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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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as ordering a general election on february the 8th with its former later, i'm long gone in prison, many buckets on either asking if the boys will be free and they're without the data for the latest development and detailed analysis. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a. then this is the news live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. us secretary of state anthony blinking needs is really need is to discuss the c's. 5 plan for gone so proposed by him us is rather intensifies as strikes and southern gaza with crying phase of a ground invasion and rough. also,
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i had at least 27 people killed in 2 separate los in southwest pockets on the eve of parliamentary elections. and thousands of van line workers will cost a job in germany grounding hundreds of flights in sports the 2nd days in comp $70.00 final has just picked. so fits highest on defending champions castle against iran for the right to face. jordan. in fact, today's final, we'll have the latest, the we stop in gaza and israel, where a high level diplomatic efforts are on the way, and the hope of bringing an end to the devastating will altos air. it has obtained a draft proposal by suggesting a 3 stage seas 5 plan in response to mediation efforts. bye a call to the end. egypt. that includes the withdrawal of israeli forces and phased exchange of palestinian prisoners for his riley captives in garza. well,
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those tons of being discussed in israel with us secretary of state has been holding talks with prime minister by new mean. that's and yeah. and he blinked and says he wants to broker and extended pools into one garza, for us as the houses are foremost on our minds. and in our hearts. and, you know, we now have a response to the put on the table. wait for, we're looking at it intensely as, as i know, the government of israel. and there's a lot of work to be done, but we are very much focused on hopefully be able to resume interrupting so many months ago unless by these tulsa, as well as cap top, it's relentless attacks across the strip. there are multiple injuries off the
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strikes targeted the southern city of drop off more than 1300000 displaced palestinians, the sheltering the we are very, very, very tired of this situation. it's really difficult. a 120 days, no food, no water. we are very tired waiting for solve the problem. it was looked quite last night because of i mean the size wherever you go midsize on the board, there's before the board, there's east and west. everywhere you go, misfire. where's the truce? where's the ca to? how can there be a truce when people are being slow turned here? let us go live south of a 100 jump june. the joins us now is more. and mtv includes latest visit mohammed. nothing. yeah, i was increasing. are you looking like a man on the pressure? do we know what the us secretary of state is? message is to these, right? the prime minister of the was that mean? it's clear that answer me blinking would like for,
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and that's in yahoo to fall more in line with the vision express by the us administration, a presidential bite. and when it comes to entering into a ceasefire and also a post war scenario in concepts. but despite the pressure that's being exerted by anthony blinking, you have to understand that that's an yahoo is under a lot of pressure from or the political opponents and rivals, as well as people in his own coalition here in israel. now lincoln did meet earlier with that tim, yahoo! first they had a private meeting in which they a statement was the least said that they talked extensively. then they were joined by several israeli security officials, including is really defense minister your wife colanda as well as the heads of shouldn't bet massage and other officials where they talked about the counter proposal. but when it comes to the situation, that's when you have who finds himself in right now. a lot of people are saying it's politically untenable,
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because you have more and more members of his right flank who are threatening to leave the government in the past week on numerous occasions. you've had folks like far right wing that security mr. it's marvin over here as well as finance when to serve as a law. smart rich, who had said openly that they would walk away from the government and collapse the government before they would agree to any kind of a deal that would see among other things, the withdrawal of the israeli army from gaza even during a cease fire or the exchange of power, thousands of pounds, indian prisoners for those is really captives that remain in gaza. beyond that, you also have and it's now who being under pressure from members of the opposition who are calling on him to resign, then you have the pressure that he's under from is rarely society in different factions of society. on the one hand, you have relatives of those captors and guys who've been coming out in greater numbers, week after week demanding that and it's in yahoo do more to secure the release of their loved ones. they are becoming increasingly vocal and increasingly critical of the government. then you also have be part of is really society here that is
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largely supportive of the war in gaza and does not want to see an end to the war before those state of teams. but nothing yahoo is that on many occasions of eliminating how much is a cheap so that's an yahoo dealing with a very difficult political reality here. right now we are going to hear from netanyahu in a few hours around 7 30 pm local time. he's going to be getting a press conference where he's going to be essentially talking about his response to that counter proposal by how much no details have emerged yet as far as what he thinks of it. and we're also going to be expecting a press conference from us x rays. they asked me blinking. it's supposed to be happening shortly after that then. yeah. who's press conference. so later tonight we expect to hear more details about what exactly will come next right now though you look across these really media landscape, a lot of officials quoted anonymously and various is really publication saying look right now, things do not look smooth for this reality for nets and yahoo and no matter the pressure the blinking may exert and no matter how optimistic blinking might be about the possibility potentially for a deal,
