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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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the the the us secretary of state says there is space for an agreement on does that, but israel's prime minister insist that it's x on the strip will not stop the good to have you with it. this is alice's life and also coming up the israel continue their strikes on southern guns as some of them hitting near a camp in the process of displace ellis, 2 and 3 people are killed in a drone. striking back to of the us says it was targeting an army link to the wrong
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also voting begins in pakistan in a general election already my, my files the, this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that fighting and gaza will not end until israel a cheese what he calls an absolute victory as comments come after him, us put forward its terms for a ceasefire. after meeting netanyahu, the us sector of state warned that the civilian death told in gaza remains to hi anthony. blinking also says that there is still room fund agreement to end the fighting. mohammad junction reports from tennessee in less than a day after how much submitted its response to a potential gauze, a cease fire plan us secretary of state. and to me, blinking arrived in israel, hoping to build on that moment. but hours after meeting with prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu is real all but rejected the current framework for a succession of hostilities. the gum con, she have you as mine? so any further feel hope now is the time for the is riley defense forces to allow safe car doors for the residents of rough. or we shall continue destroying the capabilities of hamas until we achieve that. and i emphasize we have no other option but decisive victory. how much for its part said that unlike is real, they have taken a positive approach to the cease fire proposal and then it then. yeah, oh, well, how cool mid to no end of government. a seeking to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong it's a christian despite the loss has been sustaining and personnel and equipment. with the attempts to hold the war, seemingly at a standstill. one significant point of contention continues to be whether any agreed to cease fire would be permanent. despite the diplomatic setbacks at a press conference and tel aviv lincoln insisted
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a ceasefire. deal between israel and how much was still a possibility. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the israeli government, the response that i'm us sent last night to lead proposal to the united states cutter in egypt and put together to bring the remaining officers home and extend the mentoring pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in monsters response as we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that. we like mostly until we get there. it was an intense day of talks for america's top diplomat. at the end of it, anthony blinking did offer a positive outlook on ultimately finding a path to peace. but he also gave few details about how american now and visions finding a way to end the war. how much enjoyment does either to living is really snipers or
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targeting palestinians in central and southern areas of gaza. sorry, a couple assume reports from roughly more than one point. 3000000 people are crammed into southern colors on the other border with egypt now is very forces are closing in on them. 13 year old we what they had gone out to get to is really snipers sure as to try to reach and also costs. so you find your people to like to ask you why they have to sleep cover leaving half the coins. now appearing this knife is, this is what this show thing at the school having to do to get some water. the house even said the south of roughly what palestinians were told to show to his valuable plaintiff killed several people. the we were at home in the house house, 3 floors,
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a large number of residents. suddenly the heat by rocking from monday through the plane metal. again, a mother's tea is a friend's last good bye. and i pray in the way that some of do so was there for i'd say u s. involvement is not helping what is the lab link? and with the, the more with i just every visit from blinking and state of common things down. it will just make things worse. we get more strikes. we get more bombings in the us as the main participant, leader of the war against the palestinian people, the ones helping designers, entity with weapons and ammunition, and participating in the genocide of the palestinian people with shotuko. these by the army has been dropping leaflets. of course, very bad, and central garza ordering palestinians not to return to the north of district, but they did not tell people what to go to find safety. tal recognizing, oh, just
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a rough, rough and southern gauze and at least 14 people have been killed. that is really your strikes in rasa, a residence, say 2 houses in the area of tell also to struck. israel is expanding its bombings into rasa as it tries to destroy tomas infrastructure. almost half of the strips residents are now in the city. after fleeing fighting for the north and earlier on wednesday, it is really strikes target to the car close to an entertainment event for displaced children in rasa. the officer obtain the footage of the strike, which caused panic among the children and other displaced people. the death toll from that is rarely strike has not been confirmed the united nations secretary general. antonio gutierrez has voiced extreme concern over israel's potential military assault on the rasa gutierrez wanda, strikes on the area would worst,
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and what is already a humanitarian nightmare or diplomatic attitude. james base reports from un headquarters in new york. let me begin by the un secretary general antonio terrace briefing the general assembly on his priorities for the year. a help. garza was at the top of his list. the scale and speed of the conflict. worse than anywhere else in the world, in his 70 is in the job and he will on the death toll may soon rise even more. and i mean, especially a lot of body parts that these really mean setting tends to focus next on dropbox. when hundreds of thousands of palestinians that'd been squeezed in a desperate search for safety. such an action would explain naturally, employees walk is already a humanitarian night to man with untold regional consequences. late to his special coordinator, normally based in jerusalem, brief reporters here at un headquarters guy. he spoke moments of the prime minister netanyahu rejected her master's latest proposal. we we know very well the sweetly
