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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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on al jazeera, the grief and despair in vasa is really as tried, keeps palestinian homes getting at these 14 people. instead of the tell you watching all g 0 live from, don't have with me for the back. people also ahead is rails prime minister dismissed is a ceasefire proposal by a moss and orders chose to push further into rafa foes that closing, in fact the sign in a general election that's been march 5 violins and a barge from running for president in russia. vladimir fulton's main challenge of boys medation phase. the launch is the 3 important challenge to overturn his back.
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the thank you very much for joining us. we begin in 7 guys are where these really armies expand. it gets more into rasa. is there any will pains bond to more homes in the city where palestinians were told to move to for their own safety? 5 children and 2 women are among the 14 people killed and some of the latest strikes dozens and will have been injured. others are desperately searching for the missing relatives. ready the money yeah. i mean we were sleeping safely in our home until it exploded on the 1st floor. as you can see, 5 people were martyred and we still don't know the whereabouts of the rest where they transferred to the community or the european hospital. were at the european hospital here, but we don't know where they are. my mother is an elderly woman, she's 90 years old and we don't know where she is so many. is there safety in this world? there isn't. i swear to god, there's no safety. i fled con units to rasa,
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and here they bombed us in rasa. over the past 4 months is ralph's relentless bombing campaign has forced the people of guys to flee further and further south is started in october when hundreds of 1000 just people said the noise of studies really announce a 6 hour window for civilians to move past warranty garza the following month fees . really, air force drops, leafless in villages. east of con eunice, ordering residency evacuated immediately, west ford's towards what he called known shelters. in december, these really ami gave instructions to residents in the north end center of the gaza strip. to move immediately to shelters in darrow by law. january. so is there an order? hundreds of thousands of people in con eunice to on my wasi. many of them were targeted by time artillery shells and small arms fire as they fled. at the beginning of this month is really defense many so you will have gone to announce that once the army had completed what he called its mission in con units,
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they would turn their attention to rough guys. a southern most city is shot 3 more than 1300000 people as more than half of the strips the entire population. that spring in. i'll just here is hiding my move in profit force in southern golf guys. i'd great deal of concern honey over this potentially is really military a sold on on rafa. this ground operation on profit. tell us about the situation and now just how worried people are of the this was so far, people are experiencing a multi layer. a level of a tragedy is here, donnelly, they have been displaced for the past 4 months, largely hungry, traumatized, but now they are experiencing another threat of being displays. one more time is just an over crowded. the right the here where the they have experience the, the worth of living condition on a president that a human to turn into task for
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a bit from 6 stream shortage of food supplies. water is applied in the medical supplies and the survival items now are being threatened yet one more time that they will be displaced, but the options are very limited. in fact, there are no options at all for safety. the only options that they have right now is going further south and across over today, they jumped inside which a lot of people here are not hoping for this to happen because it will only feed into their permanent displays. but the northern part is not an option because the is right, the military has warrant people of even attempting to go back to their homes, into another part and got us to do just declaring the entire area or the dangerous combat zone. and people will not be allowed to go to their homes any time soon. they are in a very difficult position right now. and the situations are getting very difficult by the hours receipt on this search in the area of the apartment of the area just within the past 2 days will look it up. multiple residential homes were targeted
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and each target just claim a, the dozens life of this place palestinian. just, it's just a reminder that there is no safety place. those who were ordered to evacuate the northern parts and gotten into the central area to come all the way to the south to seek refuge are the ones who are being targeted and killed inside the residential homes have been filtering and whether it's doing overnight, attacks, or yesterdays or within the past if you exist shuddering any sense of security the on save date for them and making the whole narrative a quiet falls and they don't buy it anymore because they know there's no safe place . even the options right now, the deep talk about it, why the, that there is a possibility that they will be displaced in the central area. but learning about that these really minute there is also preparing a ground invasion for the central area, leaving them with the 0 options of safety. what's going on right now? it's more of a torture before the dentist. all of these talks about the seeds fire and
