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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the color that on this donkey attain, this isn't use our line from the ha. we begin with breaking news to have been multiple powerful explosions. east via rocket capital. baghdad, rocking media is reporting the full bloss hit, the sofa area of the capital following s strikes. the bombing target has a vehicle i believe, to be caring figured out in a rocky honest great, well let's go straight to our house and he joins us now from the rocky capital on
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the under, this is all literally just happened. tell us what we know at the stage a while a few minutes ago, there was several explosions that had across the bucket done. later on we understood that a drone strikes targeted, a cost to the east of the capital, and according to security sources that are these 3 people kids. now, that is of course, a context for what's happening few days ago. also there was a couple of major strikes to the east of the country on the border with that with syria. but there what strikes today we're talking about targeted us as a nation call was targeted in the middle off the, uh, the capital actually to the east of the capital. and for the moment we know the 3 people like you have now, we don't know what's the identity of those people, whether they are civilians, whether they are affiliated with, uh,
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uh on factions that the united states blame over the i talk on the uh, american basis but that in georgia, not in the rock or in syria. and of course, we know that on the 28th of january, there was an a talk with a drone on an american, a base in our $22.00 and jordan that left 3 american soldiers because of the americans that met the united states of america vows to revengeful the king and go for it. so just the beginning of the revenge, as we all know, started in a strikes in syria and the new rock that's trucks and the rock that got on 16 people goes. but now with this saga thing inside bucket that does a cost and use, i mention targets it targeting a car with 3 people killed. this is right now the, the main use and it's whatever you want to hear about that is spoken by holder. i'm lots of speculations over the identity of those scales,
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especially that the area is going to be as strong to hold for the functions, especially to thoughts as the law news about. i can type and there's about all these functions that are active in launching attacks on american basis. so this is for now the preliminary information, dr. we have enough cost would be updating you all of our have cost alley. just before that took a photography, you mentioned multiple explosions. do we yet know if there were multiple as right? well, what do we know for now? is that drone launched a couple of missed size when they call? now, there are some news coming about. i know that explosion, i know that area and but that will reach out to some doctors the moment you don't have pictures. we don't have any source. uh, confirming that that is another striking back for now. there were 2 explosions. now it might be that the couple off midsize hectic, also does that explosion from the car. so the,
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the 3 explosions had bought the explosions were web berries loud so that everyone in baghdad was able to have them clear. well, as ali was just saying, will certainly be staying across that for you here on on to 0. i mean overlays just for now i have seen that in the rocky capital for us. thank you. on the all, the is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it has vowed to press the head with israel's military offensive and gaza. he says, he finds that will continue until what he calls absolute victory. nothing young held news conference shortly. often musing, visiting us secretary of state on st, blinking, who has been trying to secure a cease fire agreement following a proposal by loss. the gum gum? yeah, yes ma'am. so any further feel now is the time for these really defense forces to allow safe quarters for the residential russell. we shall continue destroying the
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capabilities of from us until we achieve that to me. and i emphasize that we have no other option and the decisive victory, the law says, responded accusing. israel's pine, minnesota benjamin, as in yahoo, only being interested in prolonging the war on garza, the group spokesman or salam done says that nothing you know who is trying to manipulate public opinion in israel instead of seeking lost interest. and then it's in, you know, what, how cool met the, who, yes, uh, be shopping to send me yahoo on his government for the od seeking to continue to mislead the public opinion image right on to prolonged unplugged trust to make this a good addition, despite the loss of data, so standing in pets and in and equipment, and he's trying to postpone the facing. it'd be investigations of the fairly are on their part on the substance of october and their military continues to receive.
