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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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a new app from al jazeera new at using is it the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i missed all the time? this isn't use our life from their home. coming up in the next 60 minutes, they were a secretary of state, says the space for an agreement on garza but these really probably minutes to insist that attacks on the strip will not stop the as well as continuing its estrada mendoza. i'm shooting me, a council displaced the 3 people are killed in
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a dry and striking baghdad us as it was targeting members of an around linked armed group. and we're in democratic republic of congo with thousands of forced to flee fighting between the army and on the whole, we began with a ongoing efforts to bring a balance of space fine as well. as for on garza, he was secretary of state on things lincoln has met with palestinian and his randy lead is trying to secure an agreement following the proposal by loss. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says they will not be an end to the fighting until his relatives what he called an absolute victory, but thinkin insist that is space for an agreement to be reached. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the israeli government, the response that mos sent last night to the proposal that the united states cutter
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in egypt had put together to bring the remaining officers home and extend the monitoring pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in monsters response, we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that. we let loosely until we get there without correspondence, judging us to billing, get about the role of loss and cause at once the war is over. secretary, thank you. i have 2 issues. i want to ask you about. the 1st is regarding the fact you've spoken about the importance of creating a pathway for a palestinian state. there been reports that you've asked the state department of view option on potentially recognizing a palestinian state. so i want to ask you if that's the case. and if so, is that a type of pressure point that you feel is needed to get israel to agree to cease fire and one that could ultimately lead to a 2 state solution? that's the 1st issue. the 2nd issue i wanna ask you about is the fact that is real,
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has maintained that how much it needs to be eliminated. that it cannot have any role in governing gaza after the war has ended. weird is the us currently stand on this? is it in any way acceptable to the us where, how i'm asked to be playing a role in govern and gaza in a day after scenario? and what would us policy be bored from us going for the short answer to the 2nd part of the question is know as to the 1st part of the question, look, as i just said their number of as we're, as we're defining the, the path forward, including the pathway to of how city and state uh, there are a number of policy options that or people may propose as part of that process. but our focus today is on all of the diplomacy needed to bring it about, including again, getting a ideas, getting proposals from, from all concerned and bring those together in
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a credible and clear plan. so that's, that's where we are. and as i said, we'll continue to have these conversations to engage in that diplomacy to really sharpen the focus on all of the different elements that would be necessary that would be involved. and that each of the parties believes is, is important. well, that's good. well now from a john drew from tel aviv lincoln was trying to repeat on several occasions that he did believe that there was space moving forward for some type of deal to be reached. but there were no specifics when it came to how that could be achieved. obviously, when lincoln was coming here, or there were a lot of expectations, especially in that he arrived the day after the how mass counter proposal. there were a lot of expectations that perhaps is real, might agree to more concessions when it came to trying to enter into some
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kind of a ceasefire. the secretary continued to say that there could be some type of path forward, but again, no clear specifics. it certainly seems as though he was disappointed in what they have seen thus far from the is really response. none the less the secretary continued to talk about the fact that there was going to be essentially more pressure applied by regional players to try to get some kind of a deal done. and he said that one of the top priorities continues to be to try to ensure the release of all those captives still being held in gaza. secretary blinking also said that there were some clear non starters when it came to how much his response um, he did not go into exactly what those non starters were. but he did say that on several occasions that there were proposals having been made by how much that certainly were not going to be agreed to at least not any time soon. well,
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is there any problem? interesting, benjamin asking, yahoo wizard with been reporting, says he's determined to press ahead with israel's minute tre, offensive in gaza. the gum gum. g a yes, ma'am. sorry for ali. feel hope now is the time for a slightly for supposed to allow safeguard. most of the residents of dropbox, we should continue destroying the capabilities of some awesome can be achieved that . and i emphasized that we have no other option but decisive victory. god, god, a lot says responded by choosing doesn't yahoo of only being interested in prolonging the war. i'm dasa, nathan, you know what i meant to know when this government seeking to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong it's a christian dispatched. the last has been sustaining and personnel and equipment. he is trying to postpone facing the investigation into the same yet one big part, october the 7th. few minutes he continues to receive blows at the hands of the ravens system. i must have submitted this response to the proposal to our
