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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the for us i get your state says that is space for the agreements on concepts. israel's prime minister insists a tax on this trip will not stop the academy johnston. this is i'll just say we're a lot from the whole set coming up. the israel continues as strikes on something does that the summit close to attempt to
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display spe, investment 3 people are killed in a row. striking back that us, it was targeting an on the link to wrong. and we look at how finance is mazda, run up to parliamentary elections and focused on the is what a prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, fighting and gaza when $10.00 to $2.00 is rather cheeks. what he calls an absolute victory. he's comments come off to have mass put forward, it's times versus the spot of the meeting that's in yahoo! the us secretary of state one that the civilian desktop remains too high. but sides, there is still room for an agreement to be reached to end the fighting and challenging reports from tennessee. less than a day after how much submitted its response to a potential gaza cease fire plan us secretary of state. and to me blinking arrived
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in israel, hoping to build on that moment. but hours after meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu is real all but rejected the current framework for a succession of hostilities the gum con guzman. so any final feel hope now is the time for the is riley defense forces to allow safe car doors for the residence of rough, or we shall continue destroying the capabilities of hamas until we achieve that. and i emphasize we have no other option but decisive victory. others who is how much for its part said that unlike israel's they have taken a positive approach to the cease fire proposal and then it then yeah, oh well, how cool mid to no end of government? a system to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong it's a christian. this impacts the most has been sustaining and personnel and a couple minutes with the attempts to hold the war, seemingly at a standstill. one significant point of contention continues to be whether any
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agreed to cease fire would be permanent. despite the diplomatic setbacks at a press conference in tel aviv linking insisted a ceasefire. deal between israel and how much was still a possibility. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the israeli government, the response that from us sent last night to lead proposal to the united states cutter in egypt and put together to bring the remaining officers home and extend the mentoring pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in monsters response, we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that. we like mostly until we get there. there was an intense day of talks for america's top diplomat. at the end of it, anthony blinking did offer a positive outlook on ultimately finding a path to peace. but he also gave few details about how american now and visions
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finding a way to end the war, how much i'm doing, but just need to love it. is ready snipers, a talk. you think part of students in central, some of the areas of gauze and power tablets, it reports not from rough. more than 1300000 people are crammed into southern colors. on, near the border with egypt. now is where the forces are closing in on them. 13 year old we, what they have gone out to get router is where this noise is sure as to try to reach and also costs. so you find your people to like to ask you why they have to sleep cover, leaving half the coins. now, appearing this knife is, this is what this filtering at a school having to do to get some water. even so the south of rough or what palestinians were to, to show to is valuable. plaintiff killed several people. the we were
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told on the house house, 3 flossie, a large number of residents suddenly where he would walk in from any sort of the pain. again, a mother's t is a friends last good bye and upgrade and the way that some of do so was there for i'd say u s. involvement is not helping. what is the lab link and what does that? the more like i just every visit from blinking and state of common things down and it just makes things worse. we get more strikes. we get more bombings in the us as the main participant, leader of the war against the palestinian people. the ones helping designers to entity with weapons and ammunition and participating in the genocide of the palestinian people. shotuko the used by the army has been dropping leaflets. of course. dary better and central garza ordering palestinians not to return to the
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north of district. but they did not tell people what to go to find safety. tal recognizing, oh, just a rough, rough and southern gauze us. but at least 14 people had been killed and is ready as strikes investment in southern garza residence, say 2 houses in the area that tell also tom, we hit israel is expanding its bombings into rafa that tries to destroy how much infrastructure almost half of the strips residence and now in the city, often thing fighting for the no but any on wednesday is rarely strike targeted a car close to an independent events for displace children rough the the 0 obtained footage of the strike, which caused panic among the children and other displaced people the death toll from that is reading strikes has not been confirmed that the nations secretary general attorney good temperatures,
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voice extreme concern of israel's potential ministry, a salt on the referent, southern gaza, establish one strikes in the area with west and what is already united, terry? enlighten that will take somebody, get it to a james base report stuff from you and headquarters in new york. let me begin by the un secretary general antonio terrace briefing the general assembly on his priorities for the year. a health garza was at the top of his list, the scale and speed of the conflict. worse than anywhere else in the world, in his 70 is in the job and he will on the death toll may soon rise even more. and they may, especially a lot of body parts that these really mean setting tends to focus next on rough uh, what, hundreds of thousands of palestinians they've been squeezed in a desperate search for safety. as such, an action boots exponentially employees walk is already a humanitarian nights man,
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with untold regional consequences. late to his special coordinator, normally based in jerusalem, brief reporters here at un headquarters high, he spoke moments of the prime minister. netanyahu rejected her master's latest proposal. we. we know very well the sway snow even better, but still planning that having a very active warfare in the area of rough with mold and 1200000 people assembled and rough. uh and kim shalom being the entry point at the moment. the only one actively for you, many terry and supplies would be completely catastrophic. rafa is gulls as a lifeline and un security council just paused to resolutions. calling for humanitarian aid into garza to be scaled up. this is also ordered by the international court of justice at the end of last month. many observers believe