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snow even better, but still planning that having a very active warfare in the area of rough with mold and 1200000 people assembled and rough. uh and kim shalom being the entry point at the moment. the only one actively for you, many, terry and supplies. it would be completely catastrophic. rafa is garza's lifeline and un security council just paused 2 resolutions. calling for humanitarian aid into gauze, it'd be scaled up. this is also ordered by the international court of justice at the end of last month. many observers believe israel is contributing the decisions of these 2 world bodies whose rulings are considered binding international law. james pays out to 0 of the united nations and in gaza city. now at least 13
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palestinians have been killed by is really or strikes in residential neighborhoods . the victims were bombed while getting water for their families. the bodies and those killed and injured had been taken to the baptist hospital houses. here is milo. google is on the ground of the 3 missiles, 3 missiles balls. i would lining up near water. well, those of civilians who with tuesday and just wanted to get their hands on some water damage, have you that a, what is yet another crime committed by that is really forcing us people were gathering around a water source and the appellate the area. i mean, we're trying to get some water for the assignment and this is really jet flight, has launched missiles at them and dozens will kill them any more. and yet if you're going to show the no, we would just spinning some jobs. you know, the d b is re be planes, fog missiles, the most money was killed to pieces. oh oh my god. 2 yeah,
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i mean my father was killed, he was everything to me. i am a talk to him. my father spent a fortune for me to kind of talk so he died in front of my eyes and i'm standing helpless. who is responsible? says what wrong did he do? this amount of guard pious and benevolent taken care of in need. he was getting a job with water. nothing moved. he did not do anything wrong. what can we do now? may god punish those responsible to. oh dear god, where do we go? where do we run to work too hard for our lives? do some sick for these victims, please forgot. say save them to shut up. dozens of dead bodies and more of the injured were brought to the baptist hospital. you're already short staffed medical workers here struggling. these reinforces continue to not only be
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significant area, but also launch attacks against begins to feel overcrowding, and on the hygiene and conditions and make shift camps throughout the gaza strip have created hot spots for viruses and disease to flourish. or recent spike and hepatitis cases has left many palestinians fighting against an invisible enemy, even as war rages around them and run the reports. it's hard to keep one self isolated in overcrowded place like this camp in 0 butler in central causes for much al, well he recently diagnosed with hepatitis the condition that spreads from close contact with this. it's an added layer of challenge model. and then your most of the yes and then you want to look at in his head. my son has been feeling for t losing appetite and has a fever. there's an outbreak of berries, diseases, children in the trans next, drones or suffering hepatitis. and i fear for him,
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especially since his eyes are turning yellow as well as this year. and i'm getting this, but i can see what he might have to do that much to faces, the daunting task of isolating to prevent spreading the disease. amongst his 40 relatives who have been displaced from northern gaza. the sold oregon, one of his mom is doing her best to keep things clean. but she says it's far from easy. this is a chance housing for the people, including my family and in those. and they are for helping children living in the same to the doctor, such as to isolate the 6 months. for god's sake. how can we do this? you tell me, my husband, 4 children, i sleep in this tiny spot. how can we separate this thing? only this is not even protected from rain water or sewage. this camp in bureau by law has become the last refuge for thousands from across the gaza. but with sewage leaking between 10 and garbage piling up everywhere, the situation only seems to be worse in local health officials recently reported an
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outbreak of hepatitis a. it's been made worse by the constant over crowning, and people being unable to shower or keep proper hygiene. those low rates and stuff, the other is those type of types of phase caused by a virus. it spreads to replace contract, not in the same way as a corona virus, is the virus is concentrated in saliva. have that is why it is easily contract through spins towels, and even pillars must have caused a symptom similar to the fluid. like stomach ache and diarrhea, even fi button is really forces move deeper into con eunice house to mean families are facing constant over crowding. unless wait for food, water and whatever, medical aid is still available. lice, basic necessities have become rare. commodities here. ronald han elders here in other news, know that you it says that it was behind the missile strike, east of iraq's capital. at least 3 people were killed when a car was hit, there was a 0, has learned that senior command,
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the ron and lynx farm is worth targeted. police say for blast rock, the self destructive fact that following a drone strike of the house m sent this update from back to this is what the drum unit of change to the the tech support over the past few days. a couple of strikes to the rock through the rest of the city of the 16 people today. this is different to go start a couple of the sides. it costs in this crowd in the neighborhood. and a couple of to columbus from situation is very
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close and that's why that might go close to finally days of the 2 men just that i've now and it's a very little seeing us. so the members of the auction and also trying to are also asking journalists to leave the area. you can see things on from about that and a possible drone strike has been reported in the eastern part of syria, according to local media. explosions have been heard at the base of a mar oil field that's in there is, or it comes days after a drones struck the largest us military base in syria, in that same area. at least 6 fighters from the syrian democratic forces were killed in that attack. we are also getting reports of strikes in human resources.