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a possible did. but the same time the preparation for and expanding the ground invasion is just putting people to the very difficult situations right now. honey, thank you for the update, honey, my mood life for us the in a rough in 7 garza, the us secretary of state says there is still room for an agreement. dante is about 5 minutes to dismiss, propose sci fi trends from us. a new round of negotiations mediated by egypt and contact is still expected to go head on thursday in cairo. how much i'm doing before some televi less than a day after how much submitted its response to a potential cause a cease fire plan. us secretary of state and to me blinking arrived in israel, hoping to build on that moment. but hours after meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu is real all but rejected the current framework for association of hostilities the gum con guzman. so any further feel hope now is the time for the
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is riley defense forces to allow safe car doors for the residents of rough. or we shall continue destroying the capabilities of hamas until we achieve that. and i emphasize we have no other option but decisive victory. others who is how much for its part said that i'm like is real. they have taken a positive approach to the cease fire proposal and then it then. yeah, oh, well, how cool mid to no end of government. a seeking to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong it's a christian despite the loss has been sustaining and personnel and equipment. with the attempts to hold the war, seemingly at a standstill. one significant point of contention continues to be whether any agreed to cease fire would be permanent. despite the diplomatic setbacks at a press conference in tell of eve, lincoln insisted a ceasefire deal between israel and how much was still a possibility. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the
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israeli government, the response that i'm us sent last night to the proposal that the united states cutter in egypt had put together to bring the remaining officers home and extend the mentoring pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in monsters response, we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. it was an intense day of talks for america's top diplomat. at the end of it, anthony blinking did offer a positive outlook on ultimately finding a path to peace. but he also gave few details about how american now and visions finding a way to end the war, how much i'm doing, but just need to leave. early i spoke to akiva elder, who was, they call them the said the high rates newspaper in israel. he says this fight dismissing a mazda cx 5 proposal. these are the prime ministers under pressure to secure the
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release of captives. i think the neo is trying to eat the cake and have it. he doesn't want to be portrayed as someone who actually as so you were both imagine before who has executed 100. these ladies who is government is actually a bad to some people even say beach re full months ago. so he doesn't actually leave the door open when he completely refuses to put a deadline to this floor. but on the other hand, i think that he doesn't want to say no to the president of the united states who is personally involved in the efforts to release the prisoners. and finally, i want to remind you that there are several american citizens among them. um,
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he doesn't want to say no to egypt and the to cut off. it's on, you know, is interested in the go see ations. but i'm not sure if, as was mentioned before, that, that the majority of the captives will be alive to ways that they can't wait until uh, you know, and it's on, you know, and how much will it find the absolutely ultimate common ground, the scene of the world news poets have closed in pakistan's general election. it's been a day mark by violence. 9 police officers were killed in attack, seeing the kinds of fact to inquire and below just on provinces. thousands of people were killed in both places on wednesday in separate attacks. the government temporarily suspended mobile phone and internet services for security reasons.
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that's go live to all you do is come out. hider is low on the box, so the poles of clothes come off. what's turn out been like i made these concerns about security of the boys in days game during and just about 10 minutes ago. however, there has been long queues outside some of those falling stations and then are going to be allowed to go in. so that did one complain which has come from the project on jedi, can solve that. these people should have been given more time. the polling star getting late. they were interested in some lions. there was also the fact that some of the, by the office said you weren't supposed to be taking care of the bug is done. teddy can solve but not allowed to go into the boiling stations. and of course, the closure of internet and cellular services,
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which of course has had an impact and it is being heavily criticized. but on the same, at the same time, it is a positive sign that in some areas there's been a large done. now guy spoke to the pockets on teddy again, solved, representative was the one to jane going to lecture and he's also being one of the party folk man. and you said it would encourage him to see so many people to come out and brave their limits, given the fact that their bar did, i gave them wrong cons bar. they had come on the extreme board under extreme control. they were not allowed to can fan a number on con, who's in j cause case ballard through the 4th through the system. yeah, i was going to ask you about that. but you know, the form of cosigning 5 minister who's one of the most popular politicians in the country, not on the ballot and how much that has influence he's, is there still his influence still on this vote despite him not being on the about the right, it's