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i'm to receive a blow, was the hands of our brave resistance. second. oh, what a response to the propose? the framework i suggested from the pad is me thing. how miles have submitted the respondents to the a proposal to our colleagues in egypt and tara, after consultation with our leadership on, on what bought those and other factions in the resistance. a high mass has submitted their comments and such a way that the insured is come please. i'm phone. see is of aggression to allow is the, um, provide shelter to the displays and ensure that it goes to auction. i lift the blockade that goes guys out on to go in to prison on a swab, but we have built an address via proposal with a positive i'll put or show online. it could be in the government which tried to
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circumvent all would arise from day one. well that's come on out from roy, talent season occupied a story some for us or, you know, nation, yahoo is saying they don't do anything without victory. and he's still talking about the complete elimination of her life. should we be reading all of this as, as a complete projection of the house counter proposal? yeah, i think missed also. yeah. how do you tell the white house, and now you tell the well that you are rejecting? how may i assist proposal for a sweet spot without explicitly saying there is what you do it by say, what an s and yahoo said just over an hour ago. that was widespread pessimism here about the prospects for a diplomatic breakthrough around this deal. and that pessimism was confirmed by netanyahu's press briefing just a little while ago. he said we are on the roads to a decisive victory. it's close at hand,
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we will eliminate how mass i'm bring back the cap says we want to accept the less than that. he said to the soldiers on the grounds that will not return without a victory. that's what they have been telling him. he said that they get the international community uh which according to nets and yahoo was saying that it's going into gauze that would be a mistake, that they wouldn't be able to achieve the goals. he said that's they, they are achieving their goals and more they have killed and injured his. he put 20000 cyber to us. there was no other option, he said, but a decisive victory. anything less than that would basically invites another october the 7th mexico. if we win in front, if we win against how much you said this was in response to a john to see was what about the normalization without a rapier? isn't that being jeopardized? by rejecting this a potential deal, he said no. if we win against time us,
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then we'll look good in front of saudi arabia and then we can see a normalization process. but yes, as he puts it, the wall is going on. this can be credibly viewed, i think, cause a smell to answer the blink. and of course being today talking with nothing yahoo talking with my way to pass, trying to push towards some sort of resolution it's, it's not to say, hey me, you could view this as it's a snap towards j biden's, a white house biden's wider vision for a settlement for them at least remains a vision and the will goes on. and you mentioned already that it's not up to the us moving or washington is very concerned about israel defensive, particularly as it moves towards the rough on will the civilians that do you have a sense of, of the turn of the meeting with lincoln today. and how that when we don't know yet because we have enough from blink and ends what we heard from
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nothing you know, who didn't address the talks that he had with clinton later on today. the body language in the, the, the clips that we have seen didn't look particularly warm, didn't look particularly friendly, but it's difficult to read too much into that. yeah, we can assume that a blinking was when he sat down with ness and you know, talking about concerns, humanitarian concerns, because that is what lincoln said when he was coming. he made that quite candid. we're talking about increasing humanitarian nights into gaza. were talking about winding down volt stays with the kind of was the, the blinking was using a yes. now everyone is looking at a rough us in his address. and that's and you know, who did say this tricks are on the ground, the con eunice, and soon they will be in rafa. rafa that border area, the south of gauze, the normal population, 300000 now or combination 1500000 people with the is ready on the closing. and i
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know it's a guy who were telling us that was the nicest for us from occupied east or some. thank you, rory, to well, that's gonna take a closer look at the cx 5 time that was put forth by who was as i mentioned, the palestinian group is demanding and to as well as a salt on casa, all the proposals are not planning through the release of his reading, he kept as including women minus now they would be in exchange for palestinian prisoners and is rarely, giles who were arrested up to the day of the agreement signing her last ones. 1500 palestinian prisoners released including 500 who was having life for a long time sentences. if it was a pushing for the entry of no fewer than 500 trucks a day carrying who monetary and fuel and other essentials and to provide at least 60000 temporary homes, as well as 200000 shelters. and the 10th loss was also calling for the return of palestinians. you've been forced from their homes or across garza as well as
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ensuring the freedom of movement for everyone out of there as senior political. unless my one question i told my colleagues, i me, that on the last it was trying to show that they're open to the pregnancy positions between these readings and, and the palestinians couldn't have been more contrast to that. in fact, clearly how mazda is, uh, is either meant to serious about winding down the war and reaching a truce, and perhaps a final ceasefire with is right on the basis of some mutual steps to be taken by is right. and the for the city and movement in they don't seem to be deterred by is radio rejection. in fact, uh, they are clearly uh, interested in projecting the image that they are interested in diplomacy. and so i think how much here is really underlining the humanitarian aspect tend to need to
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fix that. but it's also looking to, i'm looking forward, i should say, towards a diplomatic solution that involves apparently is right in the united states and, and others, they're cool on for the at up. so enjoying it. and i think that's important because clearly they feel that they are not the disadvantage, you know, facing good on the line dives, and most of the countries of their obligation to take serious steps and define american pressure and the siege on garza. i think it's unfortunately falling on deaf ears. the out of world is in sort of attitude or the front of seniors, but not exactly in the effective support of the for the city and cause at this point in time. in fact, some of the countries are playing counter productive role at this point in time and feel for the palestinian people. and yet, although how much is court is holding in this year? if you notice what nothing now has been saying about the ad ups,
