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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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on the the flow and the bulk of this is the news life and the coming up in the next 60 minutes, you're a 6 year stays mc, blinking mates is variety leaders to discuss the cx, 55, cause of proposed by him. us is around intensifies as the strikes and southern goes it with growing fee is of a ground evasion. in rafa home to nearly 2000000 displays, palestinians also have at least 27. people are killed in 2 separate floss himself, west pocket style on the eve of parliamentary elections, plus catherine slowly on the shores of lake coxswain in weston, yukon, dog,
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you forcing about the plight of salt. mine is to depend on this walters and sport georgia. make history at the asian cops, the team rank 87th in the wealthy south korea to now to reach the final for the 1st time. and now i see the capital one for the trophy. the thanks for joining us is $1300.00 gmc, those 3 pm in gauze and israel. high level diplomatic efforts underway, and the hopes of bringing an end to the full months long will oh, to 0. it has obtained a draft proposal by a boss suggesting a 3 stage sci fi applied. it was supposed to mediation by castle in egypt. it includes the withdrawal of israeli forces on the face exchange of palestinian prisoners for is ready the captives in cause. well, those terms are being discussed in israel, where the us 6 you of states has met with the is ready prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu, and other officials under the blinking says he wants to broker an extended pause in the war in gaza. but despite these tools as well, has kept up its attacks across the strip. they were multiple injuries of the half strikes target to the southern city, or rough uh, where i need a to 1000000 displaced palestinians or sheltering it is we are very, very, very tired of this situation. it's really difficult. a 120 days, no food, no water. we are very tired waiting for solve the problem. it was let's quiet last night because of the mist size. wherever you go midsize on the board, there's before the board, there's east and west. everywhere you go, misfire. worse, the truce, where's the end ca, to how can there be a truce when people are being slow turned here? let's look into the significance of all of this with my med jim. jim. he is in tel aviv, and i'm a how many, how much pressure is that on israel to agree to propose
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a while blinking is physically on the ground? well, there's a huge amount of pressure that is realized under right now leave. of course, us x ray of say the answer me blinking met a little earlier with is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. prime minister's office released a short statement saying that they had an extensive private meeting. and then they had a meeting in which they were joined by among others, the defense ministry. you're welcome lots as well as they had a sion bet they had the most out and other security officials. but not a lot of details have emerged as to what the response has been at this stage with regards to how much is counter proposal. now we have not heard anything official from the prime minister today. we know that as of last night, that them aside and other security officials were studying the proposal. we know that there is supposed to be a security cabinet meeting held tomorrow and which is expected to be discussed. but yes, the fact of the matter is that israel is under pressure by the west,
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by the administration of us president joe biden, to try to come up with a positive response when it comes to the outlook of a ceasefire while blinking is in town now blinking is also scheduled to meet with israeli president issac hertzog. that's going to be happening in jerusalem. and he isn't going to be giving a press or a bit later in the tell a b. so we expect to hear more from blinking. but what is the response going to be from? that's and yeah of, that's really key here right now, because when you look across these really media landscape or the course the past few days, you'll see a lot of anonymously sourced articles. a lot of senior government officials that are saying that they don't think much may come out of this visit. they are a lot more pessimistic than blinking is now when it comes to next. you know, he's in a politically untenable situation right now. he's facing not just pressure from the west that wants nothing yahoo to more closely aligned with president biden's vision of what gaza should look like in the months to come. but also he's under pressure from his right. like he's under pressure from far right. we ministers like the finance minister as a little smart rich and the national security minister. it's more been give you who
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it many times in the course of the past week, stated publicly, but they were willing to walk away from the government and collab to government before they would be willing to sign on to any kind of a deal that would see among other things, the release of thousands of pallets and the prisoners in exchange for is really cap just being held in gaza and they also don't want to see and into the war. they don't want to see that with for. busy that was really true from god, but even during a ceasefire. so that's one type of political pressure. and that's, you know, it was under self under pressure from the opposition, many of them calling on him to reside. and he's also under growing pressure from many sectors of israeli society here because while a lot of people do still support the war effort. in poll after poll, you see a huge majority of israeli citizens supporting the war. they at the same time want to see the government do more to secure the release of those cap is being held in god. so you've had more protests week after week relative of those captives coming out, saying the government needs to do more and then pull after pull. and that's and yahoo is really at a record low is when it comes to trust in his leadership. so a huge amount of pressure right now on nets and yahoo, it's a very complicated political reality for him right now. it's gonna be difficult for
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blankets to navigate, and it's gonna be even more difficult for nothing. yeah. how to navigate in the days company. all right my, how many, many thanks about the how much i'm dream life for us, the intel a v for let stay with the story. i'm bringing hash them of all right. who's here with me in the studio hash him you've had a chance to look at this in more detail. it's quite a lengthy dentist document with lots and lots of copies. yes. but is it possible to break down the essentials of this framework for us? so the 2 elements in this deal, you will see the to the, the, the phased implementation of the agreement as seen by how mass, which is phase one, phase 2 and face 3. phase one is more of an attempt to try to bid bridges with it. international mediators and the americans by saying that we're willing to agree 4, i 404 to 45 days in exchange for releasing is via the captives. but then phase 2 is the most important for have us. this is why they want to see a commitment that this is going to be a permit and seized by an exchange for more release of used by the captive. so