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it doesn't look like something that could immediately be in the offing for nothing . yeah. sammy, right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much mohammed jim, jim. let's take a closer look at the sci fi plan put forward by him us. as we mentioned, the policy ending group is demanding an end to these ready assault on gall. so all the proposals include the release of is rarely captives including women in minus. they would be in exchange for palestinian prisoners, and these riley jails arrested off to the day of the agreement being signed. how much once 1500 palestinian prisoners released, including 500 serving life and other long to them sentences salsa pushing for the entry of no fewer than 500 trucks. they carry humanitarian aid, fuel, and other centrals, and provide at least 60000 temporary homes. as well as 200000 shelters and tents. how may i ask, who's also calling for the return of palestinians have been forced from their homes
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all across garza and ensuring freedom of movement for everyone. and this out as a member of how much is political bureau explains why the groups structured the proff proposal in 3 detailed stages. it was on the saturday, we put it this way in order to test the waters in order to test that out. we have certain concessions, we have even feel that there is a it is, will not be committed to the agreement. we also believe that the entire agreement may be under mine. that's why we put the code that on permanency spot in the 2nd phase where more agreements will meet each throughout the city state. we know that we raise our ultimate demand, which is feminine ceasefire without the ceasefire. no other agreements can be materialized on the ground. any oh, i'm a clue. what the furnace the bed is to put 10 and to and there is
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a war to bring. there's a killing machine for a whole. do you think that we will accept but the order to continue again, it's our civilian population. this is month acceptable. another issue we wish to see there's a lead occupation forces withdrawing from guys this 3 by the entire entirely. we don't think that there's a, it is a, are willing to remain and does a strip. that's why the demands raised by have asked for the lo phone and reasonable take you to the united nations. now listening to the secretary general addressing the general assembly should invest in gaza. if the scaling speed results better. well, since i became secretary general, and i'm especially a lot of body parts that these really mean setting tends to focus next on rough uh, what? hundreds of thousands of palestinians that been squeezed in
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a desperate search for safety. as such, an action would exponentially employees walk is already a humanitarian night to match with untold regional consequences. it's time for the media to many tendencies fires and the media to then conditional release of all searches of his most reputable lead to the verge of civil action. what is the 2 state solution based on united nations resolutions, international law, and previous agreements in ukraine. i repeat my call for the just then sustainable peace in line with un shot at the needs of national law for ukraine, photo, russia, and for the world's human swats. of guns have been listening in that to the un secretary general, antonia was head of addressing the general assembly, calling for an immediate, an unconditional sees fine. let's cross over to our diplomatic editor james base.
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he's at the united nations headquarters. he found that particular alarm when it came to it off. right. yeah, they're very, very concerned about the situation in rafa and the site that israel seems to be widely telegraphing, but it's going to do a major operation in rafa in the near future. the secretary general's saying he is especially alarmed by those reports. he said it is going to be on roughly what hundreds of thousands of products and is this squeezed in a desperate search for safety. such an action, he said, would ex potentially increase what's already at to meditate or not with, with i'm told regional consequences and the start of his comments. i think we just missed is his words also why he talked about october, the 7th condemning what, how much they don't what type of the sentence, but then he's, i think one of the strongest statements he's made yet about what's, what's been going on in terms of the response on the people who've garza and so many people killed,
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he said there is nor is there any justification for the collective punishment the secular general now using that phrase to come back to just punishment of the products. the new people um, the sectional is currently outlining somebody to the general assembly, his priorities for 2024. he was also in the next 24 hours. be giving a news conference to report is i think that will be interesting. remember that although the security council of the body of the united nations, the other major body of united nations, has been paralyzed when it comes to a cease fire out to the secretary general and old has taught representatives, have been calling for for months. the security council has paused to resolutions, urging a scale up of see military and aid. and that was also one of the rulings of the international court of justice saying that the amount of terran that you needed to be scaled up. and of course, instead of the humanitarian, a big scale, israel seems to be talking about an attack on rough, uh,
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which is the place where the aid comes in. so many might see this as yes another. the bridge of those 2 security council resolutions and the international court of justice routing. when that press conference comes in 24 hours time, i'm show us reporters in the room will be passing the secretary general about whether he believes that israel is now in breach of the security council and the international court of justice. as all right, we'll leave it as, thanks so much jane space. let's continue this discussion though with model on the shara. i've seen the political unless the joins us here in the studio. in a moment, we'll get to rough how, what was mentioned there, but we're talking at a time when the secretary of state is in the region. let me start with that model on and off. what is blinking mission at this point? what does this message that i've seen? yeah, yeah, it's hard to define, to be honest. uh, but clearly the, by the administration to my mind has perhaps concluded that
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this war has run its course, that the government had had 4 months to finish the job. it did not finish a job. in fact, thomas fleming stallings and gaza. it's in fact spring everywhere in the northern part of gaza. gaza is destroyed, but how much is alive and well, i think the by the administration has concluded to my mind that it's time to wind it down. and is that wants to continue with special operations against how much fighters let it be. but then as far as the war enterprise supported by the united states and western powers with money and arms kind of for them, i think she had that for to my mind is over and as far as the not cisco sir enhance, blinking is coming in to find out how nothing you know now will help the united states or vice versa. one down this for i'm glad you mentioned that we're going in