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he continues to say that the relationship with the board is going to have to wait until after we finish garza and then we finish off with kaiser in the sense that he keeps insinuating, that a good number of, of partners today, or potentially in the future and so forth, of what is doing against how much it goes against what it was doing. i guess garza a hostile punting morehead figure. this thing is our, including the in special rob hotel, only occupied palestinian territory. is francesca albanese tells us that governments who are causing a to gaza may be guilty of collective punishment. the alda 0 has obtained for cent showing alignment for them is rarely stripe targeted. a tall price, student entertainment event displaced children and rasa. the,
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the, the, the, as you can see, the strike was panic amongst the children and the displaced people that the death toll from that stripe has not yet been confirmed. let's go to thomas. i was there and he's in rough up for us type that strike was so close to those chosen what, what do we now know about what happened today? yeah, it says we have been seeing in fact that the, these distressing images and video is being released to the indication of the targeting of the scene of children being absolutely terrified from the study. ongoing military attacks on the area of it's supposed to be save. so done with the past few hours, i've been hearing a loud explosion that are completely shake a rough i district where it targeted a civil court with one's palestinian has been killed alongside with
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a number of residents being injured and being transported to escalate to hospitals for here for medical treatment, but what is you in the military strike? it's happens in a very densely populated area that is next to account for just place people where there was an into team impact services being made for the displace children in order to mitigate the psychological fee and panic. they have been suffering from since the beginning of this round of conflicts, but those children weren't completely terrified as at the moment they have this, the sound of the loud explosion as they rushed to take cover from the east, barely up compartment in order to be protected. um, fortunately, we know thomas mean child had been recorded in judge in the military strike, but the are completely traumatized from such ongoing military offensive home the territories. and by the way, this is not there really attack that had been carried out today. you bought roof had been why be and mostly targeted work within the past few hours. another
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residential building was targeted where a sweet policy is half the repulsive killed um its own going, flying over all these very surveillance of drugs as can gladly hear the becky ground right now. i'm at the ongoing oh, so a bombardment that we continue to hear from our location right now. we run fox for confrontations and attacks incognito to city, which is only if you meet kilometers away from our location here. we can indeed hear that try and charge just in the last couple of hours. we also had mentioned y'all who vowing that the minute tre offensive will continue. we know it's heading for rafa. was, are you seeing that you've talked about the strikes? how people preparing for what's to come as well a policy and that are absolutely right now for straight to then depressed in terms of what the is very prime minister of independence and yeah, who has been saying and has a press conference for is very media outlets that he is also very keen that the military ration, so it'd be transferred,
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and ruby started soon. and rough or as they wanted to militarily dismantle old, the ministry infrastructure for how much movement and 4 groups inside the roof district as a part of the goals that they have been assessing since the beginning of this will only territory. and this is what people are afraid of and not enough for at least 85 percent of displace palestinians who have know what else to go. that's what you how it was speaking about, a safe cordial for people to, to leave roughly, to, to give an opportunity for these very all me to operates here in that very densely populated area. people are asking where to go, especially the old remaining areas and goals that have been completely or partially destroyed because it is very unrelated to display abutment. and the expansion of the ministry attack spot to now policy is a waiting for the key to for the work. the pain is uh tomorrow me think that will give a clear response and we'll get a straight the shape of the next phase box. here, palestinians are preparing for the dates of the military inclusion for rough or
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which will completely signify as 11 low grades. kayla lawson life here on the predictable casualties amongst util. yes. if that had been practically translated on the ground to tack, i was there in the for the life as far as from the ground in rafa in the southern portion of the causes for thank you. time you called me rawlins riley forces, have carried out little strikes and the southern and central areas of the gaza strip. several people were killed and thousands injured, including children. if this time jen finch reports more than 1300000 people are crammed into southern gaza. you the border with egypt now is really forces are closing in on them. throughout the day i've gone up to get water . she was 14 years old. is really snipers shot her in front of the nest. that hospital in fun. eunice. people try to rescue her. they had to flee for cover,
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leaving her behind. now feeling the snipers. this is what those shell to renew to school or having to do to get some matter of even further south in the alpha with palestinians were told to shelter is really will things have killed several people. with the, with the we were told on the house house, 3 flaws with a large number of residents. suddenly we will, he broke it from monday through the plane. settle again and mothers tears a friends laska. by our luck and a prayer. send away the dead. some of those who survived so us involvement is not helping what does the all the blinking but the more with edges every visit from blinking and state of common things down. and we just make things worse. we get more strikes, we get more bombings that we use as the main participant leader of the war against