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phase being the most important of us as a, is going to pay the way for all these riley troops to pull out from casa, and also in a new chapter. how much does almost done the transform piece could slip away if they insist on their own demands that they have been sticking to over the last few months, if they've given this opportunity. but at the same time, they have been saying that we're not going to commit always to have. so anything unless we understand the best time these, right, i'm not going to repeat what they did last november when the, there was a day of, there was an expensive and then it collapses collapse. and these bodies thought that the relentless bombardment of does the want to make sure that this is not going to happen. and this explains why they have a phased implementation of the spouse. 454545. the total of being something like a $140.00 or $35.00 days. they want to build consensus. that's also a $155.00 days. the international community would say, you know what,
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it's about time to move forward and forget about any major confrontation in gaza. hush and stay with this because i, we, i only went out to 0, interviewed my habit, and as others member from us is political bureau. he explained exactly why the group is structure. this draft proposal in this 3 stages. i was on the send the we put it this way in order to test the waters in order to test that out. we have certain concessions. we have even feel that those ladies will not be committed to the agreement. we also believe that the entire agreement may be under mine. that's why we put the code that and permits the spot. and the 2nd phase where more agreements with bds throughout the city state. we know that we raise our ultimate demand, which is permanent ceasefire without the ceasefire. no other agreements can be
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materialized on the down. leo, i'm a clue what the furnace demand is to put 10. and so there is a war to bring. there's a turing machine for a whole. do you think that we will accept the order to continue? again, it's our civilian population. this is not acceptable. another issue we wish to see there's a occupation forces withdrawing from guys this 3 by the entire entirely . we don't think that there's a, it is a, are willing to remain and does this threat. that's why the demands raised by have, as our local and reasonable. like i said, that was a mom. and as the member from us political bureau speaking to us, and i was just here a little bit early, i'm sure i'm still with me here in a few days to look into this in a bit more detail. so a clear explanation. you've given one, of course we find from a mass,
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it will say about why it's being broken down into these phases. phase one, the 1st $45.00 days will about trust building cost of that hurdle has been over overtaking the opportunity then to get what have mass once, which is a permanent ceasefire. i wonder what pushed back we might experience from this route because one of the key to minds is always being the desponding of mass loves . seems like a, a huge hurdle, but clearly have minus one degree to and this is exactly why they have, i mean, either because the political calculus of how much they do and there's tons of the americans, the, you and dave of some key regional players. and these spots of the world don't mind seeing how much completely destroyed for the policy and or for the to come and take over. to do this, you would have to implement a new security architecture in the region. you have to have wells, the nations and they sponsor of the wells convincing themselves. so rebuilding goes up, providing incentives to all the people and goes up for them to move on until the top
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of how much of this explains what have as of this particular juncture. that cannot afford to hold ground for as long as it takes they do understand this is a cause we shifting beaumont and this is why they are also willing to make some concessions. i think if these riley's come out tomorrow, the day of this thing that we would check some of those demands, how must we've come back and say to tell the tardies, look, we are willing to go forward with more concessions because the ultimate goal for them is to stay in power and ensure that these riley's products from gaza. but at the same time still, boom, bonding, the, the strip. if that happens, it would be a big victory for how much they can come back to the old people and say, you know it, despite all the losses which to the, on the ground. is you going to happen? i think the americas would be the key players when it comes to what's next for goes on. this explains why, why do you have some opportunities and that this is going to happen. there's
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a great deal of anxiety about what's next for goes that the particular was a how much will be tolerated, to maintain some sort of a political, a ministry presidency in the future. yeah, there's certainly a huge amount of anxiety around this. how some of our, thanks a lot of them this afternoon. it was slipping out in rough after a number of his ready strikes. thousands also interested in the attacks including several children, at least $27.00 south 527500 posting is have been killed since, as well as one guys began on october. the 7th. you an estimate is 1900000 people, 85 percent of goals as population that have not been forcing the homes. most residents of northern guns that have fled south towards con eunice by this way, the army. so if they would be safe for then soldiers expanded the fence if into central and southern gauze, or forcing palestinians even further south to raffle on egypt shall buddha, the population that has quadrupled with hundreds of thousands of people crammed
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into an area of just a 150 square kilometers. honey, my maids is a rough up in southern good cause for us and honey. a little earlier on we have more evidence of civilians being targeted in these rails. more on garza including a sniper attack on a young woman. what more can you tell us? yes, within the past hours, reports of from noon has been it from not their hospital in its vicinity of israeli snipers taking position at the surrounding building around the vicinity of the hospital, shooting and targeting civilians as they are out of the the valuation zones or the hospital trying to get either water or food for their family members. a 14 year old girl was shot and killed by a sniper before that instead of a 40 year old woman also was of out of the husband of tried to get food supplies for one of her family members inside the hospital,
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children. for since the beginning of the results are shot and killed, there's actually more re confirmed reports over 3 people who were shot and killed by a sniper at the western part of the state of han, eunice. and because of the difficulty, unlimited nobility inside hon. unit 2 or 3 of them were all transferred all the way from hong and his boss, the zone all the way through of us to the window and the job. possibly the 3 young people who were shot and killed as they were out of their evacuation and they're trying to look for food and water. and this is the situations for the most people who are stranded in hon. eunice, people in our lives, their, their internal display, it's traumatized, cold and hungry. and as they have tried to get out to get their own supplies, it to survive the horror of what's going on there being shut out by the snipers and honey there is of course, this huge diplomatic push for breakthrough at the moment,
