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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business like just is free to you, i guess is i like slowly on one of your makes modern plates. the hello again understands the attain. this is a news our life from the coming up in the next 60. the a secretary state says there is space for an agreement on gaza even as nothing you know and says that is really a tax on the strip will continue. the israel continues. it's as strikes on southern dogs that in creating an account for
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displaced people and 3 people to kill them and try and striking back that it targets with members of in a wrong length on the job. and ask for the school is as high as castle reach back to back asian cup finals. the defending champions beat around a 3 to announce a student on the whole we begin with a ongoing efforts to bring a balance to cease fund. israel's war on garza the us to produce state on spain blinking has met with palestinian and israeli lead is trying to secure an agreement following a proposal by last. now in just the last hour, he said it is space for an agreement to be reached. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the israeli government, the response that mos sent last night to lead proposal that the united states
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cutter in egypt had put together to bring the remaining officers home and extend the mentoring pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in monsters response, we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. well i'll, i'll just share a correspondence with how much andrew aust, blinking about the role of the mouse and the so called a day off the scenario and gaza secretary, thank you. i have 2 issues. i want to ask you about. the 1st is regarding the fact you've spoken about the importance of creating a pathway for a palestinian state. there been reports that you've asked the state department of the view option on potentially recognizing a palestinian state. so when i ask you if that's the case, and if so, is that a type of pressure point that you feel is needed to get israel to agree to cease fire and one that could ultimately lead to
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a 2 state solution. that's the 1st issue. second issue i want to ask you about is the fact that israel has maintained that how much needs to be eliminated that it cannot have any role in governing garza after the war has ended. weird is the us currently stand on this? is it in any way acceptable to the us for how much to be playing a role in governing gaza in a day after scenario. and what would us policy be bored from us going for the short answer. the 2nd part of the question is no. actually the 1st part of the question, look, as i just said, their number of as we're, as we're defining the, the path forward including the pathway to a palestinian state. uh, there are a number of policy options so that people may propose as part of that process. but our focus today is on all of the diplomacy needed to bring it about, including again, getting ideas, getting proposals from,
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from all concerned and bring those together in a credible and unclear plan. so that's, that's where we are. and as i said, we'll continue to have these conversations to engage in that diplomacy, to really sharpen the focus on all of the different elements that would be necessary that would be involved. and that each of the parties believes this is important. well that, so i'll speak to a correspond the law and judging, and you want to say in the room, what did you make of thinking? it's tiring throughout that press conference. well you can see that blinking was trying to repeat on several occasions that he did believe that there was space moving forward for some type of deal to be reached . but there were no specifics when it came to how that could be achieved. obviously, when lincoln was coming here, or there were a lot of expectations,
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especially in that he arrived the day after the how much counter proposal. there were a lot of expectations that perhaps is real, might agree to more concessions when it came to trying to enter into some kind of a ceasefire. the secretary continued to say that there could be some type of past 4 words, but again, no clear specifics. it certainly seems as though he was disappointed in what they have seen thus far from the is really response. none the less, the secretary continued to talk about the fact that there was going to be essentially more pressure applied by regional players. try to get some kind of a deal done and he said that one of the top priorities continues to be to try to ensure the release of all those captive still being held in gaza. secretary blinking also said that there were some clear non starters when it came to how much
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his response um, he did not go into exactly what those non starters were. but he did say that on several occasions that there were proposals having been made by how much that certainly were not going to be agreed to at least not any time soon. the secretary also talked about other important issues to the us right now. you said that there needs to be more assistance, more humanitarian assistance, moving into gaza. he said that there should be more crossings open, including thera is crossing needs to be open so that more aid can go into gaza. he talked about the fact that there should be no restrictions that should be no disruptions of aid. clearly talking, referring to what's going on at the academy of style and crossing the last couple of weeks were on almost a daily basis. you've had anywhere between a few dozen to a few 100 right wing protests. there's a go there and block a trucks from getting through. so it was a subdued atmosphere in the room. the press conference started quite late. and really what was most noticeable is that even though the secretary continued to try
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to project optimism in trying to find a solution going forward, very few specifics on how any type of agreement could be reached any time soon. cost as you all stay with a lot because earlier in the day we had from is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and he vowed to present hand with israel's military offensive in garza, he says that offensive will continue until what he's courting absolute victory. the guns. yeah, yes ma'am. sorry for all i feel hope now is the time for a slightly forced us to allow safeguard. most of the residents of dropbox, we should continue destroying the capabilities of some of them can be achieved that . and i emphasize that we have no other option but decisive like go, go, go, well, hold on us. then i q is benjamin s and the yahoo in their response of only being interested in prolonging the war on gaza. i agree with spokesman or some of them done so that nothing yahoo is trying to manipulate public opinion in israel. instead of seeking a lost interest in, you know, what,
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how cool meant to know when this government assisting to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong its aggression despite the loss as the sustaining and personnel and equipment. he is trying to postpone facing the investigation into the same yet one bit parts. october, the 7th. the minutes he continues to receive blows at the hands of pray for the system. i must have submitted this response to the proposal to our colleagues in egypt, in kentucky, after consulting with our leadership and our partner in such a way that to, to ensure the complete end of the aggression allow aid and provide shelter to the displaced uninsured reconstruction. and lift the blockade and cousin and so we have addressed a proposal with positive approach. unless it is really government, we start to 2nd vent our rights from day one of the time i couldn't help. well, let's go back now. don't know how much 10100 think and it says even reporting the space to try to reach an agreement. it doesn't sound a tool like what we've been hearing from us and yahoo!