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the palestinian people. the ones helping designers entity with weapons and ammunition. and i participate in the genocide of the palestinian people which added a cloud of leaflets fell across the skies of data by law in central garza ordering people, they're not to return to the north of the strip, but they don't tell palestinians where to go to find safety it is, i'm getting food. i'll just say era. while the united nations secretary general and tanya is, is harris says he's alarmed by reports that these ready minute treat intends to concentrate. it's operation is now on rough, or at least as you are hearing that $1300000.00 display as palestinians of sheltering the situation. jobs is a festering wound or collective cautious. that's what happens. the entire region. nothing just defies the already see that are effects launched by how miles the
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games diesel on 7 october not is that any justification for the collective funding summit and the policy me and people. yep. you said only me to tell you a price, it was ever resolved through the, the selection investing guys with, if the scaling speeds we don't spend a little seems i became 2nd say to general. and they may especially a lot of body parts that these really mean setting tends to focus next on dropbox. when hundreds of thousands of palestinians, it'd been squeeze in a desperate search for safety's such an action would explain naturally, employees walk is already a humanitarian night's mass. we untold regional consequences. it's time for an immediate too many setting ceasefire and the median. so then conditional release of all last that's these must rep if we lead to reversible x and was the 2 state solution based on united nations resolutions,
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international law and previous agreements, while out of a lot of capital james base has worn out from the united nations and i think that deeply concerned the 2nd general, again, using the phrase also collective punishment, which is many would see is a wall crime of what these riley's are doing in casa that concerned, of course, because people have fled to rough us a place of safety and because rafa is one of the main entry points for humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. and now it looks like, and it's being very well telegraphed by these riley's and these right. the military is going to be the next target. the next focus of ministry escalation. so i think this is very wiring for the set country general, and he's made it clear that this could make the situation much, much was he was speaking in a briefing to the un general assembly laying out these priorities for the year. ahead is also was saying that's although the un security council, which is the other major organ of the united nations as being divided in the us as
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blogs. any chance of guessing the c spa that the secretary general. and these key officials would like at, at this stage stage that have been to security council resolutions that have been paused. both of those said that they have to be a scaling up of the humanitarian aid in garza. and nearly 2 weeks ago. now the international court of justice, when it came out with this provisional measures, it's rooting on the situation in goal is that one of those readings was again the same. israel had to do everything to get more humanitarian aid into garza. and yet the aid is still restricted, the u. n. c, monetary and elements the you, as you going to turn agents is including under a site, it's very, very difficult to get the a they need in into gaza. so there is a big question. i think of whether israel is actually now in contravention of those 2 security council resolutions and all of that ruling by the international court of justice. and like calling somebody say don was joined by francesca,
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albany z. she's a u. n. special russell to on the occupied palestinian territories. she cooled the funding cost on illegal immoral and irresponsible or what this countries who are spending $82.00, and a to 2 on ry are, are doing, is a form of collective punishment against the agency and against the palestinians. not only in gaza who have in desperate need for the a that the only on what has the capacity to deliver, but also for the students in the region. because there are so over 6 medium policy and so are going to be affected. and also again, even assuming the allegations where, where to, what's the point of punishing the entire agency, especially when the agency has already, without new process detonated this, this people. so i said it's suit. it's illegal, especially because of the, the, in the lie to all the nice c j order that creates an obligation to ensure
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immediate and either way through money tell you on aid, but also it's immoral. and it's irresponsible because as many have said, including senior senior officials of the us. and this is going to bring to the collapse of the you money targeting for us tractor. that's still a, it's weak but still exist saying to on rocks in digging guys off the moral, irresponsible. does it also open up legal liability and exposure to some of the countries that are engaging in this contract and a, and the reason analysing this has been reported widely in the cutoff one price that nicaragua has sent a lacto warning. the u. k. germany, the netherlands in canada, of action against them for what they see is complicity in genocide. and one of the reasons cited was big was because of this i, i see that there is absolute married to look into this semester and against the
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obligations that means from the genocide convention. because of the countries you mention and bias wisdom, countries of the as qualified to the south, possibly cons allegations of genocide, the claims of genocide being committed by by as well as baseless. but now that we have an entering order of the i c j. c. that has sort of nice the possibility that for each one of these doing a cost to, to, to genocide that there is a noble edition upon every member state to take all possible measures to prevent the general side. instead of taking measures against these stroke. what do they do to take measures against the money guardian agency which deliver the there's a critical a to the police students and make no sense. and yes, in my old so um the give the give the front a give the rise to obligations and big trouble. big issues under the genocide
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convention home a lot over crowding unhygienic conditions and makes us count of throughout. garza has created hot spots for viruses and diseases to flourish. a recent spike and have the tightest cases as if many palestinians fighting out against an invisible enemy, as well also continues to range around them and run it with the con reports. it's hard to keep one so isolated in overcrowded place like this camp in 0, butler and central causes for much al, well he recently diagnosed with hepatitis the condition that spreads from close contact with this. it's an added layer of challenge model. and then your most of the weekend. yeah. and is it my son has been feeling for t losing appetite and has a fever. there's an outbreak of berries, diseases, children in the trans next, drones or suffering hepatitis. and i fear for him, especially since his eyes are turning yellow as well as this year. and i'm pretty
