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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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the most event spot, you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective on elders here. the a this rattle intensifies. this strikes a southern gaza with growing fee is of a ground evasion in rough, or i'm just needing to really get displaced, palestinians the on the bulk of this. so just a real life though, also coming up a mass propose is a 3 stage cause a ceasefire. plan off to mediation by counsel of egypt. oh, so it had at least $27.00 people killed in 2 separate blossom, southwest pockets down on the eve of parliamentary elections. and russians launches
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a wave of a tax on the pregnant capital and other cities and makes us choose the thanks for joining us. high level diplomatic efforts, a continuing today. and the hopes of bringing an end to israel's full months long war on gaza, which is 0 has obtained a draft proposal by how by suggesting a 3 stage ceasefire plan in response to mediation by castle in egypt. it includes the withdrawal of israeli forces and faced exchange of palestinian prisoners for his rated captives in gauze. those times will be discussed in tel aviv, where the us actually of state is meeting is ready. officials until the blinking says he wants to broken extended paws to the war in gaza. but it's not these tools as well has kept top. it's a tax across the strip. there were multiple entries off the strikes target to the southern city. rafa us when 82000000 displaced,
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palestinians of shelter well, honeymoon is live for us in rafa in southern guns and how they understand those to be more evidence of civilians being targeted this time. a young girl buying this or at least not, but what, what information do you have? yes, indeed, and this is definitely not the 1st by man, not many people here are certain. it's not going to be the last time just before this particular incident of that 14 year old girl who was out in hon. eunice and one of the neighborhood trying to get water was shut by a sniper and was live in the, in the streets of bleeding. until she passed away is just, this is another example of how once they've the situations in, in han noon is we're not all the intense bombing going on. but the fact that there are a talking drones that quite caught the snipers taking the roof tops then,
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and the shielding inside a building is very remaining, a high rise building around the vicinity of knots of the hospital and the district . and the central part of pioneering is just making it very difficult for people not only who are who are trying desperately to get food and water as they go hungry on thursday now. but also those who are trying to leave the those dangerous areas and try to seek refuge elsewhere to live alone. those who are trying to leave han units and come children in norfolk city in the just 2 hours ago. and before this particular and then a 40 year old woman was also shot and killed by a sniper this meters away from the main gaze of mazda hospital. i believe that women was try to get either food or water for hair. family member, one of their family members wasn't inside nozzler hospital, an injured one and was trying to save his life by bringing him some food as the
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hospital. a not complete is with a bleeding of running out to visit supplies, including the food resources for the number of injuries, and patients who have been inside the hospital and unable to live since the beginning of the expansion of the military operation. this situations is then, is another scenario of what's going on and gaza know the part where they really are hours. a group of people's about 13 people were killed as they were at a place to get water as well. do work fired up by the attack, a drones and heavy machine guns. 13 people were killed. 5 of them were it shoulder . and this is the potter. we've been seeing right now. more children, more civilian, more hungry, and this place that's trying to die as people have been the targets of relentless attacks by this very military. so how do we know, of course, the top different minds? so under a huge amount of pressure to reach some sort of agreement, some sort of break food to end this conflict. nevertheless,
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more accounts of strikes hitting southern gaza adams the whole of gaza itself. but also growing concerns about a possible ground evasion. it is very thought situations for the display of palestinians in this the small part of the gaza strip. we're talking about more than half of the population being framed in this part of the gaza strip and repeatedly being, being a talk that since the beginning of the war, the number of residential homes have been targeted throughout the past 4 years. it's very massive, just a brief walk into robot neighborhood. we'll see examples of this, of these destroyed residential homes and the shared level of destruction caused by massive bombs falling on them. but the, the talks about an expansion of another operation is going to be doing a side of that we're looking at more atrocity is going to happen because there are no flan, whatsoever for that. for more than half of the population will be to squeeze into
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this part of it, let alone the failure to provide a safe for a door of our safety plan of the good of sending them back to their homes into another part. then the guys a strip, it's important to point out that within the past couple hours, leaflets were dropped on the central area warning people of going back to the northern part and got a city. and literally the statement reads as follows is that the part of the city is a dangerous combat zone. ad people are warned of going backward, the risk in losing their life fear adoption for palestinian here. their no. yeah, no ceasefire yet no deal has been resolved. don't talk about these reports that's been leak done, or how, how much response of is ready to go in into our discussion. but they are very skeptical here that, that is, rub my just only want a temporary cease fire, not into this for wireless. people here once an and an immediate and too old war acts on the ground because they have grown exhausted,
