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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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to the patients, i'm please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the or the is ready for us is open fire again on palestinians waiting to receive you by the chair. supplies can causes the on the bulk of this is out just a life and so will. so coming up, the kinds of votes is on the way and pockets on up to a general election mon, by violence and accusations of for the cranium. president removes army chief general for larry's illuminating. following days of speculation,
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the us supreme court is donald trump's appeal against being removed from colorado's presidential prime about us. the thanks for joining us. these already army is bombing bombarding. rafa garza southern most city near the border with egypt is supposed to be the last remaining save, so enough to admit, if you would have brought us to use to leave all the areas of the strip. at least 14 people have been killed and some of the lease as a tax on homes there. and it goes to city of the know if he is ready, ami has again opened fire on palestinians waiting to receive you mind the serenade . that'd be multiple reports of similar attacks in the past week. agencies of also accuses ready forces of blocking aid for posting and a solid binge of 8 begins are coverage or the real well how much i didn't hear your voice for so many days. she says. but he's among the 10s of
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thousands of palestinians. you can sign is to put at the body's gift coming as to more residential areas, but targeted by his reinforces the now i swear to god, there is no safety. i said hon units to offer and here they bumped us and refresh the elbow. and the body bags keep binding up because the israel is intensifying its plumbing of the densely populated southern gauze. in fennel, it's on leslie, 40 gun battlefield. we instructed this really army to prepare to operate in the fall, and the 2 cent comes the last remaining strong homes of home us. yes ma'am. the, we're the we're not done. the
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have these really prime minister delivers claims back by new evidence. his army has killed more than 27000 and forcibly displaced nearly 2000000. rougher is now home to hundreds of thousands of people who are forced out by that is really military. a motor tax on tax neighborhoods mean more civilian debts. despite the international court of justice as order to stop acts, which would amount to genocide, loss of her suddenly in the blink of a night, rockets fell on children's women and the elderly. what full? why? because of the upcoming season, if i said and usually before any ceasefire, this happens, this is not offered. oh, we've lived through many was going from 2008 until today. not to mention the one of them before i what is the result before any diesel excuse for the destruction becomes worse? there is not much hope here that is reasonable stop it's offensive. although there
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is a ceasefire idea being negotiated by the egypt and the united states, the us administration has continued to provide military assistance to israel when using words like this. any a military campaign military operation that israel undertakes, needs to put civilians. first and foremost in mind, but that message is clearly being ignored by israel, which is indiscriminately bombing and shedding palestinians in gaza every day. some of the javi, other there. in the past 4 months, israel's relentless plumbing campaign is full, so people have cars at the feet. further and further south is started in october when hundreds of thousands of people fly the newest off to these ready all the and asked to 6 how window for civilians to move past the. what do you guys the the following month fee is ready. i force dropped leaflets in villages, east of con eunice, or ring resident the residents to evacuate immediately westwards to what is called
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known shelters. in december, these for the army gave instructions to a residence in the north and cent or the goals and stripped them to move immediately to shelters, india el bala, january. so israel or hundreds of thousands of people in con unice to alma wasi. many of them were targeted by tanks on tillery shells and small, as far as they fled. at the beginning of this month is ready, defense minister, you'll have kalonde to announce that once the army had completed what he called its mission and con units, they would send the retention to rafa goes the southern most city is sheltering. more than 1300000 people, that's more than half of the strips entire population. thomas white is the director of affairs in gaza. he says the organization is under pressure to find alternatives to deliver aid. if israel continues forming rough in the last 48 hours would say it's a very hit 50 a strikes into rafa. so people here very concerned about what the future might
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bring. and what it means if there's a lodge offensive here in rafa, essentially we could see hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people on the move they can try to flee the fall. i think the 2nd big issue for us is the, the humanitarian operation is biased. in rafa, that's where we're supporting the rest of the gas strip from right now. and it will become very difficult for us to continue the humanitarian operation to see if there is an offensive in wrap up. so we have daily hourly contact with the is riley army, trying to coordinate a safe access through jobs for icon, voice and etc. i signal to us what their intentions are, but what we are watching very closely is these cutting of increased strikes into
