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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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of 2 rivers that the worst is you have to come. the is really, are strikes, hit that f untimeliness and southern gaza were nearly 2000000 forcibly displaced. palestinians are sheltering. the altering i'll just say real life from headquarters and don't find any navigators. also coming up from us proposals, a 3 stage garza ceasefire plan after mediation by cuts are in egypt, which includes the withdrawal of israeli forces on the release of captives the us sector, state as an israel to broker what the state department calls and enduring and to the war on dos on and russia launch is a wave of the attacks on the ukrainian capital and other cities. parts of chief are
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left without electricity. the color was really warplanes. have continued veritax on residential areas in the center, in the south and gaza. a warehouse sheltering displaced, palestinians was hidden date and bella ambulances took the insurance, will ups all hospital nearby as a series of is really or strikes of also targeted the city of for the head, southern gaza ambulance. those took the injured to the co ways, the hospital at least 27 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed since israel's war on gaza started in early october. well, the un estimates 1900000 people or that's 85 percent of glasses population have been forced from their homes. most residents of northern garza have fled south
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towards con eunice where the is really army said they would be safe. but then soldiers expanded their offensive interest, central and southern, gaza, forcing palestinians even further south to defy on the egyptian border. the population there has quadrupled with hundreds of thousands of people, crowns into an area of just a 150 square kilometers. one is really aircraft dropped leaflets over dated by last calling palestinians not to return to the north of dawes on the lease that declares the north of the strip of the quote dangerous combat zone. and did advise as displaced palestinians to stay in the south for their own safety, but is really forces have carried out attacks in the north and south of gaza, including at enough where nearly 2000000 people as we've been reporting our sheltering we have had anyone who is, is running us from what i found in the south of the gaza strip. it's supposed to be a safe zone hani. but we know that there had been air strikes overnights and dropped off where you are. and there are also increasing concerns that is really
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ground defensive to begin soon. a yes word for a lot of people here in rough by the 1900000, the split palestinians for them is really military. never fail to prove to them that there is no area save across the goddess or not even the designated areas were . we were sharply ordered by the military to evacuate to, to avoid being bind, but within hours, sometime within days of their arrival, they get bonding cold. anyway, just over night attacks targeting more residential homes in these sprint and neighborhoods of roughly 50 here in the high enough. so i'm district that's very close to the egypt. garza motor multiple residential home. we're talking to. 1 at least 11 people were killed, including a journalist, his mother and his sister were among the casualties of over night. attacks with the fact that these attacks are increasing in terms of
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a scale in terms of magnitude in terms of the level of destruction. again, it looks like from just judging this year, level of destruction. costs of the surrounding homes are looking at at large diameter bomb. the not only targets it or destroy targeted residential home, but also the vicinity of the residential. there's lots more residential homes are being there severely damaged, just forcing people into more internal displacement. this is distortion, and rough uh, extends all the way to early hours. the morning where more artillery are sitting from the eastern side. more built of fires right at the area between find you and it's a north of what it again, looks like for a lot of people here is cutting off from, from the remaining northern parts of disturbing polluting. the city of han unison descent from the area and all indicates and feeds into one high level concern. it's the uh, the, the early steps of a ground invasion that is going to happen and very consistent with
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a narrative by these really military, as well as its political leadership of continuing the operations, doing fluids outside of city and honey and the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate quite rapidly, we understand yes, the ongoing intense bombing campaigns has caused the president of catastrophic humanitarian situations across the gaza strip and robot here. and the most of the southern part where we're here, we see things on the ground every single day. and from the reports that we did were able to document the deferment that is a spreading the shortage extreme shortage of, of food supplies, water and medical supplies and other survival life is we're able to document also the others risk that are causing further civilian casualties. all the by products of the war, as well as the intense bombing can feel which is the spread of disease that there