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a board there is have come out and very large numbers because earlier, as i mentioned, many of their supporters were not allowed to campaign. the police were breaking up . doors can band riley's menu, what are the rest? the even relatives of the contestants were less the address stage. and so that of course became a big impediment. but as popularity has skyrocketed, because the people who see him as a wisdom they see the case is brought against him as frivolous or associated as a travesty of just says. he's got a lot of support overseas as ready to focus on the dashboard outside. we have doors that so many of them had come to buy gift on the flights, were all busy yesterday and they were so many people coming from overseas toward for them. wrong funds. so they support is coming out and trend despite the restrictions. despite the heavy handed tactics of the federal government who
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supports drawer, new dresses, fade and free election, and provide a level playing field to order political parties. thank you very much for that. come, i'll hide reporting their life from is on the batch. let's cross to another correspondent scene practiced on our side bake who's in lahore restrictions also a lahore i side internet and phone services were suspended. busy what's been the impact on, on the vote and the turnout? well, some of the impact of that has been people unable to communicate with this other because the bank holding stations is supposed to be at no point stations have closed is full. those coach cox wife had the clothes just under 15 minutes ago. i forgot to show you. people are still pulling up one thing, 2 boys and they've been banking on these mondays. those are also going to be left tend to be able to vote if i could just speak to one up. unfortunately, i import existing bundle up because the of what the
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notes are, you know. okay. okay. so the way of saying is that they came here to vote for him, ron con. so they wanted more time for the boat upholding, says he should say, opened another unable to vote, and that was what hearing and other parts of the country pulling stations of clothes for. but still people chewing to vote on part of the impact of the internet shut down has been that people are unable to know which that point. busy point sessions are supposed to be voting and also to check websites, and that's the case of in terms of who the how do they just want symbols that candidates has on the body paper? yeah, tell us about the significance of political significance of the whole way. you are of the age, the provincial capital of the job job is the most popular program in the country. there's about 1416, a 4 election here. now it says,
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remember when you read you well, the rest of the country and sounds are really the charts and the significance is that the need to of the book's done mostly at least the wall street suite on 5 minutes and or street and sending to the the frustrated people policy, the book doesn't advise those those settings. yeah. and it's very simple. it in terms of sending for addiction and fighting, there's a really good brand. also in mind cons, p t i t is not by the paper about each candidate for sending independence. one of these tend to days a female type of thing. do i choose something against dogs to me? so it's very symbolic is very significant, and it is the cultural hutsel of lucky son. but as i said, we understand most pulling sessions have enough pills, and some of the votes actually being counted, but they'll still be building the boat. thank you very much for that us on big live in lahore. pakistan still ahead on alger 0 snow storms in icey weather conditions
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disrupts new new year travel plans for millions of people in china. and as okay, know in iceland directing for the 3rd time into the bellows. 2 warnings of high temperatures in knowledge and tina. and she late, but increasingly there's more cloud by day that i'll send this to them so that the attempt to regime is modified quite a lot. the shells might even reach santiago during thursday or friday, otherwise the temperature in the thirty's. now, it's still in the highest lives, no doubt, as it was, in essence, it was down to 36 from 41. so this is a typical pick. it spreads out through the constant shower was virtually any right . it has been pretty warm up in the north east coast you unless it started down for example. but here to the on show brazen increasing, the likelihood of shelves has changed things. not usually whether it's only running
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through the camera being that line of card, which is significant rate is given more than a month with the right to small on the summer time. and there's more rain to come through any of the small contribution ons. the trade winds wrong direction more or less not try when to to be on. that is a fine looking picture at the moment. now, you know there's been funding in california and there's more writing to come through san diego than across the board and to mexico received significant style, i think, for the southern rockies as well. but beyond massive looking fine, the circulation who will bring some right to the great lakes and this to snow, to be found in north dakota, which runs slowly eastwood's during friday. the bone yellows. rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deputy fires that increasingly rip through them. in