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tired and desperate for an immediate, an end to this madness that has a claim. 1000 of life, including children now when a name i made that with the precisely wants to stay on the ground and godson, honey, thank you. the 0 has obtained a proposal by how my son was supposed to be the ation f, as by a castle in egypt. mohammed, those i'll is a member of a master's political bureau. hey, explains why the groups trunk to the drop proposal in 3 detail stages and was on the stand the we put it this way in order to test the waters in order to test that out. we have certain concessions, we have even feel that there is a it is, will not be committed to the agreement. we also believe that the entire agreement may be under mine. that's why we put the code that on permanency spot. and the 2nd phase where more agreements with bds throughout the city state. we know
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that we raise our ultimate demand, which is feminine ceasefire without the ceasefire. no other agreements can be materialized on the ground. any? oh, i'm a clue what the furnace the bed is still for 10 and to and there is a war to bring. there's a turing machine for a whole. do you think that we will accept the order to continue? again, it's our civilian population. this is most acceptable. another issue we wish to see there's a occupation forces withdrawing from guys this 3 by the entire entirely . we don't think that there's a, it is a, are willing to remain and does a strip. that's why the demands raised by have asked for the lo phone and reasonable. earlier i spoke to his saying, i read to use a full met gyptian,
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a system foreign minister, and he says it might be a while before as well. and her boss reaching agreement to come back. but it's a beautiful had of course, to look forward to the draft proposing to was for the military commanders of how much in the theme. uh there is to say you guys uh to hold the name with other hosting and as i've seen you and it is just as movements. and then we actually have this, let me so it took, it took some time. and this is why, why, why, why the, the reply by how much people almost when we regarding the deal itself and envisages rephrase is $45.00 days each. one of the benefits off this phase framework, how much it costs or football game came up, was, is maximus the position we are waiting for the is that he applied
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to the doctor. but i presume that is what i need is uh we'll try to water down. uh some, some uh items in the, from us at the football game. and we don't expect we not expect the israel would say yes to everything that we have. let me, let me look at the underlying here that we don't have an official copy of the mascot. the need to press reports. we have an idea as we have the deals of this product proposal. so i don't expect that these, they usually say yes to add the editor that opposing progress reports today. and image the theme in the uh, the m s. the clock. so uh, i believe that uh we at the end of the day we can,
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we can but the, the, the goal said the, the mediator can compromise it, compromised year quite, let's stay with the story and go live to mamma. jump june. who's in tel aviv uh with more i'm thinking so that visit a how many precisely how much pressure is that on israel to agree to this proposal? well, lincoln is on the ground and is the only of israel is under a great deal of pressure. i mean, blinking has come here with a lot of expectations. the us on numerous occasions when they've sent us x rays, it has to be blinking is we all have wanted to see more concessions from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and most of the time that has not come to pass. now, one thing that is real is under pressure to do is to try and ensure more humanitarian aid continuing to flow into gaza. but more than that, and that's in the yahoo specifically is going to be under pressure to not only
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respond to the counter offer by how much, but to respond in a generally positive way or a way that would look as though things were progressing to another possible ceasefire, but we must remember that even though blinking is going to be trying to exert a lot of pressure on that. yeah, when we should mention that know that blinking was in tel aviv earlier. he did meet with nothing. yahoo! he is expected to meet also with this really president isaac hurts are in jerusalem a bit later. and the fact of the matter is that nothing yahoo is under a huge amount of pressure, not just from the us, but also from the political spectrum here in israel, you will have to as far right wing ministers like national security minister, it's marvin viewer and finance. minister bessolo smart rich who have openly set on numerous occasions that they would walk away from the government and collapse the government if it meant preventing israel from entering into
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a ceasefire deal that they see as just advantages to israel security. they also don't want to see israel withdraw its forces from god and they don't want to see or israel in the war before as they say, how much is eliminated beyond that? nothing. yeah. who was also under pressure from the opposition, many of them calling on him to resign and he's under pressure from many members of society or we don't trust his leadership anymore. and especially relatives of those cap is still being held in gaza. we've been coming out week after week in larger numbers, demanding that the government specifically he do more to ensure the release of their loved ones. so there is a lot of pressure. the nets and yahoo is facing right now. many say that he is in a politically untenable situation. that is a very dire political reality for him right now. but it's one that he's going to have to navigate very carefully. it's such a critical time and it's such an important visit. now we're expected to hear more from lincoln later on this evening. here in tel aviv, there's going to be