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that direction because i was gonna ask you model and we look at this point in the context of everything that's been happening since october. the fact that israel is negotiating with some us, which is still alive, unlike what they have vowed to do, to completely destroy from us the facts that having to negotiate with hoss to release the hostages. something they have not been able to do through ministry opperation. so what is all this say about where israel sits strategically in terms of strategic metric goals today versus before october, the 7th. you know, one of the famous sayings and strategy is a, is that a petition of mike tyson box. so everyone has a plan until they're punched in the face is that i've had to plan to sideline him us, but up to about 7 came and it was punched in the face that plan disappeared
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for a lot of the window. and then after 4 months of how much resistance, in fact, how much is by many measures stronger today? then it was before october, something for october 7. it was more or less sideline by the international community. today it's for them center in terms of dependency and issue in fact is more popular and palestine then it was before october 7th. so i think the past 4 months, what kind of a punch in the face does any, i'll go from a debt plan to defeat, how much was defeated. the plan was the faith of how much the remains intact. so in a sense you could say that someone new state of mind that the now government doesn't buy store thing more palestinians and drop off. ready and this was not lead to the end of house. someone needs to do mines in it then how government that this reward has their own scores. and that's why the secretary general continues to speak in, in terms that are, i think,
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i say like humanitarian ceasefire. now we need to start talking about ending the aggression. this is no longer a ceasefire issue because her mouse has been committed to stop the fire thing if is right though. so where are we now that we're talking about the toolbox, where all we, are we waiting for israel to respond to the how mass proposal? you know where exactly, all we right now. the deals with deals to build the art of the deals, right? look, how much has presented its maximum this position like you would expect it to ask that is represented officially officially expect submit his position. how much is that? it's have a few days. pause, release all the captives and let's go back, want bombing gossip. and if you think how much, how boss is present the exactly the opposite, they want to complete and complete and complete ceasefire. pl piece with it'll also
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back the source of hasn't been bridge. is that still one of the major sticking point? now we're talking about the framework agreement being reached a framework, right? which basically says, perhaps, you know, pretty much, pretty much 3. i mean, sorry, one month one was one months or 45 or 45. there's 40 sites leading up to 4 months with 3 phases. but how are you gonna fill these 3 phases which captives which prisoners when was the? is there any forces withdrawal? according to personal by then. what, how much is that? of course is of, that's all right. that's not so bad actually if it's just of the top may be the could be some way of reaching a couple months. all right, i did say we've been asked about rough, so let me ask you about what we can expect that very briefly, i think, i think going to tell you how government is adamant or making the publish senior pay even a higher price, basically mass slaughter because this is the last few minutes kind of thing of the tree all for i, i'm going to go out with a bang kind of thing. by the way,
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there is no else less to bomb anyway. now everyone's done a rough. all right? so this would be a mass starter because they're not gonna allow them to go up north. so they've basically got to sort of them, that's why the, by the ministration, the 2nd adjustment, everyone else need to step in undermine then thrown government plus again, this war is over. all right, thanks so much model on the shout. always good to to the funerals. have been held and also a house to a number of these riley strikes. thousands were also injured in the attacks including several children, at least $27500.00 palestinians have been killed since as well as war and gaza began on october. the 7th found a couple of su, isn't that off, we can join them and thought it. first of all, before i ask you about the fighting, i do want to ask you about these reports of a bill. what is the palestinian sentiment there in gaza towards this, these reports of a deal? well, in fact,
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some of the palestinians awaiting the official announcement for any possible token or any a ceasefire announcement might be huge within the coming hours of within the coming days, especially after the modifications being provided by how mazda, in terms of the framework of the agreements that had been pro kids buy cars. ha, i'm re different regional classes as i've been seeing. that type of thing is i completely waiting for that moment because they clearly understand that any possible collapse of totes or negotiations that will be completely fruitless. it will absolutely cost shuttled over the possibility of the. busy erection of a military ground includes an into rough district, which is completely will be a multi dimensional crisis, which will 1st, oh absolutely restricted. the ability of a delivery into balls that it will negatively impacts on the ability of residents, the coup with the humanitarian situation. and it will inflict and will impact in a very drastic weight and course ultimate goal she,
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agents to reach for us these files. right now there is a sentiment out hope that is mixed with fear in terms of the announcements of entities following up on the believe that the own getting negotiations and domestic efforts made by to top will help to narrow the gaps of disagreements between both part on the grad was thought they are right now waiting for the is really from minnesota benjamin. that's an yeah, i was conference. that will be huge. a i a officer, a 2 hours from now and we are completely waiting for hearing a good news that will help them to return back again to the house. and this is what all of them wanted. the framework of the spies to guarantee is a full return of residence to their homes in the northern parts of garza. alongside that the uh, the process. busy a flea full is to say should have many tracks on the ground so they can have a full peaceful return to their home uh to their home. and um,