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is a leading now, a causing of death here, right after those unpredictable falling bonds that just have a tight ass type a that is putting like, like fire here in evacuation centers and evacuation zones and residential homes because we're talking about also residential homes are, are over crowded with people with only one for the operation on it just you can imagine how difficult this does extreme shortage of the water supply. just mix mix sanitation as well as the hygiene level. very, very, very low which causing lots of disease. and it's for more of those infectious disease among vulnerable groups including children and women. but those a newborn babies as well, who not only lacks the, the necessary nutritional and met 2 elements that they need to grow. they also lack basic supplies including care and the fact that including diapers, just to prevent and to keep them. is that
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a ties and keep dairy queen at this particular literal age? all right, thank you honey, who was reported from what i saw in gaza. it is really for testers or boston to cut them up. we'll send them crossing to prevent the entry of age into the gaza strip. protest or is waving is really flags demanded, but no humanitarian aid. enter gaza until all captives are released. they set up tents in the area that the is really the army had to clear to close military zone. this comes despite the u. s. demand that a to civilians in gauze, i'd be allowed to enter a quote without interruption. now, elda 0 has obtained a draft document that says her mouse has proposed a 3 stage ceasefire plan. in response to mediation by cuts are in egypt. it involves the exchange, if is really captives for palestinian prisoners reconstruction of gaza. and the complete withdrawal off is really forces. we can now speak to him, how about and the son who's a member of homelessness political bureau about this thanks for your time with us
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on alda 0. i'm looking at the draft agreements right here. first of all, can you explain why, how mosque proposed disagreements in 3 stages? what was the thinking behind not assess the to begin with? the proposal received by how mess following the pad is cutting. friends speaks of the stages as a result. how mass and that is, ponce was committed to these 3 phase process is however, high mass was mode a specifics as the proposed certain deadlines. the 1st one comes at the $45.00, ceasefire. the 2nd all. so for the $45.00 days. and so is the 3rd, so therefore these any time limits sweater as specified by him as
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them said of another issue. so the categories of captive stability is to it also specified the 1st phase. we'll see that at least of 10 that it be load id in years of age, as well as not military women, civilian women, and elders. the 2nd phase will see that it is so for these really captives, men and soldiers. and the 3rd one will be for the lease of they buy these tabs with both sides. this is the specific, the, the specifics on how much the response still pad is paper and mr. and as um, how mouse has said that any hosted z o has to include a comprehensive cease fire that would end the war and gaza and lead to a reconstruction effort as well as the lifting of the siege. but we know that
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israel in the past has said that it will commit to ending the war as part of any deal. now, looking at this draft agreement, there are many details here and it can be safe to assume that the is really is willing to accept some of the points. and that's what are how mazda is red lines as good as default. see you as you know, there are very specific details and mind vc pays cannot be compromised by him as the 1st demand is to put 10. and so it is a war to bring to there's a cleaning machine to a home. do you think that we will accept the order to continue again, it's our civilian population. this is mazda acceptable. another issue we wish to see is that a, the occupation policies withdraw him from guys,
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those 3 books and todd entirely, we don't think that there's a, it is a, are willing to remain and does us through. that's why the demands raised by him as a law firm and reasonable in the country. prime minister described him as a response as a whole lot as positive. that's why i was response. we believe is realistic and our demands are it is never good. but on this issue, you just said that a full cease fire is one of your conditions on this issue. in the past time, i said that there must be a full ceasefire as part of any agreement. but in this draft agreement that you put together, we see that it's in the 2nd stage of the agreements and not in the 1st $45.00 days . is there a reason for that? and is that a concession that's being made by him? us? and the said the,
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we put it this way in order to test the waters in order to test that out. we have sentences, we have even feels that those ladies would not be committed to the agreement. we also believe that the entire agreement may be on their mind. that's why we put the total on permanency spot. and the 2nd phase where more agreements will be the throughout the 3 states. so we know that we raised our knowledge to meet demand, which is feminine, defend, cease fire without the cease fire. no other agreements can be materialized on the ground. have you gotten guarantees from the mediators that they will, in fact, be the guarantors of any agreement that's been agreed on the national box. last week of the have propose gates of 5 parties to act as
