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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the greece and despair and stuff is really gonna strikes him palestinian homes killing at least 14 people in southern does the altering elda 0 life from the headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligated to also coming off. israel's prime minister dismisses a cease fire proposal by some uh, some orders troops to push further into the former part, the signing prime minister and a wash of reef cast his vote in parliament treat elections. mobile phone services are suspended nationwide,
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while security is stuff on board from running for president and russia. flood reputed is main challenger, boris. not such and says skill launch as a freeport challenge to overturn his found the hello. we begin in southern gaza where the is really army is expanding its war into it, off off and is really were planes born more homes in the city where palestinians were told to move to for their own safety. 5 children and 2 women are among the 14 people killed and some of the latest strikes dozens more have been injured. others are desperately searching for their missing relatives. the names of the we were sleeping safely in our home until it exploded on the 1st floor. as you can see, 5 people were martyred and we still don't know the whereabouts of the rest where
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they transferred to the query or the european hospital were at the european hospital here. but we don't know where they are. my mother is an elderly woman, she's 90 years old and we don't know where she is so many. is there safety in this world? there isn't. i swear to god, there's no safety. i fled, con eunice to a rasa. and here they bombed us in rasa. over the past 4 months, israel's relentless bombing campaign has forced the people of gaza to flee further and further south. it started in october when hundreds of thousands of people slept the north. after the is really army, announced the 6 hour window for civilians to move past. why the cause of the following month? the is really air force dropped leaflets and villages east of con eunice, ordering residents to evacuate immediately westwards to what is called known shelters. in december is really army gave instructions to residents in the north and center of the gaza strip, to move immediately to shelter is in dayton bluff. january saw israel order hundreds of thousands of people in hon. eunice,
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so i my wasi. many of them were targeted by tanks, artillery shells, and small arms fire as they fled. then at the beginning of this month, the is really defense of industry. you'll go on to announce that once the army had completed what he called its mission and find eunice, they would turn their attention to it off. does the southernmost city of sheltering more than 1300000 people? that's more than half of the strips entire population kind of before just joining us from there, from, from the south of the gaza strip. so obviously a great deal of concern over and is really military assault on rough. uh, what's the current situation now and how concerned are people at this military operation where you are? so yes, there, you know, there is a great deal of concern on the state of panic, particularly for people that have experienced this place been so far more than one
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times then for the rest of the population. this is squeezing this a small part of the gauze and start it's almost one cool. one. the clock right now and it's a little early afternoon, and more reports are emerging from han, eunice, and the northern part, then gauze as to the people within the vicinity of knots in a hospital where targeted and shut out by. 2 snipers, the permit, expensive of the wind squared. unable to get out of the hospital, remove these people are from the streets where they were shot and killed in gauze that more devastating reports of systematic control, demolition of western part of the gospel. all remaining residential buildings are be systematically demolished by controlled explosions. that's happening right at the western part of the gulf took to the point where uh, olsby, then one narrative, making gauze uninhabitable. by the time this whole thing settles down and people can go back, they will not find any of it. is the science of their homes in gauze or the
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northern part bending over night attacks. it gets killed over at 14 people from one family displayed. spend all of this, of course, it just mounting the pressure and the fear on people right here as the there are more warnings by these really military. and those warnings are largely consistent with the statements made by either the military officers or the political leadership of intention of expanding the military operations here overcrowded. the display, its hungry and largest traumatized a single bomb. here again, kill dozens of people just given how over a crowd it's. it is a just a talk so far are the entire area from the eastern parts to the west, through part of the city, from southern part of the border to the northern part with han eunice, all of rough. i had become a major side of relentless attacks. people do not have any choice right now. this
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is the last refuge they have taken as the work order sharply by the military. do seek rep is you to avoid being bombed, but they are being killed. they're being bombed anyways, within width, within days, sometimes an hours of their arrival to a residential homes or tens that they have set up either here in the streets or in the western side of the city and evacuation. it is almost like a mossy. thank you. so much tiny reporting for us from what i saw in the south of the gods district. the us extra estate says that there's still room for an agreement after israel's prime minister dismissed proposed cease fire. turns from us a new round of negotiations, mediations by egypt and cats, are still expected to go ahead on thursday in cairo. how much i'm doing reports from tel aviv less than a day after how much submitted its response to a potential cause a cease fire plan us secretary of state and to me blinking arrived in israel,