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but never the last bull as strikes in goes over an item around a rough on, of course, these concerns about a possible is way to get ground offensive. this is why people have been describing they are large then the highest moments of for free, of the look at these plots and whatever have been leaked about a possible c as far as the, the, the torture before a death. because there talks about how serious these talks are getting. but at the same time, intense bombing campaign is still taking place across the gauze district. but manly, this time and run by 50. we're more than half of the population have been crammed into further southern part of the strip of talking about right by city, very overcrowded. everywhere you'll see this was thomas city of wood on the president, the catastrophic human interior situations. you're talking about extreme shortage of every necessity, including drinking water and, and medical supplies and survival items last night. all the,
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the intensity of the bonding could be felt by everyone who is, i guess, and eager to hear something positive and constructive about a possible seeds fire. did that lead into an end to the or not only temporary, but we're looking at at least 11 people were killed, including joining his, his mother and his sister, and other civilians who were among them were women and into doing it. and just within the past couple hours, they were put through their buying a resting place in a cemetery. here in regard to the, the, the, the, the, it's getting to the bombing continues. the suffering continues and more profoundly, the trauma increases as there is still no solid. a statement about a possible deal that has been reached or not yet a honey moneys. thanks for your thoughts in kind of a mood the and reference southern cousin and i was ready protest is to have both the kind of abu sign i'm crossing a number of times of now set up
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a come to stone age, getting into a gauze. i may put up tense 10, so the crossing of a demanding note 8 is allowed into the strip until all captives are released. is there any military use? declared the arrow, close ministries, them, and then not removing the demonstrators. earlier i spoke to you, asked on pedagogue, he's a professor of trans national lord 100 because he for the university. he says that's the presence of the test as in the mid threes and shows they have the backing of these really ami slide shows that face of aliens are not simply spontaneous processors, but that they're a didn't facilitated by these really and forces. and unfortunately, the idea is a, is making sure that it's not itself impeding the delivery of a, but it's using the civilians as a guys to do so. so you are suggesting that this is to a certain extent, site state sanctioned. i mean, to the extent that we have the civilians within the military's own accounts in the other alternative. and indeed we've also seen it in the past few days. a tax on
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a chromeboys as well. i have trucks being hit by rockets. i, i don't know the exact details, but most certainly a not being able to to reach like some tend to targets. we've seen images of holes in the side of, of a truck. so what does that say to you? it's an extension of these really genocide against the palestinians that the does an impediment of human intent to release it, dispensable for the survival of the palestinians. and so therefore, this an extension of the genocidal phase as well without for the water without medicine, there's no way that any civilian relation can survive, especially under those circumstances and in the middle of winter. and so that's a clear, deliberate move uh to uh, to destroy population, in part, at least where that's supposed to move. but unfortunately there isn't much really goodwill. but what, what should happen is that state should assume universal jurisdiction to at least indict is ready to officials, even if they never arrest them. but at least those indictments will be live and he's ready for something they'll be able to uh,
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traverse through you or for other parts of the world. the . okay, let's go to some other world news though, and at least 27 people have been killed in 2 separate explosions in pockets done up on the last that a political party office can be seen in baluchistan and killed at least 17 people and wounded 30. another of talking that's a lot, so i fully killed 10 people that's been end up taking violence in the run up to the countries general election on the 1st a couple of holly that has more for me, so i'm about it was, is widespread condemnation, but it should be remembered that but not just on providence, i seen a surgeon attack and they drove back to back up on the block. the 1st one target doing an independent candidate and the district of machine. many people have a wounded 17, gave them that, did that. and then just minutes later, another explosion dropped. uh,
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another part of the providence and another district cause okay, let's say for loud, this is flow through the one border that targeting the jimmy at the my, it's law. this is a religious party. and a number of people get there and many more one day. so condemnation from the charter days should be remembered, that there are 650000 security for this person. and that they've been deployed to ensure that there is no violence. it is going to be a difficult task because village is gone, has seen it, spike and attacks, and no one has yet claimed responsibility. but that, of course, really make things complicated because it may affect the work done out in that problem. there is, of course, a security concern that are also concerned that there's been heavy handed tactics used by the government against the former prime minister of non cons party. that into focused on 30 can solve the united nations high commissioner for human rights
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. had said that there is a deep concern about the wireless that plague this particular election drawn up through that election. so indeed, that is going to be a huge concern. but people ahead are determined they are going to turn out toward the expectation is that if there is a large done now, then the outcome can also be a surprise. but at the moment, the government is saying that boiling, we'll go ahead, expect the security threats and no matter what happens, we're getting ready to take place on the it's still february. we'll stay with the situation and bug as done as the sean sallow dean is the director of the center for regional and global connectivity at the top on the left sink time keys with a slide from the side of it. but i probably won't welcome to the program, so bucks don't appear to be facing multiple security threats. so the moment from the pocket study tell it by and off the relationship between the government and the
