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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the search for survivors in gaza, palestinians dig through the rubble of moons after overnight is really air strikes instead of the you're watching all the 0 life from a headquarters, and del 5 also a heads. the is really prime minister dismisses a ceasefire proposal by come us an orders troops to push further into august on
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goes to the polls with the main opposition leader in jails. mobile phone services are suspended nationwide, while security is set up on the us as your strikes. any welcome killed, the commander of the on group catch up since from the which is linked to the color we begin in southern gaza where the is really the army has once again bond homes and stuff. at least 14 people have been killed to women and 5 children are among the dads, dozens more have been injured. israel is expanding its defensive into the software, more than a 1000000 displace. palestinians are seeking refuge. meanwhile, the us sector of state antony blinking says there's still room for an agreement after that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu dismissed a ceasefire proposal. the deal was put forward by him us after mediation by the
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cuts are on egypt. but how much i'm doing reports from taylor bi, a less than a day after how much submitted its response to a potential gauze, a cease fire plan, us secretary of state and to me blinking arrived in israel, hoping to build on that moment. but hours after meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu is real all but rejected the current framework for a succession of hostilities the gum con guzman. so any further feel hope now is the time for the is riley defense forces to allow safe car doors for the residents of rough. or we shall continue destroying the capabilities of hamas until we achieve that. and i emphasize we have no other option but decisive victoria how much for its part said that unlike is real, they have taken a positive approach to the cease fire proposal and then it then. yeah, oh, well, how cool, but mid to no end of government, a system to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong it's a christian despite the most has been sustaining and personnel and
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a couple minutes with the attempts to hold the war, seemingly at a standstill, one significant point of contention continues to be whether any agreed to cease fire would be permanent. despite the diplomatic setbacks at a press conference and tel aviv lincoln insisted a ceasefire. deal between israel and how much was still a possibility. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the israeli government, the response that i'm us sent last night to the proposal that the united states cut her in egypt and put together to bring the remaining officers home and extend the mentoring pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in a mazda is response, as we do things to create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. there was an intense day of talks for
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america's top diplomat. at the end of it, anthony blinking did offer a positive outlook on ultimately finding a path to peace. but he also gave few details about how american now and visions finding a way to end the war, how much i'm doing, what does it tell us? what we have with us hash in my head about are joining us here on set to discuss the passion, what happens next and what you're hearing from your sources about this draft proposal. so basically now they're waiting to hear fish lift from, from either way and about some of the remarks about the, the, particularly the list that has been attached by how mass to the agreement. but we're getting indications that we're moving towards a critical phase of disagreement, which is basically trying to look into the operational aspects of the implementation of the agreement and the space. for example, why was said by having done the leader of how about you saying that one of the
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teams is now going to egypt to talk to the egyptians. and often times, if remember, as those talks usually see the official announcement of an agreement and they are mostly about the logistical aspects of the humanitarian aid. and also the release of the hostages. because it looks truly a delicate operation that takes into account. first of all have asked me to, to recommend, which is the assembly guides to look into the egyptians trying to figure out the where the areas to hand over those captives. and also in involving the, the red cross into, into those tactical aspects of they'll buy successfully and extremely delicate and how much has been insisting over the last few days of the need to respect some of those demands that have been presented in that addendum. and so i think we have reached the point where now we're talking really about those operational aspects of the agreement. despite all those statements you see from leaders in, in different fonts. i think what is happening behind the close is close tools, is
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a real genuine push towards getting so as to to an agreement anytime soon. yeah. okay. that's what i wanted to ask you about something we heard nothing. yeah. who he said he called this delusional even sector se blinked in yesterday, said some of the points are non starter. so how are we to understand these comments over the last 4 months each time we have reached a critical phase and then you've got statements. i would talk to my sources that would say, you know, of those many of those states, those are for domestic consumption. what is happening behind closed doors is totally different. there really we have to remind our viewers that you have from a done in, in much a month. that puts loads of political pressure only. doesn't have these spots of the, well, the bottom it continues. i wouldn't see any chances for any date in the future. so now the rush is to get to the point where you have to stop the agreement and within
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the upcoming days, maximum $10.00 to $15.00 days. you don't, you know, you're not going to wait for them above, because that's what you have more and more pressure on the streets in the most them well about what's happening because everyone understands that the americans and leaders they respond to the world. and this is why there is a cool concerted effort to try to come up with the, with an agreement. but people forget that this is going to be the most difficult agreement between how mass and is why of it's an issue of survival for how about. so this explains why this sticks to some points and they are not in touch with the egyptians. and with a thought is about some aspects of that agreement most. so for these riley's but it's not just about the captives, it's about the political few sort of been benjamin nothing you know, in particular. and now this explains why you're getting those statements from all of the policies. and also when you look at what, nothing you, how has been saying as what, how about you saying it's similar to the way or another. how about these things? we have our own red lines of these riley's, of the lives in a, in