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hoping to build on that moment. but hours after meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu is real, all but rejected the current framework for association of hostilities the gum con guzman. so any further feel hope now is the time for the is riley defense forces to allow safe car doors for the residence of rough, or we shall continue destroying the capabilities of hamas until we achieve that. and i emphasize we have no other option but decisive victory. others who is how much for its part said that i'm like is real. they have taken a positive approach to the cease fire proposal and then it then. yeah, oh, well, how cool, but mid to no end of government, a seeking to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong it's a christian despite the most has been sustaining and personnel and equipment with the attempts to hold the war, seemingly at a standstill one significant point of contention continues to be whether any agree to cease fire would be permanent. despite the diplomatic setbacks at
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a press conference and tel aviv lincoln insisted a ceasefire. deal between israel and how much was still a possibility. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the israeli government, the response that i'm us sent last night to the proposal that the united states cut her in egypt and put together to bring the remaining officers home and extend the mentoring pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in monsters response, we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. it was an intense day of talks for america's top diplomat. at the end of it, anthony blinking did offer a positive outlook on ultimately finding a path to peace. but he also gave few details about how american now and visions
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finding a way to end the war, how much i'm doing, but just need to leave a keep. a elder is a political analyst and call them this has hearts the newspaper. and he says that despite dismissing her mazda cx, 5 proposal is really prime minister, is under pressure to secure the release of competence. and i think the neo is trying to eat the cake and the have it, he doesn't want to be portrayed as someone who actually as so you were both imagine before who has executed 100. these ladies who is government is actually a bad to some people even say before a full months ago. so um, he doesn't actually leave the door open when he completely refuses to put a deadline to this floor. but on the other hand, i think that he doesn't want to say no to the president of the united states
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who is personally involved in the efforts to release the prisoners. and finally, i want to remind you that there are several american citizens among them. um, he doesn't want to say no to egypt and the to cut up it's on, you know, is interested in the go see ations. but i'm not sure if, as was mentioned before, that, that the majority of the captives will be alive to ways that they can't wait until uh, you know, and it's on, you know, and how much will it find the actually to the ultimate common ground. okay, we have with us how someone had better. he's running us here in del 5. so despite sort of the dismissal that we heard from nothing yahoo about this draft proposal. we understand that there are ongoing negotiations in cairo on thursday. what are we
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learning about those? indeed, and for this, how about the special, how do you, how yahoo, do they chime on of the, of the, of the group in casa, these are the very powerful people who would have a biggest site, which can take me about how did, how you use and well, and what, how much of is that his presence is a strong indication of that. we're talking about the operational aspects of the agreement. so how much came up with this long list of issues that they say have to be met before they commit themselves to a final agreement? some of those things have to, to do with the humanitarian aids and see if they want to at least $500.00 trucks to be moving inside goes on a daily basis by assault least also about the release of the captives. and you know, when it comes to the release of the captive, this is why the egyptian side becomes extremely crucial in this agreement. the movement of the captive takes place from because the all the way towards the border with egypt and sometimes from egypt all the way back into is right. and this is a strong indication that we're getting to
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a point where they are now into the very stick of things. so when, when you say they're discussing the operational aspects, what does that mean that a deal could be imminent? tasha, well, when blinking was here, he said it's a workable likely event. and couples 5 minutes, a said who was confident, things are positive and the potential for did is that they were waiting for these riley response. but you know, we saw that statement from the attorney, i was saying that it was the original, but i have to say that while you get from behind closed doors, there's a strong indication of that. we are really moving towards putting together something times you. but it's difficult, it could be a match at all, just a few days, maximum 2 weeks of really working hard to, to try to come up with an agreement. one of the things that they are trying to do with is confronting some of the obstacles to particular when it comes to a very clear road map that says, for example, we're starting from today. we agree on all those aspects. and then we go to the 3
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phases that will put together. i have to remind all of you at the same time that the bulk of the agreement was something that was put together by the upsize by they do so by the, i mean, because of these writers themselves when they met in front. right. and what, what change was just the list that was added by how much data. so generally speaking, there was a component that everybody agrees about. and i think of this is just what he's trying to pin down in the upcoming days. okay, awesome. thank you so much for that. the united states as that an air strike and iraq has killed one high ranking member of an armed group link to iran for explosions were reported and there was stuff at the district of baghdad. at least 3 people were killed when a car exploded. us forces have recently carried out a series of strikes targeting cause that if it's by law, the arm group is blamed for the killing of 3 us soldiers and a dro strike in jordan. last month.
