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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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a new app from al jazeera news at using is it the us proposed as a 3 stage gaza ceasefire. plan after mediation by cats are on egypt, which includes the withdrawal. if is really forces the release of captives the light from my headquarters and delta. i'm telling you navigate also ahead. the us sector state as an israel to broker what the state department calls and in, during and to the war on goes on the is really airstrikes hit russell and find eunice in southern gaza. were nearly 2000000 and forcibly displays, palestinians are sheltering. russia launches
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a wave of attacks on the ukrainian capital and the other cities. parts of cheese are left with our electricity. the right, we begin with developing news on the diplomatic efforts to end the war on god's rewards here says it's obtains a draft document that says ha, says proposed a 3 stage cease, fire plan and response to category. and it junction mediators. it involves the exchange. if is really captives captured by him, us on october, the 7th for palestinian prisoners, secure, and securing the reconstruction of gaza. ensuring the complete withdrawal if is really forces on the exchanging off bodies we have with us house of mind, but he's joining us here in the high supposed house and the devil is in the details . so what are you learned thing about this 3 stage proposal?
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very interesting developments yesterday went outside of 5 minutes to settle having all of that outside he met with blinking. both said that they believe the elements of the for the book, i thought it said that they were confident about how much a response was positive. and then they said, we were not going to go into details because it's a very sensitive thing. it has to go down to these riders of the, of the was to have to look into the details except the document was leaked earlier today. and i know from also says that the bulk of the, this is, is authentic. how much wants this to be phased? agree that that's false, with the announcement of a truce of about 6 weeks $45.00 days in exchange for the release of is riley captives, mostly women and the elderly. that's when you look up the details of the agreement
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. they say we would like to seize, riley troops pulled out from the urban areas populated areas. andrew, relocate onto the suburbs. humanitarian a to be allowed. and within the 1st phase, we would like to maintain in direct truths with these varieties. we're still going to be through the key mediators cuts out and, and egypt why they want this to happen. because this is where they're going to have to agree on the criteria of every single phase of the agreements. i'll give you an example. so how about these things we are going to release, the women and the elderly in exchange for an unspecified number of bodies is riley policy is detained by as well, right? is going to be off to the outside is and to egyptian. so the not really the differences between how much and is that now we come to phase 2, which is extremely crucially important. they want to get guarantees of these writers are going to make an announcement or up 10 minutes east via is going to
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extend full $45.00 days. but during that period, they say they are going to release all the the, the of the, the captives mostly, uh, soldiers. okay. so that's important then because the soldiers are somewhat of how much does the trump card, are they not? that's the, that's the key component of that deal because this is why they believe when it comes to the aspect they are going to ask for a huge number of a city is detained, it is around to be released and we're going to go back to the criteria itself and whether the outside is entity issues would have more leverage to try to make sure that this whole, this succeeds. and this is whether i'm not because we'd have to have a say, now you go to the phase 2 weeks, we're talking about the 90 days, almost 90 days, phase one and phase 2. i'll tell you about the political calculus of having us when it comes to the phases of these agreements that go to exchange the remains of those who were killed these by the captive killed. how much has been staying over the
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past few months that many of those companies were killed in his very bombardment in exchange for how much fighters they say were killed. and they would like to get back that would be made a face to face or how much wants to ensure we're coming back now to the political calculus. that's off to almost a $135.00 days. it becomes a new political reality, which is basically in a $145.00 days. we didn't have any relent, as bombardment of the full, it becomes a political reality. and this is by itself becomes a status quote. they do understand. i think one of the reasons why these documents was leeks today is that nothing yahoo in his will cabinets is looking into those details that we have to come up with an answer to the americans to blinking. and then who's going to come back to the outside and then off to that, we're likely to hear the of the official announcement of the agreement. what for these riley is it's also an extremely delicate thing to do because it's also about