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much, but i can see what he might have to do that much to faces, the daunting task of isolating to prevent spreading the disease amongst his 40 relatives who have been displaced from northern gaza. the solid argument. his mom is doing her best to keep things clean, but she says it's far from easy. this is a chance housing for the people, including my family and in those, and they are for helping children living in this thing. and the doctor suggest isolate the 6 months. for god's sake, how can we do this? you tell me, my husband, 4 children, i sleep in this tiny spot. how can we separate this? the boat is not even protected from rain butcher or sewage. this camp in bureau, bella has become the last refuge for thousands from across the kaiser. but with sewage leaking between 10 and garbage piling up everywhere. the situation only seems to be worse than the local health officials recently reported an outbreak of hepatitis a. it's been made worse by the constant over crowning, and people being unable to shower or keep proper hygiene. those low rates and stuff
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. the other is those type of types of phase caused by a virus. it spreads to replace contract, but in the same way as a corona virus is the virus is concentrated in saliva, you'll have that is why it is easily contract through spins towels. and even pillars must have caused a symptom, similar to the fluid, like stomach ache and diarrhea, even fi button is really forces move deeper into con eunice. palestinian families are facing constant over crowding unless wait for food, water, and whatever. medical aid is still available. lice basic necessities have become rare. commodities here, ronald han elders here. i'll still ahead here on, on just why swedish prosecution say that ending their investigation into explosions of damaged gas pipelines from russia to your the
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attribution. the february has been, the code is the best wintry month to most to northern europe. and we have gone into the arctic floss coming down so it might continue the same day. this is more or less the dividing 9 that's colder. this is much wilma and the result will be a line to along the know measured that from where it's nose positive out and positive. no, not in england and stuff. and i would think and then says that is right in the course. this is all pumping out from the, from the woman mounting. so maybe some welcome right. coming to portugal and spain . but along the other line, more or less the same on that she's the been leads in north lincoln, would like to see snow on to say that it gets like the whole month. it tends to rate this. yeah. present 3 days to be honest, big picture on the friday and the woods succeed so it pushes the snow north and through scuffling the bits in denmark, maybe something pilot in the attempt has north back all. and i quite low again.
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highest temperature minus 2 and stuck on friday, but the won't for this house has not been infiltrated by rain, no doubt. welcome rain, full spitting and certain amount for it to the as well. maybe not so welcome. most of north africa is dry. fairly will not belong to the northern shoals, everywhere from brockridge or egypt. i'm pretty dry through our west africa. the latest news as it breaks, people are here from the facts that are also a target. it's happening in 20. 24 with detailed coverage is really forces continue their intense bombing around lost their hospital in san eunice. from the hall to the story. dozens has been arrested interrogation and put into the presence of different nations on family members. in depth
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analysis of the case headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive the task protection that seen as convocation inside story on al jazeera of the the welcome back to watching out a 0. i'm associated, hey,
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here and uh huh. let's remind you about top stories. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a balance of pressed ahead with isabel's and the tree offensive and gaza, including in the southern city? he said the will will continue until absolute victory hours after loss came up with these 5 appraisal la held a press conference shortly after this and yahoo and best buy and sell a home down. so that is really, really interested in prolonging the war on gaza. see if there is nothing yahoo of trying to manipulate public opinion in israel. instead of taking a lost interest at least 3 people have been killed and it strikes on the call. he's around police say that it is full blast, have been reported in the area. it's not just knowing who was talking to in the hallway, also getting the thoughts of a striking young man who the soul says, okay me, there's been a hit on the rust is the area and the city for data in west and human in recent
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days, the u. s. found that u. k has carried out strikes on who's the targets across the country at least 27 people have been killed and more than 50 injured. and if i'm lost and practiced on south western province at the law, just on and kind of just a day ahead of general elections that the nation has a month, a political on rest. and some of the candidates and political parties of also faced violence, as awesome bank reports now from the whole, or the desk and destruction after a bump last that the candidates office introduced on products. these are the conditions focused on selections of being held into. no one has yet to change responsibility in the past, but they've just done has seen this tax credit by separate just the human commission of human rights. it's expressed consent of, of one to incidents ahead of this vote. they have been a tax on political parties and candidates. you in commission, it has cold and authority to ensure a free and safe vote. just the election make you think you, john, i'm way here to present an election way and no one's life is under threat. you can
