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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the of the us secretary of state says that there is space for an agreement on gaza, but israel's prime minister it insists, attacks on the strip will not stop the serial then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life from the also coming up the,
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there is no lit up in israel's bombing of southern gaza. there strikes him near a camp in rough up to displace the us admits to a drone striking a rock that targeted a norm group link to a run. 3 people have been killed as opposed to opened in pakistan's general election. a policeman is killed after being shot at a folding station in the town preaching the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says that fighting and gaza will not end until israel achieves what he calls an absolute victory. as comments come after him, us put forward their terms for a ceasefire after meeting that and yeah, who the us secretary of state anthony blinking warranted that the civilian death toll remains to i. he also said that there's still room for an agreement to end the fighting. mom injunction reports from tel aviv less than a day after how much submitted its response to a potential gauze,
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a cease fire plan, us secretary of state. and to me blinking arrived in israel, hoping to build on that moment. but hours after meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu is real all but rejected the current framework for a succession of hostilities. the gum con? yeah, yes ma'am. so any further feel hope now is the time for the is riley defense forces to allow safe car doors for the residents of rough. or we shall continue destroying the capabilities of hamas until we achieve that. and i emphasize we have no other option but decisive victoria, i just is how much for its part said that unlike israel's they have taken a positive approach to the cease fire proposal and then it then. yeah, oh, well, how cool mid to no end of government seeking to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong it's a christian despite the most has been sustaining and personnel and a couple minutes with the attempts to hold the war, seemingly at a standstill one significant point of contention continues to be whether any agreed
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to cease fire would be permanent. despite the diplomatic setbacks at a press conference in tel aviv linking insisted a ceasefire. deal between israel and how much was still a possibility. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the israeli government, the response that from us sent last night to lead proposal that the united states cutter in egypt had put together to bring the remaining officers home and extend the mentoring pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in a mazda is response, we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that. we like mostly until we get there. it was an intense day of talks for america's top diplomat. at the end of it, anthony blinking did offer a positive outlook on ultimately finding a path to peace. but he also gave few details about how american now and visions
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finding a way to end the war, how much i'm doing, but it does either televi or is really snipers or targeting palestinians in central and southern areas of gaza. park of was doing reports from roughly more than one point. 3000000 people are crammed into southern goes on near the border with egypt . now is where the forces are closing in on them. 13 year old we what they have gone out to get water is where this noise is sure as to try to reach and also costs. so you find your people to like to ask you what they have to sleep cover, leaving half the coins. now appearing this knife is, this is what this filtering school having to do to get some water on either side of the south of rough or what palestinians were told to show to his valuable plaintiff,
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killed several people. the we were told on the house house 3 flaws, a large number of residents. suddenly the heat by rocking from monday through the plains. oh. again, a mother's tea is a friend's last good bye and upgrade and the way that some of do so was there for i'd say u s. involvement is not helping. what is the link and what does that the just every visit from blinking and state of common things down and will just make things worse. we get more strikes. we get more bombings in the us as the main participant, leader of the war against the palestinian people. the ones helping designers to entity with weapons and ammunition and participating in the genocide of the palestinian people. shotuko these by the army has been dropping leaflets. of course, very bad. and central garza ordering palestinians not to return to the north of
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district, but they did not tell people what to go to find safety. tal recognizing, oh, just a rough, rough and southern gauze. at least 14 people have been killed and is really air strikes in rafa and southern gaza. right? so then say that 2 houses in the area is tell also town or struck. israel is expanding as bombings into rasa as it tries to destroy. how much infrastructure? almost half of the strips residents are now in the city after freeing fighting for the north and the earlier on wednesday and is really strikes target to the car close to an entertainment event for displace children in rasa. the houses 0 obtain footage of the strikes which was 10. it goes you can see and then the children and other displaced people. the death toll from that strike has not been confirmed. 2 united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez has voiced extreme
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concern over israel's potential military assault on rafa. whichever is warranted strikes on the area with worse than what is already a humanitarian nightmare. our diplomatic attitude, james base reports from un headquarters in new york. let me begin by the un secretary general antonio terrace briefing the general assembly on his priorities for the year a help. gaza was at the top of his list, the scale and speed of the conflict. worse than anywhere else in the world, in his 70 is in the job and he will on the death toll may soon rise even more. and that may especially a lot of body parts that these really mean setting tends to focus next on dropbox. when hundreds of thousands of palestinians, it'd been squeezed in a desperate search for safety. such an action would explode naturally, employees walk is already a humanitarian nightmare with untold regional consequences. later, his special coordinator, normally based in jerusalem brief reporters here at un headquarters high. he spoke