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colleagues in egypt and could talk of the consultation with our leadership and our partners. i spoke to william laurence for me, us diplomat, who's also a professor of international relations at american university. he says different lots like blink, and we'll be looking to find ways to make that proposal. what a blinking um uh, in terms of civilian casualties. its something he hammered away at going all the way back to october. remember that 7 hour war cabinet meeting with americans mostly talked about, protecting civilians are not actually the war aims. and of course, he's been very much focused on the humanitarian side of this even more than the hostages of times, which has been more, bill burns is per view. but the americans really want to protect the civilians from bonds and with supplies. and they've been very frustrated with the lack of progress in that respect. these outrage rejections by net and yeah, when the press i think doing can sort of gotten used to them. but it was
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interesting when he was describing the how much counter proposal he kept repeating that there was a lot of space in here. and the guitar is also said that the, how much propose a little counter proposal was, was quite positive that there was a lot of room for maneuver in there. so with, with unclear is, is nothing, you know, pastoring negativity, because it's sort of pandering to the far right and trying to keep that coalition together. or is, are there really many objectionable things in there that is real, could never concede to. i think the biggest issue is, you know, will some version of how must be in power after just 4 and a half months. 3 phase choose choose that's been proposed. and i, i think eventually they'll have to come up with some sort of group under 5 back, which is form or how much technocrats, but it can no longer be how much israel will accept it. well, i'll just, sarah has obtained for says, showing alignment. and his ready strike targeted a call close to an event for displaced children and rough. the,
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the, the, the law is you can see that stripe was panic there. amongst the children in the space people, the death toll has not yet been confirmed. park up was in, has moved for us on that strike from rough on this attack. had been carried out to one of the most densely populated area. and one of the hot beating areas inside drop off that is next to account for displaced people. as we have been seeing, the children were singing and we're celebrating some moments of comb and try and quality on the ground and rough our district. but it was completely interrupted with loud explosion of in his relief, dro messiah that targeted one of the civil costs that were one. palestinian has been killed in that military strike alongside with a non power residents. have been also in good where there was a children have been completely terrified then too much all i simply because they
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did the sound and the lot at the sound of the tough was extremely loud. they just rushed to the cover to take cover from the east reading on going boom, bottom. and that's only go goes on a despite the sound of the is very surveillance of drugs that keep buzzing daily basis in rough i district also add the much more psychological pressure in those children and old palestinians right now who have been displaced in rough. i bought it's both mentioning that's not the only 1st attack that had been carried out today . you bought for that tax had been carried out earlier. we're a non purpose then she'll build things have been talking one of the latest in which 3 palestinians have very killed in the eastern parts of roof. our district of the more than 1300000 people are crammed into southern goes on near the border with egypt now is very forces are closing in on them, 13 year old re what they have gone out to get to is where this noise is sure. as
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to try to reach and also costs. so you find your people to like to ask you why they have to sleep cover leaving half the coins. now, appearing this knife is, this is what this filtering at a school having to do to get some water. he's a said the south of roughly what palestinians were told to show to his valuable plaintiff killed several people. the we were at home in the house house, 3 floors, a large number of residents. suddenly the heat by rocking from monday through the plains. oh, again, a mother's tea is a friend's last good bye and i pray in the way that some of do so was there for i'd say u s. involvement is not helping. what does the all the blinking, but the more with i just every visit from blinking and state of common things down
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. it will just make things worse. we get more strikes. we get more bombings in the us as the main participant, leader of the war against the palestinian people, the ones helping designers, entity with weapons and ammunition, and participating in the genocide of the palestinian people with shotuko. these by the army has been dropping leaflets. of course dary better and central garza or dream palestinians not to return to the north of district, but they did not tell people what to go to find safety. tal recognizing oh, just a rough, rough and southern gauze, while the united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez, has voiced extreme concern of israel's potential military assault on rafa and southern gaza. gutierrez, warrants that strikes on the area with west. what is already issue monetary and night that out there for my to get his that james, by his reports from un headquarters and your your as let me begin by ex but un secretary general antonio terrace briefing. the general assembly on his priorities
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for the year, a help gauze was at the top of his list, the scale and speed of the conflict worse than anywhere else in the world, in his 70 is and the job. and he will, on the death toll may soon rise even more. and they may especially a lot of body parts that these really mean detecting tends to focus next on rough uh, what, hundreds of thousands of palestinians it'd been squeezed in a desperate search for safety. such an action would explode naturally in please walk is already a humanitarian night to man with untold regional consequences. later, his special coordinator, normally based in jerusalem, brief reporters here at un headquarters 5. the spoke moments off to prime minister netanyahu rejected her master's latest proposal. we we know very well the sweetly snow even better, but still planning that having