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the personal political survival of nothing. yeah. yeah. and the, the way you have to set it to people has to take into account obviously is why the going to be seen as a dignified exit strategy. same thing for how about that, the degree for its top command in the plaza? yes, yes and well and, well, how about the base? because when you look at what has been happening over the last 4 months, you cannot come back to the people who does that and say, you know what, we have a day which is which falls short of the expectations of the people with seeing the reaction of the people does the over the last few weeks when they followed, but suddenly an announcement was going to be imminent and they took to the streets, celebrating the other was so frustrated when they were told. no, you have to wait because it hasn't been finalized massive political pressure or how about that is why as we speak to accept this agreement and you see the and how much is trying to reinvent itself as a very practical, pragmatic uh, element of the story by saying, you know what,
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we're becoming more receptive then of, to the demands of the international community, but more so for our o key pots in those. okay, me, da, says the egyptians on the side is we don't want to be c. be seen as the ones will also be doing this deal low costume. i mean, we do have already trauma standing by for us. unoccupied is jerusalem. so in a moment, i'll bring him in and find out what we can potentially expect from the is really ease and, and blinking, of course, has intel abuse today. but let me ask you this house and obviously this is a big if, right? if, if the is really is accept this or are there any changes to a cease fire deal? is there anything and not link document that talks about who will guarantee the terms of any deal going forward? i believe is going to be, i'm trying to go through the different elements of this agreement based on the same guarantees that were implemented during the 1st agreement. that happened in late november, which is basically you have a did zip says operating in it,
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across the border with their own people. the general intelligence, a director, it led by a best common in touch with different factions in it because and you have the autonomy. so have been instrumental, i like to just explain to all viewers how this works. so it's time the, the, it's like, like, takes it when it comes to this agreement, it was handed over to the political bureau of how much space in the house. mm hm. but then another one is who would have to have the final say they send it back to us and well, i'm a little by right? yeah, yeah. is the political lead to, you know, as a little bit is the talk minutes recommend. and you have to have the say, you have to have the whole boat, otherwise you won't have to have a deal. they would have to talk to their own people top command as the founders of how much those who have huge political. but it just say in the industry, they would come back to the political to be able to put it. it could be
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a hands over the, the final answer to the outside is the outside is would give it back to the americans or to the east. right, that's exactly what happened within this one. why is this critical? why is it delicate? i think it's also an extremely delicate thing for the americans because what you saw yesterday and the blinking, he didn't mention a ceasefire. we do understand why, but at the same time he said that his thinks of data is, is now possible. but the reason why he's going to, as well, is to promote personal and these right is to accommodate some of those demands for this deal to move forward. because ultimately is about the way it's going to be perceived by these varieties. and by the policy is, it's very, it's very crucial for the political survival of how i'm us and also for benjamin netanyahu. and i think he's going to, to come down to was that you would be able to look into those very small details of the agreement. implement them and move forward. but as far as we are concerned,
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it is different than the 1st, like we meant. mm hm. is based on the phases, it's very important for how much because they believe this time nothing, nothing showed up. then the prolong ceasefire is a big no. okay, have some a thank you so much for the time being. we'll now bring in for a challenge. joining us from occupied east jerusalem, rory. so now we have this a draft document about time us has proposed this through a 3 stage ceasefire plant as hash and was just explaining to us for re um what can we expect to happen in tel aviv today? also, but keeping in mind that you have the secretary said anthony, blinking, who's there today and he'll be meeting with is really officials yeah. blinking it's got a very full day of diplomacy. on wednesday festival, he's meeting with netanyahu. then he's made st. meeting with the is ready to chief
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of the ministry stuff and he's meeting with the is ready defense administer. you go on that he's meeting with the president inside, cuts off and then he's going to ramallah and he's going to be me through the process of being present. we're not as action was exceptionally interesting that are on the details of this. how much response we know that this response was passed from us through the categories to must that and is being picked to pop port over, analyzed by these ready leadership right now, and will be for hours to come. what we don't know yet, this is what the response is likely to be. we get the impression from the cast race a day or 2 mistake that this is something that can achieve a breakthrough deals. there is less optimism us and coming from the americans. and there was much less that optimism coming from the is right, is now the americans blinking. it's saying that the things that