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it's ongoing negotiations and efforts that continue to be scary, moments to de escalate the situation time to defuse tension on the ground. and we come on sunday as well that that does not mean there's been a, there's been any laptop in the bombing sniping and killing campaign. right. take us through that. yes, certainly that's absolutely willing to establish the use of waiting for these really for our ministers conference attract some guys a strict continue without any particular in a rough off. in the past hour i've been seeing multiple strikes talk. it says different locations and rough uh, one of them, obviously, the residential building in a show at a neighborhood square pre palestinians have their reports of tubes and then i'm power residents also have been ages and being transported to another hospital for medical treatments. another s tribe that targeted a civil call where the evidence isn't ex, await your hospital, had rushed to it back to wait the injured people as well,
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have been seen very distressing images and terms of the scene of the strikes and those of the call that had been completed, quote, to fire due to that strike on that part of the territory impacts attached in the southern incognito did not stop work today. it's been a small items who are deployed in the group. so the building should and one of the facilities of a most of the hospital people the alongside with medical records and in do people not yet protected them because not the size of the hospital, at least to bring fluids out of the food medical receipts over nasir hospitals within the past 24 hours. all right, thanks so much. product thing off. probably more still ahead on the use out including cale sent east and democratic republic of congo is thousands play from advancing rebels. wheeler forwards from the seen by swedish, prosecutors say that are ending their investigation into explosions that damage gas
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pipelines from russia to europe. and the needs to take it more seriously. alexander, a sort of some advice for tyson fury, also that heavy weight titled 5 is delayed as coming off and just spoke with jim at the at least $27.00 people have been killed. the more than 50 injured in a bump. last and focused on southwest some problems. so, but i've just done comes just a day ahead of general elections. the nation has a months of political on rest and some of the kinds that have some political partners faced violence. i said bike reports from the off of death and destruction after a bump. the last of the candidates office introduced on province. these are the conditions focused on selections of being held into. no one has yet to change responsibility in the past, but they've just done has seen
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a tax card that by separatist the un commission of human rights has expressed consent of, of one to incidents ahead of this vote. they have been attacked, some political parties and candidates during commission. it has cold and authorities to ensure a free and safe vote. just the election make you think you, john, i'm way here to present an election way and no one's life is under threat. you can cost you about to anyone, you are free to do so. down forces and police will be present for you safety courses by those boxes and by that papers sealed and under high security. with more than 120000000 people are eligible to vote, this is a huge task. more than 90000 unfolding stations have been set up across focused on national and professional seats would be decided in this vote. but with the security threats in some areas, it's the ministry that's providing the security. but it's also the major treat that's been accused of interference. 650000 military police and firemen actually have been deployed for this selection. 100 bucks dining those days. no campaigning and the 24 hours before the vote. and on the election day there are limits around pulling stations for kind of think he's made,
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you'll have all of this is the bag with the ballot papers. they will not be opened . they are sealed inside will only be out of bins and the presence of pauline agent, the elections will be fit. but the run up to this election has been controversial with the leader of the main opposition in run calling in jail is being viewed by many of the most sensitive addiction and recent buckets. sonya history international observers, as well as international media at present to take a closer look at have 3 transparent boats and would be a sort of vague. i'll just sit on the hold of buckets done in the democratic republic of congo, thousands offline to go more as violence intensifies between the army and the m 23 . i'm group fights is over. fortunately, surround to the town of soccer in the east. so crucial set before reaching goma, the capital of norfolk hebrew, congolese ami m u. n. peacekeepers have been struggling to contain the groups advance of the city. of all i know china is how small some brand goes. that's 10
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kilometers west of gum. yeah, yeah, it's will know to from the, if you said, well, 100000 of people are running from such as, which is just the guy in the us here because there is a fight in between the, between the 2 levels and also did the see, i mean, they've been fighting for a week twice now, but this one and you're getting ripples. i've tried to take over the men to see through, which is the last one before the toner, from wilma. this is why you have seen all these people. they've been in this data or socket for more than one muscle. right now we're running from different areas under the 4 total for labels this morning. we still don't know what to do. they're both already in the prison. it goes up to now we can see the bottom from the place where we go. and i was on hundreds of people on the right now trying to go into the city of wilma, they've been already to the deep in this area and the right to know they're going to see another different places because they've been around here. there is this, it is,
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how does i go inside sense or does i say they need to go 1st thing to secure women because they don't trust whether they are new invitation disclosure. so those are both of us and co otherwise, you know, like on it will go much. the democratic republic of russia has launched the number of missile strikes across ukraine. at least 3 people in cuba were killed and a full size died in the southern city of nicole live. parts of the capital have been left without power off the failing, folding, debris, damage power lines, prosecutors and sweden, se bay land, an investigation into explosions on the north stream. $1.00 and $2.00 gas pipelines vast amounts of may signed were released when pipelines transporting russian gas to germany will ruptured in september 2022. pull, reese has mall from salt. com. this is something of a we can dig into what has been very strong swedish involvement in this case. it was the swedish navy,