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a very active warfare in the area of rough with mold and 1200000 people assembled and rough. uh and kim shalom being the entry point at the moment. the only one actively for you, many, terry and supplies. it would be completely catastrophic. rasa is garza's lifeline and un security council just paused 2 resolutions. calling for humanitarian aid into gauze, it'd be scaled up. this is also ordered by the international court of justice at the end of last month. many observers believe israel is contributing the decisions of these 2 world bodies whose rulings are considered binding international law. james pays out to 0 of the united nations over the past 4 months, as well as with length responding campaign has forced to the people that is going to free further and further south and started in october when hundreds of thousands of people fled off of these really only announced
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a 6 hour window for civilians to move south post one day casa. and the following month, these were in the air force dropped leaflets and villages east of con eunice. ordering residents federal are about to asian, mediately westwood stuff on it called name shelters. and descending this way, they only gave instructions to a residence in several areas. in the north, i'm a center of the strip to we've immediately then to shelters. and they're all bala and january so as well, or the hundreds of thousands of people in con eunice to move to our on the wasi. and many of them were targeted by tanks artillery shells and swore on the spot as they fled. at the beginning of this month, his really defense minister, you ask alons announced that once they only have completed what he called is mission and con eunice, they would turn their attention to rafa, gauze as southern most associated with sheltering more than one point. 3000000 people now lots more than half of the strips entire population. there is a crowd in
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a hydrogen conditions and makes shift cabins throughout. garza have created hot spots from viruses and diseases to flourish. reason spike and hepatitis cases is left of many palestinians fighting against the invisible enemy too. as war continues to rage around them. and wonder where the con reports. it's hard to keep one so isolated in overcrowded place, like this camp in 0 balance and central causes. for much of a well he recently diagnosed with hepatitis the condition that spreads from close contact with this it's an added layer of challenge model and then your most of the yes in any way we can. yeah. and is it, my son has been feeling for t losing appetite and has a fever. there's an outbreak of various diseases, children and the change next jobs are suffering hepatitis. and i fear for him, especially since his eyes are turning yellow as well as this year. and i'm pretty much better cuz he wasn't even actively why that much to faces the daunting task of isolating to prevent spreading the disease. amongst his 40 relatives who have been
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displaced from northern garza, the sold oregon, one of his mom is doing her best to keep things clean. but she says it's far from easy. this is a chance housing for 2 people, including my family and in those. and they are for helping children living in the city. and the doctor suggest to isolate the 6 months. for god's sake, how can we do this? you tell me, my husband, 4 children, i sleep in this tiny spot. how can we separate this? the boat is not even protected from rain water or sewage. this camp in bureau by law has become the last refuge for thousands from across the gaza. but with sewage leaking between 10 and garbage piling up everywhere, the situation only seems to be worse in local health officials recently reported an outbreak of hepatitis a. it's been made worse by the constant over crowning, and people being unable to shower or keep proper hygiene. those low rates and stuff, the other is those type of types of say, is caused by
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a virus. it spreads to replace contact mode on the same way as a corona virus, is the virus is concentrated in saliva still have that is why it is easily contract through spins towels. and even pillars must have caused a symptom similar to the fluid, like stomach ache and diarrhea, even fi button is really forces move deeper into con eunice. palestinian families are facing constant over crowding. unless wait for food. water in whatever medical aid is still available, lice basic necessities have become rear commodities here. ronald han elders here the at least 3 people have been killed in miss all strike on a call. east of rocks, capital baghdad. the us says it was behind that strike houses 0 has around the senior colanda is in the wrong linked on the group of targeted police. say that
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full blasts, rocks, the roof soften, district of the capitol. following, trying to strike. i have some sense this update for us from baghdad. this is what the drum unit of change to the tech support over the past few days. a couple of strikes to the rock through the west of the city of the 16 people today. this is different as far to go start a couple of massage costs in this crowd in the neighborhood and supplement to columbus from situation is
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very close and that's one of the 2 man just that i've now and it's a motional seen us. so the members of the auction and also trying to are also asking journalists to leave the area was you can see things on from about that. well, that's going out for me. she has her times a, he's a cost, as for us in washington dc. she have the us has claimed responsibility, but we've also been hearing even from blinking and the last couple of dollars that they're taking action to avoid escalation. and that's always the line we got from the, by the administration, the bowman to avoid escalation. they will not address the root cause of any escalation which many of these groups in the region say is the reason why they're
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acting, which is the bombardment of gauze are about as far as the us is concerned, has nothing to do with things. and veterans, is there any way through this is my ball, my evil to 5, and i'm in fact actually it's been reported the joe biden himself is always terrified to bite the death and yahoo is trying to join into a regional and bite and says he doesn't want to do that, and yet we continue to see only for so as the reaction we didn't get this statement from us dot com at 9 30 pm, february. the 7th us central come on conducting your natural intellectual striking iraq in response to the attacks on us service members. killing a cut, the principle that come on the responsible for directly planning and fox dissipating and attacks on us forces in the region the us. and once again, ignoring the rocky governments. objections to us bombardments the u. s. one. bob and to the rock by last week i'm early, early january the, the rocky government says it's an obligation of agreement for the us has made with
