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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 4:30am-5:01am AST

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will starve to death every year. here this convincing dial delegates of discussing high policy makers need to prioritize people's rights to get food and how to store many unnecessary deaths from hunger. national and international trade policies tend to support large agricultural enterprises and corporations who dominate the global food market. it's a highly problematic the situation when the corporate sector gets the policy direction to public decision makers. we have seen this in 2021 un foot systems summit where a huge corporations also active in the pesticides on foot sector, influencing heavily the decisions being made by the un. normally, states are to be an international which advocates for the right to adequate food. and nutrition, says 60 percent of agricultural land and the world is owned by the riches 10 percent of landowners. which along with the corporations ability to set prices,
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means it's tough for small scale farm is to survive. most skills, palmer and small scale and local communities, they're not able to actually access the market to sell this product. and so these people, before people that's really rely on, you know, the, the food services woods from this most can from us, i'm not able to accept. so even afford climate change is a close of food shortages and countries that are experiencing severe weather changes. and will, on their own food sources and things that are mostly the climate do actually what are some of the, how to navigate. and this is, you know, it is happening since 1918 when we have received into the community over the last 5 years. they have severe drugs because of climate acadia most about 50 percent of their life is for the last part. but this, you can, you has the opposite problem. flooding across the rest of east africa. the story is
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the same. use of drugs then floating the destroys crops, but the biggest cause of starvation is conflict. something that is also affecting many countries in the region. like see done plenty along so like climate change, those attending this conference say it's absolutely critical. the policies of change to tackle climate change and conflicts, and still protecting corporations ahead of individuals, basic rights and needs image and came back out to 07. or you can find long use features analysis on our website that's out there a dot com, one or 2 devices for these continue set. one else off to the listening post. the state, the unique perspective on and the but don't want to even if i'm not reporting,
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i want to leave this to me. it was really helpful. my things, thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices . and i'm all the complications on please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0, in almost 4 months end of the war on gods of the it's really spin, machine rips the rewards of misinformation, reflecting audiences away from stories it doesn't want told the new york times has trouble with it over its coverage of what really happened on october 7 and how historical memory in germany and the rest of the use of guilt limit what can or cannot be said about is the at a time one journalists and news audiences should have been focusing on the
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international court of justice as historic ruling last week that israel is potentially guilty of genocide in the gaza strip. a different story started making headlines that was by design. israel's the united nations relief and works agency or own little what was established in 1949 to help palestinian refugees, according to it is really intelligence dosier, which just happened to be made public in the wake of the icy j rolling 12 staff members at the agency took part in the october 7th attacks against israelis on the back of that news multiple countries including the u. s. u k and canada. busy pulled their funding from the relief agency as a parts and the sheer cruelty of the funding or humanitarian organization. at a time when palestinians needed most, what it's telling about this story is how many western governments and news outlets still take stories based on his really intelligence at face value. even when time
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and time again, that's so called intelligence, proves to be nothing more than this information the owns a day, the international court of justice issue, the seismic route that the war on god amounts to a plausible case of genocide is really spin. doctors faced the child. how could they deflect the global media's attention away from that store? by sharing on the same day, the i, c. j ruling came out and intelligence dossier with their american our. that then becomes big news, alleging that 12 employees at the united nations relief in the works agency part. and her boss is a tax on october 2nd, and his real has now share his intelligence, claiming to you when aid workers actually took part in the mos attacking the agency, known by its clunky acronym, right? is advisable in saving the lives of palestinians. and what did the american