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civilian areas. and then these lead foot drops or announcements to the population to stop moving. reality is, it's going to be very difficult as to what to manage a uh, an idol peroration if we have to move from rafa. we are struggling to meet the demands of the people right now. if there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people on the move again, we just do not have the resources to support them. but also operationally, we will not be able to effectively or safely rando formations from a cc that is under results from news. riley ami of the us like 2 states has left the middle east wrapping up another round of diplomatic told so that achieving oppose. and his house was on garza before he left and c, blinking said he believes best to room for an agreement. thus, despite is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu following the war will continue until israel has reached total victory. the us says it will not suppose
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a major was ready ministry incursion into rafa. antonia, we've seen no plans that would convince us that they are about 2 or imminently going to conduct any kind of major operations in rafa. i think you all know more than a 1000000 palestinians or are sheltering in and around rasa. that's where they were told to go. there's a lot of displaced people there. and these really military has a special obligation as a conduct operations. and there are anywhere else to make sure that they're factoring and protection for or innocent civilian life, particularly, you know, the civilians that were, were pushed into southern gaza by operations. further north con, unison and north guys, i could tell you that absent any full consideration of protecting civilians at that scale and gaza and military operations right now would be a disaster for those people. it is not something that we would support south
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african president. so really oppose it has to live in his states of the nation, address a problem in cape town. he says that the government will continue to pursue all legal and diplomatic means to achieve a cease fire and gaza. oppose the address of the countries actions are intended to prevent death and destruction. this has block amanda has been killed into this really drone strike 11 on the southern city of number 10. israel claims is responsible for firing rockets into it's northern regions. is there any forces of law and strikes in the past to talk at home goose engine and listen, some of them have long since it's for and guys and began in october. so hold on has full for us and batteries. a hospital or military commander has been killed and another member of the group wounded and what appears to be and is really throw in strike. now this is not the 1st attack of its kind. we've seen a series of targeted assassinations since hezbollah joined the vessel
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against israel to help relief pressure on his ally home us in garza. but this is the 1st time a drone strike is carried out in a major urban center. the city of nova to use a population center. now the men managed to get out of the vehicle after the 1st strike, but were hurt in the 2nd strike. and the commander subsequently died from his will. no, no doubt. this is an escalation, but it's not the 1st attack of its kind hezbollah and is ready. the army have been exchanging fire across the board for some time. now, the conflict has been large, they can find so a few kilometers the steps on each side of the border has the law has been targeting is really military positions, spaces, soldiers on the is very, is tied, was the, is really army husband's heart targeting what it's called has spelled as infrastructure
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and sales in southern lebanon. western diplomats have been visiting baby to try to help calm tensions, but hezbollah has made it clear. the front will not quite be. there will be no quiet along this front unless there is a ceasefire. in garza, what as well as demanding is that hezbollah pulls back from the border. it's one security guarantees for tens of thousands of people to return to northern as well that hezbollah will not give them those guarantees until the war on casa, et cetera, for their own fatal. who the rebels in yemen, say to and strikes by us and british forces of target to the seaport in the day of the region, but who the spokes person says the attacks. we don't have to them some continued support for the posting and people. the us on the u. k. have counted up multiple strikes, well, who the talk is across the evan retaliation for the disruption of global trade in the red sea election day. and park is telling us being mobbed by the killing of 7
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police offices. tight security was enforced and by the phone services cut off. well, position parties accused the government of suppressing support for them and the imprisoned former prime minister in wrong cause bod, from taken pause, a sub page of this little hole, just as a cute to costs the volt mobile phone lines and internet services were being cut focused on the interior ministry set that was because of what it described as terrorist attacks. i couldn't show security for voters, but the teddy con, restrictions with nationwide, not just simply just on province scene of to bowman tax which killed $28.00 people on wednesday. again, there's a communication get. the issue is that people arrange to go to pulling station and you know where they're going to phone and where they are will meet. it is an issue . people need the internet and social media for the election. many had predicted the internet would be cut off before the election. they've been calling them the