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the rocky government to complete violation of the solver energy. and it does seem to be expediting, the, the, the removal of us troops altogether from, from iraq given the enormous domestic anger at the strikes. and then as far as us domestic legal authorization for us to be bombing iraq. right now, we're, we've been told by the bite and ministration they using the 2001 authorization of it for the use of military force. the congress paused in the wake of the $911.00 attacks to go off to al qaeda. so now that a u m f is being used to go off to militias, around back, which is one of them use of al qaeda. and in fact, this measures specifically was fighting viewsonic state. but that's the, that's the congressional authorization to us is using to bomb iraq and, and actually elsewhere in the region right now a she has her times a there with a licensed for us from washington dc. thank you very much. she had, well, a possible drones strike has also been reported in the eastern part of syria. now
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according to local media, explosions of a hutch at the base of b, l o my oil field in their results. and comes days of to enjoy instruct, the largest u. s. military base in syria in the same area. now at least 6 fighters from the syrian democratic forces were killed and that's attack. and these 27 people have been killed and move in 50 engine. and the bottom lost a pack of stones southwestern province of block, just on and comes ahead of general elections, which began in the coming hours focused on his he months a political and rest of some of the candidates and political parties of also faced violence. as us and back and forth from the whole of death and destruction after a bump last at the candidates office and believe just on products. these are the conditions focused on selections are being held into. no one has yet to claim responsibility in the past, but it just on has seen this tax credit by separate just the un commission of human rights that express concerns of, of $110.00 students. the head of this vote. they have been
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a tax on political parties and candidates. you in commission that has cold and authorities to ensure a free and save vote. just the election make you think you, john, i'm way here to present an election where no one's life is under threat. you can cost you about to anyone, you are free to do so. down forces and police will be present for you safety courses by those boxes and by that paper sealed, and under high security. with more than 120000000 people are eligible to vote, this is a huge task. more than 90000 imposing stations have been set up across focused on national and professional seats will be decided in this vote. but with the security threats in some areas, it's the ministry that's providing the security. but it's also the middle street that's been accused of interference. 650000 made of 3 police and firemen. if you have been deployed for this selection, 100 bucks done. even though there is no campaigning in the 24 hours before the vote, and on the election day, the limits around pulling stations for canvassing is major level. uh, this is the bag with the ballot type as they will not be opened. the sealed inside
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will only be out of into the presence of pauline agent. the elections will be fit, but the run up to this election has been controversial with the leader of the main opposition and run calling in jail. this is being viewed by many as the most sensitive addiction and recent focused on the history international observers, as well as international media at present, you take a closer look at have free, free and transparent. voting would be a sort of vague, does it off the hold of buckets done in democratic republic of congo. thousands of fleeing to go on as violence intensifies between the army and the and 23 armed group. fighters have reported these around the town of soc in the east, crucial staff at the for reaching the capital as well as cable companies all me and you and peacekeepers have been struggling to contain the groups involved on setting the situation in socket. it's very bad, a be fighting between the soldiers and $23.00 levels. they have a talk with heavy guns and bones fell on the 16th. the supplies were leaving for
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going on. we saw soldiers running away from the positions as find interrupted between deem and the rebels. that's why we left the finding was too intense in the city were running from the fighting between rebels and soldiers. we don't know where we can go, but we can't survive and the situation is too much for us. a language connie has one now from orlando near going. yeah, yeah, it will not have far from the if you said, well, $100000.00 of people are running from such as, which is just because there is a fight in between the, between the 2 levels and also the, the i c. i mean, they've been fighting for a week twice now, but this one and you're getting ripples. i will try to take over the ministry thing, which is the last one before the toner, from wilma. this is why you have seen all these people and they've been in this socket for more than one months. right now we're running from different scenarios. on the 4th, we're off labels this morning. we still don't know what to do. it was already in
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the process because up to now we can see the bottom from the place where we are. and i was on 100 of people on the right now trying to go in the city of wilma, they've been on where it is. it's a deep in this area and the right to know they're going to see another i think the prisoners because they've been around here. there is, this is how does i go inside? and how does i say they need to go? first thing to secure it because they don't trust where the to in disclosure. so those are both the busing to otherwise, you know, like on it will go more the democratic republicans still have here on the 0.3. this prosecutors are ending their investigation into explosions of damaged gas pipelines from russia to the
