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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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lives here, we make the rule, not selves, they find an enemy and then they try and scrub the people with that and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be use of power around that one out there. the in the search for survivors and gaza palestinians dig through the rubble of homes after overnight is really your strikes in the you're watching l to 0 light from the headquarters and del fine getting navigate is also coming up. israel's prime minister dismisses to cease far proposal. my home us orders troops to push further into august on goes to the polls of the main opposition leader in jail. mobile phone services are suspended nationwide while
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security this stuff up for us says air strikes in iraq have killed the commander of the bond group cut out. it says from the which is linked to iran, the hello. we begin in southern gaza where the is really army has once again, bond homes and stuff. at least 14 people had been killed to women and 5 children are among the dead. dozens more have been injured. israel is expanding its defensive into the software more than a 1000000 displays. palestinians are seeking refuge. yeah, i mean, we were sleeping safely in our home until it exploded on the 1st floor. as you can see, 5 people were martyred and we still don't know the whereabouts of the rest where they transferred to the query or the european hospital. we're at the european hospital here, but we don't know where they are. my mother is an elderly woman,
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she's 90 years old and we don't know where she is so many. is there safety in this world? there isn't. i swear to god, there's no safety. i fled con eunice to rasa. and here they bombed us in rasa neighborhood of joining us in, but i fell off. so honey, how our people dealing with the expand it is really offensive into it off. so yes, very in very distressing situations right now in dropbox did you, we, we were able to talk briefly to some people about how to feel about all of this. and in fact, the over whelming reaction here is the panic state of panic stood awards, high level of concern as people don't have any other place to go to a little on a safety plan. because so far they've been a display of since the beginning of this would have been on the move for the past 4 months, almost. and
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a busy providing for their families wherever they are able to get it from the market to getting them water food or trying to protect them from falling sick. because hospitals now are over one, been unable to receive them and provide any medical attention. they've been overwhelmed, exhausted, and busy, and on top of this now, a news state of worry and concern as a is really intention of expanding the military operation in dropbox. it is making it very difficult for him to comprehend what are they going to do in the coming days if this happens for the southern part is the different guys a border in which palestinians are whole, but they're not going to be pushed all the way to crossover, because this is only feed into a permanent displacement, just recalling a history. and what happens is they're on south 3rd 1948, but it's stay and the drug has also dangerous, given that these very the mother to are you having to provide it any safety plan or a safe career doors for people to leave that off or at the same time there are
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talks of, of this military operation will be expanded to include areas in the sense, from part of the gas to including data to buy and the western part of, of this, the refugee camp that's of the western side of the central part of the gaza strip though, these 2 areas in the central part and robot had been larger, designated as a safe zones for people to evacuate, to in order to avoid being bombed into another part and gaza. but now, in each passing that we're seeing more displace house, that is just an overnight attack. those who sells as is a casual disease of the attacks that happen to be displaced, palestinians of, from the central area and gaza. a city of 14 people to from 2 families, including women and its children. so far there were yeah, the, the over with my feeling is that these route is not at the go into a offer, palate city and anything to hold for. in fact,
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the narrative. so far is talking about is read, has a slammed the door shut in the front door in the face of any piece deal or seeds fire deal. okay, thank you, honey. what was reporting from what i saw in the self with the adjuster? well, speaking of a deal to us, talk through states as there's still room for an agreement. so after israel's prime minister dismiss propose ceasefire terms from from us a new round of negotiations mediated by egypt. and cats are still expected to go ahead on thursday in cairo. well, how much i'm doing reports from tel aviv less than a day after how much submitted its response to a potential gauze, a cease fire plan, us secretary of state and to me blinking arrived in israel, hoping to build on that moment. but hours after meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu is real all but rejected the current framework for association of hostilities. the gum con? yeah, yes ma'am. so any further feel hope now is the time for the is riley defense forces