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the police 9 police officers have been killed in pockets. dawn as the general election got underway, the interior ministry has temporarily suspended mobile services across the country, citing security concerns, at least 28 people were killed into bomb attacks on wednesday in the south western province of police just on. i still fighters, claimed responsibility for those attacks come out highs are, is that a polling station in his line a badge with an update? the boiling is under way across the fog, a song that over 90000 boiling stations, such as the election commission style for and half the surgeon, the identity guards of each water. and then they are given a ballot paper and a way to choose the candidate after they have done the valid paper behind that particular account. uh, they were their partner de ward. yeah. now this isn't good of
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a crucial election because focused on is probably by economic instability, but they're taking instability. but the key back to the drone will be the one job proven which had 141 feet out of 266 feet for which the nation, the 70 members will be chosen. the elections are also underway in the provinces, days or restriction on cellular phone and internet services regard. according to the engage administrator and the security or not. but that of course, has come under heavy criticism. it is going to be important to see how many people are going to come out towards. if that is indeed a high percentage above 50 percent, then it's good to have a surprising results, like overall focused on in one political instability, insured and, and that they should be able to exercise the fundamentals right under the
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constitution to be able to do that candidate the polling will end at 5 o'clock local time head and focused on edward, then be determined as to what the percentage of the work done. now when be on the exit folders where to start coming back after night. but if it, indeed, one of the most crucial elections in the country's history come, all the data is still ahead on al jazeera volcano. in iceland is a rough thing for the 3rd time in 2 months. the the latest news as it breaks, i'm going to see when they come with detail coverage there. okay. now he's a real thing. again, you can see the thick gray smoke and we can also hear this rumbling from around the
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world. calming wasn't even on the use somebody to just please follow me, say that bringing that tract is a brussel is totally way to be heard feeling the sports like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally been off limits to women, one on one a makes the female athletes flashed into the place and the ring on out to 0. change x analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa the truth? it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars, including his ravings cop concerning his face, is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive the task protection that seen as convocation. inside story on al jazeera, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the top stories on how to 0 this hour. at least 14 people have been killed and is really strikes on homes and dropped off in southern gaza. israel is expand, it gets offensive into the areas where more than a 1000000 displace palestinians are seeking refuge. these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dismissed the ceasefire proposal by hum us the us talk to state answering, blinking says there's still room for an agreement. at least 9 police officers have been killed in protest on as the general election gone under way. the interior
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ministry has temporarily suspended mobile services across the country, citing security concern members of a co ops are meeting and nigeria in an effort to boost unity on support for the west african regional organization. the meeting was convened after bringing a firestone easier, and molly announced plans last month to leave the organization. all 3 are ruled by military leaders who sees power and recent crews. echo aust is also due to discuss the postponement of elections in senegal. awesome, i did the recent joining us now from a boozer in nigeria as much what's been discussed so far. well, 2 things. first of all, this situation in the healy and countries of my lease. uh but it can if possible and is yeah. uh speaker said this particular meeting, which comprises foreign ministers of the countries and other senior officials. so they could not be committed to west africa. states would be looking at the situation there,