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guarantors, guitar dipped to russia, and the united nation. these 5 policies are considered to ensure the permanency spot and to act as guarantor. but this will be taking place once both the side and ethan. i dream and we are waiting for that response. but on this lady, a cool patient government. well waiting to see there is a reply to the proposal made by him as and the response. therefore, we expect to be negotiation to start once and negotiations. the thought. any, all of us to goes what can be on our, on the way to the duties of, by, in the agreement whereby we can both the i's and cross the t's. okay. and
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just let me ask you one final question. your reaction to what the president of the west joe biden said to this, a draft agreement, calling it a little over the top. it is a set of adult and we don't know what to expect to be by the, the american president to come up with a better statement. he is so totally by the american administration. is that what the lease uh, biased he was part of the war, waged on guys that bike of providing the political and legal cover for those that you know, as little known, the military and financial assistance provided to this lady a piece of policy as he was with the method yeah. hand in hand. he was even supporting all the moves taken by nothing. yeah. so that's why we did,
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but they expect a better response from the american administration. and regardless of the by didn't statements, we believe that this is a preliminary. it is funds and we expect the u. s. administration will come up with the final decision or are they willing for the work to continue? or they want to see permanency supply as well. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you. mohammed knows that we thank you for joining us all to 0 to my design is from from us as political bureau a sound go to rory challenge or is joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so rory, mr. and is that it was just telling us here on all to 0 that um this is their 3rd draft proposal that has been put forward. and now they wait to see what the is really is have to say about this. what's the word on the streets over where i mean you're an occupied east jerusalem. but what's being said in, in tennessee is particularly we know that the us sector of state anthony blinking
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is there for visits today. yes, i've been getting hit with a pretty full day of diplomacy. the shut deal has been changing a little bit, but we understand that at the very least he has got to be meeting with benjamin netanyahu. obviously that is going to be taking place that meetings in the next few minutes. we understand he's also going to be meeting. it's like head, so the president hands full, so he's going to be in room i. let's see me with the policy, the president, my boot up, as many types of that me things are going to be taking place on the sides as well. now, what he sits down with a mess of yahoo blinking is most likely to be encouraging him, should we say to come to some sort of accommodation with him. asked to facilitate a section of the flight. so you at least temporarily. and through a goto was through with an exchange of capt saves prisoners. now,
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there is a wide view that the us administration has the button administration has, which is that's essentially a small deal is crucial to re cutting the region, or at least for financing, some sort of regional stability. that's a 65 deals. eventually a 2 state solution would enable the saudis and these radius to come to in a combination normalize that ties etc, and reorder and spring some, some degree piece to, to the middle east. we are long, long way from that. and this deal that is being talked about at the moment. if you listen to the is ready tv channels. if you read these ready opinion, call them is it in the newspapers, they are viewing this very negatively. they do not trust time us one bit and they see that there is a huge goals between the, how much the state to position as we have just heard on that, which is that ultimately a safe spot should result in and,
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and to the war funds. these ready governments stay say to boil goals which are finishing, how much as a mandatory force and keeping its occupation policies inside garza so that is a big goal staff. and at the moments the narrative in israel, the tool calling the tv channels, etc. and what we're hearing from government people, we haven't heard anything, especially responding to this, this new comcast plans box. the general boot music is very negative. and this comes a quite a lots of pressure points. a lot of diplomacy from blinking to be able to turn that ship around. all right, thank you very challenge. reporting from occupied east jerusalem. still ahead on i was a 0 general election impact. a sign is just 24 hours away. we see what role the armed forces plays in politics. actually wraps up security police investigate whether walk fires. so it'd be a started deliberately the