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a lot of expectations from blinking on this and yahoo! question is, what does nothing yahoo going to do in the hours to come? now there's a lot of expectation all around mohammed jump june, live for us, but in television. thank you. so he's already protest is blocking the com. i will sell him crossing to prevent the entry of age into the gaza strip. protest is waving his right, the flags them onto the know who mounted serenade entered gauze it into old captives are released. they set up tents in the area that these radio meet have declared a close military zone. this comes despite the us them on the age of indians in gaza, be allowed to enter the quote without interruption. now, the semester of salvation has reached critical levels in gaza. policy makers, you and representatives and civil society activists have been gathering. and though ha, to discuss how to guarantee access to food for people in gaza and around the world image and kimber reports of nearly the entire population of goza. that's
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$2300000.00 people is imminent risk funding fee just so scarce. when a to pays, people are desperate to get their hands on it. while the faith is available is not very expensive. with 500000 people already facing extreme hunger as a result of the destruction of ford systems due to the siege. on average, only 30 trucks are allowed in daily to gaza compared to $500.00 at pre war levels. the stove ation is a weapon of war is bond on the international humanitarian law. it's considered a war crime and a crime against humanity to deny food. the means of the existence, the means of subsistence to a people or to any uh, identifiable group on the basis of discrimination. this is what's happening in this conference in doha, is focused on global food justice, simply people's right to access fee. so with complex and systematic violence being
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the biggest causes of hunger in the world, the world goes on the top of the agenda. well, the restriction control of food and goza didn't begin on the 7th of october with this recent will. cause a has been on the blockade since 2007 with israel controlling what goes in and out . because it is of, of the community had been calculated at this, they fit into quantities of food and basic stuff. and this was thursday to the tech losses that what a lot of as a and these types of food restrictions would likely not end when this will result even goes a did have an agricultural sector, but the damage from these ready bombardment last a long time. it will need maybe a few years to, to check on the saw you on the it remains for different types of i'm going to see and that was, and maybe some lines. and it depends also on how much freedom that goes on and will
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have access to the mediterranean because of the fishing is, is one of the most important sources of food security for it goes on. historically, starvation is knowledge the mind made problem and that for urgently needs non made solutions to store people going of hunger. and goals are the only solution is an end to these ready bombardment, image and kinda how to 0. the ha, the still ahead on out as the ref, chimney room sub security, while police investigating whether while funds are being started deliberately, the now the heat wave in elgin t is being replaced by repeated shares, a change of wind direction. so attempt is not really especially hard at the moment, can't say exactly the same, but you live with this. the increasing likelihood of shows going down through
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santiago, still quite opposite 34 as on sales. 37 is also a bit of reduction and these shows that you see through product ride to southeastern brazil, they've been pretty poky particular in, in brazil they didn't flash, that's all much slides, but they've been doing that throughout the summer. and the extent of the shells is quite great, but the not necessarily particularly heavy but of a difference if you move north of they come to know in the caribbean. and this class has swelled through both and significantly stormy weather into cuba. a couple of pictures for how bar. yes, the streets were flooded. now that raises going to eastern super 3 co towards the small account of being honest. i look at this when all the trade winds compete in the wrong direction up from the south east, we see more rec, or call you values as a result of that in the us. the story is open in california and it continues to be that way. the heaviest ride is probably overnight, but l a is still going to get some more in this country, more snow in the mountains and in the further in that in the higher rockies which
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is probably a useful cause for some of what supply but currently not so useful, and the, the 1st one i saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves was there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the, the,
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you're watching out just here is a reminder about top stories this hour. if you notice that being held a rough after a series of as rainy strikes, thousands were also injured in the attacks including several children. has obtained a draft proposal by her boss suggesting a 3 stage ceasefire plant is it responds to mediation by casara egypt, case of withdrawal of israeli forces at a phased exchange of palestinian prisoners, very sorry, the captives in cost effective stages instead of the ways expected to discuss the terms of the potential israel above deal. it's just been in the hallway, the prime minister said, i'm not given a positive response to the proposal. ok, let's get some other world news now and at least 27 people have been killed in 2 separate explosions and pockets time a bomb blast at a political party office in position and believe just on code at least 17 people.