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the face of mind made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey and uh the the brought them back and recap and lots of stories on how to 0. at least 14 people have been killed in these really strikes on homes in the rough, fine 7 guys on israel is expanding its offensive into the area way more than a 1000000 to space odyssey means i seeking refuge is really prime minister venue miss. now has the space to cease 5 proposal by a mosque,
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but to us secretary of state down to the blinking phase, there is still hold for an agreement that spring in. i'll just here as hush him i had bought off on this hush him the us secretary of state is right now, leaving tennessee. we have the latest pictures of that. after spending 2 days in israel, he's met with several meet us in the region as well. now, heading back to the us who received empty handed, what happens next? what you know, over these right is officially said that the dismiss as a the, the response of how nice it is not necessarily mean that this is the class of the agreement. because we do understand that all the parties are working behind closed doors. to finalize this and this is phase why, how much has this bush, one of his property does heidi that have to age. you have to talk to the egyptians about some of the aspects of the agreement. now, this is a critical moment of the deed where we're going to expect some grades, you know, in direct talks between how much and these writers to the key me data is the
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categories of age of sions. and just to explain to of us how it goes, the egyptians, we have to tackle the very operational aspects of the agreement to come when it comes to contact with how much minutes for commanders on the ground. and the latest details of the pricing law, special viagra move outside is valiant. that's with the political bureau of how most of the, how to use political offers that we can use to make sure that this thing was i think the general consensus until about the yesterday was that this is going to happen. it could take about a week, 2 weeks, just because it has to go through all the aspects of the agreement for the general consensus. how so, how the mind to some of some of the aspects of the proposals that were made in that agreement and what changes we're likely to see if the discussions and negotiations continue. so the bulk of the agreements was find the lives in paris when the last week when i thought the appointment associated with how is the other from an outstanding met with most of the chief david bonnie a say
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a chief we have best and they just showed intelligence chief, a best comment, so there was that agreement percentage of how about, how about that, okay, we're fine with it. except for them this which they have added, which they think could it be continued conducive to a general idea of how best wants this to be 2 phases. why for the same for reason they want to extend the timeframe for the for the has to be longer than last time, which was this about a week and the longer it gets, it says the strong guarantees that these writers on. this is what israel has an issue with, right? exactly. yeah. so they have the issue with the duration of, as they have an issue with that when it comes to the faces, how much says phase one is about building bridges with these varieties confidence, building bridges, at least only in the 2nd phase, which comes of the end to $45.00 days, that's we would need a final seized by a pub. and then seized by a will is right. like say that these writers,
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these writers officially say we are committed to destroying him, us. and that's what i would ultimately the goal is just to have the, the cup to but we would continue the fight. how can you compromise those? i think this is the goal. now, of the negotiators. yeah. and the fact that negotiations are continuing is a positive sign, and it's indeed right. and i'm also sending a delegation to kyle. we actually do, we know who and whether these really is a sending someone cut into here. here's the number to of how much in gaza, how much has 2222 is 2 k institutions of political 0 based here in doha, on the top command, which is the political ends admitted to base and cause us as a follow up to somebody the highest, okay, strong indications of the people not being because of the ones who are handling the very ultimate most delicate aspects of the agreement. these way it is. well, you get to get more details about the makeup of that dedication. yeah, and i'm sure it'll keep us up to date with everything that's happening. entire awesome, thank you very much for the moment. tasha had a bar. so now members of
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a class so you can only community of west african states. our meeting in nigeria is capital that who jot in an effort to boost unity and support for the west african regional organization. the meeting was convened after 14 or possibly share in molly announced plans last month to leave the organization. all 3, our rules by military leaders will cease power in recent cause echo as is also due to this cost. the postponement of elections in senegal, army decrease has the latest from nigeria as capital approach situation in the healey and country. so finally, uh, what it can if possible and is yeah. speaker, so this particular meeting which comprises foreign ministers of the countries and other senior officials of the cannot be community to of west african states. would be looking at the situation there, especially aftab declination by the 3 countries have be withdrawing their membership of the organization leaving mainly 12 members remaining. and that sets