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august. only time of i'm broke down a few years ago. now, of course, separatists and pollute just um, what was the goal of this mean for the elections? so it's not going to have a tremendous impact on the elections. remember that this is not a particular moment in time in which these attacks and these, this kind of violence has been with us, particularly in the northern parts of bo, just on and the southern part of the boston crowd. that's the other province neighboring. but we just found that has seen in the past a range of attacks and direct duties that have disrupted everything from the political campaigns to security. personal regarding the elections of a degree. of course, their state of the objective is to demoralize the law enforcement agencies in august. but, but they have made it very clear that they have no intention of targeting like oral staff, political rallies or parties. their targets will remain uh, the law enforcement agencies. power, military administrators parts and they'll get a box on the bigger problem though is the i s k
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b. you will be as loving state as no longer really in the, in the side dice of western media. but that's part of a role. it's still a very much a present problem, and they are principally responsible for targeting the j u y s political party rallies, as you mentioned in your introduction. and finally, the 3rd thing that we should be paying attention to is, be jawad. the letter will stand and objective is in fact try and disrupt the elections because they consider that democratic process to be anti islamic and against the values. and the idea of that group stands for all things considered elections by and large should not be affected by what has transpired. nobody really considered subtle. today, given the security concerns are, as you've said, very, very clearly, very complicated coming from multiple directions for multiple organizations. i want to to what extent the response so this is joined up between, let's say, the police, the government. and of course, the very powerful and influential mentoring the country. and i think hopefully on
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the same page in terms of ensuring that the elections happen without too many on to work. and so there is some level of elect or on the bylaws is expected because party workers that are very strongly supportive of their leaders and their political parties will inevitably clash. but those are smaller services, but don't really result in lots of damage, loss of property, united or liked the bigger problems are these 3 groups. and as far as these 3 groups are concerned, all 3 are misaligned with the police, with the military and with the box, the by virtue of bad as the walls that they may have in stock. the remarks that 650000 law enforcement personnel have been deployed across bargain stops. the real problem here is that the law enforcement by virtual be spread out, sol. thing does then become a soft target, particularly to the ttp uh at the j u way i'm the i the escape be, are they are very aware of this. they've taken all the necessary precautions of
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measures to ensure the damage is minimized. but what happens tomorrow is only going to unfold as the day progresses. and the 128000000 eligible borders of the 250000000 population to go to the polls. yeah, it's an extraordinary fee to of democracy if it's able to take place without any major security threats. but meanwhile, of course, the political turmoil in the country continues following the rest of the 4 prime minister in ron todd, along with all the scandals of the dog park. so the politics in recent years, how confident of votes has this election will bring about meaningful change. unimportant lee stability as i think of the situation in which the sense of hope that some might feel is under caught by the practical reality of what is happening on the ground. the former prime minister, mister brown, han leader of a very powerful type officer, sparks. i'm very against off the bpi party has been had a multiple deals that says in just days leading up to the poles, resulting in
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a grand total of 24 years behind bars, which leads the vast majority of the supporters to believe that these selections are not free, they are not fair. but despite that, what i would say is that the fight is far from over because even been focused on being a very rigidly democratic country has multiple political parties that are still buying for the so called throne principle. among them, the boxed on people's party and the box on the was left by the 3 times the prime minister just in velocity. and inevitably, for both of these parties, they don't really have the numbers to be able to get garner a 134 seats in the center. that's what you need in order to fund the government. so they will need to find some level of coalition and we really need to fight it out into the bowling stations in terms of the boats cost the cost for them to be able to form a stable government. and that, of course, is the principal requirement for any kind of stability,
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both comically and politically in the country for the next 5 years. okay, so you sean, follow the money. thanks for joining us. allowed us there. thank you for having a voting is on the way for the presidential election and has a by john, but there's little doubt what the result will be. president lee of who has been in power for 21 years and succeeding his father, unexpectedly, cole, the pole, giving little time for rivals to run against him by the previous 6 elections. the to launch itself is just the policies and for the cost of these folks as they continue to demand free. and democratic, as i say, lays full mat presidents has been killed in a helicopter crash in the southern city is believed he was flying himself from 3 of the passengers. the government has declared 3 days of national mourning for the 74 year old, who was president twice. stephanie decker has tribute to the man who twice run to a former president's best young pineda died in the helicopter crash on tuesday. he
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was 74 east to you. i o, the former president said boston soneta to receive the owners of his state funeral and declared 3 days of morning to honor the memory of the man who was elected to times as president of t like some chileans. remember him as a leader who improved their economy from them. he was a great president, someone who always fought for his country and never had them. no, he split out in every way he wouldn't. worldwide, due to the skill of the top minus i filled up should prove the come to the state court on me for one adult. everyone is morning his passing police dispersed protest or is gathered in the capital santiago, many here holding him murder in any way that is the only legacy she left behind was kate and more divisions. and before you had a 2nd presidency from 2018 to 2022 was marked by widespread protests against the quality it prompted accusations of human rights violations against demonstrators.