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government make of israel's allegations? what it usually dives, we haven't had the ability to investigate the more selves. but they are highly, highly credible. it's officials took is randy intelligence sources at their work. the same way they did with the hum us be headed baby. so you never really thought that i would see kind of confirmed pictures of terrace behavior and children and again with the troops of the hospitals in garza were homeless command centers in disguise. amongst continues these hospitals as locations for its command posts, they take unproven dubious, is really allegations and legitimize. so here we go, guess too. so it suggests that somebody wanted to change the subject and we don't know who we don't know exactly how it re, how it got to the media. but at the moment when the international court of justice
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had issued a devastating ruling against israel, finding it positively committing genocide in gaza. so this is really gotcha, it's now wow. road able for all of you to read. suddenly the media is focusing on the complicity of, of unrest, staff and the october 7th attack. and we don't see that people are talking about the implementation of the i. c. j decision. we don't see that news outlets are labeling israel, the genocidal state that it is covering, monitoring, checking to see whether israel's actually presenting genocide as it was order to do . and instead most of the coverage is now about these accusations. the united nations released and works agency employees, 13000 people in gosh, the age they provide. civility, hospitals, schools, and elsewhere in the strip has never been more essential. one would think that
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would be, is, randy government accused of starving causes to death. political players wouldn't watch their words on the release agents. this right wing lobbyist did not just a few weeks ago at a meeting at the connection. i mean come on a sheet of fashion without having to have seen me on the sourcing of the initial allegation. the 12 on rob workers took part in the october 7th attacks, came in part from confessions to worst out of palestinian prisoners through interrogate actions that have been known to include torture. and what specifically is the evidence? i think that's what the public there is an abundance of evidence based on investing nation of the mos terrace that has been arrested. and they've provided a lot of information. the fact that you take 12 cases as a claim and try to link unable to the policy and resistance is already
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indicative of how western governments are exhibiting total identification with this role that goes beyond simple complicity as role has managed to take a very tenuous argument and feed it into western governments who have happily obliged to defined a central organization that is so central to the ability of policy and gaza to receive imitating aid. and that stands in contrast to, for example, the response of the us government to israel. we have abundant evidence of work and nobody's been prosecuted. biden continues to $3800000000.00 in annual military assistance to israel. what's behind this distinction? you know, why it is unrelated? this is the right thing, get explained suspended. and he's real when it is the wrong thing, keeps the funding coming. there is no doubt that from the perspective of these are in the ability to lead me to rock, it will be
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a beneficent. now we need to look at the reactions of other states and other players which are receiving that information be a complete and thorough and transparent investigation. so thus far, from the reaction of states and international organizations, including the united nations, the evidence seem to have some confronting force. at the same time, we are under the form of war, we need to be skeptic. about any piece of evidence we here. there was more fact common courtesy of the wall street journal. 3 days after the on russ story broke, the new york based paper put out a piece again based on his really intelligence, saying that one in 10 overall workers had quoted, quote, links to hum us. the report did not specify just what those links were. cherry keller, lane, co author, that story. it turns out she's an american who volunteered for the is ready
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military and is seen here linked to one of the armies spokesperson. after her piece was published, the list of countries pulling their money out of rock group. we asked the journal about it story and its co offer declined to comment. the problem with these types of allegations is that they a docs and is really narrative, without questioning or 2nd guessing. that is really not an israel cast, a very wide net for who it turns to be or who it deems to be a member of him. and we've seen this with the statements they've made that there are no innocence in gaza. this is from as high up as the president. and so for them to make such an assertion, should be something that is questioned or challenged. the wall street journal basically published an edited and is really intelligent task. and
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a traitor to this fact that 10 percent of unreal staff or somehow winked whatever that means to from us. now that's a very fuzzy term and the new york times has said, well, henri doesn't even claim to have the capacity to that. it staff, once a year it's been handing a list of unreal staff to these really government to and so what were they to sleep at the switch and why therefore does henri get punished and therefore the palestinian civilian population of gaza get punished when israel didn't do with drop me, it's been one week since the r c. j rule that is real, must prevent active genocide, punish incitement and facilitate aid to civilians taking those points in order. the assault on gods that goes on killing powers 10 subtler organizations are still in fighting is ravings saying openly that they have their eyes on the strength.