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internet blackouts. off the election commission, the government unconditionally destroyed. it would have an impact on both a ton of coordination, destruction, to the internet. that's not gone down. well. they've already, that's where this the 5th many teachers support that this is an attempt to stop there for mobilizing candidates, voice, fit disapproval in what have been the most controversial and most rig the elections and bug assigning the history. this is yet another black box, and it's only because of the fia, of the people of pockets the voting for them. but on the phone, the prime minister is in jail disqualified some standing, but he is seen as the most popular politician in the country. some vote is jude for i was to call state by that you have been done in both, but can you believe me? it's been a great news and that's a big inconvenience since the morning. then we've been standing in this line for almost 2 hours now. also going to vote, frontrunner and suite time, former prime minister in the last roof. the minus which is the people should come
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out of the homes, come to polling stations and participates in the voting for job. providence is considered a strong code for him and his party, the bucks done. most of the polls have closed, but there were many people stood waiting and wanted to vote. i said, baker, i just eat a whole bunch of stuff. and kind of a height of how small, from its level about the focused on has concluded the election. the preliminary training that emerging is that the independent candidate. so i lloyd to em ron cons, plugged on derek and soft are seen as the major emerging forward in this particular election day is of course going to be several more odds of gone game. but the trend is definitely there. they are expected to win a large number of seats and the type of book to inquire providence. and also in
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demand back to get on with the bund job programs, which are $140.00 plus seats and $266.00 seats that, that up for grabs. so that indeed would put them in a very important and fall forward position. and of course, one of the factors in this particular election is the fact that the a did a large number of young workers and the addition of almost 20000000 new border since the 2018 elections over 50 percent of progress done. so population is under the age of $35.00. this is a country which is going to, it was economic ties that seen a political crisis that brought the country to award to a standstill. and the big challenge for the new government, whoever forms that government will be, how to turn around the economy. because according to the word bank focused on spyware, j, a rated now more than 40 percent,
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people living below the poverty line. so your challenges for the new government, but didn't do the major surprise from what we're seeing so far. come out of how you doing all your data is on my buds, the still ahead allowances era people into a paid i law suspects are a president whose policies divided the nation trains or planes for storms and icy weather conditions disrupt that. they travel plans for millions and showing the the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. there is 2, raining tropical australia, plenty of thunderstorms in a line that, especially tons in new south wales might give a few more channels to read. the stories more about temperatures. not so much on this coast rather than on shore breeze or breath bins $29.00 degrees,
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but we're about the same and athletic probably feels warm with that less of abrasion melvin's tries to look disappointing. after the sight i sent me. it's hot with the rest that has to be for a long time, the west australia, $41.00 and purchase the full cost of friday and probably $46.47 model, but left general area. but no, but it is on the way up. you'll notice the breeze is changing current dramatically, the full cost of melvin is $20.00 to the southern layer on friday, $26.00. then $33.00 as the winters run through a normally by sunday set. and that's been summer for you and use even the pictures . a quiet one on the saturday. 26 in christ church too. but the rain is running out through sand falling. so you'd have cloudy skies by the end of the day. and the big shaft around an engine easier. so frustrating, sent me a possibility here. it's dry and pretty warm in southern thailand, if we got no spit of late winter is developing in the sea of japan. so i think you might find snow shares of a high kind of home. sure. i'll try to china and i is dry,
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sunny and will the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the or the the the
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deal. once it goes, there is a reminder for our top stories this out, is there? 84 seats and forms again. i opened fire on palestinians waiting to receive your monetary supplies in kansas city as follows. multiple reports of similar attacks of the past. we hate agencies accused israel of looking a to those in desperate need that has full come on, has been killed and, and is ready. drone strongly can live in on the southern city of not msf, his route claims. he was responsible for finding rockets into school, the regions, the preliminary results from pocket spends general election show leads for candidates, backed by jail form, a prime minister in wrong comes politics. if it was bought by violence and accusations from you and says more than 600 percent of students have died in health facilities in the gaza strip since october the 7th. according to the world health organization, at least $304.00 tax of hit, the strips, medical centers, most health workers have evacuated. god services as well as bombardment intensified