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especially after the declaration by the 3 countries of be withdrawing their membership of the organization, leaving mainly 12 members remaining. and that sets of alarm bells across the region, especially when you look at the, when you watch the body language of the office, just yeah, i'm in the course member countries. you will realize that this is not an institution that's. it's an a crisis. and this because at the opening session of this particular meeting, so yeah, you know, what would you, all of them are talking about one thing that the member should withdrawn by these countries, spells doom for the organization as well as didn't just for not only that member states but also uh uh, individuals of people living in those countries, especially in countries where people are struggling to feed people who are dependent on age. so those are but you can sense of the members oh, officials of this which can, i mean, the other thing that has been discussed today is of course, but you situation incentive god, there's a warning development there that was suppressed by the institutions president,
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mr. new to re, as well as representatives of the african union. i'm the united nations, they all said the crisis i sent a go means a lot of trouble lice. i had 4 member states in the region, not on the inside of go to somebody across the region and they say democracy is risk. very often that does, it is reported from a boost i think 2 of months. the only anti war candidates and rushes upcoming elections will not be allowed to run for president the electoral commission. this allowed 15 percent of the signature is required on boris. now that's the ends application. he says he will challenge the ruling at the supreme court. you'll be out shopping for a low, but has more for moscow. the version of destiny is vod from running for president, whose candidacy has been rejected. and he's what to the election commission. he said that the commission had actually rejected the will of tens of millions of russians. he also mentioned that hundreds of thousands of people had donated to the
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millions of approvals just to make the difference campaign possible. back on january the 31st and the day after and on his team submitted the required 100000 signatures in his support. and a few days later the election commission informed that they have found more than 15 percent of mistakes in those signatures. while only for us to send her mistakes were acceptable and also that various industrial said that his team, i was working hard to defend, so to, to speak, the signatures rejected by the commission to prove that they were real. but according to him, it was unrealistic to defend them. all. in addition, is the only anti will presidential hopeful who openly to class his position without fear, to be detained. because nowadays, in russia, any and 2 whole sentiments can be considered discrimination of the russian army, and those are sure it can find themselves in jail. but it's sad to say that laborers in addition, has gained huge support of people who are gaines,
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because that can, ukraine was sold without ro, nice sizes. and thousands of people will literally excuse for days to sign in favor of the distance town to say that became the only chance for them to legally express the anti war sentiment. and despite the fun but no people to believe that not destined could, when he could become the 2nd of to that to me, patient had he been allowed to run something to chrome that would know particularly like the chrome and scroll. it seems to show the country that of lets me present on the special men shop ration and ukraine have overwhelming support. so once again, it's been proven that and t, not any on t who rhetoric should know they had in russia these days. the former presidents of and my husband granted asylum in nicaragua. it comes days after panama top court rejected ricardo martin alleys appeal to throw out an 11 year prison sentence for money laundering. martin natalie had requested protection at nicaragua,
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as embassy and kind of my city. he says he's a victim of political persecution and that his life is in imminent danger. rio de janeiro has declared a dingy fever emergency just before the start of the famous carnival and brazil. more than $360000.00 cases of the mosquito borne disease have been reported since the beginning of this year. that's 4 times higher than last year. dr. is, has started a mass of vaccination campaign and new care centers are due to open in the city. the prime minister pop on again, it has described neighboring australia as a primary partner. his message was delivered in a unique address to the australian parliament following the signing of a security packed in december. and since then, china has proposed a similar pact as beijing increases its military and economic influence in the pacific region. sarah clark reports it was the ceremonial, welcoming camera for the leader of astride his nearest neighbor. james morabe is the 1st leader of