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to allow safe car doors for the residents of rough. or we shall continue destroying the capabilities of hamas until we achieve that. and i emphasize we have no other option but decisive victory is how much for its part said that unlike is real, they have taken a positive approach to the cease fire proposal and then it in. yeah, oh, well, how cool that meant to no end of government a system to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong its aggression despite the loss as the sustaining and personnel and equipment. with the attempts to hold the war, seemingly at a standstill, one significant point of contention continues to be whether any agreed to cease fire would be permanent. despite the diplomatic setbacks at a press conference in tel aviv lincoln insisted a ceasefire. deal between israel and how much was still a possibility. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the israeli government,
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the response that from us sent last night to lead proposal that the united states cutter in egypt had put together to bring the remaining officers home. and extend the mandatory pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in monsters response, we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. it was an intense day of talks for america's top diplomat. at the end of it, anthony blinking did offer a positive outlook on ultimately finding a prompt piece. but he also gave few details about how american now and visions finding a way to end the war. how much i'm doing with it is either to love it. let's get an update with a hash in my head, but he's joining us here on the sat in the office. so hash of what are we learning about this new round of negotiations that's reported? lead taking place and kyra it is now the critical phase of the,
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of the tool to try to implement disagreement of this explains why, how much is sending his phone delegation to egypt. often times, like we saw with the previous deals, so long as they go to egypt, that they would have to talk into the intelligence officials about the logistical and operational aspects of the agreement. and when we say that, we mean to things the humanitarian aid and the flow of 8 until it goes on a daily basis. and also the release of the hospice is the way it's going to be handled by how much time it over to the red cross. and some of them they would have to might have to cross into egypt and then all the way back into the as well. this is the most critical because also these riley's, we'd have to come back with some answers as to the proposal that was submitted by hand us which that it is positive. but at the same time, it has its own benchmark for what it considers to be legitimate demand to move
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forward. but this might take some time for the simple reason that bestbuy. it is an extraordinary moment in these parts of the well because we're not talking just about a deal between is right and how much it is coupled with another tool to do political gold by the automatic is which is that hoping if it did help us before a lot of on it could be conducive to live ation between the saudis and these writers. but at the same time, they are trying to work out what happens next for gaza. and what do we say? what happens next? what does a, who's going to take over if, how says management capabilities, for example, what to be degraded by 70 to 80 percent then the policy or for the 2 would be invited. and medicaid regional players, they would have to be asked to put more political and financial leverage. so they have that become a new political reality. and this explains why the way you see those that those types of is coming from leaders. if they sponsor the west these days about the deal,
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it explains why there's a great deal of anxiety about what's next. but is it safe to say that we do expect to see changes in the draft proposal that's come us put forward because we did have reaction from the is really is from the prime minister. he basically dismissed as an even sector, as a blinking called some of the points raised and not a drop proposal on starters. so i've been coming, bring those uh those tools to bring about a did over the last few months. and each time they are into the thick of the things this talk leaks and to get statements, those statements not necessarily to effective of what is happening behind closed doors. that moving forward to, towards establishing it to establishing a do you know, how much one space to be through 3 phases. mm hm. so if it starts in about $2.00 to $3.00 weeks from now, the ultimate goal for the i'm not because for example, in particular, and this out is, if you found the, the,
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if you saw the deal during obama done, which is love's holy as month. it would be really positive news to everyone in the spots of the wealth. it could also favor the way for more talks about a normalization, obviously, whether or not because i'm hoping to achieve the off the. so this is why the us so in to connect to that today. i have to say just from the visits of key officials, especially the americans to this bottom of the world, by the way, blinking was here. and then he left on here and he wasn't sound. your baby came to doha and then went to the to, to, to, to isabel because they have their own package and they want everyone to be on board altima could, this is what they would like to achieve. they say, if we manage this to, if we can convince the saudis to normalize ties with, with, with, with these, right, can you believe it's the most powerful? so in the nation of these spots of the world, normalizing relations with other vibe, that means everyone has to follow suit. right. and by doing this,