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the found 2 crates is on the sea bed in the swedish economic zone, under the baltic and international waters button, the economic side, as well as the remains of explosive materials. and that led to this investigation being opened into what the sweets tend major sabotage. but the analysis in the swedish media this week is that the swedish authorities simply want this to go away . that won't have a results they bring from this investigation is just not good at for swedish interests. you know, for example, there's been speculation that ukraine or ukrainian groups were involved in this, in this sabotage. but if, if sweden comes to that conclusion, then it could cause problems for european union support the q have in the defense against russia. russia, again, have been a been implicated. they perhaps have the strongest motive after
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a guest supplies 3 north stream will cut off to germany before these explosions butts suite and have a delicate diplomatic situation with russia at the moment, especially given that application to join nato and that you don't want to to cause any more problems that without strong evidence rush it in turn have implicates it. the u. k. and the us suite of would certainly wouldn't want to come to that conclusion with those 2 countries being at the very strong allies side, perhaps the conclusion that they've come to the prosecutor from the office behind me saying that it's a matter of jurisdiction that no sweetie citizens or sweetest territory was involved. it is a convenient way for them to close this without saying, we don't know who did it. it's been a hot potato one that the hot topic to pass over to germany investigates is now. and i still, i have an al jazeera, the costs of solves di conditions and low pay for workers that you,
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kansas biggest mine the ops and downs of china, stock market. we look at what's behind the volatility pad is full, will build up to the ask a compensation, semi finals as host ivory coast get ready to face the democratic republic of congo . the the now the heat wave intelligent teams being replaced by repeated shares of change of wind direction. so attempt is not really especially hard at the moment. comp, say exactly the same, but you leave it. there's an increasing likelihood of shows going down through santiago, still quite opposite 34 sun sales. 37 is also a bit of reduction in these channels that you see through power guide to southeastern brazil. they've been pretty poky, particularly in brazil. they didn't flash. that's all much slides,
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but they've been doing that throughout the summer. and the extent of the shelves is quite great, but the not necessarily particularly heavy but of a difference if you move north of the columns of know into the camera being on this class that swelled through both and significantly stormy weather into cuba. a couple of pictures for how bar. yes, the streets were funded now that raises going to eastern super 3 co towards the small account of being honest. i look at this when all the trade winds compete in the wrong direction, up from the south east, we see more rec, or call you values as a result, all that in the us, the story is open about california and it continues to be that way. the heaviest rating is probably overnight, but ally is still going to get some more. there's plenty more snow in the mountains and in the further in that in the higher rockies which is probably a useful cause for some of what supply but currently not so useful. and the
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coveted beyond well taken without hesitation forth and died for power that finds out while we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scale the people with that. and the people in power investigate, expose this and questions the use them to be the power around that one out there. the us is always of interest, the people around the world. this has been going on for a number 50 price, but you see the report 34 and it's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important to impact the lives at the height of the storm. water was still high by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good that bringing the news to the world from here or
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the welcome back to watching. i'll just say the time to recap the headlines for you as secretary of states has met with the palestinian presidents in rome on lines the. is there any prime minister in west jerusalem answer the blinking is discussing terms of, of potentially as well how mass bill and then have it to broad, couldn't extended pools to the war and gone so funerals of being held in ross. i had the southern gospel officer, a series of israeli strikes, guns were also injured into the attacks including several children, un secretary general and tony guitar says he's alarmed by reports is ready forces
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and tens of folks tax on or off. the also told the general assembly, it's time for an immediate humanitarian sees funding jobs to add for the release of all captives a lie over crowding in unhygienic conditions and make shift camps throughout the gauze that have created hot spots for viruses and diseases. a recent spike and hepatitis cases has left many palestinians fighting against and invisible enemy, as war rages around them run the la hon reports. it's hard to keep one self isolated in overcrowded place like this camp in 0, bella and central causes for much of a. well, he recently diagnosed with hepatitis the condition that spreads from close contact with this. it's an added layer of challenge model. and then your most of the yes in any way we can. yeah. and is it, my son has been feeling for t losing appetite and has a fever. there's an outbreak of various diseases,
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children in the change. next jobs are suffering hepatitis. and i fear for him, especially since his eyes are turning yellow, as well as this year and then payments. but i could see what he might have to do. much to faces, the daunting task of isolating to prevent spreading the disease. amongst his 40 relatives, nat who's been displaced from northern gaza. this is solid origin. one of his mom is doing her best to keep things clean. but she says it's far from easy. this is a chance housing for the people, including my family and indoors, and they are for helping children living in this to the doctor such as to isolate the sick one. for god's sake, how can we do this? you tell me, my husband, 4 children, and i sleep in this tiny spot. how can we say purchasing only the supporters not even protected from rainbow watch or sewage? this camp in bureau, bella has become the last refuge for thousands from across the kaiser. but with sewage leaking between 10 and garbage piling up everywhere, the situation only seems to be worse than the local health officials recently