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israel is contributing the decisions of these 2 will bodies whose rulings are considered binding international law. james pays out to 0 of the united nations. at least 13 palestinians have been killed by his very s strikes in residential neighborhoods of gauze a city. the victims were bombed while fetching water for their families. bodies of those killed an inch and had been taken to the baptist hospital. i'm just here is, well, i'll go reports from the of the 3 missiles, 3 missiles, baldwin lining up near water. well, those of civilians who with tuesday just wanted to get their hands on some water damage. have you that a, what is yet another crime committed by that is really forcing us people were gathering around a water source in the public, the area trying to get some water for their families. these really just fight has launched missiles at them and dozens will kill and kill them anymore. and get out
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of the no, no, no, no, we would just spinning some jobs. you know, the do these re, the planes followed missiles the most money was killed to pieces. oh oh my god. 2 yeah, i mean my father was killed, he was everything to me. i am a talk to him. my father spent a fortune for me to kind of talk so he died in front of my eyes and i'm standing helpless. who is responsible? says super wrong. did he do this amount of guard pious and benevolent, taken care of all in need. he was getting a job with water. nothing moved. he did not do anything wrong. what can we do now? may god punish those responsible? the. oh dear god, where do we go? where do we run to where to run our lives? do some sick for these victims, please forgot. say save them to shut up. dozens of dead bodies and
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more of the injured were brought to the baptist hospital. you're already short staffed medical workers here strongly. these really forces continue to not only be search the area, but also launch attacks against begins to feel to the crouching end unhygienic conditions and makes shift attempts throughout. garza has created hot spots for viruses and diseases to flourish. the recent spark and hepatitis cases is left many palestinians fighting against an invisible enemy as well, rages around them, him on account reports. it's hard to keep one self isolated in overcrowded place like this camp in 0 balance in central causes for much of a well he recently diagnosed with hepatitis the condition that spreads from close contact with this. it's an added layer of challenge model. and then your most of the yes in any way we can. yeah. and is it my son has been feeling for
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t losing appetite and has a fever. there's an outbreak of berries diseases, children in the trans next, drones or suffering hepatitis. i fear for him, especially since his eyes are turning yellow, as well as your payment, but i can see what he might have to do. much to faces the daunting task of isolating to prevent spreading the disease amongst his 40 relatives. now who's been displaced from northern gaza. this is solid, oregon. one of his mom is doing her best to keep things clean. but she says it's far from easy. this is a chance housing for the people, including my family and indoors, and they are for helping children living in this to the doctor such as to isolate the sick one. for god's sake, how can we do this? you tell me, my husband, 4 children i sleep in this tiny spot. how can we say purchasing only this boat is not even protected from rainbow water or sewage? this camp in bureau, bella has become the last refuge for thousands from across the kaiser. but with
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sewage leaking between 10 and garbage piling up everywhere, the situation only seems to be worse than the local health officials recently reported an outbreak of hepatitis a. it's been made worse by the constant over crowning, and people being unable to shower or keep proper hygiene. variables available since the other zeros, preparatory to say is caused by a virus. it spreads through place contract the same way as a corona virus is the virus is concentrated in saliva, you'll have that is why it is easily contract through spins towels and even pillows must have caused a symptom. similar to the fluid, like stomach ache and diarrhea, even fi button is really forces move deeper into con unice house. to mean families are facing constant over crowding. unless wait for food, water, and whatever, medical aid is still available. lice, basic necessities have become rare. commodities here, ronald han elders here children in the u. k,
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had been quoted on weld leads us to save the nice of youngsters on the siege and been vomiting garza, they valued outside parliament buildings in london, demanding a safe spot. so looking at the reports and times of all it is always the children suffer the most. and in this situation it is no difference. this is why this group, parents for palestine have job of here out in parliament square. what i need, just for the children to restart the rug was on what they think and feel about the conflicting garza, but also to speak the was of those to our co top in the conflict themselves and things and move them to days and weeks. wow. the scene for months now, i feel so sad when i hit the terrible things happening to them, please don't look at that was telling us some of those to me
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getting that score in cause it seems scary. we do blowing up the children in gaza. that same needs, he's saying now now according to the you and children's agency unicef, around 17000 children have been discovered to be on a company in regards to themselves, a very distressing situation. it is difficult to know exactly if they still have family left. with many of the goals, so turning off to hospitals, unable to even speak their own names. nevertheless, the coal for that agency as well as those gap it here is for that to be a last thing ceasefire. humanitarian ceasefire. and the lead is to encourage that as much as possible. sonya jago algebra london, that nobody is us,
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as it was behind the missed saw strike east of iraq's capital list. 3 people were killed in a car was hit out to 0, has learned that the senior compound is of and around the palms. good with targeted police say full blast. well, there was sunset district was backed out following a drug stripe or the hash, instead of this update from back that this is what is wrong with your name came to the see this, how's it going to tech support over the past few days. so a couple of strikes to the rock through the rest of the city of the 16 people today. this is different aspects of june. so i, a couple of, besides the recall in this crowd is called the neighborhood. and
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a couple of columbus from situation is very close and that's why the tlc, it's easy to close the site itself, the 2 men just that i've now and it's a very motional seen us. so the members of the function and also trying to are also asking journalists to leave the area was you can see things on from that. as i said, i had all the sarah were in democratic republic of congo with thousands of people have been forced from their homes and explain why. and the cost of salt dark conditions in low paid for work is that your guns is biggest mind.