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but he's also remembered as the man who led the country during the unprecedented rescue of $33.00 miners trap for $69.00 days at the bottom of the line, which riveted not only truly that captured the world's attention. a state funeral will be held on friday. stephanie decker, which is 0. iraq, what, breaking storm in southern california, as for homeowners, from the seaside villas, the side of emergency was declared as days of unprecedented. torrential rain cause land slides and submerge neighborhoods kind of time for the weather. now here's rob whitmore, california. the data from the move horses around hawaii by 27 degrees, you get an atmospheric river. this one killed the pineapple express because it comes from hawaii has produced this huge storm over the whole of the western side of the us. focusing may be on california because as well the worst damage has been noticed that severe weather use caution. maybe an understatement, there's been
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a loss of damage in the amount of rain the strength of wins. for example, along the soft coast, we have lost some roads. this is very typical, there have been hundreds of mud slides pulled on the slides. mostly they all just causing annoyance. but some of been worse than that. and then a bit further south, for instance, san diego, even into the hobby desert that has been studying washing away roads and the cost of living people owe police vehicles on the water. the figure for l. a. self $202.00 millimeters from these 2 events about prosthetic because to find out and expresses, this has happened so far this month and it's giving you about 7 months worth of rain. now, the worst is probably over there, but the full costs of runs. it does bring a little bit more right into a lot more further. no, and more important may be huge amounts of snap into the rockies. but 1st, a does see a significant improvement. so it had allowed to 0 thousands of a line workers. he acosta job in germany grounding hundreds and all the
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positions in ukraine votes on new legislation which would swell the ranks of the army and sports will build up to the semi finals of the half a cup of nations that's coming up with just the same depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa food? it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in holocaust scholars including his ratings cop, concerned that speech is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not received task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera, a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year, we source that change. it became clear of that point that we really were in that
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kind of a new era of nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching out. is there a he's a reminder of our top story is this, our funerals are being held in rafa after a series of israeli strikes thousands. what was so interested in via tax,
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including several children here. a secretary of state to dispatch fee is ready, prime minister and other officials in west jerusalem monte. i'm st blinking is discussing the terms of a potential as well. how must deal in an effort to pro current extended poor boy because of these a live pictures of the us actually have states meeting this friday. president isaac had solve for one. that's like i work as a japanese major half or so for us. and to extend that strike, imagine if that demands and not match operations came to a whole twin more than $25000.00 ground stuff from 12 to jump to 27 hours. hundreds of flights across the country have been canceled effecting more than a 100000 passengers. over to belen now and dominic kane dominic. so what's driving the strong by japanese national carrier and how much disruption as it goes a as well. and so far as disruption is concerned,
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90 percent of all of tons of flights around the world cancelled here in berlin. brandon book airport, which is not a must have international hub full of times or flights to cancel. so those desks behind me, those checking desks which would ordinarily be doing a relatively brisk trade in the middle of a weekday. not much going on there until some star alliance flights going tends to the presence of the stuff, the but know, love tons of flights. but this apple, it is not the eye of the storm full of time to the eye of the storm in a metaphorical sense and a geographical senses in weston, germany at munich, and frank, for those 2 important have apples or flights, the council and the reality for many passengers is delayed disturbance and that sort of thing. what's driving this? well, it is a disputes between unions and management over pay and conditions. specifically, the union says that there must be an immediate pay rise. 12 a half percent rise this. yeah, the management of lufthansa says no,
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that is not possible. so team percent but staggered over 3 is the point to make quite clearly is this kind of strike action. this is not unique. all sorts of different transport and other sectors are experiencing industrial action. right now and have been for the full so the last few months here in germany, it is to assess and extend a winter of discontent, a winter of discontent. data don't make a lot for us there, and balance. or no, russia has lost a number of missile strikes across few cranes, at least 3 people in cuba for canada, full for side and the services you have like a life pond. so if the capital of be left without power of to fully deborah, he damaged power lines as the war in ukraine approaches, it's 2nd, none of us are young ukrainians could soon get the cool to go and find the russians . a new bill to increase the size of the army has passed its 1st reading in parliament as well, but private pull some key if that include lowering the age of recruitment and
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forcing young man who's left you trying to register for cool up with his country in a deadlock war and the need of recruits 55 year old to be kyla has decided to put on a uniform and pick up a gun. another as well. the time has come. they need to end these. the young people don't fully understand the times it'll come to. he's joining the, as of volunteers, a unit known for its far right views and out for nationalism that says it has no problem. attracting new recruits, we need to communicate with people not to intimidate them. everyone would have to fight sooner or later. so there has to be a, these are for her. but nationally, ukraine seems to be suffering will fatigue when the full scale war broke out, tens of thousands of men equally volunteered to find. but 2 years on with the growing realization that it won't be over any time soon that in few z as them has