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a deal is possible and is necessary. but biden went off to bounce. it very recently in a press conference said that he thought about how mass is demand. say we're a little bit over the top and he's right itself much, much more negative. it is very difficult to square at the moment. the details that we're getting from this lease documents hands, how my says are rule demands, which essentially that israel and the simple in return for exchanges of captives, tennessee's 5, etc. with these rails will goals, which off to keep go, it's occupation and gaza adds to eliminates come us as imagery for these 2 things that the moments do not see reconciled of those. so we may well have more rounds of negotiations to guard. okay, thank you. wrote the challenge reporting from occupied east jerusalem. what's
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happening in gaza itself is that is really where plants have continued their attacks on residential areas in the center and the south. a warehouse sheltering displaced, palestinians was hitting, dead in by ambulances, took the injure to an exile hospital nearby, at least 27 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed since israel's one gaza started in early october. the on the series. this is really our strikes of also targeted the city and southern gospel. ambulances took the injury to the coates, the hospital. nearly 2000000 palestinians are in the area on the border with egypt, after being told by israel to leave the north of the gaza strip. and most residents of northern gaza, i fled south towards con eunice. that's where they is really, army said they would be safe. but then soldiers expanded their offensive into a central and southern gaza forcing palestinians even further south to the far on
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the egyptian border. the population there has quadrupled with hundreds of thousands of people crammed into an area of just a 150 square kilometers, displaced palestinians who fled to central garza from the north say they have no water to drink. the we don't have a single tomato where there is no water, no electricity, no food, nothing to drink, no bathrooms. we use the tents and we drowned. a women drowned our children drowned and we are humiliated by the guest. the. it's enough, it's enough. we do not want both of them. we've been displaced from gaza for a 115 days today, we've been a band and we have children and that way infected with diseases. it really is truly enough, honeywell, how it is joining us not from the far from southern gaza, honey, before we talk about the latest air strikes. let's, let's address just developing situation where now we understand that how much has responded and propose the 3 stage ceasefire plan in response to category and
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egyptian mediators. what is there any response amongst people in gaza to a potential space fire at some point a well, darian since the beginning. busy of the talks and the, the, the documents, the from harris come friends of the intelligence, the, the, the directors about the possible deal that is going to be happening within the coming days. people have been very anxious and waiting eagerly for some good news, just to relieve the stress and the trauma they have been experiencing as intense bombing campaign continues. and on top of that, there's been coupled with these really intention of coming through the viet, expand the military operation, just given the intensity of the bombing last night. but it was happening. people
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were still anxious to hear something about the talk set about the response of how much that was not a surprise for people. everybody was expecting that how much was going to give a positive constructive response to the talks that do the uh proposal and they're hoping this is going to be the translated practically on the ground into something solid. that is going to happen within the coming days. and as possible, sees fire deals, what would be rich? people have been exhausted, tired, not only what would be the reporting about the fact that they've been displaced and hungry and cold, a traumatized. but now, just for months of, well, of intense bombing going on since october, 7th to this morning. they are the hours of this morning. people get to the point where they want an enter this man, this an in to the mass killing of, of how a city ends across the gaza strip there, waiting for the declaration of this
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a moment. there is still say say the lead time reports about it's positive, not enough because it looks like or it's sounds more like the the, the moments of it for free before a. another site goal of this is going to happen is more like the torture before that's the one and immediate an end to all of this uh right now. and uh tell us about um, the latest airstrikes that have taken place. uh, particularly enough where you are on the roster, mos of the well as the day progresses. there are more damage standing reports, emerging not only from rough, but also the sense from the area on han you and is where most of the intense bonding took place is just people who have sustained their injuries. uh, because of lack of, of medical of staff and lack of,
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of extreme shortage of medical supplies have lost their lives or the floor of the hospitals without it locks the hospital or han, eunice. not only if the people are resting their life, an injury, those who have been wounded are losing their life. but the fact that the hospital a have been under military is siege and there is a quite extreme short days of reading. the fact that is needed to keep the hospital, it's just in here and rough i have despite the, the detox and the reaction of people this still, if people at the job hospital or do it the hospital, those are mid sized hospital, largely on equip, done, prepared to receive large number of injuries, those who have sustained also critical injuries, have been unable to be a bit of receiving the proper medical intervention to save their lives, to go reports of people losing their life at the floor of the hospital or the inability of the medical the staff to perform its proper surgeries inside the operation room. so far we talking about 11 people not being killed,