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the now there is still flooding on the ground anywhere from misspelled to queensland down towards the middle of new south wales and that line of cloud, which doesn't look much. think of the scale of it is still producing some channels . it also contains the remains the last long lasting tropical soccer. there's another one you largest circulate to add to your site. do some of the smaller items in this hot site, specific, frustrated the pictures? probably not. right any more. it's more light. the temperatures are not particularly high. so most places that melbourne's enjoying fat. 22. yes, you've gone down again. but in west australia, well pass up to 41 and we might see a 55th renewals mobile binders. 4445 that's within the week in new zealand for the present looking whether not to keep old 20 in christ church in the future. i was in duel fighting to general, really 10th with a big chas. have been around in an easy and they could be repeat, they produce some flooding. they could do the same again job and maybe the focus
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less. so sumatra is stuff is worth as it was in the southern philippines are the no indeed is the ne monsoon wind blowing a total strongly the been a bit of winning to recently in central china. that's going away. now attempt shall be allowed to rise. as the sun comes out, rain will fall for the south, hong kong, across the taiwan that will eventually diet of the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that this is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see, it's not received task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera, unique perspective, one of the, if i don't want to,
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even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage. and there's no reason to target the journal on her, it's voices that i'm of the patient. please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out to 0, the the, [000:00:00;00] the plugin actually watching else a 0. let's remind you about homestory assessment. you're a secretary of state,
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honest me blinking says the space for an agreement to be reached on a cease fire and gaza speaking and telling me if he wanted the proposal by her last has was a gold 10 on the stones has but called on israel to ensure the so if she monitoring a how does there it hasn't changed for to it's showing the moment that it was raining stride positive, come close to accounts to this during an event for the space charge on the desktop . and the strike has not united states has confirms that have carried out and this i'll strike on call that killed at least 3 people east of iraq's capital baghdad. aus is there a husbands, but the senior prolong does have an a wrong link onto talking to it was a $27700.00 palestinians have now been killed. and israel's warren gaza. survivors are starting to find closure, some even refusing to move from the rubble, using the pets in
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a desperate bid to find missing. bodies has only been divided reports having to be slain. doesn't want to leave. his beloved home is now the most grave of his entire family and makes your tent and the trouble is home. now, vice will let him have the highest i live in the distance. it is really hard for me in this age. in 5 members of my family were killed by my son's body, his wife and daughter, my son and my grand daughter, son. i am still recovering parts of their bodies lot and we used to keep costs at home and feed them badly. those kinds helped me a lot looking for pieces of my children's dismembered body, just suddenly i am assisted by that. they sniff here and there once led me to lift the concrete block where i found pots of my children's ponies. when i looked over 17 and he's really as frank targeted there for them and rough or some were pulled
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up from the rubble and taken to the great the hospital. but old 12 members of how much somebody were killed, including women and children, is really forces insist they're targeting, quote, terrorists and the whole the math to put a lot of these radio occupation forces bombarding us. we're talking to us. but this will not victory. i know, i wish i can join my children and grandchildren even having soon, maybe old wisdom teeth. i to god we shall all retarded with that. in the last 124 days of the war and gaza, those left behind have frantically searched for their comedy. after each is read the strike. he says, she's the soul of my soul. another grandfather whose toys patient's vital across
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the bill. a grandparents like holland insist the only carry the memory of the grandchildren in the days of happiness. how much is it meant the grandparents of gaza, who refused to leave or let their grief to find them. so set up who lived with him to have the uh, what's it? the reason i am staying in this tent is that i want to be around not only to try to recover pieces of my children and grandchildren's bodies. but also i want to hoist a big banner here say, you know, standing our ground told that we're not leaving our home loans. i am the only survivor of my family and i pray god almighty to take me to his message soon. i want to join them in, haven't mishandled, most likely be dire, but the cold shortage of food and water and no security but palestinian se then remain until they can live on their land with dignity and job each other. their children in the u. k. happened courting on wildly. it is to save the
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lives of youngsters under siege and from the documents in garza, they run the downside parliament buildings in london, demanding a c is fine. so mega was in times of all it is always the children suffer the most. and in this situation, it is no different. this is why this group, parents for palestine have gavin hair out in parliament square. so what i need, just for the children to restart the words on what they think and feel about the conflicting garza, but also to speak the was of those 2 are caught up in the conflict themselves and things in the 7 days and weeks. wow. the see, 4 months now, 5 sales sat when i hit the table saying this has painted them for me, please don't look at that was to uh, some of those to me just simple getting that score in cause it seems scary. we
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uh, you know, the children in god. yeah. nothing needs. he's saying now now according to the you and children's agency unit says around $17000.00 children have been discovered to be on a company in regards to themselves, a very distressing situation. it is difficult to know exactly if they still have family left with many of them also turning off to hospitals unable to even speak, that room names. never the last the cold for that agency as well as those gap it here is for that to be a last thing ceasefire humanitarian ceasefire. and the lead is to encourage that as much as possible. sonya got jago algebra, london. the