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faded and many of those 1st volunteers still on the front lines are simply exhausted. the legislation is being debated that would reportedly swell the ranks of the military by up to half a 1000000, but that would still mean so just saving now not being discharged for 3 years. and many families who regularly hold street protests believes that some fact we want to model ization after 18 months. there are some of us who carry the burden of this war. well, there are others here at home or getting used to the war and ignoring it with russia still managing to find ways of new recruits, but it's the salts. there's a growing feeling from these protestors that husbands and sons will be lucky to make it home again. rob mcbride, l g 0. keith, prosecutors in sweden say though, and the investigation into explosions on the north stream. one and 2 gas pipelines . vast amounts of may, same were released when pipelines transporting russian gas to jim they were
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ruptured in september 2022 for recess. wolf was still kinda this is something of a we can dig into what has been very strong swedish involvement. in this case. it was the swedish navy, the found 2 crates as on the sea bed in the swedish economic zone, under the baltic and international waters button that economic zone, as well as the remains of explosive materials and that led to this investigation being opened. and so what the swedes tend major sabotage. but the analysis in the swedish media this week is that the swedish authorities simply want this to go away . that's what type a results they bring from this investigation is just not good at for swedish interests. you know, for example, there's been speculation that ukraine or ukrainian groups were involved in this, in this sabotage. but if, if sweden comes to that conclusion,
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then it could cause problems for european union support for q have in the defense against russia. russia, again, have been a been implicated, they perhaps have the strongest motive of to, i guess applies 3 north stream. what cuts off to germany before these explosions but sweet and have a very delicate diplomatic situation with russia at the moment, especially given that application to join nato. and that you don't want to to cause any more problems. that without strong evidence, rush it in turn have implicates it the u. k. and the us sweeter would certainly wouldn't want to come to that conclusion with those 2 countries big at the very strong allies. so perhaps the conclusion that they've come to the prosecutor from the office behind me saying that it's a matter of jurisdiction that no sweetie citizens or swedish territory was involved, is a convenient way for them to close this without saying, we don't know who did it. it's been a hot potato, one that that hops,
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happy to pass over to germany investigates, is now this charge unseen an hour that cannot make the phone bill by by right wing president have and delay has being sent back to the committee of the lower house for further scrutiny for the house has given his approval to the bill in general times last week. but the objections were raised during a more approval process by the congress for the president's party has probably little plowed. the bill calls for the privatization of state. um, companies have a constant subsidies the cambodian prime minister on my that arrived in thailand for his 1st official visit since taking the job last summer. the relationship between the neighboring countries has been historically difficult. and the recent years political disciplines in both countries been detained and disappeared. tiny chang reports in bangkok one minute welcome to government house by the ty prime minister,
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set out how we said it's the cambodian prime ministers 1st visit since taking over from his father. and since last year, he was quick to thank his host for ensuring his visit was modified, protest, thanks for your re fi me of your support that not allowing tight territory to be used for any activities for interference in cambodia and internal politics. the same thing. second, body or government is also give commitment. i'm not loving couple additional as, as a, a land or flows conducting up to activities to interfere this pilot tile authorities have been working hard headphone minutes arrival. pictures posted on social media, show plainclothes, type police outside the home. of a permanent cambodian distant who was detained hours later on immigration charges. it's come about gen entire thirty's, working hand in hand to crack down to silence. d sensing, voice sees, you know,
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the, to the part then back to come. would you all, you know there to make them disappear and it's not just happening incumbent, that's happening throughout the week on which i 2020 type pro democracy activist, one to them set success was abducted by all men in the cambodian capital he's assumed to have been killed but neither cambodia no time, not that to disclose the results of investigations into his abduction. the political environments in cambodia remains deeply repressive under the new p. m. last week. opposition leader kim. so car, at his 1st appeal hearing against the 2070 a jail sentence, the treason, i would like to make it very clear through the international community to stop think dissolution of by, uh, hold a minute. uh that one minute can bring change. he will not, as far as long as his father is around, his father has not gone away. for decades,
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thailand was a century for political dissidents. fling, oppression inside cambodia. but the warm welcome to prime minister home. and that indicates that has now changed, that these enables very happy to work together to silence each other's critics. tony tongue, else is there a banker in the democratic republic of congo, hundreds of fleeting to go more as fighting breaks, and between soldiers and m. 23 rebels fighters have come to several positions on the account of these ami and fucking east, crucial step before reaching the capital of north key. since thousands have been displaced by the pricing and soccer align. who connie has more from blanco? we are. yeah, it will not be far from the if you said, well, $100000.00 of people are running from such as, which is just a $1000000000.00 here. because there is a fight in between the, between the 2 levels and also the, the i c. i mean, they've been fighting for a week twice now, but this one, you're getting ripples. i will try to take over the ministry thing,