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the as for the aid right wing is re lease, have been blocking some of it at the egyptian board. and just really, soldiers have stood by and let and this really spokes person's keeps smearing, a humanitarian relief from us and uses wondering the status of the un agency tonawanda it's tony points and propaganda is real. and it's western allies know propaganda. when they see how to use to pull funding from a lifelong for palestinian starved of food and water. it's an axis of complicity. aided and abetted appetite by the forces as well, has been able to ship that conversation, but it's only able to do so because it has,
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these are the toil boards in line with it complicit with it in terms of framing and, and we, we have seen this throughout the war, stories that have been fed into western media that goes along with is really policy of uh it lead to meeting its own actions in gaza, deflecting from its own massacres and creating the conditions for the bumper to aiding of the cane war. and this is where we have to step back and really question is this the type of international order that we want? maybe israel should look in word and ask themselves, are we really following the letter of the law? when we dropped the equivalent of $20.00, she mo, palms on the cost of strip within one month. when this is the largest number of children deaths in the 21st century. when we've seen more journalists killed by is really bombs in gaza than we saw during the entire 2nd world war making. they
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should start looking to those things rather than trying to smear a story that emerged in the early days of the war was it is really allegations of sexual violence by him aust. during its attack on october 7th, the accuracy of a new york times report on those allegations is now being called into question. and mean actually robbie is here with more. numerous alex's have published investigations into israel's accusations that homos systematically use rape and sexual assault against victims on october 7th, if needed holistically what the times called a button. a vip mutilation, an extreme brutality against women during the attacks on israel. many critics of mainstream coverage on israel and thought his time called out the article for the legend, inaccuracies of questionable sourcing publicly the time stood by its reporting. but according to the us investigative outset, the intercept in the invitees news room, a quote, furious internally, debates was taking place. the intercept is reported that an episode of one of the
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times is most popular part costs. the daily that was supposed to be an audio detailing of the december article was put on hold, and somebody tutorial stuff, share the criticisms, need all of the additional report. one example, the family of these really women kid on october 7th, whose story was the main case study in the piece. they've denounced the article, the guys reported that she had been raped her relatives. they had no reason to believe that some other sources the times used have had their reliability seriously questioned, including by these really media no less. that podcast has yet to be the least. and according to the intercept, the producers quote, find themselves in a gem around the version that she was closely to the previous. keep up the story and risk the publishing serious mistakes or publish a heavy tone down version. these and questions about whether the paper still stands by the additional report. thanks me. israel's war on gaza and the way it has been covered has shed some light on the limits on freedom of speech. in western
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democracies, what some people have come to call the palestine exception. nowhere is that more evident than in germany. historical guilt over the extra organization of 6000000 jews during the holocaust has transformed into open ended support for the state of israel. it goes to the heart of the way germany wants to see itself what the government calls stats are based on the states reason to exist. it is also used to justify germany sponsorship of the slaughter in garza from which its weapons, industry benefits the same pro. israel consensus reigns in germany's news media and in the widespread depression by news outlets and the authorities of dissenting voices there. but let's me post johanna who's now on the origins and consequences of the palestine exception to free speech in germany. a nice moment. that's fine. germany's relationship with
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israel is unlike that of any other country. it's a relationship that goes beyond loyalty and supports ensuring israel security and existence is part of what germans cool style stays on. the countries as on that side to start as not providing me. and in that for me, 100 off all kind of in germany's post the genocide of almost $6000000.00 european jews during the locals informs every aspect of the country, public and political discourse around is around. for many germans, israel is above reproach on stesan over 50 gigs, sky dog, absorbed the old great support for israel in germany, constitutes a sort of comforting thought that the okay, that the people that we as germans of press and killed and treated so badly historically. now have their kind of own states and everything is fine. it's not so
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much that as well is supported in germany because we come to term with it's past, but it's short cuts for, for not really come into terms of the past when germany categories, israel's national security as the reason of the state. they essentially want it to solve their problem of being described as the original anti semites of the world. they want to put the past behind them. so germany instead of listening to the actual jewish citizens instead of fighting anti semitism in a way that protects all jewish people, what it has done instead is take, they haven't way and staunch pro. israel stands where they essentially kind of tended over in this atmosphere of unwavering political support for israel. german media outlets have also shown pro israel of bias in their reporting. this is reflected on the one side effects of to show debates.