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and when did a 30 another attack and kill us, i full of killed 10 people. there's been enough taking violence in the run of the countries general election on this day. kind of hide a has more form this law about the weather is widespread condemnation, but it should be remembered that but not just on providence, i seen a surgeon attack and they drove back to back bomb blogs. the 1st one target doing an independent candidate and the district of machine. many people have a wounded 17 kids and that did that. and then just minutes later, another explosion dropped another part of the province and another district goes, collect, say for loud, this is go through the one border that dog getting the jump me at the all of my it's law. this is a religious bar game. and a number of people getting there and many more one day, so condemnation from the or thought or gave tribute. remember that there are 650000
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security for this person and that they've been deployed to ensure that there is no violence. it is going to be a difficult task because pollutants on has seen it, spike and attacks, and no one has yet claimed responsibility. but that, of course, really make things complicated because it may affect the work that done out in that problem. there is, of course, a security concern that are also concerned that there's been heavy handed tactics huge by the government against the former prime minister on cons. party that into pocket done that he can solve the united nations high commissioner for human rights had said that there is a deep concern about the wireless that plague this particular election drawn up through that election. so indeed, that is going to be a huge concern. but people ahead are the domain, they are going to turn out toward. the expectation is that if there is
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a lodge done now, then the outcome can also be a surprise. but at the moment, the government is saying that for language go ahead. it is protective of the security threats then no matter what happens working with data, it's on the 8th of february, the russia is launched. a number of missile strikes across the crate. at least 3 people in key if were killed. the 4th is the item assault, the city of nic, alive, pulse of the capital of being left without power off the folding debris. damaged power lines for the bride has more kids that strikes being reported against cities across the ukraine early wednesday morning involving a number of different weapons, different types of missiles and also drones here in the capital. a key. but 1st lights are that we're around to 3 or full loud explosions with several locations have being hit with an apartment complex in the south of the city. that it probably both the brunt of the tax here when sold the most amount of damage into casualties
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around 7 flows of this apartment blocks. that's a blaze by folding debris, with a number of people from this complex being killed and others being hospitalized. but that where a text as far away as half keys in the northeast, there were a tax there which is called the city that has come on the consistent tech for a number of weeks now. but also as far west as would be way over in the west of ukraine. a number of the weapons being used was sophisticated cruise missile was able to take longer meandering groups to try to confuse and confound the defences. in fact, a couple of those cruise missiles said to have been very close to the polish border before they turned around, landing in the v, a region and other attacks taking place down in the south of ukraine, around the city of nikolai f, with a number of sha hey, drones being used again, the coding to deal with are these targeting residential areas with a number of homes damaged and again,
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more casualties. that those things on the way for the presidential election and as the by john. but there's little doubt, tell him what the result will be. president lee f, who's been in pa for 21 years and succeeding his father, unexpectedly cool the pole, giving little time for rivals to run against him. like the previous 6 elections, the 2 largest opposition parties, a boy costing this votes as they continue to demand free fair and democratic elections to, to the now where emergency crews are searching for hundreds of people who went missing during while 5 in the country. at least a 131 people are known to have died in the emergency life in america, editor lucy, and human report from the region of the parties are where police are investigating, where the new files are being stopped and delivered as the visiting a rural community ravaged by wild fires. julian president w bought each sold residents, promising aid to thousands of affected families. he also addressed peers of austin,