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moments off to prime minister netanyahu rejected him, asked his latest proposal. we, we know very well the diesel is no even better, but still planning that having a very active warfare in the area of rough with mold and 1200000 people assembled and rough. uh and kim shalom being the entry point at the moment. the only one actively for you, many, terry and supplies. it would be completely catastrophic. rasa is garza's lifeline and un security council just paused to resolutions. calling for humanitarian aid into gauze, it'd be scaled up. this is also ordered by the international court of justice. the end of last month, many observers believe israel is contributing the decisions of these 2 world bodies
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whose rulings are considered binding international law. james pays out to 0 of the united nations. at least 13 palestinians were killed by his really air strikes and the residential neighborhoods of gaza. city. the victims were bombed while getting water for their families. the bodies of those killed and injured had been taken to the baptist hospital. and als is yours, is my uncle was on the ground 3 missiles, 3 missiles, balls. i would lining up near water. well those of civilians who, with thursday just wanted to get their hands on some water damage. have you that a, what is yet another crime committed? by that is really forcing us people were gathering around a water source independent feeding area and trying to get some water for their families. these really just fight has launched missiles at them and dozens will kill and kill them anymore. and yet if you want to shut the. c no, no, no, no, we would just spinning some jobs. 6 got to do these re,
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re pains fired missiles the most money was killed to pieces. oh oh my god. 2 yeah, i mean my father was killed, he was everything to me. i am a talk to him. my father spent a fortune for me to kind of talk so he died in front of my eyes and i'm standing helpless. who is responsible? says super wrong. did he do this amount of guard pious and benevolent, taken care of all in need? he was getting a job with water. nothing move. he did not do anything wrong. what can we do now? may god punish those response? simple the oh dear god, where do we go? where do we run to virtue? not our lives. do some sick for these victims, please forgot. say save them to shut up. dozens of dead bodies and more of the injured were brought to the baptist hospital. you're already short
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staffed medical workers here strongly. these reinforces continue to not only be significant area, but also launch attacks against begins 9 award deal. the a police officer has been shot dead at a polling station in pakistan as pulls open, the interior ministry temporarily suspended mobile services across the country. a mid security concerns. at least 28 people were killed in a bombing just yesterday on wednesday. in the south western province baluchistan, as long as the state claimed responsibility for that attack, let's get one. all of this with come, i'll hide are in pakistan's capital islamabad. tomorrow we were talking about security last hour and tell us what more, if anything, you know about that attack that claimed the life of a police officer. and also more broadly explained to our viewers. who might be
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wanting to be rail elections in pakistan. and why, where there are 2 trump bird proven stays and doors. the robin said bordering, i've gone next on the high, but both to inquire providence and the southwest and probably in trouble just on which also borders iran. now they are tags, well claimed by this nomic state. this particular tag on the police man happened, and dong, quicker than the southern part of the hive of booked on the pop province of edward j. uh, it was fired upon boiling was suspended in that particular boiling. station now it should be undisturbed dead, but lose a fight to the relative that the bun focused on the flaw made today to have all wild to sabotage the elections and of cause. that is why we have seen a spike and the number of tags on politically active as
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a party lead uh yesterday, uh, one of the, uh, the, one of the leader of the me, a deal with that. my mom also had to narrow escape when it's gone, why it was a short tag in the province of below, just on. so those security concerns were definitely there for those 2 problems in however, and the problems of send and button jobs. there's been a relatively com or adult or the election campaigning has been marred because it was subdued primarily because of the fact that one of the major parties, one of the re, uh, the leadership and then j. and also the fact that the bugger done. mostly i'm leaving a was, i was not able to go out in the public because of the ball performance during the 16 month government of today august, or denver on con, in award of no confidential or the security concerns are very high. are the election commission,
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they're also saying that we can not lift districts and on the internet and send you the services because there's something happens and already been expunged for both. but many of the political leadership had, especially the independence of criticizing the move, saying that this is done to amount to rigging all boxed up. now we're getting the ball is so indeed it den situation on difficult to define 650000 personnel employed in order to ensure that the boys are without any interesting. okay, come a less the security aspect of all of this. let's talk about the politics of this election. give us a viewers guide to who is running in the selection where there are 2 major bar gauge, then they're under and they just bar dave. one bar j belongs to. now why should he have the 3 time prime minister of focused on he is going to be contesting uh for the for getting your uh,
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his party has some stronger than the bun job. but he has suffered that because of the poor performance of the government. because of high inflation. so there well goods and the party leaders were not able to campaign because they did not get a rousing reception from their support to the other party or the focused on people spar date. this is the party, which is the party of the got a labor door, the former prime minister, focused on toward hang by a military dictator. his daughter then came to bol cheap, or this, as a ne did, and her son now below our border demand content. but his strong glory lied in the southern province of sin. then you've got the drum here though. it may slum. this is a religious bar, the leg by more than a foot and the rep on it has some support and the barging area of uh the near