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russia has utilized a number of his house strikes across ukraine. at least 3 people were killed and kids and a 4th died in the southern city if we can live. meanwhile, politicians in ukraine are looking at ways to increase the number of troops with the army reported me in need of a hoffman. many an extra soldiers on the pride reports from ukraine in capital fairly moaning a tax on cities across ukraine by waves of russian miss solves and drones. several large explosions woke up much of the capital key. this residential block suffering the was damage and highest number of casualties. it's a nightmare that in the 21st century, all process would bring so much war and grief to our country. a tax will also reported in cod keith in the northeast and as far west as libby, this attack comes as the parliament in key based considering you mobilization laws
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to increase the number of sol just being called up. i made a growing awareness 2 years since the start of the full scale invasion, early and few z as in to fight is fighting with his country in a deadlocked war and in need of recruits 55 year old me. kyla has decided to sign up. well, the time has come, we need to and these young people don't fully understand the times they will come to nationally, ukraine seems to be suffering will fatigue with some families of those already serving, holding regular protest, wanting to know when the loved ones will be allowed hope of music, there was some of us who carry the burden of this will while there were others who at time ignoring it, adding to the gloom is the continuing block by the us congress on a much needed $60000000000.00 military. a package back up the smoldering
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apartment complex and right tells us the us congress should come and see this. this is on that conscience for his. he then returns to his task of trying to contact his friend, whose apartment is on the 10th floor. i do still not answering his phone from mcbride, i'll just say right, keith, a pulse of cases in sweden say they will enter their investigation into explosions on stream one and 2 gas pipelines. last amounts of methane were released when there is pipelines, transporting russian gas to john ruptured back in september 2022. the prosecutor just say they don't have jurisdiction to proceed with the case. well, let's take a closer look at those pipelines. well, the same one was the rush of main offshore natural gas supply line to germany was until the come in suspended it in august 2022. a month. lease explosion is damaged both north stream $1.00 and $2.00 pipelines. those types of nations, what she needs is down at the bottom of the baltic sea. and the economics are in
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a sweden and denmark of these pipelines, our majority earned by russia's state run energy joins, guys, problem most stream one was the single biggest pipeline taking russian gas to european countries. in 2021, russia supply really 13 percent of the movies. natural gas through that pipeline full rates has more for us now from stockholm. this is something of a we can dig into what has been very strong swedish involvement in this case. it was the sweetest navy the found to craters on the sea bed in the swedish economic zone under the baltic and international waters button, the economic zone, as well as the remains of explosive materials. and that led to this investigation being opened into what the sweets times major sabotage. but the analysis and the swedish media this week is that the swedish authorities simply want this to go away . that was have a result. so they bring from this investigation is just not good at for swedish
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interests. you know, for example, there's been speculation that ukraine or ukrainian groups were involved in this, in this sabotage. but if, if sweden come to that conclusion, then it could cause problems for european union support. a key of in the defense against russia. russia, again, have been a been implicated. they perhaps have the strongest motive of to, i guess applies 3 north stream. what cuts off to germany before these explosions but sweet and have a delicate diplomatic situation with russia at the moment, especially given that application to join nato. and that you don't want to, to cause any more problems that without strong evidence, russia in turn have implicated the u. k. and the u. s. suite a would certainly wouldn't want to come to that conclusion with these 2 countries being at that very strong allies. so perhaps the conclusion that they've come to the prosecutor from
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the office behind me saying that it's a matter of jurisdiction that no sweetie citizens or sweetest territory, was involved. it is a convenient way for them to close this without saying, we don't know who did it. it's been a hot potato, one that that hops, happy to pass over to germany investigates, is now us to lay as a full of presidents. sebastian from the era is lying in state in the capital, santiago, friends, family and the public. paying their respects to the 74 year old who died and a helicopter crash on tuesday. it's believes that penny are it was flying. that helicopter was 3 passengers on board. when it went down in southern parts of the country, the government has the cad, 3 days of national warning. stephanie deca has been tribute to the man who twice run to a former president's best young pineda died in the helicopter crash on tuesday. he was 74 east to you. i o,
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the former president said boston soneta to receive the owners of a state funeral and declared 3 days of morning to honor the memory of the man who was elected to times as president of t like some chileans. remember him as a leader who improved their economy from them to see him. he was a great president, someone who always fought for his country and never had to know. he stood out in every way he wouldn't, worldwide due to the skill of the top minus. i feel that she brought him to come to the state court on me for one adult. everyone is morning. his passing police dispersed protest or is gathered in the capital santiago, many here calling him murder. the only legacy he left behind was kate and more divisions. and before you had a 2nd presidency from 2018 to 2022 was marked by widespread protests against equality. it prompted accusations of human rights violations against demonstrators,