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is blinking sounding, hurtful because he needs to sound hateful. is that the hops and other ways to reconcile that in terms of negotiations. right. wellness tells you that that's a very real possibility. when linking arrived here, he was projecting optimism before he got here and during his trip here as well. um, but the fact of the matter is it's very hard to try to spin the remarks that we've heard today from the various factions, into some kind of a positive scenario. at least not in the short term. the fact of the matter is that right now it is a standstill. and even though yesterday you had secretary blinking, projecting that there was momentum. and even though today he's saying that there still exists space to try to create an agreement going forward. nobody knows quite how that happens, how much gave their counter proposal. what we heard today from netanyahu at
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a very critical time, when the us on why was here, sounded very much like a rejection. it sounded like he was dismissing out, right? a path forward when it comes to discussing this deal now summer saying that's not the case and that there will be meetings going forward. but look, when you look at all of this, the reality on the ground here right now, one of the things you must factor into all this is that there is a lot of pressure on net and yahoo right now, not just from the u. s, but also politically, he's got pressure from right wing members of his coalition far right. wing minister is like the finance minister visit law smart, which stands the national security minister. it's more been to be or who had been threatening publicly to leave the government in collapse the government in israel were to enter into a ceasefire. deal that they would see as being disadvantageous to the security of the country. they don't want to see is really troops leave god that you've been during a seas far. they don't want to see the exchange of thousands of palestinian prisoners
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for those captains is really captive held in gossip. beyond that, you also have pressure from the opposition on that's now who are many of them calling on him to resign and then you'll have societal pressure. and that comes in 2 forms. on the one hand, you have relatives of capt isn't guys or who are coming out more and more week after week demanding that the government do more. there being more vocal that coming out in greater numbers every week and saying the nets and yahoo needs to do more to secure the release of their loved ones. then you also have to contend with the fact that the majority of people in israel and poll after poll, we look at these polls support the war effort. and don't want to see the war end before the stated goals. i've mentioned yahoo and the other leaders in the country who say that how much needs to be eliminated. so it's a very complicated picture. and when you looked at these really media landscape over the past few days, even in the lead up to blankets visit when you heard from is really government official speaking anonymously to is really media outlets. they were not projecting an optimistic atmosphere and they did not think that this was going to be an easy
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trip for blinking. and they did not necessarily think that nothing yahoo was going to agree to enter into a ceasefire anytime soon as possible. and challenging that for us about press conference in tel aviv without anything can. thank you so much mohammed. well, let's dig into this a little more with william laurence who joins us now from washington, dc. he himself is a former us to from us and is also a professor of international relations at american university. with him as a former us to for like yourself can you help us unpack, perhaps some of the language we had from thinking tonight we had him emphasized multiple times civilian protection. he said that he suggested concrete ways to do that. to be as res. i didn't him specify what those concrete ways off what to make of the dynamics and how his meetings went with these raise. so let me start by saying diplomats are by definition helpful and stuff. and that includes as it is part of the definition of a diplomat. and so they're always looking for a way forward, a way around a way to expand the possibilities of the moment and blinking in terms
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of civilian casualties. it's something he hammered away at going all the way back to october. remember that 7 our work having a meeting with the americans, mostly talked about, protecting civilians are not actually the war aims. and of course, he's been very much focused on the humanitarian side of this even more than the hostages of times, which has been more. bill burns is per view, but the americans really want to protect the civilians from bonds and with supplies . and they've been very frustrated with the lack of progress in that respect. these outrage rejections by net and yeah, when the press i think doing can sort of gotten used to them. but it was interesting when he was describing the how much counter proposal he kept repeating that there was a lot of space in here. and the guitar is also said that the, how much proposal counter proposal was it was quite positive that there was a lot of room for maneuver in there. so what was unclear is, is nothing, you know,
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posturing, negativity, because he's sort of pandering to the far right. i'm trying to keep that coalition together. or is, are there really many objectionable things in there that is real, could never concede to. i think the biggest issue is, you know, will some version of how must be in power after just 4 and a half months. 3 phase choose choose that's been proposed. and i, i think eventually they'll have to come up with some sort of group under 5 that which is form or how much technocrats. but it can no longer be how much israel will accept it. i want to get to some of that in just a moment. william, but you mentioned the fall, right, that in israel. and i wonder if i had some implied criticism in that press conference blinking instead of the us as inviting against comments from israel, that cost it international support to jeopardize it secures it. what did you make of that to the us as slapped the harshest selections on settlers in my lifetime