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pharmacy. it is a medical student who witnessed the collapse with the health care system and a sense evacuated to egypt across, been opened, and the assessor to allow. and i had a discussion with my family, with a to travelers, to egypt, to stay with them. but all of them say to have to go and on our how do we still hold buildings and housing to come down, but it strikes randomly. my father told me that there's a possibility that we could all be killed on the, at leap, so that at least one person from the family survives the class. and i set up though i left on october 10th. i woke up at 5 am. i was looking for a driver who agreed to take me from cause a seat at the roof, because the boat was very dangerous. i called all the drivers, everyone up apologize, but didn't pick up their phones. at the end, i found one who took me to study on my way. i saw that all the buildings were
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destroyed and it was gonna lead to 30 people who are walking on the streets, feeding their homes, not knowing where to go or something and then the bottom of the head i f, i a, the crossing, and to my passport stump of on 5 pm, 5 to 10 minutes of the cost of each insight. an extra kid the crossing for the 1st time. the people who are still crossing and having to dep possible to stump for don, deposit of to that the crossing clothes. and it became really difficult for anyone to get into egypt who can learn if the hand and fest broke. brandon. every time we check facebook, we see that someone we know killed a relative or a friend, passing it off of the people. i know around me, have been killed. a defense school or university clinics, or doctors who took me into medical school at the, at 8 a kill missing to detain. but that you say, you know, completion falls the, these really
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a completion full seats. all the universities in cause and destroyed them. the buildings a complete tank destroyed and we can't even get the people if we want to continue our studies abroad. i mean my 6th year, and i don't know if i would continue with my studies, or if i should forget about medicine, i'm start all over again. think so, i'm not clear on no one knows what might happen. let's say to ukraine where the present as removes the head of the army. for larry's allusion in florida me is a landscape said it was time for changes in the ministry leadership, but he wants to lose. you need to quote, remain on his team, remove his room is of a rift between the 2 man i've been circulating now for several weeks. from her bride support from keith, a cnn summoned by ukraine's president followed him as a lensky ends. weeks of speculation about the power and deepening rift with his top soldier, general valera reese the loose me do not attempt to limit the damage. both man have
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been presenting this as an amicable separation and a long needed reset of military strategy. so in your quality, when using a pro on mobile in your could even, it's possible that i decided to renew the leadership of the armed forces of the crying. it's not about certain items and even less about politics. and this is about the system of that army and management, and the armed forces. ok, you the heads of the armed forces credited with supporting rushes, full scale invasion. 2 years ago, the allusion, he established himself as a highly influential figure nationally and extremely popular with his soldiers. by st. also being blamed for re since setbacks, most notably the failed counter offensive that began last summer with talk of disagreements between himself and presidents, the landscape on how to conduct the war. that was also a widely room would full out between the 2 men of a legislation to mobilize hundreds of thousands of more troops needed on the front
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lines to the extent of compliance with the local dropped offices. as of now, frankly speaking, i am not country satisfied with the work of the draft offices. if i was such as i did, the work would not discuss this boot right now. this rift at the very top of the government and military high rockies comes at a difficult time for ukraine with fighting, seemingly at a stalemate. billions of dollars a military aid held up in the us. and with the russian forces, pushing hard for a significant wind on the eastern front. ahead of the secondary reverse array of its full scale, a little bit broad douches era keeps fairly empty. will candidates in russia's upcoming elections will not be allowed to run for president the electoral commission? this allowed 15 percent of the signatures required of bars and additions application . and justin says he will challenge the ruling of the supreme court. either shop in front of a house ball from the russian capital musk,