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reported an outbreak of hepatitis a. it's been made worse by the constant over crowning, and people being unable to shower or keep proper hygiene. those low rates and stuff . the other is those type of talk to say is caused by a virus. it spreads through place, contact mode on the same way as a corona virus, is the virus is concentrated in saliva, you'll have that is why it is easily contract through spoons, towels, and even pillows must have caused a symptom, similar to the fluid like stomach ache and diarrhea, even fi button is really forces move deeper into con unice house. to mean families are facing constant over crowding. unless wait for food, water, and whatever. medical aid is still available. lice, basic necessities have become rare. commodities here. ronald han elders here more than 27700 palestinians have been killed and israel's war on gall. so behind every casualty figure is
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a family survivors struggling to find closure for their loved ones who are now dead . some even refusing to move from the rubble of using the pets in a desperate bid to find missing bodies, solid been divided reports. how many of his name doesn't want to leave? his beloved home is now the most grieved of his entire family. and makes your tent hon is home, no vice, but let him add the highest i live in the distance. it is really hard for me. of this age, in 5 members of my family were killed by my son, friday, his wife and daughter, my son and my grand daughter, son. i am still recovering parts of their bodies loud and we used to keep costs at home and feed them badly. those caps helped me a lot looking for pieces of my children's dismembered body, just telling me i am assisted by that. they sniff here and there is. yeah,
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once let me to lift the concrete blog where i found pots of my children's bonus, where you and i looked over 17 and is really is strength targeted there for them and dropped off. some were pulled up from the rubble and taken to the great the hospital, but all 12 members of how much somebody were killed. including women and children is really forces in test their targeting, quote, terrorist, the whole the math to put a lot of these radio. compassion forces bombarding us without goodness enough. but this was not victory. i knew i wish i could join my children and grandchildren even having soon maybe old wisdom teeth act of god. we shall all retarded with that. in the last 124 days of the war and gaza, those left behind have front of the search for their comedy. a 5th each is read the
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strike. what he says. she's the soul of my soul. and of the grandfather whose toys patients vital across the globe. grandparents they call it insist the only carry the memory of the grandchildren from the days of happiness. how much is the grandparents of gaza, who refused to leave, let the increase to find them. so set up who lived with him to have the uh, what's it? the reason i'm staying in this tent is that i want to be around not only to try to recover pieces of my children and grandchildren's bodies. but also i want to hoist a big banner here say, you know, standing our ground told that we're not leaving our home loans. i am the only survivor of my family and i pray god almighty to take me to his message soon. i want to join them in, haven't mishandled kind of life, maybe die or with the cold shortage of food and water and no security. the
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palestinians say then remain until they can live on their land with dignity and job each other. they're the workers at durham, and these major apples is threatening to extend the strike if the moms and not met . operations came to a halt when more than $25000.00 ground staff walks off the job for 27 hours. hundreds of flights across the country have been cancelled affecting more than a 100000 passages. dominic cane has mall from bell in so far as disruption is concerned, 90 percent of all of tons of flights around the world cancelled here in berlin. brandon book airport, which is not a massive international hub full of times or flights to cancel. so those desks behind me, those checking desks which would fold an hourly be doing a relatively brisk trade in the middle of
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a weekday. not much going on there until some star alliance flights going hence the presence of the stuff, the but no look tons of flights with this app or it is not the i of the storm full of time. so the, i have the storm in the metaphorical sense, and a geographical sense is in western germany at munich and frank for those 2 important have apples or flights that cancelled. and the reality for many passengers is delayed disturbance. and that sort of thing. what's driving this? well, it is a disputes between unions and management is a pay and conditions. specifically, the union says that there must be an immediate pay rise. 12 a half percent rise this. yeah, the management of lift times. this is no that is not possible. so team percent but staggered over 3 years. the point to make quite clearly is this kind of strike action. this is not unique. all sorts of different transport and other sectors are
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experiencing industrial action right now and has been for the course of the last few months here in germany. it is to a certain extent, a winter of discontent. to a former president's has been killed in a helicopter crash and southern too late. it's believed he was flying himself in 3 of the passengers. the government does declare 3 days of national mourning for the 74 year old, was president twice. stephanie, that co reports a tribute to the man who twice run to a former president sebastian pineda died in the helicopter crash on tuesday. he was 74 east to you. i o, the former president said boston's can yetta to receive the owners of a state funeral and declared 3 days of morning to honor the memory of the man who was elected to times as president of t like some chileans. remember him as a leader who improved their economy from them. he was a great president,
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someone who always fought for his country and never had them. no. he's to dalton, avery way. he wouldn't, worldwide due to the skill of the top minus i filled up, should prove the come to the state court on me for the adult. everyone is morning. his passings police dispersed protest or is gathered in the capital santiago, many here calling him murder. the only legacy he left behind was kate and more divisions, and before being at a 2nd presidency from 2018 to 2022 was marked by widespread protest against equality. it prompted accusations of human rights violations against demonstrators, but he's also remembered as the man who led the country during the unprecedented rescue of 33 miners trap for 69 days at the bottom of the line. which riveted not only truly would capture the world's attention. a state funeral will be held on friday. stephanie decker, which is 0. as a base on surprise until i'm on a of is headed for a land slide election victory according to exit polls. le,