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a way or another. the thing that can push us into submission by accepting their own terms of that to you. right? so it is, it is, it is a very critical phase of the agreement that this explains why not most of the officials, but particularly the government tools of the agreement. and i'll be coming will type the type flip as a, then before. okay, how soon we'll keep across the story. thank you so much for the time being. let's find out what's happening in the gaza strip itself and speak to and even more just joining us from going fast. so honey, as you're hearing, there's a lot of talk about a possible deal to end the fighting, but is really say that they're now turning their focus on ref off. how concerning is that for people who are sheltering and seeking refuge and dropped off where you are? of the yes, that is correct. a lot of talked about a possible seeds fire deal in the foreseeable future. but on the ground, we're seeing the quite the contrary. and nothing at points that
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a deal that is going to be reached at any time soon as intense bombing campaign targeting a different areas in reference to the an over crowded city with more than half of the population of the gaza strip. been squeezed here in this part of the district since the beginning of the war. and since the expansion of the ground invasion in both hon. you understand the central area. but so far, we're looking at overnight a tax and the early hours of this morning for 10 people have been killed in a residential home. they've been shouldering in. we're talking about 2 entire families that displace family one from the northern part. the other one from tanya and has been children and this residential home since the beginning of the war and were killed and over night attacks including women and children in a different attacks and. and the eastern part of the city is not only on and constant and ongoing. a artillery reasoning of the eastern area, almost clearing the entire area from residential buildings and raising the vast majority of farm land and the area,
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but also right do between the very next to the different gods. a border in a salon neighborhood where more residential homes and public facilities have been target, including a chart about organization for people with disabilities. they've been destroyed and, and also a damaging the vast majority of all of its equipment that were prepared to be delivered to people with disabilities. the situation is rough. are getting very, very tough with mounting fear as a result of the intense bombing as well as the immersion. devastating news and bite is really got or from the is really government and bit particularly benjamin netanyahu of the extent to the ext. uh, the extension of, or the expansion of the military operation and a ground invasions and sort of i city just for a lot of people here just to slammed the door shut and in front of any possibility of people who are growing exhausted, tired, the ones in in to this, not a temporary to us, but an extended one that will lead into an integral act of wars in the gaza strip.
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all right, thank you so much, honey. my name is reporting from what of the police officer has been shot dead at a polling station and focused on as the general election gets underway. the interior ministry has temporarily suspended mobile services across the country, citing security concerns. at least 28 people were killed and to bomb attacks on wednesday in the south western province have been interest on. i feel fighters claims responsibility for those attacks. so around a 128000000 bucks on these are eligible to vote on who will lead them for the next 5 years. former prime minister and run con is in prison and bard. the front runner as his former rival, the 3 time prime minister in a was to reach. he's campaign against bill while boots. those are the, are a chairman of the pockets on people's party,
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the election follows months of political and economic turmoil. come oh hi. there is joining us from is lot of bots come all to what extent are security concerns on the minds of voters because we're hearing now that there has been another bomb blast in northwest practiced on yes, in day the dodge reports are coming from a pledge guard collage j which is now dead. i might have gone where there was an incident earlier today. in fact, just a few days before the election. 10 policeman located in a 9th grade where they attacked good. where using tom and imagery and using snipers to target those police man. so there has been a concern as far as the province of high book to inquire, is concerned because this area was sort of dry goods, redwood focused on for my driver. larry, idea of culturally so concerned and below just on where the number of people are
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located in but not just on campaigning has always made or more it's been netted because of those fear the what they're doing now, they're likely to be very low. but that's part of the province of send and one job is concerned. and there's some about this concern that security situation has been studied factory dad's in being any attacks. and i've called getting data administered. he will tell you that the, the blockade or the suspension of the internet and cellular services in regard to security concern, there is a rising demand from the people that they should be lifted immediately. because this is one way for people to communicate with each other, to inform them of their national duty to move the water. now river that did not happen. and the situation of cause, i stated very uncertain as to which rated the election will go with less than 5 hours to go before the closing equity become amply clear. but there had been