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cost you about to anyone. you are free to do so. down forces and police will be present for you safety courses by those boxes and by that papers sealed, and under high security. with more than 120000000 people are eligible to vote. this is a huge task. more than 90000 pulling stations have been set up across focused on national and professional seats would be decided in this vote. but with the security threats in some areas, it's the military that's providing the security. but it's also the middle street that's been accused of interference. 650000 military police and power ministry have been deployed for this selection. $100.00 dining though, there is no campaigning in the 24 hours before the vote. and on the election day, there are limits around pulling stations for canvassing. he's made, you'll have all of this is the bag with the ballot papers. they will not be opened . they are sealed inside will only be out of into the presence of pauline agent. the elections will be fit, but the run up to this election has been controversial with the leader of the main opposition in wrong calling in jail. this is being viewed by many of the most
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sensitive addiction and recent buckets. sonya history, international observers, as well as international media presence, you take a closer look at have 3 transparent boats and would be a sort of vague. i'll just sit on the hold of buckets done. russia has their own. just a number of missile strikes across ukraine. at least 3 people killed and cheese, the 4th dies and the southern cities me for live. meanwhile, politicians in ukraine are looking at the ways to increase the number of troops with they only reportedly in need of $500000.00 extra soldiers. on the bride reports from cheese. early morning attacks on cities across ukraine by waves of russian miss 1000 drones. several large explosions woke up much of the capital. keep this residential block suffering, the worse damage and highest number of casualties. it's a nightmare that in the 21st century, all brothers would bring so much war and grief to our country. a tax will also
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reported in cod keys in the northeast and as far west as libby. this attack comes as the parliament in key bass considering you mobilization laws to increase the number of sol just being called up. i made a growing awareness that 2 years since the start of the full scale invasion, early and few z as in to fight, is fighting with his country in a deadlocked war and in need of recruits 55 year old me. kyla has decided to sign up. well, the time has come, we need to end these young people don't fully understand the times they will come to. or nationally, ukraine seems to be suffering will fatigue with some families of those already serving, holding regular protest, wanting to know when the loved ones will be allowed to grow. as music, there was some of us who carry the burden of this will. while there were others here at time, ignoring it,
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adding to the gloom is the continuing block by the us congress on a much needed 60000000000 dollar military, a package. back at the smoldering apartment complex. and right tells us the us congress should come and see this. this is on that conscience for his. he then returns to his task of trying to contact his friend, whose apartment is on the 10th floor, and to still not answering his phone from mcbride. i'll just say right keith. well, his gemini is major efforts. have threatened to extend this strike if the loans are not met. operations came to a halt when moving 25000 ground stuff worked off the job for 27 hours. hundreds of miles across the country i've been canceled, affecting more than a 100000 passages. told me that kane has more for us from the as so far as disruption is concerned, 90 percent of all of tons of flights around the world cancelled here in berlin. brandon book airport, which is not a massive international hub for lufthansa or
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a flight. so cancel. so those desks behind me, those check invests, which would fold an hourly be doing a relatively brisk trade in the middle of a weekday. not much going on there until some star alliance flights going hence the presence of the stuff, the but know, love tons of flights with this app or it is not the i of the storm full of times the, the, i have the storm in the metaphorical sense and a geographical sense is in western germany at munich and frank for those 2 important have apples or flights. the counsel and the reality for many passengers is delayed disturbance. and that sort of thing. what's driving this? well, it is a disputes between unions and management is a pay and conditions. specifically, the union says that there must be an immediate pay rise. 12 a half percent rise this. yeah, the management of lift times. this is no that is not possible. so team percent, but staggered over 3 is the points to make quite clearly is this kind of strike
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action. this is not unique. all sorts of different transport and other sectors are experiencing industrial action right now and has been for the course of the last few months here in germany. it is to some extent, a winter of discontent. prosecutor doesn't sway to say they will end their investigation into explosions on both the north stream $1.00 and $2.00 gas pipelines. vast amounts of methane were released when those pipelines transporting russian gas to germany were ruptured in september 2022. the pulse gauges have said they don't have the jurisdiction to pursue the case. for race has worn out from stucco. this is something of a we can dig into what has been very strong swedish involvement in this case. it was the sweetest navy the found. 2 crates, as on the sea bed in the swedish economic zone, under the baltic and international waters button, the economic side, as well as the remains of explosive materials. and that led to this investigation
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being opened into what the sweets, 10 major sabotage. but the analysis and the swedish media this week is that the swedish authorities simply want this to go away. that's what have a result they bring from this investigation, is just not good at for swedish interests. you know, for example, there's been speculation that ukraine or ukrainian groups were involved in this, in this sabotage. but if, if sweden come to that conclusion, then it could cause problems for european union support. the key of in the defense against russia, russia, again, have been a been implicated. they perhaps have the strongest motive of to, i guess applies 3 north stream. what cuts off to germany before these explosions but sweet and have a very delicate diplomatic situation with russia at the moment, especially given that application to join nato,
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and they don't want to to cause any more problems that without strong evidence rush it in turn have implicates it the u. k, and the u. s. suite a would certainly wouldn't want to come to that conclusion with these 2 countries being at that very strong allies side, perhaps the conclusion that they've come to the prosecutor from the office behind me saying that it's a matter of jurisdiction. that no sweetie citizens, or sweetest territory, was involved. it is a convenient way for them to close this without saying, we don't know who did it. it's been a help to tell you, type one, that that hops, happy to pass over to germany investigates is now a while still a head here on out of there. the cost of sold die conditions unload. pay for walk is, as you can, the biggest the