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recently including on the american citizens and the non american said citizens, settlers, and nothing yahoo was silent after the settlers have been sanction previously came out just now and it's saying that the american sanctions are inappropriate and you did that because of what the far right is sort of telling them you have to say to keep the government going forward to keep it together. the most important thing right now is the us has been talking to gass and la pete and the others about what the post and that didn't yahoo or at least post far right wing government looks like and repeat through. and then you know, a life 5 instead, if you get rid of small kitchen and, and then give you a will form a center, right, government with you that could except to cease fire, get the hostages out, etc, etc. so the real question is here, that you know, the internal question was really politics. what isn't that? and yet i'm willing to do it to stay in power. and is that something with the far right or something with the center? well, the last proposal that you mentioned earlier, intrigues, 135 day truce holt in the 5 and we've been hearing from thinking about an extended
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pause. what is a full month's pause take away annie is really minute dream events and what does effectively mean an end to the will. and that's what it does. and y'all, who and his coalition is pushing back against it would take away from the political momentum for war, which is when everybody except the, the far right of history a lot or at least the right half of history or what. but it actually israel sticking really strong battlefield hits, which aren't talk to much about in the western press, but are heavily talked about and sometimes exaggerated and some of the other press . but, but, you know, if you're, it is really a war monger over a truth actually as a time where israel could rebuild its forces, you know, redouble its efforts. um, it's not necessarily a bad thing, a long truce, but getting back to the more important sort of political momentum here. a long truce allows many things to happen as hostages out. lots a few minutes here in
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a rebuilding critical infrastructure and creating political and geopolitical momentum to make deceased by a permanent which is what the cause cause the totality of the international community want, including most of the americans. so, you know, hopefully some version of the cease fire will come into effect with the formula. right now they're talking about 3 for one and phase one for the, the civilians, the elderly and the injured. phase 2 would involve idea of soldiers at a different ratio, but we're closer to a deal than that. and yeah, i would let on, but we're just far enough that you know, by and blankets optimism isn't quite warranted yet. and still sounds like there is room now for some hope william laurence informed us to come out and professor of international relations at american university. it was great to get your thoughts on how to 0. thanks for joining us again with pleasure. the hell out of his era, meanwhile, has obtained for just showing the moment that it is ready to strike target to
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a call close to an entertainment events that displaced children in rough on the disorder. that strike caused a panic amongst the children and the despised people around them. the desk toll from the strike has not yet been confirmed. well, let's speak to our correspondent on the ground power company has in his, in raffle for us. talk. we've been saying that strength was so close to those children. tell us a little bit more about what happened. yeah, so an infection the answer didn't a civil call had been targeted by these really have forces especially that this attack had been carried dots and one of the most densely populated area and one of the hot beating areas inside drop off that is next to account for displace people as we had been seeing,
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the children were singing and we're celebrating some moments of a cold mentoring quality on the ground, the rough district, but it was completely interrupted with loud explosion. event is really to messiah that targeted one of the civil costs that were $1.00. palestinian has been killed in that military strike alongside with an empower residents. have been also in good where there was a children, had been completely terrified then too much. all i simply because they did the sound of the lot at the sound of the top was extremely loud. they just rushed to the cover to take cover from the east. very ongoing bombardment that only go goes on a despite the sound of the is very surveillance of drugs that keep buzzing daily basis in rough. our district also adding much more psychological pressure on those children. an old pat of scenes right now who have been displaced in rough. i bought it's most mentioning that's not the only 1st attack that had been carried out today . we bought for that tax had been carried out earlier, were an umpire. residential buildings have been talking one of the latest in which
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3 palestinians have reported killed in the eastern parts over of our district. you talk about the strikes me know they've been intensifying. and this and younger just hours ago has been vowing that the military offensive will continue. we know it's heading for rafa. how are people that preparing for wants to come as well? in fact, people are completely seeing that they are ongoing military strikes and rough. i could be a kind of an introductory full of the military ground to include and might be carried out, especially with difference and multiple announcement being made. but there is ready, political, and military officials in terms of a possible to ground invasion for this very densely populated area, not to be out today was speaking about the possibility of this a ground inclusion and also allowing residents a safe corridor to flee from rough bus these where the army can have a kind of food made a tree mobility on the ground. but palestinians here are completely desperate in terms of that decision that might be taken if there is going to be any collapse of
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negotiations to reach, to cease by asking and wondering what next to go. especially if that's more than 2 thirds of goals areas had been completely reduced to the russell or partially destroyed. and all of these areas also lack all kinds of basic necessities. this situation for themselves really critical, but they are completely believing that the own giving negotiations might bring to a kind of agreement that will partially or fully guarantee their return to that. another part of goal is that despite the ongoing, is really only dropping of leaflets for the residents in direct by informing them and warning them not to return to the north. if there's going to be any kind of potential agreement that might be healed within the coming days. so till now palestinians are just waiting. if there is going to be any possible ground and the agent, they are completely terrified because they understand that the i talked with the large to be impacted on the ability of the residents to cope with the situation on