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the version of destiny is valid for running for president who's kind of the state has been rejected. and he's what the election commission. he said that the commission had actually rejected the will of tens of millions of russians. he also mentioned that hundreds of thousands of people had donated to the millions of approvals, just to make suggestions, campaign possible. back on january the 31st and the day after and on his team submitted the required 100000 signatures in his support. and a few days later the election commission informed that they have found more than 15 percent of mistakes in the signature as well. only for us to send her mistakes were acceptable and also that various industrial said that his team, i was working hard to defend, so to, to speak, the signatures rejected by the commission to prove that they were real. but according to him, it was unrealistic to defend them. all. in addition, is the only anti will presidential hopeful, who openly declasse his position without fear to be detained. because nowadays,
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in russia, any on 2 whole sentiments can be considered discrimination of the russian army on those are sure it can find themselves in jail. but it's sad to say that laborers in addition, has gained huge support of people who are gaines, because that can, ukraine was sold without ro, nice sizes. and thousands of people were literally cure for days to sign and fables in the distance town to the sea. and that became the only chance for them to legally express the anti war sentiment. and despite the fun but no people to believe that not destined could, when he could become the seconds after that to me, patient had he been allowed to run something, the crumbling would not particularly like the crumbling scroll. it seems to show the country that, alleging the preaching and the special new show for ration and ukraine has overwhelming support. so once again, it's been proven that n t a n e n t, who rhetoric should know they had in russia these days that you see pretty,
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it has been hearing a case that could drastically effect the presidential election late to this year. just to say is a considering whether a public confront when a donald trump could be disqualified from colorado's primary ballot that state fund, trump accusing him of interaction in an effort to stay in power off. he lost the 2020 electric. the supreme court ruling could have national implications for the, for the president. it's unfortunate that we have to go through a thing like that. and i consider to be more election that appearance by the democrats, as what they're doing is we're leading virtually every goal of leading the i don't even know if we have any more. i'm not sure that we even have the republican candidate somebody running but not making any impacts from it too late and presidents the best in penn. yara as lying in states in the capital santiago. 2 days after he died of the helicopter crash, the public started paying their respects to a new era on wednesday nights the state funeral will be held on friday. a lot of
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america said lucy and even has moved from santiago. and since early this morning, thousands of chillies have been filing past the task of a former president, sebastian senior, who is lying and wake here in the former building in santiago, his sister monday nights here she is grieving the new trees, friends of the family. she was in the helicopter, which crashed over at least a rental on wednesday in which was being flown by the former president. she and 2 others were able to escape and send to shore, but he was unable to do so and perished. the former president was only 74 years old and was still very active in politics. and his sudden death shot this country anymore. and he had to be home each depressing pineda into thinking for having saved attempted to minus the tunnel. it will be very difficult for us to ever replace the president that has his human and political call. it is an asset for to
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live outside. there's a continuous queue that goes around the block. and even further, bonita was a billionaire who was twice president during his 2nd term. many blamed him for human rights violations carried out by police during the 2019 social uprising. but he was also highly praised for securing cold with vaccines and ventilator, as during the pandemic for chile, when no other country in the region had them. the former president will be buried in a state funeral on friday, attended by dignitaries and hits of state from all over the world. to see a newman al jazeera santiago, the rising temperatures worldwide have broken and the other record were sciences say, serves as a warning to humanity you days, which shows temperatures one and a half degrees. also then the pre industrial era. that's the level of low latest sites they would try to calculate a warming guy when they signed the 2015 power us agreement. hey,
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so these mountains have a lot of started because the country is going for you. one of his warmest winters ski slopes and mountains are usually covered at this time as to the snow is proving hard to saffel even above 2000 meters. high temperatures are causing a decrease. and so for risk getting the conservation of glasses have you slow and freezing. weather in china is disrupting the silence of celebrations for the lunar new year that many travelers or the heat being stranded on snowball roads on rail lines. just want the challenges of getting home a record 9000000000 trips are expected to be made. during the 40 day traveler rush on a be low report, some paging after dease of a certainty. and just days before the lunar new year, trains are back on track at this station engaging host passengers are heading south, but the chinese capital for towns and cities are covered in fix. know as slippery ice. what's the use of voting for that? i get home or not.


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