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short a good time is broken, so i'm not sure to give you this didn't on see if it is to build the biggest newspaper in germany. how most read is riley hostages. while israel free palestinian terrorists and mainstream outlets from a r d, the public broadcaster to media conglomerate axle springer have issued strict guidance to their journalist on the story. a r d sent an internal memo to it's a journalist where it states that if any civilian deaths take place, it has to be stated as the civilians are being used as human shields. and this was probably created by how much kind of sort of talk on b 50, how moscow fits the feats if you prefer. can we him the one of the scholars, ties and stuff like once done, which is like, you know, it's made for just what shape. and if that's the only image that german seen,
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then the public are not going to understand the actual scale of the score. and just how much violence has been inflicted on an innocent civilian population. after spring a has like support for as well written into it's worth contracts. so if you work as a journalist for one of the, or let's say food sites on which is the biggest piece of paper in the german media landscape or develop, you are kind of committed already from the get go, regardless of what your personal views might be to reflect in a pro is fairly way what that often translates to is literally outright support of is all government policies built newspaper is the most widely read newspaper in germany and it's done in the 6 standards. if one can call them that's pretty unspeakable. then you have the vote which is slightly more high brown,
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but i do go directly. it's cut from the same cloth. and then you also have dash vega, which recently ran an article about great to tune bag. you can only call it a hit piece where they just this, this absurd a personal attack on her because she has recently been quite vocal about her support for palestine. were trying to speak to a r d n. exl springer. neither outlets granted us can interview for a statement. and those in germany who go against the grain on the story risk beings, blacklisted or sidelines journalist, challenging the prevailing narrative and news rooms have me fired. exhibitions, workshops and conferences and the cultural sphere has been cancelled, or the late peaceful protests have been either bind criminalized or violently repressed. now germany has one of your arms largest palestinian diasporas,
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but it's also become one of the most sensor places for anyone who expresses solidarity with palestinians, or anyone who speaks against israel's war crimes in gaza. there was an increase in climate of friendship in germany, in the last 5 to 6 weeks refinement of kind of botox. mccarthyism, it's really quite intense. confused have been forbidden in schools the like symbols of kind of thing and flag symbols of kind of thing that you have been forbidden. anything that can basically be interpretable as and to submitting. and that's a very sort of like, wide range of things for in the german society has been kind of damage. divide on has often cost for is for mr. fault on this coming 5. i'm finished with the next one going 6 for this. you know, an item on this is what you want to do with the st on. i'm sure. i don't believe germany has come to terms with its past, cuz what they're doing is stifling conversation,
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facing any progress for any sort of critical discourse. and now, because the spotlight has been shown on germany and in german discourse, more and more people are realizing that this is not citing anti semitism. this is a top gains pulse stains. essentially palestinian existence is offensive to many in germany. that's the simplest way to put it really. but this palestinians interfere with this utopian narrative that the holocaust was at least slightly balanced out by the foundation of israel. in terms of the moral and cultural identity. the germany promotes of itself. it's hard for palestinians to find a place which doesn't just involve demonize ation or erasure. the severity of the suppression of pro palestinian speech in germany tests often
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international backslash which is producing results. in december, berlin city council announced it which stopped funding artist and refused to abide by a definition of anti semitism. that includes criticism of israel in response, more than 500 artist, among the winners of the prestigious turner prize, and a nobel laureate, back to movement cooling on create is to start working with institutions funded by the german state. berlin's authorities have no scrapped step policy. meanwhile, the tone from the government is also shifting germans for administer has cooled on israel to comply with the international court of justice. order to prevent genocide in gaza. that actions speak louder than words. and as long as berlin keeps sending bones to tell of b and curbside defense remaining things. so 2 were concerns about german simplicity in another genocide. and finally,
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little known a fun historical fact unless it ends up with you being found complicit in a genocide. the you in genocide convention was passed in 1948, then it took the united states almost 40 years to sign onto it. the us president back then harry truman, one of the us to be a signatory. but congress refused. it did not want the us government to be subject to the rulings of a court outside it's jurisdiction. the senate finally voted to make the us a signatory in 1987. which means if israel backed by all that us funding and political support is found guilty of a genocide in gaza, the american president could well be found complicit. the senator sponsored that piece of legislation in 1987 represented the state of delaware, jo, bite search as we might, we cannot find a single reference to that in the us mainstream media. but we'll keep looking see
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next time here at the listing post. neil's rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deadly fires that increasingly with through them in the face of man made deforestation. an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all the plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey house coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i traveled, whether it's east or west africa, people stopped me and tell me how much they appreciate that coverage. and our focus is not just on that suffering, but also on a more pop listing and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening
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in their communities in a clear and unbiased and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing in station come down in many parts. well, to understand how it affects our daily lives, outline for us how big a problem is to go about food insecurity. counting the cost on just the
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of the
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. ready ready us secretary of state says that is space for the green us on concepts. israel's prime minister insists a tax on this trip will not stop the carry johnston. this is, i'll just hear a lot from the whole set coming up. the israel continues as strikes on southern doesn't the summit close to attempt to displace.


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