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you're saying that's finally we'd be able to isolate iran, indeed on allies in the region, particularly and serial about it. and iraq, it looks like an over, i'm vicious bill by the americans of you know, trying to convince everyone to be on board. however, the facing of providence, if you want us to follow you, we need a dean now based our own people. and this explains the semantics that we've been sick over the last 48 hours. okay, how soon? how about a thank you so much. i of the in other news, at least 7 police officers have been killed and practiced on as the general election got under way. the interior minister has temporarily suspended mobile services across the country, citing security concerns, at least 28 people were killed in to bomb attacks on wednesday in the south western province, i believe just on i saw fighters claimed responsibility for those attacks. so
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voters and police just on problems have been going to the polls despite yesterday's last. only for these a series of voting is on national duty and everyone should do it when i came here to vote for a better future. the security arrangements of what convinced me to leave home and come to the pulse. i urge my brothers to come and vote and muddy the joining if there are security worries, of course, because of the blast yesterday. but so there is a worry. but if we came out toward any of it for the sake of our futures, do we hope for the best? come all hi, there is running us now from his line about on this is so a security concerns come out. i mean, how real is it? because we're hearing that there's been yet another bomb blast in northwest pop, just on just in the past hour. the windows concerns right already that particularly for the 2 provinces and regions of
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the 2 province in the southern region of private book to inquire providence where the tax took place on the police man. many wounded over so many kids. and then to get involved just on know, but not just on i've seen the worst of it going to be, but it will get it yesterday. political campaigning was that the minimum of horse trading was very high because everybody wanted to woo the local candidate. but the situation and finish button job and the capital this summer, but quite normal. however, we are now getting reports that focused on derrick and solve this is them are on fund sparky. the bullying agents are they have been kidnapped in our district with your girlfriend, describable pop robin. they boiling agents that not allowed inside the boiling stations in the bun, job and focused on derrick and solve it, saying that the blog and the suspension of internet and cellular phone services
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showed the clear indication that there you rigging, going on. however, the lead time, ron khan, who didn't j gotcha, invalid to both good or bad, like i knew started everybody there. whatever happens be, but it must exercise their right to work. and that the fate of the country lies in their hand to ensure that the people that able to do up to go ahead with the mandate that they've been given under the constitution. so indeed, allegations, question marks about the fed and free elections. and at the same time, a security predicament and the hyper booked on the flop problems and polluters. ok . so talk to us about the state of play today and how the voting is actually going . and when the polls close to where the pro bowls that supports the growers in less than 2 yards from now at 5 o'clock focused on standard time, it's already bus 2 o'clock here at g m, d. so that basically showed that there's very little time people have been
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complaining because the queueing up everybody really want that day should be able to work wednesday at the boiling station that i mentioned earlier. i did a big question box as to whether this is indeed a fed and re election of the uh, here, uh, united nations, the commission of for human rights had already expressed is apprehension, saying that they were concerned about the wireless. and now the accusations coming from amazon con spar date, which is by far the most popular part in the country accurate additions that boiling agents that not being allowed and did is uh, rigging going on. so it going to be important to see what happens at the end of the day. what did the order go now? if the order turned out a large i know of, of 50 to 60 percent, then we could expect some surprises. but at the moment, the situation quite uncertain. all right, thank you. come all hides are reporting from as lama bonds. still ahead on all the
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0. we're in the eastern democratic republic of congo worth. thousands of people have been forced from their homes. will explain why the now there's still some right in the southern philippines and it may well be in hobbs next day instead of the real heavy stuff. he's fed the star still in indonesia and include most a born here in that. i'm actually sumatra, there are shelves developing in southern town, and that's quite how to get to catch that. he said it's on the high side a very it should be the obvious. so the 3 and a bit and we see a $36.00 or so to you soon last few days it might come down little bit as a breeze picks up from the east and the sun is still shows itself some time. most likely sunday, the still heavy rain in northern australia these thunder storms are real, but rather few of them that in new south wales here the sun is rather more