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the ground of costs. to have was there and they were the latest for us from the ground in rasa, in the gaza strip. thank you. time it won't be un secretary general. antonio gutierrez has voiced extreme concern of israel's potential minute fear. sold on rafa. guitars is warranted, it strikes on the area with less than what is already a humanitarian night that out of america is a james based reports now from un headquarters in new york. let me begin by the un secretary general antonio terrace briefing the general assembly on his priorities for the year. a health garza was at the top of his list, the scale and speed of the conflict. worse than anywhere else in the world, in his 70 is in the job and he will on the death toll may soon rise even more. and i'm especially a lot of body parts that these really mean setting tends to focus next on drop by hundreds of thousands of palestinians. they've been squeezed in a desperate search for safety. such an action would explode naturally. employees
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walk is already a humanitarian night to man with untold regional consequences. late to his special coordinator, normally based in jerusalem, brief reporters here at un headquarters. east spoke moments of the prime minister. netanyahu rejected her master's latest proposal. we. we know very well the sweetly snow even better, but still planning that having a very active warfare in the area of rough with mold and 1200000 people assembled and rough. uh and kim shalom being the entry point at the moment. the only one actively for you, many, terry and supplies. it would be completely catastrophic. rafa is garza's lifeline and un security council just paused to resolutions. calling for humanitarian aid into gauze, it'd be scaled up. this is also ordered by the international court of justice at
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the end of last month. many observers believe israel is contributing the decisions of these 2 world bodies whose rulings are considered binding international law. james pays out to 0 of the united nations allows you've been hearing these, your monitoring situation, and garza is causing concern over crowding on a 100 and conditions and makes shift counts. have created hot spots and viruses and diseases to flourish. or reason spike and hepatitis cases is left many palestinians fighting now against an invisible enemy too, as well continues to rage around them. and want to con reports it's hard to keep one's self isolated in overcrowded place, like this camp in 0 balance and central clauses. for much of a while he recently diagnosed with hepatitis the condition that spreads from close contact with this it's an added layer of challenge model. and then you almost will
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declare yes in any way we can. yeah. and is it, my son has been feeling for t losing appetite and here's a fever. there's an outbreak of berries diseases, children in the trans next rouse are suffering hepatitis. i fear for him, especially since his eyes are turning yellow, as well as your payments. but i could see what he might have to do that much to faces, the daunting task of isolating to prevent spreading the disease. amongst his 40 relatives, nothing has been displaced from northern garza, the sold or his mom is doing her best to keep things clean. but she says it's far from easy. this is a chance housing for the people, including my family and in those. and they are for helping children living in this chain to the doctor suggest isolate for 6 months. for god's sake, how can we do this? you tell me how my husband 4 children i sleep in this tiny spot. how can we separate this thing on this boat is not even protected from rainbow water or sewage . this camp in bureau by law has become the last refuge for thousands from across the kaiser. but with sewage leaking between 10 in garbage piling up everywhere. the
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situation only seems to be worse in local health officials recently reported an outbreak of hepatitis a. it's been made worse by the constant over crowning, and people being unable to shower or keep proper hygiene. variables available since the other zeros, preparatory to say is caused by a virus. it spreads through place, contact mode on the same way as a corona virus, is the virus is concentrated in saliva, you'll have that is why it is easily contract through spins towels and even pillows cause a symptom similar to the fluid. want to ship like stomach ache and diarrhea. even fi button is really forces move deeper into con eunice. pulse daneen families are facing constant over crowding. an endless wait for food, water, and whatever. medical aid is still available. life basic necessities have become rare. commodities here. ronald han elders here of all the united states has now
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confirmed that it carried 1000 ms. i'll strike on the call that killed at least 3 people east of iraq's capital baghdad. alda 0 has loans that senior kalonde is in a wrong link on the police for talking to the police and say full bloss walk through stuff with districts of the capital following lane stripe. i have some incentives this update from baghdad. this is what is wrong with your name came to the see this how's it going over the past few days. so a couple of strikes to the rock through the west of the city of the 60 people today. this is different. it's like to go start
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a couple of besides the recall in this crowd is called the neighborhood. and a couple of to come on this from situation is very sensitive about clothes and that's why the level to close on the side of things of the to man just that i've now and it's a very motional seen us. so the members of the auction and also trying to are also asking journalists to leave the area was you can see things on from that. well, that's when i speak to. she have a tansy in washington dc for me. she have obviously the u. s. has claimed responsibility, but i'm selling, they've been saying that they've been taking actions like this to avoid escalation . that was,