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merely displaced, palestinians appear in the fact that these filtering and residential homes in a southern neighborhood and center right. on top of that, we're talking about a multiple other different injuries that happened as a result of the ongoing. it's important to point out that these really military still it continuing its, the massive bombardment of the area between hon units and rough by creating more of the a built of fires to effectively cut rubbing of the remaining parts of the gaza strip just and in a reminder of what it did to find you in a send, remaining part of the northern part of gauze on and then go to the city. all right, thank you so much, honey. reporting from the, from in the gods district are still a heads on al jazeera with a general election and processed on just 24 hours away. we see what role the armed forces plays in politics, chile from social security,
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police investigate whether was fires or being started delivered. the ally was basket much colder again to some parts of northern europe in may not look like it from this. it still looks like all the weather is coming from the vantage. this division here introduces some pretty co to probably are to care down through the norwegian and see through scotland eventually. but further south of that, i'm running in a to scan. the navy is attempt, she's going to end up at the max being sub 0 again. and there's a line of deficiencies going to be rain last year long. this frontal system to the south of which of course has been warm throughout most of the winter woman, not dried, written in spain. the world itself is becky itself felt this is a slope. at 1450 meters in switzerland should be
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a good ski slave at this time of the february, but it's not. there's not much though, left at all. ero picture maintains that division to some degree. and as the warm comes up against the cold, that's coming. this going to be snow on the high ground to bring that in pounds of all. no not in particular could see something approaching even in belfast at 4 degrees for the sleep. but it's going to be a cold field for a couple of days. now, in reverse of that, where we have this cold air blowing down into ne, ask if the last week it's not much more particularly in egypt and the how much of those 2 for the doctor is not strong. the unique perspective on the if i don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave it. so it was really at formatting this thoughtful, this coverage. there's no reason to target the journal on her. it's voices that i'm of the patient. please connect with our community and tap into
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conversations you will find elsewhere, be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs . and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the top stories on alta 0 at this hour. the rich was news agency says how much has responded with its own draft documents on a 3 stage proposal for a cease fire fun. it's in response to mediation by katara on egypt. it includes the withdrawal, if is really forces and phase exchange of palestinian prisoners for is really
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captives in charge of the us sector and status and tell the feed where he's expected to discuss the terms of the potential is real fast deal. he's just been in delphi with the prime minister. search from us has given a positive response to the proposal is really forced. as of carried out a series of strikes as a fast for over 1900000 palestinians have been displaced. ambulances took the injured to, to, to wait to hospice is really forces are once again carrying out several raids across the occupied westbank. in con, p, a military vehicles targeted resistance fighters during the early morning grades is really forces have now withdrawn from the cities of jeanine onto and cut them where they were conducting raids and destroying buildings and roads. more than 380 policy indians have been killed in the off if i had westbank since the war on guys began. siri and state media is reporting and is really attacked within the country. large explosions have been seen in the city of homes where
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a number of people have reportedly been killed. state media also says some is really massages, were intercepted over the city. since october 7th, israel has stuffed stuff it strikes on rainy and link targets within syria of russia has lost a number of michelle strikes across ukraine, killing at least one person in the southern city of nichol. i have 2 people were injured in chief parts. a 2 people were injured in chief parts of the capital had been left without power after falling debris damage power lines for up mcbride. as the latest from ukraine's capital keeps to see alerts was of 1st raised in the early hours of the morning when a large number of rushing more plays were detected. taking off from fields in russia and then sure enough at 1st light, we started to get reports of the 1st strikes here in keys. they were around full loud explosions with several locations being reported. hit probably the most