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prevalent. it's warming up nicely and have laid it $29.00. that was to be showers, freaking out, and the are back in queens and but further west heat is to say to west australia, $41.00 in pest, we might still see a 50 somewhere. for knolls, not many people is there. and you can see why the right of the east coast is a little bit cooler. melvin's to the disappointing. 22. in new zealand robots, christ church temperatures. going to go up and down a little bit festival friday. nice looking down on the sunshine and quite a few sheriffs in no farther than a bit of the influence and the noise and trash changed up to 26. is rain runs out through sort of following the snow on the hills and eventually reaches you in the afternoon. the coveted beyond wells, taken without hesitation. fulton died for power defines how
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well we live here. we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be to the power around now to sierra the the top stories on how to 0 this our fee is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has dismissed the ceasefire proposal by how much. but the us sector, state anthony blinking says there's still room for an agreement. at least 14 people have been killed and it is really strikes on homes and enough,
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and southern gauze on israel is expanding. it's offensive into the area where a tens of thousands of displace palestinians are sheltering. the united states as an air strike in iraq has killed at least one high ranking member for an armed group link to iran. for explosions were reported in the software district of baghdad. at least 3 people were killed when a car exploded. us forces of reasons and carried out a series of strikes, targeting keta emphasis on the on group is blamed for the killing of 3 us soldiers . and a drone strike in jordan. last month with the head is joining us from bank dodge. has there been reaction? moved from the rocky government about the strike. yes indeed. very no. you can feel empty. you as sentiments have been on the rise since this attack on all levels official and non officials with groups. uh, people,
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civilians, victims, families and is you know that probably on top of them this statement by the spokesman of iraq's it, uh, prime minister who stated that it this attack or the multiple data strikes coded but get it out by us forces on iraqi it. so it is probably thing get you, rocky admitted c personnel threatening civil piece in his words and violates iraq sovereignty and also risk the lives of the people. and it also adds that, but what is more dangerous according to the statement, then that is that the international coalition completely exceeds the reasons and the purposes for which it was created on our lands. that's what this statement by this book, someone will be rocks appointments, a says, and it also adds that the past this past, it means the multiple data strikes by us forces when a rocky soil,
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to push to the right to the government more than ever before, to end the mission of this coalition. it means the coalition of the international coalition troops, which has become a factor of instability for a rock. and threatens to drag iraq into a sort of conflict. this is bill pushing the statement from the government, but more than that, it on the groups of the ground, especially the iran, allied on the groups. the popular mobilization forces had been threatening to escalate. they say that from now on the main cause is to threaten to attack us and it's public notice and interest us in the region as you know that this is the 4th. it was tried cut it out by us forces on a rocky soil thought between get your wonky ministry personnel since the beginning of but this year, as you know that this is a swag that was cut it out last night,
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killed a high ranking, committed to the commander with the his beloved brigades, it has been locked, which the united states blames the fort, attending out dozens of attacks on it. cit, minutes. the facilities in iraq and the city since october, the 17th. and namely, the attack on the us tell on the $22.00 the on the boards that are between jordan and cdo, which killed the us minutes, the personnel on january 28th. all right, thanks. you're welcome. what's up in my head for that update from about the thousands of people are fleeting, heavy fighting and the democratic republic of congo government forces are battling rebels to be in 23 groups. army commanders say they've re gain control of the strategically important town of soc a in north cable. province. civilians are escaping to the provincial capital of goma. barbara and go has more of the south african peace keeping. come for the
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close and right between saki and the eastern democratic republic of contents is part of a south african regional mission, supporting companies soldiers to protect the north keys with capital guidelines from advancing and $23.00 rebels. thousands of people have been forced to leave villages to run saki during heavy fighting. we saw soldiers running away from the positions as find interrupted between theme and the rebels. that's why we lift the find him was too intense and assessing the situation and suck it. it's very bad, a be fighting between soldiers and 23 levels. they have a talk with heavy guns and bones fell into 60. this is why we're leaving. forego my government sold as a new and peacekeepers have been struggling to contain and printed 3 rebels since late 2021 wednesday. um, great preloaded history, fairly in the united nations fax government accusations that wanda is supporting