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that was what the attorney blinking just said actually during his press conference just about an hour or so ago that i what was the phrase again we, i believe a suggest most bowman to avoid escalation, as you said, which is, has caused a number of questions to be honest with the pentagon as to when clearly when the, when the us bottoms, that leads to more escalation to more and more bomb. and what we did just got a statement from us central command explaining that, thinking in the last 15 minutes, central combined forces conducting a unit, actual striking, a rock and response to the attacks on us service members, killing a capacity as well that come on the responsible for directly planning on participating in attacks on us forces in the region, there are no indications of collateral damage or civilian casualties at the time. the us will continue to take necessary action to protect all people. we will not hesitate to hold responsible for those who threaten all forces safety but once again, completely disregarding rocky complains of a complete violation of the rocky sovereignty. an abrogation of agreements with the
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rocky government. the us continuing to bomb iraq as it did last week, is we just said as it did it early in early january. and that seems to be expedited negotiations about ultimately getting us forces to leave iraq. because i start much domestic all position to these bottoms interested me. one other side, like we've been asking what legal authority to us is using at least domestically a to, to bomb iraq at this point. that using the authorization for the use of military force initially post often 911 sir in 2001 which was initially due to do both anyone associated with al qaeda for everything to do with 911. and clearly this group specifically gives you the full anatomy of outside and practice group is specifically fighting the assignment state which just goes through the draft out. how's the real things are right now? i see 100 times a the with the view for us from washington d. c. thank she as well. we are also getting reports of a striking human resources. okay. maybe there's been
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a hit on the rust is the area and that's in the city of data in west indiana. and reason days been us on the u. k. as in carrying out strikes on who is the target across the country? well, still a head here on out, does it why swedish prosecution say that ending their investigation into explosions of damaged gas pipelines from russia to europe and 9 jerry and beat. so i'll forget to reach the applicant cup of nations. finally, that's coming up shortly and forth with them the the, the weather brought to you by visit, cut off. now, traditionally, february has been the code is the most wintry month to most of northern europe. and we have got another octane class coming down, so it might continue the same day. this is more or less the dividing line that's co
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to this is much room and the result will be a line along the know measure that from where it's nose posit, out of composite. no, not in england and stuff. and i would think and then says that is right and the cost, this is all pumping out from the father, woman mounting. so maybe some welcome rank can mean porch cool and spain, but along the other line more or less the same, not unless you've been leads in no thinking we'd like to see snow on thursday, then it gets like a whole month. it tends to re present 3 days to be honest, big picture on friday, and the winds succeed, so it pushes the snow and also through scuffling a bit in denmark, maybe something pilot in the attempt is north of that all. and i quite low again, high temperature minus 2 and stuck on friday. but the world for this house has not been infiltrated by rain. no doubt. welcome rain, full spain and sit in the night for it to the as well. maybe not so welcome. it's nice to know if alaska is dry, fanny will not belong to the northern shoals,
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everywhere from morocco to egypt, and pretty dry through west africa. the weather brought to you by visit castle and on several times upfront takes on the big issue . there is a cold type to what is happening now. it says it's cold thanks. questions about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves god without permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in a kind of a new era of know about the slower it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the titles and possibilities
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of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to the the welcome back to watching also 0. let's remind you, found top stories that's out there was secretary of state as me blink. and it says there is space for an agreement to be reached on a safe spot in vasa speaking. and kind of, if he wants to set the proposal by a mouse, has some clear non stop isn't his words, but hold on as well to ensure the flight of humanitarian. a houses here a has a 1st person showing alignment, and is there any stripe target price to account for the space people during an
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event to dispose of children? as you can see, the strikers kind of people that the desktop has not been confront. united states, meanwhile, has confirmed that it's hard as miss all stride on a call that killed at least 3 people east. as a rock capital bank that was a 0. it has land fed senior long does have in a wrong link onto the target or at least that team palestinians have been killed by is really as strikes and residential neighborhoods of cause a city. the victims were found while catching water for their families. bodies of those killed and injured have been taken to the baptist hospital houses. there is my uncle and thoughts from the 3 missiles, 3 missiles balls. i would lining up near water. well, those of civilians who, with tuesday just wanted to get their hands on some water damage. have you that a,
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what is yet another crime committed by that is really forcing us people were gathering around a water source in the public, the area trying to get some water for their families. basically, the jet flight has launched missiles at them and dozens will kill and kill them anymore. and yet if you want to shut the no, no, no, no, we would just spinning some jobs. you got to do these re be planes followed missiles the most money was killed to pieces. oh oh my god. 2 yeah, i mean my father was killed, he was everything to me. i am a talk to him. my father spent a fortune for me to come and talk. so he died in front of my eyes and i'm standing helpless. who is responsible? says what wrong did he do? this amount of guard pious and benevolent taken care of all in need. he was getting a job with water. nothing moved. he did not do anything wrong. what can we do now?