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if there's a big dime pulls and intern easier in the last few days. in one particular case, a dime will best to be seen flooding from it, and it still divide the season. so it wouldn't be surprised to see more of the same big down postpone here is going to focus. i think java will be as well on to monitor increasingly as finals as kind of looking for the shelves are big, not as heavy and the something for that piece. and you'll notice the ne monsoon is much much. we cannot in this part of the world. we have seen some heavy rain in the last week or 2 emanating from what was once a tropical sort of it's gone and i, the rain is still on that line that goes down to what was new south wales, otherwise known, especially with tensions and more of a story not so much in south australia or victoria where so these 25 is about right
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for late summer, but further west width this 39 is coming up and we expect to see something like a 50 somewhere in west australia in the next day or so, but it's only west australia and maybe the outback of places like queens on a new site as well. sounds like nothing extraordinary but test does reach $41.00 and the full cost sort of records. but it's well above the average in new zealand. fairly quiet with the bands of rain moving through, but 1st it looks pretty good, particularly from the find the say operating current say of the religion was the fear that you might be left behind. delving into the dark side to reveal how tuesday calls and still fear to exploit and manipulate to journey powerful force featuring 1st time testimonies from those with skate their narratives and the lessons that should be here. you get the right person in charge of an insane script. the script becomes believable. a
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fucking that's made the end, the field on a jersey. the, [000:00:00;00] the other way down the top stories on how to 0 this hour is really forces have carried out a series of strikes out of f f in southern gaza for over 1900000 palestinians have been displaced ambulance to expand 0 to the weights, the hospital the us secretary state is in tel aviv where he is expected to discuss the terms of the potential israel, how my steel. he's just been in the hallway, the prime ministers that's from us has given
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a positive response to the proposal. the reuters news agency says how much has responded with its own draft documents on a 3 stage proposal for a cease fire plan. this is in response to mediation by katara and egypt. it includes the withdrawal if is really forces on face exchangers, palestinian prisoners for is really captives in gaza and focused on 2 separate bomb blasts of killed at least $24.00 people in the countries brothers. just on province. at least 14 were killed and 30 people were wounded in a bloss at a political party off us and she knew another 10 people were killed during a separate attack and a t lot say for law it comes admits an increase in violence before general election on thursday, come on. hi, there's joining us from is what i'm about to tell us more about these bloss that took place. come on a yes indeed and don't dream
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explosions taking place less than 24 hours before august on going to the boys. now it should be noted that but not just on providence, i've seen a number of attack. the 1st a diag doggett, an independent candidate and the district of machine. the debt to the rear door now has gone up to 7 gain likely to go up because dozens of people were wounded in that attack. the bomb block and also, and we are now heading another bomb, lost at targeting the jump me at the or let my islam. this is a religious bar to their office for the diag this in that election office. and which the that goes down the den likely to go off for the show because there are number of people one day now, but just on has seen very little campaigning because of the law and order problem that early and always so full members of the budget on dedicated software always
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feel good in a bomb blog. and so this is a huge concept. sorry, a huge concern because there are over 90000 boiling stations, 650000 security for transports and they've been deployed during shaw that did. there's a mode and of a say for election for people. however, the door tags taking place literally within an hour of each other, and that of course would it be a huge gun. so now in the boss do that, that could be and get it out by on, by lord fighters who are against that election. and because the security for kids are now on election due to the likelihood of motor tags getting art visual down. all right, thank you so much come, i'll hide our reporting from as long about for us. we mention voters and pucks on. we'll go to the pools on thursday, but rather than the political parties, it's the military establishment, which will have the big influence on the outcome of the 0. as i said,
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bank has more from lower the they want to be seen as the defenders of the nation for teach reduced by the army shows the army chief asked him where they are inspecting positions and bucket study administer. because you may have one of the most militarize owns in the world. a region disputed both by india and buck is done to nuclear powers. but it's not the ministry's road and defending the board. is that under the spotlight? it's the influence and politics. c especially now as focused on get somebody to help the skin with elections right for you. and it's a bound to be a 100 father and a book date of thoughts as ousted the pregnancy and grandson seems to have run out the status. when speed would vanessa establish splendor does a minute boost at this point that i'm talking about are the pockets so now me, which is the know delivering no, try me to stay in the country. 7060, a history has finished a full time and office all the main political parties of felt. the rest of the ministry. confronted under wall street was asked to do an imagery cube,