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welcome back in democratic republic of congo, thousands of leading to going law has violence intensifies between the army and the m 23 onto group fighters half an hour. fortunately surrounded the town of stuck in the east, a crucial step before reaching the capital of north keeper. the company is on me and you in peace. capers have been struggling to contain the arms groups advance on the city of the situation in stock. it is very bad with heavy fighting between soldiers and $23.00 by bills they have attacked with heavy guns and bones fell on the 16th the supply when leaving forego month we saw soldiers running away
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from the positions as find interrupted between theme and the rebels. that's why we left the finding was too intense and the settings were running from the fighting between rebels and soldiers. we don't know where we can go, but we can't survive in this situation. it's too much for us. the look, connie has worn out some blank, oh yeah, yeah, it will not have far from the if you said a 100000 people are running from such as, which is just us here because there is a fight in between the, between the 2 levels and also did the see, i mean, they've been fighting for a week twice now, but this one, you're getting ripples. i will try to take over the men and see through which is the last one before the toner, from wilma. this is why you have seen all these people and they've been in this socket for more than one muscle. right now, we're running from different videos on the 4th one off labels. this wondering we still don't know what to do. that was already in the press. it goes up to now we
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can see the bottom from the place where we are and i was on 100 of people on the right now trying to go in the city of wilma, they've been on where it is. it's a deep in this area and the right to know they're going to see and know the id person because they've been around here. there is this, it is, how does i go inside? and how does i say they need to go? first thing to secure it because they don't trust where the invitation disclosure. so those are both the busing to otherwise you know like on it will go more. the democratic republic of thousands of informal salt mine is less than uganda are struggling to make ends meet. they work in salty water for long periods without protective clothing increasing their exposure to water born diseases. but as common sort of reports, the labor comes as a high cost. you bundles, largest salt, my seats on the shores of lake packed me. most of the souls extracted here is
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exported to neighboring countries. we find regina double high debt walk scraping through crystals in mock. you want to with the stench of gases, high heavy in the air with no protective gas. and the high plus sideline, what's the effect? how house a, how to go. tell me if i stay in the water too long, i get the rush. some of the crystals are sharp, so we often get injuries. we have to improvise with protective gear. we have no choice. this is our life. our report by the united nations development program has found labor, us who are in the water for a long time, are at great risk of contracting, see which one diseases. it also saves long term exposure can cause organ damage. on a good day, regina makes about $3.00. the smell here is pungent and the minus say they have to
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walk very had all day every day to get to the salt. it's hard job, they say with little new tons of the, of the end of the lake. this man uh, breaking off large rocks for industrial use. mining is a seasonal opportunity. most new, quick teeth during the hot, dry summer months. a kind of change have complicated mottos, usually at this time of the yeah, the area is baking in the sun yet now it's raining. we are experiencing a lot of floods on the lake. and when the lake is flooded, some of the sold funds. get somebody to within the search bar and it would be easier for someone to cos truck. the was of the sort of bonds because i know passed in 2022 to regulate a teasing, online name. and and sure what,
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because safety has yet to be enforced. and so these minus do the best they can in the few months, they are able to walk. catherine, so you all to 0 like caught way less than uganda. one year after catastrophic as quakes and take care of the government has provided a commendation to 75000 people who lost their homes. its just a fraction of the estimates of 390000 needed. but in one of the westgate areas, people on waiting for sites distance, any movie contributing to reconstruction efforts. so then costing audio reports from kind of on law should be at the center of the catastrophe. one of the, i'm sure, as long as you can, it's on my quotes from this video under the rubble of a 6 story building and come from on marsh southern to get kind of her family was trapped alongside her with the united keeping mission for too much her final wish that the money she had raised for
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a family in need be paid out if she died. these are good to 5 months husband and tool they are cents survived. last year is devastating dress quakes, but 12 year old milan was killed. now they live in a new house with quick, wisest, and foundations provided by the government tends to stop. my says, her grief the peasant east, you must suggest as we get the higher the past year is gone by so quickly like a dream. usually we wouldn't stay away from our children for the day. now we've been separated from us on forever. we have good living conditions. the government gave us this house, furniture, and everything. of course, many people helped out as well, but we truly happy. we on with 30000 businesses, nearly 175000 people, worked here before the disaster. well sir, so it was quick, kill 12000 people and saw him on my eyes and demons nearly 70 percent of the buildings. many of those who survived moved to a nearby town now,
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slowly but surely. the cities regaining his reputation as a commercial and industrial hub. cash had been a barber all his life when his shop was damaged. he tried working in other cities, but didn't stay long. his says his heart was always in come on, my god. he moves back and rebuilt the shop with his own money along with his neighbors. he's helping others in this office told us through the buffer that we were 5 or 6 people working at the body shop that clients will construction workers during the day. there was nothing to wait so, so why don't tell out in a restaurant? i don't think anyone should leave people like us have revived the city. if you find you had everything, you have. the government moved quickly to provide housing to the hundreds of thousands of families who lost their homes and the quakes. but it's a major initiative and also to say, it will take time. despite the challenges,