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widespread criticism from the international media from the united nation secretary commissioner started the united nations dimension now for human rights has also been saying that there is a huge concern about the violence that display the election. so indeed, a 10 situation, and of course, a landmark election one that has a huge implications for the country and a come on one of the most popular politicians, of course, is not on the ballot. and that's, and we're on con. what influence does he still have as well, interestingly, a birthday, but at the cost in ballad through ports the ballot from the prison, according to the exact voice coming from the prison, then because the elections take place earlier in the prison, we have these unconfirmed reports that they weren't able to get 4500 warranted in our d. i lot. j. richard red. he's been get along with the form of foreign minister of
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buckets done. now why should he have party guard 400 or certain raj and for richard in the southern fund job that prison for the exit polls indicate to 27 for iran con, spar d printed to you only for the know was late. so that of course is an indicator, but the most important and crucial thing here is that focused on it a young country with almost 2 thirds of the population under the age of $35.00 in the young war to enjoy going to be the king make as if this indeed is going to be a fit and free election enamored on funds, party by fall and the most popular party, because the politicians have large straight ability because of their full performance off the ulster denver on con, and promised that they were deliver unemployment or the director di people that are already living below the poverty line. according to the word bank, 40 percent of the population is now living below the poverty line. and this young
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people are pending their hopes on the new leadership away from domestic road. and it's going to be important to see whether they really did make a difference. all right, thank you. come all hides are reporting from as lum about is still a heads on alta 0 or in the eastern democratic republic of congo where thousands of people have been forced from their phones will explain why the house our friends celebrate. and so after watching their side rates consecutive age and tough to find the, the latest news as it breaks, they have actually came to the civilian medical facility in what seems to be a targeted assassination with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been targeted schools in the cause of ship are not only schools,
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there shelters and graveyards and fearless journalism. allegations of georgia has increased steering as well as will in gaza from be things to withholding medication . unique perspective. i want to be but don't want to call even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really helpful. my things thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices. and i'm of the communications on please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs . and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0, the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world?
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a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the color again, here's a reminder of the top stories. the sour is really the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has dismissed the ceasefire proposal by him us, but the us secretary state antony blinked and says there's still room for an agreement. at least 14 people have been killed and is really strikes on homes and dropped off. and southern guns on israel is expanding its defensive into the area where more than a 1000000 displace palestinians commercial security is tight and pompous. donna's voters has to the pools for a general election. the government suspended,
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mobile and internet services 24 hours after bomb blasts. and the south western province of baluchistan till 28 people. the united states as an air strike in iraq has killed at least one high ranking member for an armed group link to iran. for explosives were reported in there were software districts of baghdad. at least 3 people were killed when a car exploded. us forces have recently carried out a series of strikes, targeting cats because one of the armed group is blamed for the killing of 3 us soldiers and a drone strike and jordan last month. my 4th, i've been why had this and by god, and he explains why the rocky government is growing displeased with the us. the attack happens according to the us central command at around $930.00 p. m a little about that local time. and it was a unilateral strike,
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according to the sent to come talk to one high ranking commander that the longest to, to get to f has below his beloved brigades with a side or a bu bucket. a sad, according to the popular and mobilization forces here and according to id is found in the menu of the attack united message to the neighborhood in the, the eastern, the suburbs of the dad last night. the id is his id is show that he is a high ranking commander. he is an advisor and he is a responsible for the drawings and missiles and during the engineering department. as at the popular mobilization forces. as you know, that popular mobilization force is a part of minutes we group group works with or under that you're watching a push real estate minutes, the institution, but the he belongs to. could tub has below it to the us of lames for cutting out dozens of attacks against us and coalition forces in iraq and syria. and also the
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in the region. thousands of people are fleeting, heavy fighting in the democratic republic of congo. government forces are battling rebels from the m 23 group. army commanders say they've re gain control of the strategically important town of soccer game. civilians are escaping to the city of goma, the capital of north cable province. barbara and sofa has more. as a south african piece, keeping completely close and right between south. okay. and the eastern democratic republic of congress is part of a south african regional mission, supporting companies soldiers to protect the north keys with capital goodman from advancing. m. 23 rebels. thousands of people had been forced to leave villages around saki during heavy fighting. we saw soldiers running away from the positions as find interrupted between theme and the rebels. that's why we left the finding was too intense in the city. the most of the situation in stock,
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it is very bad. heavy fighting between soldiers and 23 levels. they have attacked with heavy guns and bones, fell in the city. the supply when leaving forego my government, sold. as a new and peacekeepers have been struggling to contain and punted 3 rebels since late 2021. wednesday. griff pre launched at st. valley and of the united nations facts. government accusations that wanda is supporting devices but wanted to nice best. let's just says replace the survey or as you know, the situation on the ground is very warming and alarming. it raises the risk of a regional explosion, right? any rate of a very strong intensification with a regional characteristic or an increased regional component with the involvement of different countries in the region. to a great to extent president felix just a kathy promised to deal with the violence that needs to contact you in his re