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but he's also remembered as the man who led the country during the unprecedented rescue of 33 miners trap for 69 days at the bottom of the line. which riveted not only truly would capture the world's attention, a state funeral will be held on friday. stephanie decker, which is 0. now, nick, arrival is government has ground to the asylum to panama. as a former president were caught in lots of natalie and counting the days of depend on those top court, would you did his appeal to an allow an 11 year prison sentence, and money laundering charges most of the late requested protection. nicaragua was embassy in panama city, nationally. it says that he is a victim of political persecution and that his life is an imminent danger. he had hopes to run for president and elections later this year, but with his conviction and sentence confirmed, most manly would have been ineligible. how's advice on his present? ill aaliyah has won a 5th time in office. the country it's central election commission announced
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preliminary results with the incumbent winning over 92 percent of the verge. aaliyah of has been empowered for 21 years. after succeeding his father. he hold elections in soon oft as advisor on. we took the car box region from as an economy and forces his opponents of already taken to the streets of the capital of boxes to celebrate investors keeping a close eye on china stock markets to see whether the government's rescue plan will succeed. chinese state regulations, the balance of take steps to support the ending economy. but overall confidence remains the katrina you reports. foundation to chinese stock prices are rebounding, but the country's blue chip company staging, the biggest rally since 2022 chinese technology company. alibaba was among the biggest gain, it's becomes days of the chinese stock market valuation spelled a 5 year low as last week. behind the turnaround, government intervention, china securities, regulate, avowed,
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to take steps to correct down on what it described as malicious. schultz selling an institutional investors to expand their investments. some hedge funds and brokerage is reported bands on selling and a state fund dealt the national team, also intervene, helping to stem a cell off. but apple is se unless small is done to stimulate china, stagnation, economic growth, government efforts could backfire. the expectation is so weak. and that means even if a, temporarily, maybe the state can do something to push the stock market up. um, but that would cause more people to sell rather than to buy. so in the short term, actually we have this high risk that a chinese stock market will go down much further. china is gross. the chief last is government target of 5 percent. but the international monetary fund predicts more problems to come to the world's 2nd largest economy. the property sector,
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a major driver of growth, is in decline with no sign of recovery. time is bullets out, stock market is just one symptom of a wide spread coincidence prices. the government has so far refused to implement any major effort to stimulate the economy. and many experts please adding to that happens, gains short lived and pessimism about the countries future. katrina, you all to 0 agent. all still head here on elders era. the cost of sold diet conditions and the low pay for walk is gone. the biggest line
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the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the lack, the truck is government has sort of fall provided accommodation to 75000 people who lost their homes and catastrophic as quakes a year ago. and one of the worst areas, people though, on waiting for states assistance, then no contribution to the reconstruction efforts themselves out correspondence. and of course, they all their reports from panama should be at the center of the catastrophe. to see the know the i'm sure the region as long as you can, it's oh, my court found this video under the rubble of a 6 story building and come on. my gosh, southern to get kind of her family was trapped alongside her with the
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united keeping mission for too much. her final wish that the money she had raised for a family in need be paid out. if she died, we get to fuck most husband and tool they are cents survived. last year is devastating grass quakes, but 12 year old bill on was killed. and now they live in a new house with quick was a certain foundations provided by the government. but my says, her grief hasn't east las vegas to really get the higher the past year is gone by so quickly like a dream. usually we wouldn't stay away from our children for a day. now we've been separated from us on forever. we have good living conditions, the government gave us this house, furniture, and everything. of course, many people helped out as well. but we trudy happy. we on, with 30000 businesses, nearly 175000 people worked here before the disaster. well, here's
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a swift killed 12000 people and call him on my eyes and demons nearly 70 percent of the buildings. many of those who survived moved to nearby town now, slowly but surely. the cities regaining his reputation as a commercial and industrial hub. okay. she had been a barber all his life when his shop was damaged. he tried working in the other cities, but didn't stay long. his says his heart was always in come on my dad. he moved back and rebuilt the shop with his own money. along with his neighbors, he's helping others in me. this office told us through the offer that we were 5 or 6 people working at the body shop that clients will construction workers. during the day there was nothing to wait so so wide on toilet in a restaurant. i don't think anyone should leave people like house have revived the city. if you find you had everything, you have. the government needs quickly to provide housing to the hundreds of thousands of families who lost their homes in the quakes. but it's