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and he tried to send me the true chief, but of as much cetera. so it's a cup with the grandfather of the context on people's talk to you had beloved because of tardy was asked is in a to and been executed and former prime minister in runcle and has came to the ministry that is behind his removal. he's now in jail on corruption charges. it's seen on a number of occasions in the past that the, in the month of the week leading up to the election, the party that the military happens to not be comfortable with the tends to suffer before the election on this in run. cons peachy, i'd have to separate the data is in prison. the symbol of a cricket best removed from the by the paper and the activists talking to the best miniature 2 took place in 1958 since then focused on has spent several decades on the military rule. some of the 3 is big business. the build road housing project becoming a general as well. status influence of a housing nation with him on con, refused to back ukraine. of the rest of the invasion is trying to cover the cost of
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the try to keep the clock studies when washington fortunately objected. as was revealed in the documents home up because i'm new john, what do you think of us that we are your slaves and that will do whatever you ask about. we are friends of russia, and we're also friends of united states. we are friends of china and europe. we are not part of any alliance. he was moved in a vote of no confidence. and since then bucks, dont foreign policy as shifted to learn and get self once again with the us. the outcome of these elections have not yet been decided, but one thing the results will not change the size road an instance of the ministry step. as i said, big data before about the start. russia has lost a number of missile strikes across ukraine. at least 2 people in keyboard killed and a 3rd has died in the southern city. of nikolai, of other areas were targeted including the cities of car keys. and the thieves and falling debris from miss alt strikes were blamed for causing power cuts across the
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capital. president villages zalinski war and that more people could be trapped under the rubble. rub. mcbride has the latest from ukraine's capital keats, as the alerts was of 1st raised in the early hours of the morning when a large number of rushing more plays were detected. taking off from fields in russia and then sure enough at 1st light, we started to get reports of the 1st strikes here in keys. they were around full loud explosions with several locations being reported here. probably the most serious has been an apartment block in the south of the city. in fact, we've been watching a pole of smoke for the past hour or so on. the few columbus is to the south of us here, which appears to have been that apartment block with reports of 7 flows about building thing on fire and several people being injured and hospitalized. but other cities have been hit in the northeast. hockey has been hit once again and also reports as strikes in the very far west of the country around the vehicle. it seems as though
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a lot of the weapons being used with cruise missiles, which can often be set on a very complicated meandering cause to try to confound and confuse ad defenses impacts. a couple of these missiles are reported to have been heading towards the police board, but then turned back towards the city of the be. all of this comes as the parliament hearing tag in keep is, is debating use i just lation to try to increase the pace of mobilization. i made a growing awareness here that i simply onset off the soldiers to fight this war. until a emergency crews are searching for hundreds of people who are missing during wildfire as a place. the 131 people are known to have died in the emergency or latin america editor . let's do newman reports in the region of both parry so where police are investigating whether new fires are being started deliberately visiting a room community ravaged by wild fires. julian president
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w bought each car sold residence, promising a to thousands of affected families. he also addressed fears of our sin, need reports of people trying to deliberately night new fires missing. no, but a god. the moon up, we have only to the co no. for each county unless who'd be in direct contact with the mayor. we shouldn't have to tell them exactly which area need special petroleum in thinking. we know that improving a sense of security is very necessary to prevent uncivilized behavior miserable people. residents here say there's still in danger. after surviving last weekend's wildfire came under. it broke up last night, we discovered a tree trunk on fire. it didn't catch on fire by it said the top in dry twin to strangers, gracie and roaming the entrance after curfew. navy special forces are being


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