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made reports of people trying to deliberately night new fires missing nobody got it, but we're not, we're going to the current. no, for each country, and it's who'd be in direct contact with the may or should i have to tell them exactly which area need special petroleum and thinking. we know that improving a sense of security is very necessary to prevent uncivilized behavior from miserable people. residents here say they're still in danger. after surviving last weekends wildfire tick documented it from last night. we discovered a tree trunk on fire. it didn't catch on fire by it said the top in dry twin to strangers, gracie and roaming the entrance after curfew. navy special forces are being deployed on land and there on the lookout for arsonist, who is suspected of having started to wildfire last friday, destroyed entire neighborhoods. there's still a lot of questions as to how and why the worst and natural disaster in chile since
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the 2010 earthquake to place the government as asking the european union for assistance because of its expertise in wild flyers, especially in the highly populated areas but the people who live here say that there are other things that need to be taken into accounts, referring to an incentive to burn land. what's the name of everyone can see that whatever forest the heck of cultural land has been ravaged by wild fires. soon after the land is sold for housing projects, 1st the fine, then the sale of the long people they will serve with it. i asked the deputy interior minister about the allegation data, some people, you know, they for some time there's been a bill in congress that would declare areas impacted by fires ineligible for building projects. it's acceptable that there be a perverse incentive for wildfire as to benefit private economic interests. others are pushing for the government to increase penalties and try our soonest as terrorists, whatever the calls or the motivation behind these fires. the outcome has been
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deadly. seen human algebra via i live on a g. s thing and surely the country is full. the president has been killed in a helicopter crash and southern chile. it's believed he was flying himself on 3 of the passengers. the government is declared 2 days of a national morning for the 74 year old, who was president twice. stephanie decker reports. tribute to the man who twice run to a former president's best young pineda, died in the helicopter crash on tuesday. he was 74 east to you. i o. the former president sebastian's can yetta to receive the owners of a state funeral and declared 3 days of morning to honor the memory of the man who was elected to times as president of t like some chileans. remember him as a leader who improved their economy from them. he was a great president, someone who always fought for his country and never had the no, he's to dalton,
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avery way. he wouldn't, worldwide due to the skill of the top minus i filled up, should prove the come to the state court on me for one adult. everyone is morning. his passings police dispersed protest or is gathered in the capital santiago, many here calling him murder. the only legacy he left behind was kate and more divisions. and before you had a 2nd presidency from 2018 to 2022 was marked by widespread protests against the quality it prompted accusations of human rights violations against demonstrators. but he's also remembered as the man who led the country during the unprecedented rescue of $33.00 miners trap for $69.00 days at the bottom of the line, which riveted not only truly would capture the world's attention, the states funerals will be held on fridays. stephanie decker, which is 0 reco breaking storm in southern california has full homeowners from s c side villas. a side of emergency was declared as days of unprecedented parental
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rank was land slides. and so much neighbors charges of the us so projected donald trump's claims and he's immune from charges of talking to over time. the result of the presidential election 4 years ago. the unanimous ruling by the federal appeals quote is being seen as a setback for the, for the president's hopes of returning to the white house is why i say he intends to challenge the verdict political head and has both. washington dc. courts have ruled the us. presidents are immune in civil cases for what they didn't office, meaning they can't be sued, but can to be charged with the crime. that's a question that has never been tested now in the pilot court has weighed in and decided unanimously. former president, donald trump, is not immune and he can be tried for his alleged crimes on january 6th. this after trumps lawyers tried to set a new standard in court, which seemed to baffle the judges of president who ordered steal.


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