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may god punish those responsible? the. oh dear god, where do we go? where do we run to? where to run our lives? do some sick for these victims, please forgot. say save them to shut up. dozens of dead bodies and more of the injured were brought to the baptist hospital. you're already short staffed medical workers here strongly. these reinforces continue to not only be significant area, but also launch attacks against begins to feel us all children in the u. k. and have been calling on wild leaders to save the lives of children on the siege and bombardment and gaza. they rallies outside parliament, buildings in london, together with their parents are demanding a sci fi, toner, gate, or has and times of all it is always the children suffer the most. and in this
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situation, it is no difference. this is why this group, parents for palestine have job of here out in parliament square. what i need just for the children to restart the rug was on what they think and feel about the conflicting gaza, but also to speak to was of those who are caught up in the conflict themselves and things and move them for days and weeks. wow. the scene for months now, i feel so sad when i hit the terrible things happening to them for me, please don't look at that was telling us some of those to me to simple getting that 1st in kinds of things. we do not the children in gaza that same needs. he's saying now now according to the you and children's agency unicef around $17000.00 children
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have been discovered to be on a company in regards to themselves. a very distressing situation. it is difficult to know exactly if they still have family left with many of the goals. so turning off to hospitals, unable to even speak their own names. nevertheless, the coal for that agency as well as those gap in here is for that to be a last thing ceasefire humanitarian ceasefire. and the lead is to encourage that as much as possible. sonya guy, yeah, go out of their london. the savings isn't all the news about at least 27 people have been killed and more than 50 injured. and if i'm lost and focused on southwest and problems, but not just on and kind of just a day ahead of general elections, the nomination has
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a month of political unrest and some of the candidates and political parties of all of their faced violence has also fact reports from the whole of death and destruction after a bump. the last of the candidates office introduced on products. these are the conditions focused on selections that being held into. no one has yet to change responsibility in the past, but they've just done has seen this tax credit by separate just the human commission of human rights. it's expressed consent of, of one to incidents ahead of this vote. they have been attacked, some political parties and candidates during commission. it has cold and authority to ensure a free and safe vote. just the election make you think you, john, i'm way here to present an election way and no one's life is under threat. you can cost you about to anyone, you are free to do so. down forces and police will be present for you safety courses by those boxes and by that papers sealed and under high security. with more than 120000000 people are eligible to vote, this is a huge task. more than 90000 unfolding stations have been set up across focused on
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national and professional seats would be decided in this vote. but with security threats in some areas, it's the ministry that's providing the security. but it's also the major treat that's been accused of interference. 650000 military police and power ministry have been deployed for this selection. $100.00 don't even though there is no campaigning in the 24 hours before the vote. and on the election day there are limits around pulling stations for kind of think he's made. you'll have all of this is the bag with the ballot papers. they will not be opened, they are sealed inside will only be out of into the presence of pauline agent. the elections will be fit. the run up to this election has been controversial with the leader of the main opposition in wrong calling in jail. this is being viewed by many of the most sensitive addiction and recent buckets. sonya history, international observers, as well as international media presence, you take a closer look at have 3 transparent boats and would be a sort of vague. i'll just sit on the hold of buckets done, prosecutors in sweden and say they will enter their investigation into explosions.