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of had been in power for 21 years and succeeding his father, the cold elections a yet a the soon off. so as that it by john results be cut off region last year from s been comm, union forces of will be guessing another 70 attempt to largest opposition policies . boy coffee to vote saying the election was not 3 or 5 investors that keeping a close eye on china stock market to see whether the government's rescue plan will succeed. so the price is recovered. of the chinese state regulations valve to take steps to support the markets. but as a rule confidence in the world, 2nd biggest economy remains low. katrina, you results from badging. the chinese stock prices are rebounding, but the country's blue chip company staging, the biggest rally since 2022 chinese technology company. alibaba was among the biggest gain is becomes days of the chinese stock market valuation spelled to 5
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year low as last week. behind the turnaround, government intervention, china securities regulators out to take steps to correct down on what it described as malicious, short selling, and institutional investors to expand their investments. some hedge funds and brokerage is reported bands on selling and estate fund dubbed the national team also intervene, helping to stem a cell off. but apple is se unless small is done to stimulate china stagnation, economic growth, government efforts could backfire. the expectation is so weak. and that, that means even if a, temporarily, maybe the state can do something to push the stock market up on, but that would cause more people to sell rather than to buy. so in the short term, actually we have this high risk that a chinese stock market will go down much by the, the child is growth achieved at last is government target of 5 percent. but the
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international monetary fund predicts more problems to come to the world's 2nd largest economy. the property sector, a major driver of growth, is in decline with no sign of recovery. time is bullets out, stock market is just one symptom of a wide spread coincidence prices. the government has so far refused to implement any major effort to stimulate the economy. and many experts believe that until that happens. gains short lived and pessimism about the countries future. katrina, you all to 0 agent. thousands of informal salt mine is in west and uganda are struggling to make ends meet. they work in salty water for long periods without protective clothing. increasing the risk of exposure to multiple diseases like cots way is to candice largest salt mine and an important resource for the growing industry. but it's catherine, sorry, reports the labor comes of a high cost. as you've done,
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does largest salt my seats on the shores of lake packed me. most of the sold extracted here is exported to neighboring countries. we find regina double high network scraping through crystals in mock you want to with the stand of gas is high, heavy in the air with no protective gas in the high plus sideline. what's the effect? how health a, how to go tell me if i stay in the water too long, i get the rush. some of the crystals are sharp, so we often get injuries. we have to improvise with protective gear. we have no choice. this is our life report by the united nations development program has found labor, us who are in the water for a long time, are at great risk of contracting, see which one diseases. it also saves long term exposure can cause organ damage. on a good day,
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regina makes about $3.00. the smell here as ponds into the minus say they have to walk very had all day every day to get to the salt. it's hard job, they say with little neutrons. the other end of the lake, this man uh, breaking off large rocks for industrial use. mining is a seasonal opportunity. most new, quick teeth during the hot, dry summer months. a kind of change have complicated ma cuz usually at this time of the yeah, the area is baking in the sun yet. now it's raining. we are experiencing a lot of floods on the lake. and when the leg is flooded, some of the sold funds. get somebody within the search bar and it won't be is it for someone to cost the truck? the was of the sold funds because i know passed in 2022 to regulate occasional
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mining and and sure what because safety has yet to be enforced. and so this minus do the best, they can, the few months, they are able to walk kathy solely all to 0, like caught way less than uganda. i also had analysis era. wrong versus costs are currently on the go in the ation comp, semifinals are licensed with the gemma. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination, and due by
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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the all right, it's time to catch up with all this bull, his gemma. thank you, savvy. it is approaching off, so i'm in the asian cup, semi final between iran and castle. it is to want to castle around the school 1st through saw that as being just foam, and it's in the house. and defending champions responded in the 17th minutes. thanks to just some java on the stomach at chrome of faith has put castle in the leads. the celebrations continue for jo damien football finds off to that. so you know, victory again, south korea on tuesday for them and the agent got final for the 1st time in the history. jordan, any reach the knockout stage? this one is the best place finishes the now based on the side, right? 6, the whole place is above them to reach the biggest sites the most is just as the parents of the tournament. actually it was the dream about the discussion come before a start. like one month ago. i start to train about this month entity. when i was
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in the front, eh, it's mean everything for me now i am in the final ask on, i saw every case twice the democratic republic of congo, later on wednesday for a place in the final are because i have recovered from a pull start to the tournaments which showed them least 2 of the group games, including a full one of the seats. it's a equitorial guinea, they sacked that kind of ship. it then scraped since the know got round, and on the inter impulse and say they facing the defending champion, set of go. i'm molly. could you please come in? i will fight to for my country because it's important. and if i do it well as played at home is even better. so from my side, i'll do everything. so the, my players will fight to what the jersey would switch to achieve this goal together to the full that map south africa will be out so called a shock against nigeria. in the 1st semi final, we spoke to ben jackson also of the book, the african accomplish nations, the history of an on the appreciated tournament. he told us which teams have