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serious has been an apartment block in the south of the city. in fact, we've been watching a pole of smoke for the past hour or so on the a few kilometers to the south of us here, which appears to have been that apartment block with reports of 7 fluids about building being on fire. several people being injured and hospitalized, but other cities have been hit in the northeast. heart of cube has been hit once again, a dose of reports and strikes in the very far west of the country around levine. it seems as though a lot of the weapons being used, what cruise missiles, which can often be set on the very complicated meandering cost to try to confound and confuse ad defenses impacts. a couple of these missiles are reported to have been heading towards the polish board, but then turned back towards the city of the be all of this comes as the parliament hearing back and keep is, is debating you legislation to try to increase the pace of mobilization amid
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growing awareness here that they simply onset off the soldiers to fight this war voters and focused on go to the polls on thursday, but rather than the political parties, it's the military establishment which will have a big influence on the outcome of the 0. as i said, big has more from level or they want to be seen as the defenders of the nation for teaching released by the army, shows the army chief austin when they are inspecting positions and bucket starting administer cushion. we have one of the most miller cries, owns in the world. a region disputed both by india and buckets done to nuclear powers. but it's not the ministry's road and defending the board. is that under the spotlight it's the influence and politics. c the especially noah's focused on getting ready to hold the skin with elections. all right, for you and it's bound to be hung farther than a bunk bed of thoughts. as ousted the pregnancy and grandson seemed to have run out
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the status when spain with vanessa establish splendor does a minute boost at this point that i'm talking about all the pockets on me which is the know delivering no try me to stay in the country. 76. yeah, history has finished a full time and office all the main political parties have felt the rest of the military current front and wall street was as pigeon admitted to cooper. and he tried to set the ministry chief, but advanced, most cetera. so it's a couple of the grandfather of the context on people's talk to you had to beloved because the daughter was asked to do an a to and then executed and home a prime minister and run call and has came to the ministry that is behind his removal, he's now in jail on corruption charges. you've seen the number of occasions in the past that the, in the month of the week leading up to the election, the party that the military happens to not be comfortable with the tends to suffer before the election on the same run cons peach. you either have to separate the data is in prison, the symbol of a cricket best removed from the by this paper. and the activists talking to the
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best miniature 2 took place in 1958 since then focused on has spent several decades under military rule. some of the 3 is big business, the build road housing partners becoming a general, as well. with him on con, refused to back ukraine of, to russia's invasion, trying to call the prophet and try to keep your books. don, he's been in washington for to be objected as was refusing the documents come up because i'm new. john, what do you think of us that we are your slaves and that will do whatever you ask of us. we are friends of russia and we're also friends of united states. we are friends of china and europe. we are not part of any of the signs. he was moved in a vault of no confidence since then. bucks duns foreign policy as shifted to line and get self once again. but the us, the outcome of these elections have not yet been decided. but one thing the results will not change the size road. an instance of the ministry steps. i said big data
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before about the start helicopter process kill chillies. former president sebastian penny era. he was reportedly piloting the aircraft when it came down and the southern town of lago ronko, 3 others on board were injured. the government was declared 2 days of national mourning for the 74 year old. who was president twice saying, should i, an emergency crews are searching for hundreds of people who are missing during walls fires. at least a 131. people are known to have died in the emergency or latin america editor of the street and reports in the region of both paris. so where police are investigating whether new fires are being started deliberately. visiting a rural community ravaged by wild fires. julian, president vote each class sold residents, promising aid to thousands of affected families. he also addressed peers of arson need reports of people trying to deliberately night new fires. missing nobody got
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up a wound up. we were talking to the current no, for each country, at least, who would be in direct contact with the mayor's. and i can tell them exactly which area need special petroleum. and so i think we know that improving a sense of security is very necessary to prevent uncivilized behavior of miserable people. residents here say they're still in danger. after surviving last weekends wildfire came under. it broke up last night. we discovered a tree trunk on fire. it didn't catch on fire by it said the top in dry twin two's tree and jerry gracie, enrolling the entrance after curfew. navy special forces are being deployed on land and there on the lookout for arsonist, who is suspected of having started to wildfire last friday. destroyed entire neighborhoods, there's still


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