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election campaign. but fatty a month since 1 december elections rebels to define his authority to you and has us the government to send reinforcements to a turi north and south keep of provinces. as peacekeepers prepared to withdraw from the d. i. c. by the end of the barbara and i passed out this era, investors are keeping a close eye on china stock market to see whether the government's rest coupon will succeed. chinese state regulator is valid to take steps to support the ailing economy. but overall confidence remains low. katrina, you reports from basing. the chinese stock prices are rebounding, but the country's blue chip company staging, the biggest rally since 2022 chinese technology company. alibaba was among the biggest gain is becomes days of the chinese stock market. valuations felt a 5 year low as last week. behind the turnaround government intervention china securities regulates avowed,
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to take steps to correct down on what it described as malicious, schultz selling an institutional investors to expand their investments. some hedge funds and brokerage has reported bands on selling and estate fund dubbed the national team also intervene, helping to stem a cell off. but apple is se unless small is done to stimulate china stagnation, economic growth, government efforts could backfire. the expectation is so weak. and that means, even if temporarily, maybe the states can do something to push the stock market up, but that would cause more people to sell rather than to buy. so in the short term, actually we have this high risk that a chinese stock market will go down much further. chinese course, the chief last is government target of 5 percent. but the international monetary fund predicts more problems to come to the world's 2nd largest economy. the
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property sector, a major driver of growth, is in decline with no sign of recovery. time is bulletin stock market is just one symptom of a wide spread coincidence prices. the government has so far refused to implement any major effort to stimulate the economy. and many experts believe that until that happens, gains short lived and pessimism about the countries future. katrina, you all to 0 agent? volcano in iceland is a rough thing for the 3rd time and 2 months. lava is gushing from cracks and the ground on the rec, you know, spin into a lot its 4000 people in a nearby fishing town were evacuated in december when similar volcanic activity destroyed homes. iceland has more than 30 active volcanoes, making it a prime destination for throw seekers.
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the host katara had beaten iran 3 to to reach back to back asian cup finals. the defending champions will not face jordan on saturday for the title and the richardson reports from us, the amount of stadium and alpha in a 51 match tournaments, no sign wants to see that seem coming up, show a game number, 50 hosts and title holders capsule taking on 3 ton champions iran for a place and the agent cups. i know iran couldn't decide for a bunch of stones, drove a forward sort of move, going head over heels with his country ahead in the 4 minutes. cancel a from a thief, then decided to make his mode on the game for setting up his team's equalizer, and asked about adding another stand out moment, so he's highlight reel capsule. let's see. one up. thanks to his fist on the video
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assistant refer, rebuilt. the 2nd total function going around, given a penalty on both out of reza, john bush, getting home the sport kick unless twist would touch on his way home. it was only scoring won't prove to be the winning go 3 to the final school. the room have now lost them was 7 asian cup, semi finals. it's council who play jordan insult. today's title this only to the the the how do you think
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the after the spacing trauma capsule. i was hoping in the world cup in 2023. when they last me 3 of that group games, this is redemption for corporate wellness tournaments in 2019 in front of that, hong crowns. they now have a chance to become the 1st country into decades to successfully defended console on the richardson houses here and help them, i mistaken. the weather is next and inside story examines why farmers are protesting in europe. thanks for watching alto 0 and bye bye for now. the on the. well, i think the folks back because there is no misleading the power valley. another
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outbreak of oxy carriers and sitting in the eastern side is kind of maybe the division between 2 different types where the remains this thing here, this frontal system is really quite a contrast where you've got temperatures as low as minus 50. in helsinki you're above freezing in london, so imagine that so there's 2 bits of air coming together, such a contrast, you tend to get significant weather in the case of a higher ground having than maybe no knowledge. there will be some snow folding leaves as golf or cody sweeten for thursday, and then improvement friday and saturday, where it's like to be able to cost for about 3 days. but the real code is to the east scans and they've, and particularly fin helsinki is minus 15. that is the highest by day. now that is extreme for february, even the hosting. anyway, for the next 3 days, it does will not slightly. it's not a ritual by any means, but it should be about minus one by the know, minus 50, that the other side of it to all the bringing in some what i suspect will be welcomed. they possibly temporarily flooding rain through portugal and may be spain
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. and then if i take you ahead to friday, this spreads into a sleep tense. the movement of the po value default and some rather with something else know the, examining the impact of today's headlines. explore and abundance of well cloths program designed to inform. most of the things that expire see the well from a different perspective on al jazeera, curious found those drive their protests home to the european union. a more demonstrations of plans in the revolt against high costs. the climate change policies, food impulse and support for ukraine. so what political inside codes that action has this is inside story.


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