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and then we'll stream $1.00 and $2.00 of gas pipelines last amount. so me thing who released when there's pipelines, transporting russian gas to germany, were ruptured back in september 2022. the prosecutions are saying they don't have jurisdiction to pursue this case. let's take a closer look at those pipelines. mold stream one was russia's main, offshore natural gas, apply it to germany, until the kremlin suspended it in august 2022. then a month lease. it to its versions damaged, both in what stream $1.00 and $2.00 pipelines, those designations. what ac mesa's down in boston will succeed in the economic science, sweden, and deadlock. those pipeline majority owned by russia's state run energy. john's gas problem. most stream one was the single biggest pipeline taking russian gas to european countries, particularly in germany. in 2021 rushes of life, nearly 40 percent of all the european union's natural gas through that pipeline full race has more for us out from stock on. and this is something of
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a we can dig into what has been very strong swedish involvement in this case. it was the swedish navy, the found 2 crates as on the sea, but in the swedish economic zone, under the baltic and international waters button, the economic side, as well as the remains of explosive materials. and that led to this investigation being opened into what the suites 10 major sabotage. but the analysis in the swedish media this week is that the swedish authorities simply want this to go away . that's what have a results they bring from this investigation is just not good at for swedish interests. you know, for example, there's been speculation that ukraine or ukrainian groups were involved in this, in this sabotage. but if, if sweden comes to that conclusion, then it could cause problems for european union support the q have in the defense
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against russia. russia, again, have been a been implicated. they perhaps have the strongest motive of to a guest supplies. 3 north stream will cut off to germany before these explosions, butts sweet and have a very delicate diplomatic situation with russia at the moment, especially given that application to join nato and that you don't want to to cause any more problems. that without strong evidence, rush it in turn have implicates it the u. k. and the us suite of would certainly wouldn't want to come to that conclusion with those 2 countries being at that very strong allies. so perhaps the conclusion that they've come to the prosecutor from the office behind me saying that it's a matter of jurisdiction that no sweetie citizens or swedish territory was involved . it is a convenient way for them to close this without saying, we don't know who did it. it's been a hot potato. one that the hot topic to pass over to germany investigates is now of
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russia has launched a number of missile strikes across to claim at least 3 people were killed in cave and 4th, died in the southern city. if we could live email politicians in ukraine or looking at ways to increase the number of troops with the army reported me in need of half a 1000000 extra soldiers for the prize reports from the ukrainian capital. early morning attacks on cities across ukraine by waves of russian miss 1000 drones. several large explosions woke up much of the capital. keep this residential block suffering, the worse damage and highest number of casualties. it's a nightmare that in the 21st century, all brothers would bring so much war and grief to our country. attacks were also reported in khaki, even the northeast and as far west as libby. this attack comes as the parliament in k vase considering you mobilization laws to increase the number of sol just being
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cold up. i made a growing awareness the 2 years since the start of the full scale invasion early infused e as in to fight, is fighting. with his country in a deadlocked war and didn't need of recruits 55 year old me. kyla has decided to sign up well, the time has come, video to and these young people don't fully understand the time it will come to the nationally ukraine seems to be suffering will fatigue with some families of those already serving, holding regular protest, wanting to know when the loved ones will be allowed how, as music, there was some of us who carry the burden of this will. while there were others who at time ignoring it, adding to the gloom is the continuing block by the us congress on a much needed 60000000000 dollar military, a package. back at the smoldering apartment complex. and right tells us the us
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congress should come and see this. this is on that conscience for his. he then returns to his task of trying to contact his friend, whose apartment is on the 10th floor, and to still not answering his phone from mcbride. i'll just say right, keith was germany is major efforts have threatened to extend the strike if the demons on that operations came to a halt when more than 25000 ground stuff walked off the job for 27 hours. hundreds of lives across the country been cancelled, affecting more than a 100000 passages in democratic republic of congo. thousands now fleeing to go on as violence intensifies between the army and the n. 23 onto group. fighters have reported this around the town of socket and the east, a crucial step before reaching the capital of north k for the companies on me. and un peacekeepers have been struggling to contain the on the groups and phones on the city of the situation in stock. it is very bad,
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the heavy fighting between the soldiers and 23 levels. they have attacked with heavy guns and bones, fell on the 16th the supply. when leaving full going up we saw soldiers running away from the positions as find interrupted between deem and the rebels. that's why we left the find him was too intense and the settings were running from the fighting between rebels and soldiers. we don't know where we can go, but we can't survive, and the situation is too much for us. all still ahead on al jazeera has all the fans set of raise up to what seeing inside beach consecutive asian cup finals will show you exactly how they did this in schools. the in this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bangladesh, before he is
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the these business uptake. these me to try to see rose thought, no bundle a dash football to use the
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long lock. it's time for sport and gemini, celebrations on the streets of dar hodge life. well, i think that will definitely be the case. the stars are that is because host capital have beaten iran 3 to, to reach back to back asian cup finals. the defending champions will now face jordan on saturday, full the title and the richardson reports the in a 51 match tournaments, no sign wants to see that seem coming up show in game number. 50 hosts and title holders capsule of taking on the streets on champions around for a place in the agent cups. i know a room couldn't just hoped for
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a bunch of stones roma fluid, so that was move going head over heels for his country ahead in the 4 minutes. cancel a christmas eve, then decided to make his mark on the game for setting up his teams. equalizer and asked about adding another son that moment, so he's highlight reel capsule. let's see what else? thanks to his 5th. between him, it's video, assistant referee. got the 2nd total function going around given a penalty for us on both. how did reza john bush getting home the sport kick? unless twist wouldn't touch on his way. almost alley screwing what proved to be the winning go 3 to define a school. the room have now lost them was 7 agent cubs, semi finals. it's cancel to play jordan incent, today's title this only to the