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which is the last one before the toner, from wilma. this is why you have seen all these people and they've been in this socket for more than one muscle. right now we're running from different areas. on the 4th one off labels this morning. we still don't know what to do. that was already in the process because up to now we can see the bottom from the place where we are. and i was on hundreds of people on the right now trying to go in the city of goma. they've been on where it is. it's a deep in this area and the right to know they're going to see another i did the prisoners because we've been around here. there is, this is how does i go inside? and how does i say they need to go? first thing to secure it because they don't trust where the to in this position because we're both of the busing towards the right. you know, like on it will go more, the democratic republicans know, thousands of informal salt mine is in west, and you gondo struggling to make ends meet. they were consulting,
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was it for long periods when that protective clothing increasing their risk of exposure to waterborne? diseases like cats way is you can those largest salt mine an important results for the growing industry. but as catherine saw reports, the labor costs comes at a high cost. uganda is largest salt my seats on the shores of lake packed me. most of the souls extracted here is exported to neighboring countries. we find regina double high duct work scrapings to restore in maki water with the stand of glasses hung heavy in the air with no protective gas in the high pool. sideline. what's the effect? how health a, how to go to me. if i stay in the water too long, i get the rush. some of the crystals are sharp, so we often get injuries. we have to improvise with protective gear. we have no
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choice. this is our life. our report by the united nations development program has found labor, us who are in the water for a long time, are at greater risk of contracting, see which one diseases. it also saves long term exposure can cause organ damage. on a good day, regina makes about $3.00. the smell here is fund into the minus say they have to walk very had all day every day to get to the salt. it's hard job, they say with little new tons of the, of the end of the lake. this man uh, breaking off large rocks for industrial use. mining is a seasonal opportunity. most new, quick teeth during the hot, dry summer months. a kind of change have complicated mottos, usually at this time of the yeah, the area is baking in the sun yet now it's raining. we are experiencing
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a lot of floods on the lake. and when the leg is flooded, some of the sold funds. get somebody to within the search bar and it would be easier for someone to post the truck the was of the sort funds because i know past in 2022 to regulate at seasonal mining. and and sure what because safety has yet to be enforced. and so this minus do the best they can in the few months, they are able to walk, catching slowly, all to 0, like caught way less than uganda. your without just there was still ahead. it is to take it more seriously. alexander, who sick have some advice for tyson fury off to the heavyweight title fights delays that's coming up in school.
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the the,
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the, it's time for sport. tons of jo. me thank you. jordans football coaches say nam root has praised his plays heroic performance of the reaching the final of the asian cup, direct, 87th, and the wells by facebook. but they show south korea to know and the semi goals came in the 2nd. huh. first, yes. and then one of the content is the goal of the tournaments, mussa tomatti, dribbling from his own hall to secure the victory and jordan's place in the final. for 1st time the weight continues to south korea who have won the choice he since 1960. and that because you haven't been results off to it,
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if you now step down i'm not planning to do anything i'm planning to analyze is tournament. go over the team, back to the korea and then uh obviously talk with the federation of what was good and what was not so good in that tournament. i think that was a good, a lot of good stuff also that we saw it as a team that is growing a team that still has to develop to what's the world cup in, in the us, mexico and canada over the next to an obvious, very difficult qualifying component obviously. so there's a lot of work ahead of us. a good will now face iran or defending champions cast off of the title. those 2 teams play the 2nd semi final later on the which that is why for us at alpha mama state in where that much is taking place on the castle or all the defending champions. but they haven't got many good memories at that stadium tell us. no yeah, that's right, i was standing here joe in uh,
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november 2022 and caps are just lots to send the goal and the 2nd great game out the will cut the result, but for the amount of their own weld couches phase after just begun that already lost their opening gaming, especially those. so if you're looking to, to banish a few of those memories and a lot of these team of countries, something of a school to control or in terms of uh, the high of 2019 waiting that asian tough in the united arab emirates. they then went into that, how well top so much planning it don't. and so anything was summers expectation about say well, the counselor team could do and that 1st, well the company was really all over before and it'd be gone. they lost all 3 of that great games. so for the coal replies that were involved in those 2 tournaments, uh ok from a fee, finalize ali. how so now how you don't have done so well in this tournament, we've already got some redemption noise. 3 echo 8 goals between them already and aside from that 29 same victory, this getting to the semi finals he's already casals next best performance of this toner. but that site, you know, and it runs so it will be from the confidence up to about when he gets to japan in
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the quarter finals between the dumpster mounts and the semi uh, 5 years ago, a ron consistently, uh, one of the highest drawings changed. and i usually went into the last world cup is the confidence highest rank team for when it comes to my age. so one of the site, 2 of a slight habit of under performing that never mind to be on the group stage that well the top and the asian cub did not want it since 1976. and since then, they've lost 6 semi finals. but when it comes to a full guide, well i beat caps off for now at the end of last year and they will mess 6 previous games against castle. so that's definitely in that by either full. so knowing it's, it's nice games they would missing medi to rainy, the stall, money plays the pool. so when the court finally gets japan, 3, suspension. but he's back that it's out of close to very passionate sets of funds there as well. and the you are at that jordan game on tuesday, the little so be a hard one to beats when it comes to the final new match. i hear you guys 3.