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a major initiative and authority say it will take time. despite the challenges, people like a sketch are determined to do things better, to restore the community. so united coastal l to zeta, cut them up, my gosh, to care to the calorie and prime minister when lynette arrived in thailand for his 1st official visit. since taking the top job law, some, a relationship between the neighboring countries has been historic. a difficult and recent is political dissidents and both countries have been detained and disappeared. tourney chang reports from bangkok. put minutes welcome to government house by the ty prime minister, set out how he said it's the cambodian prime ministers 1st visit since taking over from his father. and since last year he was quick to thank his host for ensuring
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his visit was mod 5 protests. thanks for your re fmi of for your support that not allowing tight territory to be used for any activities for interference in cambodia and internal politics. the same thing. second body of god forbid is also give commitment. i'm not loving couple additional as, as a land or for conducting up to activities to into for you vis thailand. a tile store. it has been working hard, had within minutes arrivals, pictures posted on social media, show plain clothes, totally police outside the home of a permanent cambodian distant who was detained hours later on immigration charges. it's come about gen entire authorities working hand in hand to crack down to silence d sensing voices. you know, the, to the part them back to come was you or, you know, there to make them disappear. and it's not just happening and complex happening. 12 to me come regions and 2020 type pro democracy activist,
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one to them set success it was abducted by all men in the cambodian capital he's assume to have been killed. but neither cambodia no time that have ever disclosed the results of investigations into his abduction. the political environments in cambodia remains deeply repressive under the new p. m. last week, opposition leader kim. so car had his 1st appeal hearing against the 2070 a jail sentence. the treason, i would like to make it very clear through the international community this stuff, i think delusion of buy one minute. that one manette can bring change. he will not, as for as long as his father is around his father has not gone away for decades. thailand was a century to political dissidents, fling, oppression inside cambodia, but the warm welcome for prime minister. hm. and that indicates that has now changed that these a neighbors very happy to work together to silence each other's critics. tony
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tongue else's era bank of work is germany's major efforts have threatened to expand the strike if they have demand. so don't match operations came to a house on wednesday when more than 25000 ground stuff works off the job for at least a day. they want a 12 and a half percent pay increase and improve watching conditions, hundreds of flights across the country, and kind of follow the, affecting more than a $100000.00 passages or thousands of informal thoughts. miners and western uganda are struggling to make ends need. they work for long periods without protective clothing increasing their risk of exposure to waterborne diseases. like halfway is you've gone to long just salt mine and also an important results for the growing industry font. as catherine's way reports for labor comes at a high cost to dundas largest salt my seats on the
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shores of lake packed me most of the soles extracted here is exported to neighboring countries. we find regina double high debt walk scraping through crystals in monte water. with the stench of glasses hung heavy in the air with no protective gas in the high plus sideline. what's the effect? how health a? how to go means if i stay in the water too long, i get the rush. some of the crystals are sharp, so we often get injuries. we have to improvise with protective gear. we have no choice. this is our life report by the united nations development program has found labor, us who are in the water for a long time, are at great risk of contracting, see which one diseases. it also saves long term exposure can cause organ damage. on a good day, regina makes about $3.00. the smell here is fund into the minus say they have to
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walk very had all day every day to get to the salt. it's hard job, they say with little new tons of the, of the end of the lake. this man uh, breaking off large rocks for industrial use. mining is a seasonal activity. most new, quick teeth during the hot, dry summer months. a kind of change have complicated ma cuz usually at this time of the yeah, the area is baking in the sun yet. now it's raining. we are experiencing a lot of floods on the lake. and when the leg is flooded, some of the sold funds. get somebody to within the search bar and it won't be is it for someone to post the truck? the was of the sort of bonds, a low pass the and 2022 to regulate occasional mining and ensure what because safety has yet to be enforced. and so these minus do the best they can in the few months, they are able to walk, catching slowly all to 0,
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like caught way less than uganda us. well, that's it for me and associates have of this means our coverage on extended will be here with the what constitutes extent. so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we want these, we want the education my wants to freedom. we don't have to lead them in different countries and policy and it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit no $1000.00 service at this point. but then you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is
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the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth. president biden says, $1.00 to $2.00 states solution for palestinians. and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line for neil's rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deputy fires increasingly ripped through them in the face of man made deforestation. an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all the plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey to northern america is
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a region of wonder joy tragedies and yes of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are. you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition. the know is a lie and it's my job to should lights on how and why the us secretary of state so so space for the grievance on gaza. he's very prime minister in system. the tax on this trip will not stop the periods on smith cell just here a lot from the whole. so coming to the


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