low, medium by $22.00. but that can be able to be fully um possibly the we need we need more money. we only have a tech doors and a many times and frustrated the but this actually, you really need to be zealous. keep talking about the gypsies. you are doing the
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kind of on the phone. yeah. yeah. i don't want, i don't want to do this. if it's open. yeah. i'm, i'm sealed and a lot of medicare and that'll, that'll fix that has to be i could get him out of the fund the what they have now. i know last by long as i know of that, does that good stuff? thank you for someone. yeah. so yeah, so we're not gonna put this on this thing and i'm gonna get the how to secure will not have to since about noon. it's the other one that i don't know. i know it's a little slow. okay. adela hello. can you of
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the attendants. lemme a one if they choose to accept the company's offer. they've just been times higher than us. so right now i feel a little bit down the road, but they can be very uh, down and miscarriage. but it will not stop here. i mean, like i always happen to trace what to do next. so i say i just need to keep going. that's what i believe the next right thing to do, the barely thing, but the land owner who knows the lot, the better for us. and he has agreed to help us as us, it's by a different ship. but secretly,
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i also hope that i can convince him to continue with his to have pictures of the land to be part of the protective area. so he can get closer to the 50 heck does domain name the main thing i like the way you um yeah, we want and the other one. okay. and then you'll know, i'll call you in the way i'm guessing. and then i got a lot of them, but the fun with them is that in my son, i see the see me. that's up me sort of a little so i'm yeah, a hi. steve got difficult, informs i have on the phone or your mind to me
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that would help. i guess i'm on the way at the morgan myself. that's that make, i mean the name is on the lie, you know, i'm not, they don't know. but since the malware get a give out in that way, when the, you know how old things i mean, i wanna look into this. i'm, i'm, i'm gonna guess i'm, i'm what i'm really uh when we have all of a sudden, you know, at the, i need my wedding at all and we will get into independent company. so what we're going to the standing about platinum, i'm up on the side, one of the companies you have a lot, a lot of people put on the please. well, not a box full long enough and you know i'm really excited and please that he seems willing to continue with his the pictures i'll plan it feels good. the home is a place where our little ones live, but it's more than
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a person can move flores can be any months. and what that is, the place where a very simple lot of loan is who you are. and that's why i have to protect it as much as i can. the results and overwhelmed firefly. busy say they're crackling, was moses cassidy at a lack of proper equipment or does smoke causes air quality to plummet? authorities have reduced school hours at a stalking off on oxygen canisters in anticipation of more people.
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that hasn't been in the morning. okay, let us know. yeah. i left them in the morning on monday by the one. okay. yeah. where we are heading. it's me and all the kids in the
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this is a 9 year ago. we were all afraid of it. it's happening more and more. it is not happening. typically it, but it feels like it could happen anywhere. now. the 1st station in global time is puts us the i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect these work is urgent. it is a battle against crime battle against a system on the part of the
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a mazda, some big a survivor of america's notorious guantanamo and background detention centers. and it's so cold war on terror now. human rights activist campaign for the release of the last i've gone have implant on. i move a retraces as steps, revisiting his niceness. that's it. that's about the echoes of background. a witness documentary on a jersey to as his rules war on guns are, continues, we bring you every angle, if the story we're getting into the hospital that you've spent almost the last 100 days here, what lessons can be drawn if you adjusted fees,
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you better prepare for it's clear to the families that the plan for the government to continue with this move isn't working. for many more people killed overnight due to a concert where the strikes have been focusing. all we now seeing a worrying escalation, the prices, and where the system lead international efforts to contain the will stay without a 0 for the latest developments in, on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue as opposed to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads about that without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis like this,
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anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the guitar says how moss has responded positively to a proposed deal on gaza. us secretary of state anthony blinking says that he will discuss it with his real the 0. but it's good to have you with us. this is else is your life from the also coming up in the program. the series of air strikes.


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