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claim that there has been a hit on the rust is the area in the city of a data in western europe. and they're also claiming that there been strikes in the backing districts the still ahead on alpha 0, where in the democratic republic of congo where thousands of people have been forced from their homes, will explain why we live in the latest as falls open in a contest the general election, the the california is the big story and the us has been studying re this is in the harvey deserts uses enough to wash roads away. that's been the case for the west on the coast as well. just been lot of snow up in the mountains,
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which is probably welcome. but i think 1st you'll see the end over. there is more rain coming off as much. is going south of the mexican border delivering a lot most natalie, nevada, for example, a bits of ours and as well, a full coolness states. again, probably welcome style. eventually. ahead is that the last head of a storm is this one here is circulating the snow to north dakota and rain of thoughts to the great lakes. now carry on. moving slow to east was during friday fridays are fairly dry picture through california. as you'll notice, i'm sure there's a welcome relief. 2016 degrees in headlight for this asked very strongly whether recently in cuba. so have on their soul some funding enough to get the ra, the rest, a graph that you'll notice that rate is move on. and the full cost is for to be of the small arrives the caribbean and what's happening. so trade winds complete the wrong direction. so whether is completely different to what you might expect to the damage in the caribbean, south america, we've had some big chiles recently. they could be repeats as file se, se, brazil,
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on the heat, but it was more that's going to be an option to, you know, the, the latest news as it breaks. they have actually came to the civilian medical facility and what seems to be a target to assess the nation with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been target. this schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters and graveyards and fearless journalism. allegations of to, to have increased during, as well as will in garza from be things to withholding medication. the the
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e mails is 0. reminder of our headlines this our us secretary of state anthony blink. it says that there is space for an agreement to be reached on a ceasefire in gaza speaking and telling me he wanted. the proposal by a mosque has what he called clear non starters. that called on israel to ensure the flow of humanitarian a now has 0 hesitating footage, showing the moment it is really striking part of the car close to cancer displaced . people bring an antique scene of events for children. in ross on the strike was widespread. the united states has confirmed that it carried out to me, science strikes on a car that killed at least 3 people east of the rocks, capital bank that houses 0 has learned that senior commanders of any rom, linked on group or targeted oppose have open for the general elections in pakistan, the vote was delayed twice last year over political unrest. it is now taking place
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despite security concerns, as long states claimed responsibility for bombing and the south western province of baluchistan, which killed at least $28.00 people on wednesday. more than a 128000000 people are set to decide on the who will lead them for the next 5 years . former prime minister in ron con is in prison and cannot run front runner is cons . former rival, the 3 time prime minister, no, was sharif, he's running against belong a bill of wild with those are dar, each german of the pakistan people's party. this election comes at a crucial time for pakistan after months of political and economic troubles come a height or is in islamabad. so just yesterday we saw those attacks in southern pakistan and baluchistan, as we were saying today, a 128000000 voters called upon to vote. talk to us about the security concerns today, as well as security concerns for the
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government pad or mile. and we've just been getting messages from the interior ministry that internet services, telephone services off temporarily suspended because of the security threat, a 650000 figured the 4th is but fanatic. have been deployed. this includes, the police brought the military and the regular military forces to ensure that this is a beach for the election. pointing has already started. we were supposed to be outside the boiling station, but because of those communication a suspension, we were not able to do that. people that are already now going to be costing a lot of. and of course, as you mentioned, the security concerns of a high focused on their scro. you get bored every day. i've gotten this done at the door from also for the border where the ron because of the security threat. now it shouldn't be understood that it hadn't been criticism that block in federal phone
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service. the internet services with john nash deputation of the government a be by want a fed and free election. they said that you mentioned rate culture because they're coming at the time or in the country is something that's the worst economic trying to say then should go to deal is. so is another problem. so indeed, over 90000 forwarding stations, 128000000 registered and worked good for didn't really be interesting to see what the, what uh to now there's going to be because that is going to be the brochure. in fact, uh me, come out. can you explain to our viewers how pack a 70 voters generally cast their ballot? i mean, the decision making process do they tend to be always aligned with the main parties and the main names and pakistani politics and stick with those. with those parties be at the pgp, the dpi, the, at the other man, or do they vote on issues,
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and if so, what would those be? the very 1st of all, it's very important to understand that a large segment of the population is under the age of 30 young people have seen these politicians come and go from doors are doing that you mentioned didn't if didn't grow or going from father good fund or got a and show on that there's something that they young population does not support and therefore they will, bringing the hopes on m. ron con, who of course has already and j, as well as party estate, one of the most popular part games. but they're going to be finding independence and it really be important to see what happens today because there is a very large done out there and it could be a surprise of costco is political part the charger and the progress on much let me leave now was about good on people, far the, some of the religious party, like the jamal, just allow me, the jump me, i don't know,