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puppy on the how do you think the respect to the job after the spacing trauma cats or something in the world cup in 2022. when the last 3 of that group, james, this is redemption for corporate wellness tournaments in 2019 in front of that, hong crowns. they now have the chance to become the 1st country into decades to successfully defended title on the richardson houses there. and for the house and by mistake. at the africa, a couple of nations highest ivory case lead the democratic a public is called the one the semi final that is now into stuff assign. the went up looking like i've replaced will face nigeria in the fine off to the south africa
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on penalties. nigeria what we'll do the penalty in the 2nd hall for a found on victor. also then that captain william trust, i called the steps up in school today, just give his side a one new lead. then came some late drama. south africa play was filed on the edge of the fox, but play continued. nigeria regained possession and run all the way down the other end of the pitch. the boat eventually found its ways africa's apply or via also when you put the bowl in the back of the mess and thought he'd want it tonight. jerry, it was 5 minutes to go, but the goal was this allowed vol gave south africa a penalty full that early a file to the mcquaid at school. this won't kick in the ninety's minute to make it one 0, south africa that missed a great chance to win. it's a thief. and at a time, so it went to extra time. the thought of the fall and then went down to 10 man. but they held on to take the game to penalties south africa. so to with that penalty saved a lot left to college and not to school,
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the winning spot kick for nigeria. the super eagles when i'll go for a full ask on title in sundays final in the english as a top chelsea all heading tools. the 5th round, the company between aston villa 31 with a game drawing to a close ritzy. i put you to the side have conceded full balls and each that prostitute primarily games with no such problems here kind of got to go with his 1st goal of the season. it was due to a lot of the 21st minute nicholas jackson with a free head of the 8 time. when is it this competition for them to go the night for the ends? they fernandez, nothing has come to mind and martinez can do about this rate. and psv are on their way to winning that game against breast as they look for a place in the quarter finals of the french club. getting them back. i opened the scoring and especially for minutes these, such as goals the season of by presto, high flying inside in the league, p. s t proving pretty much it was been and i made it to, you know, 3 minutes. i saw the 1st i told them back 3 steve media to make it to us. and it
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remains that way with about 10 minutes that tiger woods will make his 1st competitive starts of 2024. next week's genesis invitational and events. he's hosting the 2023 mazda is, was the last time, the 15 time major champion completed at an official pga tour event before having uncle surgery. forget, you wrote them st. fit at the here, right. well challenge in november last year, he since predicted that he will play one tournament a month this year for the tennis number. once my know how that's appeared before the course of arbitration for sports. actually a pills have for you at the pink than the to time. grandson champion tested positive for bond stimulants of the 2022 us open. how it p one titles out the front chase. an ad wimbledon has denied any wrong doing unclaimed to contaminate to nutritional supplements. sponsorship, it has reached a fast, a quote assigned to the it was a victory. as a great person's ever brought to connie with the abu dhabi opened the 2nd east of the 2021. usa, some champions, a straight set,
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6461 which is units making her return to the midland wing of the missing every events in the region. last year between me and 32 faces. this is beatrice. how about tomorrow? we're just 4 days waiting out from the see football, but talk around the biggest event in to the americans. sports is still about taylor swift right now. the thought saw who is that a relationship with kansas city cheese type tend to traverse. kelsey has brought new funds to the sports since she started attending the cheese games. according to a marketing group in the u. s. has increased the chief and yet of house brand valued by more than $330000000.00. as a result, some companies have built that for us to staples all outs for sunday's game between the cheese and the san francisco. 49. it's pretty fairly cool, i mean it just um for her to just be at the games and obviously she's just here to support travis and, and the best way possible. and, but i think it has done a great job of bringing more people to football. and how great this board is, um and uh, i know that i'm the father to a daughter as well. i love that she watches the games and they love football as
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well. so i know a lot of fans out there get to have those moments with their kids as well. they'll be informed, one team have launch that 2024 congress. they look to improve law season 6, place finish, and the construct his championship. they have the same drive as the for the upcoming season french, the s about awful. i'm ghastly big talking points in this for last week was lewis house and agreeing to leave to say these and joined ferrari in 2025. here's what got to be made of that news. um yeah, it's going to be interesting. it was a bit of a, something new i guess for everyone. but definitely, yeah, we seem to best towards the end of the year and i was probably no one ever the most prob, that's the team in himself. a quick update from the applicant, couple of nations i've read, i still lead with democratic republic. it's called a one now into deep and just off at the time in that guy that does it for me to start, you know, in case i want somebody, well,
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that's right for me to this new zone. but i will be back in just a moment with not the ivy as well as on guys. a continues we bring you relate. we are on the grounding dollars a covering the ongoing is raising apartment and the suffering of people's tones that we lost displacements and block of resources as well as district conditions here in and around the hospital and from the height is to refund the health data rate. restrictions prevents freedom of rights to worship. tyler will continue our coverage of his route, will cabinet decisions. the kansas is all the political from the west bank. we've seen you reporting on the radio rate with feelings of loss,
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dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the role of gaza on al jazeera. this is the 1st genocide that we see real time is the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. here's from, i'll just say around on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorite top to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the, [000:00:00;00] the color that run, install the attain, this isn't use our life from the home. coming up in the next 60 minutes. the secretary of state says the space for an agreement on garza, but there's really 5 minutes to insist that attacks on the strip will not stop the


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