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a bonus dawn and uh it was his bar de offers deck guards are tacked uh and below. just done yesterday and uh joe day or should i have some tradition of the uh, strong voters and then you've got the drum is law, me and the mud call me move main. this is the bar the deck, open head start of garages. so the main contender is being the independence. what supporting m ron con lloyd, are the big guy. you've got the papers party and the bug is done with them. leave know why. all right, tomorrow. hi to reporting somebody. some of that. thank you very much. and as a big is in the hor, with more on the government's decision to shut down the internet on election day. this is the most popular as for capital. and is the most popular this problem it's now we've been speaking. do people have all morning and that is this internet outage? this phones going down was expected by many, many people, a very skeptical about what the hearing from the interior ministry, the fact that the security issues,
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those security issues don't exist here in the horror and everyone that we've spoken to so far, at least under the age of the t a said that they will be voting for him or on cons . p t i part, you know, of course, and mark on is on the ballot paper, but he still remains the most popular politician in the country despite being in jail. despite the symbol for his party, the crickets back to big removed from the ballots paper. and many of these candidates have been targeted. in fact, yes to female candidates. the standing in this election was still in prison. and everyone that we've spoken to this morning, the majority of people say that they will be supporting, he's part, he's not the internet and the phone lines are done. but the reason given for that has been security issues. now, there wasn't a tech yesterday and believe just on provence, but that didn't take place here. so what is the excuse that it's been closed on half now? the chair of the internet authority, the telecommunications authority, is a retired general. then in the past, whenever the guy party has held on line defense and they rely heavily on social media on line,
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he's blocked websites and even shut down the internet. now this will call into question many, we call this into question uh the internet being closed and the impact it would have on the next. and this specifically, the peach party. still a head on alpha 0 will be visiting in u z and gaza. that is far from traditional and has turned into a space of also the ups and downs of china, stock market. we'll be looking at what's behind the volatility to stay with the office. the . so there has been improvement in the weather and east and better of the last few days. so in the immediate future, the breeze is coming up from the south. it may well create some charles in southern turkey or otherwise it's sunshine. and that's true for serious sites. what's to
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egypt for? temperatures will stats too. right now there is a hint. those channels are girl cypress, inter 11 and, and maybe beyond that we might find the bit for the sense, but up until friday things still look sunny and relatively will. and that's true, right? the way across the rock into iran, the breeze is blowing down the gulf. it's been going for 3 or 4 days is still going not quite as strong, but fatty persistent. and then you'll notice this blue here shows running out through the something mountains inside you have to go back and make as average this time of year for collecting rifles about 3 minutes. just think we might get a bit more that but generally speaking and then are widespread with the breezes enough to pick up the sand. and this indication here of what you probably will course and stalled out through pots of saturday and then maybe into iraq sometime on friday. if you like, charles around somebody. and if you daily shells emanated from lake victoria, but the heavier rain in africa should be further south and is further south in mozambique. and another gasket with
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a few shows also in cause we live in the top. the . this is the 1st genocide this we see in the real time it's the victims themselves . there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the. the the,
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your watching else is 0 reminder of our headlines, us secretary of state anthony blinking says that there is space for an agreement to be reached on a ceasefire and gaza speaking in tel aviv. he warned to the proposal by how mosque has what he called clear known starters, but you called on israel to insure the flow of humanitarian aid. it is really a striking rasa has targeted a camp car near a cancer displaced people. it happened during an entertainment event to children is realize expanding as bombings. it's around, as it tries to destroy a mouse in for struck the us says that it was behind a miscellaneous strike near a rocks capital. at least 3 people were killed when a car was hit. also 0 has learned that the senior commanders of an iran linked arms roof was targeted. all the options that this update from baghdad. this is what is wrong
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with your name came to the c deposit complex to for the past 2 days. a couple of strikes to the rock through the west of the city of the 60 people today. this is different. so i can go start a couple of them besides the recall in this crowd is called the neighborhood. and a couple of to columbus from this is law information is very sensitive about the clothes. and that's why the level to close the front of it yourself. the to man just that i've now and it's a very motional seen us. so the members of the auction
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and also trying to are also asking journalists to leave the area was you can see things on from that investors and keeping a close eye on china stock markets to see whether the government's rescue plan will succeed. chinese state regulators vowed to take steps to support the ailing economy, but overall confidence remains low. katrina, you reports from badging. chinese stock prices are rebounding, but the country's blue chip company staging, the biggest rally since 2022 chinese technology company. alibaba was among the biggest gain, it's becomes days of the chinese stock market valuation spelled a 5 year low as last week. behind the turnaround, government intervention, china, securities regulators. i'll just take steps to correct down on what it described as malicious. schultz selling an institutional investors to expand their investments.