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my islam. would it be able to get some watch in that case? strong hole is, but this is a different focused on and bring to gain the paper george focused on take and solve it draws a bar d that came with the promise of change and also to be able to go ahead for the country out of the political and economic crisis when i come either of thank you very much for all of that context that's come all high to reporting from some of that we can go to as a big now. who's on the phone from lahore? i said we expected to have you envisioned, but as come out just explained we're having communications issues, not just us, but because columns are down in parts of pakistan. explain that to us. says absolutely. now there's been a message been tied by the interior ministry saying that because of the deteriorating security situation, they forced to closed on part of the phone. that was not many detracted to say that they were expecting this to happen. that the excuse of the security situation will
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be used to close that network and the internet. now i'm here in the hold. it's the capital of the punjab, probably the most popular scrubbing and the terrorist attacks. so those are the tests that they have been taking place and different companies like that but but interest on the what's the execute on for them to close on the internet in punjab, both on the board for example. now, what's important to know to that many people have been saying that the ministry is involved and the density communications authority is not changed by which side of general. and that he has the ability not only to close on websites, but also to turn up the internet not every time the him on con, positive p t i have k, that's any event online election related. we've shut down the internet and have the ability to do that, get the authority to do that. i need the important to note that the non con, uh amazon cpi has relied heavily on social media. they've had websites and so i
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think they're supposed to think of who to vote for, especially since the symbol of the cricket, but has been removed from the by that. but why can't tell you from the or is that the feeling on the streets, every single person, young person, i've spoken to all the days of that. you told me that the voting for the medical and the few joining the majority of people that have spoken to me this morning. i've told me that they will be voting for amazon and the p. p a they've, i'm, and long con plus it is relying heavily on a higher vote to turn eyes to try and win this election old. although the off, i think that's independent. no, it's interesting. the context on him are on cons. footprints on these elections, even though of course he's not on the ballot and he's in jail and he, he obviously by definition cannot run as a big thank you for fighting through those, those communications issues. that's as a big reporting from lahore in punjab. of the democratic republic of congo is government says it's taken back control of
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a crucial town in the east and soccer was surrounded by em. 23 rebels doing heavy fighting with government troops. thousands of civilians began to track to the north, keeping capital goma for their safety. barbara and go part reports. a south african piece kicking come for the closing right between soccer and the eastern democratic republic of congress. as part of a south african regional mission, supporting companies soldiers to protect the north keys with capital gay months from advancing. m. 23 rebels. thousands of people had been forced to leave villages around saki during heavy fighting. we saw soldiers running away from the positions as find interrupted between theme and the rebels. that's why we left the finding was too intense in the setting. the most of the situation in soc is, it's very bad, heavy fighting between soldiers and 23 levels. they have attacked with heavy guns and bones, fell on the 16th. this is why we're leaving for the government soldiers and un
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peacekeepers has been struggling to contain and punted 3 rebels since late 2021. wednesday. griff pre launched history fairly in the united nations fax government, accusations that one to the supporting devices but wanted the nice vis. registrar says replace the survey or as you know the situation on the ground is very warming and alarming. it raises the risk of a regional explosion, right? any rate of a very strong intensification with the regional characteristics or an increased regional component with the involvement of different countries in the region. to a great to extent president felix just a kathy promise to deal with the violence that needs to contact you in his reelection campaign by betty a month since 1 december elections were able to define his authority to you and has
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us the government to send reinforcements to a 2 ri, north and south keep provinces. as peacekeepers prepared to withdraw from the d. c . by the end of the barbara and good past, i'll just say era. thousands of in formal salt miners in west, in uganda, or struggling to make ends meet. they work for long periods without protective clothing increasing the risk of waterborne diseases. lake comfort way is uganda is largest salt mine and an important resource for the growing industry. katherine story reports. uganda is the largest source of my seats on the shores of lake hacked me. most of the sold extracted here is exported to neighboring countries. we find regina double high debt walk scraping through crystals in mock. you want to with a stand of glasses high, heavy in the air with no protective gas in the high plus sideline. what's the effect? how have a have to go?
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tell me if i stay in the water too long, i get the rush. some of the crystals are sharp, so we often get injuries. we have to improvise with protective gear. we have no choice. this is our life. our report by the united nations development program has found labor, us who are in the water for a long time, are at great risk of contracting, see which one diseases. it also saves long term exposure can cause organ damage. on a good day, regina makes about $3.00. the smell here is fund into the minus say they have to walk very had all day every day to get to the salt. it's hard job, they say with little neutrons. at the other end of the lake.


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