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the the after days of travel destruction and central china with the cold bloss and snow, the snow just about disappearing there as the bottom right hand corner. and really is just in housing this line and ready, which is going off the show from hong kong, cross taiwan. and i can see it from water. the yeah. behind it is for the sunshine . no, not particular code hobbins at minus 70. that's not extraordinary. this time of year for his beijing is about $56.00, maybe plus 8 and the next day or so. it is looking pretty nice for all the japan and the career and put into the forest for taste of spring. maybe. well, to just say for the south is still the ready season in the big shells and into easier cost some flooding. they could do the same again, particularly in java, maybe pounds of borneo. it's still pretty hot and some of the time for catch should
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not be at 37 at the moment. that's the record high values. there's a change for the good. in the northern part of india, the breeze has picked up so that the assistant fucking pollution is more been likened to some degree. and you can see the sunshine by the afternoon. not particularly bad over night or the, the same story and pakistan and throw out a wrong. now the weather by night is finding by days find the sunday side. as you can see this through friday and saturday, the temperatures are gonna stay on my way up. the the, the,
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you watching out just a reminder about top stores as well, just as a page puts it shows the moment and this is really strike target to the car close to attempt for displaced people payment to the end for displace children. that's a strike cause widespread panic. us secretary state and the big concerns that is space for an agreement to be reached. when a ceasefire garza speaking a ton of ac bones. the proposal by him ask as for equal, clear non starts is because of his route to ensure the slopes monetary 80 correspondence. how many challenging us to add to the big can about the role of a mass in garza. once the war is over. the secretary, thank you. i have 2 issues. i want to ask you about. the 1st is regarding the fact you've spoken about the importance of creating a pathway for a palestinian state. there been reports that you've asked the state department of the view option on potentially recognizing
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a palestinian state. so i want to ask you if that's the case. and if so, is that a type of pressure point that you feel is needed to get israel to agree to cease fire and one that could ultimately lead to a 2 state solution? that's the 1st issue. the 2nd issue i want to ask you about is the fact that is real, has maintained that how much needs to be eliminated, that it cannot have any role in governing gaza after the war has ended. weird is the us currently stand on this? is it in any way acceptable to the us where how i'm asked to be playing a role in govern in gaza in a day after scenario? and what would us policy be for thomas going for the short answer. the 2nd part of the question is no. um, as to the 1st part of the question, look, as i just said their number of as we're, as we're defining the the path forward including the pathway to a palestinian state. there a number of policy options that people may propose as part of that
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process. but our focus today is on all of the diplomacy needed to bring it about, including again, getting a ideas, getting proposals from, from all concerned and bring those together in a credible and clear plan. so that's, that's where we are. and as i said, we'll continue to have these conversations to engage in that diplomacy to really sharpen the focus on all of the different elements that would be necessary that would be involved. and that each of the parties believes is, is important. the polls open and focused on general election and less than an hour candidate, some political policy. so faced of a 100 and some that but up to vote. islamic states has claimed responsibility for bombing in the south, west improvement. so below, just on wednesday, a tube at least 28 people should make reports from the whole or the desk and destruction after
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a bump last that the candidates office introduced on products. these are the conditions focused on selections that being held into in the past. but we've just done has seen this tax credit by separatist, the un commission of human rights has expressed consent of, of one to incidents. the head of this vote. they have been attacked, some political parties and candidates, you in commission that has cold and authorities to ensure a free and save vote. just the election make you think you, john, i'm way here to present an election where no one's life is under threat. you can cost you about to anyone, you are free to do so. down forces and police will be present for you safety courses by the boxes and by that papers sealed them into high security. with more than 120000000 people are eligible to vote, this is a huge task. more than 90000 imposing stations have been set up across focused on national and professional seats will be decided in this vote. but with the security threats in some areas, it's the military that's providing the security. but it's also the major treat that's been accused of interference. 650000 military police and part of military have been deployed for this election. $100.00 done,