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devices but wanted to nice best let's just says replace the survey or as you know, the situation on the ground is very warming and alarming. it raises the risk of a regional explosion, right? any rate of a very strong intensification with a regional characteristic or an increased regional component with the involvement of different countries in the region. to a great to extent president felix just a kathy promised to deal with the violence that needs to contact you in his re election campaign. but betty, a month since 1 december elections rebels to define his authority to you and has us the government to send reinforcements to a turi north and south. keeping the provinces as peacekeepers, prepared to withdraw from the d. c. by the end of the barbara and got passed to sarah moon, kansas, people die from hunger every year. but you know,
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food is being produced in the world for everyone, but almost a 3rd of it goes to waste climate change and ongoing conflicts are also making the problem worse as a conference in cats are, is looking at ways to ensure people's basic needs are being met image and kimber reports from dell. every it millions of people facing stove ation. 45000000 to fame. children. well, billions of tons of food is going to waste. globally be produced more than 3000000 grains. more than 30 percent of the globally is whiskey. is estimated to millions of people starve to death every year. here at this conference and don't delegates, the discussing high policy makers need to prioritize people's real life to get food and high to store many unnecessary deaths from hunger. national and international trade policies tend to support large agricultural enterprises and corporations who
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dominate the global food market. it's a highly problematic the situation when the corporate sector gets the policy direction to public decision makers. we have seen this in 2021 un foot systems summit where a huge corporations also active in the pesticides on foot sector, influencing heavily the decisions being made by the un. normally, states are to be an international which advocates for the right to adequate food. and nutrition says 60 percent of agricultural land in the world is owned by the rich is 10 percent of the landowners, which along with the corporations ability to set prices, means it's tough for small scale farmers to survive. more skills, thomas and small scale um and local communities, they're not able to actually access the market to sell this product. and so these people have the poor people that's really rely on, you know, the,
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the food services woods from this most can from us. i don't get more to accept, so even afford climate change is a close of food shortages and countries that are experiencing severe weather changes and will on their own food sources or computers that are mostly the climate due to how to navigate. and this is, you know, it is happening since 1918 and we have really been through kenia, over the last 5 years. they have severe drugs because of climate acadia. most about 50 percent of their life is for the last person, but this is kenya. has the opposite problem. flooding across the rest of east africa. the story is the same. use of drugs then flooding the destroys crops. but the biggest cause of still evasion is conflict. something that is also affecting many countries in the region. lexi done plenty, c i p f, along so like climate change,
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those attending this conference say it's absolutely critical. the policies of change to tackle climate change and conflicts and stopped protecting corporations ahead of individuals, basic rights and needs image and came back out to 0. dover, of the palestinian museum and occupied westbank has been closed all through the war in gaza. but its reopening its doors on sunday to display more than 300 works of ours or by gods. an artist need that, but he went for a preview. this is one of the last piece is remaining, not only of the over to work of he does a flute, both of the artist herself, silas to send the offensive cube with her 2 sons. and then his really bombardment on goal is that in mid october, her house struck her studio, gone. her legacy remembered here the palestinian museum in germany. it's hard
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because some of the things i just thought process of this, some of those are just a beyond being in the private collection. it's a national treasure, a months before the war, she by us to bring her paintings home. she dreamt of having an exemption abroad. now her last piece is join more than 300 artworks, of the palestinian museum. old by g as an artist called. this is not an exhibition items were collected from local galleries in the occupied westbank. also from people's living rooms, an attempt to preserve goes as rich art scene. now being wiped out. it's a space to protest, organize, or see, or just some of the, some who shared his own paintings and some others from his collection. what's the model when the war ends will combine together, but now we need to paint and survive some art, this are painting now from this read. they've been displaced to who will cry, but we will then start painting life,
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oranges from nature and laughter. nothing about this exemption is traditional or neat, prominent or this work.


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