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impressed him the most of this is competition. both because it seems the left i'd have to say the, the democratic republic of congo. um that's a nation that has some incredible targeting history of the people in the seventy's 97. suppose the they make it to the world cup for the 1st time. but in recent years, they haven't been as strong out of business and retaining to lots. but besides, really, really funds was they create a ton of jobs. is that got some great kind of characters in that as well, but really do come to the full and then obviously coming up against the recall used to just somehow managing to make their way for you to tell him with a messy face i it sounds like you're having the great advertise against the, with a lot coming together against each other and the $75.00. 0, you just looked at the 75. missed that we have. and that way to the sign in to this position of the move has been again, some things we just didn't expect to see that lot more attain. yeah, i got a lot of them may be allowed besides the never really that must have done about to ask them in the past is kind of coming to the phone causing some shots. and i think
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even south africa that we haven't seen, south africa, vist strong, seems kind of the late ninety's early, 2 thousands and now they can finish up against that to you. that would be amazing. a heavy weights boxing champion all the time that you said it has questions. the training methods of tyson fury off of the fights was despite and vague fighters on pizza and then was set to meet later this month to the side. the 1st undisputed heavyweight champion, since lennox lewis 24 years ago, but as being rescheduled from may, 18th of this year, he was caught inspiring. a bunch of yes, cuz i was uh, but uh there are certain measures taken by heidi professional sizes. normally use head gear and big gloves for spa ring weight. you'll probably got something on the gloves of the sparring partners on your mask and only browse to avoid cuts to avoid any kind of injuries, by not being professional with jeopardizing the whole event. and you behaved disrespectfully to people who are involved for you to form a tennis number one, somebody to how it has appeared before the course of arbitration for support.
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actually appeals have for you. i think them the 2 time grandson champions tested positive for a band. the stimulus have a 2022 us open. how it be? one titles of the front chosen and wimbledon has been noise any wrong doing planes of contaminated nutritional supplements. we have just 4 days away now from the super bowl, but talk around the biggest events in american support is still about taylor swift right now. the pump style who's in a relationship with kansas city chief titans, travis kelsey, has brought new funds to the sports since he started attending fees, games, according to a marketing group in the us. she's increased to the chief and the nfl is brand value by more than $330000000.00. as a result, some companies are full that for us to seize of all ads for sunday's game between the chief and the san francisco. 49 is pretty surely cool. i mean it just um for her to just be at the games and obviously she's just here to support travis and, and the best way possible. and, but i think it has done a great job of bringing more people to football. and how great this board is,
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um and knowing that i'm, i'm the father to a daughter as well. i love that she watches the games and they love football as well. so i know a lot of fans out there get to have those moments with their kids as well. stick out to you to know about it. and the best thing, any time to top spots on say, say as mesa is pre season test, and the laser is having and stuff, and unofficial lot records around this time sockets for hey mazda. and he went quickest on day one. how to settle the 2nd place. while a while champion cove, i knew i had finished and the world's best success as provided a loss to gloss. that's why is famed as long as i pipelines to sign well champions john john florence, he grew up. so i think his wife reached the course of finals between spring is locsin in around 16 dots, 11 time world champion and kelly slice a is out. he was basing bite. well, number c, e a is a big sandwich on secure a spot of finals as well. that is all your sports for me, for now. i'll have more like so many. thank so much,
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jenna. that brings us to the end of this news. uh but i'm back with another full show in a minute. so stay with us. the neil's rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deputy fires that increasingly with through them in the face of mind made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all plans to protect their village fire beneath a witness documentary on and just say operating current safety religion was the fear that you might be left behind. delving into the dark side to reveal how tuesday calls and still fear to exploit and manipulate to
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journey powerful force featuring 1st time testimonies from those with skate their narratives and the lessons that should be here. you get the right person in charge of an insane script. the script becomes believable. a fucking that's made in the field on a jersey. as a, as well as on guys, a continues bring you relate. we are on the grounding gauze covering the ongoing is raising arguments and the suffering. the people told that we lost displacements and block of resources as well as district conditions here in and around the hospital. and from the height is to return the call, the health data rate restrictions prevent freedom of rights to worship tyler, we will continue our coverage of this route. will cabinet decisions the kansas items,
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all the political decide from the west bank. we continue reporting on the mileage is really reeves with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detail coverage of the war on garza, on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm, sam, is a them, this has been use live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the secretary of state, anthony blaine, can needs palestinian and is ready the latest to discuss the c's. 5 plan for gaza proposed by him us the
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is right intensifies as science and southern gaza,


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