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even though there is no campaigning in the 24 hours before the vote. and on the election day, the limits around pulling stations for canvassing is major level. uh, this is the bag with the ballot papers. they will not be opened. the sealed inside will only be out of into the presence of pauline agents. the elections will be fit . the run up to this election has been controversial with the leader of the main opposition and run calling in jail. this has been viewed by many as the most sensitive election and recent focused on the history international observers, as well as international media at present to take a closer look at have free, free and transparent voting would be a sort of vague. i'll just say it off the hold of buckets done. the democratic republic of congo now, which says it's on forces have restored comment to the city of south, of to counter offensive against m. 23. well, the fighting is forced thousands of people to lead to government. young groups fighters have the fortunately surrounded socket in the east. the crucial step
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before reaching the capital of new keys it. i like connie has more from putting a negative. oh, yeah, yeah, it's window motor saw from the if you said a 100000 of people are running from such as, which is just because there is a fight in between the, between the 2 levels and also did the r c. i mean, they've been fighting for a week twice now, but this one and you're getting ripples. i will try to take over the ministry thing, which is the last one before the toner, from wilma. this is why you have seen all these people in the they've been in this city or socket for more than one muscle. right now we're running from different scenarios. on the 4th, we're off labels this morning. we still don't know what to do. that was already in the process because up to now we can see the bottom from the place where we go. and i was on hundreds of people on the right now trying to go in the city of wilma, they've been already to the deep in this area and the right to know they're going to see another different places because they've been around here. there is this,
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it is, how does i go inside and how does i say they need to go 1st thing to secure it because they don't trust where the invitation disclosure. so those are both of us and co otherwise, you know, like on it will go on the democratic republic. of course, they will protest and hate see, according to the prime minister to reside the 3rd straight day of demonstrations and forcing you to step down very haitians of twos of oppose it all up front of you took office and 2021 of the places of the law is, was to, but it's spelt, the whole general elections has promised. this monday has run out. both thousands of informal souls miners in the west and uganda are struggling to make ends meet. they what for long periods without protective clothing increasing their risk of exposure to warrantable and disease. and they cut away as you can, the largest salt mine. an important results for the growing industry was catherine
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story reports the labor comes at a high cost. as you've done, does largest salt my seats on the shores of lake packed me. most of the sold extracted here is exported to neighboring countries. we find regina double high debt walk scraping through crystals in mock. you want to with the stand of glasses high, heavy in the air with no protective gas and the high pool sideline. what's the effect? how, how a, how to go to me. if i stay in the water too long, i get the rush. some of the crystals are sharp, so we often get injuries. we have to improvise with protective gear. we have no choice. this is our life. our report by the united nations development program has found labor, us who are in the water for a long time, are at great risk of contracting,
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see which one diseases. it also says long term exposure can cause organ damage. on a good day, regina makes about $3.00. the smell here is fund into the minus say they have to walk very had all day every day to get to the salt. it's hard job, they say with little neutrons. the other end of the lake, this man uh, breaking off large rocks for industrial use. mining is a seasonal opportunity most, you know, quick teeth during the hot, dry summer months. a kind of change have complicated mottos, usually at this time of the yeah, the area is baking in the sun yet now it's raining. we are experiencing a lot of floods on the lake. and when the lake is flooded, some of the salt funds a good somebody within the search bar and it won't be is it for someone to close the truck?
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there was of the sort of bonds because i know passed in 2022 to regulate occasional mining and and sure what because safety has yet to be enforced. and so this minus do the best they can in the few months, they are able to walk, catching slowly all to 0, like caught way less than uganda. pop when you get a is that permit us to change that route, pays it australia, assuring its parliament there should. history will keep the countries close for when you get is considering that these thing and security agreements with china, both australia and the us having a nom by charlotte secuity ambitions in the pacific. about a to a case government has so far provided accommodation to 2075000 people who lost the homes and catastrophic goods quakes a year ago. one of the worst to there is people don't waiting for state assistance . they're contributing to the reconstruction efforts themselves. so them causality,
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reports from carmano, actually at the center of the catastrophe, to the i'm sure, as long as you can, it's fun. my court found this video under the rubble of a 6 story building and come on, my gosh, southern to get her family was trapped alongside her. we still for united keeping mission for do us have final wish that the money she had raised for a family in need be paid out if she died we get to fuck my husband and 2. 0, they are cents survived. last year is devastating dress quakes, but 12 year old bill on was killed. and now they live in a new house with quick was a certain foundations provided by the government. but my says, her grief hasn't east las vegas to drag a bit higher in the past year is gone by so quickly like a dream. usually we wouldn't stay away from all children for


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