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of alarm sales across the region. especially when you look at the, when you watch the body language of the office, just yeah, i'm in the course member countries. you will realize that this is an institution that's, it's an, a crisis. and this because at the opening session of this particular meeting here, you know, foods or all of them are talking about one thing that the membership withdrawn by these countries. spells doom for the organization as well as dangerous for not only the member states, but also individuals, people living in those countries, especially in countries where people are struggling to feed people who are dependent on age. so those are the concerns of the members. oh, officials of this, which can, i mean, there's a warning development there that was suppressed by the institutions president, mr. new to re, as well as a representative of african union and the united nations. they all said that the crisis sent a go means a lot of trouble. lice had 4 member states in the region,
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not on the inside to go to somebody across the region. and they said they will proceed. is that risk to thousands of people are fleeing heavy fighting in democratic republic of congo. government forces a battling rebels from the m 23 group. army commanders say they've regained control of the strategically important kind of stuck. a civilians are escaping to the city of go my, the regional capital of north cable province. fiber on go by. has the d test? a south african peacekeeping come for the close. the right between soccer and the eastern democratic republic of congress is part of a south african regional mission. supporting companies soldiers to protect the north keys with capital government from advancing am 23 rebels. thousands of people have been forced to leave villages around saki during heavy fighting. we saw soldiers running away from the positions as find interrupted between theme and the rebels. that's why we left the find him was too intense and assessing the most of
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the situation and soc is very back a the fighting between soldiers and 23 levels. they have a talk with heavy guns and bones, fell on the 16th. this is why we're leaving for the government soldiers. and you and peacekeepers have been struggling to contain and punted 3 rebels since late 2021 wednesday. um, group pre launch tips for valley in the united nations fax government accusations that wanda is supporting devices but wanted to nice vis. registrar says replace the survey or as you know the situation on the ground is very warming and alarming . it raises the risk of a regional explosion, right? any rate of a very strong intensification with the regional characteristics or an increased regional component with the involvement of different countries in the region to a greater extent. president felix just a kathy promise to deal with the violence that needs to contact you in his re
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election campaign. but betty, a month since 1 december elections rebels to define his authority to you and has us the government to send reinforcements to a tory north and south keep of provinces. as peacekeepers prepared to withdraw from the d. c. by the end of the barbara and got passed out his era the only on time war candidates in russia's upcoming elections will not be allowed to run for president. the electoral commission disallowed 15 percent of the signatures required on for his negations application. and that shouldn't says he will challenge the ruling at the supreme court to your shop of on about has more from oscar version. the destiny is bought from running for president, who's candidacy. it has been rejected and he's what the election commission. he said that the commission had actually rejected the will of tens of millions of russians. he also mentioned that hundreds of thousands of people had donated the
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millions of approvals just to make suggestions, campaign possible. back on january the 31st and the day after and on his team submitted the required 100000 signatures in his support. and a few days later the election commission informed that they have found moments 15 percent of mistakes in the signature as well. only for us to send over the stakes were acceptable, announces on burson dash and said that his team, i was working hard to defend, so to, to speak, the signatures rejected by the commission to prove that they were real. but according to him, it was unrealistic to defend them all. in addition, is the only it onto presidential hopeful who openly to class his position without fear to be detained. because nowadays, in russia, any um, 2 whole sentiments can be considered discrimination of the russian army. and those are sure it can find themselves in jail. but it's sad to say that lately boris edition has gained huge support of people who are against the conflict. and ukraine
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was sold without ro, nice sizes, and thousands of people will literally to good for days to sign and say, the destiny. tons of the sea that became the only charles for them to legally express the anti war sentiments. and despite the fun but no vote to believe that not destined could when he could become the 2nd of to that to me page. and had he been allowed to run something to chrome, that would not particularly like the crumbling scroll. it seems to show the country that lets invitation, and the special men show for ration. and you, craig, have overwhelming support. so once again, it's been proven that and t now any anti red trick, it should not be had in russia these days of ok knowing iceland, these erupting for the 3rd time in 2 months. lava is gushing from cracks in the grand on the rake. janice when peninsula 4000 people in a nearby fishing time, we evacuated in december, when simon eval county captivity.


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