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people like a sketch are determined to do things better to restore the community. so united coastal l to zeta caught them up, my gosh took care. so investors keeping a close eye on china stock markets to say whether the government's rescue plan will succeed. chinese state regulations are found to take steps to support b. n. economy, but overall confidence remains low. katrina, you reports now from beijing. chinese stock prices are rebounding, but the country's blue chip company staging, the biggest rally since 2022 chinese technology company. alibaba was among the biggest gain. it becomes days of the chinese stock market valuation spelled a 5 year low as last week. behind the turnaround government intervention, china securities regulates avowed to take steps to correct down on what it described as malicious, schultz selling an institutional investors to expand their investments. some hedge
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funds and brokerage is reported bands on selling and a state fund dealt the national team, also intervene, helping to stem a self. but apple is se unless small is done to stimulate china stagnation, economic growth. government efforts could backfire. the expectation is so weak. and that means even if a temporarily, maybe the state can do something to push the stock market up. um, but that would cause more people to sell rather than to buy. so in the short term, actually we have this high risk that a chinese stock market will go down much by the us. the china is gross. the chief of last is government target of 5 percent. but the international monetary fund predicts more problems to come to the world's 2nd largest economy. the property sector, a major driver of growth, is in decline with no sign of recovery. time is bulletin stock market is just one
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symptom of a wide spread coincidence prices. the government has so far, refused to implement any major effort to stimulate the economy. and many experts believe that until that happens. gains short lived and pessimism about the countries future. katrina, you all to 0 agent account brody and prime minister, who no one else has arrived in thailand for his 1st official visit since taking a tough job. last summer. tony trying reports now from bangkok on the relationship between the neighboring countries. one minute welcome to government house by the type prime minister, set out how we send it to the cambodian prime ministers 1st visit since taking over from his father. and since last year, he was quick to thank his host for ensuring his visit was mod, flight protest. thanks for your re fi me of your support that not allowing tight territory to be used for any activities for interference
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in cambodia and internal politics. the same thing, 2nd body or cover band is also give commitment. i'm not loving couple additional as, as a lang or for conducting up to of, to, with these 2 into, for you vis thailand. the tile storage has been working hauled ahead. this one minutes arrivals pictures posted on social media, show plainclothes, type police outside the home of a permanent cambodian distant who was detained hours later on immigration charges. it's come about gen entire authorities working hand in hand to crack down to silence d sensing voices. you know, the to the part then back to come would you all, you know, there to make them disappear. and it's not just happening incumbent that's happening throughout the week on which i 2020 type pro democracy activist, one to them set success was abducted by all men in the cambodian capital he's
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assumed to have been killed. but neither cambodia no time, not that to disclose the results of investigations into his abduction. the political environments and cambodia remains deeply repressive under the new p. m. last week. opposition leader kim. so car, at his 1st appeal hearing against the 2070 a jail sentence, the treason, i would like to make it very clear through the international community to stop think delusion. uh by uh, hold a minute. uh that one minute can bring change. he will not, as far as long as his father is around, his father has not gone away. for decades, thailand was a century for political dissidents, playing oppression inside cambodia. but the warm welcome to prime minister home, and that indicates that has now changed that these enables very happy to work together to silence each other's critics. tony tongue else has 0, bank of as well as that for me. and this does it have for this new zones that don't
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go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more of the days. there's just a, with a financial here, the se, operating current, say if the religion was the fear that you might be left behind. delving into the dark side to reveal how tuesday calls and still fear to exploit and manipulate to journey powerful force featuring 1st time testimonies from those with skate their narratives and the lessons that should be here. you get the right person in charge of an insane script. the script becomes believable. a fucking lips made the end of fear on a jersey boy. neos rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deadly fires that increasingly with through them. in the face of mind, made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes
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all the plans to protect or village fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey and joe biden. and donald trump has started really opposed messages by nonsense trunk would turn the us into a dictatorship. shaking car is a hard question. trump's cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out for tom news marks in spanish and the radical left dogs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. many voters are fed up with high prices, and biting stands on israel's war. on gaza as close to decline and support in his own party, trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal towns is elected. trump promises mass for patients of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more thoughts and
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feelings. in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states. it's likely to be a bitter babel, the us secretary in state. and to me blinking means palestinian and is really need is to discuss the goals of $65.00 pounds per se, by how long the again i missed all the time. this is out of their life. these really prime minister says troops preparing to attack rafa in southern garza and g vows to fight until what he calls absolute victory. the
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israel has intensified. it's as strikes and southern gaza.


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