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a pacific nation to address this stride in members of parliament. it is a high privilege i do not take for granted. and my people and myself will trust at this moment as a moment of hold on to fall public duty. it's a month since a state of emergency was declared in pop and you can use capital post mostly as a pay dispute, but the police and public servants turned into rights are off. i reassured estrada that he's country will strive for stability. the country side, the security pack december strategy was giving $130000000.00 to help boost pain. jeez, police force with training equipment and surveillance. but the prime minister says he's nation must also learn to stand on its own 2 feet public any must not continue to be an aide grant resignation. so we to kind of help australia maintain democracy. we say a piece and sure stability in our puddle planet, s, you know,
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pacific a shot or 2 is vying to expand it. security ties with pop and you're getting offering a security packed after the signing of a deal with a strategy a by using is already secured the support of care of us now root and the solomon on it is old 3 severing diplomatic ties, which i want. we know that it's got offers in p and g on the table and has also been talking about security with other countries. so yes, i'm sure i'll scale you is keeping a careful eye on this. the brock is facing his own battles, the time in the wake of last month's rod, which 16 people were killed. he faces a potential motion of confidence in his leadership when he returns home. it's a very difficult time and certainly, you know, there are plenty of people that are willing to lay all of the plants by the door. james morabe, not least because before he is prime minister, he was a finance minister and the for a few stuff. my,
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this is comes ahead of pop on you can east 50th anniversary since gaining independence from australia. hi, mr. murat, i says it's the shared history that shapes the relationship. now is not the time to give up on his nation. sure o'clock. i'll just here. there's been rising temperatures worldwide, have broken another records which climate scientists say serves as a warning to humanity. new data shows, temperature is one and a half degrees hotter than the pre industrial era. that's the level of world leaders said they would try to cap global warming as when they signed the 2015 paras agreements. volcano is an iceland is erupt thing right now for the 3rd time in 2 months. lava is gushing from cracks and the grounds on the rock n. s. peninsula. 4000 people in a nearby fishing town were evacuated in december when similar volcanic activity destroyed homes. iceland has more than 30 active volcanoes, making it
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a prime destination for thrill seekers. and that's it for me, thanks for watching all the 0 as always had online for the latest information and all the headlines. our website is algae 0 dot com. the weather is next. the inside story examines why farmers are protesting in europe by the the, as a rapids. so going on in the middle of china where over the last week or so there's been significant snow the west. what 1520 years. that's thorn, rapid late in cost. that'd be some fed problems now, but weather wise overhead, there's nothing much in the sky for most to china, taking funds reasonably warm and still some theater with the final. and the same applies to the korean peninsula and to japan for the idea of fairly fine with a turkey is about 11 degrees yard shout, possibly, but not much more than that. and even in hong kong things, we can preview from the point of view the readings gone through the cable break up
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and the same is true and tie. well, the ne wants to monsoon is still blowing me so strong as it was. some improvements in an open indian plane new deal is a by 12 in the world's most pollution city, usually that you've been up the top where the fog sits and the smoke is kept with it, but it's been blown away to somebody is more of a breeze that so things have improved. there is forgiven, nighties, missed or shelter fault typically. so you see above it and it clears in the afternoons to roughly average temperatures. similarly, in pakistan and all the exciting but it's gone now the snow stop folding up in the hills and the north and by day is sort of multiple sunshine. mind you. that's clear nights too. so it can be quite chevy. the bony owes rain forests are some of the world's oldest,
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but they are no match for the deadly fires that increasingly rip through them. in the face of mind made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all plans to protect or village fire beneath a witness documentary on. i'm just curious, fontose drive that protests home to the european union, a more of demonstrations, a plan in that revolt against high costs. you climate change policies, food impulse, and support for ukraine. so what political impact could the action have? this is inside story.


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