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yeah. what up the phone was turned in last night. so there was a lot of strong side in the semi finals, but they blew south crew. why i think that that goal we saw from nissan altima. right. one of the goals of the toilet so far and bear in mind that that final woman came and had a vision covers a $61.00 defeats against japan. i think even that ourselves, mr. defines what a struggle to save them. getting through to that 1st step, verizon, capt. final, they go to for the customer, can type to sign them age. so i thought a lot of success in caps are, and that domestic league is a side one that the african champions league, casablanca is really go this teen playing well, and outside is the one or 2 that plays all based in new york. you can imagine now a lot of salt clubs, searching around this joe day, new spots of what they've achieved. i'm it is sort of in contrast that to south korea we've heard from you, i can cleans with so much expect status of his line. and vincent actually saw sony young men lead time in plain upfront. they did not have a single shells phone,
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so i'll give you my game against jones. it's a cleanser now, going back to korea for a moment that was based someone who would meet soon with the people federation that says he has no incentive quits. he wants to take the same. so 2026, well tops, in contrast, job and getting ready to see who wins to nights and who might be taking on, incentivized asian california. all right, and you mentioned send the lie for us that out. and on the stadium, the head of the semi final between castle and iran. thank you to ok, we be about to say move shelves. so the efforts of nations, south africa's team hope so as they faced 3 time champions, nigeria in the semi finals a wednesday, the fun of a funnel, one just one of the group games. but a surprise to no victory against morocco followed by penalty. shootout went against kate, but sold and reached the law school for the 1st time in 26. he is one when williams saved incredible full penalties in that shoot towns and the captain feels confident they can march on we're looking forward to the challenge. it's going to be tough,
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but we've been facing some of the plays throughout the tournament. and i think our defense has been talk solid. i think you've defended extremely well as a team. sort about me, it's about the team. we know it's going to be a tough challenge, but the one that we are looking forward to and the other send me final host ivory coast will like to continue the run on the kids. i could coach must, if i, when they faced the democratic republic of congo. earlier, i speak to ben jackson, author of the book, actually a couple of nations, the history of an under appreciated tournaments. he told us which teams have impressed in the most this time around or both because it seems i left, i'd have to say the, the democratic republic of congo. that's a nation that has some incredible for getting history of this, even in the seventy's. nice and 7, suppose the they make it to the world cup for the 1st time, but in recent years they haven't been as strong as a business. and pertaining to what this side's really, really funds was. they create
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a ton of chances that goes in great kind of characters in that as well that really do come to the full and then obviously coming up against the ivory guys too. just somehow managing to make the way for you to tell him with a messy face, a if it was that you're having the great advertise against the, with a lot coming together against each other and the 70 photo. you just looked at the color to 75. missed that we have a very to the sign into disposition of the move has been again, some things we just didn't expect to see that lot more attain. yeah, i got 11, maybe a oh besides the never really that must have done about to ask them in the past is kind of coming to the phone causing some shots. and i think even south africa that we haven't seen south africa, very strong. seems kind of the late ninety's early 2, thousands and now if they can finish up against that to you, that would be amazing. heavyweight boxing champion, alexander is sick. have question. the training methods of tyson ferry after the fight was fined by fight is on beach and that was set to meet later this month to
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decide the 1st undisputed heavyweight champion since lennox lewis 24 years ago. but is this we scheduled for may the 18th of hearing was caught in sparring. a bunch of yes, cuz i was up uh there are certain measures taken by highly professional fights, is normally use head gear and big gloves, conspiring with your product vasily on the gloves that this falling putnam is on your mask and only browse to avoid cuts to avoid any kind of injuries, not being professional. you're jeopardizing the whole event, and you behaved disrespectfully to people who are involved for you, as well as best stuff is provided a mazda costs at hawaii is famed banzai pipeline to time will championship, and john florence, who grew up suffering his wife reached the quotes of finals between australia is calum ropes and in the round of 16. and that is a useful finality. we will see you later. thank you joe. that's it for me. the fuck up for this news. uh, but i'll be back in just a moment, assignments, news, tech support, you know,
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so that the in the history refugee camp, south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees as my hon. mishaps husband, fet, previously spent a year in administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. connected exceed, exceed the 90. we suffered loss because of administrative detention, which would have been easier if you will send since then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence. walk down any valley here, turn any corner, and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge. according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 promised indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention, the highest number in more than 30 years,
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surrounded by walls full of photos to showcase happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. unique perspective, i want to leave, i don't want to call even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really helpful. my things thoughtful. this coverage, there's no reason to target the journal on her, it's voices and i'm of the communications on please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out just the or a nose ring far as some of the was oldest, but they are no match for the deputy fires that increasingly ripped through them in the face of man made deforestation. an unforgiving climate change. a young
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indigenous leader makes all the plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on just the you know, the us 60 of states anthony, blinking bates is rating. need us to discuss the cx, 5 plan for gods or proposed by him. us the mean onto this, out to 0 life the will. so coming up as early intensifies as, as strikes in southern guns. recurring fee is on the ground invasion. and rough also had at least $27.00 people chosen to send the floss and southwest august


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