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some hedge funds and brokerage is reported bands on selling and a state fund dealt the national team, also intervene, helping to stem a sell off. but apple is say, unless small is done to stimulate china, stagnation, economic growth, government efforts could backfire. the expectation is so weak. and that means even if a temporarily, maybe the state can do something to push the stock market up about that would cause more people to sell rather than to buy. so in the short term, actually we have this high risk that a chinese stock market will go down much by the us. the child is growth achieved. last is government target of 5 percent. but the international monetary fund predicts more problems to come to the world's 2nd largest economy. the property sector, a major driver of growth, is in decline with no sign of recovery. time is bulletin stock market is just one
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symptom of a wide spread coincidence prices. the government has so far, refused to implement any major effort to stimulate the economy. and many experts believe that until that happens. gains short lived and pessimism about the countries future. katrina, you all to 0 agent. prosecutors in sweden say that they will end or investigation into explosions on the north stream gas pipelines. vast amounts of methane were released when pipelines transporting russian gas to germany were ruptured. in september 2022, the prosecutors say that they do not have jurisdiction to pursue the case to the democratic republic of congo, which says its armed forces have restored come to the city of san k, after a counter offensive against them. 23. the fighting has forced thousands of people, the fleet, the goma, the arm groups fighters had report to be surrounded, stuck in the east, a crucial step before reaching goma the capital of north people. the situation in
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socket is very bad. heavy fighting between soldiers and 23 levels, they have attacked with heavy guns and bones fell on the 16th. the supplies were leaving for going on. we saw soldiers running away from the positions as find interrupted between theme and the rebels. that's why we left the finding was too intense in the city were running from the fighting between rebels and soldiers. we don't know where we can go, but we can't survive in this situation. it's too much for us. of the cambodian prime minister when men at the arrived in thailand for his 1st official visit in the past, the relationship between the neighboring countries has been difficult. and in recent years, political dissidents in both countries have disappeared. tony chang reports from bangkok. one minute welcome to government house by the ty prime minister, set out how we send it to the cambodian prime ministers 1st visit since taking over from his father,
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one sen last year. he was quick to thank his host for ensuring his visit was mod 5 protests. thanks for your re fi me of your support that not allowing tight territory to be used for any activities for interference in cambodia and internal politics. the same thing, 2nd body or cover band is also give commitment. i'm not loving couple additional as, as a land or for conducting up to activities to interview this talent. a tile storage has been working hauled ahead. this one minutes arrivals pictures posted on social media, show plain clothes totally police outside the home of a permanent cambodian distant who was detained hours later on immigration charges. it's come about gen entire authorities working hand in hand to crack down to silence d sensing voices. you know, the, to the part them back to come was you or you know,
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there to make them disappear and it's not just happening encumbered. yeah. it's happening to all dominican project. 2020 type pro democracy activist, one to them set success was abducted by all men in the cambodian capital he's assumed to have been killed. but neither cambodia, no time, not had that to disclose the results of investigations into his abduction. political environments and cambodia remains deeply repressive under the new p. m. last week. opposition leader kim saca at his 1st appeal hearing against the 2070 a jail sentence. the treason, i would like to make it very clear through the international community the stop being delusion. uh by uh, one minute uh, that one minute can bring change. he will not, as far as long as his father is around his father has not gone away. for decades, thailand was a century for political dissidents,
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playing oppression inside cambodia. but the warm welcome to prime minister home, and that indicates that has now changed. and that these a neighbors very happy to work together to silence each other's critics. tony telling l to 0 bank of to the palestinian museum in the occupied westbank has been closed all through the war on augusta. but it is reopening and stores on sunday to displace the display of beg your pardon to display more than 300 works of art all by god's an artist did. abraham has been for a preview. this is one of the last piece is remaining. not only of the over to work of he does a boot, but of the artist herself, silas to send the offensive cube with her 2 sons and then his really bombardment on gauze in mid october, her house struck her studio, gone. her legacy remembered here the palestinian museum in demo because some of the things are the prices of this, some of those of
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a be on being in the private collection. it's a national does a, a months before the war she about us to bring her paintings home. she dreamt of having an exemption abroad. now her last piece is join more than 300 artworks, of the palestinian museum. old by g as an artist called. this is not an exhibition items were collected from local galleries in the occupied westbank. also from people's living rooms. an attempt to preserve goes as rich art scene now being wiped out. it's a space to protest, organize, or see, or just some of the, some who shared his own paintings and some others from his collection. what's become of his model when the war ends real quite together. but now we need to paint and survive some art this our painting now from this read. they've been displaced to who will cry, but we will then start painting life,
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oranges from nature and laughter. nothing about this exemption is traditional or neat, prominent or dis work place next to younger art. this is


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